March 13 2015

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Dangerous Driving Yesterday morning one of our Hill Street neighbours was putting her children into their car seats in the back of her car. As she was fastening her youngest child into the roadside seat, it seems that a car drove straight at her and at the last minute, without indicating, drove up onto the pavement! I was shocked when I was informed. The registration of the car was noted and has been passed on to our PCSO’s. I do hope that it was not one of our parents as I know that we all work hard together to keep our Greenfield children safe at all times. Hill Street is a constricted and potentially dangerous street with very narrow pavements. There have already been several near misses and it would be tragic if any child were hurt. Parents have complained that pupils are still being dropped off by drivers at our Hill Street entrance. Some drivers just stop in the road and let the children jump out of the car or even park on double yellow lines. This is endangering the safety of our children and is totally illegal. If you do come to Greenfield by car, please park on Worcester Street or alternatively on the Greenfield Gardens side of our school and walk your children into school via the park entrance. We are privileged to have two excellent lollipop ladies, who are there to keep our children safe as they cross the road. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

And The Winners Are … This year’s Eisteddfod was the perfect showcase for Greenfield’s many talented children. After the very popular auditions, the entries were whittled down to the individuals and groups, who made it through to the Eisteddfod itself. We would like to thank our expert judges for giving so generously of their time and providing each performer with individual positive feedback and good advice. Our judges were Claire Estell (Woodwind Specialist from Dudley Performing Arts), Julie BonarPhilpotts (Vocalist), Ali Pritchard (Dizzee Dance Academy) and Linda Raybould (Dudley’s Primary English Adviser). Our winners in the four categories were: Instrumental Vocal 1. Matthew Preston (Year 6) 1. Jayme Gubbins (Year 5) 2. Ben Whyatt (Year 5) 2. Madeline Rees (Year 4) 3. Mary Cutler (Year 3) 3. Joss Partridge (Year 6) Poetry Dance 1. George Westley-Smith (Year 5) 1. Joshua Davies (Year 3) 2. Zain Ali, Raees Ali and 2. Freya Westwood and Aleeza Imaan (Years 4, 1 & 2) Scarlett Millington (Year 2) 3. Owen Rees (Reception) 3. Jessica Noble & Grace Sisley-Smith (Year 6) (joint third) Many congratulations to all of our entrants. You were brilliant, brave and confident; we are very proud of you all. Parents and families of our winners will see the performance at our special Arts Celebration Assembly on Friday 20 March. We are looking forward to our next major arts event at school, our Springtime ‘Rule Britannia’ Concerts starring the children in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. Performances take place on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 March at 7.00 pm. Many thanks to all our children and parents for making such a superb effort for our Greenfield World Book Day today. Peter Bravo, Headteacher

HSA NEWS Working with School to Make a Difference for Our Children We are delighted to report the HSA Disco raised ÂŁ313.50. A further disco is planned for the Summer Term. Look out for details. This month the HSA has funded the Living Eggs for Reception. They arrived safely on 9 March.

Dates for Your Diary Cake Sale: Friday 27 March. Donations of cakes would be gratefully received from classes Mandela, Vivaldi and Parks . Chocolate Bingo Mufti: Friday 17 April. Mufti in exchange for a chocolate bar or any leftover Easter Eggs!! Chocolate Bingo: Friday 24 April. Keep the evening free for a fun filled night for all the family, details to follow. Our next meeting will be held at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 14 April at the Longlands Pub Please come along as we are always looking for new members. Your support is appreciated big or small. If you can't make the meetings, but would like to help out at events have a chat with one of the team at the Cake Sale.

Arthur Inskip and Chloe Timmins A belated birthday wish to

Jessica Gardner

on 29 February. We are so sorry that your name was missed from the newsletter, especially as you only get an official birthday every four years!


Wednesday 18 March at 3.30 pm Remember, uniform can be ordered at any time using the forms in the foyer. Your order will be delivered to your child in school.

Would you like to learn a musical instrument?


You are invited to an open evening on 25 March (drop in any time between 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm) for students interested in learning a musical instrument. You can try a range of instruments, meet the teachers and ask any questions you have. Learning a musical instrument is a great thing to do and will open up all sorts of opportunities for children. Our school is committed to providing opportunities for children to get involved in music and hope that you will be able to go along. The evening will take place at Saltwells Education Centre, Bowling Green Road, Netherton DY2 9LY.

Healthy food / snacks Reusable or recyclable container No cling film, silver foil or plastic bags

CHANGE OF DATE Easter Concert Year 3, 4 and 5 Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 March 7.00 - 8.00 pm.


Easter Dance Camp

Dizzee Dance Academy Tuesday 7, Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 April 10 am - 3.30 pm Greenfield £11 per person Any questions please contact Ali Pritchard 07745467276 or email Facebook dizzeedance

Mondays are normally when we start a diet. Well diets never worked for me. Why not try something different to shed those unwanted pounds. Come and join our warm and friendly Slimming World group at Greenfield Primary School 7pm on Thursdays.

16 - 20 March Monday

Y6 to Boreatton Park






Science Club


Neat Feet

Wednesday No Waste Wednesday Wednesday Y6 Return from Residential Trip Wednesday HSA Uniform Shop, 3.30pm Wednesday Y6 Maths Booster Wednesday Mr Taylor’s Football Club Wednesday Greenfield Gazette Thursday

RE Debate at St James’ Primary


Forest School


Y5 / Y6 Tag Rugby Finals


Y6 English Booster


Brazilian Football-CANCELLED


Neat Feet

Reception: Library Visit


Y5/Y6 Maths Competition

Football Team: Match at Pedmore


Arts Celebration Assembly

Y3, Y4, Y5: Springtime Concert



There's a voucher for FREE membership in the Mirror newspaper this weekend (14 and 15 March). Looking forward to seeing you.

Letters Sent Home this Week

Selected Y6: RE Debate Selected: DPA Music Tuition Fees

HOW DO YOU MEASURE UP? Whatever your child’s weight, it’s important that they eat well and get lots of activity. ‘How do you measure up?’ is packed full of fun and friendly advice on how all the family can be fit and healthy, plus there’s loads of games, recipes and challenges to get stuck into.

DIARY DATES Friday 27 March

Spring Term ends

Monday 13 April

Summer Term starts

Monday 4 May

May Bank Holiday

Thursday 7 May

General Election, school closed

25 - 29 May

Half Term

17 July

End of Summer Term

3 Sept

Autumn Term starts

Ve r y I n s p i r i n g P e o p l e Fr o m Ye a r 3 a n d Ye a r 4

This great girl on the left is a happy and thoughtful member of her class. She continually gives her best in every lesson and has tried extremely hard this week, despite feeling under the weather. She always shows lovely speaking and listening skills when working in a group and has also developed into an excellent independent learner. This super girl in the middle has really impressed Mr Holder, not just in recent weeks, but throughout the year. She always works hard and likes to push herself with the trickier challenges in our lessons. She is equally as hardworking at home, producing homework of such high quality. She is a very helpful girl, who is always keen to carry out any job in the classroom, even doing jobs that other classroom monitors forget to do! This wonderful girl on the right consistently puts 100% effort into her writing, producing some fantastic pieces of work. She always gets on with any task given to her and takes it on with enthusiasm, which is reflected in the quality of her writing.

If parents would like a copy of pictures used in the newsletter email Haley Smith at

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