Brian Ghannam on Technological Advancements Changing Business

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For a long time following the Industrial Revolution, the business world was relatively unchanged. However, with the rapid pace of technological change, things will likely never be the same again. The rate at which things are evolving, mutating, and adapting is so fast that it can be hard to keep up with. Technology has impacted various aspects of our lives. Business is one of the most significant industries that have benefited from technological advancements.

Over the past few decades, many areas of the business world have experienced substantial growth due to the changes brought about by this new technology.

WHAT'S CHANGING IN BUSINESS TECH? GROWING CUSTOMER BASES nstead of selling their goods and services in the local market, they can now reach out to other countries and regions. A common way that businesses can sell their products is through retail websites.

MORE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE One of the most common applications of predictive analytics is in marketing. It can help businesses track the changes in their customers’ behavior and provide them with the necessary tools to improve their digital marketing.

BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY Given the importance of blockchain technology to the metaverse and the rise of new financial technologies (NFTs), businesses must start learning more about it.

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