The Cybernation Times An Online Discussion Publication
What is PRIVACY? Privacy is the state of “being alone or kept apart from others” (Merriam-Webster, 2014). Internet or online privacy is the security level and privacy of personal data that is published or readily available on the internet. It is a broad term and can be referred to the different varieties of techniques and technologies available that can be used to protect a person’s sensitive and private data. According to Techopedia (2014), in this modern and digital age, the public needs to be more aware and educated on privacy rules, regulations, etiquette, and risks because if an online user’s password is compromised and revealed, the victim's identity may be fraudulently used or stolen. This is especially concerning due to the amount of users making online purchases, and actively participating in social networking sites, online multiplayer games and/or blog and forums. Furthermore, internet privacy and education is even more paramount because we are in a rapidly progressing modern and digital world – especially with statistics saying that 69% of teenagers today, who are known to be impulsive and careless, have their own computer or high-tech device – with 80% of those teens active in social media sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram which also predisposes them to the risk of being bullied online (Online, 2014). So what does it have to do with YOU?
Well, we live in Canada, and recent statistics are staggering and mindblowing when it comes to privacy and the population’s perception of it. Keep in mind that the most common repercussion for privacy breaches for adults (25+) is identity fraud which can result in a myriad of losses - $$$, homes, cars, properties, and businesses etc. Privacy breaches, especially through social media in teens, can result in cyberbullying and low self- esteem, and if left untreated or without intervention, can result in suicidal attempts with 4,500 teenagers succeeding in killing themselves every year (Online, 2014). So how ‘educated’ and aware is the public on online privacy issues, risks, and information? Here are the statistics from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (2013). Interesting, to say the least.
Brian Canonigo's Discussion # 5
Let's Talk Statistics!
Brian Canonigo's Discussion # 5
Brian Canonigo's Discussion # 5
The Facts on Cyberbullying:
What is Cyberbullying? And its relationship to Privacy? It is the type of bullying that takes place through inappropriate texts, rumors sent by email or through social media sites, embarrassing someone on blogs or forums, ganging up on someone in online multimedia/games, sending/circulating embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or creating fake online profiles for the public to see (, 2014). With the boom and increasing expansion of social media, cyberbullying, especially in teenagers, has become a widespread social problem. Cyberbullying is tightly coupled with privacy- as the strategies through which cyberbullies can be prevented and identified often require knowledge of privacy options, rules or laws, and close surveillance. What are effects of cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is relentless and mostly anonymous – it can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and reach a victim even when he or she is alone. It can happen any time of the day or night
and can be difficult, for parents and authorities, to trace the source. Furthermore, deleting the harassing messages, texts, and embarrassing pictures is difficult after they have been posted or circulated online (, 2014). In this modern digital age, with the prevalence of mobile devices and the use of social media, the bullying is no longer restricted in the physical school playground– it is easier to bully online than in person because 90% of the population ignores it. According to a study, 42% of teenagers (14-24 yrs. old) with tech access have been ‘cyberbullied’ over the past year. This is an alarming and staggering amount because 69% (and climbing yearly) of teenagers today have their own computer or high-tech device – with 80% of those teens active in social media sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Vines, World Star HipHop, and Instagram. Furthermore, 1 in 10 teens with a Facebook or social media account reports being bullied on the site resulting in 1 in 10 of those teens ‘attempting’ to commit suicide – which amounts to 4,500 teens who succeed and die every year (Online, 2014).
What is Canada doing to reduce cyberbullying? With the unnecessary deaths of recent cyber bullying victims, Amanda Todd and Rehtaeh Parsons, the Canadian Federal Government unveiled a new legislation called Bill C-13 – giving police a greater ability to investigate online bullying incidents, and by granting the courts power to seize computers, phones, and other devices used in an ‘alleged’ offence. Anyone found guilty of online violation/cyber bullying could face up to 5 years in prison (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2014).
Brian Canonigo's Discussion # 5
References Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. (2014). New Cyberbullying Law has 'Larger Agenda, Expands Police Powers. Retrieved from: news/canada/new-cyberbullying-lawhas-larger-agenda-expands-policepowers-1.2434797
Merriam-Webster. (2014). Privacy. Retrieved from:
PinOpinion. (2014). Do You Worry About Online Privacy?. Retrieved from: http://
Oice of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. (2013). Survey of Canadians on Privacy-Related Issues. Retrieved from: por-rop/2013/por_2013_01_e.asp
Online (2014). Cyberbullied: How Bullies Have Moved From The Playground To The Web. Retrieved from: http://rack.
Rainie, L, Kiesler, S., Kang, R., & Madden, M. (2013). Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Online. Retrieved from: http:// /2013/09/05/ anonymity-privacy-and-securityonline/ (2014). What is Cyberbullying?. Retrieved from:
WestCork Times. (2014). Make Your Voice Heard on Cyberbullying. Retrieved from: home/make-your-voice-heard-on-cyberbullying/
World Future Society. (2012). Cyberbullying and Privacy Issues in Social Media.Retrieved from: http://
Brian Canonigo's Discussion # 5
Brian Canonigo's Discussion # 5
Brian Canonigo's Discussion # 5