Architecture Portfolio - Brian Britton

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BRI AN B RI T T ON Archi tecturePortfol i o

Compet i t i on:Landmar kTower

AsChi na’ scapi t alf ort hi r t een di ffer entdynast i es,Xi ’ an,t he ci t yofpeace,host ed acompet i t i onf oral andmar kskyscr apert o cel ebr at ei t s uni quei dent i t y,and t o mar k i t si nfluent i alposi t i oni na new er aofChi nesehi st or y.

Gr ound Fl oorPl an

Aer i alVi ew

Taki ng cuesf r om Xi ’ an’ s hi st or yand geogr aphy,t he not i onsofst r engt h,flui di t y, and gr acebecameourgui di ng pr i nci pl esofdesi gn. Mani f esti nf or m,ouri deaof r i bbonst r ands,undul at i ng i n t hewi nd,st r ong butflexi bl e, del i cat ebutcomposed,and gr acef ulbutdi gni fied,was bor n.

St r eetVi ew -Fr om NW

Hot elGar den+Recept i on

XI AN:RI BBON TOWER GraduateArchitect


Ri bbonTower

Ver t i calCi r cul at i on

Ret ai l

Hot el

Hot elGar den+Recept i on

Apar t ment s

Respondi ng t oi t ’ sf r enet i c envi r onmentofbusyst r eet s and hi ghways,t het owerwas desi gned wi t hal andscaped cur t ai n.I nt ended t o shi el d i t sr esi dent sf r om bot hnoi se and vi sualpol l ut i on,t he cur t ai naddi t i onal l yadds sust ai nabl ef eat ur est ot he compl ex.Oper abl e,t he cur t ai n’ sbubbl ei ncl udesa gr eenhousewhi chr esponds t o changi ng seasons,ut i l i zi ng t emper at ur edi ffer ences t o nat ur al l yr egul at eot her wi secost l yener gyexpendi t ur es.

Aer i alVi ew EastEl evat i on

Sect i on+Pl ans

Nor t hEl evat i on

Sout hEl evat i on

XI AN:RI BBON TOWER GraduateArchitect


Pr ogr ammat i cal l y,The Ri bbonToweri scomposed off ourel ement s:r et ai l , office,l uxur yapar t ment s, and a7st arhot el .Dr i venby pr ogr am r equi r ementof 220, 000m2and al i mi t ed f oot pr i ntof25per centt o si t e,t het owergr ew t owar ds t hesky.

t ect Bei ji ngT3ApartmentsGraduateArchi


Bei ji ngT3Apartments Mi xeduseResi dent i al

Locat ed i ncl osepr oxi mi t yt o Bei j i ng’ si nt er nat i onalai r por t ,t hi smi xeduser esi dent i aldevel opmentencompasses70, 000m2ofapar t ment s at op abust l i ng commer ci alcent er .

St r eetVi ew EastEl evat i on


Aer i alVi ew Pr ocessDi agr ams

Proposed before

Si t ePl an

Typi calPl anFl oor s91 2

I nt ended asal ayer i ng ofsust ai nabl eel ement s,t hebui l di ng’ s f acadei ncl udespassi vesyst ems t o hel pr egul at eand di ssi pat e heat ,whi l eoffer i ng i t sr esi dent s oper abl eel ement s,t of aci l i t at e opt i malvent i l at i on.

St r eetVi ew -Fr om SE

Cur t ai nW al l3D Det ai l

Gr ound Fl oorPl an

Typi calPl anFl oor s48

Apar t mentVi ew -Looki ng SE

W estEl evat i on

Si t ePl an

Sect i on,Vi ew ofI nt er i orPar k

t ect Bei ji ngT3ApartmentsGraduateArchi

Concei ved ofast hr eei nt egr at ed par t s,t hebui l di ng i satonce, sol i d and per meabl e.Desi gned as ast at i cdef ensef r om ext er nal noi sepol l ut i on,t hecompl ex offer si t sr esi dent sahomewi t hi n i t sar ms.Embr aci ng al ong l ongi t udi nalpar kj ustt oi t ssout h,t he pr oj ecti nt er l acesl andscapei nt o i t sbui l df or m.

24 Luxur y Uni t s

Locat ed nearW i l l oughbyBay, i nSydney’ snor t her nshor e subur b,Cammer ay,t hi sl uxur y devel opmentnest l esi t sel f bet weencl i ffsi deand wat er f r ont .W i t hvi ewsoft hebayt o i t snor t h,eachoft he devel opment ’ s24 l uxur yapar t ment sar eor i ent ed t ot ake advant ageofSydney’ snor t her n sol arexposur e.

Vi ew f r om NW

Coor di nat i ng wi t ht hepr i ni cal ar chi t ectoft hefir m,myr ol e wast o pr oduceand devel op t ypi caluni tl ayout s,and f ur ni sh i t er at i vepr esent at i ondr awi ngs f orcl i ent sonat i mel ybasi s. At t ended and cont r i but ed wi t hi ncl i entpr esent at i ons, pr oduced 3D model s,modi fied r edl i nes,devel oped cat al ogue ofmat er i al s.

Gr ound Fl oorPl an

Pent housePl ans





Floating Urbanism

3D Cell Module

Typical Waterfront

Modular Structure

Interior - Surface Promenade

Hexagon Typology

Floating Island - Masterplan

Aerial View - Permeable City

Radial Waterfront

Floors + Orthogonal Structure

Fifth Year: Thesis

Datum Waterfront



This proposal is for a ecologically closed loop, floating utopia of the 21st century. This “urban oasis” will be floating in tropical ocean waters and will provide all the necessary elements to sustain modern life. The project will take cues from our physical sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics) to reenact processes of the natural world to harness the generative and restorative energies of the world’s oceans.


After discovering several organic growth patterns found in nature, one form seemed optimized for a continuous, yet pourous structure to create the framework for a floating city. The optimized form is known as a “Bitruncated Cubic Honeycomb” and is infinitely connectable in all dimensions using just one repeatable module. Furthermore, it is also the natural form found in soap bubbles; perfect for the structure of a floating city.

Variation within Single Module

8 Story Module Divisions

Elevated Interior Garden + Waterfall

Section - City Program

Fractal Divisions - 2 & 8 Story Modules

Boat Entrance + Circulation

Covered Walkway + Terrace

Fifth Year: Thesis

Exterior Public Rooftop Space Potential Garden

2 Story Module Divisions

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