Hfs awards2015 entry brochure print

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21 January 2015

Dear Colleague As was highlighted in our latest Activity Report, the focus of Homes for Scotland (HFS) over the last year has very much been on securing “Foundations for the Future”. But, with 2014 essentially a “game of two halves”, it is clear that the industry still faces a number of tough challenges. So our unrelenting efforts to help ensure a sustained recovery continues and, as usual, underpins the focus of our annual awards scheme. Recognising and promoting best practice, our scheme stands alone in demonstrating the commitment of members to not only raise standards across the industry but also overcome the barriers impeding the building of much needed homes of all tenures. Continuing to reflect the areas of greatest industry importance, the categories for 2015 are as follows, with all open to entries from home builder, Registered Social Landlord and associate members: ■

Best Employer

Employee of the Year

Best Customer Service Initiative

Best Partnership in Affordable Housing Delivery

Best Home Design

Best Development – large (26+ units)

Best Development – medium (11-25 units)

Best Development – small (up to ten)

Best Supporting Company

With last year’s event attracting a record attendance of over 800 guests and sold out a month in advance, make sure you book your place without delay in order to avoid any disappointment! As usual, entry criteria have been developed in order to minimise the time and resource requirements for submissions. Remaining unrivalled in terms of standing and credibility within the industry, I hope that your company will support this year’s scheme, reinforcing the work HFS undertakes on your behalf. I therefore look forward to receiving entries from a large number of member companies by the closing date of Friday 27 February. Kind regards Philip Hogg Chief Executive

In addition, our independent judging panel will decide on our prestigious Home Builder of the Year award with the HFS Executive Committee also considering the worthy recipient of our Lifetime Achievement award of which previous winners comprise Mike Walker, Derek Mickel, Ronnie Jacobs and Stewart Milne. All winners will be announced at our Annual Lunch and Awards at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Friday 15 May for which bookings are now open.







Our esteemed judging panel this year comprises:

Kareen Davidson

Linda Docherty

Phil Ford

Mike Galloway (Chair)

Mike Hartley

Malcolm MacLeod

Sales Director, Media Scotland

Director Scotland, NHBC

Lynne Sullivan OBE

Steven Tolson

Stephen Tucker

Former Sales & Marketing Director, Bett Homes (now retired)

Director of City Development, Dundee City Council

Chair, The Sullivan Report / Partner, sustainableBYdesign

Chair, CML Scotland

Chair, RICS Scotland

Strategic Partnerships Director (Scotland), CITB

Immediate Past Convenor, RTPI Scotland

We are also delighted that former Homes for Scotland Director of Planning Allan Lundmark (right) has agreed to act as an “industry advisor� to the judges, providing a sounding board for discussion and enabling points of context to be raised. Mark Turley

Consultant and Construction Policy Advisor to the Scottish Government


Allan Lundmark

Industry Advisor/Former Director of Planning, Homes for Scotland





Entries from ALL member companies (private home builders, Registered Social Landlords and associates) are invited for the following Awards: 1. Best Employer 2. Employee of the Year 3. Best Customer Service Initiative 4. Best Partnership in Affordable Housing Delivery* 5. Best Home Design 6. Best Development – large (26+ units) 7. Best Development – medium (11-25 units) 8. Best Development – small (up to ten units) 9. Best Supporting Company

With people and skills absolutely key to the successful delivery of new housing, the judges are particularly keen to encourage entrants across categories 3 – 8 above to consider their own individual employees and any consultants, sub-contractors, IFAs etc from within HFS’s associate membership who may have played a vital part in pushing projects over the line and for these to be nominated accordingly within the Best Employee and Best Supporting Company categories.

*Also open to Local Authority planning/housing departments working with Homes for Scotland member companies. Visit the Member Directory pages at www.homesforscotland.com for a full listing of both home builder/RSL and associate members. Other Awards The following awards are not open to member submissions but will also be announced on Friday 15 May: Home Builder of the Year The accolade of Home Builder of the Year continues with the judges deciding on which company stands out the most on the basis of submissions across categories 1-8 above. Home builder members are therefore encouraged to submit as many quality submissions in as many categories as possible. Lifetime Achievement Continuing to recognise the individuals championing the aims of the home building industry in Scotland, the HFS Executive Committee will decide on the worthy winner of this award.







The Homes for Scotland Awards aim to raise standards across the industry by recognising and promoting best practice.

With the exception of the Best Development and Best Home Design awards which may, at the discretion of the judges, include site visits, entries will be assessed according to a single stage submission process with judging wholly based on the quality and content of initial entries (unless meetings or requests for further information are considered necessary).

Judges will themselves agree how best to manage the actual judging process with the aim of developing an initial shortlist for each category before deciding upon a winner or any appropriate commendations. Judges will declare any vested interests in any submissions and remove themselves from assessment of such entries.

The judges may, at their discretion, amalgamate categories / reallocate entries to other categories as they feel appropriate. The judges may, at their discretion, make commendations or give special recognition as they feel appropriate.

Entrants are therefore encouraged to ensure submissions clearly meet the criteria outlined for each category.




GUIDANCE This guidance provides some general direction on what the judges will be looking for in entries across the various categories. Whilst not overtly specified as criteria, the judges will also take the level of creativity and innovation demonstrated within each submission into account as part of the overall assessment process. With people and skills absolutely key to the successful delivery of new housing, the judges are particularly keen to encourage entrants across categories 3 – 8 below to consider their own individual employees and any consultants, sub-contractors, IFAs etc from within HFS’s associate membership who may have played a vital part in pushing projects over the line and for these to be nominated accordingly within the Best Employee and Best Supporting Company categories. (Visit the Member Directory pages at www.homesforscotland.com for a full listing of both home builder/RSL and associate members).

Please note: - Submissions will be strictly considered in relation to their adherence to the entry requirements as follows and detailed on page 9. - W ith regards the Best Development categories, as HFS is a new build focused organisation, refurb/conversion-only projects will not be accepted. Any refurb/conversion aspect of a scheme must clearly be shown as a minor element of a wider development.

1. Best Employer

2. Employee of the Year

3. Best Customer Service Initiative

“Enlightened and forward-looking business leaders, are investing in the wellbeing and motivation of their most valuable assets: their employees. And in a tough economic climate this makes sense. The inspiring quality of their workplace culture is not just an addon benefit: it’s a crucial ingredient for competitiveness and sustainable growth.” The Sunday Times

This category enables judges to assess employees of all skills, qualifications, ages, functions and at any stage of their careers across member company organisations.

The customer lies at the heart of everything those involved in the home building industry do, whether this involves laying the foundations to a new home or helping customers navigate through the buying and after-sales process.

Reflecting this sentiment, this award seeks to acknowledge stand-out organisations operating within the Scottish home building industry able to provide sufficient justification as to why such an award is merited, demonstrating successful workforce management in terms of leadership engagement, motivation, retention, development, organisational transformation etc. Entrants may wish to submit details of more than one initiative in this category. Judges may wish to speak to employees directly and would also be particularly pleased to consider submissions relating to apprenticeships relevant to entrants’ own organisations. Entries for this category should relate to the period 1 January 2014 to 31 January 2015 with relevant dates noted in the submission. In addition to the requirements set out under “Entries” on page 9, submissions may also be supported by up to five images which best illustrate/represent the submission.


The range of attributes which may be considered is vast: demonstrating exceptional commitment, going above and beyond regular role and responsibility, showcasing outstanding initiative, making a stand-out contribution, exhibiting exemplary service, achieving remarkable results, displaying top leadership and problemsolving skills. Entries should provide a summary of the nominee’s career progression, an overview of their current role and details of specific achievements, particularly during the period 1 January 2014 to 31 January 2015. They should also highlight why exactly this award is merited in terms of skills set, attitude and/or approach. Company and self-nominations are welcome. Both should include supporting testimonials from colleagues, customers etc. In addition to the requirements set out under “Entries” on page 9, submissions may also be supported by up to five images which best illustrate/represent the submission.

With this relationship crucial to business success, this category offers members the opportunity to celebrate the continuing solid commitment the home building industry is making to customer service. Entries should demonstrate excellence and imagination in introducing new, measurable initiatives designed to make the home buying and/or after-sales experience as positive and satisfying as possible with a supporting evidence base. Possible examples include improvements to a “back-of-house” support process specifically designed to benefit the customer or other product or service enhancements that also deliver definite business benefits. Entries for this category should relate to the period 1 January 2014 to 31 January 2015 with relevant dates noted in the submission. In addition to the requirements set out under “Entries” on page 9, submissions may also be supported by up to five images which best illustrate/represent the submission.



The largest gathering of its kind, the Homes for Scotland Annual Lunch & Awards provides a unique opportunity for celebration and networking with industry colleagues and peers.

4. B est Partnership in Affordable Housing Delivery

5. Best Home Design

Effective partnership working between public and private sectors remains vital to the delivery of affordable housing.

Where appropriate, entries should include supporting statements from partner organisations.

Entries in this category should involve the delivery of homes to meet obligations for the provision of ‘affordable housing’ as defined by the Scottish Government as: social rented; subsidised low cost homes for sale (including shared ownership and shared equity); unsubsidised low cost housing for sale (including entry level housing for sale and shared equity); and/or midmarket or intermediate rented.

Where winning entries show successful partnership working, each party will receive recognition in the granting of the award.

The judges would also be keen to receive entries where the delivery of affordable homes has made a contribution to regeneration. Submissions should describe the approach taken to the delivery of affordable housing, demonstrating new funding arrangements or new partnerships or consortia arrangements. The entry can cover the initiative/ system/ funding/process so the homes need not be complete. Where homes are complete and occupied, testimonials from the residents would be of interest to the judging panel. Entries for this award are welcome from home builder and Registered Social Landlord members as well as associate members who can clearly attribute their contribution to the approach undertaken. Entries are also open to Local Authority Planning and/or Housing departments working with Homes for Scotland member companies. Visit the Member Directory pages at www.homesforscotland.com for a full listing.


NB: only HFS home builder and associate members will be acknowledged in addition to Local Authority planning/housing departments.

Entries for this category should relate to the period 1 January 2014 to 31 January 2015 with relevant dates noted in the submission. In addition to the requirements set out under “Entries” on page 9, submissions may also be supported by up to five images which best illustrate/represent the submission.

With observations from last year’s judging panel as to the sharp contrast between entries in aspects such as sheer imagination, use of materials and adaptability to meet user needs, entries for this award should seek to strongly persuade the judges of the case for Best Home Design, regardless of market price point. While the judges will recognise the differences between large and small houses or apartments against detached houses, and the differences in what can be delivered at high and low values, they are looking to recognise and highlight innovative ideas and design quality wherever they are found. As well as considering function (meeting modern needs and demands, flexibility, future proofing etc) and form (architecture, aesthetics and context of place), they will also look for excellence in addressing the low carbon, sustainability and environmental agendas and consider the extent to which the house contributes to the creation of place. Cost-efficiency of the design will also be of interest, demonstrating the drive to balance competing priorities in still challenging times. Submissions should also include the home’s selling price and Energy Performance Rating as well as a copy of the floor plan. Entries for this category should relate to the period 1 January 2014 to 31 January 2015 with relevant dates noted in the submission. In addition to the requirements set out under “Entries” on page 9, submissions may also be supported by up to five images which best illustrate/represent the submission.



Homes for Scotland’s Annual Lunch and Awards: the premier event in the Scottish home building industry calendar.

6. B est Development – large (26+ units)

7. B est Development – medium (11-25 units)

8. B est Development – small (up to ten units)

Entries for this award should demonstrate how the development contributes to the idea that placemaking is about creating high quality places for people to live.

Entries for this award should demonstrate how the development contributes to the idea that placemaking is about creating high quality places for people to live.

Entries for this award should demonstrate how the development contributes to the idea that placemaking is about creating high quality places for people to live.

There is now a consensus that good quality, successful places are defined as those that: ■ h ave a strong sense of character and identity ■ f orm safe and pleasant spaces to be in ■ a re easy to move around in ■ a re welcoming to all ■ c an adapt to changing community needs ■ u se resources efficiently, addressing the low carbon and sustainability agenda

There is now a consensus that good quality, successful places are defined as those that: ■ h ave a strong sense of character and identity ■ f orm safe and pleasant spaces to be in ■ a re easy to move around in ■ a re welcoming to all ■ c an adapt to changing community needs ■ u se resources efficiently, addressing the low carbon and sustainability agenda

There is now a consensus that good quality, successful places are defined as those that: ■ h ave a strong sense of character and identity ■ f orm safe and pleasant spaces to be in ■ a re easy to move around in ■ a re welcoming to all ■ c an adapt to changing community needs ■ u se resources efficiently, addressing the low carbon and sustainability agenda

Entries for this award should therefore demonstrate how each of these policy challenges have been addressed and met. The judges would also like to see how the development connects to and fits with its neighbourhood.

Entries for this award should therefore demonstrate how each of these policy challenges have been addressed and met. The judges would also like to see how the development connects to and fits with its neighbourhood.

Entries for this award should therefore demonstrate how each of these policy challenges have been addressed and met. The judges would also like to see how the development connects to and fits with its neighbourhood.

Submissions are invited for developments which have been completed, partially completed or at a stage where judges may reasonably be expected to assess future impact between 1 January 2010 and 31 January 2015, specifying the number and mix of units involved.

Submissions are invited for developments which have been completed, partially completed or at a stage where judges may reasonably be expected to assess future impact between 1 January 2010 and 31 January 2015, specifying the number and mix of units involved.

Submissions are invited for developments which have been completed, partially completed or at a stage where judges may reasonably be expected to assess future impact between 1 January 2010 and 31 January 2015, specifying the number and mix of units involved.

NB: Previously entered developments may be re-submitted but must demonstrate evidence of improvement or advancement (eg completion of a new phase of development) and address current policy challenges in order to be considered by the judges.

NB: Previously entered developments may be re-submitted but must demonstrate evidence of improvement or advancement (eg completion of a new phase of development) and address current policy challenges in order to be considered by the judges.

NB: P reviously entered developments may be re-submitted but must demonstrate evidence of improvement or advancement (eg completion of a new phase of development) and address current policy challenges in order to be considered by the judges.

In addition to the requirements specified under “Entries” on page 9, submissions should also include a design statement as well as location and site layout plans. They may also be supported by up to ten images. These should describe/illustrate the scheme in sufficient detail so as to allow the judges to assess the entry against the above criteria.

In addition to the requirements specified under “Entries” on page 9, submissions should also include a design statement as well as location and site layout plans. They may also be supported by up to ten images. These should describe/illustrate the scheme in sufficient detail so as to allow the judges to assess the entry against the above criteria.

In addition to the requirements specified under “Entries” on page 9, submissions should also include a design statement as well as location and site layout plans. They may also be supported by up to ten images. These should describe/illustrate the scheme in sufficient detail so as to allow the judges to assess the entry against the above criteria.




Reflecting areas of greatest industry importance, Homes for Scotland’s Awards demonstrate the commitment of members to overcoming the barriers impeding the delivery of much needed new homes.

9. Best Supporting Company

Other Awards

Homes for Scotland’s associate members play a vital role in supporting the home building industry.

The following awards are not open to member submissions but will also be announced on Friday 15 May:

Their contribution to our work is highly valued, facilitating and increasing our strength and credibility as we seek the industry’s growth and success. This award has been specifically designed to celebrate that support.

Home Builder of the Year

Entries are invited from associate member companies (whether professional or contractor/supplier) providing a summary of the role their company has played either in relation to particular projects or best practice initiatives of wider benefit to the general industry/housing sector. These should be supported by testimonials. Nominations are also invited from home builders for those companies they particularly wish to see recognised.

The accolade of Home Builder of the Year continues with the judges deciding on which company stands out the most on the basis of submissions across categories 1-8. Home builder members are therefore encouraged to submit as many quality submissions in as many categories as possible. Lifetime Achievement Continuing to recognise the individuals championing the aims of the home building industry in Scotland, the HFS Executive Committee will decide on the worthy winner of this award.

Entries for this category should relate to the period 1 January 2010 to 31 January 2015 with relevant dates noted in the submission. In addition to the requirements set out under “Entries” on page 9, submissions may also be supported by up to five images which best illustrate/represent the submission.




ENTRIES Homes for Scotland’s Awards recognise the vital importance of the industry’s most important assets: its customers and staff.

Entries must be limited to 1000 words. Applicants should clearly illustrate how their entry meets the guidance requirements set out for each award and will be considered accordingly. All entries must be received separately ie where a company is entering more than one category, these should NOT be combined into the one submission. Where appropriate, in addition to the above, up to one A4 page of accompanying testimonials with contact details may also be included. Standard marketing materials will not be accepted.

Delivery. However, individual award sponsors may not enter the category they are sponsoring. With the exception of the award for Best Partnership in Affordable Housing Delivery, entries can only be submitted by home building, Registered Social Landlord and associate member companies of Homes for Scotland. Companies nominated by Local Authority planning/housing departments must be members of Homes for Scotland. A full listing of member companies can be found on the Member Directory pages at www.homesforscotland.com.

NB: Total file size must not exceed 30MB. File names of documents and images should be no more than ten characters to prevent corruption of files on transfer. An automatic email acknowledgement will be generated upon receipt. Should this not be received, please contact the Homes for Scotland office immediately. All completed entries should be submitted with a dedicated completed entry cover note. Any company wishing to submit hard copy entries instead of sending via email should ensure these are received by the Homes for Scotland office by 4.30pm on Friday 27 February 2015, with all individually specified elements contained on a CD.

A corporate logo, together with electronic versions of supporting images, should be included as individual jpegs in 300dpi jpg format as opposed to being incorporated within other documents. Entries taking the form of joint submissions with other companies should include the corporate logos of ALL partner organisations. Individual image files should be no larger than 2MB.

NB: only HFS home builder and associate members will be acknowledged in addition to Local Authority planning/ housing departments.

All entries must be submitted via one of the following methods:


Re-submitted entries are welcome but must demonstrate evidence of improvement or advancement (e.g. completion of a new phase for Best Development) and address, where appropriate current policy challenges in order to be considered by the judges.

1. Using the zip folder template and instructions which can be found on the Homes for Scotland website here. Final zip folders incorporating all of the elements specified within the entry cover note as appropriate should be emailed to awards@ homesforscotland.com or

Homes for Scotland would wish to give appropriate publicity to the awards scheme and winning entries.

There is no limit to the number of entries from a member company in any category, or from Local Authority planning/housing departments for Best Partnership in Affordable Housing


Entries must be submitted by 4.30pm on the closing date of Friday 27 February 2015.

Confidentiality All entries will be held in strict confidence.

Photographs and images submitted will, unless otherwise stated, be assumed to be available for use by Homes for Scotland in such publicity or otherwise more widely at a later date.

2. Uploaded to Dropbox, Google Drive or WeTransfer with the link to individual folders emailed to awards@homesforscotland.com



ENTRY CHECKLIST Best Development Categories All other categories 1. For developments which have been completed, partially completed or at a stage where judges may reasonably be expected to assess future impact during the period 1 January 2010 and 31 January 2015. NB: Previously entered developments may be re-submitted but must demonstrate evidence of improvement or advancement against current policy challenges in order to be considered by the judges.

2. Refurb/conversion-only projects will not be accepted. Any refurb/conversion aspect of a scheme must clearly be shown as a minor element of a wider development. 3. Entries must be limited to 1000 words.

1. Entries must be limited to 1000 words. 2. All entries must be received separately. 3. Where appropriate, in addition to the above, up to one A4 page of accompanying testimonials with contact details may also be included. 4. Standard marketing materials will NOT be accepted. 5. Entries for these categories should be for initiatives/ policies/developments introduced or delivered during the period 1 January 2014 to 31 January 2015 with relevant time periods noted in the submission.

4. All entries must be received separately.

6. Entries may be supported by up to five images best illustrating/ representing the submission.

5. All entries must include a design statement as well as location and site layout plans.

7. Corporate logo to be included with all entries.

6. Entries may be supported by up to ten images. These should describe/illustrate the scheme in sufficient detail to allow the judges to properly assess the entry and should not focus on home interiors. 7. Corporate logo to be included with all entries. 8. All image files to be submitted as 300 dpi jpegs with maximum 2MB individual file size. 9. Where appropriate, in addition to the above, up to one A4 page of accompanying testimonials with contact details may also be included.

8. All image files to be submitted as 300 dpi jpegs with maximum 2MB individual file size. 9. Entries for category 5 (Best Home Design) should also include the home’s selling price and Energy Performance Rating as well as a copy of the floor plan. 10. The closing date for entries is Friday 27 February 2015 at 4.30pm. 11. All completed entries should be submitted with a dedicated completed entry cover note.

10. Standard marketing materials will NOT be accepted. 11. The closing date for entries is Friday 27 February 2015 at 4.30pm. 12. All completed entries should be submitted with a dedicated completed entry cover note.

With people and skills absolutely key to the successful delivery of new housing, the judges are particularly keen to encourage entrants across categories 3 – 8 to consider their own individual employees and any consultants, sub-contractors, IFAs etc from within HFS’s associate membership who may have played a vital part in pushing projects over the line and for these to be nominated accordingly within the Best Employee and Best Supporting Company categories.



11 With thanks to the following sponsors for their early support of the Homes for Scotland 2015 Awards:

Media Partner:


Homes for Scotland 5 New Mart Place Edinburgh EH14 1RW Tel: 0131 455 8350 Fax: 0131 455 8360 Email: info@homesforscotland.com Web: www.homesforscotland.com

Follow us at H_F_S #hfsawards

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