Vol 131, No. 3 May/June 2009
Looking Ahead …
Core Value #2
We think that all of our ministries should be:
Relational Missional Sustainable Reproducing Global
- the “glue” of our denomination - showing Christ’s love in the community in practical ways - caring for our spiritual, emotional, and financial needs - making new disciples, new churches, and new leaders - transforming our neighborhood and our world as well
Core Values are the bedrock, and primary descriptions of who we are and what we hope to do. They guide us, describe us, and they help clarify what we will or will not do. Clarity in Core Values helps everyone at every level make unified decisions and therefore encourages action and efficiency.
“Missional” is quite a buzz word in Kingdom circles these days. The whole Fall 2008 issue of Leadership magazine was given over to equipping leaders and churches in
Several years ago as I began serving the Brethren Church as Executive Director, I expressed the hope that we could reclaim the “Go Ye” spirit that is very literally at the heart of our logo and needs to be at the heart of all we do and all that we are. If one were to attach any Scripture to our movement, Matthew 28:18-20 would be right at the top. The very meaning of the name of our denominational magazine is and has been devoted for many years to the supreme goodness of the message of new life in Jesus Christ.
… missionary endeavor is the communication of the Good News … whether it is on the other side of the world or the other side of town! their pursuit of “going missional.” It is abundantly clear that God is speaking in missional tones, for this core value is on the lips of nearly every tribe and flavor of church worldwide. As with any new move of the Spirit, it is imperative for each of us to ask “what must we do?” It will be critical for us as Brethren to ask how the missional values and activities of what God is up to in our day can be embraced. Missional is very much the core of what we sense is the goal of our ongoing transformation as leaders and congregations.
The early Brethren might have been motivated to come to America for many reasons, but chief among them was the fact that God was beginning to tell a unique story and we had been captured by a vision of telling that story in a new land. Classically defined, the idea of missionary endeavor is the communication of the Good News across cultures. We may have forgotten that we cross cultures just as surely whenever Jesus is seen, heard, or experienced through us whether it is on the other side of the world or the other side of town!
Do we really want to be like Jesus? “I Would Be Like Jesus” is a song that many of us in the autumn and winter of our lives grew up singing. But when was the last time we really took those words to heart? A dear friend has reminded me that “God had only one son, and he made him a missionary.” Do our lives and our churches resemble the missionary activity seen in the life of Jesus? In John 4 we see an exchange between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Out of this dialogue the disciples are taught that doing the Father’s will and work is more sustaining and satisfying than food itself (v. 34), and that the Father’s work is their work, that the Father’s work is in the harvest, and that the harvest is always in season.
Our ministry must be in the harvest! To be specific the respective communities of each Brethren congregation represent the harvest field. In a new day, the crucial conversation between every Brethren leader and congregation must be how we can equip, empower, and release each other to ministry that is in the harvest. One Brethren leader has commented that the activity of our churches reminds one of a department store whose employees who would ignore potential customers in order to sell to each other! Jesus began with the needs that he encountered every day (in the harvest) and took those needs as an opportunity to demonstrate the love of God. So must we, if we are to claim his name. - Ken Hunn, Executive Director
On the Cover: Children from Southeast Christian Fellowship in Washington, D.C. serve drinks to the homeless of the city. See related article on page 6.
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Missional. It is part of who God is calling us to be at our core. It is more than just a set of behaviors or a different way of thinking. It is a way of being. To be missional is to organize one’s life around a single purpose. Jesus is missional. His life is completely focused on the restoration of creation through the multiplication of disciples who become the hands and feet of his redemptive force in this world. There is no greater physical manifestation of the core value missional than the founding of a new faith community. Church planting is the result of obedience to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. You simply cannot go into all the world and make disciples if you are not willing to do what it takes to disciple them where they are. If we truly love others, we can’t expect them to come to us. We must meet them in their space, in their culture and put their restoration before our comfort. Church planting is intensely missional by its very nature. There is no other purpose for a church plant than to connect people to the kingdom of Heaven and to teach them to love Jesus by obeying his commands. A church planter is driven by the question “What do we need to do to win this community to Christ?” Unlike established communities of faith, plants are so focused on creating new life that they are relatively unconcerned with the maintenance and upkeep of what is or has been. They are completely preoccupied by what connects people to the kingdom of God today — in their neighborhood.
Missional Multiplication by Bill Ludwig Church Planting Coordinator
Then what can we learn from such an imbalanced kingdombuilding machine? There are more answers to this question than can be printed here or, perhaps, even imagined. However, what immediately comes to mind is the aspect of leaving our security behind in order to bring security to others. What profit is there in good teaching, popular ministries and great facilities if none of these connect people to the kingdom? These are not inherently wrong or wasteful in themselves, but too often we cling to them like security blankets, nestling ourselves farther into the security of our Christian cocoon, as if we were content in waiting for the new creation to magically emerge. When our vision begins to incorporate the restoration of our communities it changes the kinds of questions we ask ourselves. When we begin, for example, to ask in Jesus’ name how we can break the cycle of violence in our neighbor’s house instead of “How do we get more people into this church?” it will change the kinds of prayers that we pray. When we pray, for example, for the resurrection of the dream of God for chldren in our local high school instead of “Please bring more kids into our youth group.” it will begin to change the kinds of people we become. We will become the ones who risk it all for the sake of the dream. For more information on missional multiplication contact Bill Ludwig: bill@brethrenchurch.org.
Mobilizing the Church for Mission
by Gary Diehl
Church Health and Resource Specialist
God is on the move in Huntington, Indiana.
We are increasingly more aware of where God is using people we call Brethren to have an impact in their communities. Collecting the stories of how a number of you are engaging in God’s mission to touch and transform lives in your communities helps us see his fingerprints more clearly. Pastor Dianna Teusch of First Brethren in Huntington (Indiana) recently shared some exciting things about how the Lord is at work in their church and surrounding community. May their story inspire you to pray for them, and challenge you to discover your unique part of God’s mission agenda in your community. Gary Diehl: gary@brethrenchurch.org
In the last three years the pastors’ association was reformed by Pastor Gary Newton. A new sense of purpose emerged among these men and women during the monthly luncheon. We were all hungry for more than food and a meeting. Pastors began to share prayer concerns and victories. Then they spent the last half an hour in prayer. The new connections spread among us to other pastors in the community. This was only the beginning. I sensed a need for more prayer in the community to support the pastors’ efforts and for revival in the Huntington area. In 2008, I began organizing a monthly Community Prayer Service in cooperation with the pastors association. A time of prayer is now held in a different church in the community the last Thursday of every month. We generally have a different group of people at each service. The pastor of the hosting church guides us in prayer for various needs and aspects of our community: government, schools, families, and current issues. We have spent time repenting and petitioning God to transform this little town so it will be known as a city that belongs to him.
First Brethren Church is also waking up to more community involvement as well as missions. In addition to supporting regular missionaries, we are taking on a community project every quarter. Last month we gave a baby shower to a single mom with few resources. This quarter we are helping a local soup kitchen that provides free suppers in our community with volunteers and food. Other projects are in the works as practical ways to reach into the community with the love and generosity of Christ.
“ It is only a trickle now, but we are praying for a tsunami.”
During prayer at our monthly luncheon meetings, some pastors were hungry to spend more time praying together. A weekly hour of prayer is now held at Trinity United Methodist for all ministers in the area. Catholics, Assemblies of God, Brethren, United Brethren, Methodists, and other denominations meet every Wednesday morning to pray. We are drawing strength and encouragement from each other. More importantly, all of us sense God’s desire to start a revival in our community.
Prayer has stirred the hearts of the people and pastors. We are crossing denominational lines to bind together as “the church of Huntington”. Pastors and people alike are reporting salvation rather than transfer growth in our community. It is only a trickle now, but we are praying for a tsunami. Only God knows what our prayers are doing and will do in the future. Last month, seven pastors formed a steering committee to plan a city wide “Encounter with Christ” in 2010. There are now at least 20 others are on board, including the Nazarene and nondenominational congregations in our little town.
The excitement is building as a flame from the Holy Spirit is stirred in our hearts through prayer and service. Most congregations are taking every opportunity to cooperate with other churches’ programs and supporting each other in ministry. Visiting other churches’ services, swapping pulpits, combined meetings, are all working to provide a unity of spirit among believers in our community. God is on the move in Huntington!
Cross Bars Ministries: Meeting Needs for Life In John 10:10 Jesus said, I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. The Message translates the sentence, I came that they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. God has called Cross Bars Ministries to help people discover the life that is better than they ever dreamed of. Several years ago, God began calling Cindy and me to plant a church that was very different than the local church yet had the same mission: transformation of lives through Jesus Christ.
by Larry Hanson
South Bend, Indiana Cross Bars is a ministry that is dedicated to rebuilding lives and families through genuine community, job re-entry training, and life coaching — all surrounded in Christ’s love. Community will occur at the bar and grill, while job training will happen through employment in light industry, along with retail sales in the thrift store, textiles and book sales. Life coaching will be available to everyone. As we celebrated our one-year anniversary in March, I was amazed at how far the ministry has come and where God has met our needs. In the past year, we partnered with Pump House Ministries and I have had eight opportunities in Brethren churches to share the vision for Cross Bars. We are keeping busy building a ministry team, forming an intercessory prayer team, collecting textiles, networking and sharing the vision with local agencies, soliciting support, local seminars, collecting books, looking for a permanent building, running our Amazon bookstore and purchasing equipment. Every day God is showing us his blessings and meeting our needs. God has not only been meeting our needs, he is helping us fulfill our mission of meeting the needs of others. Our ministry team has been challenged to find ways to live outside the walls of a building, step out into the community and be Jesus to a hurting, needy people. It is a challenge that every member of the Body of Christ must take to heart and rise up to meet. In August, I began to see many coats coming in through our textile
collections. I sensed that God wanted me to begin saving back coats that were collected. God knew the need for coats in our area and was beginning a plan to help meet those needs. On a Sunday in October, Cross Bars and the First Brethren Church of South Bend partnered for a day of ministry in the community. That Sunday we held a Community Coat Give-away and gave away 77 coats in the parking lot of a local video store. People were touched by God’s generosity. One lady came with her children and told me how grateful she was because she couldn’t afford coats and she missed the deadline to qualify elsewhere for assistance. One man in tears hugged me in gratitude. I remember the woman who stood shaking in the 45-degree weather as she looked for a coat. I only had one coat that was her size and she liked it and took it. God had planned it that way. My favorite memory was the little girl and the pink coat and pink boots. I almost threw the boots away. These boots came in a drop box. They were in good shape but covered with horse pooh and straw. I almost threw them away, but something in my spirit checked me and I decided to take them home and clean them up. When the little girl saw them she lit up like it was Christmas morning. I’ll never forget how she wore her new coat, sat on the curb and hugged her
boots like they were a favorite new friend. God had a plan for those boots. People’s lives were touched that day for Jesus. Four families from the neighborhood were touched and brought us extra coats they had so we could give them away also. God was there and had that planned as well. God continued to bless the ministry with coats. On February 18-19 we partnered with a “homeless drop-in center” at a church in South Bend. We gave away 96 coats and 95 pairs of gloves, hats and scarves. But more than that, I made a few friends and built some relationships. I met a woman who is a recovering addict who lives at a shelter and is searching for a job, yet volunteers her time at the drop-in center. There was a man who was busy filling out applica-
tions for employment. When I asked him about it he stated that he had filled out nearly 50 so far and was on his way to drop off the three he had just completed. Then there was the man I noticed on Wednesday who was alone. On Thursday he was back and alone again. I asked him if I could join him for breakfast and he invited me to sit down. I asked him his name and his life story came out. He told me about his life and how after many years of hard work his drinking took away his family, job, and several marriages. He told me about the abuse he suffered as a child, his mental diagnosis, how his first and second wives kicked him out, and that his adult children are all hooked on crack.
By all standards that man’s life is a nightmare. About the time I was thinking, “I’m in over my head, Lord. How can I help this guy?”, the man told me how he was working on getting his life together with God’s help. God had simply brought me along where I could breathe some words of encouragement. Who would have thought a coat or two could bring Jesus to people? Cross Bars has also partnered with First Baptist Church and First Brethren in distributing food through Angel Food Ministries. In this partnership, since October we have helped people receive food at a greatly discounted price. So far nearly 1000 orders have been distributed. Cross Bars is also partnering with the Food
Bank of Northern Indiana to develop a mobile food and clothing pantry. We are only in the infancy phase at this point, but I can’t wait to see what God has planned for this ministry extension. I’m sure that there will be some great stories of how God shows up while meeting people’s needs. There are needs everywhere; a coat, a box of food, a few diapers, a car repair. What will we use next to touch people for Jesus? Only God knows. I look forward to sharing more “Jesus” moments soon. Please keep Cross Bars in your prayers as we move forward on the journey. You can check us out at www.crossbarsministries.com or visit our bookstore at www.amazon.com/ shops/crossbarsbooks.
Helping the Homeless in Washington, D.C. In January 2009 during some of the harshest of economic times, the Southeast Christian Fellowship’s Children’s Ministry headed into downtown Washington, D.C. to feed the homeless. We prepared a delicious box lunch for them and distributed gloves, socks, hats and scarves to over 100 people. We had a great time just talking with them. As the experience was ending we had two ladies ask us to pray for them. To our surprise, even more people came running from every direction to join our prayer circle. By the time we started to pray, we had garnered about 40+ people. As we continued talking with them, we also learned that some of them were homeless not because of addictions or poor choices, but because they had been victims of this economic turmoil and had lost their homes through foreclosures.
With so much heartache and despair evident to us, we decided that we had to do a church-wide outreach for the homeless April 4, 2009. This time, we were also joined by young and old from the Waldorf Wildcats Youth Football & Cheerleading Program from Charles County, Maryland, as well as a reporter and a photographer from the Maryland Independent Newspaper. We also collected hundreds of pieces of clothing and we received hundreds of dental products from a local Wal-Mart store. It is abundantly clear that God is making this thing bigger and bigger each time we are obedient and serve our brothers and sisters. As Christians we should not feel sorry for the homeless, but rather we must HELP them. When we arrived at McPherson Park, the homeless lined up very quietly and even helped us unload
our van and our caravan of cars. As they came through the line to get their box lunch (chicken wings, roll, bunny, jelly beans, potato chips, a slice of cake and our Easter tract), their smiles and thank you’s absolutely melted our hearts. When they went to the clothing table, it seemed like they were shopping at Macy’s. They were allowed to select whatever they wanted or needed. At the end, we had served over 200 people and they kept coming back for more. Of course, God had provided more than enough. We then ended our day with our circle of prayer and took the leftover clothing to the Sasha Bruce House in Washington, D.C. We definitely learned a lot through these two outreach activities. Primarily that we are so very blessed to be able to serve as Christ’s warriors in this battle against hunger, homelessness and poverty; and secondly, that we must remind those who are affected by these severe times that we are all God’s children. Please, “feed his sheep,” not just spiritually, but also physically!
International Adoption Sharing God’s Love
by Paula Strickland
Recently as we drove home from church Naomi, my 11-year-old, announced from the back seat that she was going to adopt three kids just as soon as she could. I said “Really, why do you want to do that?” She proceeded to explain to me there are so many kids living in orphanages that she figures they all need a real home, where they can eat, play games and be loved. This conversation lasted the entire trip home, Hanna, my 9-year-old daughter then said “I’m gonna adopt too!” Naomi said, “I will adopt three kids, raise them, get three more, raise them and do it again and again until they tell me I’m too old to adopt anymore.” I smiled at her enthusiasm and it got me thinking about the stories from my friends who have or who are in the process of adopting children. I asked several different friends to tell me their adoption stories. Most of them shared that they knew there was something missing in their families. Some said they always knew they would adopt. Some chose to do it after having biological children, others are adopting because
Aly Pflugfelder with Jillianne
they have never been able to have children. James and Aly Pflugfelder, of Oasis Community Church (AZ) adopted their daughter, Jillianne, from the Ukraine. Aly told me they knew there was a link missing in their family. Due to problematic pregnancies, adoption seemed like the best way to complete their family. Their journey to adoption began and, in Aly’s words, they “found a very sick little girl who at 20 months old, weighed just 14 lbs. But as she clung to James like a monkey clings to its mother we knew a little girl had found her mommy and daddy and a mommy and daddy had found their little girl.” Jillianne became a U.S. citizen on July 5, 2003 when their plane landed in Cincinnati, Ohio. For Michelle and Tim DeLaughter, former associate pastor at Grace Community Church, their heart has always beaten for the orphans of the world and they knew they couldn’t change the world, but they wanted to make a difference in at least one life. Although their adoption is taking much longer than they originally expected, they are patiently waiting on their new family member. They are adopting from China and while the wait was originally approximately year it is now around 30 months. Due to laws changing in China, people in China can now adopt — good for them, but
Silly Jilly today
it increases the wait in the U.S. The Olympics held in Beijing caused an influx of extra paperwork at the embassy. China was a natural choice for the DeLaughters as Michelle had studied the language and culture during college, giving her a heart for the people of China. Heidi and Kurt Stout, pastor at North Manchester First Brethren Church in Indiana, adopted their son Isaac from India when he was four-and-a-half months old. They felt called by God that this was the way to begin their family. They researched agencies that allowed adoption in India; they had fallen in love with the people there on a mission trip to the Brethren work in India. Their adoption has taught them so much about God’s love and adoption of us. Heidi says, “We don’t love him (Isaac) nearly as much as God loves us.” Isaac and Caleb (their other son) are the best of buddies. Caleb often says, “I can’t believe what a miracle it is that God gave Isaac to me as a brother.” It’s obvious that God created them to be brothers. Heidi says adoption is a marvelous miracle and would suggest it to anyone with open arms. Kurt and Heidi are actually in the process of adopting again, this time from Ethiopia and they are hoping to have a sibling group. Dawn and Anthony Keim, pastor at St. Luke Brethren Church (MD) began looking into adopting after trying to have a baby for almost two years. Little did they know that Dawn was already pregnant.
Caleb & Isaac Stout
International Adoption continued In 2002 they decided to have another child. They picked up information on several adoption agencies while at a Steven Curtis Chapman concert. They went to an informational seminar and came away knowing that they would connect them with ther daughter. After an eight-month process of collecting all the needed documents and sending them to Russia, they received an email with a picture and information. Two weeks after that email they were on their way to meet their daughter, Sadie. Through this whole process, they compared it to what God went through to adopt US! We are told in Scripture that through Christ’s sacrifice we become children of God (John 1;11-13) and are therefore given the right and privilege to call God “Abba” — daddy (Romans 8:15). Sadie and Kate are true sisters and Dawn said “She may have not grown from our flesh, but she has
grown in our hearts and we simply couldn’t imagine life without her.” Adoption may not be for everyone, but those who are called will tell you their lives are richer and fuller because of the children God has placed in their families. There are so many ways to share God’s love with people around the world; adoption is a very real, relational way that is making a difference in lives of children all over the world. For more information on adopting contact one or more of the agencies these families used. All God’s Children International: www.allgodschildren.org, or America World Adoption Association of McLean, VA. There are many wonderful Christian agencies ready to help match parents and children.
Anthony Keim with Sadie in Russia
Sadie today
In Memory Martin S. Haskins (Marty) went to be with his Lord and Savior on April 14, 2009 after a battle with cancer. Born in Tracy, CA on October 8, 1955, he had lived in Manteca for 53 years. Marty was the director of Camp Berea in California. Pastor Paul Stanley of Carson Oaks Community Church in Stockton, CA said, “Camp Berea exists as it is today because of Marty Haskins. His heart for the kids was as big as he was.” Marty is survived by his wife of 35 years, Judy; three daughters, Carla, Candi, and Christy; his father and mother-in-law, Archie and Edna Peoples of Manteca; and many other relatives and friends who will miss him dearly, but will always have great memories. He was a member of Northgate Community (Brethren) Church in Manteca.
Lima, Peru & Puerto Maldonado This trip is full!
July 16-26
Contact: Pastor Fred Miller, fgmiller58@yahoo.com
North Manchester Brethren Church
Puerto Maldonado
August 1-10
*November 2-13
Mt. Olive Brethren Church
Contact: Pastor Larry Brown, (937) 592-0186, gretna@bright.net
Gretna Brethren Church
Brethren Church National Office
Opportunity to experience the various evangelistic ministries of the India mission and participate in sharing God’s love with the people there. The dedication of new churches, praying for the sick, delivering medicines and other supplies, preaching the gospel, and bringing encouragement to the many pastors and orphans will be a part of the experience. There are still a few spots available! The cost is $3500 per person, and includes all meals, motels, ground transportation in India, and air fare from Chicago. For more information on this opportunity contact the Brethren Church National Office toll-free at 1-877-289-1708.
Summer 2010
Contact: Scott Soden, CheyenneBrethrenCh@att.net
Cheyenne Brethren Church
Women’s Outlook Newsletter
A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e Wo m e n’s M i s s i o n a r y S o c i e t y Vo l u m e 2 2 , N u m b e r 5 May/June 2009
The President’s Pen Dear Ladies, Greetings to all! I want to extend a thank you to Phyllis for letting me write this edition. My name is Jane Yoder and currently Acting President and Vice President for the Northeast district WMS. My husband Bill is the pastor at Valley Brethren Church in Jones Mills, PA. We have served here 20 years. We are close to two ski resorts, Seven Springs and Hidden Valley. Winter visitors are welcome! As I began to think what to share with everyone, my mind kept going back to A New Day and made me think about something I enjoy and have enjoyed even more in the past 20 years. My favorite time of the year is here — SPRING! There are so many things I love about this time of year: the winter gloom melts away and I enjoy watching everything slowly wake up and color returns. To see all the tiny leaves form and flowers bloom and birds sing! Every morning we are able to look out our living room window and enjoy the most magnificent sunrise. Each one is so different and amazing! I am only able to say, “Thank you, Lord, for your beautiful artwork in the sky.” Easter is part of the spring season. I love this holy day! Christmas reminds us of His birth; Good Friday reminds us of His death on the cross. Easter reminds us He lives! Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with us and talks with us each and every day.
(Continued on page 10)
Missionary Miscellany
In the March-April Newsletter David and Jenny Loi requested your prayers for their pending trip to China. This is the follow-up report from them.
Dear Brethren: Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Praise that we came back from China safely on March 13, a day after schedule, due to flight cancellation. Praise that God did great miracles in China. We visited the Northern, Central, and Southern parts of Henaan. Praise that 12 people prayed to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Praise that 17 answered the call to full-time ministry. Praise that 46 persons received physical healings, such as heart condition, asthma, pain in the shoulder, gastric, bronchitis, spinal problem, tongue-tie loosed, knee joint pain, etc. Praise that many had spiritual renewal, received spiritual gifts, deliverance from curses and bondages. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! HIS NAME IS TO BE PRAISED! Thank you all for the prayers. In Him, David and Jenny Prasanth and Nirmala Kumar and Sudhir and Latha Kumar are the MAY missionaries-of-the-month. This year the Kumars are celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the Brethren Mission in India! From Prasanth and Nirmala Kumar: Dear Sisters in Christ, We once again praise our mighty Master for being our never-failing friend through all the days of our ministry in India. We have come back from the national conference in USA to recapture the things that we have missed in our absence. Everything went on
very well in our absence, as the staff that are working with us have done their duties so well. The children of our orphanage were promoted to their new grades in June and they are excited to carry all new books and wear all new dresses. Most of them are doing well with their studies. We have Sunday Schools for them every Sunday and have prayer time both in the morning and evening, which gives us a good chance to nurture them in good Christian living. We have trained another thirtyfive widows and destitutes in our free sewing training and provided sewing machines to nine poor helpless women. They are earning their livelihood through this tailoring skill. Praise be to His name! We have reached most of them for Christ and, even after they leave us, they are taking Jesus their Savior to their friends and relatives and neighbors. The Lord is helping us to provide computer courses to poor unemployed youth, so they are able to get employment. We have celebrated the 36th anniversary of the Charity Hospital on September 16, and the Lord is helping us to give medicine to an average of 120 poor people every day. We had wonderful outreach on Christmas Day in our Brethren Prayer Compound. Around 15,000 people have attended the great celebration during which all our orphan kids and the youth have enacted Christmas playlets and dances, conveying the message of Christmas, the birth of our Savior. Right now we are having Lenten fasting prayer meetings every evening at the homes of the congregation. Almost 250 people are able to attend at each home. It is a great time of praise and singing messages.
(Continued on page 10) 9
Missionary Miscellany (continued) The gospel of the cross is being taken to many people belonging to different religions. We will baptize the people on Palm Sunday. The pastors are trained through Brethren Bible Institute. The village pastors are working hard and are reaching many Hindus in the villages. Many people have accepted Jesus through the baptism this year. We are erecting tents outside the church as many new souls are being added. Our sincere thanks and gratitude to each one of you for all your prayers and support. Love and Grace, Nirmala and Prasanth Sam and Sara Wright, pastoring The Road in Tucson, AZ, are the national missionaries for MAY. Sam reported: As you read this, there are many who are being hit hard by our sad economic situation, and Tucson is no different. Many people live with the fear of how they will pay the bills and if they will even have a job in the days to come. We believe that God greatly uses these hard times and reaches out to people, inviting them into trusting and relying on Him. That is what we are seeing go on at The Road. We are seeing people come into a relationship with God because the old ways of dealing with life are not working. Self-reliance or reliance on the government just isn’t working and people are turning to God! At The Road we have developed several entry points for people to be introduced to Jesus. The first is that our people are simply inviting their friends, neighbors, and co-workers to The Road, as they feel a sense of receiving help with their daily lives, hope they can really count on, and a place to call home. The Road is surrounded by churches that are driven by programs and by glitz, but a woman at The Road said to me recently that as she looks out across our congregation, she sees people who would not normally darken the door of church, people from all social and economic levels, from blue-collar to white-collar, and even no-collar workers, all sitting next to each other learning about Jesus. Then she said something that made my heart very warm. She said, “Hurting people always seem to find the hospital and that is what we are.”
We are helping people work through relational pain to find healing that Jesus offers; they are finding freedom in their finances through “Financial Peace University”; and they are finding friends through the many relational activities like golf, Ladies Bunko, and off-roading. So, as you think of The Road “way out in Arizona”, say a little prayer for us, as we are seeing God use us to impact a community. One last little word — God has been growing The Road steadily, and we are seeing new people come and stay, but God seems to want to see us grow from within as well. Last week Sara and I found out that we will become parents of our first child sometime in late November! We are so excited to enter this new time in our lives and to see how God will use this to draw others to Himself. I’m gonna be a Dad!!!!!!! Thanks for all your prayers, Pastor Sam Wright
s! n o i t a l u Congrat
The JUNE missionaries-of-the-month are Gus and Gladys Miranda, pastoring Centro Cristiano Para La Familia of Pacoima in San Gabriel, CA. Gus is the son of former missionaries Juan Carlos and Maria Miranda. You have heard the missionaries say how much they appreciate your letters, cards, and various means of support — especially your prayers. It may sound trite to you, but it is true! Re-read David and Jenny’s report of their trip to China. Your prayers helped them! Thank you!
Cindy Hanson, the Indiana district president, sent her newsletter with snippets from several societies. The Loree ladies signed Valentine cards for all the shut-ins during their social time. The Oakville ladies served a soup lunch to the congregation to defray the cost of the annual Mother-Daughter banquet. The North Manchester ladies made new cards from old cards which the church kids signed for the children in the India mission. The college students from the church received valentines with a $5 gift card to a fastfood restaurant. And the ladies paid for soccer bags for the children in the Chilean village where the Chile team worked last year. The bags were filled with soccer balls — gifts from last summer’s VBS kids. The Indiana district conference is April 25. Each lady is to bring one article of good used clothing for Cross Bars, the benevolent store in South Bend. Their theme is “Celebrate.” Giving is a great way to celebrate! Thanks, ladies, for telling us of these activities. I will be pleased to read more from you.
The President’s Pen (continued) Do you spend time walking and talking with Him? Have you spent time listening for Him to speak to you today? HIS BLESSINGS ARE NEW EVERY MORNING! May God bless you as you worship Him, the Creator! Jane Yoder
KEEP IN TOUCH with your prayers
and letters!
Women’s Outlook Newsletter
W.M.S. CONFERENCE July 13 - 16, 2009
The theme of the W.M.S. meetings is “Come to the Rock,” based on Psalm 31:1-3. One familiar sight at Conference is the quilting frame surrounded by women listening to the conference, but their fingers nimbly stitching a beautiful quilt assembled by Joan Merrill from squares you ladies have submitted. Remember? This year no quilting. When the WMS Board met in January, one topic of discussion was quilting. Or what to do in lieu of that? Joan Merrill, coordinator of sewing and benevolences, reported she has an insufficient number of quilt blocks and then what to do with it? The recent auctions have not netted the value of the quilt. Joan proposed several ideas and the Board chose this. For a few years our national project was to help finance the construction of an orphanage in Peru for the numerous street children, who have neither parents who care for them or homes to live in. The buildings are nearing completion and are ready for occupancy. They need equipping! Joan suggested bed linens , but can you imagine the exorbitant weight and cost of sending sheets, pillows, pillow cases, etc. to Peru? One thought led to another: Joan will devise a “pillow-case”
$ for money, which we will send to Rebecca and Italo Abuid to purchase those essentials locally. Won’t she be a good customer! This offering does NOT replace our usual project or thank-offering, but replaces quilting! If you are not a quilter, you may contribute anyway. It could
May/June 2009
be loose change in your pocket every day, or a gift from your society. No matter its source, we pray that you will give a love offering to the orphans in Puerto Maldonado, Peru. Checks should be made payable to Joanne Kroft, National WMS national financial secretary. Until the orphans in Peru thank you, your executive board members thank you!
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Receiving the project and thankofferings is an annual highlight of Conference. As you prepare to bring or send your gifts this year, don’t just send “what we sent before”. Send from your heart. Because you need to know how WMS uses your gifts, this the explanation. Project offering: Designated for the soccer and youth program in Bradenton, FL with Miguel and Sonia Antunez. A new project will be chosen since this concludes the two-year commitment. Thank-offerings: These are designated for benevolences and include gifts to: Ashland Theological Seminary, World and Home Missions, AU Campus Ministry, Riverside Christian School, and AU Scholarships. Scholarship recipients this year were Tessa Hooley and Leta Mercer. Both wrote notes of appreciation and the blessings they received via your gifts and prayers. Dues aren’t received at Conference, but in October. They are used for publications, the Devotional Guide and the Newsletter. Checks for all offerings should be written to National WMS, Joanne Kroft, financial secretary. This year much was accomplished with your gifts. We anticipate greater things to come with God’s blessings.
Happy Celebrations!
The spring and summer months are filled with occasions for celebration. Graduations, weddings, and parades, as well as more quiet observances like Memorial Day. One of the happy occasions for us women is Mother’s Day, May 10. Some of us are not mothers, but all of us are daughters. Some are adopted with a new mother, or reared in foster homes. This is the one day designated to honor, give love and appreciation to your mother or the mother figure in your life. Furthermore, don’t limit your appreciation, share it with other ladies who have mentored and loved you. One of the Old Testament commandments God spoke to Moses was Honor your father and your mother, Exodus 20:12a. God recognized the influence a mother would have on her children, sons as well as daughters. Part of the third commitment for WMS is to support the youth of your church. What a good idea! You can begin at home! Living a Christian example to your children is easy, then your kids have nothing to unlearn when they leave home. As we frequently read about God’s chosen leaders of the Israelites, Micah is pleading the cause of His chosen people, who are also disobedient and prone to follow their own evil ways. God reminded them of His care generations before coming from Egypt and His righteous acts. Then Micah questions the Israelites, what should he offer? Burnt offerings? Young animals? Rivers of oil? Even his firstborn son? Micah knows none of those is the answer. A sacrifice is OK, if the obedient heart is with it. He said, “Change your actions and attitudes. We can’t give God anything, He already owns it!” Micah elaborates, He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God, Micah 6:8. Three short phrases: (1) to act justly — be fair in their dealings with others; (2) love mercy — meet others’ needs; and (3) walk humbly with God — fellowship with Him in humility, without arrogance.
(Continued on page 12)
Happy Celebrations (continued) Let’s adjust this to our daily life: * act justly: no cheating at the grocery, no tasting the grapes, no bruising the fruit and leaving it for another; be fair at home — mete out punishments fairly after your temper cools, treat your children fairly. *love mercy: show compassion to those in need and use your gift of help — driving for doctors’ appointments, meals, child assistance. * show your loyal love. Walk humbly with God: don’t wear your religion on your shoulder (remember Jesus said to pray “in your closet”, privately, not proudly on the street corner), live your religion quietly from the inside out, simply, consistently, and sincerely. From this, develop your own methods of acting, loving, and walking with God. The Apostle Paul wrote to Titus, his “young son in the Lord”, instructions of what Titus should teach to the various groups in the young church at Corinth. Paul wrote, Teach the older men…. Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God, Titus 2:3-5. Think about Timothy’s rich heritage. In writing to Timothy, Paul remembered the strong faith which lived in his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice. Wouldn’t we like a memory like that to follow us? Grandmothers and mothers, that is our assignment straight from God’s Word. When our children honor us, receive it and appreciate it. Then pass on Paul’s advice to Titus: teach what is good, v. 3. That is the best gift you can give and the best support for your children and the youth of your church. Annually Proverbs 31 is read to and for mothers in observance of Mother’s Day. We are challenged (wow! that’s a lot to ask for); intimidated (I can never do that); or amused (who are they talking about?). And perhaps your reaction is yet a different feeling.
May I suggest you choose your favorite version of Proverbs 31:10-31 and ponder that. This paraphrase is another which may interest you: A truly good wife is the most precious treasure a man can find! Her husband depends on her, and she never lets him down. She is good to him every day of her life, and with her own hands she gladly makes clothes. She is like a sailing ship that brings food from across the sea. She gets up before daylight to prepare food for her family and for her servants. She knows how to buy land and how to plant a vineyard, and she always works hard. She knows when to buy or sell, and she stays busy until late at night. She spins her own cloth, and she helps the poor and the needy. Her family has warm clothing, and so she doesn’t worry when it snows. She does her own sewing, and everything she wears is beautiful. Her husband is a well-known and respected leader in the city. She makes clothes to sell to the shop owners. She is strong and graceful, as well as cheerful about the future. Her words are sensible, and her advice is thoughtful. She takes good care of her family and is never lazy. Her children praise her, and with great pride her husband says, “There are many good women, but you are the best!” Charm can be deceiving and beauty fades away, but a woman who honors the Lord deserves to be praised. Show her respect -— praise her in public for what she has done. In this space and on page 10, please write your own paraphrase, only in first person, using “I”, not in third person. For once, write about yourself!
The Proverbs Woman, according to me!
The Editor’s Ending
Dear Friend, In the previous Newsletter, I declared Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) week. I hope this continues. Soon you will forget to keep score and you have established a good habit. Coinciding with RAOK is National Volunteer Week, April 26 - May 2. If you are a volunteer, good! Please continue. However, if volunteering hasn’t become part of your schedule, think about it. Consider your church; consider the hospital; child care services — the list is unlimited. Shock somebody — go and volunteer! “Serve the Lord with gladness!” Your friend,
Women’s Outlook Newsletter
Southeast Asia
The Testimony of Viseth and Socheata Hou In the March/April issue of the Evangelist we introduced Viseth and Socheata Hou, Cambodians now living in the U.S. After General Conference in July they will be moving to Stockton, California to begin a church among the Cambodian population there. This is their story…
Cambodia Vietnam
Malaysia Philippines
Above:_ The Hou’s in Cambodia Below:_ Today with Victor and Victoria
My name is Viseth Hou. I was born in Cambodia in 1970 into a Buddhist family. As a boy I grew up under the “Killing Field” regime, which killed innocent people (over five hundred thousand in all) every day. Personally, I spent the day working hard in the rice fields without enough food. If I picked something to eat, the leader of security would punish me by kicking me or hitting me with a stiick. My wife, Socheata Hou was born in Cambodia in 1975, also as a Buddhist. In that year the Communist Party took over Cambodia and called themselves the Khmer Rouge. Many people were forced to leave their homes to go to unknown locations. When people complained, they were shot and killed. The new government targeted everyone who didn’t support the revolution. My father did not support it and was being arrested when a dust storm made it possible for him to escape. After that the soldiers forced me to labor as a slave. They treated me unfairly, accused me of stealing, and then forced my mother to beat me severely. Attempts were made later to kill my father with a knife, by shooting, and by poisoning, but through miracles he survived without harm. Then they let him go free. When the Khmer Rouge took over, they killed Socheata’s mother and father. She and her seven brothers and sisters were taken to an orphanage. Many of her needs were not met, especially for love and affection. Living as an orphan was hard and difficult. Both of us persevered, however. We took advantage of every opportunity for education. While at the orphanage, an older child shared Christ with Socheata and she became a Christian. After being in the Khmer army and leaving, because I did not believe killing people was good, I went to a small
Christian church at Christmas time. The Christians’ love overwhelmed me and I also became a Christian. In 1996 Socheata joined Campus Crusade for Christ and married me. I was on staff with Campus Crusade by that time. By 2004, I had become National Director for Campus Crusade. My wife and I shared Christ with thousands of students and discipled hundreds of people. In our ministry, we felt a great need to learn Scripture better and we made arrangements to come to America for graduate seminary study, being encouraged by an American missionary in Cambodia to do so. By that time, Socheata had a Bachelor’s degree in English and I had a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. Dr. Fred Finks interviewed me and made it possible for us to study at Ashland Seminary. We attended a Grace Brethren church (WGBC) in Wooster and they encouraged us greatly in many ways. Socheata graduated from ATS in 2007, with a degree in Practical Theology for Christian Education. I graduated from ATS in 2008, with a Master of Divinity degree. Socheata served an internship with WGBC for a year. Bill Ludwig helped open the door for me to serve an internship with the Brethren Church in Ashland. Together we made plans for Socheata and me to minister as church planters in Stockton, CA. We will live with Viseth’s aunt and uncle there and a Brethren church building (Carson Oaks Community Church) has been provided. Now we are praying for support for our ministry. In my internship work, we have led ten Cambodian Americans to receive Christ. Now we are discipling them. We have two children: Victor and Victoria. We thank the Brethren Church for a warm welcome and an open door for ministry.
2009 General Conference July 13-16, 2009
This year’s General Conference is an invitation for pastors and congregational leaders to seek out and connect with like-minded people. It is an opportunity for those ready to be RE-equipped, RE-empowered and REleased for their unique contribution to the Kingdom. It is a call to embrace a NEW DAY. During the week you will be inspired, encouraged, and challenged as we continue to become the church that is actively part of God’s Kingdom.
NEW DAY Grant Opportunity The vision of the Brethren Church is to embrace a NEW DAY of transformed leadership, resulting in transformed congregations, whose mission Is the transformation of their communities in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Brethren Church National
Office invites local Brethren con-
gregations to apply for a New Day Grant, to be used for ministry that will directly impact their communities. Recently The National Office received a generous bequest from a gracious Brethren family. The National Office, with full support of the Executive Board, is making $1,000 to $3,000 amounts of this bequest available to local congregations for NEW DAY grants. Based on the response of churches to this opportunity, a total of $30,000 could be released denominationwide. Full instructions and a grant application form are available at www.brethrenchurch.org. Copies of this information have also been mailed to every local church pastor.
Dr. Bob Logan will be joining us during the week as he walks us through his findings in From Followers to Leaders. In his book Dr. Logan explains how leadership development is more than a six-week series or an inspiring conference. It requires a commitment to raise up leaders as an ongoing natural outcome of the mission of the church. As a part of Dr. Logan’s presentations through the week, you will have the opportunity to participate in learning groups with other church representatives with the result of developing specific applications to your personal and church-wide ministry. Dr. Logan will also participate with Brethren Church National Office leaders as we learn about the most recent progress and latest REsources in the areas of Church Mobilization (church health and mission) and Church Multiplication (church planting). Three special offerings will be collected throughout the week. These offerings help provide resources for the opportunities that God is opening up to our churches and will help fuel the Brethren Movement. * Church Mobilization: including Natural Church Development surveys, launching the second round of coaching certification training and the deployment of the first round of certified coaches. * Church Multiplication: continuing to provide resources for individuals exploring the call to church planting, the development of individuals who are called, and the resourcing (including intentional coaching) of individuals, churches and districts who are called to plant. * Leadership Development: providing opportunities for pastoral and lay leaders to attend conferences, summits, and receive resources to help further their personal transformation as they follow Christ along a path they have yet to explore. James Pinto and the Park Street Worship Team led worship last year at our 300th Anniversary Celebration General Conference in Richmond, VA. James and the Park Street Worship Team will be RE-joining us and leading worship during the morning and afternoon sessions in Upper Convo. Evening sessions will be held jointly with the youth at Hugo Young Auditorium all week long. Nate Bebout and Kary Oberbrunner will be speaking during these times. Aaron Wardle will be leading in worship, involving youth and adults as an expression of our combined calling and mission as Brethren.
Registration will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Monday in the Upper Convo lobby with the opening session at 5:00 p.m. This is a change from the last Evangelist, which had the time set at 3:00 p.m. Be sure to check out the website at www.brethrenchurch.org for a more complete General Conference schedule, or to register online. We look forward to spending time with you and other leaders in your church as we RE-imagine what church could be.
2009 General Conference Registration Monday, July 13 - Thursday, July 16 Monday, July 13 - Friday, July 17 Ashland, Ohio Ashland, Ohio All General Conference participants must submit this registration form. Early Registration is June 15. (Register online at www.brethrenchurch.org)
Name(s): ________________________________________________________ Home Phone:_________________________ Address:____________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_____________________________________ First time Attendee? (Please check here)
- 2009 General Conference -
Please complete this registration form so we may enter you into our database and get all the proper preparation complete. Please remember that you must complete both this Registration Form as well as turn in your Credentials by June 1st to be registered as a Delegate at 2009 General Conference. These two items do not need to be submitted together, but if you would like to do so that is also all right. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions that you may have regarding 2009 General Conference.
REGISTRATION Registration fee for 2008 General Conference is $25.00 per household. Registrations submitted before June 15 qualify for an early rate of $15.00 per household. Total for Registration: $_____________
CREDENTIALS Delegate credentials are obtained from your pastor. A limited number of district and cooperative credentials are available through your district organizations. Credentials do not need to accompany your registration but need to be submitted by June 15. If you are not attending as a church/district delegate, you must pay the Non Delegate fee, to assist with the overall cost of General Conference. Non Delegate(s) $15.00 per person/ per day No. of people _____ x No. of days attending _____ = Total for Non Delegate(s): $_____________
HOUSING Housing is available in the dormitories at Ashland University (no air conditioning). There are several area hotels that are available if you choose that route. We recommend that you make arrangements for housing as soon as possible to assure your stay. Housing at Ashland University includes a linen packet of 2 sheets, 2 towels and 1 washcloth. Number of rooms per day: S ____ M ____ T ____ W ____ TH ____ Cost per room is $45.00. Please list the name(s) of who will be in this room: ____________________________________________________________________________ I prefer to be on a floor with: Women’s restroom/shower _____ Men’s restroom/shower _____ Total Number of Nights _________ x $45.00 = Total for Housing: $_____________
Continue on other side
2009 General Conference Registration (Continued)... SPECIAL EVENT RESERVATIONS Ministry Wives Breakfast Tuesday 7:45 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. WMS Luncheon Tuesday 12:00 - 1:45 p.m. Ashland Theological Seminary Dinner Tuesday 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Brethren Church Mobilization & Multiplication Luncheon Wednesday 12:00 - 1:45 p.m. Brethren Missionary Luncheon Thursday 12:00 - 1:45 p.m.
$6.00 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________ $10.00 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________ $12.00 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________ $12.50 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________ $12.50 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________ Total for Special Events: $_____________
Kids Conference: For children from 4 years old to those who have completed 5th grade, Kids Conference will be available during the week of General Conference. Kids Conference will run Monday from 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., and Tuesday - Thursday from 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Cost is $25.00 per day per child, which includes lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, crafts and any special trips. Registration for Kids Conference is only available by pre-registering. Child’s Full Name
Check boxes of days each child will attend M T W TH
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
No. of boxes checked ________ x $25.00 = Total for Kids Conference: $_____________
Nursery: A nursery will be available during some of the main events during General Conference. Nursery will be available for babies and toddlers through age 4 at a cost of $4.00 per session. Pre-registration for nursery is not needed.
Registration Fee : $_____________ Non-Delegate Fee (if applicable): $_____________ Housing: $_____________ Special Event Reservations: $_____________ Kids Conference: $_____________ Total Registration Fee: $_____________
PLEASE MAIL REGISTRATIONS AND FEES TO: Brethren Church General Conference 524 College Ave. Ashland, OH 44805
Please select your payment type: □ I am paying by check which is enclosed. Please make checks payable to Brethren Church. □ I am going to pay by credit card. Please bill me via email: E-Mail________________________________ □ I will be paying the full amount before July 1. Please send a bill to the following address (if different from registration address): Name: __________________________________ Address:_________________________________ City:_____________________ State:_____ Zip: __________
Please Select:
BYIC Convention
(ages 12-22)
BYIC-Adult Sponsor (ages 22 +)
First time Attendee, Also check here!
Convention Cost
$280 Early Bird BYIC / Advisor
$315 Regular BYIC / Advisor
$350 Late BYIC / Advisor
(Registered & deposit before May 1) (Registered & deposit before June 15)
(Anytime before Convention begins)
FREE - I’m an advisor and I registered 10 students by May 1 To lock in your rate, registration form and a $50 deposit must be submitted before the dates above.
Track Options This is your opportunity to help us plan a bit of how Convention is going to go this year. Would you want to focus more on the “Deep” things of faith or taking your faith “Wide? ”
Deep - Spending time with scripture, theology, knowledege and the like.
Wide - Spending time learning how to show your faith in real ways. Is there really a fountain flowing...
(Not really that personal...more public really...but things you probably shouldn’t tell a stranger.)
First Name _____________________ Last Name ______________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ State ________ Zip Code ____________
□ Male □ Female Email ________________________________T-Shirt Size (adult sizes)______
Phone (_____)_ _____-____________ Birthday _______/_______/ 19____
What Brethren church do you attend? ______________________________________
(Students?...Is that the right term? How about adults to be, or call it like it is… those that control everything in the world!)
Who is your adult sponsor? _______________________________________________
You must have an adult sponsor of the same sex and at least 22 years of age who is registered with the BYIC Convention in order to attend Convention. If you submit this registration form without a sponsor, please add $30 to your payment. This cost will pay the way for your sponsor for the week.
Despite the rumors...this convention does cost a little something… but we did lower the cost from previous years!
Convention Fee _________ (see above chart to find cost) Linen Packet $5 (optional) _________ (sheets, towels, washcloths) No Sponsor (add $30) _________ (Required if no advisor is listed) Total Due: _________ Amount Enclosed: _________ Please complete the billing box below so we know how you will be paying.
Please select your payment type:
□ □
I am paying my deposit of $50 to lock in my rate, the rest of the money will come in as soon as possible. I am paying by check which is enclosed. When paying by check, please make checks payable to “BYIC Convention”.
□ □
I am going to pay by credit card. Please bill me via E-mail: ___________________________________
I will be paying at a later date. Please send a bill to the following address (if different from above): Name: ____________________________________ Address: __________________________________ City: ________________ State: ______ Zip: _______
Continue on other side Send form to: BYIC Convention 524 College Avenue Ashland, OH 44805
Legal Name_______________________________________________ Social Security Number ___________-_________-__________
Emergency Contact Information Name of Parent(s) / Guardian(s)_________________________________________ Phone (________) ___________-______________ Alternate Contact: (Name) _____________________________________________ Phone (________) ___________-______________
Insurance information Insurance Company ________________________________________________________________________________________ Policy and/or Group Number ________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any medical conditions, recent illnesses or operations, or any medications you currently take: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Medical Release, Authorization to Treat, Conduct and Publication:
I hereby authorize a representative of The Brethren Church, or the 2009 BYIC Convention to authorize administration of medical treatment to this participant when medical treatment is deemed necessary. I understand that all reasonable safety precautions will be taken at all times by The Brethren Church. I understand that in the event medical intervention is necessary every attempt will be made to contact the person(s) above immediately. I further release, indemnify, hold harmless and further discharge The Brethren Church, Inc,. its employees and members, and the BYIC Convention for any and all damages, losses or injuries sustained by participants resulting from applicant’s participating in the BYIC Convention. This extends to and applies to, and also covers and includes, all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected injuries, damages, losses and liability, and consequences in substance that releases shall not extend to claims, demands, injuries or damages which are unknown or unsuspected to exist at the time, to person executing such release are hereby expressly waived. I understand that by breaking any rules or guidelines during the week of BYIC Convention, I may be sent home at my own cost, regardless of cost or time remaining of Convention. Any photographs taken during the week maybe used for promotion purpose via print, video and web, a written request to exclude participant must be on file prior to Convention 2009.
Adult Sponsors Only
List the students you are sponsoring: (up to 8)
Participant’s Signature ______________________________________________ Date Signed ________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature _________________________________________
(if under 18 years of age) Date Signed _________________________________
A $50 fee will be imposed on any cancellations or payment transfers for BYIC Convention.
To lock in your rate, your registration form and a $50 (non-refundable) deposit must be submitted before the dates listed on the front!
This box used to be on the front, now it’s on the back. It doesn’t mean it’s any less important... just a change. (You’re really not old enough to start complaining about change or talking about “I remember whens”...so be sure to fill it out.)
Looking for more information about BYIC Convention? Check out our webpage to find out all the latest information. www.brethrenchurch.org
Sunitha Lingam Age 10
Salome Ventrapati Teacher in Rajahmundry
Sai Durga Gantai Age 10
Prakash Mallempati Age 12
Ananda Namburi Age 14
Venkata Karry Age 8
Mamatha Nukathatti Age 12
Satya Raju Mandapalli Pastor in Vedurumudi
The Brethren Mission in India These are just a few of our Brethren in India. You can make a difference in their lives.
For just one dollar a day ($30/month) you can sponsor an orphan boy or girl. You can provide shelter, food, clothing, education, medical care. and more importantly, a Christ-centered environment for them to live and grow. For only $1.66 a day ($50 a month — two restaurant meals!) you can sponsor a pastor or evangelist. This enables them to minister full-time without worrying about how to support their families.
India Pastors and Orphans
NAME ________________________________________________ ADDRESS _ ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ PHONE _ _________ E-MAIL _____________________________ I/We would like to sponsor the following for 2009: (please indicate the number of Pastors and/or Orphans that you would like to sponsor) _______ Pastors(s) for $50 a month _______ Orphans(s) for $30 a month MAIL TO:
Linda D. Immel, 2001 East Street, North Manchester, IN 46962
The opportunities for evangelism and ministry in India are limited only by available funds. Most of us are not called to foreign missions, but we can make such missions possible. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to partner with our Indian Brethren.
The Brethren Evangelist (SSN 0747-4288) is published six times a year by The Brethren Church, Inc., 524 College Ave., Ashland, OH 44805-3792 (telephone: 419-289-1708; email: brethren@brethrenchurch.org; fax: 419-281-0450. Authors’ views are not necessarily those of The Brethren Church. Subscription rates: Sent free to Brethren Church members; $15.00 per year to others. Member, Evangelical Press Association. Postage: Paid at Ashland, Ohio. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Brethren Church, 524 College Ave., Ashland, OH 44805-3792. May/June 2009, Vol. 131, No. 3
The Brethren Church 524 College Ave. Ashland, OH 44805
Periodical Postage Paid at Ashland, OH 44805
Yes! I’d like to help support Ministerial Student Aid ________________________
My Gift
_________________________________ Name _________________________________ Address _________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________ Phone # ________________________________ Home Church Please complete the information above, detach this form, and mail it to the address below, or call the toll-freenumber. Secure contributions may also be made online through PayPal by going to www.brethrenchurch.org/contributions.
Thanks for supporting Brethren Seminary Students! The Brethren Church 524 College Ave. Ashland, OH 44805
Answering the Call to Ministry Answering the call to ministry is not always an easy step. For those who feel the call to serve the Brethren in pastoral ministry, it often means a commitment to training through Ashland Theological Seminary. One gift we all can give is to support the call of the men and women who want to serve the Brethren. Your gift to the Ministerial Student Aid Fund grants scholarship money for those who have answered the call. This blessing of scholarship helps to give a start to ministry without the debt of education. What we need today are more men and women trained and gifted to respond to the needs of our churches in this time for renewed vision for the Brethren Church. How is God calling YOU to partner with those who are pursuing their calling? What can YOU do today to make a difference? Please contact Vickie Taylor at 419-289-5770 or anyone at the National Office to forward your gift today. Make a lasting impact on the kingdom.
Jody Thomae Five Stones Ashland, OH
Brad Harnden Northgate Manteca, CA
Mary Lou Wilkinson
Pump House Ministries
Ashland, OH
Paul Bozman Beacon of Hope Louisville, OH
James Pinto Park Street Ashland, OH
Jim Koontz Beacon of Hope Louisville, OH
Don Hart Smithville, OH Matthew Potosky Park Street Ashland, OH
Tim Craver Garber Ashland, OH
Lacy Champion Cerro Gordo, IL
Cecilia Castro Cordoba Argentina Josh Sumpter Five Stones Ashland, OH
Luke Dowdy Waterbrook, VA
Rudy Bocanegra Smoky Row Columbus, OH