The Brethren Evangelist - March-April 2016

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the Brethren


mar/apr 2016


OUR TIME FOR COMMUNITY! Our annual time to gather as Brethren is coming soon and we are excited about all the things we are preparing for you this year. This is my first year as Executive Director at conference, and I am excited about the opportunity to lead us as we gather together as Brethren. Many experience our annual conference as a “family reunion” of sorts. Even though we are not related by kinship, we have a connection that is much deeper than that; we are a people that God has gathered unto himself. As a Church, we have been wrestling with how we effectively live out our calling as the people of God in today’s cultural climate. Over the past several years, we have been challenged by many different leaders regarding this change in climate. We hope that it has been beneficial to your ministry context. This year we hope to bring back some stories and hear from other Brethren on how God has been moving in your lives, churches, and communities. We also hope to hear from the Holy Spirit on the future of our Church. Please come and lend your voice to this critical conversation. The family dynamic of The Brethren is very attractive to me and I am blessed to call you all my brothers and sister. Because of this dynamic, we believe that it important that we bring the different generations together. For that reason, we have brought the adult and youth conference back together this year. I know you will be blessed by this. Please make plans to attend this year’s conference. See you in July, Steven

Note from Executive Director..............................1 The Brethren Evangelist Asks...............................3 Engage Youth Quotes...........................................5 As We Go..............................................................6 by Gary Diehl

G.C. Teaser & WMS............................................8 General Conference Registration......................9 Global Partners Invite....................................... 12 A Note from the Morris’s.................................. 13 by Megan Morris

Brethren Camping.............................................. 14 by Joshua Coffee

Bits & Pieces........................................................ 19

connect Brethren Church



Brethren Church

Brethren Church1

524 College Ave. Ashland, OH 44805

The Brethren Church

The Brethren Church National Office

BE: What do you enjoy most about ENGAGE Conference? SM: I enjoy the relationships that are formed at Engage Conference and the sense of community and belonging that is felt from those relationships. We become like family and the friendships formed don’t stop at the end of conference. We stay in contact throughout the year via social media, emails, letters and face to face meetings. We seek out one another for advice, suggestions, prayer, encouragement and understanding.

THE BRETHREN EVANGELIST ASKS... YAC (Youth Advisory Committee) exists to promote the engagement of Christ and youth culture within the Brethren Church; whose mission is the transformation of communities in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Brethren Evangelist (BE) interviewed Sara Moore (SM) and Ryan Smith (RS). Sara serves as the Director of Christian Education at St. James Brethren Church. Growing up in the Brethren Church, Sara has experienced the lifelong impact BYIC has on its youth and is one of our current YAC members. YAC serves under the ministry of Ryan Smith who is the coordinator of Brethren Leadership Development, as well as our General Conference coordinator.



BE: Are you the leader of YAC? SM: I serve alongside several dynamic youth leaders in the Brethren Church who comprise the YAC team. We all work together, each with our own talents and gifts, to serve the Brethren youth and their leaders. BE: How did you get involved in YAC? SM: Several years ago I reached out to Ryan Smith about Engage Conference. I’d attended Engage as a Brethren youth in the late 90’s but had not been involved since that time. Later that year, I attended Engage Conference as a youth leader. Ryan extended me an invitation to join the YAC team in 2012 and I’ve been apart of the crew ever since.

BE: If my church hasn’t sent kids to ENGAGE Conference recently why is this the year to bring kids? SM: This year’s Engage Conference is going to be four jam-packed days of fun, fellowship, learning, and discovering what God wants us to do AS WE GO. We’ve got some of the best and brightest leaders from our Brethren tribe who are going to be pouring into your youth and their leaders this week and life change is bound to happen as they experience Jesus is new and powerful ways. We’ve also coordinated several opportunities for our youth and our adult conference to share experiences with one another that we believe will be deeply impactful. All of these things make for a week you and your youth can’t afford to miss! BE: What’s going to be new at ENGAGE this year? SM: Our location is new this year! After spending several years at the campus of Indiana Wesleyan University, we’re returning to the campus of Ashland University for Engage Conference 2016. We’re also going to be utilizing a new space on the campus of AU, called Upper Convo, for our main worship and teaching times

The Brethren Evangelist 3


Q A this year. We’re excited about these changes and believe you’ll love them too! BE: What is your favorite ENGAGE memory? SM: One of the moments that always makes me laugh when I think about it is “Blessersizing” with several others as an opening to one of our morning sessions at Engage Conference. I was about six months pregnant and well. BE: What is the most important part of ENGAGE for you? SM: The most important part of Engage Conference for me is seeing lives transformed throughout each week of conference and from year to year. It’s amazing to watch the Holy Spirit work in and through the speakers, leaders, and youth throughout the week and over the course of the year following conference. Over time, you can see how one week can change the direction of their life. One decision to follow Christ, one “yes” to His call on their life creates a ripple effect on their life choices and transforms their lives from one of self-service to one of serving Him. Amen! BE: What will be new for adults this year? RS: One of the nice aspects of Conference is that to a certain degree, it always feels like home for those who have attended in the past; it has a familiar feel to it. I expect this to be true again this year, as we return to Ashland University. Even though we’ll be in a familiar space,

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there are a couple new things we can expect. One new element to Conference is the noticeable absence of a main speaker. The past few years we’ve been blessed to hear from some of the most notable names within the Christian community. This year, however, we have made the intentional decision to look within our own house and desire to hear from voices that are very familiar to us. Our main sessions will be modeled along the lines of a TED talk, where multiple speakers will share in short bursts, allowing us to hear from several different speakers each session. BE: If I haven’t attended conference in a couple years (or ever) why is this the year to attend? RS: Great question. Every year I think you could make the argument that this is the year to attend Conference; if for nothing more than to experience the primary Brethren gathering and further connect yourself to the life and ministry of the Church. But this year I believe it’s important to attend because I feel like this will be a year that we look back on and point to as the moment in time when something within us shifted. Not trying to be overly dramatic, but I believe that what the Spirit of the Living God intends to do in and through us this year is pivotal to our future. BE: Do you have a favorite memory about conference? RS: Typically I spend my week of Conference with the youth, and have made so many wonderful memories. There is certainly

a vitality and hunger for Jesus that comes out of the youth conference. But the last few years I’ve been privileged to be able to also attend General Conference and I’ve seen very much that same vitality and hunger for Jesus. Granted, it’s expressed differently than how the youth do it, but it’s the same. If I had to pick one favorite memory though, it would have to be from last year when Cory Smith honored retired pastor Bill Skeldon. This was such a great illustration of the need to hold loosely to the mantle we bear, for one day it will pass from our hands to those of another, and I can only hope that when it’s my turn to let go, I do it well. BE: What are you looking forward to this year about conference? RS: Food at Convo! Worshiping together as family. Seeing friends I’ve not seen since last year. Hearing the stories of what Jesus is doing in and through us. Did I mention the food at Convo?

YAC recently asked students what the highlight of Engage Conference is for them. Below are some of those responses.


youth quotes

CHLOE ELIZABETH SPOCHART - BERLIN: My favorite thing about Engage Conference is being around so many amazing people who are on fire for God and feel the same way I do. The atmosphere is so incredible and when I’m there I feel so connected with God. The week of conference is one I always look forward to and is one of my favorite weeks. I love it so much that when it’s time to leave I get sad because I have to leave all my friends and leave a place where I feel one with God. What brings me back to Conference are the people. I’ve made so many wonderful friends, who I still keep in contact with today. We may not live anywhere close to each other, but I know they are always there and only a text away. Also, the experience is one that I will never forget. I’ve made so many memories with my friends that I’ll cherish forever. Engage Conference is an experience that you will never forget. It’s a place to be free to be your true self and to make a special connection with God that is deeper than anything you’ve experienced. It’s a youth conference to make new friends who share the same passion for God that you have. It’s a time to break away from your day to day life and just be totally on fire with God and to be with your friends that it makes you never want the week to end.

HANNA STRICKLAND - PARK STREET: 1) The people I get to meet and grow with through God. 2) The exciting and powerful services every night. 3) Going to Engage is an amazing experience and I would highly recommend it to anyone. No matter where you are in your journey with Christ. I have had all kinds of experiences throughout my journey at conference and I have been in very different spots during conference. Also it’s tons of fun and you need to go (plus you can meet really funny Canadians).

KELSEY BALL - MUSKOKA COMMUNITY CHURCH: Thanks for asking. I feel honoured to be asked, I think this will be my 5th year this summer !! My favourite thing about engage conference is being with other like-minded youth. Everything about the conference including the way it’s organized, the activities, worship band, and awesome speakers, brings me back every year to engage conference. If you have never been to engage conference, you should come because it is a week full of fun and learning, which you won’t experience anywhere.

The Brethren Evangelist 5

As We Go First Steps Together Gary Diehl

Some powerful “Jesus stuff” has been happening in the Northeast Ohio region. More specifically, Jesus has been challenging a group of leaders from four Brethren congregations in the Stark/Columbiana/Mahoning county area to open their eyes and hearts to one another and see themselves and their neighbors differently. Ron Waters hinted about this in his article describing Congregational Clusters in the Nov/Dec 2015 Evangelist. What first began with conversations among just the pastors took on a new dimension when four to five non-pastoral leaders from each church were invited to come together. As Ron shared in his article, the questions at the table were: • What might happen for the kingdom of God if, together, we saw what Jesus sees when he looks at our community? • What might we be willing to do – or stop doing – to see more lives

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changed for now and eternity? • What if we could increase kingdom impact through intentional partnership in shared vision, mission, and strategies? From that group’s most recent gathering together (they call it a Huddle), here are just a few stories of what these congregations are learning about themselves and seeing in new ways. An eight-year-old boy named Kaden (from Trinity Brethren) was challenged by a scout leader to do something positive in his community. Jesus opened Kaden’s eyes to the homeless population in Canton, so he and his mother started gathering basic personal hygiene items, putting them into plastic bags and sharing them with the men and women at the local homeless shelter. They’re now called Kaden’s Blessing Bags. The six children who regularly attend at North Georgetown, after meeting Kaden and hearing his story, decided they wanted to help. They set a goal to collect enough items to fill 30 Blessing Bags, but they missed their goal. Just last week they delivered to Kaden enough supplies to fill more than 40 Bags! Families of Radial Church have developed a heart to see the Summit neighborhood in Canton thrive and flourish because of God’s kingdom influence. Over the last year or so, nine Radial families have literally sold their homes in other areas and moved into the neighborhood. A new nonprofit group was formed to help bring affordable housing into reach for neighbors living in oppressive slum landlord rental conditions. The first housing unit was recently purchased and, because of the renovations being done by volunteers from Radial and the three other congregations, a new family will move into a home on April 1 that they will be able to pay off in less than two years, with payments that are $200 below their current rent bill!

Beacon of Hope’s Pastor Ralph Gibson is moving toward retirement later this year. Their leaders learned about the preparations needed to make sure Ralph and Bonnie conclude their ministry season well, and how the congregation also needs to be prepared for their next season with a new pastor. Because the Huddle group has become more aware of the diverse leadership gifts at the table, it wasn’t hard to realize that leaders from Radial had what Beacon needed, and the Beacon leaders had capacity to meet needs at Radial. An intentional partnership is now in place that is leveraging the strengths of each congregation’s leaders to meet transition and ministry needs in the other. Leaders from all four congregations now realize that the bonds between them in the Huddle have expanded their understanding of “family”. They now see a greater sense of God’s presence and movement in their own congregations and neighborhoods than they have for a very long time. Individuals are more aware of how Jesus shares himself through others, and are becoming bolder about sharing the comfort they have received from Jesus with others. When asked to describe what Jesus is changing in them, someone said it this way: “We’re now aware that our family is more far reaching than we ever imagined. And, the purpose of this family [of Jesusfollowers] is to step out and find more family!” Amen and amen! So, what’s holding you back from expanding your understanding of “family”? If you are ready to explore what Jesus might be longing to do if you come together with other leaders and congregations in your region, contact to launch a conversation. As we GO, together, may Your Kingdom COME even more fully…

The Brethren Evangelist 7

G.C. TEASER Ryan Smith

“Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us...” (Lk. 24:32a). Pausing to consider the journey of the Brethren Church these past few years, it’s fair to say that the journey we’ve collectively been on has been one of opportunity and fresh realities. We have been blessed and challenged by several key voices within the movement, to more fully participate in the work of the Kingdom. Our identity as Brethren has been renewed and we’ve begun to find our value within the Kingdom once again. The theme for this year’s General Conference is AS WE GO. As Brethren we’ve always had about us the sense of going; of making disciples. During our time together at General Conference we want to share together, to hear from one another the stories of how and why we’ve been on mission with Jesus. We want to celebrate together the blessings that have come about AS WE GO. The hope is that as we share stories--our stories--our hearts begin to burn within us for more. More opportunities to make disciples. More opportunities to bless. More opportunities to join with Jesus’ mission. While we aren’t highlighting one particular voice as our key note speaker, we will be giving opportunity for multiple Brethren voices to share. We hope you’ll plan now to join us this coming July in Ashland, Ohio AS (together) WE GO!


We have never done it this way before! I am laughing as I write that statement but it is the truth! National Conference has been redesigned this year and that has allowed all of us to think “out of the box” and get really creative. It will be great! Mark your calendars for Monday July 18! Monday is our day and what a super day it will be! 2016-2017 Theme: Timeless Mission: To See Jesus at Center Stage in History and in Our Lives 2:00-3:45 National WMS Opening Program and Business Meeting in the Upper Convo area. (Exact location will be announced soon.) This time will include an update on our Mission Project, celebration of last year’s Grant recipients, and a highlight of our yearly reports. We will also honor some people, and hear about our new budget. Our president, Gloria Radcliff will bring us encouraging words. 4:00-6:00 Opening Worship time in the Upper Convocation Center 6:30-7:45 Joint banquet at Park Street Brethren Church Family Life Center. All Conference attenders will be invited to join the WMS as we sponsor this buffet and fellowship time. We will get a chance to tell our story and celebrate what Jesus is doing through the women of The Brethren Church. “Jesus—Be the Center Of It All!” 8:00-9:00 Final WMS Business Meeting in the same room (FLC). We will hear from the new Grant recipients, hear the news from our M.O.L.E. about our missions, talk about our new project, vote on our budget, and in general finish our business. We promise to keep these brief times fun and intentional and worth your time to join us in Ashland, for Monday, July 18.

8 Mar/April 2016

2016 General Conference Registration JULY 18-22, 2016 ASHLAND UNIVERSITY NAME: __________________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________________ REGISTERED SPOUSE: __________________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________ CITY: ____________________ STATE: ________ ZIP: ____________ HOME CHURCH: ______________________________________________________ An Earlybird Discount Registration of only $60 per person is available until June 18. Whether a delegate or guest, everyone must register. Registration after June 18 is $75 per person

____ Ministerial delegate ____ Lay delegate ____ Guest registration TOTAL for Registration: ___________


_____ Nursery / Kids Conference Registration A nursery will be provided for children birth - 4 throughout the conference. Kids Conference, ages 5-11 will be provided during our main sessions. Children will be signed in/out 1/2 hour before and after each main session. Total cost for the nursery or Kids Conference is $75 for the entire Conference. For families with more than two children, the fee will be capped at $150. PARENTS WILL PICK THEIR KIDS UP FOR ALL MEALS. NAME OF CHILD: ________________________________________________ AGE: __________ NAME OF CHILD: ________________________________________________ AGE: __________ TOTAL for Kids Conference Registration: ___________

_____ Golf Outing (Wednesday, July 20) ADD MY NAME TO A TEAM NAMES OF TEAM OF FOUR:

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________


_____ WMS Sponsored Dinner - Monday, July 18 ($15.00 X No. of Tickets) ________ = _____________ _____ ATS Hosted Lunch - Tuesday, July 19 ($12.00 X No. of Tickets)

________ = _____________

_____ Global Dinner - Thursday, July 21 ($20.00 X No. of Tickets)

________ = _____________

There are several area hotels and bed & breakfasts available. Housing is available on the campus of Ashland University in the dormitories (no air conditioning) for attendees of General Conference 2016. We recommend that you make arrangements for housing as soon as possible to assure your stay. Linen packets are optional and include sheets, towel and washcloth, cost is $20.00. _____ Linen packet Some area hotels offer a discounted rate if you mention “Brethren Conference” while booking your reservation. Days you will be staying in a dorm:

Tuesday ___ Wednesday ___ Thursday ___ Friday ___ Saturday ___

Cost per room is $45.00 per night. I prefer to be on a floor with:

Women’s restroom/shower _____ Men’s Restroom/shower_____

_____ Housing ($45.00 X No. of Nights)

TOTAL for Event Registration: _____________ Delegate Credentials are obtained from your pastor and have been billed to your church. A limited number of district and cooperative credentials may be available through your district organizations. Credentials do not need to accompany your registration but need to be submitted by June 18, 2016. Registration fee does not need to be paid if you are only attending a ticketed event.

10 Mar/April 2016









radial worship Radial Worship is a team of worshippers that lead the music ministry at Radial Church, an urban church movement in Canton, Ohio. Coming together from various backgrounds, this group of musicians and songwriters strives to lead people into experiencing God’s presence through honest and vibrant worship. For more information on the Radial movement, visit

The Brethren Evangelist 11

You are Cordially Invited to attend The Brethren Church Global Partners Dinner

When: Thursday, July 21 at 6:30 pm Where: Park Street Brethren Church Gymnasium Cost: $20 per person Theme: “Into all the World� A fantastic dinner will be served buffet-style beginning at 6:30 pm. Our meal will be catered by Christy Carmean who is the daughter of Ken and Sherry VanDuyne. Christy along with her husband and children serve with the Grace Brethren Church in Camaroon, Africa where Jason leads an educational institute to train African pastors. During our evening we will enjoy Global Parner Team Members speaking about their specific areas of ministry as well as viewing photos and videos of their experiences.

Please make it a point to join us to fellowship and to learn more about how the Lord is working in and through our Brethren Global Partners. They are truly blessed by and continue to need your love, prayers and support. 12 Mar/April 2016


ing to...nothing. Just attendees in a worship service, at a new church, with new people, trying to navigate our way through what we were supposed to be doing.

Justin and Megan Morris are on the MissioChurch Pathway to be planting a church in the Southeast District. Megan writes:

Do you ever feel like you are never in the moment? We don’t know about you, but we often feel as though we are always caught up in what’s next and what happened yesterday. These last few years we have been in this limbo of where God has us, where God had us, and where God wants us. Justin and I are super stoked to join you all (y’all in the South) this year at conference. These last few years have been eventful. We have come to know the Lord in ways that we never expected. We have learned what it looks like to have a life full of ministry, and what it looks like to have a life stripped of ministry. Justin and I went from being youth advisors, leading on a worship team, Justin a deacon, and putting together a ministry called The Gather-

We felt naked. It wasn’t comfortable to be without our ministries, our service, our titles. We wanted to be doing, but mostly we wanted to be doing things just to do them, not because we wanted to worship God. We quickly learned that our ministries were mostly about keeping ourselves busy and thinking that we were pleasing God. In the midst of this busyness with our ministries we lost the meaning behind our good intentions. God stripped us clean, and has been building us back into who He wants us to be and where He wants us to be. We are learning what it looks like to live in the moment, while still expectantly waiting on the Lord as we go through the this thing called life.

WE QUICKLY LEARNED We can’t wait to share THAT OUR MINISTRIES WERE our story with you and what God has MOSTLY ABOUT KEEPING OURfor you this summer. SELVES BUSY AND THINKING Come expecting great THAT WE WERE PLEASING things, come with an GOD.” open heart, and most importantly, come. Come. This is the most important, and really the only call of Christ; “Come, follow me.” It is our hope that parts of our story, parts of our lives, parts of what we’ve learned as we’ve tried to follow will help you on this journey.

The Brethren Evangelist 13


from the Mid-Level Organization Task Force Joshua R. Coffee


ew things bring unity to the Brethren like their support of Brethren camping programs. For some of us, camp was where we first committed our lives to Jesus. For many of us who have entered occupational ministry, camp was where we first experienced the call of God on our lives to partner with Him in caring for God’s people. Probably for most of us who went to camp, camp was the first time we interacted with people from other Brethren churches. There is no denying that Brethren camping programs have had an invaluable impact on countless individual campers, as well as the Brethren Church as a whole. For this reason, as our task force has investigated and debated ideas and structures that would help the Brethren Church more fully live into God’s calling for us, camps have occupied a significant portion of our discussion and thought. Unlike some other areas where we are seeking to adjust or replace systems that are no longer functioning well, we are asking a different question concerning camping programs: “How can

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we improve an area where many things are going well?” In this, we have focused on two specific areas. First, we want to protect existing camping programs. In many districts that own camps, it has been difficult to get enough of the right people in the conversation when making important decisions about our camping programs. We want to make it easier to get people who understand the great impact of the camping ministries, people who can think strategically about how the camping ministries serve our people. We have been blessed by the giftedness and passion of those who have been serving on the various boards that have been leading our camping programs, and we want to put our camps in the best possible position to continue to find high quality leadership in the future. Second, we want to make sure that camps are strategically connected with the new regional structure. The new organizational structure offers an excellent opportunity to ensure that Brethren camps are linked not only to their new regions, but also the congregations within the region. The biggest changes for camps will happen in their structural connection with the local churches they serve: they will be more directly linked. Currently, most camps are owned by the districts in which they are located. To both protect and assure that camps are in the best possible position to connect in a healthy way with the new mid-level organization and the churches they serve, the camps will need to secure independent 501(c)(3) status, in order to gain recognition as their own non-profit organization. For each camp, this process will look a little different, since states have different legal requirements.

Some camps are already in the process of making this important change, which accomplishes a number of different purposes. First, it lets camps decide who will be part of their decision-making processes. No longer will districts simply elect or assign people to provide oversight and management for camps. Too often districts have had to settle for just filling the ballot rather than seeking the best people. Now camps will be able to determine the best possible ways to find the leadership they need. This also positions our camps to better serve groups outside the Brethren Church. Encouraging other groups to use our Brethren camping facilities not only is a kingdom ministry to non-Brethren churches but also aids the funding of our Brethren camps. Along with giving camps a greater degree of autonomy, this change creates a better way for camps to connect within the newly formed regions. When the Mid-Level Organization Task Force was discussing how camps would be connected in the model, it was widely felt that camps connect best at the regional, rather than at the national, level. Keeping oversight of camps tied to the congregations within a region encourages the more local, grassroots support that our camps enjoy and thrive in. However, to make this work optimally we will need to be very intentional about setting up the new camp governing bodies. The Mid-level Task Force would encourage each camp to specify in its 501(c)(3) documents that at least a majority of the members of their board of directors must be members in good standing in a Brethren

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congregation in their region. We also suggest that the congregations that compose a region be named as the corporate members or "stakeholders" for their camp in their not-for-profit documentation. To be sure, some legal expertise will be needed to guide this process. At least one district has already committed additional district funds to their camp to cover the cost of legal consultation and filing fees so as not to place an additional financial burden on their camp. As part of the 501(c)(3) documentation, camp programs will be required to specify the dispersal of their assets in the event of the closure of the camp. These assets must revert to another not-for-profit entity. We ask that the recipient of such assets be designated as The Brethren Church, Inc. In such a case, the board of a particular camp may specify that its assets be used for ministry in its region, such as church planting, or in some other area of ministry within the Brethren Church. Along with this, there are some relational and financial pieces that should be considered. Each district, before it dissolves, should ask that the congregations within the district maintain at a minimum their current level of support for their camping program. Each congregation should also identify an individual, or a small group, to serve as a liaison to their camp as well as an advocate within their church for the camp and its ministries. Both the churches and camps should take the maintenance of their mutual relationship seriously. Just like any other relationship, this will require communication, trust, patience, and clear and proper expec-

tations in order to remain healthy. This is an exciting opportunity for Brethren camping. The Brethren camps should experience a new freedom while at the same time making their ties to the churches that they serve even more direct and personal. We hope that this will expand the important ministry that happens through Brethren camping by creating a time and a place for people to connect with Jesus in deep and

meaningful ways. If you have questions about the regional reorganization process, contact Ronald W. Waters at 330-525-7169 or For more information about Brethren camping, please visit the website of the camp you are interested in.



Winter Camp Post High Retreat Mini Camp Sr. High Camp Elementary Camp Middler Camp Jr. High Camp





Jr. High and Sr. High 18-35 yrs. Completed grades 1-2 Completed grades 9-12 Completed grades 3-4 Completed grades 5-6 Completed grades 7-8

January 15-18 June 3–5 June 10–12 June 12–18 June 19–25 June 26–July 2 July 3–9

Camp Peniel (Northeast) BIBLE CAMP Senior Middler Junior

Ages 14-18 Ages 10-13 yrs Ages 6-9 yrs

June 19-25 June 26-July 2 July 10-16

Camp Shenandoah Meadows (Southeast) BIBLE CAMP

Senior High Junior Camp Mini Camp


Ages 14-12th grade Ages 10-13 yrs Ages 6-9 yrs


June 12-19 June 19-26 June 26-29

Camp Shipshewana (Indiana) "REFRESH YOUR LIFE" BIBLE CAMP









CIT Camp Parent/Child Family Fishing Weekend Grand Camp Ignite Camp Fuel Camp Blaze Camp Mini Camp Pioneer Camp JH Wilderness - MI Sr. High Adventure

Archery Camp Cooking Camp Sports Camp Navigators Camp Tall Tales and Truth (T3)

18 Mar/April 2016

14 yrs. by Sept. 1st 4-14 yrs. 4 yrs. to Adult 4-12 yrs. 11-14 yrs. 8-11 yrs. 14-18 yrs. 6-8 yrs. 10-12 yrs. 13-16 yrs.

9-13 yrs. 9-13 yrs. 9-13 yrs. 8-12 yrs. 9-12 yrs.

Weekly June 10 - June 12 June 10 - June 12 June 10 - June 12 June 19–25 June 26–July 2 July 3–7 July 31 - Aug 2 July 10-16 July 12-18 July 24-30 July 3-7 July 10-16 July 10-16 July 24-28 July 24-28

bits pieces



passed away on February 24, 2016. Helen is survived by her husband, Warren Garner and also, two sons, Dr. Gregory (Paula) and Rev. Tim Garner. Helen served in many areas of ministry throughout her life. She served on The Brethren Church Indiana District Board of Christian Education also on the General Conference Executive Committee of The Brethren Church and with the Women’s Missionary Society. Funeral services were held in North Manchester Indiana.

GC WORKSHOPS As always during General Conference there will two days with opportunities for more in-depth conversations. Workshops will be held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. There will be a variety of topics to choose from. Please make plans to join us and take the time to participate in the conversations happening that will train and teach you and your leaders to continue to advance the kingdom. Below is just a sample of what is being planned. As plans are finalized more information will be posted on The Brethren Church website. As always, full details will be in the General Conference Program Book. MID-LEVEL CONVERSATION- an opportunity to continue to understand how the mid level reorganization affects you and your church. SOCIAL MEDIA & MINISTRY- how can your church use Facebook, Twitter, and many other types of social media to connect to each other. Mike Perkinson-. Mike returns to continue to deeper our understanding of discipleship. Don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen your understanding of how disciples make disciples. NUTS/BOLTS- In the crazy financial world, how can we be sure we stewarding the resources to the best of our abilities. Opportunities to ask questions and get more information to ensure best practices for your church. USING ASSESSMENTS- Scripture tells us that everyone is made on purpose for a purpose (Eph. 2:10). Come see how assessments can help you discern your purpose and understand how to grow into it. YOUTH COMMUNITY GROUPS- there will be 3 or 4 groups that ENGAGE students will be participating in on Tuesday afternoon. If you’re interested in those topics (see the conference program book for topics) please feel free to join in these conversations. A great opportunity for multi-generational learning!

Brethren Academy is a one-week leadership development experience for high school students exploring a call to ministry. The week will include sessions on Brethren values and leadership skills as well as options for spiritual formation, service learning, and recreation. The theme for this year is “Like My Father Before Me” (Jn 5:19). As we learn about the unique values and heritage of those who have gone before us, we’ll focus our sights on Jesus and learn how to follow the leading of our Father before us. Interested in being a part of this exciting week? Apply today.


Academy July 11-18


Visit to apply to be a part of The Brethren Academy.

The Brethren Evangelist 19

The Brethren Evangelist (SSN 0747-4288) is published quarterly by  The Brethren Church, Inc., 524 College Ave., Ashland, OH 44805-3792  (telephone: 419-289-1708; email:; fax: 419-281-0450. Authors’ views are not necessarily those of The  Brethren Church. Subscription rates: Sent free to Brethren Church  members; $15.00 per year to others. Member, Evangelical Press  Association. Postage: Paid at Ashland, Ohio or additional mailing  office at Mansfield, Ohio. Postmaster: Send address changes to The  Brethren Church, 524 College Ave., Ashland, OH 44805-3792. Mar/Apr 2016, Vol.138, No. 2.   Please let us know when you are moving.  This will save us much-needed funds for ministry. 

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 

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 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP  was created in memory of Marty Haskins  Yes! I’d Like to Help  and his lifelong commitment to the youth of the  Brethren Church. Marty served as the Youth Pastor at CarOne Time Gift of: $ ________________  son Oaks Community Church in Stockton, CA and as the  _________________________________ District Youth Pastor for the California District of the Brethren Name Church. Marty and his wife, Judy, were passionate about  _________________________________  Address ministering to youth and gave their time and resources to  _________________________________ positively impact the lives of the City, State, Zip Brethren youth. _________________________________ Phone #


It is the hope of the Brethren  Church and the leaders of the   BYIC to give all individuals Please complete the information above, who are interested in attending  detach this form, and mail it to the ENGAGE Conference the op   address below, or call the toll-free number. portunity to do so. We are aware    Secure contributions may also that the reality of our economy  be made online by going to can make cost a limiting factor  for attending Engage Confer ence. If you (the youth leader)  Thank You for Your Contribution! know a youth with asignificant financial burden who would  The Brethren Church like to attend Engage Conference, please complete the  524 College Ave. Marty Haskins Memorial Scholarship application, which can Ashland, OH 44805 be found at, by May 16, 2016. Engage Conference 1-877-289-1708 awards up to ten $100 scholarships to qualified youth.

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