Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • Thursday, June 6, 2013
Target Marine grand opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Gibsons opens new dock
Hugh Fraser
Page 2
blows into town
Rowe and others cut the ribbon ...............
Sports and Leisure Keeping kids active and healthy ...............
Page 8
Horoscope Astrology tip of the week .............
Page 15
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By popular demand… Hugh Fraser is bringing his quintet back to the Gibsons Landing Jazz Festival.
Joining Canadian jazz legend and multiple Juno Award winning pianist/trombonist/composer Hugh Fraser, the powerful April 12, 2012 quintet includes jazz icons Campbell Ryga on sax, Bill Coon on guitar, Dave Robbins on drums and Miles Hill on bass. The quintet, which last performed here in 2006, will deliver a truly memorable hard-hitting jazz set on the Main Stage at Gibson’s Landing on Saturday June 15 at 2:45pm. See more about the Gibsons Landing Jazz Festival on page 7. PHOTO SUBMITTED
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2 The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013
Gibsons celebrates harbour expansion Do you... Have a background in trades & construction? Want to take advantage of the growing need for home inspectors?
Experience & expertise. Make the most of it. L-R: Community Futures Dawn Miller, Gibsons Mayor Wayne Rowe, ICET Chair Phil Kent, President GLHA Terry RHodes, Director GLHA Joseph Wright. PHOTO JIM DOREY
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ibsons Landing Harbour Authority (GLHA) and representatives from partner agencies celebrated the completion and grand opening of a $1.3 million upgrade and expansion of moorage facilities with a dockside ceremony Thursday, May 29. The new drive-on concrete float represents the first of a projected multi-phase harbour enhancement projected for implementation over the next five years. The new float expands the available moorage and efficient access for commercial vessels and barges, providing direct dockside access for loading or offloading cargo. Funded through an innovative partnership be-
tween the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Small Craft Harbours Division (DFO-SCH), Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET), Sunshine Coast Community Futures and GLHA, the multi-phased, multi-use harbour revitalization will eventually incorporate additional floats, floating breakwaters, and reconfiguration of the total harbour space for maximum efficiency. Gibsons Mayor Wayne Rowe remarked during the ceremony that “through this partnership we accomplished what, individually, we could not.” Rowe noted that while actual construction was completed in a matter of weeks, “it was really the culmination of several years of effort and perseverance by
successive members of our Harbour Authority to bring it to a successful conclusion.” Terry Rhodes, President of the GLHA, says the new float is drawing interest from commercial and recreational users, and is expected to be a catalyst for economic development in the harbour. “These improvements will also support the marine services sector by allowing easier access to the harbour. When businesses in our region succeed, our communities reap the benefits,” Rhodes said. While some Pacific harbours have experienced a decline in commercial fishery vessels in recent years, Gibsons continues to host port vessels year round. Submitted
Hearing House 1104 Townsite Brewing supports Coast charities T
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ownsite Brewing recently expanded its community donation program to the Sunshine Coast, allocating 10 cents from every pint of Suncoast Pale Ale sold each month to Coast Jan. 24,‘Toast 2013 of charities. Dubbed the Coast’, the program runs now through to Labour Day. The young Powell River brewery, with a strong commitment to social responsibility, launched the program in its home community The success of this program (to date it has raised more than $8,500) inspired the Town-
site team to develop a similar program for the rest of the Sunshine Coast. “We are very proud of the growler program,” said director of sales Michelle Zutz, “and have long discussed how to expand it along the Coast. Our Suncoast Pale Ale is draughtonly and only available on the Sunshine Coast so we decided to use that.” Quaff a pint of Suncoast at participating purveyors: Lighthouse Pub, Ruby Lake Resort, The Backeddy Pub, The Gumboot, and Sita’s
Restaurant. The first recipient of the program is, appropriately, FUSE Community Work Hub for their Hop Yard Collective initiative. The Backeddy Pub in Egmont elected to match Townsite’s donation if funds raised through their sales could be donated locally. Accordingly, 20 cents from each pint of Suncoast sold will be donated to the Egmont Community Club. For more information about Townsite Brewing, visit their website: townsitebrewing.com
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The Positive Story John Weston MP, West Vancouver, Sunshine Coast , Sea to Sky Country
month flies by, and I’m grateful to The Local for causing me to pause and reflect regularly on the ways I have sought to serve the people of the Sunshine Coast. Readers may recall that in April I had occasion to speak on a new approach to our most pressing needs – to promote economic development and jobs while enhancing our magnificent environment. The video of the speech, The Environment is the Economy, features Environment Minister Peter Kent seated next to me and may be viewed at www. johnweston.ca Those interested in the environment/economy theme may also want to review the report of the Fisheries Committee, on which I sit, which incorporated six recommendations on closed containment aquaculture, all adopted unanimously by the Members of Parliament of three parties represented on the Committee. Among other things, the report calls for creation of a Centre for Excellence to help promote
best practices in commercially and environmentally sustainable aquaculture. The report is also available on my website. On matters of health and fitness, I continue to gain energy and insights from constituents, who worked with me to persuade the Ministers of Public Safety and Health to create a National Prescription Drug Drop-Off Day, a major step in pulling together people across the Canada to discourage the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs. Anyone with prescription drugs in the medicine cabinet may be aware of the problems, which range from unanticipated addictive qualities of painkillers, such as Oxycontin, to teenagers who ‘borrow’ drugs from their parents to combine with other random drugs for consumption at parties (a phenomenon that really happens!). I have been working for the past 18 months to increase public awareness about these things, and was gratified that the government responded with the announcement of the first-ever National Prescription Drug Drop-Off Day, May 11. While pharmacies and police stations will receive unused prescription drugs for safe disposal
on an ongoing basis, we now have a forum to increase the focus on safe use of prescription drugs. Finally, I am grateful to mayors and councillors throughout the riding who once again joined with constituents to promote health and fitness. National Health and Fitness Day is an event that they have helped me create, an event that has now gone truly national. Following the model demonstrated by municipal leaders in our riding, over 50 cities have this year proclaimed National Health and Fitness Day, from coast to coast to coast, including Yellowknife, Pond Inlet (Nunavut), Calgary, Ottawa, and Halifax. Together, Canadians are focusing on what we can do to reverse trends of dwindling participation in healthy physical activity and increases in obesity, along with resultant rises in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other problems. Given that in our riding we can claim to live in the ‘Most Beautiful Place on Earth’, why not do our part to make Canada the ‘Fittest Nation on Earth’? If you would like to receive our e-news on a regular basis, please join our mailing list on my website.
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The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013 3
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4 The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013
Editorial Opinion Together we have the power to protect our seas
rom Langdale to Egmont, the Sunshine Coast is an ocean playground on all accounts. Whether you like kayaking, swimming, setting crab traps or just watching orcas and seals swim by, the ocean provides an abundance of pleasure, food and employment. It is a defining element of our wonderful lifestyle here on the Coast. World Oceans Day on June 8 will feature celebratory events around the globe. The Government of Canada first proposed a World Oceans Day back at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Since then, a day to celebrate oceans has been marked in many countries around the globe, and in 2009 the United Nations officially declared a World Oceans Day. Well done Canada! The purpose of this day is to have people around the world realize what a precious resource our ocean is, and recognize the changes needed to become better caretakers of our oceans. Truly it is a day to learn, share and generally respect what these great waters provide for all of us. Last year there were 600 events planned in 55 countries and these numbers are growing. Locally, you can do your part by taking the time to learn some new things about the ocean and its benefits along with just heading out and enjoying it for what it’s worth. It’s also a good time to recognize that cutting down on herbicides and pesticides can help keep these pollutants from running off into the ocean. World Oceans Day spotlights the need to learn more about protecting ocean wildlife by such simple actions as not disposing of fishing lines or plastic items in the water. Protection measures include being considerate of all sea life including sea birds, mammals and turtles by respecting nesting grounds (especially important to future stocks) and using a high level of care around delicate marine sanctuaries. Most recently, a pod of orcas appeared in Porpoise Bay, herding and hunting a pod of dolphins or porpoises. While many enjoyed observing these magnificent marine mammals from the shore, boaters in the area buzzed very close to them, harassing and disturbing their hunt. This disruptive behaviour by the boaters was later condemned on Facebook. Most Coast residents recognize and celebrate the great mammals returning to our waters and want to keep them safe, and their numbers growing. Global pollution and poorly managed fisheries have resulted in dwindling numbers of many marine species. Sunshine Coast resident Jay Ritchlin is a director of the David Suzuki Foundation and says “We’ve seen some positive developments in the way Canada manages its oceans, however many challenges remain and everyone needs to play a part by supporting strong marine conservation and making the right seafood choices at the supermarket.” The World Oceans Day theme for 2013 is ‘Together we have the power to protect the ocean’. Organizers are asking people to make a promise to change one thing in their lives that will help support the ocean, then upload a photo of yourself with that promise to Facebook or any social media site so that all your friends can see. Since Sunshine Coast tourism, industry and our overall lives are so heavily influenced by the sea, it is important for us to show our support in whatever way we can so that future generations of Coast residents get to enjoy this wonderful ocean playground. Jim Dorey, Editor
Letters to the Editor – Opinions Don’t put out the welcome mat for wildlife My name is Kim Drescher, and I am the Sunshine Coast WildSafeBC Community Coordinator. WildSafeBC has officially launched its inaugural program in order to reduce the amount of human/wildlife conflict in communities, through education, innovation, and cooperation. It is based on the successful Bear Aware model and can now address several other species, such as Coyotes, Cougar, and Deer. Spring has seen a vast increase in wildlife activity this year; in fact black bears were spotted in neighbourhoods as early as February. As I write this, more local black bears have been destroyed in the past weeks than the whole of the 2012 season. Leaving garbage outside acts as an open invitation to wildlife to come to your property for food. Wildlife can become habituated to human refuse and other attractants. Black bears are always hungry; they can adapt to urban settings as long as there is easily obtainable food like tasty garbage, high protein bird/ livestock feed, windfall, odorous compost, etc. Once these animals are accessing a non-natural food source and are habituated, they can pose a risk to public safety. For instance, a black bear may attempt to defend its food source - although most bears prefer to avoid
confrontation and will display a defensive attack in the form of a bluff charge and vocalization (huffing, blowing, jaw popping). Some strategies to avoid putting out the welcome mat would be to thin out brush to reduce cover around your outdoor areas, clean barbecues, aerate compost regularly, remove bird feeders, pick fruit/berries, feed pets indoors, use proper husbandry with chickens and other livestock, put up electric fencing to protect crops/ livestock, ensure vehicles are closed with all attractants removed, avoid the use of outdoor freezers/fridges, and place garbage on curb on the day of pick-up only. Each time someone puts out their garbage (or a bucket of food in the eyes of a bear) before scheduled pick-up day, it is like loading a weapon. It can literally become a death sentence for a bear. Keep our wildlife, wild and our community safe. Information about different species and a list of attractants can be accessed at www.wildsafebc.com. The Wildlife Alert Reporting Program (WARP) is also on this site, so please feel free to use this mapping initiative to record sightings on the Sunshine Coast. For urgent matters, please call the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277 or #7277 on cell phone. Kim Drescher, Sunshine Coast
How clean is our air? At a check-up appointment recently, I mentioned to my physician that my eyes are dry, gritty-feeling and irritable; my throat is similar and I often experience what I consider more-than-normal thirst. I also have some loss of overall energy and a shortness of breath. Blood tests, however, showed nothing that would account for this. In the ‘chit-chat’ part of the visit, I mentioned the annoyance of excessive cleaning related to the significant dust accumulations every day on my deck, in my home and on my car. My doctor asked specific questions about the source. The dust clearly comes from the gravel mine and has increased from barely noticeable to oppressive in the seven years’ time I have lived in my current situation. Regularly on dry days I observe monstrous clouds of dust as trucks race across roads on bare mine hillsides. I questioned the doctor about health ramifications of breathing such levels of dust 24 hours a day, seven days a week. She said “lungs don’t appreciate it,” as proven by health difficulties associated with coal miners and the like. And she said she would heartily support studies to determine dust levels and their impact on local health. Therefore, I encourage all concerned Coast residents to speak with your physicians and your local and/ or provincial governments.
Our children are counting on us to safeguard a healthy environment. Nina Haedrich, Sechelt
Cowrie street still in limbo The Cowrie Street debacle continues in Council. First it was a one-way street proposal that I think hurts business because the return access is too difficult along with backing up into a one-lane street could impede traffic. Now the latest idea floated is a pedestrian mall. That means even less parking and could lead to a hangout mecca for street people. I feel closing Granville Street in Vancouver to traffic is what killed it and it has never really recovered. And a shuttle bus sounds costly and surely not necessary for the few blocks of business here. Giving tickets for parking over the two hour limit will discourage business especially if one wants to do lunch and shopping, not to mention the resentment it will cause. In 40 years, I have never had a problem parking within one to two blocks of any business in Sechelt. It’s common knowledge that supply and demand along with competitive pricing is what determines the sustainability of a business. Leave it to the free market, Council. If taxpayers’ money is burning a hole in your psyches, put it down on the golf course debt. Andrea Smith, Halfmoon Bay
Volume 11 • Issue 23
The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013 5
Grand opening launches Target Marine in style
Business of theWeek
Target Marine certified organic by Global Trust and Canadian Organic Aquaculture Standards JIM DOREY
Up The Creek baCkpaCker lodge
arget Marine, Canada’s only producer of certified organic farmed white sturgeon, officially launched its Northern Divine sturgeon and caviar processing facility on Wednesday May 29. Professionally catered with samples of all their food products beautifully displayed on silver platters and quality champagne to wash it down, the celebration offered the public a chance to view the facility and the world-renowned products now drawing attention – and economic benefits – to the Sunshine Coast. Target Marine is a BC owned aquaculture enterprise with sturgeon hatchery, grow-out sites, and processing plant all located here on the Coast. Over fishing resulted in collapse of wild fisheries that once supplied most of the world’s caviar. As part of its commitment to preserving the environment while helping meet the world’s growing demand for food, Target Marine began rearing its first generation of white sturgeon in 2000. Some of those fish are now ready for harvest, and Target is now supplying a growing market with its healthy, eco-friendly product. As of December 2012, Target Marine was certified organic by both the Global Trust and the Canadian Organic Aquaculture Standards group. Their farmed sturgeon has been labeled as sustainable seafood by Ocean Wise and recommended by Sea Choice and the Monterey Bay Aquarium - Seafood Watch program.
Up The Creek is simply one of BC’s best little backpacker lodges with a strong emphasis upon sharing and community. Owners Martin & son Coulter invite their guests to enjoy sharing stories, laughter, food and more in the beautiful common areas. This unique accommodation also places a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship, with discreet signs encouraging travelers to recycle, shorten their shower duration and turn out the lights. Linens are hung and air-dried; in the past six years, not one bedsheet has ever seen a dryer. Visitors are encouraged to use local transit and leave the car at home, or to ride their bike. Martin says “perhaps my greatest success is to have all 17 bed spaces filled and not a single car in the driveway – and then find most of the travelers sharing a dinner who three hours ago didn’t even know each other.” Up The Creek surely is the place to be, with a paddle, a bike or a good book to read while relaxing in a hammock.
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The professionally catered grand opening reception at Target Marine featured their certified organic and locally produced caviar. PHOTOS JIM DOREY
Please Johnathan hollinGsWorth huGGard
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Blues in the Mall • June 8 • starting at noon
Please note: My CoMMent in no Way Means Mr. huGGard, like Mr. nelson, Can not be Wildly suCCessful.
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Three of the West Coast’s most experienced, in demand sidemen have preformed with John Hammond, Chuck Berry, Jim Byrnes, John Lee Sanders, Taj Mahal
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6 The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013
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ith first class bed and breakfasts, amazing June 6, 2013, 2013 beaches, and an abundance of galleries, studios and The Creek B&B 1116 cultural Up activities, Roberts Creek is a wonderful place to relax and enjoy the summer – Coastal style. Roberts Creek has always been the Coast’s ‘green hub,’ with an emphasis on growing and securing our own local food supply. The late Robin Wheeler, April founder of 18, 2013 One Straw Society, was a strong, early advocate for local farmers and their value The Heart Market, every Sunday in the heart of the Creek. Mystique Andalusians & to a strong community. As Ventures a resultFarm of this, the Creek1115 is Creek complex) for local producing much of their one of the few small com- artisan wares, locally-grown own vegetables and salad munities to host two weekly organic produce and great greens in their backyard garfarmers markets throughout live music. Recently, the den and purchasing from most the spring, summer market featured Ananda local suppliers wherever posand fall. The very popular the Cheese Man from Sun- sible. During the summer, Farm Gate Market runs ev- Creek Farms, Soleia from live music at the restaurant’s ery Wednesday from 3 to Om Made Creations, Ka- gazebo draws patrons to the 6pm outside Roberts Creek lawna from Infinity Heal- patio area to enjoy the warm Hall (on Roberts Creek ing Room, Colleen from summer breezes. Next door, 2013 Craighaven Farms and An- the Gumboot Café features Road, near April the 11, highway intersection). This market nette from Easter Egg Farms. fresh and organic baked features an abundance of The market runs from 11am treats and snacks. The walls fresh produce, home-baked until 2pm; new vendors are of this funky coffeehouse goods, and organic, free- warmly welcomed. Applica- regularly host exhibitions range eggs from a wide va- tions are available at Roberts of local artists’ works, and riety of Coast farms. More Creek Health Food Store. the tiny space frequently More info at www.heart features live music. On Satinfo at www.onestraw.ca urday, June 8 at 8 pm catch Every Sunday from May market.ca The Creek’s Gumboot Subcodes 03 at the Café. through to October, browse the Roberts Creek Heart Restaurant with a new, re- This Laboratrio ProducMarket (in the central gar- freshed menu keeps to the tion features Coat Cooke den of the Heart of the theme of fresh and local, on sax, Kedrick James on
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electronics and vocals, Brad Muirhead on trombone, Barry taylor on drums and Giorgio Magnanensi on electronics. Locals in the know like to enjoy local chef Rashmi Singh’s homemade curry creations, which are only available for take-out and only on Thursday evenings. Using only the best local organic ingredients when available, Curry in the Creek produces healthy, delicious vegetarian and meat entrees and snacks. Curry in the Creek has been running for several years and many people wouldn’t know what to eat Thursday night if not for Rashmi’s amazing meals to go. More info at www. curryinthecreek.com
The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013 7
ARTS & CULTURE Sunshine Coast on the
Grames brothers come home to Jazz Week JIM DOREY EDITOR
azz Week celebrates its 10-year anniversary this year. In 2003, Festival organizers decided to include a week of live music in local restaurants during the week leading up to Festival Weekend. This provided an opportunity for our many talented musicians to perform, for more local restaurants and venues to get involved and for the audience to enjoy and support even more live music. Jazz Week instantly became a popular event for everyone and is now completely integrated with the Festival itself.
This year there will be two new jazz week events, both at the Gibsons Legion. Saturday, June 8, dance to the sounds of homegrown musicians Panos and Johannes Grames, local Gibsons gal Karen Graves, Randall Stoll and Paul Bergman – all part of the band called Con Fusion. This well named band will serve up a combination of reggae, rock, R&B and jazz. On Sunday, June 9 sit down (or sit in) for an afternoon ‘Jazz Jam’, giving locals a chance to come out and join in or sit back and toast the jammers. The regular Jazz Week will begin at the Library Satur-
day, June 8, with Charlotte Wrinch and Steve Giltrow, while Anna Lumiere and Graham Ord of Anagram will perform on Sunday at Chaster’s Restaurant. Leo’s will host Nikki Weber’s vocal jazz groups on Monday and Sita’s will bring you Karen Grwaves on sax and Blair Lewis on guitar on Tuesday. The Blackfish Pub is another new venue this year and will be hosting the Verna Chan Quartet. The Jazz Week will wind up with a party at Leo’s with Luci Herder, Jim McGillveray, Doug Edwards and friends Thursday, June 13. Our local restaurants will continue to host events as
the new Boomers Burger Bar will present the Jazz Groups of Seven on Saturday at 7pm, after your day at the festival itself and before heading out to the big dance with Soulstream at Roberts Creek Hall. Next morning, back at Leo’s it’s the ever favourite Sunday Jazz Brunch at 11:00am with the delectable young and talented Ali Milner, back by popular demand. The only ticketed Jazz Week event is Con Fusion at the Legion, otherwise call the restaurants in advance for reservations as they sell out early. Look for all the details at coastjazz.com or facebook.com/coastjazz.
Jazz Fest June 8 - 16 www.coastjazz.com Jazz Week: June 8-13
June 8 • 12:30-2pm ...... Charlotte Wrinch & Steve Giltrow at Gibsons Public Library June 8 • 8pm ................ *Con Fusion Dance - Karen Graves, Johannes & Panos Grames, Paul Bergman, Randall Stoll at Gibsons Legion June 9 • 1-3pm ............. NEW! Jazz Jam at Gibsons Legion June 9 • 5pm ................ Anagram - Anna Lumiere, Graham Ord at Chaster’s Restaurant/Bonniebrook Lodge June 10 • 7pm............... Vocal Jazz Delights - presented by Niki Webber at Leo’s Tapas & Grill June 11 • 7pm............... Karen Graves & Blair Lewis at Sita’s Spag and Suds June 12 • 7pm............... Verna Chan Quartet - Sacha Fassaert, Paul Steenhuis & John Rule at Blackfish Pub June 13 • 7pm............... A Jazz Fest Tradition: Luci Herder, Jim McGillveray, Doug Edwards & special guests at Leo’s Tapas & Grill
Jazz Weekend: June 14-16 June 14 • 8pm .............. *Steve Giltrow Quartet with Giltrow, Grunenberg, Norman, Rule at Gibsons Public Art Gallery June 15 • 12-5pm ......... *NEW! Street Festival with 5 Bands: Celso Machado, Legion of Flying Monkeys, Penfold/Lumiere Hugh Fraser Quintet, Tambura Rasa with Flamenco Dancer Special ‘Festival Dancers’, Stiltwalkers, crafts, food, displays and more, at Gower Point Road June 15 • 7pm............... Jazz Group of Seven at Boomers, Sunnycrest Mall June 15 • 9pm .............. *Soulstream, dance at Roberts Creek Hall June 16 • 11am ............. Ali Milner Jazz Brunch, vocals/piano at Leo’s Tapas & Grill June 16 • 1:30-4:30pm 3 Bands - Creek Big Band, WAG a capella & Mimosa at Winegarden Park June 16 • 5pm............... Jazz vespers - Jacquie Allan Quartet at St. Bart’s Church
Tickets at Gaia’s Fair Trade, Strait Music & MELOmania ( *indicates cover charge )
Tambura Rasa
Hugh Fraser
2013 Events on the Sunshine Coast Now to Sept July 6 Farmers Market Wood Duck Festival, Iris Griffith Centre Saturday mornings Pender Harbour, www.lagoonsociety.com Cowrie St., Sechelt July 6 Now to Oct Kids Catch a Trout Day Roberts Creek Farm Gate Market Chapman Creek Hatchery, Wilson Creek Wednesdays 3 - 6pm www.scsalmon.org Roberts Creek Hall July 12 - 14 Now to June 24 Halfmoon Bay Country Fair The Chilcotin War: a Colonial Legacy www.welcomebeach.org artist Ann Nicholson July 19 - 21 Gibsons Public Art Gallery Highway 101 Music Festival Now to June 24 Pender Harbour Lions Park Sumi-e: artist Dina Dune www.hwy101musicfest.com The Eve Smart Gallery July 21 Gibsons Public Art Gallery Davis Bay Sand Castle Contest June Davis Bay beach Gibsons Public Library July 27 - 28 Many events through June: book launchings, Sea Cavalcade presentations, jazz, French group, various events and locations in Gibsons Festival of the Written Arts book club www.seacavalcade.ca www.gibsons.bclibrary.ca Aug. 8 - 12 June - Aug Art Stroll in The Landing Lagoonies Kids Club Nature Day Camp various locations in Gibsons Wednesdays at Iris Griffith Centre www.gibsonspublicartgallery.ca www.lagoonsociety.com Aug 9 - 11 June - Sept Festival of the Rolling Arts Gibsons Jazz 1123Sechelt Sechelt Night Markets www.coasterscarclub.ca 5-9pm, Cowrie St., downtown Sechelt Aug 9 - 26 June 7 Handcrafted Asian Imports Imporium A Cappella Strait and Roberts Creek Mason Hall Choralations Children’s Choir kebeandfast.com 8 pm at the Highland Centre, Gibsons Aug 10 - 11 June 7 Sunshine Coast Trail Challenge Public Readings by writers from biking event, www.great-explorations.com Chatelech Secondary, 3-5pm Aug 11 at Rockwood Pavilion, Sechelt Show ‘n’ Shine Garden Bay June 8 June 6, 2013 auto event, www.coasterscarclub.ca A Cappella Strait and Aug 15 - 18 Choralations Children’s Choir Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts 8 pm at St. Hilda’s Anglican Church, Sechelt Rockwood Centre, Sechelt June 7 - 9 www.writersfestival.ca Pender Harbour Blues Festival Aug 15 - 18 various venues Pender Harbour Chamber Music Festival www.penderharbourbluesfestival.com Pender Harbour School of Music June 8 www.penderharbourmusic.ca Subcodes 03 Aug 17 8pm at The Gumboot Cafe Astronomy In The Park June 8 - 9 Porpoise Bay Park Home and Cottage Show www.coastastronomy.ca 100 exhibitors Aug 17 Gibsons Community Centre Rodz & Hogs Charity Rally June 8 - 16 Crossroads Grill, Garden Bay Gibsons Landing Jazz Festival week Aug 17 www.coastjazz.com Creek Daze, Roberts Creek June 9 Higgeldy Piggeldy Parade and Vivaldi Chamber Choir performs celebrations at the pier Shakespear’s Songbook Aug 17 - 18 St. Hilda’s Anglican Church, Sechelt 2pm Hackett Park Summer Arts & Crafts Fair Sechelt, www.scartscouncil.com June 9 Aug 23 - 25 Asian Cooking Series: Vegetarian Dishes Synchronicity Festival 11am-2pm in Roberts Creek $20, Shirley Macey Park, Gibsons, Call 778-462-2063 www.synchronicityfestival.ca June 12 Sept 1 Opening Reception for Texture, 7pm Harvest Festival at The Sunshine Coast Arts Council , Sechelt Botanical Gardens, 5491 Mason Rd., Sechelt June 21 PechaKucha: Grown-up version of Show & www.coastbotanicalgardens.org Sept 15 Tell. Various short presentations, 8-10pm at Off The Edge Brat Race Sunshine Coast Arts Centre, Sechelt biking event www.suncoastarts.com www.offtheedge.org June 22 Sept 20 - 22 Annual Children’s Festival Pender Harbour Jazz Festival 10:30 - 3:30, Dougall Park, Gibsons various locations June 22 www.phjazz.ca Autism Awareness Benefit, Oct 5 6pm at Boomer’s Burger Bar, Pender Harbour Fall Faire Sunnycrest Mall, $10 cover Madeira Park June 29 Oct 6 Malaspina Regatta Fall Faire Pender Harbour sailing race presented by One Straw Society www.gardenbaysailingclub.com Roberts Creek Hall June 29 - July 6 www.onestraw.ca BC Bike Race Oct 12 - 13 from Vancouver to Whistler Gibsons Fall Fair www.bcbikerace.com Quality Gardens, Pratt Rd. July 1 www.gibsonsfallfair.org Canada Day celebrations Oct. 17 - 27 Gibsons, Sechelt, Pender Harbour Sechelt Arts Festival July 3 Various locations Sechelt Outdoor Festival www.secheltartsfestival.com www.secheltoutdoorfestival.com
8 The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013 9
“Example is not the main thing - it’s the only thing.” Albert Schweitzer
We share a fragile planet. Though vast, its resources are not infinite. The
air, water, land and countless array of living things upon which we depend to sustain our interdependent ecosystem, indeed life as we know it, are all increasingly threatened.
That’s right. The greenest, most sustainable, muti-unit building in Canada. The first “carbon positive” building anywhere. Built to exceed LEED Platinum and more stringent European Passive House energy standards. Made from recyclable materials. With more energy saving and producing firsts than any other building in North America... is coming soon to Gibsons.
Will there be enough left for us? Perhaps. But ours is the first generation in history where the race to the bottom is not just against each other. It is against our children. And grandchildren. And all the generations after them. What will be our legacy ?
Even its architecture is sustainable, drawing from many millennia of timeless, coastal architectural tradition, not passing trends that fade like fashion.
Now as then, example is the “only thing.” Where resources once reigned supreme, resourcefulness must now begin. Maybe we can’t change the world at once. But we can begin at once to change it. One building at a time.
Imagine that instead of taking as much as we can get before it’s all gone, we could live in a way that gave something back? In fact, what if we lived in a place where even our own homes gave more back to the environment than they extracted from it? What if our homes gave back more clean energy than they took? What if they consumed less clean water than they produced?
Leading by example, We proudly introduce:
What if they generated heat from stormwater and wastewater? What if they even created a new habitat for plants and fish?
And what if all the breakthrough systems and technologies that make such living possible created an opportunity for a living laboratory, operated by a public non-profit organization partnering with a strata corporation? And what if the incubator for all of this innovation was Gibsons ? The new standard in GREEN.
Presented by:
458 Marine Drive Box 1833 Gibsons, BC V0N 1V0
Bring your questions or even just your curiosity and join us for a public question and answer time on Monday, June 24th, at 7:00 PM at Christian Life Assembly Church, 730 School Road. Or visit our display table, center court at Sunnycrest Mall, on Saturday, June 8th, from 10:00AM - 5:00PM. THIS IS NOT AN OFFER TO SELL REAL ESTATE.
10 The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013
Sports and Campsite Listings
Keep kids active for future health benefits
eep kids active once school year ends In many ways, Sunshine Coast families have busier schedules than previous generations. Many extracurricular activities, including hockey, require a nearly year-round commitment, but busy schedules become a lot less hectic when the school year ends. Once school is out,
kids used to a fully-programmed schedule might find themselves with time on their hands. This can be good for children, as a little rest and relaxation during their summer months will allow them some time to explore their surroundings and develop their creativity. It’s important for young people to stay physically active through the summer months. Studies show that active children are more capable of coping with stress
and tend to have higher self-esteem than those who do not include vigorous play as part of their regular routines. Summer is the time when many families go on vacation, so why not choose a vacation that involves some outdoor activities? Plan a trip that includes hiking, kayaking, swimming, or other adventures that get the whole family out and about. Such a trip might inspire kids to embrace an activity more fully,
Interested in getting Dad a boat or a board for Father’s Day? FREE KAYAK AND PADDLEBOARD DEMO DAY SUN JUNE 9 • PORPOISE BAY PROVINCIAL PARK: 11AM - 3pM This is a great event where you can test out all different types of kayaks and SUP’s for FREE. We have boats and boards for every type of paddler. Over 70 kayaks in stock and all Please register at outdooradventurestore.ca new boats come with a free to ensure we have the boats paddle and store-wide discount on gear & clothing. and SUP’s on the beach that you are interested in.
AlphA Adventures OutdOOr Adventure stOre #2 - 4330 sunshine Coast hwy, in Wilson Creek plaza 604-885-8838 • Open 7 days a week • www.outdooradventurestore.ca
New owners Joe & Suzanne welcome you to
GOLF: Sechelt Golf & Country Club, 6177 Ripple Way, Sechelt 604-885-2700 Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club, 3206 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Roberts Creek 604-885-9212 Pender Harbour Golf Club, 13823 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Pender Harbour 604-883-9541 Langdale Heights RV Par 3 Golf Resort, 2170 Pt. Mellon Hwy, Gibsons 604-886-2182
Klein Lake (Egmont), Rustic campground with outhouses but no running water or other amenities.
getting them off the couch BEACHES not only while they’re on Hopkins Landing, vacation but also when they At the end of Hopkins Road in Gibsons. return home for the rest of Smith Cove Park, summer. Another great outFrom the Langdale ferry terminal, turn right on doors option for children Port Mellon Road, then right on Smith Road for this is learning the pleasures of ocean beach. growing things and garSoames Beach, dening in general. Parents Follow path through blackberries at bottom of Soames Road, Gibsons. can embrace this as an opBIKING EVENTS: portunity to teach the value Roberts Creek Beach, BC Bike Race and Kids Race, of eating locally-produced Bottom of Roberts Creek Road beside the Roberts July 3 & 4 Creek estuary. foods and the positive imwww.bcbikerace.com pact ‘home-grown’ has on Flume Park, Sunshine Coast Bottom of Flume Road in Roberts Creek. the environment. GardenMountain Bike Challenge, Mason Road Beach, ing is a fun and educational Aug 10 & 11 At the foot of Mason Road, about five minutes hobby that requires a lot of www.great-explorations.com north of Sechelt on Hwy. 101. elbow greaseAlpha and pays off in Off1123 The Edge Brat Race, Adventures Trout Lake, Sept. 15 both fresh food and physiFollow Hwy 101 north of Sechelt on your right www.off theedge.org cal dividends. Also, as food 5km past Redrooffs Road turnoff. security issues grow in imCAMPSITES Coopers Green, portance around the world, Roberts Creek Provincial Park (Roberts Creek), Access from the west end of Redroofs Road in understanding the process 1.4 km from Flume Beach. Halfmoon Bay. of where food comes from Porpoise Bay Provincial Park (Sechelt), Katherine Lake, becomes more and more Large sandy beach, grassy picnic area, From Hwy 101 north of Madeira Park, turn left important. The One Straw adventure playground and forest trails. onto Garden Bay Road. Society offers a number of Smugglers Cove Provincial Park Dan Bosch Regional Park, initiatives and programs Junefor 6, 2013 (Halfmoon Bay), Ruby Lake, great for swimming and picnics. North This provincial park off ers wilderness camping novice gardeners, and are on Hwy 101. only, with pit toilets but no fresh water or other happy to answer questions. Baker Beach, amenities. Keeping children active by Follow FrancisWebsite-various Peninsula Road to Warnoc, turn leftsizes Katherine Lake (Pender Harbour), keeping the whole family See our new website... onto Davis, then right on Baker. Sandy beach, pretty hiking trails and washrooms active through the summer www.thelocalweekly.ca with showers. months will pay dividends in better health and well-being when school, and those See our new website... www.thelocalweekly.ca the busy routines, begin again in the fall.
Jardin de flores 1123 See our new website... www.thelocalweekly.ca
N u r s e r y
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f a r m
June 6, 2013
(formerly amblepark Nurseries)
Ground covers • Grasses • perennials • christmas trees See our new website.
5880 Sechelt Inlet Road 604-740-5633
We provide our customers with access to the big shop for working on your boats, trailers & vehicles!
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00 Laurel $15 2 gal. pot
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Yard Hours Accessible 24/7
The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013 11
Founders’Tree sculpture unveiled Free theme song for worthy cause
Lowry Olafson. Photo submitted
Professional singer-songwriter and ThemeShop.ca facilitator Lowry Olafson is running a contest offering non-profits, charities, service organizations, sports teams and recreation clubs the opportunity to win a free theme song for their cause.
to share their message about animal care and compassion. “Our song is being used for humane education and other animal welfare activities around the world - on at least four continents!” she says. “We continue to be overwhelmed with the response… We really can’t say enough about it!”
Lowry Olafson is a singersongwriter, violinist, and guitar player who has toured the globe. He is an avid sailor and lives with his wife and daughter here on the Sunshine Coast. The deadline for entry to the free theme song contest is June 18. For contest details www.themeshop.ca
Jim Dorey Editor
Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden founding members and donors unveil the Founders’ Tree at the Garden. L-R: Lynne Bogardus, Glenn Lewis, Shelley McDade and Paddy Wales proudly show off the wall sculpture. Photo submitted
n Sunday, May 26 the founding donors of the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden were honoured with the unveiling of a Founders’ Tree wall sculpture. Over 100 founders’ names were inscribed, celebrating the early planning and volunteer work that laid the foundation of the Botanical Garden. The Botanical Garden Society was formed in 2002. Since that time, the Garden has become a community treasure, a source of beauty, and a centre for learning about the interdependence of plants and animals. Thousands of visitors come to garden each year. Major funding from the federal and provincial
government during the 2008/9 economic downturn enabled such ground work as fencing, roads, parking, a new multipurpose building in 2009 – 2010. At that time, a five-year Grow the Garden Campaign kick-started the creation of the Garden. In October 2010, with a significant donation from the Sparling family, the Sparling Pavilion opened. It is now used for educational Garden events, and rented for weddings, business meetings, and private functions. “Thanks to the vision of those early advocates and the generosity of all our donors, the Garden is now a place for tourists to
visit, a place for all us of to learn and a place simply to enjoy,” said Lynne Bogardus, Fundraising Chair. “We are so grateful to our funders, both public and private, who recognize the importance of this project to the Coast.” The sculpture was created by artist Peter Forbes of Barrel Carving in North Vancouver. Until 2014, additional names will be added of donors whose total donations amount to $1000 or more. A variety of sponsorships are available, including Buy-a-Brick, Adopt-aBench or Adopt-a-Tree. For more information, please visit: www.coastbo tanicalgarden.org Submitted
ne lucky non-profit organization will have the opportunity to work with singer-songwriter Lowry Olafson to create a catchy theme song that they can use to raise awareness for their worthy cause. A theme song is a very effective marketing tool. The non-profit and service organizations that Lowry has worked with in the past have used their song to raise funds, increase membership, and inspire their team. The Lakes Animal Friendship Society recently participated in a ThemeShop session and society president Valerie Ingram says the resulting theme song, “Teach My Person How to Love Me,” has been a fantastic way
Garden Tour
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Nine different gardens were opened to 120 visitors in Halfmoon Bay and at The Shores in West Sechelt raising over $2500 for St. Mary’s Hospital. L-R: Sue Lowell and Carole Murray, members of the St. Mary’s Auxiliary (Halfmoon Bay). Photo Allan Forest
BC makes final written argument to Northern Gateway Panel www.thelocalweekly.ca
n its final submission to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Joint Review Panel, the Province of British Columbia stated it cannot support the project as presented because Northern Gateway has been unable to address British Columbians’ environmental concerns. “British Columbia thoroughly reviewed all of the evidence and submissions made to the panel and asked substantive questions about the project including its route, spill response capacity and financial structure to handle any incidents,” said Environment Minister Terry Lake. “Our questions were not satisfactorily answered during these hearings.” “We have carefully con-
sidered the evidence that has been presented to the Joint Review Panel,” said Lake. “The panel must determine if it is appropriate to grant a certificate for the project as currently proposed on the basis of a promise to do more study and planning after the certificate is granted. Our government does not believe that a certificate should be granted before these important questions are answered.” In April 2012, the Joint Review Panel released 199 potential conditions that could form part of an authorization for the Northern Gateway Pipeline project if it received federal approval. In preparing the final argument submission, the prov-
ince’s legal and technical experts analyzed the conditions and determined that they must be strengthened to meet BC’s interests and requirements. To go ahead with the project, the provincial government requires successful completion of the environmental review process, world-leading marine and land oil spill response, legal requirements regarding Aboriginal and treaty rights to be addressed and a fair share of the fiscal and economic benefits of a proposed heavy-oil project that reflect the level, degree and nature of the risk borne by the province, the environment and taxpayers. Submitted
12 The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013
BC Timber Sales plans to log ‘The Elphinstone Living Garden-Forest’ E
lphinstone Logging Focus (ELF) recently completed a field study of an area they call a ‘Living-Garden Forest’. This old, natural forest is part of the Dry Maritime Western Hemlock Zone, with a sustainable component of Douglas Fir and falls within proposed BC Timber Sales (BCTS) block TFL A87126. This block, located between Clack & Gough Creeks above Roberts-Flume FSR, has been surveyed for clearcut logging. The Elphinstone LivingGarden Forest contains many old-growth characteristics on a gentle slope facing the Salish Sea. With high bio-diversity, recreational, and tourism values, the site contains signs of elk, deer and bear and stepped-pool streams provide an ideal amphibian habitat. Beneath the trees, many associated plants, mushrooms, ferns, and mosses flourish, while dead-standing trees serve as part of the soil-forming process. According to its website, BCTS has a 29.2ha
block surveyed, and possibly an adjacent 15ha block (A59763) to be sold this fall. Both sites are on shishalh (Sechelt) traditional territory. To date, there has been no public input. “The concern we have with this logging is that it will increase the fragmentation of the upper section of the Elphinstone slopes”, says Ross Muirhead of ELF. “A zone of approximately 150ha has already been logged between Clack & Gough Creeks decreasing the bio-diversity up here. Rampant logging has occurred since the late 90’s when a local, land use planning process was quashed by the Ministry of Forests. A moratorium on future logging needs to be issued until a new land use plan is brought forward; otherwise a new round of war-in-thewoods is imminent. We’re not against harvesting in tree farms, but for heaven’s sake, leave these older, intact forests alone,” Muirhead states. “Last year’s BCTS cut block, that destroyed the
Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF) supporters visit a controversial cutblock which they believe may be in danger of clearcutting. Photo submitted
TrailFest Wagon Forest, is only one kilometre away,” Hans Penner of ELF remarks. “The popular TrailFest Wagon Road trail was used as a falling boundary for that logging, and now a little further east, BCTS wants to log right
Ensuring quality water supply for Gibsons
across it – this should a big concern to the mountain bike community. This is a gazette trail (recorded on all official maps) and is a connector for hikers and bikers across these slopes. This forest is also a key part of the 1,500Ha
expanded Mt. Elphinstone Provincial Park, noted in the Roberts Creek Official Community Plan. We can’t allow destruction of this old, intact forest to happen.” ELF calls upon BCTS to meet with Sunshine Coast
residents to discuss their logging plans in the Elphinstone Living-Garden Forest. For more information contact: Elphinstone Logging Focus, 604-740-5654, www.loggingfocus.org Submitted
Parkland lobs tennis courts to Town A
t a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Monday, June 3, Parkland developer Blaine Hagedorn handed over the site’s newly-built tennis courts to the Town of Gibsons Parks Department. “We’re really happy to have this facility open ahead of schedule,” said Hagedorn. “We’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” said representatives from a local seniors’ tennis group.
The group noted their preferred court in Brothers Park disappeared when construction began on the Gibsons and Area Community Centre, about five years ago. They quickly began a game, once the formalities ended. The tennis courts sit above Parkland’s geothermal exchange coils, which collect and distribute heat among the development’s homes.
Hagedorn noted that the new tennis courts are easily accessible from the nearby malls along the pathway network, and hoped that many residents would discover and enjoy the facility and the Town’s newest neighbourhood. The Town Parks Department will now maintain the courts and administer the facility’s bookings. Heather Jeal, Contributing Writer
BC honours children and youth in care Approximately 8,200 children and youth are in government care in BC
On June 3 at Gibsons Town Hall, Mayor Wayne Rowe and SCRD Chair Garry Nohr signed the Bulk Water Agreement signifying a long term partnership between the Town of Gibsons and the Sunshine Coast Regional District for the provision of high quality water to the Upper Gibsons neighbourhood. This agreement will provide certainty for the Town of Gibsons to implement their Upper Gibsons neighbourhood plan over the next 25 years and the commitment necessary for the SCRD to plan and fund the infrastructure improvements necessary to sustain the provision of water services to the south coast over this same time frame. More info at www.gibsons.ca Photo submitted
otice. Listen. Respect. Stand with BC children and youth in care. This powerful slogan was written by a group of young people two years ago to help create a week celebrating children and youth in care while combating negative stereotypes and social stigmas. The third annual BC Child and Youth in Care Week ends this Sunday, June 8. “This week is about celebrating the diversity, accomplishments and resilience of children and youth in and from care across the province. We want these young people to know that we are committed to caring for and supporting them and that – no matter what success means to each
This week is about celebrating the diversity, accomplishments and resilience of children and youth in and from care across the province. Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Children and Family Development
of them – we are here to help them achieve it,” says Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Children and Family Development. A variety of private community events have been held throughout the province during the week. A provincial celebration, held
on Wednesday, June 5, at the Vancouver Public Library featured an awards ceremony honouring 12 children in care for their strength, leadership and inspiration to others. The Ministry of Children and Family Development has worked with several key partners including the Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks, the Federation of Aboriginal Foster Parents, the BC Federation of Foster Parent Associations, the Adoptive Families Association of BC and the Public Guardian and Trustee of BC - as well as the children and youth themselves. To learn morea, see www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/foster/ incare_week
The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013 13
Be sure to get a quick summer vehicle checkup before you head out on the road. PHOTO JIM DOREY
he return of warm weather marks the return of summer road trips for many Sunshine Coasters. Whether heading out to the Okanagan or off to parts unknown, hitting the open road with the windows down is a timehonored tradition for drivers of all ages. A traditional family trip can be a wonderful adventure or a disastrous event if drivers don’t properly prepare their vehicles for these travels. A quick, simple and cheap
fix is to clear foggy headlight lenses. Many summer road trippers travel at night so days can be spent soaking up sun at the beach or lake. Before heading out, inspect headlight lenses to see if sand, salt, ozone and road debris have dulled or yellowed them to a point where vision can be impaired, placing drivers and passengers at risk. Foggy lenses don’t require an expensive headlight replacement. A lens renew kit easily cleans up and polishes dull headlight lenses and restores them to like new condition, improving your
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IndustrIal body shop Bodyworks, Paintwork &
‘Just can’t wait to get on the road again’
Time to get the car ready for that summer road trip
car’s lighting and driver visibility. Next, lift the hood and check the battery. Over time, battery terminals and cables corrode, creating a bad connection that will cause the battery to malfunction and require it to be replaced. Remember to clean the battery periodically as part of routine vehicle maintenance. Tighten up any loose parts, such as exhaust clamps, license plates, and interior trim panels that can create rattles and cause parts to get damaged or fall off. Be sure to address windshield
nicks. Nicks and chips in the windshields are a common problem regardless of the season. These nicks and cracks need to get fixed as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading and resulting in the need for a windshield replacement. Tires might be the most important things to check on the vehicle. After all, the tires are the things on the car that make contact with the road. Tread depth is important. When even a moderate summer thunder storm strikes, the traction and stopping capabilities of tires nearing the end of their service life can be substantially reduced, particularly at highway speeds. Sufficient tread depth is what allows tires to grip rain covered roads and provide the traction required for control and braking capability. As every driver who has ever had to make a panic stop on a rain-slicked highway knows, the ability to stop quickly can spell the difference between a stressful driving experience and confident cruise. Proper tire inflation is essential in Text Tire all driving conditions. under-inflation increases stopping distance and hampers performance by lessening vehicle stability, particularly when cornering. An under-inflated tire also wastes fuel because it does not roll as easily as it is intended. The increased rolling resistance, which worsens with the degree of under-inflation, requires the vehicle’s motor to burn more fuel to push the vehicle down the road. Finally, top up all fluids or have any one of our local service professionals take care of these things for you before you head out on your summer vacation. Road trips should be fun and a small amount of care ahead of time will save you money and heartache down the road.
Come get a new stereo or speakers for your Dad and his car for Fathers’s Day SONY, ROCKFORD FOSGATE AND JVC STEREOS
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14 The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013
admin@thelocal1.ca 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS
PHYSIO PATIENTS: Cathy Poole & Roman Horat thank their patients. We hope to serve you at MOVEMENT WORKS PHYSIO, coming soon to Gibsons. b24
BRYSON, William David (Bill)
Motorcycle: 1980 Honda, 1200 cc, red in colour. $2500 obo. 604-8869325. p23
BC Schizophrenia Society Sunshine Coast Branch AGM and Social Evening. Friday June 14, 5:00 pm Davis Bay Hall, 5123 Davis Bay Rd. “Dealing with Psychosos: a guided self-care toolkit” by Special Guest Dr. Tom Ehmann. Buffet Dinner by donation. All welcome. b24
Scooter Safety awareneSS Day Pick up tips for safer travel on your electric scooter. Come to this free event on Saturday, June 8 from 1-4pm at the Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre. Hosted by District of Sechelt Accessibility Committee. MSchittek@sechelt.ca
UPCOMING EVENTS RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen open Monday - Friday. 604-886-9813 btfn
PERSONALS Private Retirement Boating – www.cariad.ca p24 Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. np27 If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. Toll Free 1-877-373-8255. www.sunshinecoastaa.ca btfn Need help to lose weight? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensiibly) at a new location. Sechelt Activity Centre, 5604 Trail Ave. at 6:30pm on Wednesdays (phone 604-7474755). Also in Gibsons, Frank West Hall, Chaster Rd. at 6:30pm on Tuesdays (phone 604-886-8578). p27
200 COMMUNITY NOTICES CLASSES Feldenkrais® Classes for healthy, organized movements. Enjoy these gentle, no-sweat classes and eliminate pain, inhibited movement and restricted range of motion. Great for rehab as well as general maintenance. Tuesdays, 5-6pm, Davis Bay Community Hall or customized, hands-on sessions by appt. 604-885-9064 or silk-bri@dccnet.com btfn
300 MARKETPLACE RE Décor Consignment. Need a gift for your summer visitors? We have one of the best selections of recycled décor and gifts anywhere. Or better yet, bring them in to our mustsee store and let them choose their own gift! We are currently looking for Danish teak, or any mid-century modern furniture, benches, chairs, side tables, lamps, ass’t small furniture, and mirrors. Always stylish, always affordable. www.redecor.ca www.facebook.com/redecorsechelt. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-8855884. b24
assed away peacefully on May 28, 2013 at age 72, after a brief and courageous battle with cancer. He will be remembered and cherished in the hearts of his daughters Kendra (Chuck) Edstrand, Shari (Sam) Barranti, their mother Sandie Bryson (his former wife of 37 years), sons-in-law Jons Edstrand, Sechelt AccessJody Committee class 1122 Barranti, grandchildren Bryson, Jayden, Skyler and Rya, and his loving and devoted friend Pat Powell. Bill will be remembered most for his love of the outdoors, especially fishing and hunting with good friends, as well as his time spent as the manager of the NSWC Flames Junior B hockey team. Some of his fondest memories were of his travels to Spain, the Mayan Riviera, and the Northwest Territories. He was a very dedicated father who could always be seen at his daughters’hockey, ringette, or soccer games and at swim meets. It is important Mayfor 30,everyone 2013 to know that his kind, considerate nature and sense of humor remained with him until the end. Bill will be thought of often by his many friends that he met along his life journey. If you were lucky enough to be one of them, please join us and raise a glass to Bill at his Celebration of Life, Friday, July 12, 2013 from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. at Capilano Golf and Country Club, West Vancouver. Please RSVP to sbarranti@telus.net, or if you have any questions. In lieu of flowers, donations in his honor may be made to The North Shore Hospice or The Canadian Cancer Society.
Banjos, five string. Golf clubs with R9 Taylor drive. 604-7401079. p23
CASH for your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b23
Wheeled walker, $90. Walking cane, $20. Hearing aid, $500. 2x – 4x used men’s clothing, various prices. Call 604-886-4269. p23
Wind surfing equipment, new or old, bits and pieces. 604-9899997. p23
Bicycle, new, ladies Giant Sedona XS 24 Speed. X-road and upright position for cruising. $375 obo. 604-740-1454. p23 Beautiful quilt, 92” x 97”, suits queen or king sized bed. Comes with 4 matching pillowcases and matching pair of fitted sheets. Near new, beige w/rose pattern. $120, obo. 604-886-3620. p23 Lumber: 2x12’s, 2x10’s, 2x8’s, 2x6’s, 6 inch siding, plus extras. Exc deal at $350. 604-740-7566 or 778-462-2230. p23 Walker with basket, brakes and seat. In good condition. $60. Call 604-885-9643. p24 Fridge, 17 cu.ft, with separate freezer, clean and in good working order. Great for vacation property. $75 obo. Call 604-885-0610. p24
GARAGE SALES ESTATE BUYER. 604-740-6474. b23 Multi-family Sale! Furniture, clothes, toys, electronics, antiques, kayak. 7470 Redrooffs Rd., HMB, Saturday June 8, 10am – 3pm. p23
FIREWOOD Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn
FREE FREE APPRAISAL of your gold & silver items etc. 604-740-6474. b23 Glass, thousands of pounds in various sizes, good for greenhouses or projects of any kind. Call 604-885-5420. f23 Bamboo poles for gardening and flowering perennials. 604-8863634. f23
Found: Set of five keys on Pilsner Urquell keychain, one for Chevy. Claim at Eye-Deal Optical, Gibsons Plaza. f23 Found: Ladies prescription glasses, green frame with 5 rhinestones on each arm. Found by the logs on Davis Bay/Chapman Creek beach, Wed, April 17. Call 604-885-7130. p23 Found: Set of two keys on a ring, found behind the IGA in Madeira Park, Wed April 23. Call 778-4872012. f23
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Gold & Silver buyer. Top dollar paid. Jewelry, coins, etc. 604-7406474. b23
Found: Mens gold ring with large initials on the front “WCS”, near Elphinstone Secondary in Gibsons. Call 604-740-0381. f23
ROLEX & vintage & other quality watches wanted in any cond, call 604-740-6474. b23
Found: Ladies silver/gold wrist watch, found on Teredo St. noon on May 6. Call 604-885-2630. f23
Two electric bikes, like new, need batteries. $400 each obo. Call 604351-5823. p23
Buying vintage weapons, badges, medals, rifles, guns etc. 604-7406474. b23
Found: Walker, maroon in colour, w/basket, found in Ebbtide Village. Call 604-885-7076. f23
1993 Nissan Maxima car, 4 door, power sun roof, power doors, seat, spoiler, dual cam. Must see. New battery and manual. $1450 obo. 604-740-7566 or 778-4622230. p23
Ask fonre Wayn
Sechelt: Available immediately, Property Clean Up, Power Washcommercial spaces for rent, one ing and Dump Runs. 604-989Obit-WilliamBryson 1123ftfn area or both available. For more de9663 tails view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Comfor more info at 604-885-3281. btfn mercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. RefOTHER erences. No job too small. Derek Thomas, 604-989-3401. bmo Gibsons RV Resort: $475/mo. incl. hydro/sewer/water. RV site only. Internet $20/Cable TV $20. Pets OK. 1100 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES R.V to be 1995 and newer. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275. btfn
June 6, 2013 1000 EMPLOYMENT
If you have something to give away for free,
9 FT Pontoon boat with a new electric trolling motor. $225. 604886-0492. p23
#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802
Call 604-885-3134 or email: thelocal@telus.net
is looking for YOU!
800 REAL ESTATE RENTALS APARTMENTS & SUITES Sechelt: Greenecourt Srs low-cost housing is taking applications for 1 bdrm apt. Heat & H/W incl. Mandatory 2 meals/day Program w/ alert button at an additional cost of $503/mo. 604-885-5962. btfn
Professional Services...
Music Books
Free class 1x2
it runs in the paper for free!
Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn
For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: www.malaspinapm.ca
BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels, & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b26
Experienced and reliable housecleaner wanted in Gibsons area. Call 604-925-9276. b24
Waynne Pretty
The Local is a weekly community newspaper on the beautiful Sunshine Coast and we’re looking for another enthusiastic Advertising Sales Representative to work with our great Sales Team. While experience would be an asset, we’re looking for a Sales Rep who: • Is fun, outgoing, observant, loves people and is energetic • Owns a reliable vehicle and cell phone • Works to deadlines and is organized • Is willing to learn something new and interesting • Is able to think quickly, develop creative solutions and has a Malaspina good memory Realty 1006 • Is good at spelling, grammar and punctuation • Is conversant with computers • Works well alone and with a supportive team • Has a good attitude and willingness to follow direction Advertising Sales is an important part of our business and we are looking for someone who will not only provide outstanding service to our clients but will develop a relationship of trust with them. The Local is growing and evolving, and we need good people who will grow with us and show clients that excellent service and amazing results come in small packages. Submit your resume to: Susan Attiana/Publisher Feb. 9, 2012 Email: publisher@thelocal1.ca P.O. Box 494, 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Phone 604-885-3134 Fax: 604-885-3194 Deadline for submissions: June 30, 2013
Lost: Samsung cell phone in black case, lost near the IGA in Gibsons. Call 778-462-2230. f23
Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn
Lost:: Surf board off Davis Bay. Brand is Slingshot, Celritas, 5’ 8”. White with green/black accents. Pads and foot straps - 3 fins. Lost on May 30 - wind was coming from SE. 604-839-1341. REWARD. f23
With Personal Focus Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial
Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721 APTS
Sechelt: lrg 1 bdrm. apt, close to shops & restaurants. $695/ mo Available now. NS/NP. call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca
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Sechelt: 1000 sqft new comm space available now at $10 per sq. ft. Suit prof or destination business. excellent parking. call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca
June 6, 2013 tfn
READ THE LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS ON-LINE at: www.thelocalweekly.ca
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL: admin@thelocal1.ca
• Private: 15 words 2 weeks $9.99+GST • Business: 15 words 1 week $8.99+ GST
20¢ each additional word +GST
The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013 15
Michael O’Connor Astrologer
and place. Moving towards source is deeper and more serious yet can prove very empowering. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Plenty of stimulating events and activity on relationship fronts should be keeping you busy now and over the coming weeks. This is likely to be an expansive and opportune time. This cycle began last year and now is coming to another peak. Be willingly and actively letting go of (in fact, clearing) the old to make way for the new. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) You have entered an important cycle calling for improvement. This can apply to a variety of fronts yet is most likely to be needed in the overall quality of your lifestyle. Your daily rhythm and routine requires your attention and this includes your work. Fortunately, this is an extra-creative cycle. Be willing to give a lot to receive. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) If you feel due for some added playtime in your life, get excited because the opportunity for some has arrived. The season and the stars both are in alignment for fun. This inspirational wave can also be used for more serious creative self-expression. Include a measure of social activity and cultural stimulation in the mix. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) The creative focus and potential of this cycle will be evident close to home. Since home is where your heart is, this could produce an urge to reach out and cover new ground as well. Your ambitions should be on a steady rise so you will feel moved to be productive. If you can, focus on the home front first.
KLS Yacht Care “Coasting through life in style” • • • • •
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4. Santa’s helper 5. hush-hush 6. Communion table 7. 53 in roman numerals 8. Amends 9. Lair 10. Commode May 2, 2013 11. Botanical garden 12. Principal 13. If not 18. Decree 22. At the peak of KLS Yacht Care 1121 24. A titled peer of the realm 26. hurried 28. Sarcasm 29. Standard 30. Kid 31. An aquatic bird 32. Laugh 33. Short-tempered 34. Importantly ACROSS 27. ___ober 50. Not first or second 37. Canine tooth May 23, 28. 2013 1. guy Powerless 52. Mountain crest 38. Anagram of “Meat” 5. A dish of tomatoes and 31. A garment 54. genus of macaws 40. group of cattle greens 34. Someone unpleasantly 55. Steals 41. Vestibule 10. Docile Randy Wollen strange E 1122 56. Powered by electricity 43. girdle 14. Cain’s brother 35. Plaything 58. Small island 44. obtained 15. high society 36. A division of a hospital 59. gladden 46. odd-numbered page 16. By mouth 37. Leaf 60. Strip of wood 47. hawaiian veranda 17. Candy 38. Darkness 61. Encounter 48. hackneyed 19. Nile bird 39. “Eureka!” 62. Man-made fiber 49. Luxury boat 20. Possesses 40. Spook 63. Weight loss plan 50. Snip 21. Waste pipe 41. French of “Woman” 51. A flexible pipe 22. Without company 42. genesis DOWN 23. Artist’s workroom 44. Snagged 1. russian country house 53. genuine 56. Poetic dusk 25. Fruity-smelling 45. Welsh dog 2. Submarine 57. Not young compound 46. 2913 Family of a monarch 3. Compacted May 30,
Your first choice in foods Trail Bay Centre • 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • Meat & Deli 604-885-9812 • Produce & Floral 604-885-9841 • Bakery 604-885-9823 • Office 604-885-2025
aLLy ow oc
d ne
Randy & Melody Wollen
Friday June 7
Tip of the Week: The first of two 2013 eclipse seasons officially ends tomorrow at the exact moment of the New Moon. It occurs in Gemini at 8:56am PDT. Although the three eclipses are behind us – two lunar with a solar in between – do you think they left an impression? The effects can be subtle, especially when it is unclear what to look for or expect. But with a little bit of awareness we can see, feel, notice and realize the activations that have taken place leaving their mark and influence forever more. From a wider angle, 2013 is proving to be very eventful so far and this trend will escalate. This first year of a whole new era, according to Mayan Cosmology, is certainly living up to its forecast as a transformational one. As well, the Year of the Chinese Water Snake should be quite evident by now. The snake year tends to have a back and forth sort of wiggle, producing a wavering sense of confidence. Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) The effects of this transformational time are evident to many. This will prove especially true over the next few weeks. Your energy levels should be running high, contributing to a punchy, rebellious and impulsive mood. The release valve to this high pressure system is to focus on your own change and avoid projecting on to others. Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) If you have not already made good use of this extraexpansive cycle that has been lingering since last year, now is your opportunity. You know that saying, “if you snooze you lose…” well, take it as a hint. The creative potential of this time requires that you dig a little deeper and push a little harder. Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) This New Moon in your sign should come as a welcome break. This is your heads-up to make the most of it and cover lost ground. The pace may have been frustrating over the past while in terms of progress. At best it has been a time of seeding and germination. Now the sprouts are coming through. Expect accelerated growth. Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) You are entering an extradelicate period. You may have to dip even deeper into your inner reservoir of faith. Prayer, meditation, retreat, more rest time, reaching
out for support, exercising positive thoughts and spoken words and, perhaps above all, keeping your imagination in check will all prove valuable. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) Change continues to snap and crackle in the air. Some of it is intentional and due to your own deliberate choices and actions while some of it may be taking you by surprise. The time is right to increase your scope of communications and extend your reach beyond familiar bounds. Diplomacy remains extra important and includes win/win negotiations. Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) Your public and professional spheres will largely be activated by this lunar cycle. It is important that you be focused and disciplined and that you do your homework. This includes research, training, outreach and calculated risk taking. If you are not sure of your direction, focus to determine what seems best and ask for guidance as necessary. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) Your energy levels have been rising and this trend will continue. This new cycle will present the opportunities and inspiration to break through inner and outer lines of resistance. The inner lines include potentially limiting beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and self-concepts. Intend to keep an open mind, listen more and talk less to create a dynamic momentum. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) A deep theme called ‘the dual desires of the soul’ is not only a core life theme, it is very active now. It implies the process of deciphering whether it is better to move away from or towards the source. Both have their time
BRanch #109 604-886-2411
of service
legion GIBSOnS 747 Gibsons Way
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Horoscope June 7 to June 13
Royal Canadian
e o p e r at
16 The Local - Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Local • Thursday, June 6, 2013 1
June 6, 2013
Sea Cavalcade 1123
2 THE LOCAL • Thursday, June 6, 2013
45th Sunshine Coast Sea Cavalcade “SeaSide Family Fun” Saturday, July 27 and Sunday, July 28, 2013
New this year: all Family Day events happening in beautiful Gibsons Landing! VoLuNtEEr For oNE oF our PLANNED EVENtS. SAturDAy: • Gibsons Mile Fun Run • Parade - traffic control and signage, setup and tear down tents, stage, chairs • Family Day games and activities (Kids! Teens! Get involved!) • Golden Girl Celebration, Parade Marshal and Sea Cavalcade Royals • Live Entertainment (Performers, Roadies! Get involved!) • Salmon BBQ after the parade • Virtues Treasure Hunt • Family Street Dance - new time 4-6:30pm • Marine Rescue Exercise • ‘Music Lights the Night’ Fireworks Display
SuNDAy: • • • • • • •
Pancake Breakfast Keats to Armours Beach Swim (Boaters! Get involved!) Canoe Race (Paddlers! Get involved!) Sea Cavalcade Regatta Wooden Boat Display Fashion Show Party in the Park Wrap-up and Greek BBQ at Dougall Park
Experience the action from the inside as a family or individual volunteer!
Volunteer to be part of the fun!
AN EVENt For ALL thE FAMiLy AND our whoLE SuNShiNE CoASt CoMMuNity to ENJoy. oy. GEt iNVoLVED AND MAkE it bigger • better bESt EVEr! Due to safety concerns and requirement to open Gower Point Road to through traffic after 7pm on Saturday evening, there will be No entertainment, food vendors, or planned activities in Gibson’s Landing from 7pm until the Fireworks Display at 10pm. Due to geo-thermal field construction, nothing will take place at Brothers Park. Please note: Due to funding shortfalls, the Fraser Blues Aerial Demonstration Team and Logger Sports Demonstrations have been cancelled this year unless major sponsors will finance these events.
For breaking news, to volunteer, to donate prizes or funds, visit us online at www.seacavalcade.ca Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Margaret at 604-886-0498 (margarethp@dccnet.com) or Conchita at 604.886.9648 (seacavalcade@gmail.com)
Connected Electronics 1123
June 6, 2013
Local • Thursday, June 6, 2013 3 The LocaL
TraiL Bay cenTre
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Small Town Service with Big Box Prices
Check out our specials prices for Dads and Grads! exclusive Dealer of Samsung Passion TVs in Sechelt. come in and see the difference at the home & cottage Show, June 8-9, 9-5pm
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YMCA 1123
June 6, 2013
4 The LocaL Local • Thursday, June 6, 2013
Summer is a time for kids to have fun! It’s also a chance to learn and grow. For more than 100 years, we’ve provided fun camp adventures to kids ages 5 – 17 that combine new friendships, physical activity and personal growth to develop the potential of kids and youth. From day camps that get kids active and outside to exciting overnight camps, we’ve got something for everyone. Day camps available at various locations throughout Greater Vancouver; overnight camps available in Gibsons and Deka Lake. To learn more or register, please visit our website or contact us.
T: 604-886-2025 e: daycamps@vanymca.org vanymca.org/daycamps