12 minute read
A Gathering Of Artists
On The Southside
Reflections Gallery relocates and expands
Taking On Family Dysfunction
“Take Five”, UTC’s beloved series is back and this semester is tackling the always relevant theme of family dysfunction. Spearheaded by Dr. Aaron Shaheen, “Take Five” is a series of presentations on five literary works, after which a panel of five current and former faculty members—whose specialties range everywhere from Shakespeare to modern medicine—answer questions and facilitate audience discussion.
Dr. Shaheen shares his enthusiasm for this event, “Take Five is a way to give back to the community, to show that learning takes place in all corridors of campus and for all people who call Chattanooga home.” And this communal atmosphere is exactly what is created. This month’s event begins with a talk by Dr. Andrew McCarthy on Keith Gessen’s “A Terrible Country”. “I’m thrilled to speak on two of my great loves: hockey and literature,” McCarthy states.
Don’t have time to read the novel? No worries! A brief synopsis is given at the beginning of each talk so that you can follow along and take part in the discussion.
“Take Five” puts you in touch with other lifelong learners in the community and provides stimulating academic discussions within a comfortable, casual environment.
The series, which starts at 6 p.m. in the Chattanooga Room of UTC’s University Center, is free and open to everyone, and you’ll receive not only a time of thought-provoking conversation, but also a light dinner. — Halley Andrews By Adam Beckett Pulse contributor
DESPITE HAVING A MUSIC SCENE THAT OFTEN GETS national mention, the ever-expanding arts scene in Chattanooga is another aspect of the Scenic City keeping it in the coast-to-coast spotlight.

Much like the local musicians that are tapping into untamed and raw talent somehow, the local visual artists are doing the exact same thing, only their instruments do not play music that other people can hear with their ears.
While creating by using whatever medium they are working with, perhaps the local artists do hear music from within while their paintbrush strikes the canvas or when the stain glass creation they are working on begins to take artistic form, but the people gazing at their works of art are certainly able to tap into a taste of the various artists’ “inner-sound” as well. Local artists are able to touch the lives of people the same way music does, only in a different kind of way, if that makes sense.
Chattanooga area artists of all types have been consistently demonstrating seemingly super human abilities to create art. There must be something in the water, or could it be the natural vibes that fill the city mixed with the endless views that help artists thrive and feed off of each other?
Not everybody is a natural and certainly artists do not become talented just by luck. People are often groomed, lead, and taught by other artists so they can reach their full po
tential. There are many outlets around town that aim to inspire and teach humans how to tap into the dormant artist inside of them. Today we will focus of the Southside’s own Reflections Gallery and Studio.
After thirty-one years of providing Chattanooga with custom framing, local original art, art classes, fine art and frame restoration, on Lee Highway, the family owned and operated Reflections Gallery decided to change locations. For their thirty-second year, they decided the blossoming Southside would be a good fit for both the art inspired minds of Chattanooga, as well as their establishment.
The relocation brought them to a stylish house-looking building, that in fact was a functioning single-family home for many years after transforming from an operational auto parts store and mechanic cleaning shop. Inside the Reflections Gallery and Studio is a bright, vibrant atmosphere that is full of magical art, and it is instantly captivating.
Visitors that walk in the building are met with a warm family-like greeting, it seems as if the house setting gives the operators an opportunity to make it feel like home for visitors, students, and artists alike.
The Reflections Gallery interacts with over one hundred local artists and are immersed in the culture; they
love art ethos and it is apparent from the moment one steps into its realm. The gallery is unique as it is filled by featured local artists and rotated every twelve weeks.
Any given day visitors can see eclectic collections of original art in form of custom framed works, traditional twodimensional paintings, three-dimensional sculptures, metal sculptures, jewelry, pottery, stained glass art and even furniture with flair.
Growing beyond the gallery is their studio where things are constantly in creation and ever evolving. What separates them from other galleries is that patrons could walk in randomly and witness top-tier local artists working on a masterpiece or watch aspirant artists come into their own and integrate with the local art community; it is a fully functioning art space.
Stained glass teacher Summer Harrison said, “It is easy for people to look at a piece of art and not understand how much work the artist actually put into it. When they become involved with the process, they begin to understand how many layers there are or how much thought goes into the process from just one aspect of it like composition, color and texture. We help people really begin to understand some of the many facets of art.” Many different methods in teaching are offered at the studio and are aimed to teach would-be artists style, technique, and form. While they do occasionally offer one-day art classes, many of their sessions last five or eight weeks so they can really work with individuals to properly teach them. They offer various painting and stainedglass creation classes. For more information visit their website at reflectionsgallerytn.com.
As the art scene continues to thrive, the Reflections Art Gallery and Studio will be providing Chattanooga with premier local art while molding the hopeful and teaching them to unleash their inner artist. Stop by to support this local gem and to connect with the Scenic City’s vivacious art scene.


F.E.E.L A showcase event that allows artists and the audience to share the stage to express their deepest emotions. 7 p.m. Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Ave. barkinglegs.org

Open Studio Night: Art is for Lovers Come out and find that perfect gift for Valentine's Day from some of the city's best artists. 5:30 p.m. Chattanooga WorkSpace 302 W 6th St. chattanoogaworkspace.com

August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean” The riveting tale of a 285-year-old woman with a lifetime of cleansing souls and so much more. 8 p.m. Chattanooga Theatre Centre 400 River St. theatrecentre.com
12 • THE PULSE • FEBRUARY 6, 2020 • CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM Gallery Open House 10 a.m. Shuptrine’s Art Gallery 2613 Broad St. (423) 266-4453 shuptrinesgallery.com Miller Park Farmers Market 11 a.m. Miller Park 910 Market St. millerparkmarket.com Throwback Thursday 4 p.m. The Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. (423) 267-0968 huntermuseum.org Rooted in Color Tour 6 p.m. AVA Gallery 30 Frazier Ave. (423) 265-4282 avarts.org River Runners 6 p.m. Basecamp Bar and Restaurant 346 Frazier Ave. (423) 803-5251 basecampcha.com Life Drawing Open Studio 6 p.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Open Mic Poetry & More 6:30 p.m. Stone Cup Café 208 Frazier Ave. (423) 521-3977 stonecupcafe.com August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean” 7 p.m. Chattanooga Theatre Centre 400 River St. (423) 267-8534 theatrecentre.com F.E.E.L 7 p.m. Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Ave. (423) 624-5347 barkinglegs.org Mike Paramore 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Outlook/Overlook 7:30 p.m. UTC University Center 642 E. 5th St. (423) 425-4455 utc.edu Alcoholics Not Anonymous Comedy Open Mic 8 p.m. Barley Taproom 235 E. MLK Blvd. (423) 682-8200 chattanoogabarley.com
Author William N. Gilmore 1 p.m. McKay Books 7734 Lee Hwy. (423) 892-0067 mckaybooks.com Opening Reception: Denice Bizot’s “Hella Hearts” 5 p.m. In-Town Gallery 26 Frazier Ave. (423) 267-9214 intowngallery.com First Friday Open House Featuring Lynda Best 5 p.m. Reflections Gallery 1635 Rossville Ave. (423) 892-3072 reflectionsgallerytn.com Open Studio Night: Art is for Lovers 5:30 p.m. Chattanooga WorkSpace 302 W 6th St. (423) 822-5750 chattanoogaworkspace.com First Friday Open House: Bitter is Better 5:30 p.m. Area 61 Gallery 721 Broad St. (423) 648-9367 area61gallery.com Meet the Artist: Keith Landrum 6 p.m. The Tap House 3800 St. Elmo Ave. (423) 682-8234 taphousechatt.com Mike Paramore 7:30, 9:45 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Outlook/Overlook 7:30 p.m. UTC University Center 642 E. 5th St. (423) 425-4455 utc.edu The Floor Is Yours: Things That Go Bump 7:30 p.m. Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Ave. (423) 624-5347 barkinglegs.org August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean” 8 p.m. Chattanooga Theatre Centre 400 River St. (423) 267-8534 theatrecentre.com Love Groove Poetry Show: What’s Love Got to Do with It? 8 p.m. Memories 607 Tunnel Blvd. (423) 698-1006 Ruby Falls Lantern Tours 8:30 p.m. Ruby Falls 1720 S. Scenic Hwy. (423) 821-2544 rubyfalls.com Syraja Sinclair Dupree 11 p.m. The Palace Theater 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 chattpalace.com
Beginner Handlettering 10 a.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Fangs: Take a Bite out of Stage Fright 10 a.m. ACT-SO 756 E M. MLK Blvd. (423) 356-0896 chattanooganaacp.org Brainerd Farmers Market 10 a.m. Grace Episcopal Church 20 Belvoir Ave. (423) 243-3250 saygrace.net Handmade Journal Making Workshop 11 a.m. Rustic Trading Company 199 River St. (423) 888-1405 rustictradingcompany.com Art Bash and Fundraiser Noon Chattanooga Brewing Co. 1804 Chestnut St. (423) 702-9958 chattabrew.com Beginner Embroidery: Vintage Valentine’s Day 1 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Miss Bessie Smith Scholarship Pageant 2020 6 p.m. Bessie Smith Cultural Center 200 E. MLK Blvd. (423) 266-8658 bessiesmithcc.org AVA Saturday Critique Workshop 6 p.m. AVA Gallery 30 Frazier Ave. (423) 265-4282 avarts.org Red & Black Auction 6:30 p.m. The Westin 801 Pine St. (423) 531-4653 signalmountainhighschool.com Strong And Beautiful Stiletto: Couples V-Day Edition 7 p.m. Peace. Strength. Yoga 3800 St. Elmo Ave. (423) 708-2779 peacestrengthyoga.com Mike Paramore 7:30, 9:45 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Outlook/Overlook 7:30 p.m. UTC University Center 642 E. 5th St. (423) 425-4455 utc.edu
August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean” 8 p.m. Chattanooga Theatre Centre 400 River St. (423) 267-8534 theatrecentre.com Chattanooga Heart Ball 8 p.m. Chattanoogan Hotel 1201 Broad St. (423) 756-3400 heart.org Chatt Talk Tonight: Success 9 p.m. Palace Theater 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 chattpalace.com
Free Film Screening: Persona Non Grata 2 p.m. Regal Hamilton Place 8 2000 Hamilton Pl. Blvd. (844) 462-7342 eventbrite.com Outlook/Overlook 2 p.m. UTC University Center 642 E. 5th St. (423) 425-4455 utc.edu August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean” 2:30 p.m. Chattanooga Theatre Centre 400 River St. (423) 267-8534 theatrecentre.com BLACK Excellence Awards of Chattanooga 4:30 p.m. Chattanooga Convention Center 1150 Carter St. (423) 756-0001 Benefit Show for Evelyn Caldwell 6:30 p.m. The Palace Theater 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 chattpalace.com Mike Paramore 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Jo Koy
Mike Paramore is the guy you fight to sit next to in a movie theater, on a long car ride, or during a boring lecture. His natural ability to infuse everyday situations with energetic, uplifting humor, combined with a natural ability to put you at ease, is key to his personal brand of comedy. His smooth delivery and powerful punchlines make him a force in stand-up comedy.
8 p.m. Tivoli Theatre 709 Broad St. (423) 757-5580 tivolichattanooga.com
Writing for Stress Relief 5:30 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Home Organizing 101 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Winter Belly Dance Session 6 p.m. Movement Arts Collective 3813 Dayton Blvd. (423) 401-8115 movementartscollective.com Joggers & Lagers 6 p.m. Chattanooga Brewing Co. 1804 Chestnut St. (423) 702-9958 chattabrew.com Plant Conservation & Research 6 p.m. Green Spaces Chattanooga 63 E. Main St. (423) 648-0963 greenspaceschattanooga.org Shakespeare 2020Discussion Group 7 p.m. Edney Innovation Center 1100 Market St. (423) 643-6770 theedney.com
Chattanooga Self Improvement Meetup 8 a.m. The Edney Innovation Center 1100 Market St. (423) 643-6770 theedney.com Introduction to Public Speaking: Two Part Workshop 1 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Making a Custom Knife 5 p.m. Woodcraft of Chattanooga 5824 Brainerd Rd. (423) 710-8001 woodcraft.com Love Letters: Cake Decorating Edition 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Silverpoint Drawing 6 p.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Take Five Reading Series: Keith Gessen’s “A Terrible Country” 6 p.m. UTC University Center 615 Mccallie Ave. (423) 425-4455 utc.edu Brewga: Yoga and a Beer 6:30 p.m. Chattanoooga Brewing Company

CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM • FEBRUARY 6. 2020 • THE PULSE • 13 1804 Chestnut St. chattabrew.com An Evening of Hope: Sparking Vision & Innovation 6:30 p.m. Chattanooga Convention Center 1150 Carter St. (423) 756-0001 Paths to Pints 6:30 p.m. The Tap House 3800 St. Elmo Ave. taphousechatt.com
WEDNESDAY2.12 Mug-Making Workshop with Marialice Hatch 10 a.m. Scenic City Clay Arts 301 E. 11th St. (423) 883-1758 sceniccityclayarts.org Free Indoor Archery Session 3:30 p.m. Outdoor Chattanooga 200 River St. (423) 643-6888 outdoorchattanooga.com Main Street Farmers Market 4 p.m. Finley Stadium Parking Lot 522 W. Main St. mainstfarmersmarket.com Beginner’s Stained Glass with Summer Harrison 5:30 p.m. Reflections Gallery 1635 Rossville Ave. (423) 892-3072 reflectionsgallerytn.com Gargoyle Sculpting 6 p.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Moody Molavi: Cocktails & Comedy for Couples Communication 6 p.m. Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga 5461 North Terrace Rd. (423) 493-0270 jewishchattanooga.com Intermediate Handlettering: Note Taking 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org How to Set and Maintain Healthy Boundaries 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Shane Mauss “Head Talks Live” 6:30 p.m. The Palace Theater 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 chattpalace.com Contemporary Dance with Sara 6:45 p.m. Spot Venue 3214 Brainerd Rd. (931) 319-1616 spotvenue.co Chatt About Science: The Geology of Iceland 7 p.m. Stone Cup Cafe 208 Frazier Ave. (423) 521-3977 stonecupcafe.com Dale Jones 7 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Chattanooga State Comedy Improv 7:30 p.m. Chatt State Humanities Theatre 4501 Amnicola Hwy. (423) 697-4400 chattanoogastate.edu Map these locations on chattanoogapulse.com. Send event listings at least 10 days in advance to: calendar@chattanoogapulse.com