Medical and Dental Professionals 09.20.2024

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Local therapist emphasizes importance of mental wellness

An estimated 26 percent of Americans -- one in every four -- 18 years or older suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year – up from one in five before 2022, according Johns Hopkins Medicine.

With this higher number, the Healthy Minds Counseling Center in Brentwood is dedicated to providing mental health counseling and psychiatry services. Led by owner and founder Kira Monterrey, the Healthy Minds Counseling Center’s mission is to empower each individual to overcome their challenges and embrace life’s potential, offering services ranging from individual therapy, mental health counseling, and marriage counseling, assisting individuals, couples, teens, families, and veterans.

“If people are not taking care of their mental health, it can affect their quality of life,” Monterrey said. “Sometimes, people have mental health challenges that can create barriers, such as relationships or being successful at work.”

see Wellness page 12

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How to maintain orthodontic health

Achieving straighter teeth and an aligned bite requires a years-long commitment. Patients work with orthodontists, who are professionals in teeth and jaw alignment. Having malocclusion, otherwise known as crooked teeth, or a misaligned jaw is not just a matter of appearance. It can lead to dental issues like tooth decay, gum disease and

difficult or painful chewing, according to WebMD.

The overall goal of orthodontic treatment is to improve bite so that one can eat, chew and speak properly. There are several things people can do to help improve the outcome of orthodontic treatment and maintain good oral health throughout.

Brush and floss frequently

The American Dental Association recommends brushing teeth twice daily

with fluoride toothpaste for at least two minutes and to floss regularly as well. However, while wearing orthodontic braces or clear aligners, it’s likely you will have to brush and floss more frequently. Food can get stuck in the small spaces of the braces and bacteria can grow if not removed.

Avoid sticky situations

Avoid foods that are very sticky, such as caramel, gum, licorice, taffy, and jelly beans. They can get caught on braces and aligners and lead to a mess.

Stay away from hard treats

Biting on hard popcorn kernels, pretzels, pizza and bread crusts, hardshelled nuts, tortilla chips, and other foods can dislodge brackets and wires, necessitating repairs.

Invest in a water pick/flosser

Interdental cleaning is important. Specific tools can help to remove food particles from between and around orthodontic appliances, SmileBliss Orthodontics says.

Wear bands and appliances

When the orthodontist says to wear rubber bands, aligners and extra gear for a certain amount of time, it is key to do so. Following directions ensures that treatment will go according to plan and you won’t have to stay in treatment longer.

Wear retainers as instructed

Many people think that once braces or aligners are off it is time to rest on their laurels. However, if you don’t wear a retainer after braces are removed, your teeth may shift, potentially resulting in having to go through orthodontic treatment again in the future.

Consider a multipurpose mouthwash

Mouthwashes don’t just prevent bad breath. Multipurpose formulations may contain fluoride to help prevent plaque buildup and gingivitis and reduce tooth sensitivity.

For more orthodontic information call Alameda Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics at 510-521-5437 or – Courtesy of Metro Creative

While highlighting the importance of mental health and when one suffers from a mental disorder, Monterrey discussed its effects on the human body, potentially leading to digestive problems, muscle tension, muscle spasms, along with the increase in the amount of cortisol; a stress hormone that has an effect on every organ and tissue.

“Mental health state is very closely related to our nervous system,” Monterrey said.”So if someone is stressed or anxious, they could be depressed, chronically tired, fatigued, weak, tired, or have low motivation. “If negative emotions intensify, that could worsen pain, which could cause anxiety, sadness, and hopelessness.”

With every geographic area having different health needs, Monterrey says the team at The Healthy Minds Counseling Center has different people focusing on different specialties. Monterrey’s primary focus is on trauma-related disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, veterans, first responders, and chronic pain illnesses. Locally, Monterrey identifies the need for teen mental health, along with studying the mental health needs of the veterans population in East County.

“What we see living in a high-cost area is people who have to work really hard to make ends meet, parents that have to commute, and a lot of kids with expectations to perform well at school and get into a good college,” Monterrey said. “Those are the things that can impact

people in this area. Parents aren’t home due to commuting to work, and there are not a lot of resources.”

In addition to her commitments at The Healthy Minds Counseling Center, Monterrey, an Air Force veteran and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is also active in the community. She offers free self-esteem workshops for teenagers, volunteering at local veterans’ “Stand Down” events, and advocates for mental health and veterans’ services. Monterrey

offers these tips for mindfulness:

Importance of a healthy diet:

“It takes energy to manage your thoughts. Different foods can impact different parts for the brain. Are we getting enough energy to the brain? If you are not eating properly, you’re going to have a hard time managing your mood. Certain foods will make it more difficult to focus and concentrate.”


adequate sleep:

“Lack of sleep can make it very difficult to manage moods and emotions. It can magnify anxiety and depression, and can lead to a cycle of insomnia and nightmares. Even depressed people feel fatigued, but can suffer from insomnia.” Monterrey says sleep can vary, and while teens should be ideally getting 10 hours of sleep, and adults 8 hours, it also depends on the quality of sleep.

Mindful breathing:

Monterrey says when people become anxious, nervous, or have a panic attack,

breathing will become shallower, which could signal the nervous system to ramp up. Slow breathing brings it back down to baseline. “Take a breath in, look around the room and point out five things you can see, five things you hear, and five things you can feel.”

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Monterrey also added that people’s minds may either be in the past or the future. When someone is ruminating about the past and a particular trauma, it could potentially lead to feelings of anger, sadness, or grief, while other times, people instead project their mindsets to the future, thinking about all the possible things that could go wrong. “Humans biologically are hard-wired with a negative bias,” Monterrey said. “Historically, this has shown that this has kept us safe. But we need to train our minds to be aware of that mindfulness. Be mindful of where our bodies are, and redirect our attention into the present moment.”

The Healthy Minds Counseling Center is at 191 Sand Creek Road, Suite 230 in Brentwood. For details, visit https:// For a free phone consultation, call 925-663-8158 or email at

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