The Making Of Harley Davidson – Shi8er Linkages
Brian Barghout FRSA Designer
It Starts With Raw Bronze Ingots
Preparing the Furnace
PreparaIon of the Mold 1
A wooden frame is used for the casIng. the part in inserted
I pack the sand Ight Now I fill the mold around the model of with sand the Shi8er
When the box is full of sand I tamp it down
PreparaIon of the Mold 2
I tamp all the way I used a heavy tool To pack the sand Ight Around the mold Into the mold
The blue pipe you see Is going to leave a hole For me to pour the Brass into the mold
Okay, all done!!
PreparaIon of the Mold 3
The molds now have heavy weights put on top. When the molten Brass is poured in the molds Expand from the intense heat, and the weights Stabilize the molds. That’s it now, I’m ready to pour the Brass.
Don’t Do This At Home
Here you can see me scooping out the molten Brass with a ladle from the furnace. I walk It over to the mold and then pour the molten liquid Brass down the pour holes in the mold.
ExtracIng the Shi8er linkage
Detailing The Shi8er Linkages
Polishing So now you’ve seen just about everything Once the parts have been cleaned and polished They go to get chromed, and then cleaned and Polished again unIl their as good as I can get them. Since each Harley Shi8er Linkage is individually made, No two pieces are ever idenIcal.
Harley Davidson Shi8er Linkages
About Brian Barghout I've been an entrepreneur more than 25 years. In 1992, age 29 I led a management buy out of a UK company. Soon therea8er "Sheibarg" became the largest independent manufacturer of Metal Lever lid containers in Britain. Three years later I co‐founded "Barplas", this Ime manufacturing plasIc containers. By 2000 Barplas had become Britain's second largest manufacturer of PlasIc cylindrical containers. In 1999 I became a fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), a tremendous privilege . I have spoken at many engagements, on the subjects of Entrepreneurship, Product Design and InnovaIon, and I'm lucky to have worked alongside some of the best designers in the world. I am driven by an insaIable thirst for knowledge and my love of technology, design and innovaIon, and conInue to be involved in other successful company start ups, and projects. Brian Barghout BSc. FRSA
About Custom Chopper Designs The very first Ime my father put me on the back of his Harley Electra Glide, motorcycles became my passion. I love the freedom of riding, the growling, roar of the Harley's engine. That passion grew and passed on into my life and work. I became a businessman, an entrepreneur, and product designer. I've designed many things and every so o8en I always seem to come back to Motorcycles ( Harley's of course ). There's no other bike that makes you feel as if you've just got on it for the first Ime, every Ime you ride it. In 2003 I created the "Wicked Works Shi8 Rods" range of true 3D, hand painted, Harley Davidson Shi8er Linkages and covers. For 2009 Custom Chopper Designs introduce the new Chrome Harley Shi8er Linkages. Brian Barghout BSc FRSA