2 minute read
Unity will give us strength
With the privilege of having an eagle eye’s view of the beverage industry, I am seeing certain changes in the supply chain, with a slow down in certain sectors. This is not unexpected with the Brexit debacle continuing as I write.
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Ruth Evans MBE, BFBi C.E.O.
Photo: Gerardo Jaconelli
With the ongoing push back of the Brexit deadline, the industrial engine is expected to just keep accepting, accommodating and surviving. As a strong industry, we can do this, but only for so long. If a no-deal Brexit occurs none of us can know the unintended consequences; if the existing deal goes ahead, none of us yet know Government strategy; if another General Election happens, and we are expected to keep hanging on, business plans will be stretched to the very limit.
What I don’t understand is why Government is not talking to industry – really talking – and listening. Government has yet to address the intimate practicalities of import/export documentation; tariffs; staffing levels; currency fluctuations; financing and ultimate strength of the Pound. I am asked what the Government stance is in relation to all of the above and my answer is “I don’t know – Government has not told me; Government has not even spoken to me other than to issue woolly emails about a consultation process.”
What is the solution? I don’t think anybody has an answer but there is a strategy – for all parts of the supply chain to continue talking and sharing knowledge (on a non-commercial basis, obviously). Communication and collaboration have given our industry strength in the past and will continue to do so in these unprecedented times. If your MP cannot give you answers because they are not engaging with you, your business and your specific Brexit challenges then contact your trade association. They will probably not be able to give you the answers either but they can facilitate ways for you to help each other.
By the time you read this we will all have a better of idea of what form of Brexit is happening, if it is happening at all. Remember that your trade association, whichever it may be, is there to support you and to ensure you are future fit for whatever post 31st October may bring. It is at times like this that BFBi’s original strap line “Unity is Strength” seems ever more appropriate.
Ruth Evans MBE, BFBi C.E.O.
Established in 1907, BFBi’s membership represents the entire value chain supplying the brewing and beverage industry – from seed geneticists through raw materials, brewhouse and process equipment to dispense, point-of-sale and brewers/distillers. The Association’s objective is to be the foremost trade association providing opportunities for its Members to develop within the brewing, food & beverage industry.
As well as offering many benefits and services to suppliers of raw materials, process and packaging machinery, dispense and point of sale products, BFBi is a Trade Challenge Partner for various overseas exhibitions and owner and organiser of the oldest international brewing and cider Awards in the world.
For more information visit www.bfbi.org.uk