Š 2013 by B. Easley the author of this book. The book author
retains sole copyright to his or her contributions to this book. Photographs by aaronyungphotography
The Blurb-provided layout designs and graphic elements are copyright Blurb Inc., 2013. This book was created using the Blurb creative publishing service. The book author retains sole copyright to his or her contributions to this book.
It's Your Life Live It Love Foreword Many of us are on this journey of life and often times may find it difficult. Your Life, Live It, Love It is a book of inspirational quotations created to inspire and motivate you for living and loving your life. I am sure that many have faced days where you may have felt like giving up. You may have dreamt of the dynamic business plan and cannot seem to get it moving. You may have desired a new career and have yet to attain it. Well this book has an inspirational quote that will speak to the various situations life may have thrown at you. There are those of us who have attended motivational sessions and while the speaker was phenomenal, the message was clear and spoke to your current situation, you could not take the speaker home with you. Now you can pick up a motivational moment to energize you throughout your day. You can share this motivation with family, friends, and coworkers. Your Life, Live It, Love It was written for the college student needing motivation for that last test. It was written for the single parent that is tired and needs an extra push. There is not one person who cannot become inspired after reading this book. Live Life to the fullest and face the next hurdle with a little motivation from Your Life, Live It, Love It! Be Great! Tiffany R. Easley
It's Your
Life Live It Love
Introduction Life is a journey; we each have a different path to follow, a vision that is our own. We all have something to prove, whether it is to ourselves or others, you see no one who can compare to you. It is your life, live it, love it. This book is composed of quotes for a variety of purposes throughout life's journey. There is no particular order to this book to be broken down by chapter, it was written just as the thoughts came to mind, to motivate and inspire. Every day you may hear something or see something you can relate to, something that helps you bounce back and puts you in your zone. I hope you enjoy reading and reflecting some of these quotes to your day to day life and that you are able to use this book to be inspired and motivated. After all it is Your Life, Live It, Love It B. Easley
Don't let life run you, you run your life. When we lose sight of our values, we lose understanding of ourselves. Value your life. Let change happen, with change comes growth...with growth comes knowledge of understanding.
Leaders lead by example, followers follow by action. Lead your own destiny and your actions will lead others to follow.
There is no better times tha n now...W hy w ait ; waiting does not lead to success. Start your commitment Right now, be dedicated.
People's perception of you, is how they view you in their eyes, the reality of it is you set the standard.
No matter how fast you run with no direction everything will look the same, slow down take notice see where the road leads you.
Time on a clock may stop, but that doesn’t mean your time is up keep pushing through.
People will test you every day; how you handle it will show your true character, never drop down to their level.
It's Your Life Live It Love It
Love life; it was given to you. So with every breath you take, be thankful it is not your last. Love is appreciation.
Never think that hard work doesn't pay off, if you don't see results right away. Hard work means doing things smart, right, and in timely matter to see the best results.
You will not always be part of a decision, just know decisions are made with a particular interest in mind. They can be made off instinct or a well thought out process. Make your own decisions; don't put them in the hands of someone else.
No time for excuses, what you set out to do, get it done. Waiting around only prolongs the process to achieving your goals
Today is the day your dreams become reality, so wake up and get to living your life the way you see it.
Happiness comes from within, just how happy are you? hhhhmmmmmmm time to make changes in your life.
It is go time, no more procrastinating; it is right within your grasp. How determined are you to reach out and get it? Are you willing to give it your all? Let’s Go
Life is about choices both good and bad. We must learn from them. Faith is about letting go even when you do not know the outcome, but trusting it will happen. Success is the addition of these two.
There are two things in life you cannot change; which are getting old and dying. The things that you have control over determine if change is needed and make that change. Live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment.
When focus is lost; just remember why you dedicated yourself to the goal you're reaching for, your dedication will get you back in focus and your determination will help you succeed.
There is one thing that separates you from everyone else. Look in the mirror and you will see who it is. It is You! Don't be like everyone else, be different, be you.
Stay on top of your goals; you've set them for a purpose; to achieve things. Accomplish what you see in your vision
Things come in volume; can’t be great at everything, but you can achieve goals through commitment and dedication
Show your progression through your work ethic and your actions. Anyone can talk about the process. I’d rather show how hard work and dedication pays off.
It's Your Life Live It Love It
In life we all are taught so many different things, we learn in so many different ways. Our visions are molded daily; our outlook on life can change in the blink of an eye. You are still trying to find yourself; figure out your purpose in life. Who said life would be easy? No One, but you can choose to except what it has thrown at you or simply put in place goals to get where you want to be. Yeah, some would probably say setting goals doesn't mean anything. Oh wait, ask them how they bought that c a r , new shoes, or even a house! Yeah, they had goals in play, a plan of action, unless they have a money tree in their back yard. Point blank; you can do whatever you want to do, after all it's your LIFE, live it, love it.
Don't settle for what you need, be determined to fight and achieve what you want.
Never give up on possibility; anything is possible if you just put some effort into it.
You can choose to be average, but why not live to be extraordinaire. Set yourself apart be the trend set the new standard.
If you look at life through a mirror, you see is exactly how you are living, do you like what you see? Change can happen anytime?
The path not taking is the path often never forgotten, don't wonder what if just it keep moving, a new path will always present itself.
Live today as if it is your last, even though tomorrow is never promised, live in the moment have fun enjoy life have no regrets.
Stay focused, accomplish your goals and achieve success that is simply not chasing your dream but making your dreams come true.
Today strive for excellence, don't be afraid of failure, and achieve greatness. Pay close attention to yourself, no one can make you successful expect you.
It's Your Life Live It Love It
Live in the moment, not for the moment. Set the example of what living life is all about, if someone studied the blueprint of your life, all they should see is that y o u live with a purpose. Regardless of how structured or chaotic your life is, your plan on how you want to live life is in full affect. Goal driven, motivated, inspired, and determined; just to live the dream. It's your life, Live it, love it.
Love life, embrace it. Life was giving to you, so go ahead and show it some love. Enjoy every moment; every morning you wake up is a new day to love life. Love others the same way you want to be loved. Show a little and you will get a little back; be in love; love yourself, but not too cocky with it, just enough to show you are confident in the person you have become and the person you are going to be. What's your outlook on life? Repeat after me... LOVE IT, so go out and make the best of it. It's your life, live it, LOVE it.
Motivation shows your determination and commitment to succeed; as growth shows your drive, willingness to learn, and being able to accept failure. Motivated to Grow. Let's get it.
Be a strong believer in progress, evaluate yourself, study your growth, and make sure your actions are allowing you to grow in the goals you have set for yourself.
Like a flower in spring rise up; bloom into sometime colorful and amazing.
It's Your Lifein Live It Love When you look at some of the most successful people the world, do you ask yourself how they got there? How dedicated, determined, motivated, or even the sacrifices they took to reach their success. I'm pretty sure we all have! The best way for you to have that feeling is to set goals and accomplish them. That desired result that you seek is success within itself, whether it is personal, business, short or long term; your goals will lead to success. Be successful in life, it will lead to a happier you, don't worry about being rich with money, be rich with the life you live, love it. Life will throw you curve balls, so put on that glove and catch life's lessons to help you succeed. Go AII In!
Successful people embrace the past; use it as a stepping stone for a brighter future. Other folks well, let's just say they are still living in the past with lack of motivation to better themselves.
The more excuses you make, the less progress is made. Take action; get motivated, times a wasting.
Your passion is the desire you have for something. You will never give up on it and it keeps you motivated to succeed.
It is not a matter of where you have been, it is what you have learned to apply to where you trying to go.
Don't spend your time picking away at someone else's life; your character is not built on judging others, but of how well you judge yourself. Make the difference, be the difference.
What is on your mind today? Nothing but accomplishing goals, living in the moment, and doing what it takes to get through today not worried about tomorrow, motivated, and reaching for success.
Do you spend your time lingering in the shadows, or you can step up and let your light shine by showing what you’re made of. What is an example of a leader; someone who is not afraid to step up. Set the standard. Lead your own destiny; don’t let anyone open the door to your future.
No matter the feeling, remember today is your day; Own It don't let anything ever, ever, ever ,ever, come between you and your goals to success; stay focused.
It is always easy to get off track of your goals, but with your willingness to succeed, it makes you that more determined to get back focused.
It's Your Life Live It Love It
The end result will all depend on how motivated you are to finish the task; go all in live a little.
Everything is possible for one who believes
Š 2013 by B. Easley the author of this book. The book author retains sole copyright to his or her contributions to this book.
The Blurb-provided layout designs and graphic elements are copyright Blurb Inc., 2013. This book was created using the Blurb creative publishing service. The book author retains sole copyright to his or her contributions to this book.
IT路s YOUR LIFE LIVE IT LOVE IT Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Dr.Seuss