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Preserving the past while keeping it fresh County fair on May 18-21 in Antioch

This year’s Contra Costa County Fair vows to preserve its tradition of popular attraction while also making room for fresh faces to keep modern fair-goers happy, according to fair officials.
The fair’s theme this year is ‘Once Upon A Fair’ at the county fairgrounds at 1201 West 10th St., Antioch.

The fair runs Thursday, May 18 through Sunday, May 21. Gates open at noon each day.

“The theme for the 2023 fair was submitted by a 4H leader, and staff liked it, so we ran with it”, said Fair Executive Director Joe Brengle in an email.
He also said the 2023 fair has some new entertainment including Sea Lion Splash, “which will provide an entertaining and educational experience about both California and South American Sea Lions,” Brengle said.
There’s also Sarah Nap, a worldfamous cheese carver, and Eric Hanes, a one-man band.

The favorite part of the fair for fairgoers, he said, are the carnival rides and the food, adding that his favorite part “is all the people, and the smiles on their faces.”
The biggest improvement this year, like every year, he said, is that the fair “gives members of the community the opportunity to showcase their talents, be it a photograph, or a quilt, or their prize turkey or their dancing and singing talents. The County Fair is a showcase of the community.”
He said nothing from last year needed to be improved, “but we strive each year to provide new and different entertainment and educational opportunities for the fairgoers.”

Brengle said fair officials expect 35,000 and 40,000 fairgoers this year, “but we would be happy if we were even with last year’s attendance of just over 39,000.”
He said attendance at county fairs statewide “tends to go through waves of ups and downs, with various factors. But since the pandemic, fairs have seen an increase in attendance, as the general public wants to get out and do things, and they want to stay local.”
Brengle said that at most fairs stateand nationwide, most aspects stay the same. “There are certain elements of the fair that are traditional,” he said, “and remain somewhat the same each year. But in other areas, we are constantly changing to keep up with the demands of the fairgoing public.”
The Fairgrounds celebrates all that is best in Contra Costa County while preserving the agricultural heritage of the community, according to the fair website. Its mission statement is “to promote agriculture education and to provide and support a safe community gathering place.”

Its vision statement says the fair “is vital to its communities by building upon the past to provide for the future.”

Ticket prices are as follows: Adults (advance) $9; Carnival wristband ($30); child (age 6-12, advance) $6; seniors (62 and older) $6.
For more information, call 925-7574000 or visit contracostafair.com.