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Discovery Bay town awards presented at gala Business, nonprofit and citizen of the year honored
Staff Reports
The Discovery Bay Chamber of Commerce hosted their State of the Town Gala on Saturday, Jan. 28 at the Discovery Bay Country Club where this year’s theme was Casino Royale.
Ashley Porter and Police Chief Lewis Broschard spoke on the State of the Town, and expressed their appreciation for all the vested parties that were able to come together and get the fire district coverage.
Tony George was the master of ceremonies and auctioneer as everyone gathered to celebrate the honorees.
The Business of the Year for 2022 went to The Discovery Bay Marina, owned and operated by Joe and Denise
Eldam, for their revitalization of the marina area and by bringing many soughtafter changes to fruition. The other nominees were Dudum Real Estate Group and Uptown Trends.
The Non-Profit of the Year went to Rhodie’s Rescue – an all-volunteer organization led by Carolynne Steen and Jennifer Kavros, whose mission is to save the most in-need dogs from high-kill shelters and neglectful or abandonment situations. The other nominees were Bethel Island Children’s Support and DBYC Splashers.
Cindy Patterson was chosen as the Citizen of the Year for 2022 for keeping the Discovery Bay Chamber functioning for the past three years in addition to her many hours of volunteer service. The other nominees were Frank Morgan and Lisa Ray Combs.
In addition, many local educators were recognized. Teacher of the Year awards went to Bernadette Geer for Timber Point Elementary School and District, Julie Clarke for Discovery Bay Elementary School and Sandi Worrell for Excelsior Middle School.
The three people honored for Classified Employee of the Year for their respective Schools: as Site Teachers of the Year were: Sonia Cubic (Timber Point), Dani Cushman (Excelsior) and Amber by Greg Robinson
Cindy Patterson was chosen by the Discovery Bay Chamber of Commerce as the 2022 Citizen of the Year during a Jan. 28 gala. The ceremony also included awards for non-profit of the year, business of the year and more.
Rennert (Discovery Bay Elementary).
For more information about the Discovery Bay Chamber of Commerce, visit www.discoverybaychamber.org
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For more information, email contacthalo@ yahoo.com or visit www.eccchalo.org