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Dr. Sellars Educate
e hear a lot about the nursing shortage in this country. The United States Registered Nurse Workforce Report Card and Shortage Forecast predicted in the September/October 2019 issue of the American Journal of Medical Quality that a shortage of registered nurses will spread across the country through 2030.
COVID-19 brought waves of pandemic fatigue across an already stressed profession. Data shows that the total number of nurses in this country decreased by more than 100,000 between 2020-21. There’s a health emergency brewing, but also an opportunity — nurses have ample opportunities for employment, and many are considering joining their ranks.
But there is also an acute shortage of nurse educators in the United States. And as demand rises for new nurses, nursing schools are finding themselves understaffed and not up to meet the coming crisis.
That’s the problem Dr. Bridgett Byrd Sellars addresses at its source.
“We are on a mission to help every single nurse educator achieve certification,” Dr. Sellars says.
After a 28-year career both as a nurse and a nurse educator, Dr. Sellars has created a program that helps Nurse Educators pass their certification exam, and advance their skills and competencies in nursing education. And she can help experienced nurses complete their training to become Nurse Educators in as little as 6-Months.
There are courses designed specifically for each exam, with resources like a review course, a study guide and 1-on-1 coaching. For those who need accountability in their journey to success, Dr. Sellars hosts a monthly boot camp to review exam materials and to offer encouragement throughout the process.
Dr. Sellars’ newest program, Novice Nurse Educator (NNE), promises a transition from nurse to nurse educator, a 6-month course that equips all candidates with the training and skills they need to move forward in their careers The NNE program starts Oct. 30 — scholarships are available for those who qualify — and the application deadline is Oct. 1. Applications are now available at: https://forms.gle/CkCMuyQRzZi6bNBw9, and you can find more information at the website, drsellarsedicate.com.