6 minute read

Domino is a loving lap cat, super sweet and playful. He enjoys playing with his brothers, Diesel and Dexter. Springs, strings, and toy mice are his favorite toys. For more information and to meet Domino, please contact his foster mom at nancy.eccchalo@gmail.com. Thank you for considering a DSH male rescue kitten.

For print, email your events to calendar@brentwoodpress.com one week prior to publication. For online, post your events for free on The Press Community Calendar www.thepress.net/calendar.

Saturday, Feb. 4
Trinkets & Treasures Flea Market
The Oakley Senior Center is hosting a Trinkets & Treasures Flea Market from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at 215 Second St. The event will also feature a silent auction at 10 a.m.
Lunar New Year Festival
The Heritage High School Chinese Culture Club is hosting a Lunar New Year Festival in downtown Brentwood on Oak Street between 2nd and 3rd streets from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and will feature vendors and Lunar New Year festivities. A lion dance is scheduled at 9:30, and there will be a children’s area for crafts and calligraphy.
5th Annual Crab Feed
The Knights of Columbus are hosting their annual crab feed at Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building on 757 First St., from 6-10 p.m. The event will feature a no-host bar, all-you-can-eat crab, along with a raffle and door prizes. Tickets are $65, and can be purchased from Chris Romero at 925-642-8782.
Wednesday, Feb. 8
Galentine’s Day Sip & Shop
The Downtown Brentwood Coalition is hosting their first Galentine’s Day Sip & Shop from 4:30-8 p.m. throughout downtown. The event will also include raffles, drawings and prizes. The event is free and check-in starts at 4:30 p.m. at Brentwood Craft on 234 Oak St.
Saturday, Feb. 11
1st annual Sweetheart 5K Run/Walk
The Rotary Club of Brentwood is hosting their first annual Sweetheart 5K (3.1 miles) Run/Walk from 9-11 a.m. at Veterans Park at 3841 Balfour Road, replacing their previous New Year’s Day 5K. The race registration fee is $35 and the sign-up fee is $4. For more information and to register, visit https://www.runbrentwood.com
Saturday, Feb. 18
Annual Crab Feed
Brentwood’s American Legion Post 202 is hosting their annual crab feed from 5-10 p.m. at the Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building at 757 First St. The event will also include a raffle. Tickets are $55, and can be purchased by contacting Phil at 925-516-2141.

Saturday, Feb. 25
22nd Heart to Heart Gala:
“A Taste of Italy”
An Elderly Wish Foundation is hosting their 22nd Heart to Heart Gala from 5:30-10 p.m. at the Lone Tree Golf & Event Center at 4800 Golf Course Road in Antioch. The event will feature an Italian buffet dinner, live auction and live entertainment. The Elderly Wish Foundation grants wishes to anyone 50 and older in Contra Costa County who are living with chronic illness. Tickets are $80. For more information, call 925-978-1883 or visit https://www.elderlywish.org/
Lions Club of Brentwood Crab Feed
The Lions Club of Brentwood is hosting an all-you-can-eat crab feed from 6-10 p.m. at the Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building at 757 First St. The event will benefit the Lions Center for the Visually Impaired, and features a raffle and table decorating contest. Tickets are $80, and can be purchased at https://eclubhouse.org/sites/brentwoodca/\

Liberty Lions 10th Annual Crab Feed
The Liberty Lions Band Boosters is hosting their 10th annual crab feed at the Brentwood Community Center on 35 Oak St., from 5:30-9:30 p.m. The event will also include auctions, prizes and cocktails. Tickets are $85, or $800 for a table of 10. For more information, and to purchase tickets, visit http://bit. ly/3XyoTVa.

Ongoing Events
Liberty Adult Education Winter Course Catalog
Class registration is open for English Second Language, GED, Computer Technology and Community Interest Classes. Register online at www.libertyadulted.org, call the Adult Education office at 925-634-2565 or in person at the Adult Education office.
East County Rotary Club Meetings
Brentwood: The Brentwood Rotary Club meets weekly on Monday at noon at the Wedgewood Banquet Center at 100 Summerset Drive in Brentwood. For more information, visit https://www.brentwoodrotary94513.com Oakley: The Oakley Rotary Club meets weekly on Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at Black Bear Diner, 3201 Main St. in Oakley. For more information, visit http://rotaryclubofoakley.com Antioch: The Antioch Rotary Club meets weekly on Thursday at noon at Lone Tree Golf Course & Event Center, 4800 Golf Course Road in Antioch. For more information, visit http://www.antiochrotaryclub.com/. The Rotary Club of the Delta meets weekly on Wednesday at 7 a.m. at Denny’s, 4823 Lone Tree Way in Antioch. For more information, visit https://www.rotaryclubofthedelta.org/.
East County Lions Club Meetings
Brentwood: The Brentwood Lions Club meets the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Straw Hat Pizza on Lone Tree Way. For more information, visit: https://e-clubhouse.org/sites/ brentwoodca/ Oakley: The Oakley Lions Club meets the fourth Wednesdays of every month at 7 p.m. at the Oakley Senior Center, for more information, visit https://e-clubhouse.org/sites/ brentwoodca/ Antioch: The Antioch Lions Club meets every second and fourth Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Denny’s on Delta Fair Blvd.
Discovery Bay: The Discovery Bay Lions Club meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Discovery Bay Yacht Club. For more information, visit:https://discoverybaylions. com/who-we-are/meetings/ Byron: The Byron Delta Lions Club meets every first Friday of each month at 10 a.m. at St. Anne’s Church for more information https://e-clubhouse.org/sites/ byron_delta/
Oakley Senior Center Food Distribution
The Oakley Senior Center at 215 2nd St, gives out free food every Thursday from 1-2:30 p.m. Residents are asked to bring their own grocery bags.
Discovery Bay Corvette Club Meetings
The nonprofit Discovery Bay Corvette Club meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Discovery Bay Yacht Club, 5871 Marina Road, Bilge Room. The club is dedicated to the enjoyment of owning and driving America’s sports car. For more information, drop by a meeting or contact the membership vice president at 925-341-9433. For more information on the club, visit www.discoverybaycorvetteclub.com
California Striped Bass Association West Delta Chapter Meeting
The California Striped Bass Association meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at Sportsmen Yacht Club, 3301 Wilbur Ave., Antioch. For more information, call Moe Adams five days before meeting at 916-529-1192. For more information, visit www.csbadeltachapter.org
Marine Corps League, Delta Diablo Detachment 1155, monthly meeting
Community Chorus
The Brentwood Community Chorus meets on Tuesdays from 7- 9 p.m. at Brentwood Community United Methodist Church on 809 Second St. It is open to all ages and abilities as they prepare for their spring season.
Informal Gardeners
Monthly Meetings
Delta Informal Gardeners encourages local residents to join them at their local meeting at the Brentwood Community United Methodist Church at 809 2nd St. on the 4th Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
ACA Women’s Group
The ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) Women’s Group meets every Wednesday at 5 p.m. at 809 Second St. in Brentwood. For more information, contact Cici at 530-306-7034.
Nonprofit offers Health Care Career Courses
The nonprofit Opportunity Junction is accepting applications for its Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program at two locations including the Opportunity Junction Antioch office at 3102 Delta Fair Blvd. Classes began in September. The CNA program includes 12 weeks of training, life skills training, hands-on clinical experience, and job placement assistance. The first step in taking the course is to complete an application form online by visiting https://opportunityjunction. secure.force.com/apply/HCP
The Marine Corps League, Delta Diablo Detachment 1155, hosts its monthly meeting on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building, 757 First St., in Brentwood. The group is open to all active or retired U.S. Marines. Attendees are encouraged to bring a veteran friend, and spouses are always welcome. The meetings feature camaraderie, food, drink, conversation and updates on upcoming events. For more information, call 925-338-1775, email MCL1155@outlook.com or visit https://www. mcl1155.org/.
Applications accepted for Administrative Careers Training
The nonprofit Opportunity Junction is accepting applications for its administrative careers training program. Classes are taught via Zoom. The intensive training is 12 weeks, followed by up to four months of paid internship. Participants will learn life and business skills, and can earn their Microsoft Office Skills certificate. For more information, visit https://www.opportunityjunction.org/program-application
Widow and Widower Grief Support Group
A widow and widower grief support group from Immaculate Heart of Mary Church meets every Thursday from 5 to 6:15 p.m. at the church library at 500 Fairview Ave. in Brentwood. The group focuses on finding a new normal as attendees walk the grief trail with others experiencing the same loss. For more information, contact Mary Ann Smith at 925-240-1706 or Sandy Heinisch at 925-513-3412.