House of Hayes Spring 2012 Lookbook

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advent (n) 1. The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important


OUSE OF HAYES is a creative collective founded by sisters,

Maggie and Liz Hayes, in an effort to ​ promote multimedia living. They have developed this project to bridge the gaps of various artistic sensibilities through the creation of an online and printed magazine, other printed media, web content, and events. A home for grand passions. You’re here. The tea’s on.

W a tc h the Th ro n e, P h i l i ps A r e na , A t l an t a, GA (Oc to b e r 2 9 , 2 0 1 1 )



do it

we love it.

(above) Bed, Melissa’s home, San Juanillo, Costa Rica (August 2011) (left) polaroid of Rayzak Hassan and K’naan Warsame in Ursa Minor Studios, Providence, Rhode Island (April 2009) (previous, clockwise from top left) Rain on the Pacific Ocean, Fisherman’s Beach, San Juanillo, Costa Rica; Sail, Bocas Del Toro, Panama; Matthias holding speared fish, Zapatillas, Bocas del toro, Panama; Blinds, Casco Viejo, Panama City, Panama; Night boating, Bocas del Toro, Panama; Fan and light, hotel ceiling, Casco Viejo, Panama City, Panama; Rain on the pacific; Window and mirror, Panama City, Panama (2011) ________________________ “I seem to want everything-Even things that seem almost totally incompatible in the life of any one human.” Hunter S. Thompson

(L) Robert Plant and (R) Beats Antique, both backstage at Bonnaroo Music Festival in Manchester, TN (June 2011)

Float with the tide. ///

Swim for the goal.

(clockwise from left) Daniel (McBeezy); Aireon (Ployd), and Daniel (of Heroes x Villans)/// Soundboard, John Mayer, Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville, FL///

Trust Your Stuggle� Little 5 Points, Atlanta, GA/// Black Joe Lewis, The Vinyl, Atlanta, GA

Panama City, Panama /// (opposite L to R) Wizard Beach, Bocas Del Toro, Panama; Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys, Mangout Music Festival (May 2011); Tyler, The Creator, Highline Ballroom, NYC (May 13, 2011); Highway 1, somewhere between Monterey and Big Sur, CA

SOJA leaving stage, Hangout Music Festival, Gulf Shores, AL///each side: pool floats

(opposite) Bryan Keller and Sarah Kinlaw of SoftSpot, WonderRoot, Atlanta, GA/// (this page) Venice Skatepark, Venice Beach, CA

Vibration is the starting point of creation. The world was sung into existence. ///

(polaroid photographs, left to right) Jake Morelli and K’naan Warsame, Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel, Providence, RI (April 2009); Ursa Minor Studios, Providence, RI; Xavier Rudd, Variety Playhouse, Atlanta, GA (September 2008)

snake. (opposite) Nathan Willett of Cold War Kids, Masquerade, Atlanta, GA (March 29, 2011)

(this) Diplo (Wesley Pentz), MJQ, Atlanta, GA (March 28 2011)/// (opposite clockwise from top left) Cole Alexander of Black Lips, Lollapalooza, Chicago, IL (August 2011); drums; train; Hoops and David in Grant Park; Isuru and Annabelle on Brantley Street (all Atlanta, GA); Matt Shultz of Cage The Elephant, Lollapalooza (Aug 2011)

(this) Jesus, Panama City, Panama (opposite clockwise from left) Discarded (or perhaps displayed) flower bouquet, Panama City; The Yard interior; Laurence, The Yard, Savannah, GA

(this) morning, a nice hotel /// (opposite) Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes, after-aftermath of the Railroad Revival Tour, New Orleans, LA

(this) Stovetop, Melissa’s home, San Juanillo, Costa Rica (opposite) balcony, Dizy’s home, Playa Pelada, Costa Rica ________________________ “When I have an idea, I turn down the flame, as if it were a little alcohol stove. As low as it will go. Then it explodes and that is my idea.” Ernest Hemingway

Music is the driving force. Provocative is the ideal. Can’t stop. Won’t stop.


CONTACT: THEHOUSEOFHAYES@GMAIL.COM ________________________ All images copyright HOUSE OF HAYES, 2012

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