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Peter J. Norgaard Oct. 9, 1946 – Feb. 3, 2020
Pete passed away on Monday, Feb. 3, 2020. He was the only child of Hank and Pat Norgaard. He is survived by “the luckiest woman in the world,” Debbie Norgaard of Brentwood. He is also survived by his four beautiful children: daughter #1, Anjanette Gallia and son-in-law, Jason, of Pinole; daughter #1, Stacy Norgaard of Pinole; daughter #1, Danielle Norgaard of Irvine; and the golden child, his son, Nicholas Norgaard, and soon
to-be daughter-in-law, Jessica Fiore of Santa Rosa. Pete’s grandchildren include Gina Gallia, Liliana and Giana Santiago and grand-dog, Hurley Norgaard. Pete is survived by his two brothers-in-law, Mike Dillman and his wife and children of Fairfield, and Steve Dillman of Fairfield. Pete is also survived by his cousin, Kathy Hendry of Scottsdale, Arizona.
Pete was born and raised in Pinole, California. He attended elementary school in Pinole and graduated from Richmond High School. He graduated from California State University, Hayward’s Teacher Education Program in 1971. His teaching career included Downer Junior High and Pinole Valley High School where he was a history and PE teacher and basketball coach. Under Pete’s coaching, the team won the North Coast Sectionals. After he left teaching in 1986, he went to work for Lathrop Construction. Pete then joined Van Pelt Construction in the late ’90s where he worked until his retirement in 2018.
Pete, an avid golfer, enjoyed spending time and traveling with his family, betting on his favorite teams, going to March Madness, attending local sporting events and going to the horse races including the Kentucky Derby, which he was able to check off his bucket list. He continued his love of coaching through his children’s sporting activities. He loved going to concerts and especially loved the concerts in the park when the Breakfast Club was performing.
Pete was known for his quick wit, sarcastic sense of humor and giant heart of gold. Those closest to Pete knew he was the kind of man who would give the shirt off his back for any of his friends or family; he was always there for everyone and made everyone in his life feel important especially in their most trying times.
A celebration of Pete’s life will be held at Lone Tree Golf and Event Center on April 10 at 10:30 a.m.
In lieu of flowers, donation can be made to two of Pete’s favorite charities that he worked closely with: • Deuker Memorial Scholarship Foundation C/O Lathrop Construction Associates: 4001 Park Road, Benicia, CA 94510 • Shirley Ann Foundation LLC: 550 Harvest Park Drive, Suite B, Brentwood, CA 94514

On Feb. 16, 2020, Cindy Lee Prince — wife, mother, grandmother, daughter and sister — passed away in her sleep at the age of 55. Cindy will be forever remembered by her husband, Robert Prince, and their children, Devinee Myers, Michael Prince Cindy Lee Prince
and Matt Prince. Cindy moved to Brentwood in 2004, shortly after she built her own business in downtown Brentwood, known as Athena’s Hair Studio. Please join us in celebrating her life on March 22, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., in the main hall of the Brentwood Senior Activity Center, 193 Griffith lane, Brentwood.
Air Force firefighter

Tyler Evans, a Brentwood resident and Liberty High School graduate class of 2019, is an official Air Force firefighter preparing to leave for Germany on his first assignment. Tyler completed his basic military training in July and recently graduated from the Air Force Fire Academy at Goodfellow Air Force Base in San Angelo, Texas. Photo courtesy of Nicole Evans
Worship Services
Camino Diablo Rd. & McCabe Rd. Byron • 634-6625 MASSES Sat. Evening 5:00 pm Mass Sunday Community Life Center 8:30 & 10:30 am 12:30 pm/Español Weekday: Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am – Chapel P.O. Box 476, Byron 94514 www.stannechurchbyron.com
Resurrection Ministries
Sunday Worship • 8:30 - Classic • 9:30 - Sunday School - all ages • 10:45 - Family Praise “Connecting People to Christ” Pastor Dave Prill
1275 Fairview Ave. • Brentwood 634-5180 www.rezministry.org an outreach of the Lutheran Church Missouri – Synod

SUNDAY 10:00AM WORSHIP SERVICE 1900 Willow Lake Rd. Discovery Bay (925) 634-0184 www.dcpcfamily.org Delta Community Presbyterian Church
Immaculate Heart of Mary 500 Fairview • Brentwood • 634-4154 MASSES / MISAS SATURDAY/SÁBADO: 5pm English; 6:30pm Español SUNDAY/DOMINGO 7:30am • 9:00am • 12:30pm English 10:45am • 2:00pm Español; 5:00pm Latin www.IHMBrentwood.com
List your church here for as little as $25. Call today! 624-1441
Brentwood Community United Methodist Church Love God... Love People... S erve The World... Sunday Worship Service 10:30 AM (925) 634-3093 Sunday School & Youth Ministry www.brentwoodumc.org 809 Second Street Downtown Brentwood Sunday School & Youth Ministry 809 Second Street Downtown Brentwood (925) 634-3093 Reconciling Congregation Brentwood Community United Methodist Church www.brentwoodumc.org Sunday Worship Service 10:30 AM
www.openheavenscommunitychurch.org Come experience Open Heavens in your life at our • SundayWorship 10am • DailyFellowship 7pm to 8pm • FridayMiracle Prayers 10pm to 1am
3933A Walnut Blvd. Brentwood • 481-4936
Excelsior Middle School 14301 Byron Hwy., Byron www.marinersdiscoverychurch.com 925-354-1096 Delivering God’s Love Sunday 10:00 am Family Friendly Worship Service Mariner’s DISCOVERY Church
SUNDAYS @ Knightsen School 1923 Delta Road, Knightsen 10:00 AM - Worship See Website for Details Pastor: Frank Griffith