La Palma Chamber of Commerce
Business News
2009 Advertiser Information
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• The La Palma Chamber of Commerce Business News is direct mailed to every business in La Palma and to all Chamber members.
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• La Palma Chamber of Commerce Business News is hand delivered to over 30 high-traffic businesses and City Administrative locations (City Hall, Library, Parks and Recreation) in La Palma.
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Get these other great benefits when you advertise: • FREE! your own web page on our La Palma Business News Directory website with your advertisement, including a link to your site. • FREE internet directory listing with your company’s name and link on our La Palma Business Directory website. We get over 60,000 page views per month! • FREE ad design (a $125 value!) • FREE mailing lists with your direct mail campaign to anywhere in the area. See page three. • The La Palma Business News has complete design and layout facilities to plan the most effective advertising campaign for your company, use us as your marketing department!
Advertiser Advertising Rate Card Contact Address
PLEASE NOTE: PRICES ARE ON A PER ISSUE BASIS Phone ( ) Fax ( ) E-mail ( ) 1-4 Months 5-8 Months 9+ Months Size of ad Rate: Color: Full page $599 $550 $499 Half $365 $330 $299 Run page date(s) Quarter page $240 $220 $199 2010 May Jun Jul Aug $120 Sep Oct $110 Nov Dec $99 Jan Feb Mar Apr Eighth page 25 15 13 17 14 12 16 14 18 15 15 12 Sixteenth page $79 $69 $59
May 17
Full Page 10” 15” 1/4 Page 3 Col. 1/2 Page H 7 1/2” 1/4 Page 4 Col. Authorized signature 10” Representative 1/2 Page 3 Col. 7 1/2” 9” 1/8 Page H Rates and Sizes 1/2 Page 2 Col. 4 7/8” 15” 1/8 Page V PLEASE ARE ON A PER ISSUE BASIS 1/4 PageNOTE: V PRICES 4 7/8” 7 1/2” 1/16 Page H AD SIZE 1/4 Page 1 Col. 2 3/8” 15” 1/16 Page V 1-4 Months 5-8 Months 9+ Months
7 1/2” 10” 4 7/8” 2 3/8” 4 7/8” Width 2 3/8”
4 1/2” 3 1/2” 3 1/2” 7 1/2” 2 1/4” Depth 4 7/8”
Full Page 1/2 Page H 1/2 Page V 1/4 Page 1/8 Page
Full Page $599 $550 $499 Half Page $365 $330 $299 Quarter Page $240 $220 $199 FREE INSERTS $120 EighthSTANDING Page $110 $99 Pre Printed per 1000 • We Print $60 per$59 1000 Eighth Page• Delivery Cost $30$79 $69 COLOR CHARGES: Mail Services Order 1 Color - $25 • 2 Color - $50 • 3 Color - $75 • 4 Color - $150 Postcard Type: DEADLINES: Brochure Type: ADVERTISING Space Reservations: Two weeks prior to publication, camera ready one week. Design and Print: Design, Print, and Mail: DESIGN & PRODUCTION: As a service to our advertisers,x the Business News will produce your$ad. Quantity: Rate: = Total
10” 10” 4 7/8” 4 7/8” 4 7/8”
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La Palma Business News
P.O. Box 788, Artesia, Ca 90703 800-901-7211 • • e-mail:
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15” 7 1/2” 15” 7 1/2” 3 3/4”
Free Mailing List With Your Order* We can handle your direct mail project from design to distribution. Whether you need to mail a postcard, an invitation, or a product catalog, we are experienced with postal regulations and discount opportunities, so we can find the most cost-effective solution for your mailing project. We have over twenty years of experience in the direct mail industry, so we can guide you through the process to ensure you see the lowest cost and the largest possible return on investment. Our mailing services include the following: • Mail preparation (folding, inserting, tabbing) • List purchase • Address standardization (CASS & PAVE, NCOA) • Designing • List management (conversion and formatting)
• Printing • Label creation and application • Stamping • Response tracking and analysis • Fulfillment projects
Postcards-Regular, Oversize & Jumbo Four color both sides, coated, heavy 12 pt book stock
Design, Print and Mail (each piece):
Design and Print (each piece):
Standard- 5.5 x 4.25 (w x h) 500 to 999 - 83¢ 1000-2000 - 60¢ 2000+ - 54¢
Standard- 5.5 x 4.25 500 to 999 - 43¢ 1000-2000 - 34¢ 2000+ - 22¢
Oversize - 8.5 x 5.5 500 to 999 - 1.05 1000-2000 - 72¢ 2000+ - 63¢
Oversize - 8.5 x 5.5 500 to 999 - 58¢ 1000-2000 - 49¢ 2000+ - 29¢
Jumbo - 11 x 5.5 500 to 999 - 1.17 1000-2000 - 81¢ 2000+ - 67¢
Jumbo - 11 x 5.5 500 to 999 - 68¢ 1000-2000 - 59¢ 2000+ - 36¢
Four color 100# gloss stock
Design and Print (each piece): 8.5 x 11.00 (w x h) Tri-fold 100 to 499 - 1.29 500-999 - 99¢ 1000-1499 - 61¢ 1500 + - 42¢ 11.00 x 17.00 Tri-fold 100 to 999 1000-1499 1500-2499 2500 +
Door Hangers
The ultimate in neighborhood marketing. Four color both sides, coated, heavy 10 pt book stock
1.74 1.08 65¢ 48¢
Design and Print (each piece): 4.12 x 11.00 (w x h) 500 to 999 1000-2499 2500-4999 5000-9999 10000+
55¢ 35¢ 23¢ 15¢ 13¢
* Maximum 10,000 names resident list, CASS not NCOA.
Call today, we’ll even design the ad for you for FREE!
(800) 901-7211
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Run date(s) May 25
Jun 15
Jul 13
Aug 17
Sep 14
Oct 12
Nov 16
Dec 14
Jan 18
Feb 15
Mar 15
Apr 12
May 17
Authorized signature
Rates and Sizes PLEASE NOTE: PRICES ARE ON A PER ISSUE BASIS 1-4 Months Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Eighth Page Eighth Page
$599 $365 $240 $120 $79
5-8 Months $550 $330 $220 $110 $69
9+ Months $499 $299 $199 $99 $59
Full Page 1/2 Page H 1/2 Page V 1/4 Page 1/8 Page
10” 10” 4 7/8” 4 7/8” 4 7/8”
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La Palma Business News
P.O. Box 788, Artesia, Ca 90703 800-901-7211 • • e-mail:
= Total $
15” 7 1/2” 15” 7 1/2” 3 3/4”