The Empathy of Strangeness Brent Castro . undergraduate thesis 2012 . Trisha Stuth
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The Empathy of Strangeness . the catalyst
the adaptive rehabilitation of abandoned warehouse Cupples Building Number 7 [circa 1910 ] Cupples Station District St. Louis Missouri The program with be tested in a re-occupation of an abandoned Cupples Station Warehouse Number 7 in St. Louis, Missouri. Using the process of healing the decaying building as a metaphor of the relationship between people living closely in urban areas, a proposition of a new multi-unit/ purpose home environment will analyzes how architecture can guide in the interactions between people in their place of residence. The individuals gateway to privacy, their front door, will fade by re-imagining the transparencies of the public sequences through the building.
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The Empathy of Strangeness Brent Castro . undergraduate thesis 2012 . Trisha Stuth
the final presentation . . .
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
5th ď&#x192;&#x;oor plan
morning . 8:10 am
4 8 16 32
main building section . public amphitheater vertical corridor . lift
cupples station 7 brick facade facade cupples station 7 brick
cupples party wall cupples party wall
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
main building d section main building section
extension cafe . lobby cafe . lobby extension public rampingsystem system public ramping public passageway . amphitheater public passageway . amphitheater section through the amphitheater
section through the amphitheater
lobby .entrance cafe extension lobby . cafe vertical corridor . lift virtual corridor . lift
resident staircase resident staircase section through section through the theliftlift
lower ow ď&#x192;&#x;oor plan 4 8 16
ucompost garden &. waste compost . waste disposal urban garden &urban disposal
main floor plan . cafe . lobby . public passage 32
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
amphitheater section 4
8 16
amphitheater section . 32
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
9:38 pm : public passage entrance
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ever since I havve moved here I have enjoyed watching the public join our community from outside the walls of Cupples Station Number 7. It is a passage that connects us all within the greater of St. Louis.â&#x20AC;?
the public passage .
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
12:30 pm : public ramping system
Catterppillar : W ho are YOU? Alicee: This was not an encouraging openingg for a conversation. I --- I hardly know, sir, just at present -- at least I know who I was when I got upp this mor ning , but I think I must have been changed several tim mes siince then. - alice in wonderlandd
ramping system .
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
10:20 am : resident decking space
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have this spot, a spot I stand at ever y mor ning. I can sense the joy from the smiles from this family. I sit and look up from the normall sppot to enjoy my coffee and I see other families and friends peering down at me from above. It feels that I am apart of something moreâ&#x20AC;?.
the morning hallway .
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
8:50 am : the cafe and lobbby
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wallk passt the lobby, dauughterr in haand, throuugh thhe caffe, a neew moor ning rituaal, whhile thhe rayys of light warm my mornning face. I pausse for a few moomentts onn my way ouut to catch up with neew annd oldd friennds while I enjoy my morninng brew w. Siddney, the caafe ownner, sm miles as thee cofffee andd convversatiion staart myy dayâ&#x20AC;?..
cafe morning .
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
12:01 am : cafe att nighht
“The caffe sits here in reemembrrannce off the activities of the day’ss pastt. I allways feel at peaace wheen I speak k to Michhael, the caffe manager. We go back and fortth about the extremes of life. It has becom me a nightlyy rituaal after a longg day at the ofcee. I am m glad that i have someone too tur n to in this neew toown”.
cafe night .
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
performance area
community amphitheater
cafe extension . reading room
public ramping system
communal deck
lobby . cafe extension
vertical corridor . lift
resident staircase
3rd ď&#x192;&#x;oor plan 4 8
urban garden & compost . waste disposal 16
3rd floor plan . 32
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
10:01 pm m : com mmunaal amphitheateer
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Outside the steps of our humble hom me, a chance to share ciinem matic histor y with family and friends becomees one of my favoriite pastimes of these summer monthsâ&#x20AC;?.
the night amphitheater .
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
5th ď&#x192;&#x;oor plan 4
8 16
the vertical corridor section . lift 32
““There is nothing like the smell of fresh spring laundr y dr ying this summer night. The soft cotten graces my face -- I begin to help a friend hang the newly washed garments-- we laugh thinking about the pressures of our lives-- a good moment.
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
9:38 pm : the roof deck and laundr y experience
“The sounds and view of the city bring me here, this is my space. Alone, I sit here awaiting the good company brought about by friends. I remember the sun setting in the west and I feel connected and ready.”
the rooftop at night . laundry
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
main facade . physical model
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
public passage . physical model
undergraduate thesis. the empathy of strangeness
Brent Castro 615 . 948 . 5606