BACES ... your guide to adult learning
Welcome to the BACES brochure for 2011/12. I hope you find something of interest to you amongst the many and varied selection of courses. This brochure is designed to give you an overview of the wide variety of courses on offer. It will help you to decide what type of study is right for you, if it’s for your own enjoyment, to improve your employment prospects or get a better job.
Skills for life
Term dates 5
GCSE 6 7
Family learning
There has never been a better time to improve your skills and BACES offers an affordable way to study in your local area. With 27 sites/community venues in the borough you should never have too far to travel to take advantage of the courses we offer.
Art, design and practical skills
Beauty, hair care and complementary therapies
We provide a daytime crèche for pre-school children at the Stonebridge Centre, affordable fees and free courses for people receiving active benefits, not to mention a range of help with study skills and passing exams.
Business and ICT
Health, public serivces and care
Courses for adults with learning difficulties
Fitness and hospitality
Languages and communication
Cllr. Mary Arnold Lead Member for Children and Families
Mon 5 September - Sun 18 December 2011 Half Term Mon 24 October - Sun 30 October 2011
Community development and social enterprise
Some people love to learn just for the joy of it and there is plenty on offer to stretch your mind, extend your skills and make the most of life. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
Autumn Term
Spring Term Tues 3 January - Sun 1 April 2012 Half Term Mon 13 February - Sun 19 February 2012
Summer Term Mon 16 April - Mon 23 July 2012 Half Term Mon 4 June - Sun 10 June 2012 Due to the May bank holiday (07/05/2012) courses will be extended by one week.
Large print copies are available at centres
How much do I pay?
BACES offers a wide choice of courses to stimulate the mind, exercise the body or develop new skills ranging from skills for life to languages and communication. Many of our courses lead to nationally recognised qualifications. These can help you go on to further study, get a job or even a better job. There is something for everyone.
Accredited courses cost £3 per hour. However, if you meet any one of the criteria below the course is free: ■ You are aged 16-18 years old ■ you are on Job Seeker’s Allowance or on Employment Support Allowance (Work-Related Activity Group) ■ you are studying a Skills for Life literacy or numeracy course ■ the course is Level 1 or below and you do not already have any qualifications at Level 2 and need this course in order to be able to progress to Level 2 in the future (note that this does not apply to ESOL accredited courses with the exception of “ESOL for Work” courses which are also free to all learners who do not have any Level 2 qualification) ■ you are studying for a full Level 2 qualification and you do not already have a full Level 2 qualification or equivalent ■ you are studying for a full Level 3 qualification and you do not already have a full Level 3 qualification or equivalent. Please note that there are no exam fees for learners aged 16-18 years old or learners on JSA or ESA (WRAG) or for Skills for Life literacy and numeracy courses but for all other learners’ exam fees apply. Most non-accredited courses cost £5 per hour, but if you are on a means tested benefit (e.g. housing benefit, income support, working family tax credit, council tax benefit, etc) the cost is £1.50 per hour. Full cost recovery courses are courses that are not subsidised by the Skills Funding Agency so learners will need to pay the full cost of the course (please visit our website to view course listings for specific courses). You will be required to provide valid proof that you are entitled to receive a free course or a reduced fee. An exam fee may also apply.
Go on line to find out where, when and how to enrol at with new courses being added throughout the year you will find up to date course listings together with course information sheets which will answer most questions. This brochure provides an overview of the range of courses we offer allowing you to plan your study and find out what subject you are interested in studying. Crèche facilities are available at the Stonebridge Centre for pre-school children. Please reserve your place when you enrol. As there is such a demand for places we cannot keep places open if they are not used. All courses referred to in this brochure run during the term dates on page 2. To view course information and course listings there is free computer access, available at: ■ Stonebridge Centre ■ Carlton Centre ■ Harlesden Library Plus ■ Madison House ■ Brent Contact Points borough wide.
Refunds Fees will be refunded only in the following circumstances: ■ Where the class is closed by BACES prior to the course commencing, tuition fees will be refunded in full. ■ Where the course is closed because of low numbers, tuition fees will be refunded on a pro-rata basis. ■ Exam fees are only refundable on courses closed by BACES. We reserve the right to change the fees at anytime. All information provided in this booklet is correct at the time of printing and is subject to change.
Book your place In person: come into one of our main centres with your fee and proof of a concession if applicable. ■ By Phone: call one of our main centres and have your debit/credit card ready. Not applicable to students in receipt of means tested benefits. ■ Please note that you may be asked to show proof that you are eligible for courses funded by the Skills Funding Agency (e.g. passport or documents showing that you have been granted settled status). ■
Skills for life - ESOL, literacy and numeracy
ESOL - English for speakers of other languages What can I study? We have ESOL courses to help you: ■ Improve your reading and writing ■ improve your speaking and listening ■ get a job (e.g. learn how to look for a job, write a CV or application form, practise your interview skills, practise the English you need to use when you are at work etc) ■ learn the English you need to get a maths qualification ■ learn English and study childcare so that you can progress onto a Level 1 childcare course. Some of these courses are intensive (up to 10 hours per week), but most are two or four hours per week. Do I need to pay? All ESOL courses are free if you are on Job Seeker’s Allowance (JSA) or Employment Support Allowance in the Work Related Activity Group (ESA - WRAG)
Also the following courses will be free to all learners: ■ ESOL for maths courses ■ Level 1 or Level 2 ESOL Literacy courses leading to the national certificate in literacy ■ ESOL with study skills courses ■ ESOL for childcare courses. For most other courses, if you are not on JSA or ESA-WRAG, the course will cost £3 per hour plus exam fee. How to join an ESOL, English or maths course? Before you can join an ESOL, English or maths course we need to check your level of English. Please contact the centre where you are interested in studying to book an assessment. When you come for the assessment you must bring: ■ Proof of benefit (if you are on means tested benefit) ■ means of payment ■ if you already have any ESOL, English or maths qualifications, please bring the certificates with you.
English and Maths
GCSE English and Maths
Is your English or maths holding you back?
GCSE English:
Join an English or maths course and help yourself to reach your potential.
You will study a novel and a range of non-fiction texts. You will study both spoken and written texts and use your skills to practise and produce original writing in a range of styles, formal and informal; and make oral presentations. Assessment is by in-class controlled assessment and a formal written examination.
Improving your English or maths can help you: ■ Read letters from the council, the bank, your children’s school, etc ■ read notices and labels in shops ■ write letters ■ fill in job applications ■ manage your budget ■ understand your bills and bank statements ■ compare prices and special offers and know if something is a good deal ■ know how much to pay in a shop and if you have been charged the right amount ■ study another subject and get a qualification (or improve your qualifications) ■ get a better job ■ feel more confident about yourself. We offer courses and qualifications at all levels from beginners to Level 2. Most courses are 4 hours a week and last for two terms or a year, though we have some fast track courses for those who need to get a Level 1 or Level 2 qualification in one term.
GCSE Maths: This course is divided into 3 units: ■ Unit 1 Statistics and Number ■ Unit 2 Number and Algebra ■ Unit 3 Geometry and Algebra. You must sit an externally set exam for each unit. There is no coursework to complete. How to join For pre-course guidance and an assessment of your skills, please contact the relevant BACES Centre. All appointments will take place in September 2011.
Do I need to pay? All accredited courses (courses leading to an exam) are free except for GCSE courses. For non-accredited courses fees will apply.
For further information on courses please contact:
Community development and social enterprise
Family learning
There has been much debate and discussion recently about what it really means to take a full and active part in your community. At BACES, we’ve been helping people to do that for years through our long standing partnerships with community organisations and charities. For us it means:
Learning together is fun try something new
‘Helping Communities to help themselves through learning and training led by the community, owned by the community and delivered in the community.’
Learning something new, or better, is the best route for personal development and growth and taking a greater interest in your community. Learning can also help you get a job or earn more through starting a small business or teaching the skills you have learnt to others. Learn how to make it, learn how to sell it and teach others to do it. BACES is offering the following opportunities to voluntary and community groups, residents associations, charities and especially individuals. Training people to promote and encourage learning and engagement in the community. The role of so-called Learning Champions is to motivate friends, family, neighbours and anyone else to get into learning, get active, let their voices be heard. Promote health and well being through providing gentle exercise programmes for older people – Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates in the community – have fun, meet new friends, get fit without running a marathon or pumping iron! Some of these programmes are already taking place and many more are planned. If you are interested in helping your community and helping yourself to lead a more fulfilling and interesting life then this may be the way to achieve your goal.
Parents and carers Family learning courses and workshops provide a free fun, informal way to learn new skills, support your children’s learning and get a taste of what BACES has to offer. Family learning is about adults and children learning together but many courses include separate sessions for adults as well as ‘joint’ sessions with children. Some short courses are for adults only but with a family focus. Any adult (age 16 years old or over) with a child in their care is welcome - dads, grandparents, carers or any extended family members and friends. Each adult can bring a maximum of 2 children - if you want to bring more, please bring another adult along as well. We work in partnership with local schools, libraries and children’s centres to offer a wide range of courses including: Family Language, Literacy and Numeracy (including ESOL) ■ using computers with the family ■ art and craft projects ■ garden projects ■ play and learn for under 5’s ■ baby massage ■ family fitness. ■
Look out for the BACES Family Learning leaflets and other information in your child’s school, your local children’s centre, libraries and other local venues.
Family learning for your group or organisation We are always interested in new partnerships. If you are involved in an organisation that works with adults and children and would like to offer family learning sessions or courses we would love to hear from you. Our programmes are free to partner organisations and to the families who attend. We can offer courses during the school day, after school, at weekends or during half terms and holidays. We provide everything from ‘one-off’ sessions to 10-week courses. We are happy to discuss programmes that can meet the particular needs and interests of the families you work with. For further information please contact Sarah Foster on 0208 937 3974 or
Art, design and practical skills BACES Arts, Crafts and Media courses offer a wide range of popular and specialist subjects, which can provide pathways to many rewarding areas of interest or careers. You can study for the sheer enjoyment of learning and creating, or to progress to gain a nationally recognised qualification. BACES has designated rooms and equipment for Darkroom and Digital Photography, Video Editing (Apple Mac Suite), Fine Art, Pottery, Crafts, Sewing and Kiln-Formed Glass. Most tutors are working artists or designer/ makers who enjoy passing on their professional skills and knowhow Why study Art, Crafts or Media? *’The UK visual arts industry employs a range of people in an array of different jobs. Creative Industries currently employ 678,480, people, 24% of which are based in London. There are 74,640 businesses in the creative and cultural industries. Many of visual arts skills are transferable to other creative professions. Visual arts contribute £1.9 billion to the UK economy’. *Source:’.
Crafts and Design
Dance and music
Learn about or improve your knowledge of one of the wide range specialist crafts on offer. Choose from Jewellery, Pottery, Knitting and Crochet, Sugarcraft, Stained and Kiln Formed Glass. Develop your own designs and enjoy being creative either for sheer enjoyment, with a view to starting your own business or to gain a qualification. Textile and Sewing crafts range from Beginners Clothesmaking to Fashion, Bridalwear or Tailoring and Pattern-Cutting, while popular Knitting and Crochet courses are supported by studies in Felting, Dyeing and Embroidery.
Are you passionate about music? If you are inspired to create and write your own using music technology software on a dedicated suite of Apple Macs then join the popular BACES course, Music Technology taught by a songwriter and musician who has helped many learners go on to performing arts and music career pathways.
Fine Art You can improve your drawing and painting skills and knowledge of Art and Artists by studying Drawing and Painting, Life-Drawing, Portfolio Building, Art and Design or Watercolours. A range of levels caters for students who want to create a portfolio of work to get on to a higher course of study, try a short course or gain a certificate.
Floristry The range of Floristry and Flower arranging courses at BACES Centres is suitable for beginners as well as for those with some experience. You can learn floristry skills especially to make beautiful, contemporary or traditional arrangements for home, festivals and for special occasions such as weddings. Our tutors have many years experience as skilled professional florists.
Many of our previous learners have gained enough skills to go onto further training and successful employment in the Floristry industry or have set up their own businesses. You could also go on to attend the popular Wedding Planning and Sugarcraft courses to help you find work in the wedding industry or just to hone your skills for friends and family. New to BACES are special one day workshops such as Candlelit arrangements for Winter Festivals and Simple Wired Wedding Flowers. Practical skills If you ride a bike and want to learn how to keep it roadworthy BACES also offers Bicycle maintenance classes or learn basic garden skills and find out how to make the most of your garden, balcony and window box.
Media and Photography You can learn how to make a Podcast or develop skills in creating Interactive Media on Certificated Media Courses. Photography (using the darkroom and/or digital) will help you understand how to use your camera well as you create a portfolio of images and personal projects. In The Apple Mac suite you can learn how to use video cameras and work as part of a film team to make a Documentary, or learn how to edit using industry standard Final Cut Pro. *’Interactive media is increasingly becoming part of everyday activity across all sectors of industry in general. The Industry is worth several billion pounds annually and employs around 40,000 people, representing approximately 10% of the total audio visual workforce’. *Source:’.
Beauty, hair care and complementary therapies
Business and ICT Book-keeping and computerised accounts
Information and communication technology
Whether you are interested in beauty, hairdressing or complementary therapies these pre vocational courses will provide you with a good base from which you could progress to further courses such as NVQs and professional courses elsewhere.
Our Book-keeping and Accounts Level 1, provides the ideal introduction to book-keeping practices and enables progression to Computerised Accounts Level 1 either directly or, via Start Keyboarding to allow you to get more familiar with the keyboard before moving on. Book-keeping is also offered at Level 2 providing further opportunities to develop your knowledge of accounting and its principles.
Computing Basics is a short course geared towards developing your computing skills. Whether your interest is in Art or Design, Book-keeping and Accounts or Counselling, use this course as a stepping stone to enjoying a range of other subjects.
BACES offers a wide range of study options for those who wish to prepare for a career in the dynamic beauty industry. Whether you want a qualification or not you can choose from a short non accredited six-week course or a longer 10-week course accredited by National Open College Network (NOCN) a nationally recognised awarding body.
Beauty and hair care Our foundation courses are designed for anyone who just want to develop useful basic skills and knowledge or contemplating a career in the beauty or hairdressing industry. Hair care courses provide Learners with a thorough grounding in the foundations of hairdressing. You will gain essential knowledge and learn the principles and skills of cutting, weave on extensions, styling hair and wig making using various techniques. On the barbering course you will learn how to cut and groom men’s hair and beards. Your learning will be assessed and accredited by NOCN.
The Payroll course will provide a basic understanding of the payroll system as well as complement your existing accounting skills.
Complementary therapies
Customer service
Complementary therapies such as Indian massage and reflexology can be a tremendous help in stress relief. These courses can help you relieve stress and tension, aid relaxation and promote health. Why not try Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Healing Chakras and Crystals or Indian Head, Neck and Shoulder Massage.
Introduction to Customer Service and Office Procedures will provide some fundamental knowledge and skills to better enable you to work in these environments or progress to further qualifications. Interview and assessment dates for Business courses taking place in 2011 and 2012 are week commencing: ■ 05/09/11 and 12/09/11 ■ 24/10/11 ■ 17/01/12 ■ 13/02/12 For further details please visit our website or contact one of the BACES centres.
Gain IT user qualifications to enhance your job prospects whether paid or voluntary or simply for your own personal development. Courses are available at Entry Level 3, Level 1 and Level 2. There is no time like the present to Start Computing and begin to acquire what are now considered everyday skills. If you are not a complete beginner, you can progress your Computing skills, boost your confidence and progress onto accredited courses. All learners must be at Entry 3 level of literacy or above. All learners will be assessed to ensure that they are at this level before being accepted onto a course. Interview and assessment dates for ICT courses taking place in 2011 And 2012 are week commencing: ■ 25/07/11 ■ 05/09/11 ■ 02/01/12 ■ 09/04/12 For further details please visit our website or contact one of the BACES centres.
For further information on courses please contact:
Health, public services and care These courses are aimed at people wishing to gain insight and experience of the health sector, from counselling skills to alcohol or substance awareness, from mental health and dementia awareness to first aid qualifications. Health and social care is a popular subject and can provide pathways to many rewarding areas of interest or careers. Many of our courses require you to attend one of our assessment days to find out which course is most suitable for your level. Assessment and interviews will take place the week beginning 25 July and 5 September 2011, days and times to be confirmed. Please contact the BACES centre where the course is due to be held and book your place.
Counselling Discover some basic skills and principles which will be useful in a range of real life situations in our non-accredited Counselling Skills First Steps course. Or gain an initial qualification and find out more about working in this field on our Counselling Skills Introduction course.
Health and care Alcohol and Drug Awareness Complete a short course in Substance Misuse Awareness and follow your interest up with a longer course exploring Alcohol Awareness. We also offer an intensive combined course, Alcohol and Drug Awareness. These courses allow you to find out about recognising the effects, signs and symptoms of misuse as well as develop an awareness of the different agencies offering help and information. Dementia Awareness, Domestic Violence Awareness and Mental Health Awareness Discover some of the basic issues surrounding dementia and mental health with our Dementia Awareness – First Steps, Mental Health Awareness – First Steps or Domestic Violence Awareness – First Steps courses. Learn how to support those affected by these issues in addition to helping to dispel some of the myths associated with them. Or enrol on our Mental Health Awareness accredited course which will encourage you to explore the subject in more depth, tackling stigma and promoting inclusion of people with mental health issues. This would be a worthwhile qualification for people in a range of front line occupations, including healthcare assistants and hospital porters.
First Aid at Work, Emergency First Aid at Work and Paediatric First Aid Training Why not enrol on one of our popular First Aid courses, which are essential skills in a range of circumstances and employment environments. Learn the correct way of carrying out lifesaving techniques and first aid procedures. On successful completion and final assessment of these courses you will receive the HSE approved, nationally recognised First Aid Certificate / Emergency First Aid Certificate which is valid for 3 years. Health and Social Care Courses are aimed at those seeking careers in health, social care or early years, who wish to gain the skills, knowledge and understanding required to prepare for work or progress in their chosen field. Study either the Health and Social Care Level 1 or the Certificate in Working in the Healthcare Sector Level 2. Housing A Certificate in Housing Practice, accredited by CIH, is suitable for those wishing to find out more about the housing sector. This would be of interest to those considering a front-line housing position as a career option, as well as tenants and residents wishing to explore housing issues to enhance their personal involvement and understanding.
Health, public services and care Working with children
Award in Caring for Children
The childcare sector is growing rapidly and the demand for training has increased. Here at BACES we are meeting the demand by offering a range of courses, specifically designed to help you pursue your career in childcare. Our childcare tutors have extensive, current, professional backgrounds and experience of working with children and will share with you their real life knowledge and expertise.
On this course you will learn the basic skills in caring for and educating young children. Your study will include early learning, health and safety, valuing children and healthy living.
Entry Level 3 First Steps to Childcare This course will give you a good idea of what you need to know about working with and studying about children. First Steps to Working with Children This course is designed for those who need help with their English. It’s also about playing and learning with children, healthy lifestyles/eating and individual rights and responsibilities. Level 1 Award in an Introduction to an Early Years Setting This qualification will allow learners to gain an understanding of the provision of childcare available in an early years settings. It is recommended that sometime is spent in placement to enable theory and practical skills to come together. The contents include roles and responsibilities in an early years setting, value of play and organisation in an early years setting.
Level 2 Certificate for the children and young people’s workforce You will learn theory combined with the practical skills you need when studying for a Level 2 qualification. The course requires you to take part in work placements to give you real life experience of being in the workplace. Your study will include child development, first aid, behaviour, early years foundation stage, speech and language.
Level 1 Understanding Children’s Development On this course you will gain an understanding for children’s development from 0 – 16 years old and a range of childcare provisions for the need for a safe environment.
Pathway modules This will give you the opportunity to attend specific courses which will assist you in developing skills/knowledge, to support your progression to a full Level 1 or full Level 2 qualification. The course information sheet will provide you with further details.
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage You will learn about the different themes within early years, statutory framework, learning and development.
Effective Partnership Working Working alongside and creating effective partnership is an important asset to an early years setting. This course will help you to understand the benefits to children and carer in the development of partnership working. Level 2 Education and Child Development Learn about the factors that can contribute to children’s intellectual, social/emotional development and how theory relates to practice.
Supporting Learning through Play This course will enable you to understand the role of play in children’s development, work towards meeting individual needs and plan play activities for children.
Understanding how Children Learn You will develop recognition to how the environment, physical, social, cultural and genetic factors can influence development. Safeguarding Children
For further information on courses please contact:
Explore and develop a solid understanding on how to safeguard children and promote their welfare.
Health public services and care
Courses for adults with learning difficulties Ranges of courses offered
The level of course I should apply for, and the qualifications I could achieve:
Level 1 Pathway modules
Understanding Children’s Development ■ Introduction to Early years Foundation Stage ■ Supporting Learning Through Play
Full Level 1
BACES offer a diverse range of courses specifically designed for adults with mild moderate learning difficulties. Subjects include: ■ Courses designed to promote skills in independent living, to build confidence and to provide first steps towards employment ■ creative courses that explore a variety of techniques in drawing, painting and various aspects of photography ■ courses designed to build specific work based skills and prepare individuals for work experience/work based training and volunteer opportunities.
Level 2 Pathway modules
Every student attending a BACES course in this area will need to undertake an initial assessment prior to starting. The assessment is to determine the levels and abilities of students and to ascertain whether the course will meet their needs. The assessment will begin a detailed profile of the student and their work, mapping their development and progress over the year. Any special student requirements should be discussed during the initial assessment process. The assessment takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Work based training
Award in Caring for Children ■ Introduction to an early Years Setting
Teaching, learning and assessment methods for this courses Initial Pre-Course Assessment
BACES runs two courses in partnership with Brent Council’s Adult Social Care department, which offer specific work based training in the subjects of Catering and Gardening. There is a café at two BACES sites, where students get practical experience and an allotment where we grow fruit and vegetables.
Education and Child Development ■ Understanding how Children Learn ■ Safeguarding Children ■
Full Level 2
Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce
Courses for adults with learning difficulties
Fitness and hospitality
When attending the assessment interview, please bring with you the following: ■ Proof of benefit (‘active’ benefits i.e. job seekers allowance, employment support allowance (work related activity group) or housing benefit, council tax benefit, income support, pension credit, learners aged 16-18 ■ means of payment ■ certificate of registration ■ details of previous centres - colleges / courses attended / dates attended / certificates. The DLD programmes and qualifications are designed to: ■ Encourage student-centred learning ■ challenge students to achieve ■ enable students to learn through experience ■ encourage a wide range of skills development ■ recognise small steps of achievement ■ reward success. For further advice or information to enrol onto a course, please contact: Debora Pierre
Fitness and sport
Hospitality and catering
Fitness classes offer rare value for money and are led by qualified and experienced tutors who work with you as a unique individual in your group. Everyone knows the benefits of regular exercise so if you wish to improve your posture, mobility, stamina and muscle tone you can choose from: ■ Pilates – good for those with back problems ■ Capoeira an energetic sport combining martial arts and dance originating in Brazil ■ Tai Chi to help relax you as well as develop your focus, balance and co-ordination ■ mixed and women only Hatha Yoga ■ new courses in Zumba and Dance Exercise to have fun and dance your way to health and fitness.
Whether you want to improve your cooking and catering skills for your family and friends or do something impressive for those special occasions, then the BACES hospitality programme will suit all tastes. We have everything from the intricate decoration of wedding cakes to wedding planning and other celebratory cuisine. If you are a beginner wanting basic techniques or you want to improve your specialist techniques there is a BACES course for you.
Languages and communication Feel at home in a foreign language with BACES Learn naturally, speak confidently. Start your language journey at BACES in: ■ BSL ■ creative writing ■ French ■ Italian ■ Spanish. There are over 6000 languages spoken in the world. Behind each and every one of them lies a rich and diverse culture. That’s what the Languages at BACES aims to celebrate - by showing people across London how important languages are and what fun it can be to learn a new language. Tuesday 20 September to Thursday 22 September are the all important evenings between 7pm and 9pm in three centres. ■ 20/09/11 - BACES Carlton Centre ■ 21/09/11 - BACES Madison House ■ 22/09/11 - BACES Stonebridge Centre If you miss those evenings and want to join at any other time then simply contact us for advice and information, we’ll be pleased to help you and you may even join through the year.
How can I take part? Come and speak to us. It’s just about finding a way to get people in the community excited about languages. We will have competitions, tasters and information about BACES language courses. Meet the tutors; check out what’s on the courses and more! During the 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Games our country will be host to athletes and spectators from more than 220 countries across the globe. We will be ‘welcoming the world’ and its richness of languages and cultures - by throwing the ‘greatest party the world has ever seen’. Importantly the London Borough of Brent is a host borough for the London 2012: Wembley Stadium for men’s and women’s football semifinals and finals. Wembley Arena will host badminton and Rhythmic Gymnastics and in addition the city Academy and Willesden Sports Centres are also listed as pre-games training facilities for the Olympic and Paralympics. So as you can see, everyone will be looking to us as we are in the heart of it all.
Stonebridge Centre
1 Morland Gardens Stonebridge London NW10 8DY Telephone: 020 8937 3950 Bus routes: 18, 206, PR2 Tube/Train: Harlesden Station (Bakerloo line and London Overground line)
Harlesden Library Plus
Craven Park Road Harlesden London NW10 8SE Telephone: 020 8937 3940 Bus routes: 18, 187, 206, 226, 260, 266 Tube/Train: Harlesden Station (Bakerloo line and London Overground line)
Madison House
24-28 London Road Wembley Middlesex HA9 7HD Telephone: 020 8937 3636 Bus routes: 18, 79, 83, 92, 182, 204, 223, 224, 297 Tube/Train: Wembley Central Station (Bakerloo line and London Overground line) (Partial - wheelchair access is by arrangement only)
Carlton Centre
Carlton Vale London NW6 5RA Telephone: 020 8937 3990 Bus routes: 6, 16, 36, 98, 187, 206, 316, 328 Tube/Train: Kilburn Park and Queens Park (Bakerloo line and London Overground line)
Key: - Disabled access - Crèche Facilities Crèche Facilities – only now available at the Stonebridge. Core office hours – Core office hours are 9am – 5pm (Monday to Thursday), 4pm (Friday) in main centres. However during term time centres are open in the evenings and even on Saturdays – please phone to confirm details. Please note the Carlton Centre will be closed on Friday and Saturdays from the start of the new academic year. We are registered as an approved centre with a wide range of awarding bodies. The Exam Boards that we use are: AQA Assessment and Qualifications Alliance C&G City and Guilds CACHE Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education CIEH Chartered Institute for Environmental Health CIH Chartered Institute of Housing CPCAB Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body ESB English Speaking Board HSE Health and Safety Executive
IAB International Association of Book-keepers NCFE Northern Council for Further Education NOCN National Open College Network OCN Open College Network OCR Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations RIPH The Royal Institute of Public Health Signature for British Sign Language University of Cambridge for ESOL
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Brent Adult and Community Education Service 1 Morland Gardens Stonebridge London, NW10 8DY E-mail:’ Website: