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Watching the electoral process play out

In 1951, the year I was born, Harry S. Truman was the 33rd president of the terms that changed with the ratification of the 22 amendment to the Constitution “ Through my almost because of that fascination and the fact that I had a wonderful teacher made it even more United States. Obviously, I couldn’t vote for him. Then in 1953, the people elected in 1951. It states that no person may be elected president more than twice, and no seven decades, I have seen enjoyable. Every president had their own stories, accomplishments and, yes, mistakes Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower as number one who has served more than two years of the good and the not so that have been chronicled and archived for 34 and again, I was too young to vote, of course, but he was a term in which someone else was elected may be reelected more than once. Grover good. We have always history buffs like me to enjoy. This week we learned the result of our

Senior Corner the first president that I can actually remember. This week Cleveland’s historical legacy was being the only president who served two nonconsecutive terms in office and is counted as survived and moved on when things were not the easiest. current election. The stressful and endless days of counting the ballots had everyone on the edge of their seats as well as the edge was the election of our 46th president of the 22nd and 24th leader of our nation. The first POTUS that had an impact ” or end of our wits. While some were quite pleased with the final decision, others were the United States and on me was John F. Kennedy. The youngest, Through my almost seven decades, I gravely disappointed. I get it as I try to put the world watched age 43, and first Catholic President to be have seen the good and the not so good. We myself in the other person’s shoes when I another historical elected, Kennedy had a charisma like no have always survived and moved on when can. With a very high-stakes process like and extremely unique other. I was 9 years old when he was sworn things were not the easiest. President Richard a presidential election, someone wins and

Marla process. This time, as in into office with his beautiful wife, Jackie, M. Nixon was not high on the list of the someone loses. That’s how it’s been for over luCkhardt the last nine elections, I by his side in January 1961. We called his best, of course, and resigned the office after 220 years in our country, and so far, it seems did get to vote! time in office Camelot and the country was the Watergate scandal left him little choice. to have worked out. We are a democracy.

The office of the President of the in love with both of them, as least I was. I was glued to the television during those Now it’s time to hopefully blend our United States (POTUS) was established in His assassination in 1963 left our nation hearings, mesmerized by the history I was differences into a common ground of 1789 and the first, George Washington, won devastated at the loss of not only such a witnessing. Who will ever forget him getting healing, concentrate on the move toward an the only unanimous vote of the Electoral young man but the brutal destruction of on that helicopter with his two arms up in the answer to the COVID-19 crisis and all the College. That has never happened again. hope. I was in Mr. Berzon’s Spanish class air with peace signs as he boarded and said peripheral affects it has had on all of us. We The shortest presidency lasted only 31 when they announced he was shot in Dallas. farewell? No president was perfect and not are a strong and resilient country and history days, giving that sad honor to William We were ushered outside as we waited for everyone agreed with all of the policies but will be a lot kinder if we work together. Stay H. Harrison who died in 1841, and the parents to pick us up, bring us home and there certainly were some that were regarded diligent, safe and well. I wish us all peace. longest was Franklin D. Roosevelt who try to make sense of what just happened. a heck of a lot better than Nixon. Marla Luckhardt is a Brentwood resident served over twelve years, before dying early Walter Cronkite famously announced his The history of our country and the who works with several local senior care and in his fourth term in 1945. The only U.S. passing that evening on the news and lives leaders we have had always fascinated me. advocacy groups. Reach her at marla2054@ president to have served more than two were forever changed. Not the greatest student, I excelled in history aol.com. Experts say it’s not too late for the flu shot

Health officials from across the Bay Area are asking the public to fight the flu by getting the annual vaccination for influenza right now. Each winter, people sick with flu crowd hospitals and urgent care clinics, resources that may be strained due to COVID-19. Early and timely flu shots can prevent a disease that hospitalizes 200,000 Americans every year.

It is important to get a new flu vaccine each year. The flu vaccine offers protection for many months, but not forever. Also, the strains of influenza circulating in the community change over time, and the current vaccine offers protection against those strains.

To keep yourself and your family out of the hospital, doctors recommend an annual flu shot for everyone age 6 months or older. The flu shot is a safe, effective way to reduce your chance of missing work or ending up in the hospital due to severe flu. Symptoms of the flu can be similar to early symptoms of COVID-19, meaning that this year, people with flu symptoms may require a COVID-19 test and may need to stay home from work and isolate away from their families while awaiting results.

It takes about two weeks for the flu vaccine to become effective after you get the shot, so getting vaccinated in advance of the arrival of severe flu in the Bay Area offers the best protection.

While the flu vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older, it is especially important for pregnant women, children younger than 5, adults 65 and older, and those with chronic medical conditions, such as heart disease, asthma, and diabetes. People who live in the same household with someone at high risk can help protect that person from severe flu by getting a flu shot.

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