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As previously mentioned, for investigative purposes, ten existing corporations from ten industries are speculated upon; American Airlines (Travel/Transit), Apple (Electronics), AT&T (Telecommunications), Berkshire Hathaway (Financials), CVS Health (Healthcare), ExxonMobil (Oil and Gas), General Motors (Automotive), Microsoft (Computer Software), Walmart (Retail), and the Walt Disney Company (Entertainment/ Media). When speculating each corporation’s potential for dominance and influence on American cities and landscapes, it was helpful to gather some sort of notion of what these corporations symbolize or represent; their “Corporate Identity”. On the following pages, each of the ten selected corporations has a corporate identity collage, as well as some important facts or ideas associated with each corporation. This exercise provided some critical insights that will prove important for the further development of the thesis. Firstly, there is a common theme of history to all of the corporations; some are longer than others, but all corporations examined have a history that shows an evolution of the corporate identity. Secondly, some corporations have a more traditional “architectural presence” than others; for example, Walmart and the Walt Disney Company have more architectural presence than AT&T and Berkshire Hathaway. Lastly, it made more clear the potential routes for influence each corporation could take with their megaprojects in their corresponding megaregions, as was the intention.

-World’s largest airline by fleet size, passengers carried, and revenue passenger mile -Headquartered in Fort Worth, TX (Texas Triangle Megaregion), but will be moved for logistical and tourism reasons -Will still be recognized as a continental endeavor but the megaproject will be seen as America’s gateway to international tourists and trade -American Airlines has suffered under COVID-19, and also has some history with publicity blunders/controversy

-World’s largest technology company by revenue, and one of the world’s most valuable companies -Renown for its exceptional level of consumer brand loyalty (think: camping out for the new iPhone) -Brushed aluminum and glass in both products and architectural identity -Criticized for its labor/environmental/business practices, and origins of source materials -Another company with heavy focus on “image” and identity

-World’s largest telecommunications company, largest provider of mobile telephone services -Headquartered in Dallas, TX, but could easily be based anywhere due to intangible nature of data/signals, and nationwide prominence/importance -Began as Southwestern Bell Telephone company, then American Telephone and Telegraph Company: created monopoly that was broken up by United States v. AT&T antitrust lawsuit

-American conglomerate financial holding company (wholly and partially owns many other companies) -Presence in Nebraska (midwest, could be moved for purposes of thesis due to intangible nature of their business) -Conflicting imagery of humble beginnings with present day financial dominance, historic textile start

-American healthcare and retail pharmacy company -2019: Eighth on Fortune 500 -Based out of Rhode Island (would be in the Northwest megaregion, could be relocated due to logistics of medication or intangibility of insurance policies)

-One of the world’s largest “Big Oil Companies”, and one of world’s largest companies by revenue -Largest direct descendant of Standard Oil -Incorporated in NJ (Northwest megaregion) headquarters in Irving TX (Texas Triangle), but better to be placed in Gulf of Mexico megaregion -Climate change deniers/silencers, oil spills, political influence, human rights

-Largest American automotive manufacturer (second to Ford economically) -Historic presence in Detroit (Great Lakes megaregion) -Contentious history: 2009 bankruptcy, labor conflicts over length of company’s existence, other controversies

-World’s largest software manufacturer by revenue -Presence in the Pacific northwest (Cascadia megaregion) -Acquisition of other companies, digital presence lends itself to iconic pop culture status and representation (memes)

-World’s largest company by revenue, largest private employer in the world, largest United States grocery retailer -Headquartered in Bentonville, AR, so not near any current megaregion (Front Range could be a good one, due to centralized location optimal for logistical dominance -Criticized in relation to labor unions, development practices, various PACs, environmental practices, etc

-American/Multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate -Headquartered in Burbank, CA, but theme park presence in both SoCal and Florida Megaregions (use SoCal for purposes of thesis -Creator of some of the most famous films/art/music/entertainment in history -Stranglehold on media market, intense focus on corporate “image” -Recent controversy of mass layoffs (COVID related)