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Celebrate World Book Night with Rastamouse Activities for all the family
Parkour comes to Kilburn Youngsters explore local spaces
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Contents Features
11 13 14 19 20 22 23 26
St Patrick’s Day parade Celebrate in Brent
World Book Night
Welcome to the March issue of The Brent Magazine
Enjoy Rastamouse’s exploits
Fairtrade Fortnight Special fashion event
Census 2011 Find out what you need to do
Adult social care is changing More control for people using services, and their carers
New leaf for Norah Tree planting at Gladstone Park
Civic Centre Contracts for local businesses
Parkour in Kilburn Youngsters get creative
Regulars Update
Rachel Gardner Editor, The Brent Magazine
Brent people All in a day’s work
BDU 6394 2.11
4 9 25 27 29 30
March is the month for great events in Brent, it seems. There’s plenty of interest going on, including an appearance by a crime-fighting special agent and our St Patrick’s Day celebrations - that promise to be a feast of Irish entertainment. Come along to Willesden Green Library on 5 March to meet the creator’s of CBeebies newest star, Rastamouse. Turn to page 13 to find out more about the special agent’s visit to the borough. You don’t have to be Irish to enjoy St Patrick’s Day. On March 17 the streets will be awash with green as the borough marks the event with a parade,starting inWillesden (page11). It’s Fairtrade Fortnight, 28 February – 13 March (page 14) and the council’s holding a special fashion event at the town hall on 3 March.
Secret history Competitions Time out
Issue No. 112 March 2011 The Brent Magazine contacts Distribution queries and editorial 020 8937 1098 tbm@brent.gov.uk Advertising 020 8937 1097 advertising@brent.gov.uk Published by the London Borough of Brent, Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley Middlesex.
26 The London Borough of Brent does not accept responsibility for any goods or services offered by advertisers. Publication of an advertisement does not imply recommendation by the council of goods or services advertised. Printed on 100% recycled paper. Please use your local paper bank when disposing of this and other paper.
One Stop Service 020 8937 1200 www.brent.gov.uk The Brent Magazine is available in large print and on audio tape. Please ring 020 8937 1106 Cover image: Rastamouse (see page 13)
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Inspiring Brent’s young ambassadors Brent Council has been awarded its third London 2012 Inspire Mark from the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) for the Inspiring Brent Young Ambassadors programme. The programme helps young people aged 14 to16 develop leadership skills, confidence and self-esteem.There are currently 11 Brent ambassadors
who promote London 2012 activities to young people as well as promoting Brent as a host borough for 2012. They support the council on the planning of 2012 inspired events and recently got the opportunity to meet Lord Seb Coe, Chair of LOCOG. Inspiring Brent is Brent Council’s programme of activities for the London 2012 Games.
Olympic Park tour Students from St Josephs Primary School was treated to a tour of the Olympic Park in Stratford in recognition of Brent’s work in the London 2012 Inspire programme. Students got the chance to see many venues inside the park, including the athletes village and the impressive Olympic Stadium and Aquatics Centre, which are due for completion this summer. The school was selected through its participation in the Brent
Brent’s young ambassadors
Funders Fair in Brent
Inspires Award, a virtual competition aimed at children and young people across the borough. The awards recognise the achievements of young people who participate in activities which incorporate the Olympic and Paralympic values, and have been awarded the London 2012 Inspire mark. For more information on the awards go to www.bmyvoice.co.uk /brentinspires
The council’s Voluntary Sector Team will shortly be hosting its annual Funders Fair for 2011. The Funders Fair supports local voluntary organisations and groups in Brent to help kick-start their fundraising for the new financial year. The event is exhibition based and focuses on bringing local, national and European funders and grant awarding bodies together with local groups and organisations. It also provides a forum for
500 days to go On 15 March there will be just 500 days to go until the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Brent is a host borough for London 2012 and is gearing up to hold the men’s and women’s football finals at Wembley Stadium, while Wembley Arena will be the venue for the badminton and rhythmic gymnastics. Tickets for the Olympic Games go on sale on 15 March and the application process will
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remain open for six weeks, closing at 11.59pm on Tuesday 26 April 2011. Ticket applications for the Paralympic Games will open on Friday 9 September 2011. Approximately eight million tickets will be available, with another two million for the Paralympic Games. Prices start at £20. To apply, sign up to the London 2012 ticket registration scheme at www.tickets.london2012.com or call 0844 847 2012.
local voluntary and community organisations to talk with other groups that provide support services. In addition to information stalls and seminars, one-toone support surgeries will also be on offer for people wishing to discuss their project ideas with potential funders and community finance organisations. For more information about the Funders Fair call Jacqueline Smith on 020 8937 3673.
Final reminder for HB changes Residents are reminded that changes to a form of housing benefit(HB) come into effect next month. As part of government plans the amount of Local Housing Allowance (LHA) – a housing benefit used to pay rent in the private market – has been reduced. From 1 April anyone making a claim for LHA, will be assessed at the new rate. If you are already receiving this benefit you will continue to get it at its current rate up until the anniversary of your current claim, plus an additional nine months before moving on to the new rate, unless your circumstances change in the meantime. Visit www.brent.gov.uk /benefits or call 020 8937 1800.
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Africa through a lens ‘Africa through a lens’ is an exciting project from The National Archives that is putting thousands of images online which capture over 100 years of African history. Working with Brent Archives and Brent Libraries, The National Archives needs your help to gather information about the people and places in the collection. We will be holding sessions on Thursday 24 and Thursday 31 March to help those without experience of using computers to access and comment on the images. The session will give people the chance to develop their IT skills, as well as share their knowledge and help make the stories behind these
images come to life. The collection covers over 20 African countries from the 1860s up to the 1980s. Included are pictures of chiefs, tribesmen and villages, famous landmarks, notable events, schools, farming and wildlife. Several photos show the construction of roads, bridges and harbours, while others capture the development of industry, training and education. There are also images of demonstrations and celebrations of independence. View the images at www.nationalarchives.gov.uk /africa. To get involved call 020 8937 3677 or email kate.jarman@brent.gov.uk
Estate agent goes the extra MILE Pupils of Princess Frederica C of E Primary School, Purves Road, Kensal Green, are taking the bus to their swimming lessons and beyond thanks to a sponsorship deal with MILE estate agents. Classes of up to 30 children can ride the new mini buses to the sports centre or other activities – saving valuable lesson time.
The school leased two 17 seater mini buses for three years to transport school children to activities and events. The capacity of the buses means whole classes of children can go on outings together To hire a mini bus please contact the school office on 020 8969 7756.
Go-ahead for Village School
Pupil Shanelle Smith with headteacher Kay Johnson
Pupils at Princess Frederica C of E Primary School
Two Pawels clean up in awards Brent Council’s recycling, refuse collection and street cleansing contractor, Veolia Environmental Services, has announced its Employees of the Year for 2010. Street cleaner, Pawel Dul, and foreman in the recycling team, Pawel Wieczorek, have both worked for
Veolia for four years and their achievements could not be separated by the Veolia management team in Brent, so they both won the award. Pascal Hauret from Veolia, Pawel Dul, Pawel Wieczorek and Keith Balmer from Brent Council
Pupils and teachers at The Village School in Kingsbury are celebrating after Brent Council gave the green light to build a new state-of-theart school on the site. Councillors voted in favour of the ambitious plans which will transform educational facilities for pupils. The new building is due to open in 2013 and will include a short break centre, providing respite care for parents and children from
The Village School. The centre will also be open to pupils from other schools. Find out more at www.brent.gov.uk /thevillageschool The re-build is being paid for by the council which has invested £21 million into the project, together with £8 million of government funding which was awarded to the authority to help improve special educational needs (SEN) in the borough.
Family fun at Harlesden Library It is one year since Harlesden Library Plus was reopened after its refurbishment, and to celebrate residents are invited to a family fun day on Saturday 12 March between 11am and 4pm. Come along to the library to enjoy free arts, crafts, stories and
activities. Local band Red Soul will be performing at 2pm. Check out the facilities that Harlesden has to offer, including an excellent selection of books and multimedia,Wi Fi, state of the art IT facilities, BACES learning centre and Teen Zone. MARCH 2011
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New head of BYP appointed Elections for the new Brent Youth Parliament (BYP) executive took place recently at Brent Town Hall, with Kishan Parshotam elected as the new chair of BYP. Kishan, 18, a member of Northwick Park Youth Club, came top of the polls last weekend with 65 per cent of the vote. Four other executive members were also elected. Kishan will serve for two years representing Brent on the UK Youth Parliament and on Brent Children's Partnership Board. He said: “Being elected as chair was a massive surprise. It was great to see everyone getting thoroughly engaged with the election process. However, BYP has a lot of good work to build on – we
Edward Harvist Trust Fund The council’s Voluntary Sector Team is inviting applications from Brent-based voluntary organisations and community groups for a one-off grant of £5,000. The Edward Harvist Trust Fund is awarded to local organisers of one-off projects including events, activities and summer play schemes that benefit residents in the borough. Projects must take place between July 2011 and 31 March 2012. Successful applicants will be notified by 1 May 2011 and funding must be spent by 31 March 2012. Download an application pack at www.brent.gov .uk/voluntaryfunding or call 020 8937 3673. The closing date is 12noon, 10 March 2011. Email completed applications to eh1112@brent.gov.uk
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won't be taking time out to relax. With young people being affected so much by the cuts both locally and nationally, BYP will have to act accordingly. We will aim to protect the services we need, provide alternatives and be completely proactive. The 72 members will be fighting for the rights of the 72,000 young people that we represent.” The four newly-elected executive members are: Adam Massoud, 16, from St Michaels Project as vice-chair, Seyedeh Banei-Moniri, 15, from Crest Girls' Academy as media representative, Cassandra Cheng, 17, from Claremont High School as UK Youth Parliament representative and Kyron
Jevonte-Greenwood, 13, from Stadium Housing Association Youth Club as Deputy UK Youth Parliament representative.
Adam will also serve on the partnership board. Cassandra and Kyron join Kishan in representing Brent on the National Youth Parliament.
Council Leader explains tough decisions Nearly 600 residents turned out at the area forums in January and February to hear the Leader of Brent Council, Ann John OBE, explain the cuts to Brent's funding. People who live and work in Brent were also able to have their say about the issues that concern them. Cllr John said: “Brent is having to make some pretty tough
decisions at the moment and it was helpful to be able to talk to residents about their concerns. “I hope the forums helped people understand that we cannot continue to provide the same level of services with a quarter of our funding removed.” There are five area forums covering all the wards in Brent. For more information call 020 8937 1055, email
consultation@brent.gov.uk or visit www.brent.gov.uk /consultation For more details on the cuts visit www.brent.gov.uk/cuts
First chapter to a new Willesden Library begins Council officers have been given the green light to explore the possibility of redeveloping Willesden Green Library on the basis it can be done at no cost to the council. If possible, the plans would see the building transformed into a 21st century multifunctional centre that provides all the services of the current library and more. Willesden would also become
the central access point to council services for anyone living in the south of the borough and a hub for cultural events in Brent. Council officers are now working with private developers to establish if building homes on part of the site could fund the cost of building a new multi-use centre. If this type of funding arrangement is possible, residents can expect to be
consulted in the summer and a temporary library and archive would be set up close-by while work is being carried out. For more information or to tell us what you think about these plans visit www.brent.gov.uk /regeneration
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Women In 2 Fitness Bridge Park Community Leisure Centre is providing a programme for women only, starting 13 March. The aim is to get women of all ages to participate in a programme of fitness classes including yoga, Pilates, step, spinning and more. This will encourage participants to follow a structured programme of classes to get fit and lead a healthier lifestyle. The six-week programme will get you to new levels of fitness. The course costs £15. Places are limited. For more information call Leanne Rodriguez on 020 8937 3711.
Good news for local academies Neasden people are invited to attend a public meeting on 5 March to find out about plans for a £40 million rebuild at two local academies. The meeting is being arranged to allow Crest Girls’ and Crest Boys’ Academies to give details of Ofsted inspections, showing how they are being transformed. ‘Standards had risen significantly’ at Crest Boys’, making it one of the most improved schools in the country, and pupils were ‘very proud’ of their school since it was given academy status, one report said. Meanwhile, exam results at Crest Girls’ showed a ’marked improvement’ and there were many strengths in leadership, management and governance, the other report said. The public meeting on March 5 is from 11am-3pm at Crest Girls’ Academy, Crest Road. For more visit www.brent.gov.uk /crestacademies
Meet the author Readers will get the chance to meet author Marilyn Heward Mills at a special free event at Willesden Green Library Centre on Thursday 31 March at 7pm. Marilyn will be discussing her new novel, The Association of Foreign Spouses, which is set in Ghana in the 1980s. The book is a story of love and friendship, betrayal and forgiveness within a group of women who live in a troubled land. Through their trials and hardships, the women support each other, unified by their foreignness, their distance from home and the choices they have made.
Free homework help for pupils A brand new homework club, led by a qualified teacher, was launched in five Brent libraries on 28 February. The free clubs, which will mostly take place immediately after school, are intended to offer additional home learning support to children aged eight to 11 years old who are studying the Key Stage 2 school curriculum. The clubs will also offer additional reading support, led by a team of volunteers, for any children who need it. The homework clubs will take place at the following times and venues: Monday – Town Hall, 3.30 to 5.30pm Tuesday – Kilburn, 3.30 to 5.30pm Wednesday – Kingsbury, 3.30 to 5.30pm Thursday – Willesden Green, 3.30 to 5.30pm Saturday – Ealing Road, 10.30am to 12.30pm
Lottery grant for allotment New fencing has been installed at a Brent allotment with money awarded through a grant from the Big Lottery Fund. The two-metre high perimeter fence was recently put up around the Tenterden Close site, thanks to £10,000 from the charity and £1,360, given by Brent Council. For more information about allotments in the borough call Brent Council's Allotment and Letting Officer, Ian Waldron on 020 8937 5619.
Anson Primary and Microsoft join forces Anson Primary School in Cricklewood has been selected by Microsoft as one of only ten schools nationwide to join its elite ‘Partners in Learning Programme'. Anson will work with Microsoft and other schools in the programme to help transform teaching and learning through the effective use of technology. This major achievement by the staff and children is the latest measure of their success in using technology to make learning exciting and challenging. Anson have developend a learning platform is a virtual school, online, where children and parents can access work and investigate areas of interest in a safe, secure environment. To find out more visit www. ansonprimaryschool.com
The project has been funded by the Local Partnership Boards for Kilburn, Willesden and Kingsbury in conjunction with a Quality Study Support Grant from central government . Funding for additional reading support has been provided by the Neighbourhood Working fund. For more information on Brent's Library homework clubs, visit www.brent.gov.uk/libraries or call 020 8937 3400.
MARCH 2011
Taking learning into the community
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Brent Adult and Community Education Service
How would you like to learn something new, pick up an old interest in Art or Crafts, or improve your chances of getting a job this year? Crafts and Design • Clothes making • Sewing and fashion • Crochet, knitting and dyeing/embroidery/felting • Sugar craft
Many of our tutors work in the business they teach. They enjoy passing on skills and knowledge in a friendly, creative and supportive atmosphere. Courses are suitable for all levels from absolute beginner to experienced. They run during the day and in the evenings on weekdays, and on Saturday during the day.
BACES caters for many different types of people with a variety of educational needs. There are accredited and non-accredited courses at many levels and students can choose to progress at their own pace. Courses are affordable and students may qualify for a concession. Sixteen- to nineteen-year-olds who are not in full time education have free access to accredited courses. For further details contact the Carlton Centre and ask for a course information sheet or call into any BACES Centre and pick up a course list brochure.
“I am planning to do a BTEC National Diploma so this course is helping me a lot.” Simone Allen, Drawing and Painting – NCFE Level 1 in Creative Craft
Fine art • Life drawing • Watercolour painting Photography and media • Photography • Photoshop • Video editing – Final Cut Pro 2011 courses will start: • February – week beginning 28 Feb. • April – week beginning 2 April
Visit us Stonebridge Centre 1 Morland Gardens, Stonebridge, London NW10 8DY Madison House 24-28 London Rd., Wembley, Middlesex HA9 7HD Carlton Centre Carlton Vale, London NW6 5RA
Phone us Stonebridge Centre 020 8937 3950 Madison House 020 8937 3636 Carlton Centre 020 8937 3990 Visit our website or pick up a brochure at a Brent library or Brent One Stop Service Centre.
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School of laughs Brent comedian Mr Cee was voted Best Male Newcomer at the Black entertainment Comedy Awards in 2000. When did you get into stand-up comedy? I started my stand-up career 12 years ago at The Comedy School, but I guess I've been doing jokes all my life. I was always the funny one at school or work.
What do you enjoy about being a comedian? I do quite a lot of stuff for TV now, which is a lot of fun. I do studio warm-ups and stand-ins for the guests on shows like Mock The Week, when they're practising for filming. I also travel the UK and Europe performing, and have my one man show, which I'm bringing to Patidar House soon. I also enjoy working with my cousins, putting on The LOL Comedy Show for young people.Three years ago we started in a pub in Harrow and have now progressed to a monthly show in Dingwalls, Camden.
Where do you get your material from? I was born and raised in Brent so my comedy reflects the diversity of where I live. Brent is one of the most multi-cultural areas in the country and I like to look at that in my material. My comedy philosophy is live, love, laugh.
Have you ever 'died' on stage? Yes, all comedians have, but I've never had nerves or stage fright. Even at my first ever gig I don't remember being nervous. There was one time at Hackney Oceans that something strange happened though. It was a big crowd, but the layout of the place meant I couldn't see the whole audience. Anyway, when I looked down, I noticed my leg was shaking. Nerves must have got to me, but I don't remember feeling terrified, to me it was funny.
How was it to win Best Male Newcomer Award? An honour, but I certainly didn't get carried away with my success my mum wouldn't let me. When I showed her the award she simply said ‘Oh well. Is that the best they could give you’. My family, my sons especially, definitely help keep me grounded.
For more information about Mr Cee's solo show ‘Snigger Please’ on 20 March at Patidar House, London Road, Wembley, call 07984 250 018 or visit www.shoobs.com. He can be found on Facebook pages at mrcee comedian or Lol show (London)
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Recycling is easy, wherever you live Wherever you live in Brent you have access to recycling. If you don’t currently have a recycling collection you can drop off materials at one of 300 recycling bins on Brent streets. Simply drop the recycling into the correct recycling bin when you're in the area. What could be easier? Please do not put any other materials or refuse into these recycling bins as it costs time and money to remove contamination or send to landfill.
There are also recycling banks provided by charities that collect books, textiles, cartons such as Tetra Pak, CDs, video tapes, cassettes, low energy light bulbs and ink cartridges for recycling or reuse. For more information about where to find your nearest recycling bank visit www.brent.gov.uk/waste or call this number 020 8937 5050
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Brent celebrates St Patrick’s Day Brent St Patrick’s Day returns to the borough on Thursday 17 March, featuring a parade and Irish entertainment. Words SHARON DONOVAN March 17 marks the date when Saint Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland died in 451 AD. Born in Wales in 385 AD Saint Patrick is noted for bringing Catholicism to Ireland and is perhaps most famous for banishing snakes from Ireland. The day has evolved over the years and for many it’s now a celebration of Irish culture. People often mark the occasion by wearing an item of green clothing, sporting
shamrocks, and enjoying Irish entertainment. It is arguably one of the most celebrated occasions across the world, despite the Republic of Ireland’s relatively small population of 4.5 million people. However, over 80m people worldwide are reported to be Irish descendants, with the majority residing in America. This year Brent Council will be the only borough to host celebrations on the actual day, March 17, rather than the closest weekend. A parade will leave Willesden Green Underground Station at 4pm featuring pipers, colourful floats and costumed dancers. It will end at Willesden Green Library Centre where there will be a feast of Irish entertainment including folk music, Irish dancing and lots of activities for children, as well as a St Patrick’s Day market selling
Irish food and gifts. New to the line up this year will be country singer Nathan Carter who won ‘Best Male Newcomer’ in the Irish World Awards 2008 and folk singer Fil Campbell. Photographer Louise Jefferson will also be on hand to present her book ‘Wall and Barriers – symbol of separation’. The book, featuring a selection of startling images from the streets of Belfast, is married with insights and reflections from citizens, police, politicians and charities. The event is open to all sections of the community.
To find out more and to download a programme visit www.brent.gov.uk/ stpatricks or call 020 8937 1108.
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World Book Night is irie!
Crime-fighting special agent, Rastamouse, comes to Brent this month for the first World Book Night at Willesden Green Library. The children’s character, who is the star of several books and recently launched his own TV show on CBeebies, will be introduced by his creators, Michael de Souza and Genevieve Webster. Children are welcome to wear their pyjamas and get comfy while enjoying Rastamouse’s animated exploits (6-7pm). It will be the first ever World Book Night and is open to all the family. Adults who want to come along can try their hand at activities such as nail art, aromatherapy and dance classes (6-8pm). Ealing Road Library is the main venue for World Book Day (3 March) where staff will host a special Quick Reads Brunch (11am-12noon) – complete with healthy snacks and refreshments – for busy parents and their children to learn more about the Quick Reads collection of brilliant, short books for adults by bestselling authors. Food will play a part at the library when children (and their teddies) are invited Top, Rastamouse and The Easy Crew. Bottom, Steig Larsson
Children are welcome to wear their pyjamas and get comfy while enjoying Rastamouse’s animated exploits.
Book fans of all ages and abilities in Brent can celebrate their passion for the written word at World Book Night on 5 March with the help of Rastamouse.
to a teddy bear’s picnic, story and rhyme session (11am-12noon). Willesden Green Library, meanwhile, will host a gritty talk on Scandinavian crime fiction by best-selling Norwegian crime writer Gunnar Staalesen (strictly for adults only, 7.30-8pm). The talk will be the climax of a Scandinavian crime writing promotion which includes a short story competition. It is open to all residents and sees the work of authors such as Henning Mankell, Jo Nesbo and Stieg Larsson featured at the Town Hall, Willesden Green and Kilburn libraries. World Book Day, as its name suggests, is a global celebration of books and reading that’s marked by over 100 countries worldwide. To find out more visit www.worldbookday.com. Later in March, the Willesden Green Library will also welcome acclaimed author Marilyn Heward Mills. To find out more about any of the World Book Night or World Book Day events in Brent visit www.brent.gov.uk/libraries and go to ‘what’s on in libraries’.
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Fairtrade’s the fashion This year's Fairtrade Fortnight theme calls on everyone to be proud of buying Fairtrade products and ‘show off your label’. Buying products with the Fairtrade logo is a straightforward way of giving poor people in developing countries a chance to work their way out of poverty. In Brent the council is focusing on one of the most important Fairtrade products, cotton. Fairtrade cotton was launched in Britain six years ago and is now worth around £50 million a year through sales from leading high street stores. To find out more about more about Fairtrade cotton come along to the council's special fashion event to mark Fairtrade Fortnight at the town hall on 3 March. There will be a series of fashion photographs capturing well-known
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models on display as well as African food, stalls, schools displays and short films, including Sir Steve Redgrave visiting Fairtrade cotton producers in Mali. The event will be opened at 5pm by the Mayor of Brent, Councillor Harbhajan Singh. Speakers will include Ben Ramsden, founder of Pants to Poverty. Fairtrade gives millions of people in Africa, Asia and Latin America a chance to work their way out of poverty with dignity, by guaranteeing a decent price for what they produce. On top of that, they are paid a premium that their community decides how to spend, for example on health facilities. They are assured of safe working conditions and the right to form trade unions. The local environment is
Brent Council will be joining the nation in celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight 2011 which runs from 28 February until 13 March. also protected. Dr Peter Moore, Chair of Brent Fairtrade Network, said: “Fairtrade is special for millions of producers of food, drink, footballs, flowers and cotton. And it is also special for us in Brent. Buying products with the Fairtrade logo is an easy way we can help poor people thousands of miles away.” Brent Council is committed to Fairtrade and aims to become a Fairtrade Borough, working with the community through the Brent Fairtrade Network. To find out more about Fairtrade Fortnight in Brent email marion.hofmann@brent.gov.uk
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your health B R E N T H E A LT H A N D W E L L B E I N G S U P P L E M E N T
Breast is best
Nine out of ten babies agree
National No Smoking Day
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Babies know best! Is it true that breastfeeding is best for your baby? The evidence overwhelmingly says YES! Breast milk provides babies with all the nutrients they need, as well as boosting their immune system. It can help protect them from diseases and illnesses such as chest infections, diabetes, asthma and eczema. And as well as being best for baby, it can be good for mothers too – by helping them develop stronger bones in later life, return them to their pre-pregnancy figures quicker and lower their risk of breast and ovarian cancer. But some new mothers find the thought of breastfeeding daunting, worrying that it might hurt them, or that their baby might not get enough food.
Volunteer Would you like to become a volunteer breastfeeding peer support worker? • Are you interested in helping other mothers to breastfeed? • Do you live locally? • Do you have a positive attitude towards breastfeeding? • Would you like to provide other mothers with breastfeeding solutions? Yes? Then why don't you become a volunteer breastfeeding peer support worker in Brent! For more information please contact the NHS Brent breastfeeding team on 020 8795 7443 or 020 8795 6677.
The most natural choice of food for your children Luckily, there is no shortage of help and support in Brent. Families can turn to health professionals or the peer support programme, including Breastfeeding Champion and local mum, Alicia Goulding, who said: “I felt that it was important to breastfeed my babies because the milk I make is perfect for them. It protects them from lots of illnesses and prevents me from conditions later in life. It is also a fantastic bonding experience for both mother and baby. Ultimately it is the most natural choice of food for my children. Breastfeeding remains an important form of nutrition, alongside solid food, for my daughter who is now 18 months old.” And best of all – breast milk is free!
Accessing maternity services It is important for you and your baby’s health that you start your antenatal care early in pregnancy. When you know you are pregnant, don’t delay – book your maternity care by: • making an appointment with your GP, who can refer you to maternity services or you can: • refer yourself by contacting your preferred hospital below: – Northwick Park Hospital Tel 020 8869 5252 or visit www.nwlh.nhs.uk and search for maternity services self-referral form – St Mary’s Tel 020 3312 6135 or visit www.imperial.nhs.uk/maternity – The Royal Free Hampstead Tel 020 7794 0500 ext 36169 or visit www.royalfree.nhs.uk search for maternity services self-referral form.
You can find further information on breastfeeding and accessing maternity services either on the NHS Brent website, through leaflets available from your GP, pharmacists, health and children’s centres, or by visiting www.brentpct.nhs.uk/maternity
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Kick the habit NHS Brent will be encouraging smokers to kick their habit on this year’s National No Smoking Day on Wednesday 9 March. No Smoking Day is an annual health awareness campaign that helps smokers to make a fresh start, free from tobacco. Now in its 28th year, the 2011 campaign focus will be on supporting smokers who are motivated and ready to stop smoking.
Simon says… It’s important to remember that A&E, or dialling 999, is for emergencies only – if you are choking, have chest pain, severe blood loss or are blacking out. Read the options below to ensure you get the treatment you need in the shortest time possible:
Self-care – many minor ailments can be treated at home with remedies recommended by your local pharmacy.
NHS Brent events • Alperton Bus Garage 11am - 2pm • Central Middlesex Hospital 11am - 2pm • Wembley Centre for Health and Care, 11am - 1pm • Wembley Central Square 10am - 4pm • Brent House, One Stop Service 11am - 3pm Our specialist trained advisors will be offering free carbon monoxide reading, lung age test and help, support and advice at all venues, to those who want to stop smoking.
Visit your GP if you have an • illness or injury that won’t go away. • GP Walk-in centre at 116 Chaplin Road, Wembley HA0 4UZ Tel 020 8900 6020 is open from 8am-8pm, 365 days a year. They can treat minor illnesses and injuries. You do not need an appointment, and you will be seen by an experienced nurse or a GP. They do not offer x-ray facilities.
For more information, please contact Brent Stop Smoking Service on 020 8795 6669 or email: stopsmoking@brentpct.nhs.uk or drop in to your local pharmacist or GP who can offer support and advice all year round.
Printed on recycled paper.
Are you aware that a smoker is four times more likely to stop smoking with NHS support? Simon Bowen, Acting Director of Public Health for NHS Brent PCT says: “NHS Brent has helped over 1,500 people to stop smoking within the last year and this figure continues to rise. No Smoking Day is a very good opportunity for people who live or work within Brent to stop smoking.” If that is you, then come along to one of our events on 9 March.
NHS Direct provide health advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every week of the year. Call 0845 4647 or visit www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
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Guide to the Census 2011 The Census 2011 will take place on Sunday 27 March. Find out what you need to do. Census information is very important and is used to plan the services you need, including health, education and housing. Some of the money from central government to deliver local services depends on how many people are counted in the census.
What will my census form look like? It’s 32 pages and contains questions about your household, individuals living there and also about any visitors (people staying with you overnight). It is simple to complete but there are notes and information to help you.You will be able to answer most of the questions simply by ticking a box (or clicking, if you complete the form online). It should take around 10 minutes for each person, plus an extra few minutes to answer the questions about the household. To complete the census online go to www.census.gov.uk and followthe instructions. Each paper form has a special code, which youwill need to complete theonline form.
What if I don’t complete it? By law every household must complete the census. If you don’t do so before 6 April, you may receive a visit from a local census collector, who can help you fill it in.
Is the information I give confidential? Nobody will see your completed census form once you have returned it. All forms are electronically scanned and the information is not made public for 100 years. The census is carried out by the Office of National Statistics and is totally independent of the government and the council.
Where can I get help if I’m struggling to complete the form? The council is holding a number of completion events, where you can get help. Times will be made available through libraries and on the council’s website at www.brent.gov.uk/census closer to the dates.
Census 2011 Completion Events Town Hall Library March 28, 29, 30, April 4, 5, 6, 11, 18, 25 Willesden Green Library March 28, 29, 30, April 4, 5, 6, 11, 18, 25 Ealing Road Library March 28, 29, April 4, 11 Harlesden Library March 28, 29, 30, April 4, 11 Kilburn Library March 28, 29, 30, April 4, 11 Kingsbury Library March 28, 29, 30, April 4, 11 Stonebridge Centre, Unit 12 Bridge Park Complex March 26 12- 4pm April 2 12-4pm
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The way adults with a disability receive care and support from Brent Council is changing from 1 April this year. There will be more importance given to activities in the community and more control for people who use services and their carers. MARTIN GAVIN looks at a new system called Self Directed Support (SDS) and two people who are already using it.
Brent Council must save £37 million next year (April 2011 to April 2012) and many services will be changing because of this. But saving money is not the only reason for reviewing and modernising adult social care. The work to provide better and affordable services in future began several years before the current financial pressures took hold. The Day Opportunities Strategy is the council’s day care services plan for people living with a physical or learning disability. The strategy was approved last year following consultation with carers and people who use the services. It aims to give people more control over the type of care they receive and make adult social
Adult soc
is changing Alexander Adeyeye is 21 years old and lives with his parents and sister. He has Asperger Syndrome and a moderate learning disability. Using the council's Direct Payments scheme he has decided to receive his support from the National Autistic Society. Alexander said: "I have six hours of Direct Payments which I use to do work experience and things that I enjoy like rapping, art or social groups. I get support from my personal assistant and I can do it every week because of my direct payments."
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care more affordable for the council. It includes plans for many new ways of working, but one of the most important elements is SDS. Social care staff will support customers to lead the type of life they want. Those using the services can ask friends and family help to make important decisions. People can ask for better access to education or employment, to visit leisure facilities or meet with friends more regularly. When a support package has been agreed customers will receive a personal budget - paid into their bank account - or the new Direct Payments pre-payment card. The council can manage personal budgets if the customer is not able to do so, or the
customer can nominate someone they trust to manage the money for them. Re-ablement aims to get people back on their feet after hospital stays or illness. This provides a full assessment, support, aids to independent living and other types of assistance and is free for six weeks. The Re-ablement service will give the person the skills and equipment to continue to live independently without any long-term homecare once the six weeks are over. For more information on Direct Payments visit www.brent.gov.uk/directpayments email Kwabena Gyedu, at Kwabena.Gyedu@brent.gov.uk telephone Brent Council on 020 8937 1200.
If you would like a copy of this article in a larger text size, you can request a large print copy of The Brent Magazine by telephoning 020 8937 1106.
SDS means: • the customer, or carer, identifies what services they need • people know in advance how much money is available to them • the customer, not the council, decides what support they receive, at times convenient to them • the council will provide support to those who cannot manage their own budget.
ocial care
ng for you Vibeeshun Yoganatha has a bipolar mood disorder and severe learning difficulties. He is 22 years old and lives with his parents. He uses touch, short vocalisations and singing to communicate. Vibeeshun uses the Direct Payments scheme to pay for 35-hours of support, including swimming and walking, as well as attending a weekly drama course. His activities are carefully planned with his carer to help him socialise with others while taking into account what triggers his anxieties. The drama course has helped him to overcome a fear of bullying from other young people. He attends drum classes at St. Joseph’s pastoral centre and also does yoga classes there, to stay calm and relaxed.
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A new leaf for Norah’s 90th Gladstone Park is getting a mini-makeover, thanks to £4,000 from the Mayor of London's RE:LEAF London campaign. Words NANCY LUDWIG The grant, which was awarded as part of a wider scheme to encourage individual Londoners, businesses and organisations to plant more trees in the capital, is going towards 30 new trees to enhance the park's green and pleasant landscape. To mark the occasion and to celebrate the 90th birthday of Norah Marshall – who's lived on nearby Temple Road since 1940 and is a lifelong community fund raiser – Brent Council invited her and fellow volunteers from the Gladstone Park Consultative Committee and NW2
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Residents Association to a special tree planting at the Fort Gladstone children's play area. As guest of honour, Norah was rewarded for all her hard work and her contribution to the Rainbow Park planting days, as part of Brent in Bloom, by planting her very own birthday tree at the ceremony. Shaun Faulkner, Head of Brent Parks Service, said: "It's not often these days we have something to celebrate let alone have a double celebration so I'm twice as thrilled to receive this much-needed funding to improve the
landscape of one of our most popular parks. It’s great it coincided with Norah's birthday who has been one of Gladstone's biggest supporters over the years. It was a great morning and all the parks team really enjoyed it." RE:LEAF London is a partnership campaign spearheaded by the Mayor of London to protect the capital's trees, woodlands and associated wildlife and make London a greener, more attractive city. Visit www.london.gov.uk and search for RE:LEAF
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Civic Centre contracts for local businesses Brent Council and the construction contractor, Skanska UK, are ensuring small and medium-sized Brent businesses can take advantage of the many tender opportunities that will now be available, through the Civic Centre Supply Chain programme. The programme, which was launched earlier this month with the expert business support organisation, Business to Business, will inform Brent businesses of the many contract opportunities available to them. Over the coming months, Business to Business plans to run workshops linked directly to contract opportunities and which will focus on explaining the nature of the work.
Aktar Choudhury, Project Director for Brent's Civic Centre, says: “The council is committed to ensuring vital opportunities for jobs for local people at the Civic Centre and for businesses to bid for work on site.” Vijay Amin, chair of Brent Employer Partnership said: “It was really encouraging to hear of the contract opportunities from the Civic Centre project. I am also delighted to hear that the building will be delivering real benefits for local people and contribute to business economic growth in Brent.” The nine-storey Civic Centre will be the UK’s greenest public building and is being built opposite Wembley Stadium. As well as accommodation for 2,000 Brent Council staff and
The ground is broken and work is now underway on Brent's eagerly awaited Civic Centre building in Wembley, which is due for completion in December 2012 and will open mid-2013. councillors, this community centrepiece also includes: a main foyer and reception, state of the art new library, council services centre, registrars’ services, wedding suite and wedding garden, partner organisations, restaurants, retail spaces, a large community hall and a winter garden, upper lobby/gallery and training facilities. The building is affordable and Brent Council has committed to deliver a cost-neutral building with no burden on local council tax payers. The costs will be met from efficiencies and savings achieved by moving out of more than twelve old and expensive to maintain existing office buildings. Visit www.brent.gov.uk/civiccentre MARCH 2011
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THE AFRICAN CHILD (UK) EIRE Project (Funded by Tudor Trust) PART-TIME POSITION Job Title: YP Male Relationships Worker Salary: ÂŁ15k per annum (21 Hours) Early Intervention Relationships Education (EIRE) The African Child is looking for someone with a specific interest in working with young male populations. We are looking to recruit a Young People's worker to develop and deliver an outreach program to boys between the age of 13-18 years living in the borough of Brent. For more information on the program and how to apply, please call 02088303151 or send an email to: info@theafricanchild.org.uk Applications are open until 15th March 2011 14.00 p.m.
Advertise here from only ÂŁ250 and reach 99,000 households. advertising@brent.gov.uk OR CALL 020 8937 1097
MARCH 2011
Brent for Jesus Bible School No child is too young; no adult is too old. You will be given a solid biblical foundation for life and living. Our curriculum includes how to be a light in the community; social development and strengthening the family unit. Children can also take part in the choir and teenagers in the Brent Youth for Christ Ministry. Term starts on Saturday 19th March 2011 from 2.00pm-3.30pm for six weeks. FREE! 34 Craven Park, London NW10 8QN. OPEN DAYS 2.00pm - 4.00pm, Saturday 5th March and 12th March, 2011 For more information call the Principal, Janet, on 07886 421 279 or 07967 369 234
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ALL IN Aday’s
A way with words Brent Adult and Community Education Service (BACES) provides education to adults across the borough. Their aims is ‘to broaden minds, create opportunities and change the lives of individuals and communities in Brent.’ Helping them achieve that is creative writing tutor John Paul O’Neill.
Every Monday John Paul O’Neill teaches creative writing to a group of men aged between 50 and 93 who live in St Mungo’s care home in South Kilburn. The two-hour session is more than just a tutorial on how to write, it’s also a way of the students increasing their confidence and learning about themselves. “They’re fantastic guys,” he says. “I really enjoy teaching them. Since I started a year ago I’ve seen many changes in them and their confidence has definitely grown.Writing is something they can feel good about and is a way of them expressing the positive things in their lives. It’s very different to some of the other sessions I take, but one I get a great amount of pleasure from.” John Paul has worked for BACES for 11 years. He currently teaches three creative writing classes and GCSE English sessions. “We cater for everyone from serious writers to people who come along because they enjoy the company and interaction with others,” he says. “My classes tend to be very mixed. In one GCSE English class we’ve been looking at Romeo and Juliet; when you’ve got teenagers and people in their 60s giving their views on a play it’s certainly interesting and really benefits the students. “The most important thing isn’t that students end up being the best and most polished writers, but that they produce the best work they are capable of.” BACES offer a range of courses in everything from accounting to yoga. For more information about available courses visit www.brent.gov.uk/baces or call 020 8937 3960.
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South Kilburn gets creative The South Kilburn Arts Programme began in November 2010, it aims to improve local spaces and unleash creativity through art projects. Words SHARON DONOVAN, photo ISABELLE PLASSCHAERT Funded by New Deal for Communities – a central government-led regeneration project – the arts programme is delivered by Brent Council and the South Kilburn Neighbourhood Trust. Andy Donald, Brent Council Director of Regeneration and Major Projects said: “It complements the major physical regeneration that is taking place in South Kilburn, as well as providing local people with skills and opportunities, breathing life into empty shops and animating local spaces.” Workshop 24 was the first part of the arts programme to launch. It saw a disused shop in Peel Precinct, South Kilburn, transformed into a space for local creativity, by hosting workshops, exhibitions and events. Sarah Butler, Creative Coordinator of the South Kilburn Arts Programme said: “We are also working with the Architecture Foundation to transform empty offices on Canterbury Road into a community cultural facility. Work studios will be offered rent free in return for tenants training young people in industries like fine art, fashion or joinery.” Also featured in the arts programme were parkour (free-running) workshops for young people. Parkour, which was invented in Paris, transforms how people travel through the urban landscape. Tactics such as jumping, climbing, vaulting, rolling and swinging techniques are employed to negotiate obstacles. Sarah said: “The aim of the parkour workshops was to encourage young people to rediscover their area in a unique way. We also taught them how to document the process through filmmaking, all of which is available to view on www.evolve01.com.”
If you would like to know more about any of these projects or want to get involved contact Sarah Butler by emailing s.butler@skpartnership.net
Youngsters enjoying parkour in South Kilburn
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Post-war Pilgrims Between the 1940s and 1970s many Brent families lived in ‘prefab’ properties. There were approximately 20 groups of these temporary, factory-made homes across the former boroughs of Willesden and Wembley. PHILIP GRANT looks at the story behind one of them. Towards the end of the Second World War, Wembley Council saw that new homes were needed. Many people had been bombed-out and men returning from active service needed a decent home for their families. As the country could not build permanent houses quickly, the Government decided to produce temporary, factory-made bungalows. By late 1944, the council had identified a number of sites where these pre-fabricated homes, known as ‘prefabs’, could be used. Work on Wembley’s largest prefab estate, on Pilgrims Way, started in 1946. A very cold winter made it impossible to lay a concrete road until April 1947, with most of the unskilled work done by German prisonerof-war labourers. Supply problems then meant it was the autumn before the first aluminium bungalows were delivered. Tenants finally moved into the 114 prefabs between January and July 1948.
The families soon settled into their homes. Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation in June 1953 brought some welcome cheer to the grey post-war years, and residents organised a big street party for the 200 children on the estate. Six members of the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team, which was playing at the Empire Pool (now Wembley Arena) opened the party and stayed to judge the fancy dress parade. By the early 1960s the council was moving families from prefabs into permanent houses. The final tenants moved out of these temporary homes, originally meant to last for just 15 years, in 1972. Some new homes were later built on the lower end of the site, still called Pilgrims Way, but most of the land was returned to public open space and planted with trees, becoming part of Fryent Country Park.
Do you remember the prefabs? Did you live in a prefab in Brent? Brent Archives needs your help to record this important part of local history. You can bring along your memories, photographs, or other memorabilia to a Prefabs Drop-in Day at Brent Archives on Saturday 19 March, 11am to 4pm, or join Philip Grant for a Prefabs Chatabout at Kingsbury Library Plus on Friday 8 April, 10.30am to 12noon. For further information contact Brent Archives at Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road. Call 020 8937 3541 or email archives@brent.gov.uk
Below the prefabs as they were in 1952. Bottom, players from the Harlem Globetrotters judge a fancy dress parade. Photographs from Brent Archives.
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Win your 90 minutes at Wembley Stadium An escorted tour of Wembley Stadium makes an exciting day out for the whole family. Stroll into the player's dressing room and walk through the tunnel towards the hallowed turf, then climb 107 steps, standing triumphantly in front of the royal box and see the FA Cup. For Brent residents, we have four pairs of tickets for the Wembley Stadium tour. For a chance to win, send in the correct answer to the following question:
On which date will the FA Cup Final be held? Send or email your answers to Wembley Stadium competition at the address below. For information on event times visit: www.wembleystadium.com/events
Wembley Stadium Event Calendar
Event starts
29 March
England vs Ghana
3 April
Johnstone's Paint Trophy
17 April
FA Cup Semi Finals
14 May
FA Cup Final
28 May
Champions League Final
30 May
Championship Play Off
4 June
Euro 2012 Qualifier: England v Switzerland
30 Jun
Take That
1, 2 and 4 - 6 July
Take That
8 - 9 July
Take That
7 August
FA Community Shield
This events calendar is correct at the time of going to print and is subject to change and updates. More events are expected to be booked for 2011 – these will be added to the calendar as and when confirmed. Please visit www.wembleystadium.com/events for the very latest information.
Competition Terms and Conditions • Only one entry per person allowed • Prizes/tours must be redeemed within 12 months of receiving confirmation • Children under 16 must be accompanied on the Stadium Tour by an adult and have consent of their parent/guardian • No cash alternatives for any prize will be offered • Employees of Wembley Stadium and their families are not eligible to enter. Prize winners must adhere to Wembley Stadium Tour’s terms and conditions, available at www.wembleystadium.com/tours • All prizes/tours are subject to availability and pre-booking is required.
Win a pair of tickets to His and Hers, plus Q&A with Director Ken Wardrop On screen at the Tricycle Sunday 20 March, 5.30pm Using his mother's life as inspiration, Irish director Ken Wardrop has created a film that explores life's shared journeys. His and Hers is an investigation into the ordinary to discover the extraordinary. It finds comedy in the mundane, tragedy in the profound and provides an original insight into a life. The hallways, living rooms and kitchens of the Irish Midlands are used as the canvas for the film's rich tapestry of female characters. The story unfolds sequentially through young to old with a charmingly unabashed array of Irish ladies, and there's not a man in sight. To be in with a chance of winning a pair of tickets to His and Hers, send in the correct answer to the following question:
Who was the inspiration for the film, His and Hers? Tickets: £11/10 reductions (£9.50 Cinema Club) www.tricycle.co.uk Box Office: 020 7328 1000
Send your entries on a postcard with your name, address and daytime telephone number to: (Name of Competition), The Brent Magazine, Room 9, Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley HA9 9HD or email competition@brent.gov.uk (add name of competition to subject line). The deadline for all competitions is Friday 11 March 2011. Last month’s winners: Stadium Tour tickets Nilesh Gade, Versha Patel, Patrick Cronin, Darshana Parmar Vaghela. Tricycle tickets Leona Sydney. Mcvities competition Beryl Denham MARCH 2011
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What’s going on… The essential guide to music, drama, sport, workshops and much more. Find out what’s going on in Brent during March 2011. To get your event listed email tbm@brent.gov.uk or telephone 020 8937 1098. CHILDREN KINGS HALL YOUTH CLUB For 10-15 year olds. Weds 7-9pm, Kings Hall Community Centre, 155 Harlesden Rd, Willesden Green, NW10. Limited places. www.kingsyouth club.org.uk youthclub@tiscali.co.uk AIR CADETS Mon and Thurs 7pm 406 Squadron Willesden 020 8451 0406 ARTALIKE Sats 10am term-time; Sats 10am-noon ARTTEEN 714 £5, Kensal Rise 07946 755 847 DOWN SYNDROME TIGER CUBS Thurs 5-6pm football coaching run by QPR, Woodfield School Genwood Avenue, NW9 020 8740 2585 07815 670 806 11TH BRONDESBURY GUIDES Tues, 6pm for girls aged 10-14 in Willesden 07810 653 225 4TH BRONDESBURY BROWNIES AND GUIDES Thurs Brownies 6.308pm. Guides 7-8.30pm. 07981 174 634 FRENCH CLASSES Weds, Thurs after-school in Kensal Rise ages 5-11; 07753 693 720 GIRLS’ BRIGADE Weds 5.15-8.30pm for five-year-olds and upwards, Queensbury Methodist Church, Beverley Drive 07961 321 237 Teen Manga drawing workshops. See: Learning
LONDON IRISH MUSIC SCHOOL Sats, traditional Irish music for under 14s; Oliver Goldsmith Primary, Kenton www.london irishmusicschool.co.uk 020 8205 7231 MAINLY MUSIC Weds 9.45-11am £2.50 music, dancing and instruments with social morning tea and playtime for parents, carers and children under five Wembley Christian Centre Carlton Ave East, Forty Avenue corner 07900 460 875 daveandmarc@ gmail.com MONKEY MUSIC Thurs children aged 3 months - 3 years, St James’s Church Centre, Stanley Avenue, Alperton www.monkeymusic .co.uk 01895 674 587 MUM AND TODDLER Thurs 10am-12noon, Preston Mall Community Centre, Kenton £2 020 8204 1148 PARENT TODDLER GROUP Thurs 9-10.30am 50p Barham Primary Wembley 020 8902 3706 PIONEER EXPLORER SCOUTS Weds 8-10pm for 14-18 years, Stember Hall, Leighton Gardens, NW10 01582 703121 7TH BRONDESBURY BROWNIES Tues 6pm for girls aged 7-10 in Willesden 07810 653 225 SING AND SIGN CLASSES Mon-Fri, for babies 6-18 months. Willesden Green & Kensal Rise 07790 955 576
SOCCER TRAINING Fris 6-8pm, for children, first session free Capital City Academy NW10 mdipaola@cyworks.co.uk SPLASH FOOTBALL Sats 10am-12pm, ages 5-15. Claremont High School, Claremont Avenue, Kenton, £30 for 5 weeks 07863 165 737 3RD WEMBLEY SCOUTS Fris Cubs 7-8.30pm, Scouts 7pm-9pm Clivedon Hall Clifton Way, Alperton call Andrew Stevenson 020 8997 0951 020 8902 6902 WILLESDEN DISTRICT SCOUTS Groups throughout Willesden for young people aged 6-18, adult volunteers needed 0208 459 3737 enquiries@willesden scouts.org.uk GRANVILLE PLUS YOUTH ARTS CENTRE Free creative learning activities for young people aged 11-25yrs Mons guitar (intermediate): 5.30–7pm,Taekwondo 6–8pm, vocal training (20min private lessons) 6–9pm,guitar (beginners) 7–8.30pm, song writing 7–9pm, street dance 7–9pm. Tues Brent Youth Circus Company 6–8pm, online drama project 6–9pm, fashion as a business 6–9pm, discipline dance 7–9pm. 80 Granville Road, Kilburn, NW6 5RA 020 8937 3612 tina.ramdeen@brent.gov.uk
COMMUNITY WEMBLEY NATIONAL TRUST 3rd Thurs of month, 8-10pm Sudbury Neighbourhood Centre 809 Harrow Road, Wembley 020 8904 5940
BTWSC Fri 25 Mar An Evening with Supt. Leroy Logan MBE, 6.30-8.30pm, Willesden Green Library Centre. £8, includes meal. Half price for young people. Networking session from 6-7pm, to raise awareness of Fairtrade. Collect your NARM role model DVD and booklet. btwsc@ hotmail.com 020 8450 5987 WEMBLEY LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY 7.30pm Scout House, High Road, Willesden Green. Mar 16 ‘Kilburn Stories’ by Dick Weindling, the author best known in Willesden for his co-authorship with Marianne Colloms of ‘Kilburn and West Hampstead’ and ‘Kilburn and Cricklewood’. 8 March Bring a Recipe, 22 March Books you have enjoyed. Both 8pm 76 Marlborough Hill HA1 1TY. Rhona 0208 969 3198 GONG MEDITATION I hour guided meditation through chakras using gongs, temple bells and Tibetan singing bowls. £5, 1st Weds of month. 14 Drayton Road, NW10 4EL. Also individual sessions in T’ai Chi. Sandira 07940 804098. CHATABOUT ARTHRITIS Thurs 17 Mar, 10.4511.45am Town Hall Library. Advice on how excercise and diet can help with arthritis. MOSAIC MosaicYouth.org.uk weekly youth club for lesbian, gay and bi teenagers 08000 433 411 NORTH WEST LONDON LESBIAN AND GAY GROUP Mons 8.30pm, Tenterden Sports Centre, Preston Road, Wembley 07941 707884 OVER 50S DISCUSSION GROUP Tues 11am-12.30pm The Gallery, Willesden Green Library 020 8452 8739
WILLESDEN GREEN WRITERS GROUP Thurs 8-10pm Willesden Green Library Centre www.willesdengreen writers.com
DANCE CLUB CEROC Tues 8-11pm, entry £8 plus £2 lifetime membership and a free beginner’s guide DVD, Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley, HA9. www.clubceroc.com 020 8933 4350. BELLY DANCING Mons 7.30-8.30pm (beginners), 8.30-9.30pm (improvers) £48 for 6 weeks £8 drop-in Fitness First 492-498 High Rd, Wembley, www.hayaam.com 07855 362 849 Tues 8.30-10pm NY Pilates Studio, Lonsdale Rd NW6 020 7372 3490 Sats 23pm 105 Salusbury Road NW6, £7 per lesson or £50 for 8 sessions to be used within 3 months eliftarakci@yahoo.co.uk LINE DANCING Fris 7-9pm £5 beginners, Chalkhill Community Centre, 113 Chalkhill Road, Wembley 020 8385 1836 SALSA Mons, 7.30-8.30pm Mambo City salsa £6 St Joseph’s Social Club, Empire Way, Wembley salsa@mambocity.co.uk Fris 7.30-8.30pm Willesden Sports Centre Thurs 8.15-9.30pm £4.50 07961 281 989 Mons 6.30-7.30pm Salsasize dance and exercise £4 Chalkhill Community Centre, 113 Chalkhill Road, Wembley 020 8385 1836 DA SALSA ROOM Salsa classes & club free styling night every Monday. 7.30- 8.30pm Absolute Beginners & Beginners classes £6, 8.30-9.30pm Bridge the Gap classes £6, 8.309:30pm Improvers & Intermediates classes £6, or two classes for £9. 9.45-11.30pm, club & free styling night with salsa con timba music Heritage Inn Caribbean Rhum Bar & Restaurant, 301 Cricklewood Broadway, London, NW2 6PG. 07961 281989 info@dasalsaroom.com www.dasalsaroom.com SELF EXPRESSIVE DANCE Tues 8-9.30pm, £7.50, Holy Innocents Church Hall, Bacon Lane 020 8205 6751
ADULT BEGINNERS BALLET COURSE Until 8 Dec Weds 6.307.30pm level 1, 7.308.30pm level 2 The Corrib Rest, 76-80 Salusbury Rd, NW6 6PA 07956 260 108 www.balletforyou.co.uk ADULT STREET DANCE Tues, 7.30-8.30pm, £5.15 New Bridge Park Centre, Stonebridge 020 8937 3730 BALLROOM AND LATIN Mons 7.30-11pm Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane Wembley 020 8855 6868 SEQUENCE AND TEA DANCING Mons 2-4pm sequence dance Thurs 2-4pm tea dance £1.50 all ages welcome King’s Hall Community Centre 155 Harlesden Road, Willesden 020 8459 3487 TEA DANCE Mons, Weds 1.30-4.30pm £4 Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane Wembley 020 8937 6206 Fris 24.30 pm Chalkhill Community Centre, 113 Chalkhill Road, Wembley 020 8385 1836 DANCE AT THE TRICYCLE Street Dance. Free classes for 5-18 year olds. Call Anna 020 7372 6611 for more details or visit www.tricycle.co.uk We'll Meet Again. Free activity group for the over 60s, including Drama, Art, Dance and T'ai Chi. Call Anna 020 7372 6611 for more details.
DRAMA KINGSBURY AMATEUR OPERATIC SOCIETY Thurs 7-Sun 10 April The Music Man-40th anniversary production. 7.30pm Thurs to Sat and 2.30pm Sat and Sun Kingsbury High School, Princes Ave, Kingsbury, NW9 9JR. £13. Box office 0845 020 4240 www.kaosonline.org CHAMELEONS Mons and Thurs 8pm, amateur dramatics Neasden Methodist Church, NW10 07968 965 038 DRAMA WORKHOUSE Saturday Crew workshop for children 1-2pm 7-9 years; 2-3pm 10-12 years; 4-6pm 13-18 years; under 10s £25 a term, Over 10s £40 a term; Tues adult classes 8-10pm £9.50 Dudden Hill Centre, 19 Dudden Hill Lane, NW10 www.dramaworkhouse. org.uk 07958 653 725
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TIMEout MADHATTERS Box office 020 8452 5239 www.madhatters theatre.org.uk
ENVIRONMENT KINGSBURY WALKERS Weds 1.55pm, Meet Bush Farm, Slough Lane and Salmon Street junction. 020 8907 2836 BARN HILL CONSERVATION GROUP Programme of events at Fryent Country Park (Sunday) and Roe Green Walled Garden (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) Phone 020 8206 0492 www.bhcg.btck.co.uk EXHIBITIONS The Exhibition in Print Look at the world of prints-from primitive to modern. 15 Feb-18 Mar, The Gallery at Willesden Green. Daily 2-6pm Free. little voice. Photography from co-operative ‘la société de la petite voix’ 15 Feb-18 Ma. Daily 11am-7pm. Free
LEARNING BRENT ADULT AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICE A range of courses for adults from accounts to yoga! www.brent.gov.uk /adulteducation for a full list of courses or call any of our centres: Carlton 020 8937 3990, Madison House 020 8937 3636 or Stonebridge 020 8937 3950 READING GROUP Tues 10.30am-12.30pm free weekly shared reading group, led by novelist and writer Shahrukh Husain and supported by Royal Literary Fund; Kilburn Library Salusbury Road, NW6 020 8451 1834 shah.hussein@ btinternet.com TAMIL READING GROUP Last Sat of month 2.304.30pm Tamil literature, language and culture with guest speakers; Willesden Green Library Centre NW10 020 8937 3400 yamuna.tharmendiran @brent.gov.uk UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE Courses, talks and workshops 020 8933 7558 www.brentu3a.org.uk WORKERS EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION Thurs 10am classes held in coffee lounge at St John’s Church Wembley, entrance via gate in Harrow Road 020 8904 5940
TEEN MANGA WORKSHOPS Award-winning cartoonist Steve Marchant will lead workshops on Cartooning & Manga at Brent Town Hall Library on Sat 5 & 12 March. The workshops will run from 2-4pm. 020 8937 3500 or www.brent.gov.uk /libraries
MUSIC VOCALITY WILLESDEN COMMUNITY CHOIR Mons 8-10pm first session free, Willesden Green Library Centre, Space 2 95 High Road, NW10 07985 094 322 WILLESDEN GREEN CHOIR Mons 8-10pm. Songs from all over the world, no auditions, first session FREE Willesden Green Library Centre, Space 2, NW10 2SF. www. vocalitysinging.co.uk
SPORTS & LEISURE KIDS BOXING (NONCONTACT) CLASSES Extra classes. Now on 3 days per week 4-5.30pm. Please book your childs place. £3 per class. Mum's Daytime Keep Fit Classes. Every Wed, Thurs & Fri 09.3010.30am. (First class is free) £5 per class. realfit ness@hotmail.co.uk Real Fitness London Ltd, 162 Anson Road, Gladstone Pk London NW2 6BH. Kids Boxing Class Mon Fri 4-5pm £3 Per session. Ages 4-11. Noncontact boxing. www.realfitness.org.uk 020 8205 3155 or Wayne on 07717 005 264 BROTHERS PEARSE CAMOGIE CLUB Ladies’ hurling club, all levels welcome, call Mary Cahill 07904 685 276 CENTURY BOWLS CLUB Indoor and outdoor bowls, free coaching available, social activities, Logan Road, Wembley 020 8904 3261 LADIES KEEP FIT Weds 7.30-8.30pm Mandhata Centre, 20a Rosemead Avenue, Wembley 07930 593 988 rupal@classiccreations.info QUEENS PARK HARRIERS Tues & Thurs 7-8pm, Willesden Sport Centre www.queenspark harriers.org.uk BRONDESBURY BOWLING CLUB Evenings and daytime including free tuition, Chatsworth Road 020 8438 0302
YOGA Mons-Suns beginners and advanced classes in hatha and dynamic flow yoga; pre and post natal and children’s classes; Special Yoga Centre 2a Wrentham Ave, Kensal Rise, 020 8968 1900 www.specialyoga.org.uk Mons 6.30-7.30 pm, Thurs 7-8pm, Sun 1112noon, special Jan course £60, drop-in £10 Gladstone Community Centre, 162 Anson Road 07901 650 763 Mons 12pm, Sats 9-10am, £2,50 per lesson Dudden Hill Centre, Dudden Hill Lane, NW10 020 8459 1107 Tues 7.45pm sahaja yoga at Victoria Hall, Sheepcote Road, Harrow 020 8097 5985 Weds 10.30am-12.30pm Dudden Hill Community Centre, 19 Dudden Hill Lane, NW10 bhakti yoga free classes, call Karano 020 8450 9603 07913 897 406 Thurs 7.30pm-9pm experienced students, Victoria Hall, Sheepcote Road, Harrow 020 8861 5663 Tues 9.20-10.30am Laughter Yoga, Roundwood Park Cafe, NW10. Children free, refreshments provided www.lifebulb.org Thurs 7.15–8.30pm Evening Laughter Yoga, Nest Cafe, Willesden Green Station, NW2 4QT. £10/£8 www.lifebulb.org SUDBURY COURT RUNNING CLUB Tues and Thurs 7.20pm, (1st Tues of month for beginners) meet at Wembley and Sudbury Tennis and Squash Club, Sylvester Road, Wembley; social runs and group runs www.sudburycourt .org.uk 020 8904 8814 PRESTON PARK BOWLS CLUB New members welcome, free coaching and loan of bowls Preston Park Recreation Ground, Carlton Avenue East 020 8933 9358 020 8427 1590 TAEKWONDO Mons 7-9pm, Sat 1011am Holy Innocents Church Hall, Bacon Lane Kingsbury 07799 546 428 BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU Kids classes Tues, Weds and Thurs from 4pm. Adult classes Tues and Thurs 7-8.30pm and Sun 3.30-5pm. Willesden Sports Centre, Donnington Road, NW10 07092 845 640 or www.bjjschool.co.uk
WHIST CLUB Tues 7.30-10.15pm Kingsbury Horticultural Association, The Pavilion Old Kenton Lane Allotments, new members welcome call Bill 07957 965 692 WILLESDEN & DISTRICT TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE Founded in 1935, new clubs wanted for 2010211 season 020 8965 2800 TAI CHI Tues 10-11.30am all levels 10-week course £40, concs £12.50 BACES 3 Madison House 24-28 London Road Wembley 020 8795 3977 Tues, 6.30-8pm beginners, 8.30-9pm advanced, St Anne’s hall, 125 Salusbury Rd, NW6 07939 043 580 Weds, 1.30-2.30pm, £2 over 55s, beginners, gentle movements (health questionnaire must be completed first) Fitness First, Kingsbury 07957 185 367 PKA-KICKBOXING Sudbury. Mons 7.15 8.45pm (ages 12+ & adults) St Andrew’s Church Scouts Hut, 956 Harrow Road, Sudbury, HA0 2QA. Wembley, Kids classes (5-11) Thurs 6.307.30pm, 12+ & Adults classes Thurs 7.30-9pm, St Augustine's Church Hall, 154 Wembley Hill Road HA9 8EW, 07865 962 620, sam@kickboxinglondon.co.uk www. pka-kickboxing.com TAEKWONDO Tues 6-9pm, Thurs 67.30pm, Ealing Road Methodist Church 07832 447 763 Mons 6.30-8pm, Weds 6.308pm, Cardinal Hinsley School NW10 07832 447 763 PILATES Mons 7-8pm, Sats 1011am Living Well Health Club, Wembley Plaza Hotel, Empire Way, £5 07903 937 909 Thurs 7.30pm beginner to intermediate, feel strengthened, lengthened and relaxed The Lady House, Hay Lane Kingsbury, book in advance Di Hurley 07958 140 003
WEMBLEY BOWLS CLUB Weds 3pm onwards all levels welcome, tuition offered by experienced lawn bowls players King Edward VII Park, Park Lane Wembley 020 8907 8626 WEMBLEY AND SUDBURY TENNIS AND SQUASH CLUB Social and competitive play; active juniors, Sylvester Road, off Harrowdene Road. 020 8998 3677 020 8902 8098 WU SHU KWAN Chinese kickboxing. Sats 3-5pm, Willesden Sports Centre, Donnington Road, NW10. 07835 244 398 www.wushukwan.com SUDBURY COURT BADMINTON CLUB Thurs 8-10pm, The Mall, Kingsbury 020 8904 6698 COLES GREEN TENNIS CLUB Social and competitive tennis at small friendly family club. Adult and junior concessions available. Coles Green Road. NW2 7ER tennis nwlondon@live.co.uk 07590 8304229 WOODCOCK PARK BOWLING Season starts Sat 30 April. Open day Sun 8 May. Tuition & loan of bowls. Contact Ian 020 8907 2701 BRIDGE PARK COMMUNITY LEISURE CENTRE Brentfield, Harrow Road, London NW10 0RG 020 8937 3730. CHARTERIS SPORTS CENTRE 24-30 Charteris Road, Kilburn, London NW6 7ET 020 8937 3644. VALE FARM SPORTS CENTRE Watford Road, North Wembley, HA0 3HG, 020 8909 6545 WILLESDEN SPORTS CENTRE Donnington Road, Willesden, NW10 3QX, 020 8955 1120
Badminton See: Sports & Leisure
MARCH 2011
VENUES BRENT MUSEUM BRENT MUSEUM High Road, NW10 020 8937 3600 BRENT ARCHIVES Ist Floor, Willesden Green Library Centre, NW10 020 8937 3541 archives@brent.gov.uk PAUL DAISLEY HALL Forty Lane, Wembley, Middx HA9 Box Office 020 8937 6206/6203 STABLES GALLERY ARTS CENTRE Gladstone Park, Dollis Hill Lane, London NW2 020 8452 8655 Thursday – Sunday 11am-6pm TRICYCLE THEATRE CINEMA AND GALLERY 269 Kilburn High Road,London NW6 Theatre Box Office 020 7328 1000 Cinema Box Office 020 7328 1900 Disabled access to auditorium and cafe induction loop in auditorium Minicom 020 7625 5105 WEMBLEY ARENA Box Office 0870 060 0870 www.livenation.co.uk/wembley
LIBRARIES Barham Park Library Harrow Road, Sudbury, Middx 020 8937 3550 barhamparklibrary@brent.gov.uk Cricklewood Library 152 Olive Road NW2 020 8937 3540 cricklewoodlibrary@brent.gov.uk Ealing Road Library Ealing Road, Wembley, Middx 020 8937 3560 ealingroadlibrary@brent.gov.uk Harlesden Library Craven Park Road, Harlesden, London NW10 020 8937 3570 harlesdenlibrary@brent.gov.uk Kensal Rise Library Bathurst Gardens, NW10 020 8937 3660 kensalriselibrary@brent.gov.uk Kilburn Library Salusbury Road, London NW6 020 8937 3530 kilburnlibrary@brent.gov.uk Kingsbury Library Plus Kingsbury Road, Kingsbury, London NW9 020 8937 3520 kingsburylibrary@brent.gov.uk Neasden Library 277 Neasden Lane, London NW1 020 8937 3580 neasdenlibrary@brent.gov.uk Preston Road Library Carlton Avenue East, Wembley, Middx 020 8937 3510 prestonlibrary@brent.gov.uk Tokyngton Library Monks Park, Wembley, Middx 020 8937 3590 tokyngtonlibrary@brent.gov.uk Town Hall Library Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley, Middx 020 8937 3500 townhalllibrary@brent.gov.uk Willesden Green Library High Road, Willesden, London NW10 020 8937 3400 willesdengreenlibrary@brent.gov.uk THE BRENT MAGAZINE
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