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Brentwood spring cleanup dates announced
Brentwood residents who have an active garbage account are invited to participate in free Neighborhood Cleanup events on the following dates: April 29, May 6, 13 and 20.
Residents can bring up to two cubic yards (one pickup truck load or a small utility trailer load) of unwanted household items including general yard waste, appliances, furniture, mattresses, metal, computers, TVs and other electronic waste, free of charge, to the Brentwood Transfer Station at 2301 Elkins Way. From Brentwood Boulevard, go east on Sunset Road, then north on Elkins Way. Continue to the end of the road, then turn left.
Online registration for the spring cleanup events is open at www.brentwoodca.gov/cleanup.
Residents must register online by selecting from the pre-scheduled dates and times in order to participate. Registration closes when at full capacity or two days prior to the event date, whichever comes first.
What to bring:
♦ Have your email confirmation, your City of Brentwood utility bill and your identification (driver’s license) available at event check-in.
♦ Wear closed-end shoes. They are required for safety reasons.
♦ Children/pets must remain in cars when materials are dropped off.
What you can drop off
♦ Recycling – When loading separate these items for recycling: appliances, electronic waste, mattresses, metal, clean wood (unpainted, no particle board), cardboard, yard waste and passenger tires only (max. 4 tires).
♦ Remove batteries – They are considered hazardous waste.