The Local - August 1, 2013

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This Week:

Your community, your paper

Byrnes and Blues at the Bot

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 14

National Day of Prayer Free family-friendly street theatre

Page 5

Love ‘em or hate ‘em

Dealing with pernicious blackberries ...............

Page 8

Cocktails and Cuisine

New section delights .............

Weekly Community Newspaper

Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • Thursday, August 1, 2013

Circus Camp



Page 16

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Fresh from Surrey’s Fusion Festival, legendary bluesman Jim Byrnes hopped the ferry for what has become an annual Sunshine Coast event – an intimate summertime outdoor concert at Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden’s Sparling Pavilion on Wednesday, July 24. Byrnes performed with Lindsay Mitchell at this benefit performance. Photo Jill Devonshire

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2 The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013 3

gliders owned by the BC Provincial Committee of the Air Cadet League of Canada. At the conclusion of the intense six week training period, the successful students will receive their coveted Air Cadet Glider Pilot Wings on graduation day, August 15. “These young men and women have worked very

1st proof

construct a liquefied natural gas processing and export facility project with a proposed capacity of approximately 2.1 million tonnes per year at the waterfront industrial site of Western Forest Product’s former pulp mill near Squamish. “Woodfibre Natural Gas Limited is continuing to pursue early feasibility work on our project and this application is an important step. We look forward to moving forward through

additional regulatory processes and furthering our work with the community, First Nations and the public in the many months ahead,” said company president Ratnesh Bedi. “Companies who want to capitalize on the emerging LNG industry are moving very quickly to develop their projects in British Columbia,” said Rich Coleman, Minister of Natural Gas Development. Submitted



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One of just 44 Air Cadets selected from across BC to pursue a Transport Canada Glider Pilot Licence this summer, Cadet Nirmal Sadasivuni of Sechelt BC is spending his summer at the Regional Gliding School (Pacific). Through the Air Cadet Glider Pilot Scholarship Course, Sadasivuni is flying Schweizer 2-33A

Woodfibre Natural Gas Limited recently filed liquefied natural gas (LNG) export application with the National Energy Board (NEB) for the Woodfibre LNG Project. In reviewing each export application, the NEB ensures that quantity of the gas does not exceed the amount required to meet domestic demand. To date, three LNG export licenses have been issued to BC companies. The company plans to

coming next

Instructor Brad Henderson welcomes Cadet Nirmal Sadasivuni back to earth after a successful glider flight. photo submitted.

hard to get here on scholarship, and will continue to work even harder throughout the course,” said Lt.Col. Tony Appels, Commanding Officer of RGS (Pacific). Cadet Sadasivuni is a member of Sechelt’s 858 Sckookumchuck Squadron. Prior to sitting before the Pilot Scholarship Course review board, Sadasivuni studied all aspects of aviation in order to pass an entrance exam. His school marks, cadet service, leadership and physical fitness were also evaluated as part of the selection process. Sadasivuni sees the scholarship, and the intensive training, as a special opportunity: “It’s a way to pursue flying as a hobby.” The Royal Canadian Air Cadets is a national coeducational youth organization sponsored by the Canadian Forces in partnership with the civilian Air Cadet League of Canada. In BC approximately 3,700 Air Cadets, enrolled in 57 Squadrons, qualify for extra graduation credit as the cadet program is a recognized “ministry-accepted External Course”. Submitted

Woodfibre LNG applies for export licence

now playing

Cadet soars over Comox

4 The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013

Editorial Opinion What were you thinking? This week, a near drowning and yet another outburst of post-Sea Cavalcade hooliganism provided a community heads-up. The Sechelt pier is a favourite with swimmers, as it provides an easy spot to sunbathe and plunge into the cooling waters after a brisk game of beach volleyball. But with no lifeguard on duty, it is definitely in the ‘use at your own risk’ category and definitely not a safe spot for non-swimmers. Kids are notorious for believing themselves immortal – nothing bad will ever happen to them, and as a result they tend, in their enthusiasm for life, to leap first and say “uhoh” afternwards. This was the case of a young non-swimmer, who believed he could leap in the deep water with only a Boogie Board to keep him afloat. Becoming separated from his floatation device, he panicked and began climbing on anyone who reached for him – pushing the would-be rescuer underwater in the process. Even though rescuers tried to hand him the board, he persisted to cling to whichever person was nearest and as a result nearly drowned these recreational swimmers. Everyone living near water should know how to swim. The SCRD offers classes, there is financial help available for those wishing to learn, and many of the schools offer lessons through the physical education program. However – learning to swim is not part of the core curriculum in schools, and it should be. It’s a matter of life and death. Kudos to those who reached out, in spite of their lack of skill, to try and help a young boy in difficulty. Now, as a community, let’s reach out to close the education gap and help raise a generation who are water-safety smart. Meanwhile, in Gibsons, the Sea Cavalcade Committee pulled another family-friendly two-day event out of the air. Kudos to them for all their hard work, planning, and sacrifice of time and energy. While the Facebook vultures circled, cackling about the lack of water activities (a fishing derby, swim race, paddling competition, and sail-past notwithstanding) the crowds turned out for family-friendly fun in the sun. The parade drew hordes, the Golden Girls had a great time, and the medieval enthusiasts braved full metal jackets to provide displays of swordplay. There was no boat blow-up (due to the person in charge being hospitalized for an unrelated ailment at the last minute) but there were fireworks on Sunday night, and the crowds loved ‘em. And the post-fireworks tradition of hooliganism persisted. Young people (not just teens, but young adults also) texted and twittered themselves into a frenzy, drinking and fighting and finally torching a car to finish off their evening. What fun they were having. But the end result will be, inevitably, the cancellation of activities that draw people to enjoy the spectacle of fireworks because of the additional spectacle of drunken idiots fighting. And at some time in the future, these same people will moan about the loss of this great activity, and wonder why it happened.

Write to us and WIN!

Passionate? Pet peeves? Pithy comments? We would like to hear from you. Send us your Letter to the Editor, and we will enter your name in a draw for a round of golf for two. We will draw a winning name at the end of August. In July, the letters rolled in. Thanks, readers! Please note that letters submitted are to be of a general nature relating to current items of interest in the community. The editor has the right to edit content at his discretion. Email us at:

Letters to the Editor – Opinions What’s up with the word like? Before the end of the school year I was sitting behind five high school kids on the ferry for the 40 minute ride. I found it very perturbing listening to them articulate on the day to day traumas of being 17 and living on the Sunshine Coast. It went something like this. “I was like talking to Ronnie and he was like complaining about how his parents wouldn’t like lend him the car. His mother, who is like 40, refuses to like accept that he has like taken months of driving lessons and like…”- you get the gist of what I’m saying. Perhaps many of you have heard this like word uttered by our highly and expensively educated children. My question is this; have many of you English language teachers given up completely with this particular avenue of instruction? I have noticed that even some of the younger parents are speaking the same way, usually mothers. Does the school curriculum not encourage the intelligent use of our first language or are you just not aware of it happening? I am suggesting a challenge to all of you teachers out there. When the school year starts up

again, make it your personal quest to eliminate the use of the word like in such context by making our children aware so that they start correcting themselves and each another. They will thankyou for it later on. Any, like teachers out there who would like to weigh in on this?? Geoff White Sechelt, BC

In just a moment, the world can end I was involved in a near drowning in Sechelt Monday. On that day, my 12 year old daughter and her friend went for a swim off the Sechelt pier after beach volleyball. I was sitting on the bench at the top and they were jumping off the ramp and climbing up the ladder on the floating dock. I noticed two boys arrived but went back to reading on the bench. We were the only people out there. A few minutes later I heard distressed voices and glanced over to see the two boys in the water and the much younger boy, in a panic, climbing on the older boy in the water and forcing him underwater. The older boy was screaming at his brother to grab the (boogie) board. I ran down the

ramp to pull the little guy off his brother. My daughter jumped in to retrieve the boogie board, which was now out of reach of the little guy. As she handed the board to the young boy, he jumped off his brother, and onto her and his panicked thrashing pushed her under water. Meanwhile the older boy climbed the ladder and collapsed on the dock. Knowing I’m a weak swimmer, I decided to scream for help before jumping in the water to try to save my daughter. The little boy jumped from my daughter to me and my daughter swam to retrieve the boogie board. Of course now it was me being pushed underwater, and my daughter was equally panicked seeing her mother in trouble. I yelled to the two kids on the dock to run for help. The brother, still lying on the dock, was in shock and unable to move. Instead of running for help, my daughter’s friend jumped in to try and help me. To save myself, and following standard water safety protocol, I made the difficult decision to push the young boy off of me and somehow made it to the dock and collapsed. The little boy survived. My daughter finally got the board to him which he used to get to the dock once

all the people had pushed him off. The older brother was in shock, as were my daughter, her friend, and I. I learned a lot that day. I learned that kids in a dangerous situation don’t necessarily call for help. These kids never did. I learned that different people respond to emergencies in different ways. Some people think clearly and some can’t. I had left my phone at the top of the wharf and didn’t think of it or calling 911, as I was concerned with IMMEDIATE help. I learned that people don’t hear when you scream for help. I learned that one boogie board was critical to the situation. Without a flotation device we would have had no way to help the young boy since we all lacked water safety skills. We all learned a lot that day, but I don’t know if the boys’ parents even know the incident happened, and I don’t know if the older boy would confess to taking his little brother who couldn’t swim, off the pier. We are all lucky we get a “do over” because there have been a record 43 drowning deaths in BC this summer. There were very nearly five more in Sechelt in the middle of a busy sunny Monday. Name withheld Sunshine Coast, BC

Volume 11 • Issue 31

The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013 5

Three generations mark National Day of Prayer in Sechelt Heather Jeal acting editor

Wearing traditional Salish woven cedar hats, shaking rattles, beating drums and waving placards outside the Tsem-swaya Museum, members of the extended Joe and Baker families acknowledged the deeprooted pain of the residential school experience, and called on the Harper government to release the documentary evidence of experiments performed on the students during those unenlightened and horrific years. The Sechelt demonstration was just one of hundreds taking place across Canada at noon on July 18. The demonstrations were sparked by researcher Ian Mobsley’s discovery and publication of documents recording the case studies of children in residential schools being used as test subjects for the effectiveness of nutritional supplements and the study of the effects of malnutrition. Some of the students were deliberately starved or malnourished in the process.

Randy Joe noted that these students were the first generation to be introduced to non-native foods. He believes that when the documents will show a systematic effort to starve the First Nations people, in the residential schools and in the home. “I believe we were forbidden to hunt or to fish,” he says. “We used to live off the land, and my father was one of the best hunters. But eventually, instead of having a stock of meat and fish in the freezer, we were eating lard sandwiches. We often didn’t have enough food for all of our family. There were nine kids, and as the oldest boy, I would share my dinner with the youngest – I would give her my share – because there often wasn’t enough to go around. With the abundance of resources in this country at that time, in the 1940s and 1950s, it was a shame. It was a shame,” he repeated. The residential school system and the hopelessness of the times left Joe, like many of his generation, depressed and dysfunctional on a very deep level. He

turned to drugs and alcohol to bury the pain. To his credit, he began to turn his life around and pull away from that life, undergoing years of counseling to recover his own personality. “It’s a slow process, believe me,” he says. Samantha Baker, who organized the demonstration, never experienced the residential school system – but she saw its fallout around her, marking the elders of her own and other clans. “In just a few days, I’ve heard three stories from people in Sechelt about children and adults on the reserves being purposely malnournished,” Baker said. Randy Joe believes that the protests will prompt the government to release all the records gathered by the RCMP, hospitals and other sources. In the meantime, he and his extended family will lobby the Harper government through local MP John Weston. “We want him to talk to his boss,” says the proud member of the Grizzly Bear clan. “We want him to say, ‘Stop hiding these documents.’ We want the truth to come out.”

Grieg’s pilot partnership program a success labour force, providing jobs nities to work with the First and trained employees. Par- Nations, and work for the acting editor ticipants recently celebrated long term. He added that Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. their graduation from the Grieg wants to expand the recently partnered with Ex- program, with all students program. Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. is cel Career College to spon- finding employment. Stuart Hawthorne, presi- currently exploring opporsor seven Tsaxana men in the college’s Aquaculture dent of Grieg, acknowl- tunities to extend the AquaTechnician program, in a edging that the company culture Technician program pilot program that brings operates in the traditional to the shíshálh Nation, industry, government, edu- territories of many of the and hope to begin prelimication and First Nations Coast’s First Nations, says nary discussions with the 1 13-07-25 feels10:47 very AM shíshálh and an education together PR05378_Coast_INSTANTLY_6X50.pdf supporting the that the company goals of building a skilled passionate about opportu- partner in the near future.

Heather Jeal

Coast Cable 1131

photo heather jeal

In support of the Sechelt First Nation Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. #106-1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River, BC 250.286.0838 •

6 The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013

Health It’s Your

In times of need, an agency may provide peace of mind How would you feel if you lived alone, with no family close by, no immediate friends to call upon, and required help on a weekly or daily basis? What if you might be injured or perhaps

elderly in this time of need? Unfortunately, this is a situation many people are facing today, and they are forced to hire a stranger to help them cope with everyday tasks, sometimes even

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with personal care, in their home. These individuals might require something as simple as meal preparation or a ride to an appointment, but some might also need assistance of a more personal nature, and/or need a knowledgeable person1130 to Dr. Rosenberg ensure they receive the right medication(s). Let us remember once again, that these people cannot call upon friends or family to help them, and therefore must rely on strangers to help them with these temporary or permanent challenges. July 25, 2013 They may wonder if it is worth it to hire a caregiver through a credible agency which charges a little more, or to opt for a private individual who has placed an ad in the classified section of the local paper or online. First and foremost, it is important to realize that the agency will spend several hours screening applicants

If hearing loss affects your interactions with family and friends, then it’s time to do something about it!

to find exceptional caregivers. The agency will demand and check resumes and school certificates, conduct interviews and background checks, and generally make sure the caregivers hold the appropriate First Aid certifications and all proper and required insurance. reach out for help in orThe agency will thoroughly der to make their life more check references from previ- comfortable. Yes, having someone come ous employers and clients. into your home to wash your The agency will ensure that hair, clean, do your dishes, if your regular caregiver your cooking, shopping happens to be away on any and other everyday tasks, given day, you will still remight sound like an all inceive the necessary help clusive holiday but, when you require, providing anyou NEED a STRANGER other qualified substitute. A reputable agency will to come into your life to do have many caring employ- all the above, in your own ees and much experience home, it becomes an entirely to draw upon, and will different story and could betherefore ensure that each client has a caregiver who is a satisfactory match to their particular and specific needs, wants, interests, and personality. You will entrust a caregiver with your home, possibly your pet(s), your belongResults of a new test ings, and most of all, your Hearing House 1104 published in the journal personal health and safety. Genome Biology indicates So is saving a couple of doldifferences in the tiny fraglars per hour worth the risk ments of genetic material of hiring a stranger? People often forget that the client, floating in the bloodstream whatever age or stage of life could be used to identify they find themselves in, is patients at risk of, or actuused to being independent ally developing, Alzheimer’s and self sufficient. It is ex- disease. The test was found tremely difficult to let go to be accurate 93 percent of the little Jan. bit 24, of 2013 control of the time in trials on 202 one has left in their life, and people.

New test may help detect Alzheimer’s

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come very depressing should you not have the right caregiver. A reputable agency can provide you with invaluable services, support when you need it most, and in the end the peace of mind that is needed in these difficult times. When it comes to quality care, we must believe we are worth the extra cost, to receive the extra security of professional treatment. Submitted

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The onset of Alzheimer’s traditionally occurs silently, long before symptoms appear. The team at Germany’s Saarland University analyzed 140 microRNAs, or fragments of genetic code, in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and in healthy people. Scientists found 12 microRNAs in the blood present in markedly different levels in people with Alzheimer’s. Early trials showed this measurement was able, with high diagnostic accuracy, to distinguish between patients Oak Tree 1131 suffering from Alzheimer’s and healthy people. Research to improve accuracy will be necessary before the test can be considered a reliable diagnostic tool. Dr. Eric Karran, of Alzheimer’s Research U.K. says these findings “highlight the importance of continuing 1, 2013 research efforts toAugust understand the contribution of microRNAs to Alzheimer’s. A blood test to help detect Alzheimer’s could be a useful addition to a doctor’s diagnostic armory, but such a test must be well validated before it’s considered for use. We need to see these findings confirmed in larger samples and more work is needed to improve the test’s ability to distinguish Alzheimer’s from other neurological conditions.” Submitted

The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013 7

Thoughts for the Culture, community spirit summer at SCRD make Coast the place to be Coast Watch Garry Nohr Chair Sunshine Coast Regional District and Repesentative for Halfmoon Bay, Area B

Fire season is here, and I would like to thank the volunteers in the fire departments throughout the Sunshine Coast for their efforts to keep us safe. To help these volunteers do their job effectively, those attending beaches and visiting nearby islands are urged to park their vehicles so as not to restrict the fire trucks’ access to the beach or facilities along the shore. If you are interested in being a volunteer fireman, please contact the fire chief of the nearest fire hall. Constituents complain about lack of enforcement of parking regulations in the regional areas. This is because it is not clear what jurisdiction, if any, the SCRD has. The only way to make a difference is for the regional areas to have the power to enforce the regulations. The directors at SCRD will therefore bring this concern to the attention of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM). Summer is the time that many constituents make those additions to their property that they have been planning for many years. Before starting construction, please check with the SCRD building department at the Field Road office or the permit office in the municipalities to see if a permit is required. Although there are no official SCRD meetings scheduled in August, directors will be working with their constituents on many concerns. Almost all directors will be gathering information

during the month of August to present to the provincial ministers at UBCM in September in order to lobby for local issues. At UBCM there will be meetings with Ministers on land use issues, social concerns such as cold weather shelters and mental health issues, and the controversy about recycling that the provincial government is about to implement, called Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC). At each meeting with provincial Ministers, elected officials will reinforce how BC Ferries schedules and fares affect all economic aspects of life on the Coast. The regional board chairs could be meeting with the new Minister of Transportation about BC Ferries soon, as the Ministry still has not adequately answered local economic concerns. Fares and schedules need to be discussed with the new Minister to ensure that improvements are forthcoming. Funding from Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) has been confirmed and a meeting will organize a protocol for Coast-wide economic development. Each municipality has a local economic function, and this meeting could discuss a way for rural areas to participate in these functions. This meeting could also produce a protocol which could allow any regional area to participate in a Coast-wide economic project. Anyone living in Halfmoon Bay that would appreciate receiving an electronic newsletter please contact me by e-mail. Please contact me about this item or any other concern at 604-741-2427 or

Sechelt receives Climate Action Award As a signatory to the Climate Action Charter, the District of Sechelt recently received a Climate Action Award from the joint Provincial-Union of BC Municipalities Green Communities Committee (GCC). The award for ‘Measurement’ acknowledges the District’s work in creating a corporate carbon inventory for

greenhouse gas emissions within their corporate operations and in the broader community. The awards are issued as part of the GCC’s Climate Action Recognition Program, to acknowledge the progress and efforts of local governments as they work to achieve their climate goals. Submitted

The Positive Story John Weston MP, West Vancouver, Sunshine Coast , Sea to Sky Country

Summertime reminds us why the Sunshine Coast is so appealing – the fantastic warm weather makes this beautiful place even more enticing. With festivals like the Written Arts in Sechelt, Chamber Music in Pender Harbour, Gibsons Landing Jazz Festival and Sea Cavalcade and many more, the Sunshine Coast is THE place to be to enjoy a wide variety of

arts and entertainment for the whole family. You can also enjoy local attractions like Gibsons Landing and the famed Molly’s Reach, the Sechelt farmers market on Saturday mornings and the Night Market every Thursday. Also, as a fitness advocate and outdoor enthusiast, I really enjoy the hike to the Skookumchuk Rapids in Pender Harbour. With so very much to see and do on the Coast, I could easily spend the entire summer session enjoying the culture and community spirit offered on these shores. Hats off to the numerous volun-

teers that tirelessly work to promote and support these events in your vibrant community! Ottawa note: following the recent Cabinet shuffle, my team and I are working to deepen our relationships with the new Ministers by inviting them to visit our riding. This will give the Sunshine Coast more visibility across Canada while promoting the leadership and commitment of its populace. We recently met with the Sea to Sky Fisheries Advisory group and representatives from the Coast and we made sure

that the new Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, the Hon. Gail Shea, will have their recommendations for the next budget. Minister Shea is returning to this portfolio, which she previously held for almost three years. The Future of Howe Sound Society will also submit a proposal for creation of a plan to see the Sound prosperous and healthy for generations to come. The deadline for submitting a proposal into the budget is August 5. From my family, my team, and myself – Happy Summer to all Coasters!

8 The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013

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Weed of the Week: Common burdock First introduced to North stem, and purple, prickly America in the 1700s for flowers borne in clusters at its medicinal characterisJune 13, 2013the top. Burdock typically tics, common burdock was blooms between July and a popular trading item be- October. Custom 1117 Common burdock is tween EnglishCarpet and French settlers and is one of four considered Noxious Weed burdock species that was in- under the BC Weed Controduced into North Ameri- trol Act and can seriously ca. Common and great bur- disrupt native ecosystems. dock (Arctium lappa) are Reaching heights of 1 to 3 the two weedy species. metres, its large leaves can Burdock’s brownish- shade out and prevent other green, deep roots are used as plants from growing and a traditionalApril medicinal herb indirectly affect the devel25, 2013 for many ailments, includ- opment of economically ing as a remedy for dry and important plants by hosting scaly skin conditions such as powdery mildew and root Richard Watt psoriasis and eczema, and 1125 as rot. a blood purifier clearing the Reproducing only by bloodstream of some tox- seed, each plant can survive ins. In traditional Chinese up to 4 years, and seeds 2 to medicine, burdock is often 10 years. used with other herbs for Burdock contains inulin, sore throat and colds. a natural dietary fiber, and Plants are identifiable the by has also been used traditionwavy, heart-shaped leaves ally to improve digestion. It that grow alternately the may be a health remedy for July 11,on 2013

some and a food choice for others, but ultimately, infestations are a burden to biodiversity in BC, and should be prevented or controlled. In order to remove this problematic plant, the large

taproot systems that grow deep underground must be tilled after rigorous mowing. Hand-cutting below the root crown can also be effective. Submitted

For Coasters who love in calling in a specialist – or their blackberry pie, jam, or it may be a summer-long, or acting editor sorbet, the fruit is a seasonal years-long, project to rid the treat. But dealing with the property of this persistent Windsor Auction 1131 devouring vines is an ongo- invader. Forget delicate string-type ing battle. Blackberries have weed-whackers; blackberno need for GPS – they can Your ad is on OUR new website, A long established wholesaler of fine Persian and Eastern imported handmade wool and silk pinpoint any available gar- ries need to be culled with with links to YOUR carpets has seized by creditors. Their assets are ordered to bedirect sold by auction liquidations. a more heavy-duty rotary denwebsite. patch and consume it. Himilayan blackberries cutter (sometimes called are to the Pacific Northwest a bush hog) to slash the PUBLIC AUCTION 2PM • VIEW FROM 1PM what Kudzu is to the South canes, which get thicker and – an invasive nonnative spe- rougher with age. Regularly cies that is both a noxious slashing the vines weakens 8, 2013 weed and aAugust producer of lus- the plant, but eventually to seAside ceNTre cious fruit for pies, jams, ensure the blackberry planand desserts. It’s a love-hate tation is reduced to rubble 5790 Teredo street, sechelt the roots will have to be atwithyour seasonal website. Your ad is(sechelt on ourvisitor newcentre) website, with directrelationship links to tacked. Rototilling breaks truces. The battle of the bram- up the root mass and allows bles can strain the back and decomposition to begin. Once the land is cleared the patience. Avoiding the use of herbicides and inten- and broken up, rake out the sive hand labour may result root clumps, and seed the

mow regularly to keep the blackberries from taking hold again.

that makes sense.

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Love ‘em or hate ‘em, blackberries are a gardener’s challenge Heather Jeal

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Our mulcher/mower is the answer! answer! INDIAN ISLE CONSTRUCTION (1982) LTD.

Serving over 25 years! Serving thefor Coast for over 25 years!

604-883-2747 Call us for all your excavating and trucking needs.

Good luck to all the racers!!!

The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013 9

Upper Gibsons 6



Gibsons Park Plaza

12 4

Sunnycrest mall





7 3 8



Gibsons RecyclinG Depot

Recycling Pick Up

** 1

We pick up just about anything. Please call for a rate.

1018 Venture Way • 604-740-1425 www.

Open 7 days a week 8:00am to 5:00pm

Everyday essentials and toys for families on the grow

** 2 Gibsons Plaza Mall • 119-1100 Sunshine Coast Highway • 604-886-2335


1061 Gibsons W ay Gibsons, BC Tel: 604- 886- 7060

CCHHA ** 7

Furniture Giftware Home Decor Jewellery Chalk Paint


• Quality, fun and educational children’s toys and games Toys • CrafTs • Books • Ice cream and candy treats ** 4 Sunnycrest Mall • 604-886-4707

** 8


Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons BC Now open at Gibsons Park Plaza (beside the Medical Clinic)

Giggle n Bloom map 1129

OAINLGE H July 18, 2013

1057 Gibsons Way

** 6

Sustainable Yarn & Fibre

When you fall in love in paradise...

NOW OPEN at the Trading Post Lower Gibsons


July 18, 2013

900 Gibsons Way SATURDAYS ONLY

Shuttle bus to Gibsons Landing

** 9

Great Kids Toys map 1128


August 1 to 3

( Thurs, Fri, Sat)

** Located at Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons BC • 604-886-7165 10 Laedeli 1131 July 18, 2013

Fun • Friendly • Flexible Operates: Fridays: 1 - 6pm Saturdays: 10am - 5pm Sundays: 10am - 3pm

11 Get route map at Gibsons Community Shuttle map 1130


• Leaving Gibsons Marina on the hour and half-hour, (except between 1:00 and 1:30 pm) • Leaving IGA Plaza at the quarter-hour, (except between 1:00 and 1:30 pm) Bus has a lift for wheelchairs and walkers. FARES • Adults 1 Toonie • Kids 1 Loonie Credit Union members show Member Card and ride free.

Your dream pizza is a phone call away. Try our authentic East Indian dishes.

August 1, 2013

Unwind 1131

Pizza & Curry House July 25, 2013



Your one-stop shopping on the Sunshine Coast

Jura Coffeemakers and Milk Frothers from Switzerland


1028 Gibsons Way • 604.886.3433


new & bigger location




Gibsons Recycling map 1129

** 12

Sunnycrest Mall

August 1, 2013

604.886.7671 604.886.7675

10 The Local - Thursday, July 25, 2013

Suncoast Cellular Ltd.

Suncoast Cell map 1129

5755 Cowrie Street

authorized dealer

Trail Bay Centre 604-741-9939



** 1 July 18, 2013

2 Wren's Logos map 1129


5714 Cowrie Street


604-885-4273 •

** 3

Home Decor

Kiss Decor map 1130

style with personality

Lots of new & exciting things in stock!

22 1

5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7807

** 4



July 18, 2013



21 6

16 Artworks map 1129

26 4 5 14 8 23 24 11 9 25 15

July 25, 2013

5685 Cowrie St. 604-740-2660

** 5

Electronics Ty’s Connected Fine Foods and Bistro map 1129 July 18, 2013

Small Town Service • Big Box Pricing

** 6

audio i video i computers i music i office i gaming

5755 Cowrie St. 604-885-2568

quality food made from scratch everyday owner/chef Nova Melanson downtown Sechelt 604-741-5994 Tysfinefoods

** 11 July 18, 2013

Pub • Patio

5770 Teredo Street

PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE: 604-885-9240

All For Pets map 1129

Better Nutrition for Healthier, Happier Pets!

** 7

5641 Cowrie St. 604-885-8843 •

** 12



5660 Cowrie St. 604-885-5884 • ** 8


Cold Beer & Wine Store Good Food & Good Prices

ReDecor map 1129

Charming, Eclectic, Nature-inspired, beachy, casual decor for the home or cabin. Always stylish, always affordable


** 9

July 18, 2013

5550 Inlet Avenue, Sechelt 604-885-5181 Open 7 days a week: Mon -Fri 8-5:30 • Sat 8-4 • Sun 10-4

** 13

Talewind Books map 1129 television • home Audio • cAr Audio #1 - 5679 Cowrie St. July 18, 2013

Open Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30

5494 Trail Avenue 604-885-2527


Next to the Village Restaurant

** 14 Gelato Plus 1130

Most competitive prices on the Sunshine Coast!

July 18, 2013

Buy one - get one free

10 **

27 28 7

Any cone or cup!

couPon exPires sePt. 30, 2013

106 - 5580 Wharf

at the corner of Hwy 101

rainbow room Hair salon ** 5683 Cowrie st. 604-885-7101 15 July 25, 2013

Day Spa Hair Cuts & Colour Waxing Nails Bridal Packages Gift Cards

The Local - Thursday, July 25, 2013 11

Sechelt Village



For the fashionably conscious woman Unique fashions from jeans to cocktail dresses. Jewelry for all occasions.

** 21

Trail Bay Centre • 604-885-6460

The Upstairs Downstairs Shoppe Keeping it cool on the deck and on the dock. • kitchen gadgets • gifts • home décor



30 10 29


22 **

Trail Bay Centre 5755 Cowrie St. 604-885-3414

beads, gemstones, jewelry 103, 5699 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Monday - Saturday 10:30 - 5:00


** 23


beautiful contemporary unique

17 ** 24

Women’s Fashions

5699 cowrie St. Sechelt 604-741-0655 • Open Mon– Sat 10:30-5:00

Welcome to our

Since 1980

#105 - 5710 Teredo St. 604-885-2029

** 25 Ty's fine foods 1129

** 16



SELEctEd itEmS

Georgian Trading map 1129

Suite 4 - Trail Bay Centre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-9330 OPEN • Mon-Thurs & Sat 9:30- 5:30 • Friday 9:30-6.00 • Sunday 11-4

SALEing event 20% to 70% off


from the coast


Sechelt Animal Hospital

local artisan shop & gallery 5721 Cowrie Street, Sechelt | 604.741.0760

Sechelt animal hospital map 1129 July 18, 2013

Gilligans map 1129 July 18, 2013

#100-5500 Wharf Street, 604-885-2309 OPEN Mon to Sat 8:30 - 5:30 and Sunday 9 - 5

** 17

Find us on Facebook!

Emergency Pager Service available 24/7 •

Napa map 1129 July 18, 2013

** 27

• Sandwiches • Subs • Soups • Baked Goods

Breakfast perfected! TSAIN-KO VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTRE 5500 Sunshine Coast Hwy • 778.458.3048


July 18, 2013

** 28

Sound Attraction map 1129 Tsain-Ko Village shopping CenTre July 18, 2013

** 29

The coLdeST Beer on the coast! Wharf Ave. & Highway 101 • 604-885-4494

Butcher Dave’s Meat Market Lighthouse Pub map 1129

Rainbow Room map 1129

July 18, 2013

July 18, 2013

Sechelt’s Favourite Waterfront Patio

5764 Wharf Ave. • 604-885-9494 July 18, 2013

5639 Cowrie Street 604-885-3395


5500 Sunshine Coast Hwy. •

** 20

Eat in or take out

Tsain Ko village map 1129

• Extra Foods • Extra Foods Gas Bar • TD Canada Trust • Starbucks • A&W Restaurant • Sechelt Insurance • Mark’s Work Wearhouse • Ricky’s All Day Grill • The Source • Your Dollar Store With More

** 19

#3 - 5647 Cowrie Street, 604-885-4802

Specializing in: Quality custom cuts of fresh meats • Freezer packs • Homemade sausages • Deli meats and cheeses • BBQ/marinated and ready-to-cook products

30 **

#107 - 5580 Wharf Ave • 604-885-3909 July 18, 2013

Locally owned and operated by Dave & Christine Richardson

12 The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013

Kayak Rentals • Fishing Charters • Sailing Tours

Sunshine Kayaking 604-886-9760

Gibsons Landing Sunshine Kayaking map 1129


** 1

Blackberry map 1129

A BOUTIQUE MARKETPLACE FOR OVER 60 COAST ARTISANS • Unique Gifts and Souvenirs • Pottery, Photography and Paintings

July 18, 2013

** 2 #303 - 287 Gower Point Road, 604-886-0063 •

• Baby Gifts • Childrens Clothing • Dance Wear

Peggy Sue's map 1129 July 18, 2013


451 Marine Drive 604-886-3818

** 3


Fine Teas FroM arounD The worlD


July 18, 2013 8


English & south AfricA spEciAlty itEms

453 Marine Drive


778-462-3020 •

Join us for lunch or a coffee pick-me-up

Island, Wildlife & Marinemap Park1129 tours daily Black Bean Roasting Serving Keats July Island 18, 2013since 2003 All sailings dawn to dusk

467 Marine Drive 604-886-1716

** 5


1902 Tea House map 1129

1902 Tea House

** 4



Open: Mon. to Fri. 7:30am-6pm Sat. & Sun. 8am-6pm

Gibsons Harbour Ferry


Join us for lunch or a coffee pick-me-up

July 18, 2013

5685 Cowie St. 778-458-2326


Open: Mon. to Fri. 8am-5pm Sat. & Sun. 9am-4pm

A very special THANK YOU to our

SPONSORS • SUPPORTERS • VOLUNTEERS and all who came out to enjoy the festivities at our family-friendly event. Many thanks to everyone who supported us with patience and kindness as we worked through this year’s unique challenges. Sincerely, Sunshine Coast Sea Cavalcade Committee 2013 PHOTOS: Jeremy Bevan and Heather Jeal

The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013 13

Michael O’Connor Astrologer

your emotions in a big way. At best, it has inspired your passions and even synchronized with a new flow of abundance. Now, the Leo cycle is activating a more playful and adventurous mood. Catch the spirit of fun and games. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Many new and big beginnings on relationship fronts are occurring these days. Some of these are causing you to let go of things, attitudes, approaches and/or perspectives you once valued. Their time is up and it is important for you to move on to your next set of experiences. The good news is that the cycle that has just begun will open your whole worldwide. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) The seeds of new lifestyle rhythms have been sown. You may have had to take some very calculated risks that were not so easy to do. For the sake of increased abundance, prosperity and overall fulfillment though, you did it. Now it is time to stimulate new relationships. Put on your diplomat’s cap and start shaking hands. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) A creative cycle continues and is keeping you busy on a variety of fronts. Now it is time to improve, refine and complete what you started a couple of months ago. This process may take a few weeks, especially considering the spectrum of fronts, but now is the time to do it. Consequently, this is probably not the time to start anything new, until month’s end anyway.

Business of theWeek


FRI AUGUST 2 - 5PM Dinner: Steaks and Prawns $10 (steak only) • $13 (with prawns)


Rapid Edge 1024

Line Ads • Box Ads • Best prices on the Sunshine Coast ContACt Jennifer todAy 604-885-3134 or



Good food, good fun and great prices!

5770 Teredo St. Sechelt



PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:


Crossword Gilligans 1131


Solution on page 18

Courtesy of

August 1, 2013

Business of the Week 1131

August 1, 2013

ACROSS 1. Renegade 6. Astringent 10. Arrange in a container 14. Orderly grouping 15. Learning method 16. Distinctive flair 17. Imprecise 19. Ascend 20. Located below or beneath 21. Nourished 22. Bristle 23. Go in

25. Delineated 26. Bother 30. Greek god of darkness 32. Bad-mouth 35. A despicable coward 39. Field 40. Record player 41. Fickle 43. Timidity 44. Chief ingredient in ketchup 46. Makes lace 47. Canker sore 50. Doorkeeper

2. Sea eagle 3. Rascal 4. Every single one 5. French school 6. Arrive (abbrev.) 7. Layabout 8. Spoke 9. A fitting reward (archaic) 10. Stubbornly unyielding 11. Extraterrestrial 12. Hindu social division 13. Work dough 18. A large vase 24. T 25. Vigorously passionate 26. Notability 27. End ___ 28. Box 29. Solemnity 31. Hit hard 33. Turbine part 34. Breaststroke 36. Region 37. A musical pause 38. Sleep in a convenient place 53. Person, place or thing 42. Carefulness 43. Comes after Mi and Fah 54. Consumed food 45. Sleeping sickness carrier 55. A list of names 47. Physically unsound 60. Blaze 48. France’s longest river 61. Written material 63. Colored part of an eye 49. Papal court 51. Mistake 64. Throw 52. Cut of beef 65. Lustrous fabric 54. Countertenor 66. Orange pekoe 56. Sun 67. 1 1 1 1 57. Ballet attire 68. Believe in 58. Twin sister of Ares 59. Lease DOWN 62. S 1. Shower

Your first choice in foods 5SBJM #BZ $FOUSF t $PXSJF 4USFFU 4FDIFMU t .FBU %FMJ t 1SPEVDF 'MPSBM t #BLFSZ t 0ĂłDF





2 - 4330 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Wilson Creek Plaza 604-885-8838 •


CRIB on Tuesdays 7pm & Saturdays 12:30pm • MEAT DRAWS Saturdays 4-5:30pm & Sundays 4-6pm

OUTDOOR ADVENTURE STORE Alpha Adventures – The Outdoor Adventure Store is your specialty outdoor shop on the Sunshine Coast. Conveniently located in the Wilson Creek Plaza, we are open year round to serve local and visitors alike with sales, rentals lessons & tours. Our staff are not only knowledgeable, but are active users of the gear we sell. We are paddlers, skiers, climbers, hikers and guides. The brands of clothing, footwear, tents, gear, boats & boards have been carefully selected – and chosen because we know they work well. In spring / summer we offer kayak and stand up paddleboard rentals, lessons & tours all over the coast- and offer delivery service for our rentals. Visit our satellite location in Garden Bay for an amazing day of paddling in Pender Harbour. Open 7 days a week.



Tip of the Week: With the rare and powerful Grand Trine in Water (July 17) and Mars Opposition Pluto (July 27) and the Star of David (July 29) and Mars Square Uranus (July 31) now behind us, but all still reverberating powerfully, and with the New Moon in Leo (August 6) and Jupiter opposition Pluto (August 7) this is a major time of change for us all! We are living in a new paradigm or quantum age. Our individual and collective challenge is to tune in to the dynamic and dramatic flow of changes happening in every sector of modern civilization. Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) The New Moon in Leo on August 6 will activate a more playful, creative and perhaps romantic mood than you have felt for a while. This will boost your confidence to beautify your home and/or create more harmony with your family. There does remain a more sobering element linked to deeper changes brewing within. Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) The pace of things is steadily speeding up for you. Demands for time, energy and focus are coming from many fronts. Fortunately, your energy levels are running high. You feel moved to get to the bottom of things. At best, this pace is activating your creative dynamism. Commitment to a brighter future is the rock in your roll. Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) Your sights are set on creating a more secure foundation. Health is the key word here. It can be applied in a variety of directions: attitude, body, diet, mental and emotional balance, lifestyle habits‌. This theme will continue for a couple of years but this is an important time to take a fresh start. You will have to be clear, disciplined and willing to do the work to succeed.  Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) A big, bold, brassy and exciting cycle has begun for you over the past several weeks. You should feel it as a boost of confidence. It will inspire you to take some risks and make some moves that you may not have previously. Now that the starting shot has been sounded, focus to establish a steady momentum and a determined stride. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) This week’s New Moon in your sign will spark some key initiatives. You may feel the need to dig deeper than usual to access deeper reserves of faith to follow through. You are deeply in a cycle that

requires that you ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. This includes opening up and perhaps exposing some of your vulnerabilities. This could prove extra apparent over the coming weeks.  Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) All being well you have expanded your scope and stimulated your network. Now it is time to follow through on the leads you have activated and otherwise work behind the scenes, lay low and/or retreat for a little while. You can still be productive and may in fact be even more so than usual. Be willing to multitask as necessary. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) Some key initiatives and events in your public and/ or professional life have been keeping you busy. These have brought you more exposure and likely required extra effort. Making key investments will continue to be an important theme. Now it is time to play. Accept invitations or make your own. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Circumstances and key players have been pushing you to see a bigger picture. Now it is time to fully engage your imagination to create new opportunities. Approaching authority figures for favours and earned rewards over the coming weeks should prove favourable. Assume a more philosophical and perhaps spiritual perspective. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) A time of clearing, purging and purifying is entering a new stage. It has caused you to go deep and has likely stirred

BRANCH #109 604-886-2411


of service




100% L

Horoscope August 1 to August 7


14 The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013



Still tickets available for Food Bank fundraiser Tickets are still available for the St. Bartholomew’s Annual Gourmet Barbecue Dinner and Silent Auction, a fundraiser for the St. Bart’s Food Bank, to be held August 11 at the Church Hall. Chef Connor from Smitty’s Oyster House will be grilling a choice of beef tenderloin or chicken breast, and a nice selection of salads, sides and desserts round out the meal. The silent auction features art, antiques, and gifts from community businesses. Doors open at 5pm. Tickets ($30 each) must be purchased

in advance; please call 604.886.7667. St. Bart’s established its monthly Food Bank in 2010 to serve the needs of vulnerable members of the community who might not qualify for other assistance (homeless or mentally challenged residents unable to provide the documentation required by other food banks). Demand quickly grew, and it now delivers over 87 hampers, feeding 117 people. Fundraisers throughout the year and donations help to keep the shelves stocked. Submitted

r e l l e o H i g i G

G A l l e r y

open 10am to 5pm daily, or by appointment









10 minutes north of sechelt, north on leaning tree road

OriGinAls And prints

Gigi Hoeller Gallery 8000 BircH Way


8000 Birch Way, Halfmoon Bay

hwy. 101


AUGUST 8 - 11, 2013 Park your car and stroll to ... The Landing Gallery Daffadowndilly Gallery Gibsons Public Art Gallery Sa Boothroyd Gallery Swish 1902 Tea House SC Museum & Archives Gypsy Cove The Blackberry Shop Gibsons Landing Trading Post

Arts & Culture Sunshine Coast Chamber Music Fest prepares for another sold-out season on the

After eight years of soldPerformances are held at out summer festivals under the Pender Harbour School the skillful artistic direction of Music in Madeira Park. of Alexander Tselyakov, reg- With seating for 100 to ular fans of the Pender Har- 120, the venue is nestled in bour Music Festival are ex- a village in bloom, amongst pecting another weekend of fir trees, overlooking the world-class performances. harbour. In 2012, the concert As with all Sunshine expanded from the tradi- Coast events, commutional four concerts (plus nity volunteers make the the free ‘Chamber Mu- Chamber Music Festival sic Doesn’t Bite’ concert possible – helping with evdesigned to introduce a erything from taking tickyoung and new audience ets to setting out chairs. to the genre). Due to pop- Host families provide acular demand, a fifth full commodation and excepconcert rounded out the tional hospitality for muofferings. sicians, who arrive several Audience members now days in advance of the Fesbuild their travel and vacatival weekend for intensive Gigi Hoeller Gallery 1131 tion plans around the Fes- rehearsals. After eight years, tival weekend, journeying the Festival is truly becomfrom across BC and several ing a community affair. US states to attend. For information and The Festival has pre- ticket availability, visit www. miered a number of new compositions during its Submitted history, notably the Pender Harbour Suite for piano trio composed by Stephen 1, 2013 Chatman for theAugust Festival’s fifth anniversary. The work and performance was faLeya Studer channels vourably reviewed by DaCirque du Soleil at a revid Gordon Duke in the cent Kids’ Circus Camp Vancouver Sun. session, held at This Is It studio in Roberts Creek. Stilt walker and performer Pan Wilson will facilitate another four-day program August 10 to 13 for ages 6 and up. To register or for more information, email Pan at upper.realms@ Photo & story submitted

Heels over head for Circus Camp



Reception ...

Winegarden Waterfront Park

SaTurday aug 3 - 11:00-1:00pm The Midds - rock on in the morning SaTurday aug 3 - double bill

- blues harp/vocals/guitar

all things brass

Gibsons Public Art Gallery

431 Marine Drive, Gibsons

ART STROLL in the Landing


EXHIBITIONS • MUSIC • ART DEMOS • DRAW PRIZES • ART STROLL CUISINE Draw prizes courtesy of: Sushi Bar Nagomi, Mike’s Place: Bistro & Gelato, 1902 Tea House, The Black Bean Café , The Blackberry Shop, GPAG,

Sponsored by:


SCRD Areas E & F (Greater Gibsons),

Diana Starbuck

Patsy McDonald

Brochures available at participating venues, Gibsons Landing Visitor Info Centre and online at



See brochure for daily hours of operation for each venue

in the Landing

Friday aug 2 - 7:00-8:00pm Sunshine Brass Quintet Gazebo on the wharf

August 10 (4:30 – 6:30 pm)

Town of Gibsons

Photo submitted

World renowned violinist and cellist Yehonatan Berick has established a sterling reputation as a soloist, recitalist, and chamber musician with the Jerusalem and Haifa Symphonies; the Cincinnati, Montreal, and Manitoba Chamber Orchestras; the Lortie-Berick-Lysy Piano Trio and the Huberman String Quartet, among others. Berick will be among the line-up of internationally recognized performers at this year’s Pender Harbour Chamber Music Fesitval, August 15 to 18.

Pioneer Square - next to the info centre

SaTurday aug 3 - double bill

7:00pm - John Ten Bear Thompson 7:45pm - Steve Hinton & Dave Patterson

Sunday aug 4 - 11:30 - 1:30pm Sun Dial Stage - next to Gibsons Sunday Market Pink House across from Gaia’s Sostenuto - keyboard/violin/accordion 1:30pm - Dave Philley - vocals/guitar Anna Lumiere & Serena Eades 2:30pm - Axel Loitz & Next Music in the Landing Connor Lindsay young guitar/vocal duo Aug 9 - 11th


bC day SpeCial! monday aug 5 double bill Winegarden Waterfront Park 1:00am - Remnants - Jazz Quintet 1:45pm - The Ranters - rocking the park

This ad sponsored by

6 - 4330 Sunshine Coast Hwy. (Wilson Creek Plaza) 604-740-5813

The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013 15


Arts & Culture Sunshine Coast 2013 Events on the Sunshine Coast Summer Art Program raises funds for conservation on the


The Sunshine Coast Arts Council (SCAC) and international marine artist Rogest are collaborating on a unique Summer Art Program, introducing art and the ocean to youth on the Sunshine Coast. This program will provide an environment focusing on lifelong learning, relationships and respect for oneself and others and introduce the art students to a wide variety of experienc-

es and issues. One of Rogest’s initiatives is to bring the study and concepts of environmental education to life. He will engage the students in discussions of habitat, species diversity and inter-relatedness and introduce them to pointillism, his unique form of art in which images are created by a multitude of dots. Students will research a marine organism of their choice

special orders welcome

Tsain-Ko Native Gift Shop Great westcoast souvenirs and gift ideas 5555 Hwy 101, Sechelt • ph 604.885.4592 Summer Hours • Open Daily Monday to Saturday 9-5 • Sunday and Holidays 10-4


and with Rogest’s assistance will create a painting of their chosen organism in the style of “dot” painting. These paintings, along with the student’s description of the organism and its habitat will go on display in the Doris Crowston Gallery at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre for the weekend following the art program (Thursday, August 8 to Saturday, August 10). The Sunshine Coast Conservation Association will have a display in the Doris Crowston Gallery during the three-day program and tsain-ko 1127 the public may view the works in progress. The students, along with Rogest, will also create a collaborative work of art to be donated to the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association for their use in future fundraising efforts. If the class is filled 4, 2013 to capacity July of 20 students, two works will be created and donated. Throughout the program, students will be learning about how to get involved in looking after

Synchronicity Fest returns Aug. 21 to 25

31 years

Sally Armstrong

Théodora Armstrong Linwood Barclay Rosemary Bates

David Bergen

Rockwood Centre | Sechelt

Lorna Crozier


Kate Braid

August 15 -18

Jackson Davies

Esi Edugyan David Essig

Steven Galloway

C.C. Humphreys Vincent Lam

Alistair MacLeod Lee Maracle

Donna Morrissey Susan Musgrave Clyde Reed

Rikia Saddy

Andreas Schroeder Jeffrey Simpson Bradley Somer

Linda Spalding Susan Swan

Patrick Taylor

Susan Telfer Bill Terry

Guy Vanderhaeghe Hal Wake

Sue Wheeler

the environment, learn acrylic painting skills and techniques as well as have the opportunity to donate their own work to the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association. Through education and art, the goal is to engage the community for the betterment of the environment and think and act locally. The Rotary Club of the Sunshine Coast – Sechelt is a proud sponsor of the program. The Summer Art Program takes place Tuesday, August 6 to Thursday, August 8 for youth 8 to 18 years old, at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre – Art Studio, from 10am to 12noon. There will be a reception and hanging of the art on the final day, Thursday, August 8, 12noon2pm. The community is welcome to attend. Registration for the program is $25. For more information, please call the Art Centre at 604.885.5412 or drop by the Centre, located at the corner of Medusa and Trail. Submitted

Tickets on sale now tel: 604.885.9631 toll free: 1.800.565.9631

Synchronicity Fest returns Aug. 21 to 25 The Sunshine Coast Synchronicity Festival is scheduled for August 21 to 25 at Shirley Macey Park in Gibsons. The three-day festival grows and evolves each year, providing a cultural feast for all ages. This year’s festival features with live music by Sostenuto and Anagram, art installations by some of the coast’s finest visual artists, a human-scale board game designed and built by The Only Animal Theatre Company, kids’ tent, local food and artisans, and its signature production The Rainforest Circus: acrobatics, clown, music, sculpture and installations set against the jaw-dropping beauty of our west coast rainforest. This year’s festival also includes a Saturday Night Carnivale, featuring shadow puppetry by Mind of a Snail and live funk with Brown Paper Bag. Visit for more details.

Now to end of Aug Summer Tours at the Garden Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden Wednesdays 11am - 8pm Now to Sept Farmers Market Saturday mornings Cowrie St., Sechelt Now to Oct Roberts Creek Farm Gate Market Wednesdays 3 - 6pm Roberts Creek Hall Now to Aug Lagoonies Kids Club Nature Day Camp Wednesdays at Iris Griffith Centre Now to Aug 28 Lagoonies Kids Drop-In Club 10am - 2pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays at Iris Griffith Centre Now to Sept Sechelt Night Markets 5 - 9pm, Cowrie St., downtown Sechelt Every Tuesday July and August Laughter Club 7 - 8pm at Mission Point Park, Davis Bay Now to end of August Free Mah-Jong Summer Classes Every Tuesday 1- 3pm at the Lily Lake Club House on Lagoon Road, Madeira Park. Call Laura 604-883-9953 Aug. 1 Story Theatre at the Sechelt Night Market Cowrie St. - 6:00pm Aug. 1 to Sept. 2 GPAG “Action” with paintings and sculptures by Jone Pane Reception: Saturday, Aug. 3, 2 to 4pm Demonstrate your Martial Art, Dance or Fitness Practice 30-60 minute demos between noon and 4pm Thursday to Sunday Aug. 2 GPAG Where the action is! PechaKutcha night. Doors open at 7pm. Aug. 5 Dog Days of August Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden 11am-4pm • By donation Aug 8-11 Art Stroll in Gibsons Landing exhibits, music, art demos, prizes, cuisine Aug. 8 - 12 Art Stroll in The Landing various locations in Gibsons Aug 9 Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden The Garden Party Tickets $100 ($50 tax receipt) Aug 9 Coffee House Pender Harbour Music Society Chamber Music Festival Doors open at 7pm Aug 9 - 11 Sechelt Festival of the Rolling Arts Aug 9 - 26 Handcrafted Asian Imports Imporium Roberts Creek Mason Hall Aug 10 - 11 Sunshine Coast Trail Challenge biking event, Aug 11 Show ‘n’ Shine Garden Bay auto event,

Aug 11 Four Lakes 10k & 3k Katherine Lake Park, Garden Bay, 9am Aug 11 Martyn Joseph - Wildwood Concert Series Contact John at or info and reservations. Aug 15 - 18 Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts Rockwood Centre, Sechelt Aug 15 - 18 Pender Harbour Chamber Music Festival Pender Harbour School of Music Aug 17 Astronomy In The Park Porpoise Bay Park Aug 17 Rodz & Hogs Charity Rally Crossroads Grill, Garden Bay Aug 17 Creek Daze, Roberts Creek Higgeldy Piggeldy Parade and celebrations at the pier Aug 17 - 18 Hackett Park Summer Arts & Crafts Fair Sechelt, Aug. 18 Story Theatre at the Hackett Park Craft Fair time to be announced! Aug. 19 - 23, ‘Avalanche Ranch’ Vacation Bible School for kids K - grade 7 • Bethel Baptist Church 9am - noon daily • 604-885-3919 Aug 19-23 Children’s Art Classes 9:30 - 10:30 ages 5 - 8 10:45 - 12 noon ages 9 - 12 Gibsons Public Art Gallery Aug 23 - 25 Synchronicity Festival Shirley Macey Park, Gibsons, Sept 1 Harvest Festival Botanical Gardens, 5491 Mason Rd., Sechelt Sept. 1 Story Theatre at the Harvest Festival Sunshine Coast Botanical Gardens, Sechelt - 2pm Sept 5 - Oct 7 GPAG - KALEIDOSCOPE a family of photographers Reception Sat. Sept. 7, 2 - 4pm Sept 20 - 22 Pender Harbour Jazz Festival various locations Sept. 21 2013 Family Fun Day Free: pony rides, mini-golf, bouncy castle, face painting, games, entertainment.Calvary Baptist Church grounds, 711 Park Road, Gibsons, 1 - 4 pm Sept 22 Off The Edge Brat Ride biking event Sept 29 Halfmoon Bay Fire Dept 10k “Run Until It Burns” and

16 The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013



W! E N

Cocktails & Cuisine Sunshine Coast on the

Watermelon gives summertime touch to Bellinis


Carrot and Bean 1131

Specialty Specialty Breakfast & Lunch Baked Goods & Breakfast Organic Coffee & Gluten Free & VegetarianLunch Friendly Options Heather Jeal

California Roll Wrap

Mon-Fri 7-4, Sat 9-3 • Baked Goods 5714 Cowrie• Organic St, Sechelt Coffee Carrot & Bean Salad 604-740-0508 • Gluten-free and Vegetarian-friendly Options

5712 Cowrie St., Sechelt 604-740-0508

Open Mon - Fri 7am - 4pm NEW Sat 9am - 3pm • Sun 9am - 2pm HOURS Closed on holidays.

Stayon& Dine the


Acting Editor

As a beautiful BC Day August 1, 2013 long weekend calls Coastal residents to the backyard for barbecues and informal gatherings, it’s a good time to whip up a pitcher full of the flavours of summer. Watermelon, with its bright flavours and cheerful bouquet, provides an interesting variation on the standard cocktail. 1131prePerfectPebbles for brunch, dinner cocktails, or a sundowner, Watermelon Bellinis are light and elegant. In a blender, combine 3

cups seeded watermelon chunks, 2 tablespoons sugar (or to taste), 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice, and 1 cup chilled sparkling white wine. Puree and strain into pitcher. Stir in 2 additional cups sparkling wine, and garnish with lemon zest or fresh mint leaves. To serve, rim martini glasses with sugar, pour in the Bellinis and garnish with a curl of lemon zest, a bold watermelon chunk, or a mint leaf. For an elegant sunset-coloured salute to day’s end, pour into champagne flutes and serve unadorned.

Fresh ideas for a moveable feast Date

Heather Jeal Acting Editor

We are located in Downtown Sechelt with fantastic views of Georgia Strait, only a short walk from shopping, pool and Sechelt recreation centre. :H RÍż HU FRPIRUWDEOH URRPV LQFOXGLQJ ZDWHUIURQW VXLWHV SOXV WKH SRSXODU 3HEEOHV 5HVWDXUDQW RÍż HULQJ EUHDNIDVW OXQFK DQG GLQQHU RQ WKH 6XQVKLQH &RDVW

Highway 101 at Trail, Sechelt 604-885-5811 or 1-866-868-5811

BC Day marks the midpoint of summer, and typically the holiday is celebrated with low-key family events: backyard barbecues, beach bonfires (weather permitting) and picnics in the park. This year, take a light and lively approach to the holiday with some fresh new offerings on the picnic table. Banish the soggy egg salad, leave the lettuce and mayo in the fridge, and pull together a few easy treats for a deliciously


Getaway for a Day or Stay & Play!




Kayak Rental (2-hr) & lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PP Zodiac Tour of the Inlets (1-hr) & lunch . . . . PP Guided Kayaking Tour (3-hr) & lunch . . . . . . PP Lunch & Spa (60-min) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PP


• 4-hr Kayak Rental • Dinner at Inlets Restaurant • One night’s accommodation

$39 $55 $64 $127



different dinner al fresco. Kids love crunchy veggies and dip, and local farmers’ markets and roadside stands offer a bounty at this time of year. Eat fresh and eat local with a tray of zucchini, carrot and celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, snap peas and bell peppers. Creamy dips tend to be heat-susceptible, so consider a more hearty alternative like hummus (a puree of chick peas, sesame seed paste, lemon juice, parsley and garlic). Supermarkets offer a range of flavoured hummus, but it’s cheap and easy to make in the blender or food processor. By the time August rolls around, potato salad dripping with mayo has cropped up on many household menus with boring regularity. For a change of pace, break out the supergrain! Boil up a pot of quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wa) following the directions on the package; cool, and blend in diced avocado, lemon juice, diced red peppers, fresh corn kernels, freshshelled peas or diced celery for crunch. Toss with olive oil and lime or lemon juice and a bit of chopped parsley or cilantro. This keeps well, is mineral rich and gluten free. And tasty. For an alternative to green salad, tear kale leaves into small pieces (save the stems for compost), and rub the juice of one lemon into the pieces to remove most of the crunch. Toss with a half-cup of sesame or hemp seeds and some coarse salt, or a herb mix of your choice. Mash and mix in a whole ripe avocado (the lemon juice will

Sunny days and long, warm evenings beckon the cook and family outdoors on the summer long weekends.

keep it from discolouring). Toss to coat. The flavours develop as the salad sits. Ever tried jicama? A rarity in the supermarkets until recently, this high-fibre water-packed root vegetable provides a change of pace in the picnic basket. Peel off the thick outer skin, cut it into sticks, and toss it with lime juice and coarse salt for a hydrating treat.

The U-pick signs are up at local farms, beckoning berry lovers. Pick a bowlful of raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries for a dressing-free fruit salad. Toss with fresh-grated ginger and honey for a dairy-free dressing, or serve over sorbet or ice cream. This BC Day, open the picnic basket and let the good times roll!

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The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013 17

Real Estate

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Real Estate Listings

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Know the market, know your Realtor.

An independently owned & operated member of BRER Affiliates inc. Not affiliated with Prudential marks used under license.

Sunshine Coast Residential Sales by Month -- June 2011, 2012, 2013

Number of Sales


Land Manufactured on Pad


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40 20 0

Diana Starbuck is here to serve you for all your Real Estate needs.

Courtesy of Gary Little

J un 2011 75 May 2011--- 60

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Cell: 604-740-2635 19th year Diamond Master

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Sellers regain control as summer ..... real estate market heats up Are you finally off the fence and doing a little home shopping? As the market heats up and sellers regain control, here are a couple of trends to consider. Fixed mortgage rates are currently hovering near historic lows. And while rates have crept up in the U.S, they’re not going to skyrocket suddenly, says Erin Lantz, director of mortgages at Zillow. “Even if the Federal Reserve starts to scale back its stimulus program, the Fed will still help keep rates low for the remainder of the year in order to accelerate the housing market recovery. As the Fed withdraws support and the economy recovers, we expect rates will rise gradually over the next 18 months.” While the Canadian mortgage market operates independently of the U.S., trends in that country often affect home-buying north of the border. Fewer homes are being listed nationwide.

Granted, rising home prices should lead to more inventory (and ultimately more sales because it encourages new construction and encourages homeowners to sell), but one key question is whether prices will rise enough so that for-sale inventory will hit bottom and start expanding again. In the U.S., as demand from home buyers grows faster than the supply of homes for sale, many buyers are taking less conventional routes to find their dream home: They’re knocking on the doors of homes they like, writing handwritten notes, and tracking down the owners in hopes they may be willing to sell even though their home is not technically on the market. This was a strong trend during the real estate boom years and indicates a return to a seller’s market may be closer than originally thought. With demand beginning to outstrip supply,

and a return to the seller’s market, young families looking for a home will once again be forced out of the market in favour of investors with ready cash

for a quick sale. On the Sunshine Coast, where trends generally follow the mainstream by about six months, there are still bargains to be

found in real estate and local lenders tend to work with their clients. Now is a good time to choose a Realtor and begin looking for a home, before the

market once again swings and puts the possibility of a family home out of reach for many. Vera Gibbons for Zillow Blog

18 The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013 100 - ANNOUNCEMENTS

DaviD Bakewell March 3, 1923 – June 22, 2013 The family of David Bakewell invites you to celebrate his life with us on Friday August 16, 2013 from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. at the Sunshine Coast Golf and Country Club, 3206 Sunshine Coast Hwy Roberts Creek, BC

s Gifts eJ annie’ & Gems Jewellery Repairs & Design Jewellery Repairs Jewellery Repairs Watch & Clock Repairs & Design & Design Appraisals Watch & & Clock Repairs Repairs Watch Clock Buy Goldat at Best Best Buy Gold BestPrice Price Buy Gold Price Appraisals Appraisals 604-886-2023 604-886-2023 604-886-2023 Serving the Coast since 1978 tfn

Serving the the Coast Coast since since 1978 1978 Serving

upcoming events RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen open Tuesday - Friday. 604-886-9813 btfn

personals Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. np29 If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. Toll Free 1-877-373-8255. www.sunshine btfn


MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Wurlitzer consol piano, $300. Cannondale Gemini 2000 bike, $1500. Drafting table, $30. 1 HP motor, $40. 3 HP motor, $100. All obo. Proceeds to Happy Cat Haven. 604-886-6805. b31 Brand new wagon, “Roadmaster Woody Wagon”. $70. Walker w/ seat and brakes, gd cond. $60. 5, 2012 Assorted videoJan. movies, VHS, many boxes. $10. Call 604-8859643. p31 Lumber sale, all sizes, also fir and cedar beams, and on-site milling available. Call 604-885-2502. p31

Feldenkrais® Classes for healthy, organized movements. Enjoy these gentle, no-sweat classes and eliminate pain, inhibited movement and restricted range of motion. Great for rehab as well as general maintenance. Tuesdays, 5-6pm, Davis Bay Community Hall or customized, hands-on sessions by appt. 604-885-9064 or btfn Reiki Level 1 training, Aug 17-18. Phone Enersource Healing for information, 604-883-9580. b31

300 - marketplace RE Décor Consignment. We have things you NEED, useful stuff like picnic baskets, fishing rods, small furniture, trays, kitchen stuff, vases, teak credenza, sauerkraut crocks, and lots of FAB STUFF you probably don’t need…but then again…it’s all recycled. Always stylish, always affordable. www. redecorsechelt. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-885-5884. b31

Found: Childs prescription glasses. On Davis Bay Rd. Call 604-8852119. f31


Malaspina Realty 1006 The award-winning Valley Sentinel has an immediate

Bakewell 1131

opportunity for a full-time community reporter, perfect for anyone looking for direct access to an outdoor lifestyle that offers mountain biking, skiing, snow boarding, fishing, hunting and so much more.

For complete rental listings and photos visit our website:

We are looking for a talented individual, who is able to understand the challenges and rewards in a community newspaper while meeting weekly deadlines. Responsibilities will include story and photo assignments. This is an entry level position with room for growth. Qualifications Feb. 9, 2012 • Strong work ethic • Camera an asset • You must have a valid driver’s license and a reliable vehicle. • A desire to pursue a journalism career

Aug. 1, 2013

Professional Services...

Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply..

If interested please contact: Kelly Hall, Publisher The Valley Sentinel 1012 Commercial Drive, Box 688 Valemount, BC V0E 2Z0 Phone: 250-566-4425 Or email your resume to:

400 - AUTOMOTIVE With Personal Focus


Ask fonre Wayn


Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn

Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn


Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn


wanted Rolex and vintage and other quality watches wanted in any cond. Call 604-740-6474. b31

CASH for your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. Call 604-886-7341. b31 Retired Hobbyist wants discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones, etc. Call 604-740-3989. p32

FREE FREE APPRAISAL of your gold & silver items. Call 604-740-6474. b31 Flowering garden plants - variety of perennials. Call 604 8863338. f31 Lynwood 20 ft. fiberglass boat, needs repowering, hull in gd cond. Call 604-886-3605. f31 4 pressure washers - 3 Karcher and 1 Jobmate. Require nozzle replacement. Call 778-458-2509 or 604-315-8245. f31 Kitchen Aid dishwasher, wrkg cond. Call 604-885-5676. f31

Hardwood, kitchen cabinet doors, various types and sizes.. Good for hobbyist or single application. Call 604-886-7854. f31


Found: Pearl ring, on the 6:20am ferry from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay, July 5th. Call 604-884-5263. f31

Waynne Pretty

Gold & Silver Buyer. Top dollar paid. Jewelry, coins, etc. Call 604740-6474. b31


Found: Dog leash, brand new., on the beach near Bonniebrook Lodge, on June 29. Call 604-3998994. f31

4471 Laurel Ave, Davis Bay, Saturday August 3rd, 9am - 1pm. No early birds. p31


Deluxe canoe – 14.5 ft, seats/back rests. $425, obo. Locally crafted stained-glass light. $45, obo. Call 604-886-9346. p32

Found: Sony Fm Stereo headset, on the beach across from Pebbles. Call 604-885-3134. f31

The Valley Sentinel has an opening for a

Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial

Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721

Estate Buyer. 604-740-6474. b31

Barbeque, Sterling, works great. Call 604-741-0828. f31



Lost: One diamond earring, Sunnycrest Mall, Friday July 19. Reward offered. Call 604-886-8762. Announcement f31


Buying vintage weapons, badges, medals, rifles, guns etc. Call 604-740-6474. b31


lost / found

Wooden crib c/w mattress and bedding. Call 604-740-9962. p31 Did you know that Free ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.



Duplex-2 units – Bach. suite, furnished or unfurnished, utilities, Internet, and satellite TV incl. NS/NP. Avail now. $800 per mo. 3 bdrm suite, furnished or unfurnished, heat not incl. NS/NP, w/d, d/w, large covered porch, BBQ. Avail now. Call 604-883-2508. p31

APARTMENTS & SUITES Gibsons: 1 bdrm plus den, garden level suite, Bonniebrook area. Responsible, non-smoking person. $850/mo, includes hydro. Avail Sept. 1. Call Lynn at 604886-3338. p32 Sechelt: Greenecourt, looking for seniors whose income is more that $1791.00 and less than $2765.00 a month, to rent one bdrm apt, with two meals a day and alert button for medical emergencies, heat & hot water incl. Rent is $685/mo plus $503/mo for meals and alert button, for a total of $1188/mo. Call 604-885-5962. btfn

Key property class 1131 GIBSONS 3 bdrm upgraded twnhs featuring 1 ½ baths, sm fenced yard, prkg for 2 cars, gardener for lawns, 5 appl. N/S, sm pet nego. Avail Aug 1. $1300/mo plus util.

Career Opportunity

Manager of financial ServiceS

2 bdrm and den cottage in lower Gibsons. N/S, sm pet nego. Avail Sept 1. $975/mo plus util.

The Manager is responsible to coordinate and maintain the Districts accounting records by analyzing financial information, preparing financial reports and statements August control 8, 2013procedures are established and ensuring accounting and documented. View the full posting, including 1 col x 1.5” Cabo Vacation classified 1129 qualifications and job description at

SECHELT Large one bdrm apt. NS/NP. Avail now. $695/ mo plus util. 2 bdrm, 2 ba, dbl-wide mobile, on it’s own lot, in a quiet neighbourhood. 5 appl, lg deck, dbl VaCaTion RenTals carport. NS/NP. Avail Aug 15. $1100/mo. in

Cabo sanCOMMERCIAL lucas México

Sechelt: 1000 sq.ft of new commercial space, avail now at $10 per sq.ft. Suit prof or destination business. Excellent parking.

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit a resume and covering letter before 4:00 pm on August 16, 2013 to Margi Nicholas, Director of Corporate Services, by email to or mail to PO Box 129, Sechelt, BC, V0N 3A0.

Property1-855-214-5941 Management Toll Call FreeKey Canada: at 604-886-6618 forand viewing, For more information pictures visit our website at or visitplease

900 - TRAVEL

July 18, 2013


VACATION RENTALS VaCaTion RenTals in Cabo san lucas México

1 col x 2”

Organic Landscape

RETAIL/COMMERCIAL Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-8853281. btfn

Other Gibsons RV Resort: $475/mo. incl. hydro/sewer/water. RV site only. Internet $20/Cable TV $20. Pets OK. R.V to be 1995 and newer. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275. btfn

Please GIVE to the

Food Bank

design & cOnstructiOn

Windows • GuttersThird Li Hand Siding Scrub 1c & Pressure Wash 604-885-0661 Free esT. ~ WCB

call dennis

Toll Free Canada: 1-855-214-5941 For more information and pictures please visit our website at


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Solution to Claytons Crosswords on page 13

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Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas, 604-989-3401. bmo

We Accept Classified Advertising at:

OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL:

Ad Deadline noon Monday at the office


Read The Local online

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The Local - Thursday, August 1, 2013 19

KLS Yacht Care Coasting through life in style • • • • • • • • •

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Not too late to join the paddlers challenge

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KLS Yacht Care 1117 Community Local


Sports & marine Sunshine Coast on the

Gibsons Paddle Club welcoming new members 25, 2013 AndApril they’re off! The Gibsons Paddle Club’s inaugural journey drew 22 participants in canoes and kayaks for a Thursday evening trip to nearby Popham Island.

Heather Jeal acting editor

The newly-formed Gibsons Paddle Club recently completed its first ‘group paddle,’ with 22 participants launching from the SunshineHalfmoon Kayaking Sea dock Kayaks 1130 for a leisurely journey to nearby Popham Island. Each Thursday evening, under the sponsorship and supervision of Sunshine Kayaking professionals, club members – including kayakers, canoers, and stand-up paddleboarders a ‘Pot Luck Meet and (SUPs) – depart atJuly 6pm 25, 2013 for a destination within Greet’ at Plumpers Cove, easy reach of Gibsons Keats Island. Everyone is Harbour. Free to join, welcome; please bring a and welcoming drop-ins, dish to share if possible. “Bring your mode of the friendly atmosphere has drawn 50 registered transportation and join the fun,” say organizers. members so far. This week, the Paddle Canoes, kayaks and SUPs Club departs at 6pm on are available for rental Thursday, August 1 for from Sunshine Kayaking

Photo submitted

for those wishing to check out the activity before committing to purchase the equipment. To register, “Like” Sunshine Kayaking on Facebook, drop in to their office in Molly’s Lane, or call 604.886.9760. For more information:

Sechelt Golf 1131


Golf & Country Club

August 8, 2013

thank you

to all of our Sponsors 2013 TITLE SPONSOR

Trail Bay Centre • 604-885-2568 Canadian Tire Big Brac Construction GBS Sechelt Suncoast Cellular Ltd

MPA Home Hardware Building Supplies Welcome Woods Market Louis A Potter

and the winnerS are

Coastline Power Sports Olsen Electric Custom Carpet Vital Signs & Graphics

Denis Olson (centre) pushed through the startingline pile-up to capture first place at the Second Annual Poise Cove Regatta on July 13. Brian Fournier took home the silver medal for second place, and Richard Starling snagged the third-place bronze medal. The Poise Cove Regatta is open to all LaserClass skippers. Submitted


6177 Ripple Way, Sechelt Pro Shop 604-885-2700

Trevor Delaney, Senior Men’s Champion Avery Struck, Ladies’ Champion Connor Richey, Men’s Champion

• Covered driving range • annual unlimited golf Passes available • Year-round PlaY • 6553 Yard Par 72 • Pro shoP • CPga lessons • Cart & Club rentals

Golf: Sechelt Golf & Country Club, 6177 Ripple Way, Sechelt 604-885-2700 Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club, 3206 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Roberts Creek 604-885-9212 Pender Harbour Golf Club, 13823 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Pender Harbour 604-883-9541 Langdale Heights RV Par 3 Golf Resort, 2170 Pt. Mellon Hwy, Gibsons 604-886-2182 Biking Events: Sunshine Coast Mountain Bike Challenge, Aug 10 & 11 Off The Edge Brat Race, Sept. 15

Olson takes gold at Poise Cove Regatta

Sechelt amateur Championship 2013 SECHELT

Sports and Campsite Listings

We are your specialty paddlesports store on the Sunshine Coast. Kayaks, Stand Up Paddleboards, Canoes, Sales, Rentals, Lessons & Tours. Serving the entire Sunshine Coast from Langdale to Lund. See our ad on the back cover!


2 - 4330 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Wilson Creek Plaza 604-885-8838 • Open 7 days a week

Campsites Roberts Creek Provincial Park (Roberts Creek), 1.4 km from Flume Beach. Porpoise Bay Provincial Park (Sechelt), Large sandy beach, grassy picnic area, adventure playground and forest trails. Smugglers Cove Provincial Park (Halfmoon Bay), This provincial park offers wilderness camping only, with pit toilets but no fresh water or other amenities. Homesite Creek Campsite (Halfmoon Bay), 9844 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Follow Homesite Creek Falls to get to campsite. $14/night. Outhouses only. Katherine Lake (Pender Harbour), Sandy beach, pretty hiking trails and washrooms with showers. Klein Lake (Egmont), Rustic campground with outhouses but no running water or other amenities. Beaches Hopkins Landing, At the end of Hopkins Road in Gibsons. Smith Cove Park, From the Langdale ferry terminal, turn right on Port Mellon Road, then right on Smith Road for this ocean beach. Soames Beach, Follow path through blackberries at bottom of Soames Road, Gibsons. Roberts Creek Beach, Bottom of Roberts Creek Road beside the Roberts Creek estuary. Flume Park, Bottom of Flume Road in Roberts Creek. Mason Road Beach, At the foot of Mason Road, about five minutes north of Sechelt on Hwy. 101. Trout Lake, Follow Hwy 101 north of Sechelt on your right 5km past Redrooffs Road turnoff. Coopers Green, Access from the west end of Redroofs Road in Halfmoon Bay. Katherine Lake, From Hwy 101 north of Madeira Park, turn left onto Garden Bay Road. Dan Bosch Regional Park, Ruby Lake, great for swimming and picnics. North on Hwy 101. Baker Beach, Follow Francis Peninsula Road to Warnoc, turn left onto Davis, then right on Baker.

August 1, 2013

20 The TheLocal Local -- Thursday, Thursday,August August1,1,2013 2013

Alpha Adventures

Outdoor Adventure Store


We are your paddlesports specialty shop on the Sunshine Coast. Kayak, Stand up Paddleboard, Canoe, Sales, Rentals, Lessons, Tours.

We have over 40 different kayaks in stock. Every new boat comes with a FREE paddle & store wide discount.

Stand up padding is our specialty, over a dozen different boards in stock. From durable family models to racing.

LONG WEEKEND SALE: Purchase any Naish, Starboard or Amundson Stand Up Paddleboards and receive a $25 gift certificate and store wide discount.

Summer footwear for any adventure. Sandals, Hiking Boots & Shoes, Vibram Five Fingers.

Put some W.O.W. in your life and join us for our popular Wednesdays On Water. $25 for an evening SUP session with one of our instructors.

Take advantage of our delivery service for kayak and SUP rentals, proudly serving all areas of the Sunshine Coast - Check out our on-the-water location in Garden Bay! Kayaks starting at $350 with a Free paddle and store wide discount. Our most popular boat: Wilderness systems pungo 120 – so versatile! ALphA AdvenTures OuTdOOr AdvenTure sTOre

#2 - 4330 sunshine Coast hwy, in Wilson Creek plaza 604-885-8838 • Open 7 days a week •


The Local • Thursday, August 1, 2013 1



Sunshine Coast • August 1, 2013

Fresh BC Blueberries 907 g/2 lb weather permitting

we reserve the right to limit quantities

grown locally at Kamal Farms in Surrey

celebrate AY BCgusD t 5, 2013






6 for

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from California 86¢/kg

FRESH LEAN GROUND CANADIAN BEEF family pack (min 2 kg) 6.59/kg




LocalCommunity Guide

2 The Local • Thursday, August 1, 2013



Happy BC Day! JOHN


on the

Sunshine Coast John Weston bc day 1131

Aug 1, 2013

We are Moore than a pretty picture


Painting & Decorating

NEW LOCATION • NEW OWNERS 747 North Road, Gibsons 604-886-3335 (between Buck Fever and Rug Runners)

Luxurious single level oceanfront homes located in downtown Sechelt on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. All of our homes are accessible and adaptable for the comfort and security of aging in place. • • • •

Single level living Convenient lock-and-leave lifestyle Ranging in size from under 650 to over 1,702 sq. ft. Steps away from all village amenities For more details call 604 885 5432 or toll-free 1 855 732 4358 or register at

LocalCommunity Guide



15% to

30% OFF

selected models while they last

Yarn & Fabric

5755 Cowrie St.

Trail Bay Centre • 604-885-2725

The Local • Thursday, August 1, 2013 3 on the

Sunshine Coast

Locals!SewYEasy ouwrap can’t miss these deals! 5x5.2 1131 Two Nights Special FRESH YAK for TwoWITH $275 + tax •Two nighTsWILD acccommodaTion •FreshMUSHROOMS Yak and wild mushrooms

all day SuNday STEELHEAD TROUT STeelhead 95 fiShFISH & chipS& CHIPS+ tax


For two

The beST halibuT & chipS iN TowN!

Live Music!August 1, 2013

Johnnie Besso every everyThursday Thursdaynight night Spanish spanishGuitar guitar&&Jazz Jazz

waTerFronT paTio cabins, lake-side suiTes, lagoon-side coTTages, hiking, Fishing, swimming, mounTain biking, caNoe reNTalS, wildlife & bird SaNcTuary

20th Anniversary Celebrations! check out our website!

Open 7 days a week lunch & dinner 604-883-2269 15426 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Pender Harbour 604-883-2269 •

SMOKIN’ Pot Sale

Big Bayou Burger

continues through Sunday Aug 4

SUMMER BURGER SENSATION! Juicy Certified Angus Beef patty topped with pepper jack cheese, tangy bayou coleslaw, and crispy, crunchy onion tanglers. You’re gonna love it!

TSAIN-KO VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTRE 5500 Sunshine Coast Hwy • 778.458.3048

Additional Savings on Giftware, Fountains, Plants & More! Monday to Saturday 9-5 Sunday 10-4

604-886-2796 1826 Sunshine Coast Hwy (access off West Reed Rd)

Salish Soils 1131

LocalCommunity Guide

4 The Local • Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 1, 2013


on the

Sunshine Coast

Theproduced only locallyand produced, nutrient-rich Locally nutrient-rich top soil. top soil on the Sunshine Coast.

Supporting The

Vision For A

Sustainable Coast Guaranteed weed free and approved for certified organic production. pRoduct peR yaRd Compost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60 Garden Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 Landscape Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40 Fir Mulch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36 Aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (s t ar tin g at) $28

Recycling seRvices peR tonne Clean Wood Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120 Mixed Construction Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $365 Scrap Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 Residential Green Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free Commercial Green Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

604.885.5383 Mon. to Fri. 8:00-4:30 • Sat. & Sun. 9:00-4:00 • 5800 Black Bear Road (next to Lehigh Gravel Mine)

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