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Rotary Honors First Responders From the Cerritos-Artesia Areas

HONORED: from (l-r), Rotary President Hideki Maemoto, Crime Analyst Diana Moon, Deputy Welby Cham and Firefighter and Paramedic Joshua Swaney.


Each year the Cerritos-Artesia Rotary Club holds an annual First Responder Awards dinner and ceremony at Frantone’s Pizza, this year the awards were held Tuesday, January 21st. The event honors the Sheriff of the Year and Fireman of the Year from both Cerritos and Artesia for their service to the community.

Requests for award recipients are sent in to the Fire Chief at Station 30, and to the Cerritos and Lakewood Sheriff’s station The Rotary Club then notifies the cities whose officer was selected.

Each honoree receives a Certificate of Recognition or Proclamation from the City’s of Artesia and Cerritos, Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, Senator Bob Archuleta, Assembly member Cristina Garcia, County Supervisor Janice Hahn and the Cerritos-Artesia Rotary Club.

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