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Oakley votes to protect funding sources
By Chris Campos Staff Writer

OAKLEY At the request of City Manager

Josh McMurray, the City Council adopted a resolution stating the city’s opposition to the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act, which will appear on the November 2024 ballot. The initiative, backed by the California Business Roundtable, would limit government agencies’ ability to impose fees and taxes.
Council member Shannon Shaw stated “Our options on funding sources are already limited. We should protect what we’ve got.” The vote passed 5-0.
In other action, Scott Wannamaker, assistant fire chief with the Contra Costa County Fire District (ConFire), also presented an upbeat report to the Council on the ongoing improvements to fire services fueled by the tax boost from Measure X at Stations 93 and 95 in the city. After years of bleak assessments from the former East Contra Costa Fire Department, ConFire is now filling fresh engine crews at formerly shut stations in the area.
Wannamaker also noted that all engine crews are now staffed with crews with advanced life support training. All companies are also staffed by certified emergency medical technicians. Wannamaker also described his EMS division’s helicopter and canine services.
In other mostly routine votes, the Council voted unanimously to approve a “compliance checklist” for the Contra Costa Transportation Authority, which will keep transit funding for approved projects flowing to the city.
The City Council also hailed the work of the East Contra Costa Historical
Society, which posted their mobile history banners funded with a city grant in the Council Chambers Tuesday night.

Doreen Pierce Forlow, Carol Jensen and Juli Del Barba Favatora represented the Society and described their program “Oakley Through Time” Banner Project, which aims to foster understanding of Oakley’s rich history of development over the decades starting with the settling of the area by Miwok Native American tribe.
Jensen noted, “Oakley is the heart of the California Delta.” Forlow reported on the group’s education efforts through the banner project at local schools and thanked the Council for their moral and financial support.

For more information: www. ci.oakley.ca.us/agendas-minutes-videosarchive/