10 minute read
Lytle artist has some very big skills
Glamour And Death At Star Line
If there’s two things that make a good story, it’s timeless Hollywood suspense and the captivating thrill of a whodunit.
Erica Wright, author of “Famous in Cedarville”, will be at Star Line Books this Tuesday at 6 p.m. to indulge with fellow readers and lovers of crime and mystery. Wright wraps together the allure of Hollywood glitz and glamour with memories of her hometown in her first ever standalone mystery that has hooked crime-fiction fans of all ages.
Famous in Cedarville follows Samson, who is thought by many to be losing his mind, as he investigates the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Hollywood actress Barbara Lace. When a second connecting murder follows, the town begins to question things.
With combined characteristics of classic Fitzgerald and everyone’s favorite sleuth, Nancy Drew, the intriguing aspect of the jazz age era makes the secrecy and the enigma that much better. “The Hollywood angle definitely adds some glamour,” Wright said. “The scenes in Los Angeles explore the underbelly of that glitz, though. We learn pretty quickly that Lace had to be tough to survive for decades in an unforgiving business.”
If you’re ready for your next good read, go soak up the one-of-a-kind atmosphere at Chattanooga’s only independent bookstore on Tuesday and enjoy a wide-ranging chat with Erica. She promises not to talk too much about her dog. — Lindsey Clute
By Jessie Gantt-Temple Pulse Assistant Editor

A graduate from the Tennessee Governor’s Academy for Math and Science as well as the University of Tennessee, Lauren Lytle didn’t know that she was going to be successful with Chattanooga Chalk when she completed her bachelor’s degree in biology and anthropology.
“I’ve always loved the way nature inspires art and how creating art can connect us to nature. For many people, science and art are two very separate things but for me, they have always been connected and flowed in and out of each other in so many amazing ways,” Lauren said as she explained how her worlds collided.
Just launching Chattanooga Chalk in 2018, she is currently a project manager at Chattanooga Web Design, works at the aquarium and is an acro instructor at Peace.Strength. Yoga. One would think all those endeavors would not leave any time to pursue her passion of art but Lauren says balance and diversity are essential. “I love being a part of so many different devoted communities here. People and organizations in this city “A RT IS THE EXPRESSION OF WHAT YOU SEE around you, what you experience, and how you choose to share that with the world. Similarly, science seeks to understand the phenomena that we witness or experience. To me, science and art go hand-in-hand and truly complement one another to lead to a greater understanding of our incredible world and this crazy life we live.”
are truly striving to affect change and grow socially, culturally, professionally and in so many other ways,” she said after completing a Society of Work mural that quoted Margaret Mead.
“This piece was not only fun but is really meaningful to the work they do and the community they are striving to create and build. It’s always my hope that my doodles can in some way help bring people together and build a stronger, more connected society and this one might have done just a little of that.”
Due to her love of the outdoors and connection with environmental education, she’d really like to work with places like the Chattanooga Zoo, Reflection Riding, Outdoor Chattanooga, the Creative Discovery Museum or other organizations focused on connecting people with nature.
You may also have seen her handy work on Cashew’s windows, in The Moxy, within the Moonlight Roller Lounge Mobile, or on the vibrant red wall at Cycle Bar Chatt. From hemp and hairdos to restaurants and rehearsal dinners, she can design any style signature to help you communicate any message.
“Creating custom work is so rewarding. I love being able to bring something unique especially if I get to learn something new in the process— like how to home brew beer,” she said when showing me the extremely
detailed, expansive four-panel-andmore piece on the wall at The Brew Market and Beer Garden. Lauren can tackle any size project and is not limited to the one medium of chalk or just chalkboards either. She can utilize pen, acrylic paint or colored pencil and has created more permanent designs on wood, paper, glass, plastic, mirrors, pallets and doors.
One of her services, “Daily Specials for Chalkboards” can apply to businesses or individuals and range up to $60 which is more than reasonable for a custom art piece. When it comes to larger signs or murals, each job is as different as each customer so prices vary. She also offers chalkboard rentals if you request it along with your custom lettering which makes organizing your special event so much easier.
She frequently refers to her designs as “doodles” which does portray an imagery of ebb and flow however, the finished piece has such a structured look, the term “doodle” does not do them justice. Masterful in hand lettering and calligraphy and an avid reader, Lauren loves putting words to art like in her invites and envelopes for weddings, graduations, parties or just to make the everyday extraordinary. However, from aardvarks to landscapes, her skills expand beyond simple words.
“Portrait drawing with plain old pencils will forever be my first love but I don’t do them very often as lettering typically take precedence. I really enjoy drawing people’s hair, oddly enough,” she said as she discussed her goals for 2020. “Along with growing Chattanooga Chalk, I am hoping to teach a lettering workshop and finish an art print series I’ve been working on for a few years.” She also hopes to travel, climb in some beautiful places, sign up for a triathlon and learn new acrobatic tricks.
The eclectic energy Lauren’s art puts out is perfect for Chattanooga as it provides her ventures for both business and pleasure. Email Lauren at lytle.writer@gmail.com to have her create for you and definitely follow Chattanooga Chalk on social media to be inspired by her conceptual textuals.


Southbound Opening More than fifty-six fine art photographers, each one exploring and documenting the New South in a unique way. 6 p.m. The Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. huntermuseum.org

Tig Notaro You've seen her on many TV shows, but now's your chance to experience her comedy like never before on the stage. 8 p.m. Walker Theatre 399 McCallie Ave. tivolichattanooga.com

CATS Sure, the movie is terrible, but the play is the thing (to quote The Bard). And there's nothing like seeing CATS in person. 7:30 p.m. Tivoli Theatre 709 Broad St. tivolichattanooga.com
12 • THE PULSE • JANUARY 30, 2020 • CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM Re-vamp Your Lamp Workshop 10 a.m. Rustic Trading Co. 199B River St. (423) 888-1405 rustictradingco.com Miller Park Farmers Market 11 a.m. Miller Park 910 Market St. millerparkmarket.com Indirect Oil Painting with Susan Budash 1 p.m. Reflections Gallery 1635 Rossville Ave (423) 892-3072 reflectionsgallerytn.com Intro to Pyrography 5 p.m. Woodcraft of Chattanooga 5824 Brainerd Rd. (423) 710-8001 woodcraft.com Extract Brewing Class: Stout 5:30 p.m. Brew Market and Beer Garden 1510 Riverside Dr. (423) 648-2739 brewmarketchatt.com River Runners 6 p.m. Basecamp Bar and Restaurant 346 Frazier Ave. (423) 803-5251 basecampcha.com Pop-Up Project Dance Classes 6 p.m. D. Williams Dance Academy 1106 McCallie Ave. (423) 838-5907 dwilliamsdanceacademy.com Southbound Opening 6 p.m. The Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. (423) 267-0968 huntermuseum.org iPhoneography: Editing Photos 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Journaling 101: Venting & Gratitude 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Life Drawing Open Studio 6 p.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Open Mic Poetry & More 6:30 p.m. Stone Cup Café 208 Frazier Ave. (423) 521-3977 stonecupcafe.com August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean” 7 p.m. Chattanooga Theatre Centre 400 River St. (423) 267-8534 theatrecentre.com Shaun Jones 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Sideshow Slideshow 7:30 p.m. The Bicycle Bar 45 E. Main St. (423) 475-6569 facebook.com/thebicyclebar Alcoholics Not Anonymous Comedy Open Mic 8 p.m. Barley Taproom 235 E. MLK Blvd. (423) 682-8200 chattanoogabarley.com
Paint Night 6 p.m. The Edney Innovation Center 1100 Market St. (423) 643-6770 theedney.com Shaun Jones 7:30, 9:45 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com CATS 7:30 p.m. Tivoli Theatre 709 Broad St. (423) 757-5580 tivolichattanooga.com Tig Notaro 8 p.m. Walker Theatre 399 McCallie Ave. (423) 757-5580 tivolichattanooga.com Ruby Falls Lantern Tours 8:30 p.m. Ruby Falls 1720 S. Scenic Hwy. (423) 821-2544 rubyfalls.com
Explore the Yoga Energy System 9 a.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Bottling and Kegging Workshop 9 a.m. Brew Market and Beer 1510 Riverside Dr. (423) 648-2739 brewmarketchatt.com Practicing Empowerment: Self-Therapies for 2020 9 a.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Beginning Beading with Ashley 10 a.m. Bead-Therapy 1420 McCallie Ave. (423) 509-1907 bead-therapy.com Brainerd Farmers Market 10 a.m. Grace Episcopal Church 20 Belvoir Ave. (423) 243-3250 saygrace.net Author Signing with Rita Hubbard 11 a.m. Barnes and Noble 2100 Hamilton Place Blvd. (423) 893-0186 barnesandnoble.com Breaking Barriers for Your 2020 Success Noon The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess 12:55 p.m. AMC Chattanooga 18 5080 South Terrace (423) 855-9652 fathomevents.com Healthy Desserts with Alms + Fare 1 p.m. Crabtree Farms 1000 E. 30th St. (423) 493-9155 crabtreefarms.org CATS 2, 7:30 p.m. Tivoli Theatre 709 Broad St. (423) 757-5580 tivolichattanooga.com Winton and Rosa Eugene Opening Reception 2 p.m. River Gallery 400 E. 2nd St (423) 265-5033 river-gallery.com Fireside Chat Storytelling Series 6:30 p.m. Collegedale Commons 4950 Swinyar Dr. (423) 468-1971 Abdul Ahmad, Lin Buckner Art Exhibition 7 p.m. WanderLinger Brewing Co. 1208 King St. wanderlinger.com Shaun Jones 7:30, 9:45 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean” 8 p.m. Chattanooga Theatre Centre 400 River St. (423) 267-8534 theatrecentre.com
August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean”

Tivoli Theatre 709 Broad St. (423) 757-5580 tivolichattanooga.com August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean” 2:30 p.m. Chattanooga Theatre Centre 400 River St. (423) 267-8534 theatrecentre.com
Black Professionals 5:30 p.m. The Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. (423) 267-0968 whuntermuseum.org Winter Belly Dance Session 6 p.m. Movement Arts Collective 3813 Dayton Blvd. (423) 401-8115 movementartscollective.com Joggers & Lagers 6 p.m. Chattanooga Brewing Co. 1804 Chestnut St. (423) 702-9958 chattabrew.com Beginner Macrame: Garland 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Intermediate Tarot 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org First Monday Improv Comedy 7:30 p.m. Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Ave. (423) 624-5347 barkinglegs.org
Chattanooga Self Improvement Meetup 8 a.m. The Edney Innovation Center 1100 Market St. (423) 643-6770 theedney.com Sew What 4 p.m. Chattanooga Public Library 1001 Broad St. (423) 643-7700 chattlibrary.org An Evening with Erica Wright 6 p.m. Star Line Books 1467 Market St. (423) 777-5629 starlinebooks.com Silverpoint Drawing 6 p.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Paths to Pints 6:30 p.m. The Tap House 3800 St. Elmo Ave. taphousechatt.com Chess K-night 7 p.m. Mad Priest Coffee Roasters 1900 Broad St. (423) 393-3834 madpriestcoffee.com
RISE 2020 11:30 a.m. Westin Chattanooga 801 Pine St. (423) 490-5626 westinchattanooga.com Free Indoor Archery Session 3:30 p.m. Outdoor Chattanooga 200 River St. (423) 643-6888 outdoorchattanooga.com Main Street Farmers Market 4 p.m. 522 W. Main St. mainstfarmersmarket.com Beginners Stained Glass with Summer Harrison 5:30 p.m. Reflections Gallery 1635 Rossville Ave. (423) 892-3072 reflectionsgallerytn.com Gargoyle Sculpting 6 p.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Introduction to Calligraphy 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Introduction to the Lightroom App 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Jeffrey Blout: “The Emancipation of Evan Walls” 6 p.m. Bessie Smith Cultural Center 200 E. MLK Blvd. (423) 266-8658 bessiesmithcc.org Mike Paramore 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com
Map these locations on chattanoogapulse.com. Send event listings at least 10 days in advance to: calendar@chattanoogapulse.com