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flavourful malts which remain favourites with craft brewers as well as brand leaders Together with its offerings of fine malt, the Company manufactures the complete range of Crystal and Roasted malts allowing brewers to make excellent balanced beers of all styles
The Company retains its own fleet of vehicles which allows it to deliver malt on time and encompasses all practical packaging requirements from bulk tipper or blower deliveries to pre-milled and palletised options
The Company is proud to be trading with some of the biggest and some of the smallest breweries in the UK and abroad and is very much customerdriven A little old-fashioned perhaps, but great emphasis remains on building significantly reduces the likelihood of not cleaning effectively potentially spoiling batches This improves the customer experience knowing that products are going to arrive with the client in first class condition
If you are looking to make an investment in our range visit Tim and Chris at BeerX on Stand 140 on March 15-16th We look forward to seeing you there lasting and collaborative relationships with its customers to promote all the best things that can go into a pint