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Candidate for the 2012 Pulitzer Prize

Serving Artesia, Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, La Palma, Lakewood, Norwalk, and Pico Rivera • 45,000 HOMES EVERY FRIDAY • January 25, 2013 • Volume 28, No. 4 • LosCerritosNews.net

Trutanich Files New Motions to Amend Lawsuit Against Greuel Campaign Manager New Motions Allege Fraud and Unfair Business Practices. By Randy Economy and Brian Hews randy@cerritosnews.net publisher@cerritosnews.net


ew motions to add additional parties and allegations to the lawsuit filed against Greuel Campaign Director John Shallman was filed on Tuesday by the campaign attorneys of Los Angeles City Attorney Carmen Trutanich alleging that Shallman and several of his associates engaged in promissory fraud, unfair business practices negligence and swindling when Trutanich was a candidate for District Attorney back in June of 2012, Los Cerritos Community Newspaper has learned exclusively. The 200 plus page motion

PHOTO PROVIDED John Shallman, Campaign Manager to Los Angeles Mayoral candidate Wendy Greuel. was filed on Tuesday morning in Los Angeles Superior Court by Trutanich attorney’s Steven T. Lowe and Kris LeFan with the West Los Angeles law firm of Lowe Law. The motions allege that Shall-

New Cerritos Sheriff Captain Longs for Closer Ties with Community By Rico Dizon asdizon1@juno.com

“Keeping peace and order effectively is achieved through closer relationships and flowing communications between the Sheriff Station and the Community.” This is the personal belief the new Cerritos Sheriff Station Captain Keith E. Swensson keeps in high regard and considers as his guiding work philosophy during an exclusive interview with Los Cerritos Community Newspaper in his well-organized office. Looking more like a suave corporate executive in appearance and demeanor, Capt. Swensson said, “I sincerely wish that every-

one in the community can get in touch with me, my team and my staff just about anything that pertains to law enforcement and security.” He noted that he keeps his communication line open to everybody in the Cerritos Community including the use of language interpreters for the City’s multi-diverse residents. To prove his point he voluntarily gave all his social media available as follows: www. facebook.com/cerritos sheriff station, website: www. cerritos.lasd. org, twitter: @CERLASD or @ LASDKEITH as well as his personal e-mail: keswenss@lasd.org. “I want the community to be


man “grossly mismanaged and squandered campaign funds, and otherwise engaged in questionable and unethical practices. One of the instances cited in the motions alleges that Shallman hired Patricia Duchene of RED Mailing to print and mail campaign advertisements to 254,000 voters, charging $146,160.72. The suit contends that if Shallman had done the mailings “in house” the cost would have been significantly less. The checks written to Duchene by Shallman total $164,344.21, while the Duchene invoice is for only $146,160.72. In addition to RED, the attorneys have documentation that shows checks written by Shallman to vendors for payment of services with Shallman asking for reimbursement later. Some of those reimbursements did not match the original check. “Usually you submit a check request to the campaign, and the campaign

See MOTIONS page 7

La Mirada Mayor Gabe Garcia Arrested for DUI After Car Accident By Randy Economy randy@cerritosnews.net

La Mirada Mayor Gabe Garcia was arrested last Thursday night after he was involved in a vehicle accident while driving under the influence, the La Mirada Lamplighter and Los Cerritos Community Newspaper has learned. Garcia was driving along the 14700 Block of Tacuba Road in La Mirada at around 10:30 p.m. when he struck an unknown object, according to Captain Pat Maxwell of the Norwalk Sheriff’s Station. Maxwell said that Garcia was held at the Norwalk Station for approximately eight hours before being released after a citation was issued. Garcia also works as a Reserve for the Orange Police Department. At least three residents who live on Tacuba Road, who did not want to be publicly identified, told The Lamplighter that they confronted Garcia after the crash that left at least two vehicles with dam-

ages, including Garcia’s car. “He was totally confused. We hear this loud crash and came out of our houses to see what was going on,” one resident told the Lamplighter. “The guy (Garcia) was dazed, he didn’t even know where he was, he even asked what city he was in,” the resident said. Witnesses said that Garcia even attempted to pick up the several pieces of the damaged vehicles and “put them inside his car.” “He even took the destroyed bumper of one of the damaged cars and put it on his passenger side seat, then he tried to restart the car and drive away but the car was totally wrecked,” another witness said. Neighbors said that they watched Garcia make at least three phone calls on his cell phone and that he left the scene on Tacuba Road and began walking “several blocks away to Gabbet Street where he was eventually caught by a female deputy with the La Mira-

See GABE GARCIA page 10

Pioneer Blvd ‘Bulb-Outs’ Win Lease-on-Life By Rico Dizon asdizon1@juno.com

Despite overwhelming odds, the 12 controversial bulb-outs along Pioneer Boulevard in Downtown Artesia are still incased in concrete for at least the next 60 days when Interim City Manager Don Powell will come up with a plan to solve the issue. Powell told city council members that he is working on three optional layouts from a select group of landscape architects to come up with a solution to reconstruct the now infamous “bulbouts.” Ironically, albeit his steadfast belief that design would not diminish the risk management factor of these on-the-road-edifices, Powell volunteered the idea to

get alternative designs from landscape experts at a maximum cost of $5,000 for presentation to the City Council by the middle of March this year. The decision was made at the January 14th meeting of the Artesia City Council. Presuming that thru a stroke of luck there is this magical design which deletes all the negative issues on the bulb-outs, Powell expects work to start by July or August when the Department of Finance would have been able to release the interrupted funding for the completion of the Pioneer Improvement Project. Bill Kelly of Kelly & Associates Management Group projected that the overall cost will be around $708,000. Public Works Consultant Burk Hardt estimated the cost to bring in the “ideal street ornaments” to

range from $30,000 to $40,000. This beautification scenario on Pioneer Boulevard is what compelled Artesia City Council Member John Lyon to hold on to the original road ornament concept which seems to be getting the support of three other council members (Mayor Sally Flowers, Victor Manalo and Miguel Canales) despite their “calmed” apprehensions and “mellowed” objections. Mayor Pro Tem Tony Lima, the lone fierce crusader against the road structure made a last ditch attempt to make a motion for the removal of the bulb-outs but lost steam as it lacked a second. Interestingly, those who are cons on the issue belong to the Staff who unfortunately has no

See BULB OUTS page 10


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2 JANUARY 25, 2013

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An open letter from Young Park to the citizens of Cerritos

Voters in Cerritos, Please read following contents before you vote for James Kang for the

Cerritos City Council seat of year 2013. and all of the people some of the Abraham Lincoln said “You can fool some of the people all of the time, Young Park, a resident of Cerritos time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” My name is other side of James Kang and what since 1987. I am writing this letter to the Voters of Cerritos to expose the he did to my family. and my two children with James Kang is the vilest hypocrite who caused irreversible damage to me extramarital affairs with my, now, ex-wife over the span of 7 years. se of our first home. On summer In 1984, I hired James Kang as my real estate agent to handle the purcha nd Realty which James Kang is the of 1987, my wife began to work as a real estate sales agent in the Westla years old. Soon after, James Kang owner of. Back then, she was in early 20’s and a mother of two, 1 and 2 introducing of ready and willing began seducing my wife with many cunning ways, such as a promise for fell for the trap. He called her buyers, and so on. My wife who was naive and inexperienced in work place (James Kang is 17 years older out day and night with bogus work related excuses to satisfy his lustful desire a clear evidence by recording than my ex-wife). After one year long horrible struggling, I was able to obtain 8th of August of 1988, called both my house phone by tapping phone conversation between the two. On the le solution, in the presence James Kang and his wife to my house to face the issue and reach an amicab confessed his inappropriate of all four people. With indisputable evidence and my urging, James Kang with my wife. I believed in relationship with my wife and swore to never again have sexual relationship still very young However, the his promise and strived to keep my family together since my children were d that I couldn’t keep this relationship continued for another 6 years until I rediscovered. Then I realize for lust on his part, but the marriage anymore and I divorced my wife in 1995. Maybe it was just a desire . Life was turned upside down, emotional scars James Kang caused on me and my children were so severe for enduring this hardship and and struggle continued. I sympathized Mrs. Kang and also I respect her raised her children well. ntly repent his Early in 2009, I got an unexpected call from James Kang. He stated he consta that damages and hurts he transgression and asked for my forgiveness as a fellow Christian. I replied him and hung up the phone. caused on me and my children were still painful and I was not ready to forgive ness after all those years. I However, back in my mind, I was impressed for his courage to seek for forgive causes him to act. wondered if he was terminally ill or recently had a spiritual encounter that Board of Education in ABC A month later, James Kang announced his candidacy for a position in the and got angry at his another United School District. Then I realized why he rushed to apologize to me elected into the Board of cunning behavior. I took no action and remained silent. Eventually he was morality and a good character Education which should be a position reserved for a person with a good filed a candidacy and is Election for the City Council of Cerritos is set for April of 2013. James Kang other candidates; I do not know actively campaigning. I neither ever met nor directly communicated with of past and current life of James them personally. However, I feel mandated to inform voters to be aware Kang who is running for the seat. to keep one’s marriage intact. I failed in my marriage. I have no one to blame but myself for being unable er, the constant headlines on I tried very hard to put past behind and move on for better tomor row. Howev to ache. I wonder and ask myself newspapers and campaign signage refreshes my memories and cause scars later option and decided to should I ignore and move on, or face and speak up for what I believe. I chose of our children in school, and good come out with a truth. I am not fighting only for my ego but for the good of every citizen in the City of Cerritos. will assume legal I swear that I stated only facts and truth to the best of my knowledge and me at: young14ever@hotmail. responsibility. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please email com or call at (562)445-9055. Thank you for reading this long letter. Young Park


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2013년 Cerritos 시의원에 출마하는 James Kang (강중한) 씨를 투표하기전에 아래내용을 한번 봐주십시요.

소수의 사람을 오래 속일수는 있고, 많은 사람을 잠시 속일수는 있지만 많은 사람을 영원히 속일수는 없다고 합 니다. 저는 세리토스에 거주하는 Young Park 이라고 합니다. 저는 세리토 스에 사시는 한인분들이 Cerritos시의 원 선거에 앞서 James 강씨가 어떤 인물인지를 알리기위해 이 편지를 씁니다.

James강중한 씨와 저의 전처의 7년에 걸친 부정행위로 (혼외정사-extr amarital affairs) 돌이킬수 없는 상처를 받은 저와 제 아이들에게 James강중한씨는 아주 사악하고 위선적인 사람입 니다.

1984년에 세리토스 인근에 처음 집을 살때 James강씨는 저의 Agent였 습니다. 그후19 87년 여름부터 제 와이프 가 James강씨가 운영하는 서부 부동산에 Agent로 일을 시작했습니다 . 그 당시 제 와이프는 2살과 1살짜리 아이 들의 엄마였습니다. 얼마후 James강씨는 온갓 교묘한 방법으로 (Buyer 를 준다며) 제 와이프를 유혹하였습니다. 아무 사회 경험도없는 20대초의 초년생 Agent였던 와이프는 넘어갔고 강중한씨는 끊임없이 밤낮으로 불러내 어 욕망을 채웠습니다(참고로 강씨와 제전처는 17살 차이가 남니다) .일년간 마음 고생을 하다 저는 저희집 전 화를 녹음을하여서 확실한 증거를 잡았습니다. 88년 8월8일 James강씨와 Mrs.강을 저희 집에 불러 4자 대면을 하였고 James강씨로 부터 1년간의 부정행위를 자백 받았습니다. 그사건 후 저는 아이들도 너무 어리고 다시는 그런 일이 없을 꺼 라는 James강씨의 약속을 믿고 결혼생활을 유지하 였습니다. 하지만 이 불륜관계를 청산 하 겠다는 약속과는 달리 James강씨와 전처와의 관계는 1994말까지 6년동안 꾸준히 이어졌고 그사실을 알게된 저는 도저히 더이상은 가정을 지킬수 없었기에 1995년에 이혼을 하게되 었습니다.. 저와 저의 아이들은 너무나 힘든 정신적 피해로 한동안 정상적 일상 생활을 하기 힘들었습니다. 그런 일을 겪고도 그 가정을 묵묵히 지키고 자녀들을 훌륭하게 키우신 Mrs. 강께는 존경하는 마음과 안스러운 마음이 많습니다.

2009년 초, 저는James강 씨로부터 갑작스런 전화를 받았습니다. 그분은 제 전화 번호를 제가 출석하고 있던 교 회 담임목사님으로 부터 얻었다고 했습니다. 그분은 저에게 지나간 자기의 잘못을 항상 회개하고 있다며 나에 게 같은 신앙인으로써 용서를 구했습니다. 하지만 저는 James강씨에게 너무도 큰 상처를 받았고 아직도 저와 저의 아이들은 그 일로 인한 고통이 남아있어 용서할 마음이 우러나지 않는다고 하며 전화를 끊었습니다. 하지 만 제 마음속에는 시간도 많이흘렀고 또, 그분의 행동이 나름 용기있는 행동이라고도 생각했습니다. 저는 그분 이 큰불치병을 앓고 있거나 혹은 근래에 큰 신앙적인 체험이 있었으리라고 생각했습니다.

그리고 한달뒤에 James강씨는 Cerritos인근 ABC교육위원으로 출마한 다고 발표 했습니다. 그제서야 저는 왜 그분이 다급하게 저를 찾아 급히 사과 하려 했는지를 알았고 다시한번 분노했지만 어떤 행동도 하지 않았고 그 분은 도덕과 인성을 중시해야 하는 교육위원에 당선이 되었습니다.

2012년말, James강씨는 두명의 한인후보 출마로 주위의 우려와 만류에 도 불구하고 Cerritos시 의원에 출마 선 거 하고 현재 선거운동 중에 있습니다. 참고로 저는 다른 한인 후보와는 일면식도 없음을 알려 드립니다.

어찌 되었건, 가정을 지키지 못한 저의 불찰이라 자책하며 그저 묵묵히 아이들을 키우며 살았습니다. 하지만 James강씨가 신문지상에 자주 오르내리고, 매일 운전하며 그분의 선거 팻말을 볼수밖에 없는것이 저에게는 너 무나 힘이듭니다. 아무 대응도 못하는 제가 인생의 패배자가 된것같은 자괴감에 빠지곤 했습니다. 이번만큼은 공의적인 차원에서라도 그냥 묵과할수가 없기에 모든분이 James강에 대하여 정확히 알았으면 하는 생각에 감 히 이글을 올립니다. 진정으로 발언컨대 아무리 사회가 이상한 방향으 로 흘러간다해도 그런 위선과 가식으로 무장되어있는 부도덕한 사람이 더이상 한인을 대표하는 공직에 당선되 는 일은 반드시 없어야 된다고 생각합니 다. 이 편지의 내용은 모두 사실이며 모든 법적 책임을 제가 담당할것입니 다.. 혹시 이일에 의문이있으시면 e-mail young14ever@hotmail.com)이나 (562)4 45-905 5로 연락바랍니다. 긴글을 읽어 주셔서 감사합니다. Young Park 드림.

JANUARY 25, 2013


4 JANUARY 25, 2013


The opinions expressed by the writers do not necessarily represent the views of this newspaper. Letters can be sent to: editor@cerritosnews.net. We reserve the right to edit for length and grammar.

Letters to the Editor

Kang Campaign ‘Cherry Picking’ The Race Card Dear Mr. Kang:


hy install your campaign signs in other surrounding cities, as it is only creating visual garbage in other cities, as not professional to their environment? Why did you install campaign signs in only Korean Owned Properties, many who are not even registered voters, without prior permission? Many of my Korean neighbors were upset, to come home to yard signs, without prior authorization and have removed. Why not print your web site on your campaign yard signs, compared to other citywide election campaign yard signs like 88 cities in LA County and 34 cities

in OC. Over years, you have alluded to Korean Charter School for Cerritos, and support district voting, can you please tell the voters in an Open Letter, your thoughts and blueprint outlines. Mr. Kang, my opine, you are cherry picking the race card again, as government is about all of the peoples of the USA and not just Koreans. Look at your campaign mailer, as is not a diversified OPEN BINDER… Your professionalism as elected trustee and city candidate, should have standards above the bar and stop surfing the racial radar! Jim McMahon Cerritos

RE: Cheri Kelley


agree! Vote her out of office. Kelley needs to be cut off. What has she done? She never responds to emails. The Norwalk Chamber of Commerce is a joke, with a puppet Executive Director Vivian Hansen, she should go too! Kelley failed to take aggressive action against the crime infested Anchor Inn Motel. Front Street is Norwalk’s official ghost town. Mayor Kelley, why do you allow a “Norwalk” youth

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sports team (that only has one player from Norwalk) to monopolize Zimmerman and Holifield Park? What benefit does the city get when the Norwalk Youth Baseball team secures the fields for free… and then charges teams $350-$425 USD to play in a tournament? Mayor Kelley have you asked why… why are we paying $188,000 per year to Santa Fe Springs to upkeep Little Lake Park? It cannot possibly be a shortage of fields? I was told that nobody else has requested the use of Zimmerman/ Holifield Parks and that is why the “Norwalk Youth Baseball” Association is given the fields for free… no check and balance system. Mark Hylland Norwalk

Conference is only for photo shoots, upcoming campaign resumes and travel to meet and greet personal. City is floating in red ink, why does the city pay to join these memberships? Jim McMahon Cerritos


t’s another “In Your Face, Residents of Cerritos.” This city council has absolutely no shame. Zero. Everyday these council members are in DC the city of Cerritos is an additional $24,000 in the red for the CCPA and Magnolia Power Plant. Maybe LCCN could print a debt counter on the front page every week. Jay Gray Cerritos

RE: U.S. Mayors Conference


on’t forget that they rack up extra frequent flyer points… and the room service is 24/7. I bet all the council end up spending an entire week partying and attending all the Presidential Gala stuff. Enough is enough. Everyone who has a brain knows that attending this conference was about getting a free trip to the Presidential Inauguration Weekend. Web Submittal


hy do three councilmen need to attend stated meetings when the city has millions of non-repaired public works projects? Know getting old, but oddly remember when former Mayor Laura Lee recommended that all travel by Council and Commissioners be slowed. Mayor’s

Let’s Halt Travel, Benefits, Perks For Local Officials

Buildinggenerational generational Building

WealtH WealtH

Dear Editor:


aybe candidates and sitting council members should propose in view of economic times a moratorium be placed on all city paid travel and other expenses that pay city council member expenses. Start trimming the fat at the top. I don't know what the school board members get now, but it used to be just a stipend. That's all they and council should get -- just a small stipend -- just what the law will allow and nothing else. Health insurance may be okay, but no monetary "in lieu" of payments, either. Also, if it still exists, there should be no huge life insurance policy for elected officials paid for by the city or the school board for that matter. Of course, they could participate in group plans that each member pays for. It appears that local elected officials are treating elected representation as a city "job." It could be time to "clean house." • We refill all major brands Vote the incumbents out and recall the • 100% others.satisfaction guaranteed Sinceowned they continue to circumvent the • Locally & operated will of the people as expressed in the overwhelming passage of Measure H years maybe another toner ink it's time to propose Off $ ago,Off refill to close the loophole so that refilltwo measure terms really are the maximum with no two One per customer . Not valid with other offers . Expires 9/30/10 . Code CCN year "return rights." 13245 South StreetSally . Cerritos, CA 90703 Assemblywoman M. Havice (Ret.) 562-402-1035 Cerritos





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JANUARY 25, 2013

‘Inappropriate Affair’ leads to La Mirada Public Works Director Steve Forster Removal from City Hall By Randy Economy La Mirada Public Works Director Steve Forster was escorted out of city hall on Wednesday afternoon after he allegedly engaged in an inappropriate affair with a fellow married female staff employee, Hews Media Group has learned. Forster was physically removed from La Mirada City Hall at approximately 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday, sources tell the La Mirada Lamplighter and Los Cerritos Community Newspaper. Those same sources, who did not want to have their name revealed for fear of retaliation, is an employee with the City of La Mirada. She said that Forster had engaged in a “long time affair” with a married female employee who works at the La Mirada Public Safety Department. The female involved in the alleged affair is also married to a male employee who directly reported to Forster. “He packed up his office and was escorted out of the building. He carried out boxes of his personal belongings and placed them in the back of his car,” the source said. The Lamplighter was also told that the husband of the female employee involved

La Mirada Public Works Director Steve Forster. in the affair confronted Forster about their relationship earlier this week. “Steve Forster created a hostile work environment for years, and he finally got caught,” the source said. Last week, La Mirada City Hall was reeling when Mayor Gabe Garcia was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence after he was involved in a car accident. Garcia was released on a $5,000.00 bail and will be reporting to court next month.

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6 JANUARY 25, 2013


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‘Our Journey is Not Complete’ On Monday, January 21, 2013, Barack Obama took the Oath of Office as he began his second four year term as President of the United States. The following is his Inaugural Address.

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Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens: Each time we gather to inaugurate a President we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. What makes us exceptional -- what makes us American -- is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Today we continue a never-ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. For history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident, they’ve never been self-executing; that while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by His people here on Earth. (Applause.) The patriots of 1776


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did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the privileges of a few or the rule of a mob. They gave to us a republic, a government of, and by, and for the people, entrusting each generation to keep safe our founding creed. And for more than two hundred years, we have. Through blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword, we learned that no union founded on the principles of liberty and equality could survive half-slave and half-free. We made ourselves anew, and vowed to move forward together. Together, we determined that a modern economy requires railroads and highways to speed travel and commerce, schools and colleges to train our workers. Together, we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play. Together, we resolved that a great nation must care for the vulnerable, and protect its people from life’s worst hazards and misfortune. Through it all, we have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed to the fiction that all society’s ills can be cured through government alone. Our celebration of initiative and enterprise, our insistence on hard work and personal responsibility, these are constants in our character. But we have always understood that when times change, so must we; that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges; that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. For the American people can no more meet the demands of today’s world by acting alone than American soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and

militias. No single person can train all the math and science teachers we’ll need to equip our children for the future, or build the roads and networks and research labs that will bring new jobs and businesses to our shores. Now, more than ever, we must do these things together, as one nation and one people. (Applause.) This generation of Americans has been tested by crises that steeled our resolve and proved our resilience. A decade of war is now ending. (Applause.) An economic recovery has begun. (Applause.) America’s possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands: youth and drive; diversity and openness; an endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention. My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it -- so long as we seize it together. (Applause.) For we, the people, understand that our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it. (Applause.) We believe that America’s prosperity must rest upon the broad shoulders of a rising middle class. We know that America thrives when every person can find independence and pride in their work; when the wages of honest labor liberate families from the brink of hardship. We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an American; she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our own. (Applause.) We understand that outworn programs are inadequate to the needs of our time. So we must harness new ideas and tech-


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Fundraisers to Help Catholic Charities of Orange County By Edna Ethington The mission of Catholic Charities of Orange County is to serve people in need, strengthen family and community, support parish ministries and extend God’s love to all. Chapter II of Catholic Charities Auxiliary is one of six Chapters who support this mission by holding fundraising events throughout the year to assist Catholic Charities financially. Members of Chapter II are parishioners of churches in the cities of Anaheim, Buena Park, Garden Grove, Westminster, Los Alamitos, Rossmoor, Seal Beach, La Palma and Cypress. Currently, Mary O’Hara, of St. Irenaeus Church in Cypress, is Director of Chapter II, and Diane Halal, of St. Hedwig’s Church in Los Alamitos, is the Assistant Director. Two fundraisers are planned at this time by Chapter II members, Quartermania and a Cruise to Vancouver in September. For the first fundraiser of 2013, Chapter II of Catholic Charities Auxiliary is hosting a luncheon on Saturday, February 23, 2013, at 11:00 a.m., and an Auction with Quarters, called Quartermania, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at St. Irenaeus Church Hall at 5201 Evergreen Avenue in Cypress. The public is invited to come and enjoy a light lunch and dessert, and also receive one auction paddle and one opportunity ticket, all for a donation of $15.00. Participants are asked to bring their own quarters for their auction bids or purchase quarters at the event in order to bid on auction items provided by popular vendors such as Celebrating Home, Cookie Lee, Creative Memories, Embellished Shirts, Pampered Chef, Simply Scarves and Tupperware. People should come early for preview shopping which will begin at 10:30 a.m. For tickets and reservations for Quartermania, write checks payable to Catholic Charities Auxiliary and mail to Mary O’Hara at 9194 Ethel Street, Cypress, CA 90630. For more information, contact Mary O’Hara at 714-828-1220, or Mary Ann Cornelius at 714-535-1918, or e-mail macornelius@artt.net. The second fundraiser is scheduled to happen during September 16-23 in 2013. Reservations are being taken now for a cruise from Vancouver BC to Los Angeles with Norwegian Cruise Lines. Norwegian Cruise Lines will donate $100 per double occupancy cabin for people who make reservations with Mark Furlan of Cruise One Dream Vacations to benefit Catholic Charities. Msgr. Wilbur Davis, from Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, will be offering daily Mass for spiritual enrichment. In addition, all proceeds from the Sunday Mass collection on the ship will be donated to Catholic Charities.

Shallman who oversees West Coast Public Affairs, television advertising firm Buying Time LLC, Tom Berman, David Jacobson, Jennifer Rivera along with Patricia Duchene. The motions will be heard in Department 32 in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday March 5, which ironically is the day voters in Los Angeles will head to the polls. Trutanich finished third in a heated primary for Los Angeles County District Attorney against eventual winner Jackie Lacey and runner up Prosecutor Alan Jackson. The original lawsuit alleges that the Trutanich campaign paid at least $884,000 to Shallman, his wife Lani, and the other defendants to provide “consulting and related services.” Lowe and LeFan also contend in the motions that Shallman paid an additional $100,000 directly to “third party vendors” and also claimed they failed to substantiate multiple expenses in the amount of $166,460.51. Although the Trutanich campaign had raised $1,800,000, nearly three times more than Lacey or Jackson, Trutanich ultimately failed to qualify for the General Election due in a large part to the negligence and missteps of Shallman, his wife

Lani, Jacobson, and the other defendants, the law suit claims. “Despite repeated demands, the Defendants have failed and refused and continue to fail and refuse to provide readily available documentation to substantiate campaign expenses and many expenses appear substantially inflated including those of Putnam, Buying Time and Duchene,” the law suit states. When Los Cerritos Community Newspaper contacted Lowe about the specifics of the case he responded: “Sorry, I can’t comment. It’s not Lowe Law policy to litigate matters in the press. The filed documents speak for themselves. All I can say is we believe in our judicial system and are confident a just result will be achieved. We’re grateful for the interest and appreciate your understanding.” LeFan also told LCCN that, “Mr. Lowe as well as Mr. Trutanich have given me specific orders to seek the truth. I’m not allowed to engage in any legal wrangling, posturing or publication of hyperbole or even innuendo. Lowe Law will leave it to the Shallman camp if they want to try and use the press as a sword. I’ll save my comments for the jury. If you want anything more, I simply direct you to the documents filed with the court as they indicate obvi-

JANUARY 25, 2013

ous misappropriation and mismanagement of campaign funds and are a matter of public record, anyway.” LCCN attempted to contact all defendants and Ms. Greuel, none of the phone calls was returned.

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Continued from page 1

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writes the check,” said one local CPA, “this is not good business practice and lends itself to abuse.” Shallman is the chief political consultant to current Los Angeles City Controller Wendy Greuel who is embroiled in a heated four-way race for Mayor of Los Angeles with former Federal Prosecutor Kevin James and Los Angeles City Council Members Jan Perry and Eric Garcetti. Also targeted in the new motions is Shallman Communications, his wife Lani


7/21/2011 10:22:59 AM

8 JANUARY 25, 2013


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10 JANUARY 25, 2013


Continued from page 1 da Sheriff’s Station. Garcia was placed in the back of a patrol car where he was brought back to the scene of the accident and then eventually taken into custody for processing. When neighbors were told that Garica was the current Mayor of La Mirada at the scene, one of them told the Lamplighter that they were “dumbfounded.” Garcia is currently running for reelection to the La Mirada City Council in the upcoming Tuesday, March 5th ballot. “We had no idea he was the Mayor of La Mirada. He didn’t mention a word to anyone about who he was, it was shocking,” the neighbor said. “I know one thing for sure, this neighborhood isn’t going to be voting for him on Election Day,” the resident said.


Continued from page 1 very comfortable in partnering with us like a family and report any suspicious occurrences,” he stressed. Swensson continued, “In terms of security patrols, we are patrolling every street, public place and school in the community day in and day out.” “We are equipped with the latest in technical communication tools like mobile digital computers. Our response time is 3 minutes at the most,” the Captain said. Swensson said that Cerritos is one of the safest cities in the Southland and perception has a lot to do with overall safety in the area. He clarified, “although the crime rate differs every week, every month and year, today when compared from before, the City of Cerritos shows a very low Part I crime

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www.HewsMediaGroup.com index.” The new Cerritos Sheriff Captain has been with the LASD in Cerritos for 25 years. Prior to his recent promotion, Swensson was Executive Aide to the Assistant Sheriff Marvin Cavanaugh who oversaw all patrol operations, detective divisions and homeland security. He was a lobbyist in the State Capital for the LA County Sheriff’s Department staying periodically in Sacramento for about four years. This job he said gave him the opportunity to be of help in bringing new well-received laws now enforced in California. As one who is home-grown, Swensson was born in the City of Bellflower and grew up in here in and around Cerritos. He studied at Gahr High School and completed his Bachelor of Arts at California State University Long Beach where he was the drum major in the university band. At one time he also took a course for Law Enforcement Executive at the FBI National Academy in the State of Virginia. He pursued his Masters in Public Administration at the University of Southern California where he met Eriko who eventually became his wife of 16 years now. Both of them played the trombone in the Trojan Marching Band. They have three boys and one girl. Capt. Swensson recalled his early formative years in Cerritos during which the community was only getting a share in police protection with the Lakewood Sheriff Station. He quickly added, “My dad was actually one of the founders and pioneers in that station. “He was a Lieutenant when he retired.” Even his mom was in the military uniform profession being a Deputy Sheriff of the Sybil Brand Institute for Women. This goes without saying his parents had a great deal of influence in his chosen career. When asked by LCCN what message he would like to convey to the community his eyes lit up and he smiled, “I am ecstatic to be working with Cerritos in my newly-appointed position and I look forward to many years of serving the community.”


Continued from page 1 voting power. Like City Traffic Engineer C. Hui Lai who said, “18 parking spaces in the area have disappeared due to the construction of bulb-outs.” Lai added that tire and skid marks are seen on the surface of these road structures which are referred to as looming invitations to possible law suits according to some associates in the law office located in the area. “I cannot defend the City from lawsuits that may arise out of these bulbouts,” Lai said. The same reaction came from Hardt and Powell, both of whom have been drumming up the high-risk and liability issues of the structures during different recent City Council meetings.

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LINDA SÁNCHEZ SELECTED TO SERVE ON TWO CRUCIAL SUBCOMMITTEES Washington, DC Congresswoman Linda Sánchez (CA-38) has been selected to serve on two crucial Subcommittees as part of her service on the powerful House Committee on Ways and Means, the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures and the Subcommittee on Oversight. The Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures has jurisdiction over federal tax policy. In the 113th Congress, the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures will be in charge of drafting a comprehensive overhaul of the tax code. The Subcommittee on Oversight oversees all programs within the jurisdiction of the full Ways and Means Committee, which includes oversight of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Treasury Department. It is an honor to serve on both of these important Ways and Means Subcommittees, said Congresswoman Sánchez. Since coming to Congress, I have fought to make our tax code fair for hard working Americans. I look forward to bringing my constituents voices to the Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee as we begin the long overdue process of comprehensive tax reform. Additionally, I am anxious to get to work on the Oversight Subcommittee to ensure the Medicare program is functioning properly and that our current tax policy is administered appropriately. Background In addition to serving on the House Committee on Ways and Means, Congresswoman Sánchez also serves as the Ranking Member on the House Ethics Committee. The House Committee on Ways and Means is the oldest standing Committee in Congress. Because of broad jurisdiction on critical issues economic policy, international trade, welfare, Social Security, Medicare and health care policy the Committee on Ways and Means is an indispensable part of the House Committee system.

of Artesia Cerritos is a member of the Los Cerritos District, the California Federation of Woman's Club and the General Federation of Woman's Clubs. Club President Judy McNatt presided at the meeting which was held at the Cerritos Library Skyline Room. In attendance was the district president Barbara Beard and many members of the board. Many past presidents of WCAC were in attendance. The Woman's club is a local 99 year old organization that gives back to many organizations in the greater Cerritos Artesia areas. We contribute to Community Family Guidance, Su Casa, Tracy High School Teen Parent Program, Pathways, ABCUSD Educational Foundation and many Veteran groups. We are active ladies and are always looking for new members. If you are interested in finding out more about our club and its many programs, contact our email address at; wcac606@gmail. com or check us out on Facebook.

CERRITOS IRONWOOD WOMEN'S GOLF CLUB CELEBRATES 35 YEARS Cerritos Ironwood Women's Golf Club was established in July 1978. We are a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote interest in golf. We currently have 55 members and invite anyone interested in playing with the club. Please call Sharon Hamel at 562-598-6165 or Judy O'Leary at 562-924-9017. The club plays every Tuesday morning starting at 7:30 AM. Membership is open to any female adult 18 years or over. Ironwood Nine is located at 16449 Piuma Ave.



WOMAN'S CLUB OF ARTESIA CERRITOS Pearly Shells, and other warm Hawaiian songs and dance entertainment by local Cerritos residents, was performed at the recent Woman's Club of Artesia Cerritos annual Reciprocity meeting. These dancers are from the Cerritos Senior Center class led by Hedy Harrison Anduha. Reciprocity is a time for each club to showcase their activities and meeting to other clubs in the district. Woman's Club

PRESIDENT/PUBLISHER BRIAN HEWS Los Cerritos Community News and La Mirada Lamplighter is published weekly and delivered to Artesia, Cerritos and surrounding communities. Los Cerritos Community News has been established as a newspaper of general circulation in Los Angeles County. Based on this legal status we are eligible to publish Legal Notices and Fictitious Business Name Statements. Published and copyrighted by Eastern County Newspaper Group, Inc. Reproduction in whole or part of any material in the Community News without permission of the publisher is prohibited. ©2012

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JANUARY 25, 2013



Continued from page 6


tion. We will support democracy from Asia to Africa, from the Americas to the Middle East, because our interests and our conscience compel us to act on behalf of those who long for freedom. And we must be a source of hope to the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the victims of prejudice –not out of mere charity, but because peace in our time requires the constant advance of those principles that our common creed describes: tolerance and opportunity, human dignity and justice. We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths –- that all of us are created equal –- is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on Earth. (Applause.) It is now our generation’s task to carry on what those pioneers began. For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. (Applause.) Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law –- (applause) -- for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. (Applause.) Our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. (Applause.) Our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see America as a land of opportunity -- (applause) -- until bright young students and engineers are enlisted in our workforce rather than expelled from our country. (Applause.) Our journey is not complete until all our children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia, to the quiet lanes of Newtown, know that they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm. That is our generation’s task -- to make these words, these rights, these values of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness real for every American. Being true to our founding documents does not require us to agree on every contour of life. It does not mean we all define liberty in exactly the same way or follow the same precise path to happiness. Progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates about the role of government for all time, but it does require us to act in our time. (Applause.) On Monday, President Barack Obama gave his official Inaugural For now decisions are upon us and we cannot afford delay. We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate. (Applause.) We must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect. We must act, knowing that today’s victories will be only partial and that it will be up to those who stand here in four years and 40 years and 400 years hence to advance the timeless spirit once conferred to us in a spare Philadelphia hall. My fellow Americans, the oath I have sworn before you today, like the one recited by others who serve in this Capitol,

was an oath to God and country, not party or faction. And we must faithfully execute that pledge during the duration of our service. But the words I spoke today are not so different from the oath that is taken each time a soldier signs up for duty or an immigrant realizes her dream. My oath is not so different from the pledge we all make to the flag that waves above and that fills our hearts with pride. They are the words of citizens and they represent our greatest hope. You and I, as citizens, have the power to set this country’s course. You and I, as citizens, have the obligation to shape the debates of our time -- not only with the votes we cast, but with the voices we lift in defense of our most ancient values and enduring ideals. (Applause.) Let us, each of us, now embrace with solemn duty and awesome joy what is our lasting birthright. With common effort and common purpose, with passion and dedication, let us answer the call of history and carry into an uncertain future that precious light of freedom.

nology to remake our government, revamp our tax code, reform our schools, and empower our citizens with the skills they need to work harder, learn more, reach higher. But while the means will change, our purpose endures: a nation that rewards the effort and determination of every single American. That is what this moment requires. That is what will give real meaning to our creed. We, the people, still believe that every citizen deserves a basic measure of security and dignity. We must make the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit. But we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future. (Applause.) For we remember the lessons of our past, when twilight years were spent in poverty and parents of a child with a disability had nowhere to turn. We do not believe that in this country freedom is reserved for the lucky, or happiness for the few. We recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us at any time may face a job loss, or a sudden illness, or a home swept away in a terrible storm. The commitments we make to each other through Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security, these things do not sap our initiative, they strengthen us. (Applause.) They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great. (Applause.) We, the people, still believe that our obligations as Americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. (Applause.) Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and more powerful storms. The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist this transition, we must lead it. We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries, we must claim its promise. That’s how we will maintain our economic vitality and our national treasure -- our forests and waterways, our crop lands and snow-capped peaks. That is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God. That’s what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared. We, the people, still believe that enduring security and lasting peace do not require perpetual war. (Applause.) Our brave men and women in uniform, tempered by the flames of battle, are unmatched in skill and courage. (Applause.) Our citizens, seared by the memory of those we have lost, know too well the price that is paid for liberty. The knowledge of their sacrifice will keep us forever vigilant against those who would do us harm. But we are also heirs to those who won the peace and not just the war; who turned sworn enemies into the surest of friends -and we must carry those lessons into this time as well. We will defend our people and uphold our values through strength of arms and rule of law. We will show the courage to try and resolve our differences with other nations peacefully –- not because we are naïve about the dangers we face, but because engagement can more durably lift suspicion and fear. (Applause.) America will remain the anchor of strong alliances in every corner of the globe. And we will renew those institutions that extend our capacity to manage crisis abroad, for no one has a greater stake in a peaceful world than its most powerful na-

Thank you. God bless you, and may He forever bless these United States of America.

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12 JANUARY 25, 2013


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Garr Girls get Blasted by Lynwood, Boys Fall Apart in Second Quarter SAN GABRIEL VALLEY LEAGUE BASKETBALL

Lynwood began the game by forcing four straight turnovers and scored eight points off of them, including steals by Neale Johnson and Alike Lofton that resulted into baskets. The score was already 15-0 at the 3:44 mark after a Johnson basket before the Gladiators finally connected. Almost a minute later, senior guard Jasmine Gates converted a three-point play off a turnover, and then off another turnover, she drained a trifecta. It would be the first of only three times in the entire game that Gahr would score consecutive points, all coming in the first half. Gahr turned the ball over 13 times in the first quarter but settled down in the second quarter and had three turnovers. “They were too good for us,” said Gahr head coach Al Dorogusker. “They just outplayed us in every aspect of the game. Whether the girls were scared or not, I don’t know. We played enough games against enough tough teams that at this point of the season, if they’re scared, then that’s absolutely ridiculous. [Lynwood] is physically strong. “If there was a loose ball, it was theirs,” he continued. “If there was a questionable rebound, it was theirs. They moved the ball well, they played well and we did not.” Lynwood would score the game’s next three baskets and from that point on, the Gladiators would trail by double digits. The closest they got came with 2:17 left in the half when junior forward Chidera Agu’s basket made it a 25-15 affair. Gahr (12-7 overall, 3-1 in league) tried to cut into Lynwood’s big lead in the third quarter and got to within 14 points at the 5:37 mark on senior guard Sydney Te-

By Loren Kopff lorenkopff@aol.com

It took visiting Lynwood just 92 seconds to set the tone of last Friday evening’s San Gabriel Valley League girls basketball game against Gahr. It took the Knights the next 2:44 to put the game away as they went on to rout the Gladiators 63-31 in a battle between the top two teams in the league.

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odoro’s first of two baskets in the stanza. But the Knights reeled off nine straight points, and then held the hosts to five points in the fourth quarter. Gahr’s leading scorer, senior guard Jewelyn Sawyer, was held to a season-low five points. It’s just the second time all season the Long Beach State University-bound athlete has been held to single digits. She has scored at least 20 points in 10 games including the previous five before the Lynwood game. Gahr was led by Gates, who scored 12 points and grabbed 12 rebounds. Sawyer also had 10 rebounds. “I thought that Jasmine Gates played one of her best games of the season,” Dorogusker said. “She fought hard, she rebounded and she shot reasonably well. She went after the ball. Our press break in the first five minutes wasn’t intimidation because we played against five good pressing teams and the first five minutes of the game against Troy, against Millikan and against J.W. North were exactly the same thing.” This was Lynwood’s 28th straight victory over Gahr. The last time the Gladiators tasted success over the Knights was on Jan. 13, 1999, in a 42-37 decision. “They win because of two major reasons,” Dorogusker said. “Number one, they have outstanding personnel. You saw strong girls running and jumping very, very well. And they have the best coach in the area. When you put those two things together, that’s a winning team. I respect [Lynwood head coach] Ellis [Barfield] more than any other coach around.” The team would rebound the next day by defeating Long Beach Wilson 65-51 as Sawyer got back into her groove with a team-high 21 points. Gates and junior guard Ra’vyn Bowser each scored 16 points while Teodoro added 10 points. Following the game, the Gahr boys were looking strong in the first quarter, hitting three perimeter shots and bolting out to a 20-8 lead. But the Knights completely dominated the second quarter and virtually couldn’t miss a shot. Lynwood connected on 12 of 14 field goals in the second quarter, outscored Gahr 27-7 in the stanza and held on for a 78-71 victory. Gahr dropped to 10-10 overall and 1-3 in the circuit. “We had trouble with their trap in the second quarter and then we just weren’t

able to sustain our effort,” said Gahr head coach Ricky Roper. “Then we messed up some rotations in the second quarter. We came out in the first quarter rotating the way we wanted to. In the second quarter, we kind of missed some assignments.” Gahr was up 20-8 with under a minute remaining in the first quarter after and steal and basket from junior guard Malachi Hoosein. But Lynwood’s Mister Merriweather connected on a pair of free throws with 35.7 seconds left in the opening quarter to begin a 9-0 run. Gahr stopped that scoring streak with 5:38 left in the half on a Hoosein basket. But the Knights and their hot shooting crept back and took their first lead (26-25) with 3:13 remaining in the half on a Kevin Miller basket. It was the eighth straight field goal without a miss to begin the second quarter and Lynwood would proceed to own a 35-27 lead at the break. Gahr trailed by as many as 18 points in the third quarter as Lynwood continued to stay hot form the field. The Knights missed four shots in 12 attempts in the stanza but the Gladiators clawed back and trailed 4943 at the 1:37 mark after a three-pointer from Hoosein. The lead would balloon to 14 points with 3:38 remaining in the game but again, Gahr would get back to within striking distance and trail by five points when sophomore guard Anthony Austin drained a three-pointer with 57 seconds left. Hoosein led all scorers with 25 points and hit five three-pointers while senior guard Ryan Hart added 14 points and half a dozen rebounds. Austin came off the bench to score 12 points, all in the second half and junior guard David Murrell also came off the bench to pitch in 10 points. “Anthony is going to be a good player,” Roper said. “He stepped up and played really hard tonight. This league is tough; everybody in this league is tough. They’re learning and you have to come to play every night.” This is the second straight season that Gahr has started 1-3 in league. Last season, the Gladiators rebounded to win five of their last six regular season games and finished tied for second place in the league. “Our 1-3 last year is a little bit different than this year,” Roper said. “Last year we were supposed to compete for a league championship. We were the favorites. This year, we’re kind of younger and have a lot of guys who are new to varsity. So, we’ve been taking it game by game.” Both Gahr teams will begin the second round at Paramount today before hosting Downey on Wednesday.


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JANUARY 25, 2013



Pair of Unsung Heroes lift Artesia past Bellflower in Second Half SUBURBAN LEAGUE BOYS SOCCER By Loren Kopff lorenkopff@aol.com

BELLFLOWER - During the offseason and again at the beginning of the regular season, Artesia boys soccer head coach Rudy Magallon predicted Bellflower would have the best shot of knocking the Pioneers off their perch as Suburban League top dogs. Throughout the first half and nearly half of the second half, his prediction was coming true. But a pair of unknown entities to the outside world of Artesia boys soccer stole the show in the final 24 minutes and guided the Pioneers to a 2-1 road victory last Friday afternoon in a matchup of the top ranked and seventh ranked teams in the California Interscholastic Federation-Southern Section Division IV. “I know they’ve been building to this and they’re a good team,” Magallon said of Bellflower. “They’re behind us and I know they were going to come with everything. But this is a team with resilience and no

stop. We just keep on working. We’ve been behind before. We didn’t panic. We kept on playing and playing. It wasn’t probably our best game but we gutted it out and we got the plays when we needed.” The win ended the first round of league action and kept the Pioneers (15-0-4 overall, 6-0-0 in league) three points ahead of Norwalk and eight points ahead of Bellflower. The Buccaneers dominated the majority of the first half offensively and defensively. The hosts were heavily guarding senior forward Alejandro Martinez, the team and league’s leading scorer and kept him from scoring for the first time since a Dec. 29 game in the Sunny Hills Classic. Artesia would get three shots on goal and trailed 1-0 at the half behind a header from Diego Sanchez. “We’re undefeated and ranked number one [in the division] and they’re going to come with everything,” Magallon said. “Sometimes, the tough part is we have to match their energy and I think it takes us a while. Once you have that bull’s eye thing on you, they’re going to come and play you 100 percent.” Martinez finally got a chance in the 54th minute but his attempt went high above the

crossbar. Two minutes later, freshman forward Jesus Gudino, who had entered the game eight minutes earlier, was dragged down just inside the penalty box and senior midfielder Joel Atilano converted the penalty kick for his 12th tally of the season, seven behind Martinez’ team-leading 19 goals. Five minutes later, Martinez had another shot saved at the right post and shortly after that, his breakaway pass to Atilano was nullified because the latter was offside. The game remained tied until the 75th minute when Martinez, still double-teamed, was maneuvering through the penalty box before finding junior midfielder Francisco Ortiz who kicked in the game-winner from the right post. It was the third goal of the season for Ortiz, first in league play. “We have to play with whoever we have,” Magellan said. “Of course we’re concerned [about injuries] but at the same time, we have to play with whoever is there. I’ve been telling them all year, we’re 25 or 26 [players] deep and some way or another, we’re going to use [all] of them.” The Buccaneers had a chance to send the game into overtime in stoppage time but Hector Soltis’ shot hit the left post on a free kick just outside the penalty box in the 82nd

Valley Christian’s Ahana, Bischoff Dominate Laguna Hills in Non-League Tilt By Loren Kopff lorenkopff@aol.com

Valley Christian senior guard D.J. Ahana was nearly a one-man show this past Monday night against Laguna Hills as his team struggled throughout most of the first half. But his two baskets in a 20 second span at the end of the first half ignited a 15-0 run and the Crusaders emerged with an impressive 60-54 victory over the Hawks. V.C. turned a 25-18 deficit with 3:08 left in the first half into a 33-25 lead two and a half minutes into the third quarter and never looked back. “We had a real good run, especially early in the third quarter to turn things around,” said V.C. head coach Bryan Branderhorst. “[Senior guard] Dylan [Koolmees] had a couple of nice baskets, one in transition and then a three-pointer on the left wing. I thought that ignited us to get us going.” During that run, Koolmees scored all seven of his points while junior forward Brian Bischoff and Ahana each added four points. Of the 22 points the Crusaders scored in the first half, Ahana scored

15 points and assisted on a Bischoff basket. While he was scoring, Bischoff was pulling down rebound after rebound and had 11 of his 13 boards before halftime. The Crusaders as a team had 21 rebounds in the first half. After taking 28 shots from the field and connecting on eight of them in the first half, V.C. took only 11 in the second half but was very effective, missing just twice. While this was going on, the defense wouldn’t let the Hawks get their deficit to less than five points the remainder of the game. “Considering on the year we’re a mid30’s field goal percentage shooting team, I would say that surprised me a little bit,” Branderhorst said. “But the thing about it is when they’re running all of these presses and traps, the shots you’re getting are high percentage because they’re overplaying for steals and you’re going to get a lot of layups.” After being held to two free throws in the third quarter, Ahana heated up in the final eight minutes and added 11 points to his team and career-high 28 points in the final stanza. Ahana was eight of 15 from the field, a perfect 10 of 10 from the charity stripe and has now scored in double figures in five straight games. He also had six re-


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bounds “It’s just about being aggressive,” Branderhorst said. “This is D.J.’s first year on varsity, so you can see the improvement. Once he gets that game confidence and aggressiveness, the sky’s the limit for him. He played a great game today.” Bischoff added 11 points while Koolmees and freshman forward Vaj Rice each pitched in with seven points. The win was the fourth straight for the Crusaders as they evened their record to 11-11. It’s the first time since a Dec. 15 win over Buena Park that V.C. has been .500. The team gets back into Olympic League action tonight at Village Christian, then travels to Maranatha on Thursday. V.C. has only one more home game left in the regular season, a Feb. 5 meeting with Heritage Christian. “It’s awfully nice to get on a win streak, especially a couple in rival games,” Branderhorst said. “Those are always emotional games, Friday against Whittier Christian and Saturday against Ontario Christian. Throw in the Heritage Christian game-we had a 22-point comeback win. It’s kind of been an emotional push here, so I’m really proud of the guys to come back with energy today, in a non league game on a holiday when you’re kind of out of rhythm.”



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minute. The win allowed the Pioneers to remain undefeated and untied through the first round of league play for the first time since going 5-0-0 during the 1997-1998 seasons. Back then, Cerritos had not joined the league. Five times this century, Artesia had finished the first round undefeated but had at least one tie. The Pioneers, who have allowed 21 goals through 19 games, will visit John Glenn today, host Mayfair on Monday and visit La Mirada on Wednesday. “I just can’t explain it,” Magellan said of this season. “There is just something that this team has that the other teams didn’t. Maybe luck is on our side.”

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14 JANUARY 25, 2013


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LA MIRADA CITY COUNCIL REVIEWS STRATEGIC PLAN A Strategic Plan that builds on La Mirada’s record of success and sets future goals is being finalized by the City Council.


he plan sets forth six broad priorities for the City to focus its efforts on in the coming years. A series of 31 specific goals and more than 100 separate actions to be taken are identified in the plan. Target dates for completing all of the work by the end of 2015 are also included in the plan. The Strategic Plan, which has been in the works for more than a year, was reviewed by the City Council earlier this week. Members of the City’s Planning, Public Safety, and Community Services Commissions have also reviewed the document in recent months. Six broad priorities serve as the foundation for the City of La Mirada Strategic Plan. Priorities include: Secure a fiscally sound community; Ensure a responsive City government; Provide a safe community; Promote a high quality of life; Provide quality planning and infrastructure; and Promote a strong local economy. Following the unprecedented financial challenges from the national recession and State takes of local funds in recent years, local officials have identified a number of goals that will continue to stabilize the City’s finances. Actions taken in recent years to reduce staff, expand the use of contract services, and modify programs and services have helped the City through

these challenging times. As the economy continues its recovery, the City will continue to manage employee costs, use contract services efficiently, and budget conservatively. City officials will remain responsive to issues affecting the community. Actions taken at the federal, state, and regional levels will be monitored to ensure La Mirada’s best interests are addressed. The plan calls for protecting local control of funds to continue as a high priority. Resident involvement in the City’s governing process by serving on a City advisory body will continue to be encouraged. Additionally, the City plans to enhance the amount of information available on its website, such as steps taken recently to post City Council staff reports online. A number of actions are identified in the Strategic Plan in support of providing a safe community, the City’s long-standing top priority. The City will be working with Sheriff’s officials to explore additional ways to fight crime in the area. Efforts to maintain the region’s lowest crime rate will continue with special attention on gang and drug prevention activities in La Mirada’s neighborhoods. The La Mirada community will continue to be called upon to serve as “the eyes and ears” in reporting suspicious activity. Residents will also be asked to join the City’s emergency preparedness campaign. La Mirada officials aim to remain a desirable, family-oriented community. The plan calls for the City to continue providing outstanding recreational and cultural opportunities, such as those offered at Splash!, La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts, and the City’s network of parks and facilities. Local officials value the efforts of La Mirada’s community partners, including School District representatives, service clubs, and volunteers to enhance La Mirada’s high quality of life. Building upon these relationships to make

A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARTESIA DETERMINING AND ADOPTING AN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 FOR THE CITY OF ARTESIA IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE X111B OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, Article X111B was added to the Constitution of the State of California at a General election held on November 6, 1979; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 7910 of the Government Code of the State of California, an annual appropriations limit must be established for this City; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 7910 of the Government Code of the State of California fifteen days prior to the date of adoption of this resolution, documentation used in the determination of appropriations limit has been made available to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Artesia has determined as follows: SECTION 1. That in accordance with Article X111B of the California Constitution and Section 7901 of the California Government Code that the appropriations limit for the 2012-13 fiscal year shall be $8,997,357 set forth in detail in the attached “EXHIBIT A”.

SECTION 2. The Council reserves the right to modify or adjust the limit if necessary.

SECTION 3. The City shall certify the adoption of this Resolution 13-2366

PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of February 2013. SALLY FLOWERS, MAY-

____________________________________________ GLORIA CONSIDINE, CITY CLERK/TREASURER I, Gloria Considine, City Clerk/Treasurer of the City of Artesia, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Artesia held on the 11th day of February, 2013, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS:

ting, and campaign to shop locally. These actions are among the reasons La Mirada has been recognized as a five year finalist for the Most Business Friendly City award by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation. “The goals and objectives contained in the Strategic Plan address the many challenges and opportunities facing our community in the coming years,” says City Manager Tom Robinson. “For over 50 years, La Mirada has been known as a safe and attractive community with a great quality of life. This Strategic Plan is designed to help La Mirada become an even better community in the future.” Once the Strategic Plan is adopted, several steps will be taken to ensure the document becomes a real part of the City organization and influences how the City carries out its mission on a daily basis. The plan will be discussed with City employees, and made available to the public through the City’s website. Updates will be issued periodically on achievement of goals. The City Council will receive status reports on progress. Future agenda reports will identify the specific goals to which they relate. Annual reviews of the Strategic Plan will be done by the City Council and management staff, and necessary revisions and amendments will be made. The City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider adoption of the proposed Strategic Plan at its meeting on January 22.




La Mirada an even better community is an important endeavor. Popular community events, such as Summer Concerts and Chili Holiday Event, will continue to bring the community together. Efforts to upgrade the community by improving housing conditions and opportunities, and stimulating new commercial and industrial development are identified in the plan. Improvements to the Crossroads Shopping Center and other shopping centers in La Mirada will be completed this year. La Mirada is also poised to undergo significant infrastructure improvements in the near future. The $65-million Valley View Grade Separation project is currently under construction. Additionally, a number of street resurfacing projects are currently out to bid, with work expected to begin this spring. Infrastructure repairs from voter-approved Measure I funds are being planned, and will be used to address a portion of the City’s nearly $67-million in infrastructure needs. The Strategic Plan aims to build upon local economic development efforts expanded in recent years to attract and retain quality business that create jobs and generate revenues. Building a strong local economy will be achieved through supporting business expansion, new development, and providing business assistance programs. While the State’s elimination of redevelopment agencies has eliminated the City’s best economic development tool, the City will continue its business outreach efforts, streamlined permit-

Gloria Considine, City Clerk/Treasurer

Published at Los Cerritos Community Newspaper 1/25/13

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the contents of the following storage units will be offered for sale by public auction to highest bidder for enforcement of storage lien. The auction will be held on or after Feb. 12th, 2013 @ 1:30 p.m. Location: Extra Space Storage, 10753 Artesia Blvd. Cerritos, CA 90703. Terms: Cash, Extra Space Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid or cancel auction. Name of Auctioneer: West Coast Auctioneers Bond #137857. The following units are scheduled for auction: (Customer Names) Dalisay Lacson Loneil Burnett Michelle Griffith Jonathan Deveaux

Brenden Rosell Frank Perry Javier Navarro

All units to include but not limited to tools, furniture, electronics, household items and misc. items unless otherwise specified. Published at Los Cerritos Community News Jan. 25th and Feb. 1st , 2013

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE CITIZENS OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE FOR MEASURE M The Artesia City Council is accepting applications for five (5) members of the public to serve for three (3) years on the Citizens Oversight Committee for Measure M. Each councilmember will appoint one member of the public to the Citizens Oversight Committee at the Regular City Council meeting of February 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. The Citizens Oversight Committee will meet on a semi-annual basis at the Artesia City Council Chambers at City Hall, 18747 Clarkdale Avenue, Artesia, California at a time convenient for the members. The Citizens Oversight Committee will make recommendations to the City Council to ensure transparency and oversight of the revenue and expenditures of funds.. The Committee shall review the yearto-year increase or decrease in the revenue from business license taxes, review the percent of General Fund revenues generated by the tax, how the tax revenues are currently used by the City, and make recommendations on how future year business license tax revenue shall be spent. Findings will be presented to the City Council in written form semi-annual. Application forms are available in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Artesia located at 18747 Clarkdale Avenue, Artesia, California 90701 (562) 865-6262. Applications must be received by the City Clerk no later than Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. Published at Los Cerritos Community Newspaper 1/25/13


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Cerritos College Theatre Department to Hold Auditions for The Drowsy Chaperone Actors Wanted for Comedic Musical WHAT: The Cerritos College Theatre Department will be holding auditions for The Drowsy Chaperone. The musical, the recipient of five Tony Awards including Best Book and Best Score, begins when a die-hard musical theater fan plays his favorite cast album on his turntable, and the musical literally bursts to life in his living room, telling the rambunctious tale of a brazen Broadway starlet trying to find and keep her true love. Throughout the show audience is given insights by 'the man in chair' with hilarious results. If cast, actors will be required to enroll at Cerritos College to perform. Detailed instructions and information about available roles are available here.

JANUARY 25, 2013


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AUDITION DATES: Monday, Feb 11, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb 12, at 7 p.m. CALL BACKS: Tuesday, Feb 13, at 7 p.m. in BC-17 (Burnight Center Theatre) PERFORMANCE DATES: Friday, May 3, 8 p.m. Saturday, May 4, 8 p.m. Thursday, May 9, 8 p.m. Friday, May 10, 8 p.m. Saturday, May 11, 8 p.m. Sunday, May 12, 2 p.m. WHERE: BC 17 (Burnight Center Theatre) Cerritos College, 11110 Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 A map of the campus is available at www.cerritos.edu/guide. CONTACT: For more information on the audition and the Cerritos College Theatre Department, please call (562) 467-5058 or visit www.cerritos.edu/theatre.

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