UAM Magazine (Winter 2019-2020)

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A Legacy in The Arts

Waymond Teague has established the university’s first operational endowment for the art department in memory of his wife Barbara, a lifelong art educator.

A publication for UAM Alumni & Friends

Centered on Students

Dr. Karla Hughes will retire at the end of 2019 from her post as Chancellor, culminating a long career in higher education with a focus on student success.

Winter 2019

Winter 2019 1

Chancellor's Message

During professional development week each fall, our faculty and staff prepare for a new academic year by attending workshops and hearing from guest speakers just before the students move in. This August we were joined by Rex Nelson, senior editor and columnist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and well-known expert in all things Arkansas. His topic was “The Impact of Natural and Man-made Disasters on the State’s Economy and Education.” It sounds like a lecture you might attend as a college student, doesn’t it? After Rex shared a dynamic history of our state, he condensed somehow to a mere 5 minutes, our audience of faculty and staff are left with a resounding message: You are crucial. For many reasons, Arkansas is unlike anywhere else. I like that about Arkansas. Southeast Arkansas is even more unique - in geography, in culture, in people, in economic opportunity. We see challenges, but we see a community like nowhere else. I love that about Southeast Arkansas, and whether or not you still reside near Drew County, I hope you do too. In our shared history, our region, city and university have remained reliable sources of opportunity. UAM has been a shining point of pride in Southeast Arkansas since its founding, and why not? We educate leaders who go on to serve our state and region in every industry. Though higher education institutions nationwide have seen challenges, at UAM, we’re more determined than most to continue to serve our students and community by committing to our students each day. And, our alumni and friends help us achieve this mission, not just our faculty and staff. Gifts to UAM, like that of alumnus Waymond Teague, help close the gap between what we have and what we need to help our students achieve and grow. While honoring his wife, he has ensured the strength of our art department and its graduates (see p. 31). Our alumni know the impact UAM has had on their lives, and, along with our committed employees, together, we ensure that tradition of student success continues.

Contact We want to hear from you! Visit or contact a member of the Advancement team to update your information or share your good news. Jeff Weaver (BA ’98) Vice Chancellor for Advancement (870) 460-1028 Jaime Macklin (BS ’06) Project Manager (870) 460-1228 Alumni Affairs Office (870) 460-1127 Attention Parents: If your child no longer lives at this address, let us know! Thank you for helping us update our alumni records.

As I near my retirement from UAM this December, I am encouraged by the recent progress we’ve made in the name of student success. We have made huge gains in retention and will see positive changes in state funding as a result. We’ve increased access to student resources on campus, and continue to identify innovative ways to improve the student experience. We know we have work to do, but our university community is a team willing to keep striving for our students. I very much look forward to following UAM from my new home in Utah, where the Colonel and I will be closer to family. As Rex mentioned to us in his historical recap, the state of Arkansas has been held back for much of its history. But, higher education contributes irrefutably to the growth of our state’s economy, and UAM is well-positioned to ensure that success, in particular in our region of Arkansas. I agree with Rex that now, more than ever, it’s essential that all of us, as a community of employees, friends and alumni of UAM, are committed to our mission. We are united in serving our region. We are united in educating our state. We are united in service to our students. We are united by UAM. We are Weevils. Let’s recommit to our mission together. Sincerely, Karla Hughes, Ph.D. Professor and Chancellor

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On the Cover

Dr. Karla Hughes will retire December 31 as UAM Chancellor. One of Hughes’s most visible efforts at UAM was constructing the Student Success Center, which serves as a much-needed space for students to gather and access resources under one roof. It opened in the fall of 2018.

Table of Contents A Farewell to Dr. Karla Hughes*


2019 Homecoming in Review


Alumni News


Campus News Hornaday Winner, Dr. Mary Stewart

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Athletics News


Foundation News


Class Notes Friends We’ll Miss Wee Weevils Alumni Events

First of Its Kind: an Operational Endowment* 31 *On the Cover

Leaves changing at Weevil Pond

UAM Magazine is published twice a year by UAM, the UAM Alumni Association, and the UAM Foundation Fund.

Contributors Ember Davis Editor (870) 460-1274

Jim Brewer Photographer Emeritus

Jennifer Futrell Photographer

Taylor James Kristin Cowling Photographer Photographer and Designer

Ben Matos Assistant Athletic Director for Communications

Haley Smith Student Photographer

Winter 2019 1

Dr. Karla Hughes

became chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Monticello in January 2016 after a unanimous vote by the University of Arkansas System board of trustees. Her appointment as the 13th leader of UAM made history as the first female chancellor of a four-year institution in the UA System, and as the first woman to lead the campus in its 110-year history. She will retire from the university effective December 31, ending a lifelong career in higher education that focused on students. Hughes came to UAM from the University of Louisiana System most recently, where she served as executive vice president and provost. She explains that a mentor initially inspired her to pursue her path in higher education. “Early in my career, I had a female role model who was an academic dean at my alma mater. She exemplified what I wanted to be. When I decided to make a career in higher education, I set my sights on leading a college - as she did - at a major institution. When I achieved that goal, I realized how few women there were at the higher levels of university administration.” Hughes has had more than 45 years of teaching and leadership in the Academy, during which time she has served with distinction as a faculty member, department chair, dean, and provost, in addition to outreach and public affairs roles. From the start of her tenure at UAM, Hughes made her commitment to student success plain. Hughes knew she would focus on increasing access to resources that would improve the retention of all students, including those who might be the first in their families to attend college. She prioritized the vision of UAM as a model openenrollment university. “UAM is a unique place,” as most alumni and friends know,” she said. But not just because it is the only four-year institution in the state, and one of few nationwide, with a mission to serve all students, regardless of test scores. “The unique environment in which students grow and learn on our campuses is part of the uniqueness that attracted me to the role of chancellor.” In her retirement announcement to campus, Hughes likened the caring atmosphere to her own positive undergraduate experience, and that UAM “has been a fitting place to culminate my career in higher education.” Hughes’s comprehensive student success initiative led, most prominently, to a major change to the face of campus - the addition of the Student Success Center to the campus quad. The building also serves as a welcome opportunity to engage the Monticello community through a public restaurant - the region’s first Chick-fil-A. Perhaps even more importantly, the structure is a physical realization of

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“UAM is the place that found me.”

At the November Board meeting, Dr. Hughes was named as the first Chancellor Emerita for UAM, effective January 2020.

UAM Chancellor, January 2016 - December 2019 the conscious effort to create more seamless processes for student resources. These efforts have improved satisfaction among students as well as maximizing efficiency. Too, concentrating on improvements to these essential student services has transformed the initial campus visit experience, as the building also houses the Admissions office.

Feedback from students, faculty and staff has been an essential component of Hughes’ aim to ensure university goals align with the best possible student outcomes. She has held regular meetings with different groups of employees and students from all university areas in order to keep abreast of front-line issues and student concerns. She says her interactions with alumni, too, have been an invaluable part of strategic outreach and planning. Efforts toward improving retention, in particular, have been informed by both student needs and a shift in state funding toward a model that rewards timely credential completion. Adding increased attention to advising and early alerts, reworking orientation, and increasing student resources like tutoring and counseling, among other measures, led to a marked increase in retention and graduation rates, garnering statewide media coverage for the university’s outstanding results - UAM’s rate of retention grew by one of the highest percentages in Arkansas. This ultimately resulted in an increased funding recommendation from ADHE, announced this fall, for the next fiscal year. In addition to gains in retention rates, Hughes’s nearly four years at UAM saw the two largest single gifts by private donors in the history of the university, by the Petersons of Dumas and Raylene Steelman of Monticello.

“I believe we are placed where we are supposed to be, and UAM is the place that found me,” she said. “The colonel and I have enjoyed meeting so many alumni and friends of UAM who make a very conscious effort to stay connected to the university long after they have graduated,” which, she says, is a testament to the pride and traditions shared among all A&M and UAM alumni. While Hughes spearheaded a number of favorite projects in her time on campus, she has said she is most proud of the work of our students. “Our university’s proudest achievement is realized each year at commencement. When we position our students for success, no matter their backgrounds or career goals, and we see them complete a certificate or degree program, we witness our mission in action. That accomplishment never gets routine or less exciting.” Hughes will confer degrees in December at her last UAM commencement ceremony. . Early in her tenure, Hughes remarked on her inspiration for a student success initiative, and it goes beyond the campus property. “We know that if our students succeed, UAM succeeds and the communities we serve succeed.” Indeed, under Dr. Hughes’ leadership, students have been well prepared and are poised to continue the tradition of becoming successful, proud alumni of the University of Arkansas at Monticello. Southeast Arkansas is better for having hosted the Hughes family these last four years. President Donald R. Bobbitt announced in October that Dr. Peggy Doss (BA ’73), Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, will assume the role of UAM Chancellor effective January 1, 2020. Winter 2019 3

Highlights of the Hughes era Chancellor Karla Hughes and her husband, Col. L.R. Hughes, USAF (ret.) move to Monticello from Louisiana for her appointment as UAM Chancellor effective January 15.

Not long after arriving at UAM, Dr. Hughes became a permanent fixture on campus when her name joined countless friends and supporters on Weevil Walk. December Commencement ceremonies are celebrated on campus for the first time in the university’s 105-year history.

December 2017

October 2016

December 2016

August 2017

Dr. and Col. Hughes serve as grand marshals of the inaugural parade.

February 2017

Dr. Hughes announces her vision for the university includes a focus on fostering student success and cementing UAM as a model open-enrollment institution.

Hughes presides over her first UAM Commencement ceremony as chancellor.

August 2016

May 2016

January 2016

The Hughes family dog, Beau, adopts a new middle name when he moves into the Chancellor’s home. Now known as “Beau Weevil,” he’s the sweetest Weevil fan around on four legs.

Dr. Hughes is installed as chancellor during Homecoming Week 2016 during an informal inauguration celebration. Festivities include a student picnic, essay contest, community parade celebrating city-wide UAM spirit, a showcase of student, faculty and staff work, and a banquet supporting the general scholarship fund.

Student Success Fund is created to benefit students facing unexpected financial hardship at any UAM campus.

Interior renovations to the lower level of Taylor Library create a modern Learning Commons for students to study, research and meet.

Hughes becomes the first woman to lead UAM and the first female chancellor of any UA System university.

For the first football season of her tenure, Dr. Hughes suits up for a practice and addresses the team. She even learned a few new moves from the coaching staff. (While she didn’t make the final roster, she remained a dedicated fan in the stands.) Dr. Hughes joins UAM professor Douglas Osborne (right) as he bands mallards with students and UAM supporters. Thanks to Osborne and the funding of local sportsmen, UAM facilitates the state’s only program to band mallard ducks.

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Dr. and Col. Hughes will be moving to Utah to be closer to their daughter and her family upon her retirement from UAM December 31.

Major renovations to Horsfall Hall are unveiled to residents at the start of the fall semester.

Dr. Hughes and head football coach Hud Jackson ring the traditional victory bell together after Homecoming Week.

Weevil House of Garments (WHOG) opens as the university’s first student clothing resource, providing professional attire for current students working and going on interviews.

December 2019

Dr. Hughes and her Executive Council always serve students - even by serving students dinner during the first week of classes

September 2019

Boll Weevil Bistro, Proudly Serving Starbucks, opens in Taylor Library, bringing the second major brand to campus and delighting students.

October 2019

March 2019 Student Success Center opens, bringing multiple student support areas together under one roof for an efficient and convenient student experience. Hughes also brought the university’s first major dining brand (Chick-fil-A) to campus, in response to student feedback and industry trends.

May 2019

UAM receives its first Americorps VISTA grant to provide outreach to high school students and encourage college readiness in the region.

August 2018

A new University Police Station and welcome center opens to provide a modern and permanent facility for UAMPD.

August 2019


July 2019

UAM completes a yearlong campus accessibility project including Repaved roads throughout campus, adding a number of sidewalks for residential students and creating accessible curbs for pedestrians and increasing the number of handicapped parking spots.

First Generation Students receive a special recognition pin for the first time at May commencement, celebrating the conferring of their degree - a first for their families. The first fresh coat of paint in decades covers the water tower just north of campus on Scogin Drive, complete with the UAM logo so alumni and friends to enjoy as they approach.

Dr. Hughes and her family watch the student “Bed Bug Races” during her last Homecoming Week.

Winter 2019 5

Notes of Appreciation

Colleagues and friends share their thoughts on the impact Dr. Hughes has had during her term as UAM chancellor. Send her your own note by contacting “I’ll always remember Dr. Hughes for her passion for positive change. In trying financial times when it would have been easiest to maintain the status quo, Dr. Hughes boldly charted a new course toward a different path for different times. I will miss her unmatched energy and optimism. ” - Dr. Adam McKee, Professor of Criminal Justice

“Dr. Hughes came here during a period of transition and facing huge challenges toward colleges. We now have a student success center, student success fund, and a dedicated security building as well as improvements to other facilities. UAM had the highest retention rate increase in the state among public universities and our athletics have continued to improve in all areas. I am sure our new chancellor will be able to build on this momentum. - Tommy Maxwell, (BBA ’71)

“Candidates for this year’s homecoming court shared with the interviewing committee their aspirations as leaders. They each remarked on Dr. Hughes confidence, approachable attitude, and her contagious smile. A common theme was how great a role model Dr. Hughes had been for female students, exemplifying leadership qualities that they would like to have. I think this shared sentiment shows how accessible she has been to the entire student body. ” - Colleen Hammock, Academic Advisor

“Dr. Hughes was a tremendous leader over her tenure at UAM. We appreciate her having a vision to help move UAM forward in the right direction.” - Kyle Tolin, Senior Associate Athletic Director & Head Men’s Basketball Coach

“Dr. Hughes and Col. Hughes, I Thank You - for What You Did, What You Said, and Who You Are. Kind deeds change lives. God bless.” - Classie Green (’72) 6 UAM Magazine

“As UAM dining services partners, we have been fortunate to work with Dr. Hughes throughout her time at UAM. Her student focused outlook is made evident through her energy, enthusiasm and passion day in and day out.” - Brad Crosson, District Manager; Kasey Schluterman, District Marketing Manager; and the Aramark team

“My military background gave me a huge appreciation for the strategic work Dr. Hughes did to set UAM And its students on pathways to success. This was especially challenging in that she became chancellor just as the state totally restructured higher education funding. Few saw all the work she did to promote UAM at the Capitol. I’ll always remember her passion for UAM and am grateeful for the positive foundations she laid for the campus. ” - LeAnne Burch, Brigadier General, US Army (Ret.), Arkansas State Representative, 9th District

“Anyone who has met Dr. Hughes can sense her genuine excitement for all aspects of UAM. Her commitment to our students, both in seen and in many unseen ways, has absolutely improved their UAM experience.” - Ember Davis, Director of Marketing & Public Relations

“When Dr. Hughes arrived on campus, ARMOM (the Arkansas Mission of Mercy free dental clinic) was in the early stages of planning their event at UAM. She was very excited to get involved and continue planning that event. She treated my husband and his colleagues with grace and respect. Dr. Hughes is always excited about the prospect of UAM and our city engaging.” - Paige Chase, Mayor, City of Monticello

Tour the Emerald Isle next fall with the UAM Alumni Association!

S hades of I reland September 23 - October 2, 2020

Included: 10-Day Tour of Ireland with 13 Meals (8 Breakfasts, 5 Dinners), Round Trip Air from LIT Airport, Air Taxes and Fees/Surcharges, Hotel Transfers

Trip Highlights: - Overnight on the grounds of a regal castle - Experience the Ring of Kerry, one of the world’s great coastal roads - Jump into Ireland’s vibrant capital, Dublin - Stand in awe of the stunning 700-foot-high cliffs of Moher - Kiss the famed Blarney Stone - Enjoy a hearty dinner and night of traditional Irish entertainment - Taste the “water of life” during an Irish whiskey tasting Book Now & Save $100 Per Person: Double $3,899; Double $3,799* Single $4,599; Single $4,499* Triple, $3,869; Triple $3,769*

Scan the QR Code to see the full itinerary:

*All rates per person are subject to change, based on air inclusive package from LIT. For bookings made after March 24, 2020 call for rates. A deposit of $500 per person is due upon reservation. Reservations are made on a first come, first served basis. Final payment due by July 25, 2020. Deposits are refundable until March 24, 2020.

For more information contact Alumni Affairs at (870) 460-1028.

Winter 2019 7


HOMECOMING A look back at the 2019 homecoming week festivities

2 3 1 & 2 - Spirit Walls on the clock tower quad are painted by Registered Student Organizations (RSOs). Natalia Videl works on the wall representing the International Club and Delta Zeta Epsilon. 3 - Chancellor Hughes and her family show off their “parade float” before leading the Weevil Walk of Champions Saturday 4 - Sally Pharr throws candy to the crowd 5 & 6 Weevils for Christ and Kappa Alpha Order competed against most RSOs in the annual “Bed Bug races” during the Thursday night pep rally. 7 - The Women of Natural Resources bed race entry tags along during the Weevil Walk of Champions.

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8- Billy Mitchell, Bill Wisener, and Johnny Beauchamp reminisce before the Weevils take on Southern Nazarene 9 - Jolene Hartley and Dr. Matthew Pelkki cover the grill at the College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources tailgate 10 - Feature Twirler Maria Lopez dazzles at the student pep rally 11 - Lisa Jo Ross, Brianna Burns and Ashley Guffey at the Alpha Sigma Alpha tailgate 12 - Classie Green, Dorothy Bailey, Brenda Norman, Mary Scott, Wanda Jackson, Angelia Jackson, and Barbara Metcalfe Latoison at the annual African-American Alumni Breakfast

12 Winter 2019 9



UAM spirit is strong among students...




4 1- Airon, Eden and Tawana Greene 2- Madison Webb tosses candy in the Walk of champions parade 3 - Abby Knowlen and Morgan Temple pose in the Commercial Bank Employees’ Tailgate Row 4 - UAM Cheer sings the Alma Mater 5 - Caleb Murray and Belle Tan with Chancellor Hughes 6 - Queen Courtney Hicks is escorted by her father 7- Chancellor Hughes (the featured green shoe) and Vice Chancellors Moses Goldmon and Peggy Doss show off their literal head-to-toe Weevil spirit.

6 2019 Homecoming Queen 5 10 UAM Magazine

Courtney Hicks



8- Dr. Hughes attended one of her favorite UAM traditions, the African-American Alumni Reunion Breakfast, here with Ronald Lowe, Terry Alexander, Larry Lewis, Alfonzo Peer, Alfrin Hudson, and Andrew Taylor 9 - Tommie Brasfield, Chris Allen, Jeff Johnson, and Jeremy Gill at the Alpha Phi Alpha Reunion Tailgate 10 -Charles Jones (class of 1952) and his son Jeff attend the alumni banquet Friday. With other family members, the Joneses traveled more than 1500 miles to reunite at UAM for homecoming weekend 11 - Dr. Terry Nugent, Dr. Kate Stewart, Karen Renee Sundstrom and Dr. RenĂŠe ChĂŠrie Clark at the Trotter House Tea 12 - Alpha Sigma Alpha active and alumni members attend their annual Homecoming Brunch Reunion 13 - Offensive Lineman LaTravis Daniel and Running Back Devontae Dean celebrate this way after every touchdown 14 - Freshman quarterback Demilon Brown & family after a victory over Southern Nazarene


. 9


alumni alike!






14 Winter 2019 11

2019 Alumni Award Winners The winners have been announced! Nominated by their peers, the UAM Alumni Association has selected the winners of this year’s celebrated alumni awards from a pool of impressive graduates. Show your support of their success, and congratulate these Weevils when you see them! Remember to nominate deserving graduates for annual awards each fall by contacting Alumni Affairs. Alumni award winners are recognized during homecoming week.

As a student, Daniels was impacted by a number of mentors, namely Dr. Jack Lassiter, James Cathey, and Shannon Flemming, who made sure he was prepared for life after college, in addition to earning a degree. “I don’t believe any other university could have shown me the support and care that I received at UAM,” he said.

Mr. Jim Daniels

Alumni Award for Achievement and Merit

Jim Daniels (’92) has served as the president of First NaturalState Bank since 2007, but he’s been in banking in the region for decades. He considers himself blessed in his professional life and has taken his role as a community leader in southeast Arkansas seriously, contributing to the economical and social needs of McGehee and the surrounding area. 12 UAM Magazine

The value he places on his experiences on campus led Daniels to become involved with the annual Athletics Fundraiser held each August in McGehee. For more than ten years, he has served as a driving force behind one of the largest continuing fundraising events for the university. The dinner and auction supports student athletes and coaches from all of the university’s sports teams. He says that “although monetary donations are important, our time is the most valuable commodity we have to offer. I encourage everyone whose years as a student helped shape them to now give their time to support UAM.” Daniels has shared much of his time with UAM through his service on the Board of Visitors since 2018.

Mr. Waymond L. Teague

Continuing the Connection Award

Waymond Teague (BS ’63) spent 35 years in the forestry industry in Arkansas, a rewarding career made possible by the foundational education he received at Arkansas A&M. UAM still boasts the state’s only college of forestry. Teague started his career with Pomeroy & Mckowen in Monticello, and later worked for Arkansas Kraft at Morrilton, Nekoosa Papers at Ashdown, Bibler Lumber Company at Russellville, Georgia Pacific and Timberland Enterprises. He has been a pilot, a registered forester and a licensed land surveyor. Now retired, Teague lives in Wooster, AR where he enjoys spending his time reading and writing. His motto is, “Work hard and good things happen.” UAM is proud to claim both Waymond and his late wife, Barbara, as alumni, based not only on their achievements, but also their commitment to their shared alma mater. The art department recently received a major gift Mr. Teague made in memory of Barbara (see p. 31), ensuring future UAM students will have the resources they need to meet their goals.

Dr. Stephen Cagle, Jr.

Young Alumni Achievement Award

Dr. Stephen Cagle (BS ’08) attended medical school at UAMS after graduating from UAM summa cum laude. Cagle fell in love with family medicine and was named Intern of the Year during his first year of residency, later serving as chief resident at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas. Cagle has served as an attending physician at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois since 2016 and also served as medical chief of staff for six months in Kuwait. In addition to his physician duties, Cagle also educates the next generation of medical professionals. He is an assistant professor of medicine at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine and was named their Physician Educator of the Year in 2017. He has written chapters for medical texts, presented research around United States, and served his country in the air force, and continues to encourage anyone he can to begin their studies at UAM.

Winter 2019 13

UAM Sports Hall of Fame

2019 Honorees: 1979 AIC Championship Weevil Football Team and Jim Brewer

The late Harold Tilley, who was named the AIC and NAIA District 17 Coach of the Year coached the ’79 Weevils. Several members of the 1979 team are in the UAM Hall of Fame as individuals, including running back Terry Alexander (Class of 2001), defensive tackle Steve Mullins (Class of 2002), offensive tackle Dannie Barker (Class of 2005), and tight end Byron Gasaway (Class of 2008).

home with a 5-0 record and 4-2 on the road, with outlandish offensive and defensive stats, outscoring opponents 307-139 and totaling 2,716 rushing yards. Defensively, UAM was the league’s best, holding opponents to 91 yards per game. To win the AIC title, UAM defeated SAU at Magnolia in the final game of the season, dominating the Muleriders in a 35-18 win, concluding one of its most successful seasons in school history. . Jim Brewer was named the 2019 UAM Spirit Award winner for his long career supporting UAM athletics. Brewer spent 40 years on campus, chiefly as director of media services, though he also has served as the director information and the director of sports information. Brewer’s involvement with athletics throughout his career included nights and weekends of capturing game photos, committee work (especially for the Sports Hall of Fame event), editing the alumni magazine, and serving as an invaluable resource for all things related to Weevil and Blossom history.

The team broke or tied 26 individual school records, and no fewer than five Weevils received first team recognition on the All-AIC and All-NAIA squads. UAM was undefeated at

The 2019 honorees were recognized at halftime of the homecoming football game against Southern Nazarene University on Saturday, October 19.

The University of Arkansas at Monticello’s 1979 Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference Championship football team was inducted into the UAM Sports Hall of Fame on October 17 of homecoming week. The ’79 team is one of a select few teams named to the Hall of Fame, joining only the 1956 AIC Champion Men’s Basketball team and the 1990 AIC Champion and NAIA National Runner-Up Women’s Basketball team. The 1979 Boll Weevils won the AIC with a record of 9-2 and laid the foundation for the school’s football success in the 1980s and early 1990s.

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This commemorative 1979-80 AIC Championship seat cushion made a banquet appearance - now found only in the homes of the biggest Weevil fans!


for the Sports Hall of Fame are accepted each year in the department of Athletics. Look for more information in the next issue of UAM Magazine. Winter 2019 15

Class Notes

Alumni News Charlotte Elizabeth Staten



Charlotte T. Schexnayder (former student) was inducted into the Arkansas Women’s Hall of Fame class of 2019 for her contributions to the profession of journalism.

Patrick Neece (BS ’99) joined Lake Regional Health System in Osage Beach, MO as its new chief information officer.

1980s Michael Hui (BS ’86) of Little Rock is the owner of racehorse Zulu Alpha, who has raced nine times in 2019, earning three firsts, one second, a third and a fourth place finish. He most recently raced at the Breeder’s Cup world championships thoroughbred races in Santa Anita. Sandra C. Bradshaw (BA ’88) of Crossett has been appointed by Gov. Asa Hutchinson to serve as circuit court judge for the Arkansas Tenth Judicial Circuit, Division Two.

2010s Kamecia Mason (BA ’02) was recently named Diversity Director, Southern Region for McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Dr. Taylor Eaves (BS ’14), former all-conference infielder for the Weevils, graduated as the salutatorian of his chiropractic class at Parker University this summer. Grant Black (BS ’17) , who pitched in the final game of UAM’s first GAC tournament championship, has completed his second season with the Gateway Grizzlies.

Please share your news with Alumni Affairs (see inside front cover for contact information).

Weevil Connect has a new Look!

Wee Weevils Kaitlin Josephine Wishard, born February 9, 2019 to Victoria (Morgan) (BS ’15) and Jack Wishard of Star City Taylor Maysyn Hankins, Born May 13, 2019 to Krystyn (Conner) (former student) and Cainon Hankins of Star City Charlotte Elizabeth Staten, Born October 19, 2019 to Beth (Thomasson) (BS ’16) and Tyler Staten of Monticello

Visit and register if you haven’t already. You’ll get emails with the latest events and news so you can stay connected to our network of alumni and friends.

16 UAM Magazine


Friends We'll Miss Dr. Kelly Jay Bryant (former faculty) of Prairie Grove, July 10, 2019.

Mr. Garland M. Foreman (former student) of Little Rock, May 31, 2019

Dr. Barbara Ann Teague (BS ’60) of Greenbrier, June 9, 2019

Mr. Thomas E. Clark (BS ’62) of Fayetteville, August 29, 2019

Mr. Thomas Arnis Glover (former student) of Hot Springs, June 8, 2019

Ms. Mavis C. Walker (BSE ’51) of Pine Bluff, May 25, 2019

Ms. Wannetta F. Clowers (BSN ’05) of Sheridan, July 2, 2019

Mr. George Harris (former student) of Calmer, May 16, 2019

Mr. William C. Waller Jr. (former student) of Seguin, TX, July 19, 2019

Dr. Lloyd H. Crossley (former student and faculty) of Hot Springs, August 16, 2019.

Mr. Joe S. Henry (BS ’90) of Little Rock, July 29, 2019

Mr. Carnel Williams (BS ’82) of Pine Bluff, September 21, 2019

Rev. Wallace R. Ferguson (former student) of Monticello, June 4, 2019

Mr. William R. (Ross) Houston (former student) of Diamond City, AR, March 23, 2019

Mr. Fred J. Williams (BSF ’60) of Dumas, September 19, 2019.

Ms. Barbara J. Fleeman (ADN ’75) of Pine Bluff, May 21, 2019

Ms. Mary Jane Hyatt (former student) of Pine Bluff, May 28, 2019

Mr. Jacob S. Woolley, (AA ’15) of North Little Rock, August 13, 2019

Mr. Larry K. Meeks (BS ’74) of Hermitage, July 18, 2019 Mrs. Bettie J. Mitchell (AA ’73) of Warren, July 20, 2019 Ms. Bobbie L. Moseley (former student) of New Edinburg, August 28, 2019 Mrs. Leola O. Pace (BSE ’49) of Wilmar, July 2, 2019 Mr. Javerius A. Petty-Brown (former student) of Gould, June 8, 2019 Dr. Kelly Bryant joined the UAM faculty in 1993, and later served as Dean of the School of Agriculture and Director of the Southeast Cooperative Extension Service from 20042018.

Ms. Judy M. Ryburn (BSE ’61) of Monticello, September 21, 2019. Ms. Sue Spainhouer (former student) of Watson, May 22, 2019

Dr. Barbara Teague (BS ’60) inspired a landmark gift that will transform the art department. Read more on p. 31

Save these Dates! December 14-22, 2019 Hoops in Hawaii D2 Power Invitational

Travel with the Alumni Association and cheer on the UAM Men’s Basketball team in scenic Hawaii

Tour Ireland next fall with fellow UAM Alumni & Friends

February 17, 2020 UAM Alumni & Friends Day at the Races September 23-October 2, 2020 Shades of Ireland Alumni Tour Learn more at

Winter 2019 17





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Alumni Night with the Arkansas Travelers Alumni and friends cheered the Arkansas Travelers to victory August 1 over the Springfield Cardinals at Dickey-Stephens Park in North Little Rock. The annual outing is a great time to meet new friends, reconnect with classmates, and bring the whole family into the network of UAM supporters.



1 James and Ginger Tarver Johnson, Doris and Bill Lawrence 2 Dr. David Streeter, Mistye and Scott Saffold 3 Sam Fakouri, Dawson Loyd, Lucas Colwell, Danner Loyd 4 Steve, Anissa Jo, Chelsey, Colby, Carson, and Connor Ross 5 Jeff Newton and Larry Fisackerly 6 Glenn and Bonnie Laughlin 7 John Day, Ed and Claudia Horvath, Gregg Reep, Penny Day 8 John Lee Davis 9 Sage Loyd, Dr. Moses Goldmon, John and Jaime Harvey 10 Dr. Suzzette Goldmon, Sandra Watson, Jayden Watson, Jamarri Watson, Jayla Watson, LaPerrya Clary, and Anita Jackson




Winter 2019 19

Campus News A New Academic Year Begins

Students returned to campus in August, but before classes began, hundreds moved into residence halls with the help of student athletes, local churches, civic groups, staff, faculty and friends of UAM. Parents especially appreciate the immediate welcome they feel from the Weevil community when settling their students away from home for the first time. Dozens of staff also take part in the annual orientation activities, which acclimate freshmen and transfer students to life and learning on campus.

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Boll Weevil Bistro and Horsfall Hall Open to the Public

On September 5, UAM opened its first Starbucks We Proudly Serve location inside Taylor Library. In conjunction with the Provisions On Demand Convenience Store, the space is now known as Boll Weevil Bistro. Students and community members alike celebrate the arrival of great coffee and quick grab-and-go items available right on campus. During the grand reopening of Horsfall, which saw more than 36 rooms renovated during summer months, alumni and friends toured the beautiful spaces that retain character of the historic building and offer the amenities students request. Former residents even stopped by to see their former stomping grounds. Winter 2019 21

CAMPUS NEWS Japanese Tour This summer, a group of students toured Tokyo, Osaka, Kyushu, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, and Kyoto Japan with instructor Yukiko Bivens. Before departing Arkansas, individual research offered each student an educational foundation for the trip. Students enjoyed historical and cultural outings and completed poignant reflections on the experience.

9/11 Observance The UAM Campus community marked the somber anniversary of September 11, 2001 with moments of silence honoring the victims of the attacks. Additionally, students wrote messages to first responders, and local emergency services and law enforcement officers were honored. The day’s events also included a day of service at a local park.

Crossett Outreach In June, Georgia-Pacific announced major plant closures affecting hundreds of employees in the Crossett area. The UAM College of Technology - Crossett held a round-table of community leaders shortly thereafter addressing the best way to reach displaced workers in the region. UAMCTC continues to remain involved in training and assisting those affected by the layoffs.

22 UAM Magazine

CAMPUS NEWS Social Work Program Ranked Statewide, Nationally The Social Work program has been ranked among the best and most affordable programs by According to a release from the online resource, focused on social work education and career advancement, the inaugural rankings of BSW (bachelor of social work) programs were determined after reviewing 413 programs, and ranks were based on a combination of accreditation, tuition rates, and PayScale salary data. UAM was ranked fourth in the list of best BSW programs in Arkansas, and sixteenth among most affordable BSW programs in the country.

MFA in Creative Writing Earns More Recognition UAM has been identified as having one of the nation’s best online Master’s in Creative Writing degree programs on for 2019. According to, their team reviewed all accredited online Master’s in Creative Writing degree programs in the U.S., and UAM earned sixth place in a list topped by Harvard University. The MFA was named third most affordable online Creative Writing Master’s, nationally, by Online U earlier in 2019. It also ranked second in the list of the “10 Best Deals in Creative Writing Degrees” by Great College Deals in 2017.

MAT Named a Best Value The online Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program has been named to the top ten in Arkansas by Recent graduates have a 100% passing rate on the PRAXIS tests, made possible by the high quality teacher preparation curriculum. Through convenient, fully online coursework, the program offers specializations in elementary, middle level, secondary and special education. UAM’s master’s in teaching also falls below the state average cost per credit, making it an affordable choice for Arkansas educators.

Faculty & Staff Achievements Dr. Benjamin Babst, assistant professor of forest resources, has been awarded the 2019 Ouachita Society of American Forester’s award for Forestry Science Research. Babst’s research focused on the biochemistry of forest ecosystems and how they will, or may respond to forest management practices. . Mr. Alex Becker, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, was nominated as finalist for the Arkansas Business 2019 CFO of the Year in the education sector. Dr. Suzzette Goldmon, director of hospitality and tourism initiatives, was selected by the Delta Regional Authority to participate in the 10-month Delta Leadership Institute. She is one of 30 professionals across 8 states in the cohort. Mr. John Harvey, head baseball coach, was inducted into the 2019 athletic hall of fame for his alma mater, Lyon College, this fall. Dr. Rocky Lindsey, assistant professor and veterinarian, became certified to train local cattle producers in how to secure their Beef Quality Assurance certification. He is one of only a handful in the state to have the credential. Dr. Robert Moore, known as Red Hawk, published a book of poetry entitled The Way of the Wise Woman, including 58 poems describing the inner qualities arising from the awakening of the Divine Feminine. Ms. Jamie Palmer, assistant professor of nursing, has been selected to serve a two-year term as a state consultant on the board of directors of the Arkansas Nursing Students’ Association. Ms. Becky Phillips, associate professor of business, attended the Faculty Athletic Representative Fellows Institute, representing the Great American Conference. Mr. Mark Spencer Dean of Arts & Humanities, published a new novel, An Untimely Frost, a Southern horror story, centered on the strange occurrences of Devil’s Elbow, Kentucky. Dr. Kate Stewart, professor of English, served as a panelist at the fifth annual Mississippi Book Festival and signed copies of her recent book, Parchman Farm: Mississippi’s State Penitentiary in the 1930s. Dr. Kay Walter, professor of English, serves as editor of The English Pub, published by the Arkansas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts. The newsletter received the 2019 Affiliate Newsletter of Excellence award given by the National Council of Teachers of English.

Winter 2019 23


Dr. Mary Stewart 2019 Hornaday Outstanding Faculty Award Winner

Former colleagues first introduced Mary Stewart to UAM, and her supportive faculty environment is part of what keeps her energized in her interactions with students. She was interested in teaching at UAM because of the focus on teaching, a clear priority of her academic career. She joined the faculty as an assistant professor of biology in 2008, and now serves as a professor of biology. Her course load includes microbiology, cell biology, molecular biology, immunology and genetics. .

“This environment makes it easy to focus on the reason we are here, which is to educate and help students.” 24 UAM Magazine

Stewart didn’t always plan to be a professor, or a biologist, for that matter. She took a general biology course as a prerequisite for another major, and she knew almost instantly the field was for her. “I found it fascinating. I changed my major to biology, and never found a biology class that I wasn’t interested in.” Since she joined the UAM faculty, she has enjoyed continuing research on a project focused on the mechanisms of cell growth. Fruit flies serve as a model system to study genes that cause growth defects in the flies. In addition to her own research, Stewart works with students both in research and advisory capacities, helping them to find their own interest areas, in part by networking with other institutions, attending re-

CAMPUS NEWS gional and statewide meetings, career days and exploring what others in the scientific community are researching. She provides research opportunities for undergraduates, something not all institutions can offer. She encourages undergraduates to participate in research with her and to present their work at least once at a regional meeting. Stewart says “doing research gives them a competitive advantage when they apply for summer internships, graduate school, etc.,” and the research process itself also gives the students a unique education. Their longterm achievements and satisfaction from their time at UAM are especially rewarding. She loves finding out that former students are doing well (in their jobs, in medical school, pharmacy school, graduate school or other professional programs). “I often hear them report back to us that their education at UAM provided the strong foundation they needed to succeed in their current situation. In Math and Sciences, I’m lucky to work with colleagues that are dedicated to working together. This kind of environment makes it easy to focus on the reason we are here, which is to educate and help students,” she said. That student-centric mindset leads Stewart to constantly consider how she can improve her methods in the classroom and laboratory, assessing what works best and where to make tweaks. For that purpose, her nomination as Hornaday winner included student feedback about Stewart’s passion for teaching. In fact, she recently published about a teaching activity, called “Playdoh Modeling for Conceptual Understanding of Restriction Enzymes and Plasmid Cloning.” Students say they can see how dedicated she is to preparing students for their next step after graduation, whether that’s a job or continuing their education. That’s one of the many reasons she has also been named the Math & Sciences Outstanding Advisor (2013), and was selected this year by Alpha Chi as the Teacher of the Year honoree. It’s plain both to colleagues and those whom she has taught that Dr. Stewart’s service to UAM is grounded on her commitment to her students.

In addition to the Hornaday honor, Dr. Stewart was selected by students in the Alpha Chi academic honor society as the 2019 Teacher of the Year, a distinction which brings with it the duty of leading the faculty procession and carrying the UAM mace during commencement ceremonies. Winter 2019 25

Athletics News Annual Fundraiser The annual Athletics fundraiser, held at the McGehee Men’s Club and sponsored by First NaturalState Bank, includes a hearty dinner from Hoot’s and silent and live auctions. The event raised more than $25,000 for all UAM sports.

Ryburn Fan Day Each August, Ryburn Automotive in Monticello turns Weevil Green for UAM Fan Day. Student athletes from all sports join a huge crowd of fans to celebrate the start of a new school year. Jimmy Sledge of KHBM interviews UAM coaches and leadership throughout the day full of family-friendly activities.

26 UAM Magazine

Judy & Jack Lassiter Indoor Practice Facility Renaming In July, UAM officially renamed the Indoor Practice Facility for Judy and Jack Lassiter with a ceremony and reception attended by a huge crowd of friends.

Senior KJ Lesure Recognized Nationally for Service, Leadership In May, the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) named UAM senior KJ Lesure to the 2019 NABC Give Back Team. Ten men’s college basketball players comprise the team, including five studentathletes from NCAA Division I and five total from NCAA Division II, III and the NAIA. Student-athletes were nominated by college coaches and sports information directors across the country and selected for their outstanding community service efforts. Lesure, a native of Indianapolis, IN served as the Weevil’s starting point guard for the 2018-2019 season, leading the team to a 16-13 season (12-11 in conference). He completed the regular season averaging 12.8 points, 4.4 rebounds and 4.3 assists per game. He ranked 16th in the GAC in scoring, 8th in assists, and was 4th in the conference in steals. Lesure scored 20 or more points in six games last season, scoring a season-high 25 points at Northwestern Oklahoma State and

a season-high 8 rebounds three times. Lesure finished the regular season with 358 points, 123 rebounds, and 120 assists. Head men’s basketball Coach Kyle Tolin said, “KJ has been so valuable to our team, university and the Monticello community. He is a 4.0 Student, GAC Distinguished scholar-athlete and has volunteered at numerous community events including schools, on campus, and Discovery Children’s Center.” Lesure’s leadership in the classroom and on the basketball court also gave him an opportunity to represent the University of Arkansas at Monticello and all male student-athletes from the 12 Great American Conference institutions in the 2019 NCAA Student-Athlete Leadership Forum. The NCAA Student-Athlete Leadership Forum is designed to engage a diverse and dynamic representation of student-athletes, coaches, faculty, and administrators and develop superior leadership skills in conjunction with NCAA values. Winter 2019 27


Reunited at the Round-Up Don Harris (BS ’81) hosted a Round-Up of former Weevil athlete greats July 13 in Little Rock. First Row: Johnny Hooks, Theodis “T-Bone” Bealer, Carnel Williams, Terry Alexander, Lonzell Webb, Donald “Duck” Harris, John Juneau, Ricky Cole, Second row, seated on table: Ronald Moragne, Tommy King, Eddie Leonard, Jerry Saxton, Standing: Jim Brewer, Benjie Pierce, Moses Goldmon, Gary Williams, Bennie Bogan, Robert “Weedhopper” Williams, Anthony Fulgham, Clay Humphries, Mike Flanagan, Art Kaufman, Ronald Lowe, Howard Larry, John Tatum, Johnny Babb, Joey Anders, Jay Hughes, Doug Barnes, Benjie Timmons, Kenny Hunt

Dr. Betty Matthews’ family served as honorary co-captains for the Sept. 21 home football game vs. SWOSU

Supporter Spotlight: Dr. Betty Matthews Family Dr. Betty Matthews taught English at UAM for more than four decades before retiring in 2015. She established a scholarship endowment in 2006, which funds a scholarship for female athletes, which became fully endowed in 2010. Dr. Matthews, who served for years as the faculty representative to athletics, passed away in 2018. In September, her family contributed an additional $50,000 to the endowment, allowing an even greater impact on UAM students, and ensuring a lasting legacy of serving students in Dr. Matthews’ memory. 28 UAM Magazine

Dr. Betty Matthews


Volleyball and Football Players Earn 2019 GAC Honors UAM volleyball players Leslie Polanco and MarKayla Dickie earned a pair of All-Great American Conference honors after solid performances throughout the 2019 season. Polanco earned second team all-conference, while Dickie registered an honorable mention nod. The pair were great contributors on a roster that nearly doubled its win total from a season ago with 11. The Blossoms also had a few impressive wins in first-year head coach Jocelyn Garcia’s short tenure with two straight set victories over Arkansas Tech. The team finished their year with an 11-18 overall record and a 6-10 conference record, narrowly missing out on a GAC Conference Tournament bid. Freshman football player Demilon Brown earned Great American Conference Freshman of the Year honors, while seven other Weevils earned All-GAC selections of their own. DeAndre Washington, Jaden Salley, Brandon Young, Gabe Brace and Christian Jefferson were all named to the second team, while Devontae Dean and Justin Legier garnered honorable mention selections. Brown is UAM’s first GAC Freshman of the Year since the league’s inception in 2011. The Weevils doubled their All-GAC honorees from a season ago. UAM’s eight total conference accolades this season are the most since the nine All-GAC players selected in 2011.

Senior Kwame McBean

Home Basketball Schedule ’19-’20 Women’s Basketball

Friday, Nov. 8 v. Upper Iowa University 7 PM Saturday, Nov. 9 v. Lincoln University of Missouri 3 PM Thursday, Nov. 14 v. Hendrix College 7 PM Thursday, Nov. 21 v. Harding University 5:30 PM Tuesday, Dec. 3 v. Crowleys Ridge College 6:30 PM Saturday, Dec. 14 v. Henderson State 2 PM Thursday, Jan. 2 v. Southwest Oklahoma State 5:30 PM Saturday, Jan. 4 v. Northwest Oklahoma State 1 PM Saturday, Jan. 18 v. Ouachita Baptist 2 PM Thursday, Jan. 23 v. Southern Nazarene University 5:30 PM Saturday, Jan. 25 v. Oklahoma Baptist University 1 PM Thursday, Feb. 13 v. Southern Arkansas University 5:30 PM Saturday, Feb. 15 v. Arkansas Tech University 2 PM Thursday, Feb. 20 v. East Central University 5:30 PM Saturday, Feb. 22 v. Southeastern Oklahoma State University 1 PM

Men’s Basketball

Saturday, Nov. 16 v. Champion Christian College 4 PM

Thursday, Nov. 21 v. Harding University 7:30 PM Tuesday, Nov. 26 v. Central Baptist College 7 PM Saturday, Nov. 30 v. Jarvis Christian College 4 PM Wednesday, Dec. 4 v. Randall University 6 PM Saturday, Dec. 14 v. Henderson State 4 PM Thursday, Jan. 2 v. Southwest Oklahoma State 7:30 PM Saturday, Jan. 4 v. Northwest Oklahoma State 3 PM Saturday, Jan. 18 v. Ouachita Baptist 4 PM Thursday, Jan. 23 v. Southern Nazarene University 7:30 PM Saturday, Jan. 25 v. Oklahoma Baptist University 3 PM Thursday, Feb. 13 v. Southern Arkansas University 7:30 PM Saturday, Feb. 15 v. Arkansas Tech University 4 PM Thursday, Feb. 20 v. East Central University 7:30 PM Saturday, Feb. 22 v. Southeastern Oklahoma State University 3 PM

Stop by Steelman Fieldhouse this basketball season to see some updates the Athletic department is making to the 1959 facility.

Winter 2019 29

Foundation News Newly Endowed Scholarships Monticello Firefighters Association Scholarship – established by donations from staff and volunteers of the Monticello Fire Department, the MFA Scholarship benefits Drew County students at any of the three UAM Campuses. Applicants must have a letter of recommendation from a first responder to be eligible.

Brody Nosal Scholarship – established in memory of forestry student Brody Nosal, this scholarship assists students majoring in natural resources with a forestry option who have a cumulative 3.00 or, if an entering freshman, a composite ACT of 21 or greater. Brody loved nature and found peace in the outdoors. Because of this innate interest, Brody considered only one program after high school - UAM - in order to pursue a degree in forestry. An academic scholarship student himself, Nosal was a member of the Forestry Club and loved being part of the UAM community. After his death while enrolled at UAM, Brody’s family created a scholarship in his memory to help other students foster a passion for forestry like his.

Scholarship funds are fully endowed when their accounts reach at least $15,000. An endowed scholarship is one that sustains itself. Additional gifts to an established endowment increase the amount of money that can be awarded to students. A complete list of endowments can be found in the current course catalog at Contact Vice Chancellor for Advancement Jeff Weaver to learn more about endowing a scholarship (see inside front cover).

30 UAM Magazine

Vice Chancellor for Advancement Jeff Weaver, Chancellor Karla Hughes, Waymond Teague, Art Professor Tom Richard, and Dean for Arts & Humanities Mark Spencer celebrate the Teague gift in the Glass Block Art Gallery

Leaving a Legacy

Waymond Teague attended Arkansas A&M alongside his high school sweetheart Barbara Ozment in the 1960s. After her death in June of this year, Waymond sought a way to honor the memory of his wife, and found it at their shared alma mater.

After graduating from A&M with honors in 1960, Barbara earned a Master’s and PhD, enabling her to pursue a successful career as an art educator, including a stint on the UAM faculty. She was recognized in her field, perhaps most notably by the establishment of the Barbara Teague Art Educator’s Presidential Leadership Award, established by the Arkansas Art Educators Association to recognize outstanding leadership in art education. It was her passion for art which inspired Waymond to create an endowment in her name for the UAM Art Department. Two things stand out about the Barbara Teague art endowment – its size and its purpose. Waymond’s gift of $100,000 establishes the first operational endowment of its kind at UAM. The generous gift will allow UAM to continue the tradition of educating artists and enable the department to maintain and grow its resources. Waymond explains that Barbara’s bachelor’s degree in art at Arkansas A&M was the foundation for her future success. “I would like to assure that UAM art students continue to have an experience as rewarding as hers,” he said. When an endowment is focused on operations such as this one, faculty and leadership can determine the most pressing needs for the department. “The endowment will keep it competitive for prospective students and to allow us to focus on I would like to assure that updates that will help us meet the needs of our current students,” said Tom Richard, professor of UAM art students continue art. Operational endowment funds may be used for to have an experience as capital improvements, equipment, supplies, faculty support, and various other academic resources that rewarding as hers. will ensure quality art education for years to come.

For more information about planned giving, contact Vice Chancellor for Advancement Jeff Weaver at (870) 460-1028.

- Waymond Teague BS ’63,

on honoring the memory of his wife Barbara with an unprecedented operational endowment of $100,000 for the art department Winter 2019 31

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32 UAM Magazine



Your gift helps fund scholarships, awards, Homecoming, alumni events and the UAM Magazine.

Corporate Donors


A & M Operating Co. A-Lotta, Inc. Allied Plumbing Ameca Mexican Restaurant American Legion Post III American Pie Maumelle Arkansas Community Foundation Aramark Services, Inc. Arkansas Superior Federal Credit Union BASF Campbell Global CDC, Inc. Clinton Family Foundation Commercial Bank & Trust Co. Community Communications Co. Custom Audio/Video Customlink LLC Delta Bus Lines Drew Memorial Hospital Employers Staffing Services Esponsor Now ExxonMobil Foundation Follett Gorton Land Surveying & Associates Great American Conference Greenway Equipment Lifestyle Directors Inc. Lone Star Septic Service Long Chiropractic Lucky’s of Monticello M & M Builders Mainline Health Systems, Inc. Majors Forest & Lawn Mark Gray Insurance Martin Orthopedics Maxwell Hardwood Flooring McQueen & Co., Ltd.

Merchant & Farmers Bank Michael James Insurance Agency Monticello Ambulance Monticello Fire Fighters Association Monticello Medical Clinic Mr. Bug Pest Control North Houston Trucking O & M Oil Co. O’Fallon Veterinary Service Ouachita Society of American Foresters Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation Paul Griffin Insurance Agency Pettit & Pettit Engineers Pines Broadcasting Prescription Pad Pharmacy Price Services Rawls – Campbell Agency Razorback Body Shop Regions Forest Services, LLP Risher Fitness Management Robin Davis Appraisals Ryburn Motor Co. Ryburn Real Estate S & S Flavors, Inc. Saf-Holland, Inc. SEARK Concert Association Showcase of Floors Contracting Simmons First Bank South Arkansas Rehabilitation State Farm Companies Foundation Taylorville Town & Country Florist UAM Institute of Management Accountants Union Bank & Trust Company V & S Foundation, Inc. Wells Fargo Young’s BBQ

Greenway Gift Greenway Equipment has generously donated two John Deere Gator utility vehicles for use on campus. They will be employed chiefly in the special events and softball departments. The partnership allows each area to use state-of-the art equipment and improve efficiency. Winter 2019 33

Individual Donors


The UAM Foundation donors list includes alumni, friends and other contributors whose gifts were received January 1 – October 31, 2019. Please contact Roxanne Smith at (870) 460-1227 or to report any corrections.

Unity & Movement Club $2,500 or more Mr. and Mrs. Mike Akin Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bob Allaire Ms. Merle Bryant Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bulloch Dr. Robert Graber Mr. and Mrs. Nat Grubbs Mr. Greg Hatley Mr. Robert L. Hixson, Jr. Col. L.R. and Dr. Karla Hughes Dr. Carl B. Johnston Mr. Hank Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Maxwell Mr. John Nosal Ms. Melanie Nosal Mr. Lester Pinkus Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Risher Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Smith Mr. Waymond L. Teague Mr. and Mrs. Scotty D. Watkins Mrs. Laura M. Wilson Galaxy Club $1,000-$2,499 Dr. and Mrs. Barrett Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Futrell Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Buck Henderson Mr. and Mrs. D. Andy Holmes Dr. Alisa and Mr. Terry Hopper Mr. Jeremy Hyde Mr. and Mrs. David Inmon Mr. and Mrs. J. Chester Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jones Mr. and Mrs. David S. Leech Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lem Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Light Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McGhee Mr. and Mrs. Kent L. McRae Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Moore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Steve Morrison Dr. Julia Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pace Mr. Gus Pugh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saffold Mr. and Mrs. Joe Don Samples Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weaver Emerald Club $500-$999 Dr. Joseph M. Bramlett Mr. and Mrs. Alex D. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Price A. Boney, Sr. Ms. Valerie Cauley Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chao

34 UAM Magazine

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Davis Mr. and Mrs. T. Kent Davis Lt. Col USAF (Ret) William E. Dixon Mr. Auddy and Dr. Peggy Doss Mr. and Mrs. John W. Free Mr. and Mrs. Byron Galloway Drs. Moses and Suzzette Goldmon Dr. and Mrs. Dexter E. Gulledge Ms. Becky R. Hammett Mr. and Mrs. Logan Hancock Mr. and Mrs. George T. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hood Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Tim Humphries Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Karnes Mr. Jasen Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Darren Kleitz Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lambert Dr. and Mrs. Jack Lassiter Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr. Ms. Angela J. Marsh Mr. and Mrs. E. Wesley McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McFarland Mr. Padraic S. McMeel Ms. Patricia Nicholson Maj. Roy I. Parker Mr. Donald S. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Keith Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Benny A. Rinke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Rodgers, Sr. Ms. Linda F. Rushing Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Ryburn III Dr. Christopher Sims Ms. Ka’Lisa Stanfield Mr. Robert G. Willett Mr. and Mrs. Cedric E. Williams Loyalty Club $200-$499 Mr. Benjamin Agredano Mr. and Mrs. J. Ramsay Ball Mr. and Mrs. Bob Battisti Dr. Gregory A. Borse Dr. Russell Bulloch Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daniels Dr. and Mrs. John C. Davis Dr. and Mrs. David H. Denson Mr. and Mrs. R. Curtis Downer Mr. Ben R. Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Michael Efird Mr. Dale Ehmer Ms. Patricia A. Ewens Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fakouri Dr. J. Shannon Fleming Mr. Robert Frame Ms. Shirley Frame Ms. Monica Friesen Mr. and Mrs. David G. Funderburg Ms. Wendy Young-Gardner Mr. John Frank Gibson

Ms. Birdie Grimmett Dr. Brandy Haley Mr. and Mrs. Truman Hamilton Ms. Billie J. Handly Ms. Christine L. Harris Mr. and Mrs. B. Healy Ms. Delores Heemstra Mr. J. Larry Hopper Ms. Jeanna Hoyt Dr. and Mrs. John L. Hunt Mr. William“ Hud” Jackson Mr. Jay A. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Karnes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keith Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Koen Mr. Kenneth J. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Chris Loyd Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Lynn Ms. Jaime Macklin Lt. Col. and Mrs. William Marshall Dr. and Mrs. Ethan McCullar Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. McKiever Ms. Leslie McKiever Mr. Billy Merchant MHS Class of 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mullooly Mr. and Mrs. Joey Norton Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Owyoung Mr. Paul Parsels Mr. and Mrs. Larry Patrick Ms. Melissa Peel Ms. Mikie Peel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pennington Ms. Mona Piraino Mr. and Mrs. Crews Puryear Ms. Chaney L. Raley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberts Ms. Lisa Jo Ross Mr. and Mrs. Joe Don Samples Mr. and Mrs. Trent Scogin Mr. Jerry E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stewart Mr. and Mrs. David Stover Mr. and Mrs. Robin S. Tanksley Dr. Max Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tiner Mr. Ernest Tolin Ms. Shela F. Upshaw Mr. Roger Webster Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells Mrs. Mary M. Whiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. F. Harrell Wilson Mr. Freeman Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Woodall

Century Club

FOUNDATION $100-$199 Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Allen Mr. Bruce Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Clue Anderson Ms. Joan Armstrong Ms. Esmeraldo Arellano Dr. and Mrs. James Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Larry Austin Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Austin Ms. Relda G. Aylett Ms. Deborah Banks Dr. James B. Baker Mr. and Mrs. James Barker Mr. Matthew Baumgarten Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Rodney B. Block Mr. and Mrs. Justin Boehm Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Bonnette Mr. Matt N. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Nick F. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brakka Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Breaux Mr. James C. Buchanan Rep. LeAnne Burch Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgeis Mr. Steven E. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Burks, Jr. Mr. Richard L. Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Cash Ms. Faye Chandler Sen. and Mrs. Eddie Cheatham Mr. and Mrs. Reagan Clark Ms. Angelia K. Clements Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cobb Ms. Sharon Cook Mr. Howard Correll Mr.Britt Craddock Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crook Mr. and Mrs. Samie D. Culpepper Mr. and Mrs. David Dail Mr. and Mrs. Scott DeBruin Mr. and Mrs. David S. Denman Mr. and Mrs. Dave W. Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Dane A. Dover Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dreher, Jr. Drew Central Class of 1961 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Echols Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Eddington Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Eddington Mr. Edward and Dr. Audrey B. Edwards Ms. Patricia Eller Mr. Kenneth and Dr. Betsy Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Roger Farmer Ms. Christine Felts Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fisackerly Mr. Steven W. Fox Mr. and Mrs. L. Gene Franklin Mr. and Mrs. David Franz Mr. and Mrs. Danny Funderburg Ms. Wendy N. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Cliff W. Gibson III Drs. Glen and Mary Jane Gilbert Ms. Mildred Gilbert Mrs. Linda D. Goodwin Mr. Victor A. Gomez

Ms. Christie Gonzales Mr. Larry and Dr. Bettye Gragg Ms. Debra Gray Mr. and Mrs. Doug Grimmett Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Grissom Dr. Suzanne Guizar Dr. Brandy Haley Mr. C. Barry Hall Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hammons Mr. and Mrs. Werner L. Haney Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Hankins Mr. R.D. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hargis Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Harper Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harrell Mr. Jimmy T. Harrison Ms. Wendy Harrison Ms. Linda Harville Mr. and Mrs. Hani W. Hashem Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hawke Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Henderson Dr. and Mrs. Michael Henry Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. Herman, Jr. Ms. Shirley Hickman Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hill Mr. Timothy Hill Ms. Heidi L. Hogue Mr. and Mrs. Farris A. Hogue, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Holdbrook Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holland Ms. Sheila Hollinger Mr. and Mrs. Michael House Mr. and Mrs. Jon H. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Hughes Ms. Carla Imboden Ms. Michaeleen Jacke Dr. and Mrs. Larry E. Jackson Ms. Kelly James Mrs. Barbara J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Jolley Dr. and Mrs. B.J. Jordan Ms. Janice Judkins Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Keim Mr. and Mrs. John David Kellum Mr. and Mrs. William Koen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Laden Mr. and Mrs. John Landers Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsly Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mahar Dr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Marrow Ms. Jaime Marrow Mr. and Mrs. James E. McClain, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McDonald Mr. Landon B. McFadden Mrs. Regina G. McGinn Mr. and Mrs. Johnny McMurry Mr. David P. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. James Montague Mr. and Mrs. Don Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Moore Ms. Patsy Ann Moore Mr. Quinton L. Morgan Mr. Brian Morris Mr. Scott Morris Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W. Mosley Mr. Ivy C. Murrell

Mr. and Mrs. James O. Nixon Dr. and Mrs. W. Martin O’Fallon Mr. and Mrs. John Ogles Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Orrell Mr. and Mrs. Matt Outlaw Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Pace Ms. Katherine Patenaude Mr. Adam Patrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. P. Scott Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Jason Penney Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pennington Mr. and Mrs. William Pepmiller Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Place Dr. Wayne Poniewaz Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Rawls Mr. Cody Reaves Mr. and Mrs. R. Larry Reaves Mr. John Reed, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregg Reep Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rene Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rich Mr. John A. Roach Mr. and Mrs. Andre F. Robinson Ms. Pat Russell Ms. Debra Schell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sears Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Selig III Ms. Tisha Shipley Ms. Jessie M. Simpson Ms. Amanda Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Skipper Mr. Kregg J. Snook Mr. Kelby T. Snow Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Speir Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Spencer Ms. Jaquelyn Steritz Ms. Deborah Sternal Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Summerford Mr. Howard P. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Thiesing Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomason Mr. Ted D. Thompson Mr. Charles Luke Thornton Mr. John H. Tibbon Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tolin Mr. Carl Toombes Mr. Paul J. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vittitow Ms. Michelle Wade Mr. and Mrs. James J. Waggoner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Walker Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ware Ms. Diane Watt Mr. and Mrs. Dana S. Weatherford Ms. Alicia Webster Mr. and Mrs. James C. West Mr. and Mrs. Sam Whitaker Mr. Jessie Whiteaker Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wigley Ms. Andrew N. Williams Mr. Robert W. Willis Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Justin L. Witcher

Winter 2019 35


part of the campus

that shaped you Mark your graduation year or honor a loved one with a brick on Weevil Walk! Now on sale for just $75 through December 31. You can sponsor a brick or view your existing brick online! Scan the QR Code with your Smart Phone: 36 UAM Magazine

Makes a great gift!




Do it for the ’Gram

Some of our favorite recent Instagram posts feature “check-ins” on campus, a mention of @UAMonticello_ or one of our favorite hashtags: #WeevilsUnite #UAMonticello #UnitedByUAM #WeevilNation


Keep up with UAM and the Alumni Association on social media and TAG US in your posts from campus and alumni events! We love to share them! @UAMonticello @UAMonticelloAlumni @UAMonticello_ @UAMalumni @UAMonticello @UAM_Alumni








Winter 2019 37

University of Arkansas at Monticello Alumni Association P.O. Box 3520 Monticello, AR 71656

Weevil Spirit Unites Us

For national College Colors Day August 30, faculty, staff and students were encouraged to wear Weevil gear to celebrate our shared enthusiasm for UAM. Of course, every day is a great day to wear Weevil green.

38 UAM Magazine

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