This Week:
Your community, your paper
free Weekly Community Newspaper
Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • Thursday, May 16, 2013
BioBlitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Mayor’s Message
Henderson discusses structural deficits ..............
Arts festival with
European flair
Page 2
Home & Garden
Spruce up your outdoor living space ............
Page 10
Scholarship fundraiser
Neil Falkner Outward Bound Legacy ............
Page 14
Look for these inserts: • Home Hardware • Guardian Pharmacy (Halfmoon Bay & Pender Harbour)
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Left: Lil Dino is one of the Fungineers at Dreamberry Studios. The Fungineers are a super group of fantastic ‘Funovators’ committed to self-exploration through artistic expression. In essence, the Fungineers make life more fun! Photo Dreamberry Studios
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his year’s Roberts Creek Arts Festival has a wider range of venues, celebrating the highest calibre arts in dream-come-true locations. Each venue will host live music, visual/performance arts, and offer artisan foods. With close to 150 artists and performers this is going to be an incredible and not to be missed event. There will be free shuttle buses running all day. The venues are actually all within hiking or cycling distance of one another, making this European-style May long weekend a rare opportunity to submerse yourself into the cultural existence of creative Coastal life. The event starts on Friday evening and runs through Sunday afternoon. See page 7 for a map of all the venues. More details at robertscreekartsfestival.com. Jim Dorey (Editor)
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2 The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013
Resources spread thin as grants-in-aid considered District of Sechelt memo 1120
MUNICIPAL MEMO May 16, 2013 Visit www.sechelt.ca for more information on District news, programs and services, including…
RegulaR CounCil Meeting Wednesdays, 7:00pm June 5 & 19
• Looking for information on Sechelt’s Wastewater Treatment Plant project? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page on our website section dedicated to this project. Learn more about project plans CoMMittee and the benefits that state-of-the-art treatment will bring to our area. of the Whole • Spring Clean Up coupons will be distributed with property taxation Meeting notices in late May. Residents who do not receive a taxation notice can sign for a coupon (valid for disposal of one load of allowed waste, please read Wednesdays, conditions printed on the coupon) at the District office after the mailout. 1:00pm Proof of residency is required (picture ID showing a District of Sechelt May 22 & June 12 residential address and a copy of a residential service bill (i.e. residential telephone, cable, hydro) in your name at the same address). • Applications for 2014 Permission Property Tax Exemptions must be received by May 31, 2013. Exemption program, of interest to charitable organizations and owners of properties used for community purposes. Council will debate and post a listing of proposed exemptions in advance of finalizing the 2014 exemptions in advance of October, 31, 2013. • Reminders about Curbside Recycling Collection – DO NOT include glass in your curbside recycling collection bin. Glass is not an accepted material in the curbside collection program. Also curbside collection will proceed as scheduled on the Victoria Day Holiday (Monday, May 20th). • Visit our Booth at the Sunshine Coast Home Show – June 8 and 9th, Gibsons and Area Recreation Centre! • Join representatives of District Council at the Walk for Lupus on May 25th, 10:00 am at the Davis Bay Seawall. For further details on this event and the work of our local Lupus support group, the Sunshine Coast Akroswirls, visit http://bclupus.dojiggy.com.
Phone 604 885-1986 • Fax 604 885-7591 • Email info@sechelt.ca
which they have knowledge, in order to clarify the Garry Nohr particular context for the May 16, 2013 other directors. When the Chair Sunshine Coast Regional District and process is complete, inforRepesentative for mation will be sent out to Halfmoon Bay, Area B the applicants to inform his week the regional them of the standing of directors at SCRD their applications. Last Friday I went to a meet to discuss the grantin-aid applications from meeting in Courtney of different organizations on ICET (Island and Coastal the Coast. Each of the Economic Trust), which is three municipalities has its an organization set up by own grant-in-aid process, the provincial government which does not require with $50,000,000 to fund development meeting with the regional economic directors. But we share in- in the areas of Northern formation on who has ap- Vancouver Island, Powell plied for funding so that we River, and the Sunshine are aware of any multiple Coast. Many of the applirequests. With reduction cations submitted to ICET of available funding for are going through greater grants-in-aid, it is impor- scrutiny now that funds tant that the directors try remaining are reduced, to spread the resources to and participants are not as many deserving organi- sure whether the provincial zations as possible. Each government will renew rerural director has a com- sources to the original levmittee to discuss the appli- el. As part of the meeting, cations and to give advice an economic consultant, so that there is fairness in hired to explain trends in the process. The directors incomes, migration, and appreciate that the appli- jobs in the ICET area over cants fill out the forms with the past few years, made a as much information as presentation. Among the possible about their organi- stats given were employzation to make the process ment changes from 2008– effective. In this week’s Hearing House 11042012; increases showed in meeting, the directors will education, resource-based discuss the applications of industries, utilities, retail
Coast Watch
and wholesale trades, business and other support services, information, culture and recreation, health care, and social assistance. There were substantial losses in employment in public administration; finance; insurance; real estate and leasing; professional, scientific, and technical services; transportation and warehousing; manufacturing; accommodation; and food services. Even greater losses occurred in commercial and residential building construction. Most disconcerting is the fact that the sectors showing employment losses were those that have a high factor for producing spinoff employment. It is commendable that the three local municipalities— Sechelt, Gibsons, and Sechelt Indian Band—are putting efforts into business development with a desire to increase employment. Without more business to augment the tax base, the future of grants for volunteer organizations will become increasingly more difficult. Feel free to contact me either by email or phone. Cell: 604-741-2427 or glnohr@dccnet.com.
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Mayor’s Message
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ecently, Council and Staff completed the 2013 budget. The average homeowner will see the District of Sechelt portion of their taxes increase by about $17 this year. In addition, there will be cost of living increases in fees for sewer services and garbage collection of $7 and $10 per year, respectively. During our budget process, Sechelt took a leadership role in reporting a fact that has existed for many years in most Canadian municipalities – that municipalities have not been able to fully cover all the costs of providing services and facilities (we call this our “structural deficit”). While a structural deficit is not something that warrants immediate draconian measures, it gives a name
to an important issue – the need for us to identify options to fund the impending huge costs to replace the myriad of aging infrastructure in our community (roads, buildings, sewer pipes, drainage, etc.) We are fortunate in Sechelt to have funds available (that can only be used for our new wastewater treatment facility) to undertake this most pressing infrastructure project thanks in part to the support from the federal and provincial governments. We will need such financial support to continue and increase if we are to address Sechelt’s other infrastructure requirements in the years to come. Another matter that has masked the existence of the structural deficit has been the tendency by governments to report, as revenues, the one-time grants received from other governments for capital projects. By doing so, a budget has appeared to be
numerically balanced, despite the underlying structural deficit. Sechelt’s structural deficit in 2013 is not something new – or anything that is the result of recent Council decisions. It has existed for a number of years and simply highlights the need for long term planning in order to develop specific plans for funding of infrastructure replacement. The infrastructure funding announced in the federal government’s 2013 spring budget is a step in the right direction. Next, we will need the provincial government to commit to similar funding. Then, the three orders of government need to determine how to give certainty about when and how much funding will be available over an extended period of years, to municipalities. Only then, will Sechelt be able to create a logical and effective plan to replace our infrastructure.
The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013 3
Editorial Opinion Hold personal information close as identity theft is on the rise
fter receiving an email from a Saudi prince offering to pay two million dollars to help him complete some paperwork, it seems like a good time to remind Sunshine Coast residents that identity theft is alive and kicking. Although everyone seems to joke about the Saudi prince email, these scams are no joking matter. Another common scam email pretends to be from your bank. It usually utilizes the proper bank logo and asks the recipient to provide their online banking username and password, so they can update their files. Never fall prey to anyone asking for a banking password under any circumstances. Your bank account will be emptied. The Better Business Bureau says that identity theft is costing Canadian consumers, banks, and other businesses about $2.5 billion a year. Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Jennifer Stoddart, says “it is one of the fastest growing crimes in Canada.” Surveys report one in six Canadians victimized by some form of identity theft, yet only eight percent report these crimes to police. Although the RCMP website advises victims to contact their local police department and file a report, many people may be either too confused by the whole process or too ashamed to admit they were conned. Many people just don’t realize what they should do to get their money and/or identity back. Until recently, the usual route for Canadians was to hire a lawyer and start the process of trying to clear their name and retrieve their money. This was fine if the victim was able to afford the legal fees associated with these long drawn out cases. With the launch of the Canadian Identity Theft Support Centre in Vancouver, Canadians have a new option to help fix these complex problems. The Centre reports that “identity theft is not just the stealing of personal information, but also the fraudulent use of that information to access your bank account, credit card or other account without your authorization; to obtain loans, services, government benefits, employment or other benefits in your name; to evade authorities by assuming your identity; or simply to damage your reputation. Many thieves have switched to identity theft over traditional crimes, because the fines and penalties are much less than those for armed robbery and the like. So why bother stealing from people at gun point, when you can use a computer to get the same results with a tenth of the risk? The most common methods that these criminals use to gather personal information is stealing purses, wallets, or searching out information from social networking sites. Other more advanced criminals may decide to send a virus into a potential victim’s computer and then hack in to attain the desired information. Keep important personal documents hidden in a secure, locked place in your home or bank. Review your bank and credit card statements in detail, and report any discrepancies immediately to the financial institution (and to the RCMP if it appears your accounts have been hijacked). After reviewing the statements, either file them in a secure location or shred them. One of the two Credit Bureaus in Canada can provide a report showing if anyone has tried to secure a loan of any kind in your name. If you see suspicious activity in the report, immediately advise the Credit Bureau and ask them to put a freeze on your accounts. This will prevent any more damage and help start the process of reclaiming your financial identity. For further information regarding identity theft, contact the Canadian Identity Theft Support Centre at 1-866802-3609. Jim Dorey, Editor
Letters to the Editor – Opinions Planting party at Hackett Park
Progressive eco-forestry options
Last November, four other community organizations and I approached Sechelt council with the proposal to build a community garden along the boulevard space on Ocean Avenue, looking out from the library at Cowrie, North to Dolphin at the top end of Hackett Park. Council responded with unanimous support for the project and you may have noticed in the last week new raised planter boxes at the Dolphin Street end of Ocean Avenue. On holiday Monday, May 20, between 12pm and 2pm, the public is invited to attend a family seedling planting party. Refreshments will be supplied along with a generous supply of seedlings ready for planting. So please attend this community event, get acquainted with the project, meet some fellow citizens, get your hands dirty, and bring your children. Don Robb, Sechelt
I attended the annual general meeting (AGM) on May 6 of the Sunshine Coast Community Forests (SCCF) – a logging company owned by the District of Sechelt. Some of the suggestions our group put forward included: harvesting in second growth tree farms only, retaining all older forests (Age Class 6-9) to protect biodiversity, invest in a smallscale sawmill scaled to the volume of wood it harvests to add value and jobs, a public committee to advise Sechelt Council decisions on what community projects are to be funded by SCCF profits and to have all Board of Directors meetings open to the public. Our recommendations, which we think are progressive for a Community Forest to implement, were not accepted by the SCCF. We, and many others, are forced to conclude that this current Community Forest structure needs a
fresh start. We request that the new Provincial Government review Sechelt’s current Community Forest model. I believe they are not meeting higher-level sustainable forestry practices, and are not open to public Letters to the Editor and submissions are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not reflect opinions of The Local publication. Letters are preferred by e-mail, however type-written or legibly handwritten are acceptable. Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. Letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary.
input. I think the public may be better served if the Community Forest is rebuilt from the ground up to reflect progressive ecoforestry options and new structures of public governance. Ross Muirhead, Roberts Creek The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. All letters
must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. E-mail letters to editor@thelocal1.ca or drop off at 5758 Cowrie St, Sechelt, or mail to PO Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0. Deadline for letters and submissions is Monday at 3pm.
THE LOCAL WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU! Do you have something in the community that you are passionate about? Would you like to express an opinion on current business on the Sunshine Coast? Do you have any pet peeves that you would like to share? We would like to hear from you. Send us your Letter to the Editor, and we will enter your name in a draw for a round of golf for two. We will draw a winning name at the end of June. Please note that letters submitted are to be of a general nature relating to current items of interest in the community. The editor has the right to edit content at his discretion. Email us at: editor@thelocal1.ca
Volume 11 • Issue 20
4 The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013
SCRD’s independent SCRD celebrates Drinking Water Week E auditor’s report Financial Statements for 2012 were prepared by management in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for local governments
he Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) recently received its third consecutive successful Independent Auditor’s Report for its 2012 annual financial statements. Each year, as part of its statutory requirement, an independent and comprehensive financial audit reviews the SCRD’s process to provide reasonable assurance to taxpayers that the SCRD’s financial statements are free from material misstatement. Financial Statements for 2012 were prepared by management in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for local governments, as recommended by the Public Sector Accounting Board. External auditors – in this case, BDO Canada LLP – conduct an independent examination and express their opinion on the financial statements. A financial audit is different than a service review or forensic audit. A service review or “value for money’ audit, as defined in the new Auditor General for Local Government Service
Plan 2012-13, “is an unbiased examination, carried out in accordance with professional standards, of a service, program, or project to assess whether it is being carried out with due regard to economy, efficiency, and effectiveness.” A forensic audit usually results from criminal or legal proceedings. “Service reviews are an important goal for the SCRD Board,” says Garry Nohr, SCRD Chair. “Part of the SCRD’s Strategic Plan Financial Sustainability principle, is to conduct regular internal service reviews to examine efficiencies and benchmarking for those services.” In 2012/2013, the Recreation Services division review was completed with the Regional Water Department to be reviewed next. The audited financial statements are part of the agenda for the April 25, 2012 Corporate and Administrative Services Committee meeting, which is posted on the SCRD’s website, www.scrd.ca, under 2013 Agendas. Submitted
Business of theWeek
njoy the Sunshine Coast’s clean and refreshing tap water and celebrate Drinking Water Week in BC from May 20 to 26 by taking time to learn more about your water and how you can protect and conserve it. The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) is proud to participate in this province-wide event organized by BC Water & Waste Association, and will be hosting public tours of the SCRD’s Chapman Water Treatment Plant. Over eighty percent of Sunshine Coast residents
obtain their drinking water from the regional water supply, while the remainder rely on private sources such as creeks, groundwater wells or rainwater harvesting. “It is really in everyone’s interest to conserve water,” says Garry Nohr, SCRD Board Chair. “If we all rise to the challenge and only use what we need, especially during summer droughts, we could defer costly upgrades to our water supply infrastructure. And the less you have to take from nature, the better.” The SCRD is also inviting the public to take the
Community Water Challenge. Participants who pledge to take any or all of the simple water-wise actions found at drinkingwaterweek.org/challenge will be entered to win a waterthemed getaway. “I encourage people to come out and see the water treatment process,” says Marina Stjepovic, SCRD Sustainability and Education Coordinator. “It’s something you’ll never forget, and you may think twice about leaving the tap or hose running.” Come out to the Chapman Creek Water Treat-
ment Plant. Meet the water operators and see what it takes to get safe, clean water to the taps. Turn off Highway 101 at Selma Park Road, then follow the signs and balloons at Reservoir Road. Two-hour tours are scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, Friday, May 24 and Saturday May 25, from 10am to noon and 1pm to 3 pm. For more information or maps to the treatment plant, visit the website at www.scrd.ca/Treatment, or call 604-885-6800, ext. 6481 to book a tour time. Submitted
Coast residents hungry for dinner theatre T
ickets for Driftwood Players’ latest venture, No Ordinary Séance, are the season’s hottest item as dinner theatre returns to the Coast – and it’s a moveable feast. Now halfway through its run, the comedy-mystery plays at Pebbles Restaurant in Sechelt May 17 and 18, moving to the Garden Bay Pub and Restaurant May 24 and 25 with a final performance at Rockwater Resort on May 31. Reserved seat- sell-out crowds, although ing for all performances some seats are still available must be booked with the for upcoming productions. restaurants, and the $40 Séance, written and directticket price includes dinner ed by Linda Norris, features as well as the show. plenty of sly in-jokes and A staple of the Peninsula a cast of bizarre characters Players (now on hiatus) and including the mystic Lady Pebbles Restaurant, dinner Gaw Gaw and the instantlytheatre productions typically recognizable Hens Johndersell out available seats well in son (a bewigged Bill Forst advance. This series is no ex- whining “why doesn’t whoBusiness of theever Week ception; venues so far report did it just admit it… so
Photo Heather Jeal
I can head on home to Sechelt in my little electric car.”) This production comes with a twist – the audience must provide the ending. Clues and red herrings fall trippingly from the tongue (in Lady Gaw Gaw’s case, with a Boris-and-Natasha accent) as the cast searches for the killer of Victoria Yewwing, late widow of the thrice-married G.R. At the
end, with all hints delivered, audience members must solve the case to win prizes of tickets for Driftwood’s next offering or restaurant gift certificates. Expect a fun evening with excellent food and lively entertainment as Driftwood serves up dinner theatre at its best. Heather Jeal, Contributing Writer
Elphi Show ‘n’ Shine drags out vintage cars M Dr. DaviD Carson at Coast ChiropraCtiC Wellness Centre In Dr. David Carson’s 25 years of practice, he has helped patients of all ages (newborn to 101) with a vast array of different health concerns. Dr. Carson’s approach guides patients to a deeper understanding of the source of their symptoms, and the connection between mind, body and spirit that allows the body to heal from the inside out. He is passionate about helping his patients understand how lifestyle and stress influence their well-being, guiding them through a process that provides short-term relief upon which they may build a foundation for long-term well-being. Dr. Carson has been fascinated with health all his life and is inspired daily by seeing both subtle and breath-taking changes in his patients’ lives as they travel a pathway to better health.
#8-1057 Roberts Creek Road, Robert Creek 604-885-5758 • coastchiro.ca
ore than 34 vintage cars and trucks rolled out for the inaugural Elphinstone Secondary Show ‘n’ Shine fundraiser supporting May 16, 2013 the Elphi drag race team on Saturday, May 10. Using funds raised and donated by the Sunshine Coast Drag Racing Association last year, and mentored by SCDRA members, the team purchased two vehicles for conversion to dragsters. Event organizer, team sponsor and (in her spare time) Science/Math teacher Alison Liddicott notes that the 15-member team will roll out its first vehicle at the May 28 drag races in Sechelt. The second vehicle conversion should be complete in time for the August Festival of the Rolling Arts events. Heather Jeal, Contributing Writer
The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013 5
Lagoon Society celebrates wild neighbours Part festival, part educational event and part scientific enterprise, a BioBlitz is a 24-hour count of everything that grows, creeps, crawls, hops, flies or slithers.
hey say that the best way to grow a healthy, happy community is to start with getting to know your neighbours. The Ruby Lake Lagoon Society has taken that to heart and is challenging Coast residents to get to know our wildest neighbours – all the amazing species that live with us here on the Coast – during the Sixth Annual Sunshine Coast BioBlitz on May 18 and 19. Part festival, part educational event and part scientific enterprise, a BioBlitz is a 24-hour count of everything that grows, creeps, crawls, hops, flies or slithers. Community members of all ages are warmly invited to explore and celebrate local biodiversity throughout this year’s event. Here are four great ways to participate. Join scientists and naturalists for some guided walks and field surveys on Saturday from 12pm to 4pm at various field locations including: Sechelt Botanical Garden, downtown Madeira Park, Tyner Biodiversity Park
The BioBlitz is a great opportunity for family and friends to check out many different animals firsthand. PHOTO SUBMITTED
& Lily Lake, and Francis Point Park. Enjoy family fun activities on Saturday from 11am to 4pm at the BioBlitz Base Camp in Madeira Park (amidst the Pender Harbour May Day festivities). There will be face painting, scavenger hunts, marine touch tanks, and exciting games with prizes.
Meet at the Iris Griffith Centre (IGC) and enjoy a fantastic barbecue (free for kids) along with some great live music by local artists Corduroy Road on Saturday from 5pm to 7pm. Then stick around for the ‘Wild Nightlife’ portion of the evening, which includes amazing slideshows, campfire storytelling, night-hiking, and even a chance to find some moths, owls and bats. Come on Sunday at 7am to enjoy an early morning bird walk followed by their famous pancake breakfast at 8am, and guided hikes and ‘Marsh Monsters’ wetland explorations for the kids from 10am to 12pm. The BioBlitz is free and fun for the whole family. Kids and adults alike will enjoy working with people who are genuinely interested with everything from bugs to sea cucumbers. It’s a great way to spark a child’s interest in the natural world while enjoying the great outdoors. Visit www.lagoonsociety.com for more details. Submitted
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6 The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013
May 18 and 19
Sun Haven School Spring Faire Iris Griffith Centre 1119
6th Annual Sunshine Coast
Festival and 24-hour count of everything that grows, creeps, crawls, hops, flies or slithers - of all living things!
SATURDAY: SUNDAY MORNING: 10am - 4pm: in Madeira Park: 7am: Bird Walk FAMILY FUN ACTIVITIES 8am: Pancake Breakfast Prizes for Kids! 10am - 12pm: Marsh 12 - 4pm: Field Surveying Monsters & Nature Hikes at IGC SATURDAY EVENING: 5 - 10pm: BBQ, Live Music, Night Hikes & more. Iris Griffith Centre (IGC)
Get all the details at www.lagoonsociety.com
May 9, 2013
Gordon Walker 1120
Gordon D. Walker
Sun Haven Waldorf School in Roberts Creek held their annual Spring Faire last week, with student performances, games and even a maypole dance. The school is set on a beautiful 10 acre property which naturally combines with a Waldorf school curriculum to create a unique educational experience for students. Sun Haven School is accepting applications for16, the 2013 - 2014 school year. For more information contact the school at office@sunhaven May 2013 school.ca or call 604-741-0949. PHOTO BETH HAWTHORNE
House too small?
Guzek’s Tide Line exhibition dazzles Randy Wollen 1120
May 16, 2013
Randy and Melody Wollen
15 words $ Classifieds Call 604-885-3134 • email: admin@thelocal1.ca 2 weeks + GsT
PrivaTe sale iTems
first come first serve product of usa ........................ fresh or frozen ......................
$99.95 $3.99/lb. pork back ribs come celebrate may day with us • sat may 18 try our take ‘n’ bake pizzas • 6 varieties Meat pack is back
ide Line, a display of colour suffuses each canrecent work by Greta vas, drawing the eye from Guzek, opened Oak atTreeWest1120 gnarled arbutus to driftwind Gallery in Gibsons wood-littered beachfronts. on Saturday, May 11 and With love and joy, Guzek runs through to May 25. paints a Coast which is As is usual with West- rapidly disappearing as dewind’s openings, the tiny velopment claims the little gallery hosted an overflow waterside cabins which are crowd that spilled out to hallmarks of her work. the terrace overlooking A number of the works Gibsons harbor. on display seem to indicate The show dazzles. Guzek is drifting in a more Guzek’s brilliant use of impressionistic direction.
May 16, 2013
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henry reid organics now available
MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. May 17 to Thurs. May 23 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411
Although still quite representational, the brush strokes create a different energy reminiscent of early Van Gogh. Gallery owner Morley Baker, an artist in his own right, said “Greta and I have had a working relationship for 15 years, from before she was painting on canvas in fact, and we at Westwind have watched the evolution of her work from day one.
At the beginning her work was much tighter. Now, it’s more relaxed, more confident, and the use of raw primary colours just pop out at you. I’ve truly enjoyed my artistic journey with Greta.” Westwind Gallery, at 292 Gower Point Road, Gibsons, is open Tuesday through Saturday, 10am to 5pm and Sundays, 10.30am to 3.30pm. Submitted
Powerful documentary captures animals’ personalities Sids Vids 1043
ilmmaker Liz Marshall will screen her film The Ghosts in our Machine at the Gibsons Heritage Playhouse on Saturday, May 18 at 7pm (doors open at 6.30). Marshall will be in attendance. A question and answer period will follow the screening hosted by Coast TV’s Tamar Kozlov and ac-
claimed Canadian filmmak- photography. Taken to bear er Bonnie Klein. witness, her stunning porAward-winning photog- traits of the animals – foxes, rapher and activist Jo-Anne cows, pigs, chickens – capMcArthur has been trav- ture their unique personalielling the world for over ties, quirks and intelligence, ten years to document the and make a compelling argumistreatment and suffer- ment on their behalf. Poetic ing of animals at the hands and engaging, this powerful of western industry. Ghosts film will spark important In Our Machine follows the conversations about the reDate Oct 25, 2012 impassioned McArthur on lationships between human Roberts Creek Sign 1002 covert missions to factory and non-human animals on farms in the dark of night our shrinking planet. where animals raised for fur Tickets are $10 and are or food are kept in appalling available at the door or in conditions, and to an almost advance at Seaweeds in Gibutopian sanctuary for res- sons, The Roberts Creek cued animals. Her goal is to Health Food Store, Woods demonstrate the sentience Showcase in the Sunny of non-human animals. Her Crest Mall and The Gibsons deep connection with these Public Art Gallery. Jan. 12, 2012 animals is palpable in her Submitted
The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013 7
ARTS & CULTURE Sunshine Coast on the
The Chilcotin War: A Colonial Legacy
GPAG Journals 1117 2013 Events on the Sunshine Coast
GPAG event 1120
Ann Nicholson fuses her native South African and Canadian symbolism to retell this little-known chapter of BC history
Fee: $100 at Gibsons Public Art Gallery May 20,Drive, 2013 Gibsons, BC 431 Marine Every Saturday in May, from 10 am - 12 noon
Bring a watercolor set, pencil, paper and a pen or two.
May 23 - June 24, 2013
Artist’s Reception Sat. May 25 2pm • Artist’s FAQ Talk Sun. May 26, 2pm This exhibition is made possible by the generous support of GPAG members and donors. Thank you.
Visit GPAG Thurs-Mon 11-4 at 431 Marine Drive, Gibsons • www.gibsonspublicartgallery.ca
sunshine Coast Community orchestra association
Gala ConCert
Thank you To our sponsors: CoastTV, The Coast recital society, sunshine Coast Credit union, Flemming and sombrowski Law office, rBC Wealth Management Dominion securities, Drs. Donald and Emory Bland Inc, Claytons heritage Market
SC Community Orchestra 1120
Sunday, May 26/13 2:30 PM Raven’s Cry Theatre Sechelt Coast Symphony Orchestra Suncoast Concert Band Sunshine Coast Youth Orchestra • Grieg Piano Concerto, featuring Mark andrews, piano • Arias from Mozart’s Don Giovanni and the Lakmé Flower Duet featuring Elizabeth (Currie) Buono, soprano $25 includes Concert & Reception Tickets: Gaia’s Fair Trade, Laedeli, Strait Music, Bluewaters Books
Benefit concert for the Ruby Slipper Fund
May 25th
7pm – 9pm, St. John’s United Church Davis Bay, Sechelt
June 1st
7pm – 9pm, The Performance Centre May 16, 2013 Harbour Madeira Park, Pender
Kenneth Norman Johnson Jena Wren, Peter Williams, Barry O’Hara
Tickets $20
at BlueWaters Books, Madeira Park & Sechelt Visitor’s Centre
A Latimer & Co. Event
604 989 2387
MAY 17-19 2013
ROBERTS CREEK Three days of music, art, film and food over the May Long Weekend, set in ten unique and diverse studio locations!
Cliff Gilker Park Hiking Trails Public Washrooms Kids’s playground
9 LOT 5
Fire Hall
Picnic Area Park & Beach
GUMBOOT 3 CAFE Gumboot Restaurant
Bicycle Path General Store
Metcalfe Road
Camp Byng
Bicycle Path
Official Festival Camp Ground
A $5 festival wristband gives you access to ALL daytime venues ALL weekend long (kids under 12 free). Wristbands can be purchased at any one of the 10 venues upon arrival, or today from the General Store or Health Food store in Roberts Creek. Free shuttle bus from 12-7pm Sat & Sun to all daytime venues RCAF night-time ticketed events ($15-$20 at the door) Fri-Goldmoss, Sat-Dreamberry, Sun-Strait Sound Venue Map, Schedules, Camping/Lodging details at:
April through to Sept July 19 - 21 Farmers Market, Sechelt Highway 101 Music Festival, Pender Harbour April to Oct Lions Park, www.hwy101musicfest.com Roberts Creek Farm Gate Market July 21 May 17 - 19 Davis Bay Sand Castle Contest, Roberts Creek Arts Festival Davis Bay beach May 17 - 19 July 27 - 28 April 25, 2013 Attack of Danger Bay Longboarding Sea Cavalcade, Gibsons, Competition, Madeira Park, www.seacavalcade.ca www.coastlongboarding.com/dangerbay.cfm Aug. 8 - 12 May 18 Art Stroll in The Landing, Pender Harbour May Day www.gibsonspublicartgallery.ca May 18 -19 Aug 9 - 11 BioBlitz at the Iris Griffith Centre, Festival of the Rolling Arts, Sechelt, Pender Harbour, www.lagoonsociety.com www.coasterscarclub.ca May 18 Aug 9 - 26 Caron Gardens Rhododendron Festival Handcrafted Asian Imports Imporium, 4622 Beaumont Rd, Garden Bay, Roberts Creek Mason Hall www3.telus.net/rcknight kebeandfast.com May 21 10 - 11 Sheryl Latimer Aug 1120 Suncoast Woodcrafters Guild meeting Sunshine Coast Trail Challenge, Chatelech High School (room 117), 7 pm. biking event, www.great-explorations.com May 23 to June 24 Aug 11 The Chilcotin War: a Colonial Legacy artist: Show ‘n’ Shine, auto event, Garden Bay, Ann Nicholson, www.coasterscarclub.ca Gibsons Public Art Gallery Aug 15 - 18 May 24 - 26 Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts, Lund Shellfish Festival. www.lundbc.ca Rockwood Centre, www.writersfestival.ca May 25 -26 Artists reception for Ann Nicholson Aug 15 - 18 Gibsons Public Art Gallery, 2: pm May 16, 2013 Pender Harbour Chamber Music Festival, May 26 Pender Harbour School of Music, SCCOA 20th Anniversary Gala, www.penderharbourmusic.ca Raven’s Cry Theatre, 2:30pm Aug 17 May 31 Astronomy In The Park, MUSIC at Roberts Creek Legion Porpoise Bay Park. www.coastastronomy.ca Petunia & the Vipers (Vancouver) Aug 17 petuniaandthevipers.com Rodz & Hogs Charity Rally, June 1 Crossroads Grill, Garden Bay Egmont Day, parade 11am Aug 17 Events at Community Hall Creek Daze, Roberts Creek, June - Aug Higgeldy Piggeldy Parade and celebrations Lagoonies Kids Club Nature Day Camp, Aug 17 - 18 Wednesdays at Iris Griffith Centre, Hackett Park Summer Arts & Crafts Fair, www.lagoonsociety.com Sechelt, www.scartscouncil.com June - Sept Aug 23 - 25 Sechelt Night Markets, 5-9pm, Synchronicity Festival, Cowrie St., downtown Sechelt Shirley Macey Park, Gibsons, June 7 - 9 www.synchronicityfestival.ca Pender Harbour Blues Festival, various venues. www.penderharbourbluesfestival.com Sept 1 Harvest Festival, Botanical Gardens, June 8 - 9 5491 Mason Rd. , Sechelt Home and Cottage Show, www.coastbotanicalgardens.org Gibsons Community Centre, 100 exhibitors Sept 15 June 8 - 16 Off The Edge Brat Race, Gibsons Landing Jazz Festival week, www.coastjazz.com biking event, www.offtheedge.org June 22 Sept 20 - 22 Annual Children’s Festival, Pender Harbour Jazz Festival, 10:30 - 3:30 Dougall Park, Gibsons various locations, www.phjazz.ca June 29 Oct 5 Malaspina Regatta, Pender Harbour, Pender Harbour Fall Faire, sailing race, www.gardenbaysailingclub.com Madeira Park June 29 - July 6 Oct 6 BC Bike Race, from Vancouver to Whistler, Fall Faire, by One Straw Society, www.bcbikerace.com Roberts Creek Hall, July 1 www.onestraw.ca Canada Day celebrations, Oct 12 - 13 Gibsons, Sechelt, Pender Harbour Gibsons Fall Fair, July 3 Quality Gardens, Pratt Rd., Sechelt Outdoor Festival www.gibsonsfallfair.org www.secheltoutdoorfestival.com Oct. 17 - 27 July 6 Sechelt Arts Festival, Wood Duck Festival, Iris Griffith Centre, Various locations, Pender Harbour. www.lagoonsociety.com www.secheltartsfestival.com July 6 Oct 18 - 29 Kids Catch a Trout Day, Chapman Creek Sunshine Coast Art Crawl, Hatchery, Wilson Creek. www.scsalmon.org Artists’ studios from Langdale to Lund, July 12 - 14 www.sunshinecoastartcrawl.com Halfmoon Bay Country Fair, www.welcomebeach.org
8 The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013
Local Community
REAL ESTATE Property 1120 & clear approach For aKey straight forward to achieving your real estate goals,
Attention property owners
us! russ and april
AccommodAtions needed:
We have 2 families anxiously waiting for 2 bdrm detached houses in Gibsons, plus a 4 bdrm detached house in Gibsons. Also, we need a 3 bdrm detached house in Roberts Creek, A.S.A.P! If you can help us with these urgent, long-term rentals, please call Loriena.
“My job is to protect your investment.”
Loriena Gostlin Owner & Property Manager
6A - 1161 Hwy. 101 , Gibsons, V0N 1V4 604-886-6618 • www.keypropertymanagement.ca
May 16, 2013
604-741-7119 april@coastlifestyles.ca
32 - 900 Gibsons Way, Gibsons 888-466-2277 An independently owned & operated member of BRER Affiliates inc. Not affiliated with Prudential marks used under license.
Number of Sales
Land Manufactured on Pad
Attached Detached
40 20
Courtesy of GARY LITTLE
April 2011 - 49
April 2012 - 70 (+42.9%)
Local Community
Locals! You can’t miss these deals!
1120 RealQuershi Estate Listings RUSS AND APRIL QURESHI
• 423 South Fletcher Road 3 bed, 3 bath view home, Gibsons $419,000 • 9-5471 Secret Cove Road 3 bed, 2 bath view home, Secret Cove $309,000 • 6-693 CorlettMay Road16, 2013 3 bed, 2 bath 1564 sq ft view town home, Gibsons $259,000 • 3367 Richards Road 3 bed, 1 bath rancher, Roberts Creek $339,000
April 2013 - 52 (-25.7%)
NEW LISTING • $399,900 1646 Grandview Rd. Gibsons Private setting! This contemporary post and beam has 3 bdrms, 2 bathrms, and is an open plan. View potential. Gas f/s fireplace, in living room, which opens to deck. Located a short walk to Bonniebrook Beach. 1+ acre , forest and stream, bordered by parkland. KEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SECHELT: Commercial Rental
1000 sq. ft. commercial space in Sechelt. Base rent is $10 per sq. ft. GIBSONS: Residential Rental 2 bedrooms and den plus 1-1/2 bathrooms in this 2 storey attached dwelling now ready for a family. Avail now. $1200/mo. SECHELT: Apartments Large 1 bedroom apartments in Sechelt. Non-smoking building and no pets. Available Now. $695 & $725/mo. Also available is a corner unit featuring a large balcony and lots of extra natural light for $750/mo.
RESTAURANT GUIDE Sunshine Coast on the
Ruby Lake Resort 1120 Ruby Lake Resort
15426 Sunshine Coast Hwy.
W! E N
Specialty Specialty Breakfast & Lunch Baked Goods & Breakfast Organic Coffee Gluten Free & Vegetarian Friendly Options & Lunch
Pender Harbour • 604-883-2269
Two Nights Special for Two $200 + tax
•Two nighTs acccommodaTion •fish of The day & pasTa dinner
California Roll Wrap
MAY 16, 2013
One Night Special for Two $159 + tax
Sunshine Coast
Sunshine Coast Residential Sales by Month - April 2011, 2012, 2013
on the
•one nighT accommodaTion • Three course dinnTer for Two
Mon-Fri 7-4, Sat 9-3 • Baked Goods 5714 Cowrie St, Sechelt Carrot & Bean • Organic Coffee Salad 604-740-0508 • Gluten-free and Vegetarian-friendly Options
5712 Cowrie St., Sechelt 604-740-0508
SuNday iS FiSH & PaSTa NigHT
dinner for two only
NeW Open Mon, Wed & Fri 7am - 4pm HOurS Sat & Sun 9am - 3pm. Closed Tues.
Friday iS PaSTa NigHT
all pasta dishes for an incredible price of
$1500+ tax
Open Thursday - Sunday • 4-9pm • 604-883-2269 15426 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Pender Harbour www.rubylakeresort.com
Ruby Lake Resort is home to one of the best restaurants on the Coast.The Trattoria features a spectacular patio overlooking the water while inside you can relax next to the beautiful wood burning stone fireplace.This fine dining experience is perfect for that special occasion or when you just need to enjoy a delicious meal in a lovely environment. Chef Aldo is the mastermind behind the menu, which features natural ingredients, wild game and fresh seafood. Chef Aldo prides himself as being a sustainable chef, and supports local fishermen and farmers. His dedication to quality, love of gardening and knowledge of local mushrooms gives him the ability to bring you an incredible selection of fresh foods. They are also proud supporters of local fishermen, and the Vancouver Aquarium’s Ocean Wise Program. Located next to Ruby Lake, this is a spectacular spot to enjoy a wonderful meal.
It’s Bob & Kathy’s
20TH AnnIversAry
at Pebbles restaurant Please join us in our celebration! From now through to July, we’ll make a draw every saturday for a
PeBBles GIFT valued at CerTIFICATe $100!
Enter at Pebbles Restaurant foR a chancE to win! At The Driftwood Inn 5454 Trail Avenue Sechelt 604-885-5811
The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013 9
SPORTS & MARINE Sunshine Coast on the
Kayaking on the Coast
Sports and Campsite Listings
(604) 885-2948
Five year-old Ethan on Klein Lake.
25% off all kayak day rentals! (mention this ad) S.U.P. Yoga Work Shops start Sat. May 18th May/June - HSK Kayak Intro coarses (3-4 hours) Paddle Canada Level One coarses (12 hours) S.U.P. Yoga mornings and evenings program Full Moon Tours - May 24th and June 23rd. Guided Multi Day - June 28th to May 1st
ayaking has become one of the most popular sports on the Sunshine Coast. Unlike many activities, kayaking can be enjoyed by young and old alike. It just depends on where you launch your boat. Those looking for a smooth paddle can head up to one of our beautiful lakes and paddle around with ease while watching for loons, eagles and even jumping fish. If you are feeling a bit more adventurous, you may drop your kayak in at any of the beaches along the shore and paddle up and down the coastline. Keep your eyes peeled as you might get lucky and spot some seals, orcas and even whales. Finally, for those looking to take it to the next level, you can pack your dry bag full of extra clothes, toss in a small cooler bag with some food and water and head out towards one of the many islands for a picnic. This can be one of the most rewarding adventures but you must be aware of weather changes. Kayaking in the open sea is fun, but if the wind picks up, so will the waves. Always wear a life jacket and it’s best to go out with at least one friend. The Sunshine Coast has many outdoor adventure stores to help you suit up whether you are a beginner or a true professional.
Choose your
KLS Yacht Care Coasting through life in style • • • • • • • • •
Cut Polish & Wax Fibreglass Repairs Minor Gel Coat Repairs Interior Cleaning Bottom Painting Structural Repairs Deck Hardware Exterior Wash Small pleasure craft and mobile sevice
phone 604-309-2916 KLSYachtCare@gmail.com
We have everything that you need for your next adventure! SaleS • RentalS • leSSonS • touRS
don’t MISS ouR neXt FRee deMo daY!
SundaY, June 9, 11-3 • poRpoISe BaY pRovInCIal paRK Try out kayaks and paddleboards for free. Pre-register to ensure we bring the boat or board you want - outdooradventurestore.ca
GOLF: Sechelt Golf & Country Club, 6177 Ripple Way, Sechelt 604-885-2700 Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club, 3206 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Roberts Creek 604-885-9212 Pender Harbour Golf Club, 13823 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Pender Harbour 604-883-9541 Langdale Heights RV Par 3 Golf Resort, 2170 Pt. Mellon Hwy, Gibsons 604-886-2182
Klein Lake (Egmont), Rustic campground with outhouses but no running water or other amenities.
BEACHES Hopkins Landing, At the end of Hopkins Road in Gibsons. Smith Cove Park, From the Langdale ferry terminal, turn right on Port Mellon Road, then right on Smith Road for this ocean beach. Soames Beach, Follow path through blackberries at bottom of Soames Road, Gibsons. BIKING EVENTS: Roberts Creek Beach, BC Bike Race and Kids Race, Bottom of Roberts Creek Road beside the Roberts July 3 & 4 Creek estuary. www.bcbikerace.com Flume Park, Sunshine Coast Bottom of Flume Road in Roberts Creek. Mountain Bike Challenge, Mason Road Beach, KLS Yacht Care 1117 Aug 10 & 11 At the foot of Mason Road, about five minutes www.great-explorations.com north of Sechelt on Hwy. 101. Off The Edge Brat Race, Trout Lake, Sept. 15 Follow Hwy 101 north of Sechelt on your right www.offtheedge.org 5km past Redrooffs Road turnoff. CAMPSITES Coopers Green, Roberts Creek Provincial Park (Roberts Creek), Access from the west end of Redroofs Road in 1.4 km from Flume Beach. Halfmoon Bay. Porpoise Bay Provincial Park (Sechelt), Katherine Lake, Large sandy beach, grassyApril picnic area,25, 2013 From Hwy 101 north of Madeira Park, turn left adventure playground and forest trails. onto Garden Bay Road. Smugglers Cove Provincial Park Dan Bosch Regional Park, (Halfmoon Bay), Ruby Lake, great for swimming and picnics. North This provincial park offers wilderness camping on Hwy 101. only, with pit toilets but no fresh water or other Baker Beach, amenities. Follow Francis Peninsula Road to Warnoc, turn left Katherine Lake (Pender Harbour), onto Davis, then right on Baker. Sandy beach, pretty hiking trails and washrooms with showers.
Off the Edge’s Alpha Adventures 1120
First Annual Spinathon May 25th 2013 • 10 - 5:30pm 5519 Wharf Avenue, Sechelt May 16, 2013
Over 90 different kayaks in stock!
SuMMeR ClothIng patagonia, Rab, gramicci. Shorts, Capris, tops, dresses & much more!
We have a boat for every type of paddler. From $350 and up. eaCh neW Boat CoMeS WIth a FRee paddle and a StoRe WIde dISCount!
Support local riders in The Ride to Conquer Cancer 10:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 4:00 pm
Stand up paddleBoaRdS We’ve been paddling, teaching and selling Sup’s for 5 years. Check out our lineup from amundson, naish and Starboard
Demo Specialized road bikes Coffee and muffins BBQ Draw for prizes
great selection! from vibram Five Fingers & Scarpa hiking boots
alpha adventuReS outdooR adventuRe StoRe #2 - 4330 Sunshine Coast Hwy, in Wilson Creek Plaza 604-885-8838 • Open 7 days a week • www.outdooradventurestore.ca
All donations will go to the Ride to Conquer Cancer
offtheedge.org • 604-741-0767
10 The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013
is it time to downsize?
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Sunpro Serving the Sunshine Coast, Squamish and Whistler
604-885-9622 toll free 1-877-886-9586
www.sunproenterprises.com • sunproenterprises@yahoo.ca
Hanging baskets accent with vibrant colours ow that gardens are Alternate the trailing and clumping plants, started and Spring cleanup is nearly finished, and make sure you use enough plants so it’s time to startMarch thinking 21, 2013 that your basket looks good immediately about a few more summery accents. Hanging baskets add a quick splash of colour to keep the weight down. creative as possible! This is and visual appeal to porch, There are many soils that where you can have some deck or patio. have been developed for this fun. Use an upright plant There are a number of purpose. in the center and put trailstores and nurseries on the Step two: Choose either ing and clumping plants Coast offering ready-made a slow release fertilizer, to around the outside rim of baskets of all sizes and co- sprinkle into the soil, or the container. Alternate lours. But for a customized a water soluble fertilizer. the trailing and clumping look, anyone can design With a slow release fertil- plants, and make sure to use and plant a hanging basket izer, it is important to fol- enough plants so that the in just six simple steps. low the instructions on the basket looks good immeMany diffSunpro erent fl1120 owers package and mix the proper diately, but plants still have and herbs can go into the amount into the soil before room to grow and expand. design, but always balance you plant. Or, if using a wa- Choose plants according to the trailing/creeping plants ter soluble fertilizer, plan to the proposed location of with those which grow tall. add it every fourth time you the basket – using plants Remember, although the water in order to produce a that prefer full sun, partial flowers in a hanging bas- large and full basket. shade, and so on. Ask the ket look small, with proper Step three: Place the professionals at local plant watering and care they will basket on an upside down nurseries for suggestions, almost triple their size in a flower pot so you can work and they will be happy to few months. May 16, 2013 with both hands and view lend a hand. To take the deHere are six easy steps the creation from all sides as sign to the next level, blend to creating a customized you put it together. Add soil and contrast the colors, Coast-style hanging basket. to about three to four cen- scents, and blooming times Step one: Choose the timeters (about one inch) of the plants. basket or container remem- below the rim. This allows Step five: Loosen the root bering that it needs to have water to collect and perco- ball before placing any of a sturdy hook or hanging late into the soil at watering the plants in the soil. Make attachment. Baskets can get time, rather than overfilling sure the crown of the plant very heavy once filled with and running over the sides. is planted evenly with soil soil, plants, and water. Pick Step four: Choose plants level. Do not bury any leaves a lightweight soil mixture from the list below. Be as but make sure that all roots
Coastal Sun &
GreenhouSeS Farm k’s feaTur e This w ee
are covered. Check that the plants are still planted properly after watering for the first time as sometimes the first watering can erode enough soil to allow the roots to become exposed. Plants will be stunted or die if their roots are exposed to sunlight. Step six: Water thoroughly and often. On many days throughout Spring and Summer the basket may need daily watering. If the basket totally dries out, take it down and submerge it in a bucket of water, letting it absorb as much water as it can handle. This will often revitalize a basket, but shouldn’t be relied upon on a regular basis. If you are going away for a few days, ask a neighbour to stop over and water your plants. Most often they will be happy to lend a hand, knowing that you will go over and help them water their plants when they decide to go on a little summer vacation. The whole process does take a bit of effort to do properly but if you take some time and have fun picking out the plants, you will be rewarded with beautiful and lush hanging baskets.
Coastal Sun Greenhouse 1120
Let Nature Inspire You!
Lots to do!
May 16, 2013
Summer at the Garden Come for a quiet stroll, join a public tour or bring the family for a picnic and games.
It’s tomato plantIng tIme! Free with plant purchase: 3.5” pot heritaGe ‘Grand ma’ or ‘Grand Pa’ italian roma Plant
Nursery in roberts Creek Your homegrown
wilSon Creek
Pell road
robertS Creek
SunShine CoaSt hiGhway
is 1/4 mile North of Hwy #1
OPEN 10:00 am to 6:00 pm DAILY << Sechelt
Open Daily 10:00am to 6:00pm phone 604-885-0128
1652 Pell road
1652 PELL RD Roberts Creek PLANT ROAD
Gibsons >>
Plants raised on the Sunshine Coast!
John is sharing his ‘secret’ growing tips with a handout: ‘How to get the most from your tomato plants.’
Bring your supper, your camera, your paints, your guitar, or your binoculars and especially, bring those you love. West Coast Nature at its best Open daily 5941 Mason Road, Sechelt www.coastbotanicalgarden.org
The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013 11
home &garden
Working Together to B
Working Together to Build Our Communities®
Patios need protection to stay looking good O
n the Sunshine Coast, there has been a big push not only to use the patio as a sitting area, but actually to transform it into a beautiful outdoor living space. Just add a barbecue, some patio furniture and a portable firepit and start hosting summer parties. Because patios have become the spot for warm weather outdoor meals, the patio should be protected from wear and tear. This can result from Mother Nature or be a byproduct of all those spring and sum- Summer can be rough on patios and patio furniture. mer evenings spent relaxing Homeowners can take several steps to protect their outdoors. Fortunately, there patios from wear and tear. PHOTO SUBMITTED are a handful of ways homeowners can keep their patios might be applied to counter mer here on the Coast, a looking pristine through the natural factors like sunlight. quick rain shower is always summer party season. Another way to protect just around the corner. Patios need protection to the patio is to plant trees With that in mind, addstay looking good. around it. This eco-friend- ing an awning to the patio Applying a sealer helps ly technique maintains and could almost double its use protect a concrete patio adds to a patio’s aesthetic throughout the year. A refrom the natural elements. appeal while protecting it tractable awning, although To add a splash of colour to from sunlight and ultravio- more expensive upfront, a concrete deck, use a solid- let radiation and providing can pay homeowners back color stain for a more even natural shade for friends over the long haul. First and solid look, or an acid and family members wish- and foremost, retractable stain to provide a more mar- ing to spend some quality awnings protect patio from ble-like appearance. While time outdoors on hot af- sunlight and ultraviolet rays neither are likely to fade or ternoons. in hot weath r. A retractpeel quickly, over time an Even though we usu2013-May-16-The Local-Renovation costs - Advertisement.ai 1 22/01/2013 10:28:02able AM awning can also protect additional coat or sealant ally enjoy a fairly dry sum- friends and family members
from sunburns during summer afternoons when the UV index is high. When placed near a window, retractable awnings can lower energy bills. Such awnings can keep sunlight and ultraviolet rays from entering the home. This lowers the temperature indoors, which reduces reliance on air conditioning units to maintain a comfortable temperature. These awnings can also extend the life of furniture, which tends to fade when placed inside windows that get heavy sun exposure. Patio furniture can range from inexpensive to very elegant. Homeowners who picked up a few plastic chairs might not feel furniture covers are worth the investment. For those with more expensive patio furniture, durable furniture covers that can withstand year-round weather are a sound investment. Covers should fit snugly around the furniture to provide optimal protection. Taking care of the patio make sit last longer while adding livable square footage – and value – to a home.
Commercial & Retail Sales PO Box 1790, 5784 Sechelt Inlet Rd., Sechelt
604-885-7595 fax 604-885-2328
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12 The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013
Sunshine Coast Hearing • Hearing aid sales & repairs • priVately oWned & operated
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Bring in this ad to receive
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HAS THE BANK SAID NO? If you have equity in any property On the Sunshine Coast and need Money nOw. Private Lenders can help. Any Reason / Any property Any amount Easy Applications - Quick Approval
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SC Hearing 1116 All About Town • Gibsons
Gibsons builds momentum for summer fun JIM DOREY EDITOR
April 18, 2013
ecently Gibsons held a groundbreaking cerRichard 1116 emony for a new Watt Gibsons Elementary School, which will replace the existing structure when it opens in 2014. This new school will give students the chance to study in an incredible new facility with all the latest technology. In late February, the April 18, 2013 Town of Gibsons Planning Department received re-zoning and developWendy Sanchez 1108 ment permit applications for The George Hotel, a proposed luxury resort and condo project proposed for the former Hyak Marine property at the foot of Winn Road, adjacent to Winegarden Park. The developer says the project will “support over 21, 2013 130 new jobs in aFeb. variety of hospitality and tourism relatedFinn positions as well1108 as MacCools create over $23,000,000 in construction wages.” In the name of transparency, the Town posted the re-zoning and development permit documents on their website for public review and comment. At the other end of the 21, 2013 seawalk, theFeb. Town is reviewing improvements to Armours Beach. Town staff was on hand Unwind at the former 1120 Gibsons Sea Cavalcade, July 27 and 28, is just one of the summertime events drawing Town Hall (or Pigs Rugby visitors to this seaside village. PHOTO ALLAN FOREST Clubhouse) at Armours Beach recently, hosting an Open House to request completion. By mapping tion. On Thursday, May fees for one load of ‘spring public input and gauge the sources and extent of 16, at 6pm, representa- clean-up’ items dropped support for enhanced ac- the aquifer, the Town will tives from Waterline Re- off at Gibsons Recycling cess and amenities of this have good data to deter- sources Inc. will present Depot. This coupon may popular swimming area, mine the true capacity of the results of the Mapping be used at any time beAn extensive Aquifer this resource and plan for Project to residents at a tween June 1 and August Mapping studyMay is nearing 16, 2013 conservation and protec- special Council meeting 31, 2013. at the Municipal Offices, Finally, as the summer 474 South Fletcher Road, really starts to set in with Gibsons. This meeting is the May long weekend, a Carola's Quilt 1120 open to the public, and an number of events are startopportunity for all to learn ing to creep up including more about this incredible the Sunday Market, Gibresource. sons Landing Jazz FestiThe Town is changing val, Sunshine Coast Chiltheir Spring Clean-up dren’s Festival, Music in Event to a coupon system the Landing and the ever this year. Each household popular Sea Cavalcade. will receive a coupon in See our events listings for their mailbox to cover the more details. May 16, 2913
The store for families on the grow, is on the move! Moving soon To gibsons Park Plaza
The Town of Gibsons – founded in 1886 and incorporated as a Village in 1929 – is now home to almost 4,500 people.
Come by for same great moving sales on everything from:
• toys • maternity clothes • nursing bras • cloth diapers • children’s shoes • baby carriers • bath & body • arts & crafts • books & music • mom & dad gear
11-1161 Sunshine Coast Highway • 604-886-2335
legion GIBSOnS 747 Gibsons Way RoyalGiggle Canadian n Bloom 1116
BRanch #109 604-886-2411
You don’t have to be ex-military to join The Legion or the Ladies Auxiliary. Legion membership is open to everyone! Crib on Tuesdays Saturdays 12:30pm • Meat Draws Saturdays 4-5:30pm & Sundays 4-6pm April7pm 18,&2013
The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013 13
admin@thelocal1.ca 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS
Caron Gardens Annual Rhododendron Festival – May 18, 10:00am – 3:00pm. Details/map at: www3.telus.net/rcknight. b20
Sunshine Coast Lions Housing Society, AGM, Thursday June 20, 7pm, at Greenecourt Hall, 5810 Medusa, St., Sechelt. p20
April 8, 1936 - May 4, 2013
Have you received our MARIBEL’S FINE FASHIONS flyer in the mail, recently? If you did, come and visit us at our shoppe in Teredo Square and enter our draw to win a $200 value of merchandise, to be drawn June 15th. b20
UPCOMING EVENTS RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen open Monday - Friday. 604-886-9813 btfn
PERSONALS Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. np27 If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. Toll Free 1-877-373-8255. www.sunshinecoastaa.ca btfn Need help to lose weight? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensiibly) at a new location. Sechelt Activity Centre, 5604 Trail Ave. at 6:30pm on Wednesdays (phone 604-7474755). Also in Gibsons, Frank West Hall, Chaster Rd. at 6:30pm on Tuesdays (phone 604-886-8578). p27
200 COMMUNITY NOTICES CLASSES Feldenkrais® Classes for healthy, organized movements. Enjoy these gentle, no-sweat classes and eliminate pain, inhibited movement and restricted range of motion. Great for rehab as well as general maintenance. Tuesdays, 5-6pm, Davis Bay Community Hall or customized, hands-on sessions by appt. 604-885-9064 or silk-bri@dccnet.com btfn
Vintage and other quality watches & boxes wanted in any condition
$ CASH $
¾ size guitar, Walker good cond, $45. Johnny 1016 Walker with basket, good cond, $60. Little Rolex 1118tykes work bench with tools, $15. Call 604-885-9643. p20
Coins & Bills
Banjos, five string. Golf clubs with R9 Taylor drive. 604-740-1079. p23
RE Décor Consignment. Christopher Kelly, unclutterer and Feng Shui practioner, has worked his magic in the store. Come and see our FAB new look, we love it! Always stylish, always affordable. www.redecor.ca www.facebook.com/redecorsechelt. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-8855884. Still Good ReFurniture, 5520 Inlet Ave., Great vintage suitcases, round dining table w/ leaves, chairs, pottery and more. New stock arriving daily. b20
ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Gold & Silver buyer. Top dollar paid. Jewelry, coins, etc. 604-7406474. b20 Read the classifieds online
thelocalweekly.ca c
Silver & Gold Antique Items, etc. 604-740-6474
Mid-sized wood turning lathe. Swing 12” x 36”, swivel head, variable speed. $200. 604-885-4789. p21
GARAGE AprilSALES 19, 2012 ESTATE BUYER. 604-740-6474. b20
30% off all Biographies at La Brocante, 8122 Redroofs Rd., Halfmoon Bay, 604-885-2027. Books, prints, and records, 11am – 5pm daily. Cash only. www.labrocante.ca. b22
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TaylorMade driver (used a couple of times) $120. Air hockey table $300. 10 gal terranium, complete $50. 10 gal aquarium, complete $50. Mens neoprene dry suit, fits person 5’10”, 180lbs $300. Call 604-885-8422. p21 Sears treadmill, Free Spirit, electric drive, displays speed, calories, distance, pulse. 604-886-2329. p21 36” loom, LeClerk, $1000 obo. 604885-5348. p21
David Holmes was born in Vancouver, Canada. Trained first as an engineer, then as an opera singer, and ultimately as a ballet dancer, David Holmes was a true renaissance man, as talented in the kitchen as he was on stage or in the classroom. David’s professional dance career began with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet; within two years, he and his first wife Anna-Marie became the first North Americans to dance with the famed Russian Kirov Ballet. While in Russia, the Holmes couple was trained by legendary principal teachers Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Dudinskaya (who also taught Mikhail Baryshnikov and Rudolph Nureyev). The roles taught by these famous teachers would ultimately earn David a worldwide reputation for his virtuosity and interpretation of the great Russian classics. Guest appearances of both the classics and new works brought him regularly to cultural centers in over 30 countries. In addition to performing around the world, David was also featured in several notable dance films, including the international awardwinning documentary Tour en L’air, and Ballet Adagio created by National Film Board of Canada. David’s reputation as a performer was equaled by his reputation as a master teacher and businessman. As his international career matured, he became increasingly involved in the business and management side of the performing arts. He founded David Holmes and Associates, an international touring agency headquartered in London, as well as established the US & Canadian exclusive distributorships of Dance Centre of London’s Active Wear and Balletique’s English Ballroom Shoes. David ran these distributorships from headquarters on Chicago’s “Miracle Mile,” and later expanded his operations via an American-based dance shoe factory in Tennessee. While in Tennessee, David founded the Tennessee Festival Ballet that served Oak Ridge, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville and Memphis with two tours annually, featuring the major classics. In 2007 he moved to the Sunshine Coast, where he devoted his attentions to raising his two youngest daughters with his second wife, Kathleen Holmes. In 2012 he and Kathy produced the highly successful The Nutcracker at the Heritage Playhouse, creating the first full-length local production of this Russian Classic for the Sunshine Coast. A brilliant artist, phenomenal chef, talented wordsmith and great lover of life, he will be deeply missed by so many around the world. David is survived by his wife Kathleen his daughters Hunter, Halle and Lian-Marie, and his sister Betty-Mae Smith. No Service By Request
for any old
Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn Seasoned runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn
A BrilliAnt MAn
Johnny Walker
Obit David Holmes 1120 firewood dump 2 col xand 7.75”
APARTMENT. May 18, 10:30 – 2:30, The Belmar, Inlet Ave., Apt. 404. Twin beds with bookshelf headboards; Broy Hill ornate 9 drawer dresser w/mirror & matching beside tables; antique desk; pine cheval mirror; chess table; sofa & chair; 2 bookshelves; tall curio display cabinet; hall seat; vintage style coat/hat stand; 2 black/chrome bar stools; Westminster chime grandfather clock (battery-operated); floor lamp; table lamps; nesting tables; tea wagon; small cupboard; older L.P. cupboard; side tables; corner T.V. stand; storge unit w/canvas drawers; T.V. tables; 2 braided rugs; framed prints; Shakespeare’s Sonnets’ ironstone dishes; crystal; china; linens; coats/jackets. Sale by Rightsizing Solutions. Selling starts at 10:30am Cash or Chq with I.D. b20
ROLEX & vintage & other quality watches wanted in any cond, call 604-740-6474. b20
Coast Professional Centre 938 Gibsons Way, Gibsons 2 offiCe sPaCes
Retired Hobbyist wants discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones, etc. Call 604-740-3989. p21
448 sq. ft – Unpartitioned 1096 sq. ft – Partitioned Air Conditioned Wheelchair Accessible
Derek standfield 604-886-0242
Buying vintage weapons, badges, medals, etc. 604-740-6474. b20
May 16, 2013
FREE APPRAISAL of your gold & silver items etc. 604-740-6474. b20 Glass, thousands of pounds in various sizes, good for greenhouses or projects of any kind. Call 604-885-5420. f20 Row Boat – 10ft fiberglass, needs some repairs. 604-885-7903. f20
LOST / FOUND Found: Ladies prescription glasses, green frame with 5 rhinestones on each arm. Found by the logs on Davis Bay/Chapman Creek beach, Wed, April 17. Call 604-885-7130. p20 Found: A set of two keys on a ring, found behind the IGA in Madeira Park, Wed April 23. Call 778487-2012. f20 Found: Mens gold ring with large initials on the front “WCS”, near Elphinstone Secondary in Gibsons. Call 604-740-0381. f20 Found: Ladies silver/gold wrist watch, found on Teredo St. noon on May 6. Call 604-885-2630. f20 Found: Small, grey, hooded sweater w/snowboard figure pattern, in Hackett Park. Also a softball labelled “Rebels”, near Hackett Park. Call 604-885-5604. f20
Sechelt: Greenecourt Srs low-cost housing is taking applications for 1 bdrm apt. Heat & H/W incl. Mandatory 2 meals/day Program w/ alert button at an additional cost of $503/mo. 604-885-5962. btfn
Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-885-3281. btfn
Sechelt: Tiny cabin, available July 1, $495 per mo. Small suite, available June 1, $595 per mo. Both have private patios, must be quiet, have references, and no bad habits. Call 604-885-5884. p20
Malaspina Realty 1006
For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: www.malaspinapm.ca Professional Services...
1997 Kawasaki Vulcan, excellent cond, good starter bike, easy to drive, new windshield, planning to upgrade. $2,350.00. Call 604885-8422. p21
CARS FOR SALE CASH for your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b20
With Personal Focus Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial
Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721 homes
Gibsons: 3 bdrm upgraded twnhs featuring 1.5 baths, sm fncd yd, prkg for 2 cars, gardener for lawns, sports field for the youngsters, etc. n/s, sm pet nego. $1200/mo. Avail. June 1. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca
Ask fonre Wayn
Waynne Pretty
Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn
MARINE 8 HP outboard, less than 25 hours, 2008 Yamaha 4 stroke outboard, electric start, trim, and steering complete package. $2,350.00. Call 604-885-8422. p21 accepts donations to
Please give generously.
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL: admin@thelocal1.ca
HELP WANTED-GENERAL Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn The Third Little Pig Contracting, Landscape Design and Construction. Mini excavator. Free estimates. Call Dennis Feb.at9,604-7412012 3009. b20 University student looking for yard work - mowing, hedging, etc. Call Joey at 604-989-0114. b21 Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas, 604-989-3401. bmo
WORK WANTED-PROFESSIONAL Require reliable 1:1 Caregiver with ECE, experience working with children with developmental disabilities and American Sign Language. Knowledge of Augmentative Communication devices an asset. Active outgoing person with a love for children. Must have a reliable vehicle. Hours: Mon –Fri Key Property 0700 - 0845 & 1445 - 1700 - 20 hrs / wk plus additional coverage1for col x non-instructional school days. F/T July-Aug. Send resume and reference list in confidence via email to: king_rose@dccnet.com or fax to 604-885-8682. b21
BeaTee Riddims Drumset and May 16, 20 rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b21 COMPUTERS
seChelt: 1000 sqft new comm space avail. March 1. suit prof or destination business. excellent parking. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca
Give to the Food Bank
#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802
$6.00 + HST*
cl 3.
seChelt: lrg 1 bdrm. apt, close to shops & restaurants. $695/ mo Available now. ns/nP. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca
Grandmothers and Grandothers 5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt
Gibsons RV Resort: $475/mo. incl. hydro/sewer/water. RV site only. Internet $20/Cable TV $20. Pets OK. R.V to be 1995 and newer. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275. btfn
Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.
20¢ each additional word + HST
Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.
14 The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013
New scholarship fundraiser promises rockin’ good time SERVICE DIRECTORY
Help save an ERA
Do you love older wooden boats? Looking for volunteers to help save The eRA, a historic 1951 vessel that was used for navigational purposes along the West Coast. Moored in Sechelt. Contact Ray 604-989-4624
Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash
n support of the Neil the band break. on Whistler Mountain, was a Falkner Outward Bound Funds raised through lover of the outdoors, an avid Legacy – a great new op- dance ticket sales and the mountain biker, and skilled portunity for youth on the silent auction (now run- motorcyclist. He led motorCoast –Roberts Creek Hall ning on-line with a link at cycle tours through the back will be rocking on May 25. www.neilfalknerlegacy.ca, roads of BC in summer, and Doors open at 7:30pm and it includes a stunning array pursued back-country and the band starts at 8pm for of items and is scheduled to alpine skiing in winter. In the legacy’s first Sunshine wrap up at the dance) will 1986, as a troubled 16-yearCoast Fundraiser. Bigger Bits benefit the Neil Falkner Out- old, Neil participated in a of String Band (Kaia Nielson ward Bound Legacy Fund 25-day Outward Bound and Mark Lebbell) along which will annually send program in the British Cowith Ken Dalgliesh on piano Coast youth on challenging lumbia wilderness, returning and John Rule on drums Outward Bound Canada with confidence, pride, and launch a swinging, jump- Wilderness Programs where a desire to challenge himself ing evening. Special guest they experience physical and and others. performer Aaron Malkin (of emotional success by pushAfter his 2002 death in anwill Era 1119 Superhero BoySave Band) ing beyond their ideas of the the Wapta Ice Fields (Canakeep the joint rockin’ during possible. Students learn the dian Rockies) in April 2002, technical skills demanded by Neil’s family established the in the wilderness and Legacy Fund in his memory T Smith Small Engine Repairs travel develop adaptability, responwhich to date has sent 17 New & used parts & tools, engine repairsyoung 1116 people (from East sibility,small confidence, integrity, lawn mowers, chainsaws, outboards, motorcycles, persistence, and teamwork Vancouver and Mt. Currie) ATVs Chinese/Japanese. along with an appreciation on life changing Outward pick up & Delivery • house calls of nature. Bound Adventures. Satisfaction Guaranteed Neil Falkner, a ski patroller Beginning this year Neil’s AffordAble rAtes and avalanche safety expert legacy will be extended to May 9, 2013
The Boys_2_1103
Solution to Claytons Crosswords on page 15
Neil Falkner
and to let Coasters know about the scholarship. To find out more about Neil, the fund and the auction, visit the website. Donations can be made online and donors of $20 or more will receive a tax receipt. Any business wishing to donate to the Silent Auction can contact Judy Lynne via the website or call 604886-7334. Submitted
Dragon Boaters’ food bank fundraiser a success April 18, 2013 Right: On May 11 in Trail Bay Centre, the Sunshine Coast dragon boat club raised over $1000 for the food bank.
callTheBoys.ca 604-885-0661 Free esTimaTes ~ WCB Coverage ~
include youth on the Sunshine Coast. Neil’s mother, Judy Lynne, has been living on the Coast for more than eight years, and feels it’s time to set up an annual bursary here. This annual scholarship is awarded to a grade 10 girl or boy in the Southern Sunshine Coast region. “We specifically choose grade 10s because we want them to return to their schools and neighbourhoods eager to share and build on their new strengths and give back to their communities,” Lynne said. Programs run from 17 days to three weeks, and the cost, ranging from $3,400 to $4,600 is borne by the Fund. Completion of the program qualifies participants for a high school credit. The goal this year is to raise $5,000 for the Fund
Jan. 17, 2013
2013-May-16-Local Government Awareness Week-The Local - Advertisement.ai 1 24/04/2013 12:57:49 PM photo submitted
From the trails we hike on, the water we drink, the buses we ride, to the leisure time we spend in our recreation facilities and parks, the Sunshine Coast Regional District plays a vital role in our community. Get to know us better, and learn about the many programs and services that we provide. Go to www.scrd.ca and click on "Sign up for our Newsletter" button to receive Coast Current, our quarterly newsletter. Follow us on sunshinecoastrd Ask us a question or provide a comment at www.scrd.ca/Feedback-Form Join the conversation at one of our ur regular committee meetings, www.scrd.ca/Agendas-2013
www.scrd.ca 604-885-6800
May 19 to 25
All-star Cloud Atlas lets imagination soar Movies at a Glance Sid’s Vids Movie Critique
fter viewing a film there is almost always a visceral, simple response to it such as “I liked it, loved it, hated it” or even “well, it was Movies at a Glance all right.” Watch Cloud Atlas and the answer will be more Sid’s Vids like “I thinkMovie I liked it, but Critique don’t know why, better see it again.” Of course it could also be “Huh?”, but guaranteed, it will stick in your mind like a snippet of a song that just won’t go away. The directors Wachowski, of Matrix fame, have bravely taken on a dense, dark novel considered to be not filmable. Along with Tom Tykwer of Run Lola Run they have managed to create a piece of art that describes the ripple effects of our actions on both our own souls and
ZHU ZHU is the 12th Star Clone (center) in the epic drama Cloud Atlas, distributed by Warner Bros. photo submitted
those of others, which can move through the centuries until transformation and redemption can finally occur. The cast is beyond allstar including Tom Hanks, Hugh Grant, Halle Berry, Hugo Weaving, and Susan Sarandon. They all play numerous characters, even genders and races, in different timelines throughout the film. Sometimes the makeup is so good as to make them unrecognizable. At other times it’s rough, with jarring effects
that unexpectedly help the viewer keep track of the various whirling storylines. It definitely requires a letting-go of attachment to defined ABC linear plot structure, but at the same time lets your imagination soar. This movie is historical drama, thriller, and farce all wrapped up in a beautiful, insanely well-edited experience, which is more joyful and accessible than the novel. Cloud Atlas will be controversial now, but will become a classic over time.
The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013 15
Horoscope May 17 to May 23 Hockey playoffs! Astrologer
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BRanch #109 604-886-2411
Saturday, May 18 Come dance to
8pm • Members$4 • Guests$8
Crib on Tuesdays 7pm & Saturdays 12:30pm • Meat Draws Saturdays 4-5:30pm & Sundays 4-6pm
Brought to you By
Solution on page 14 Courtesy of puzzlechoice.com
ACROSS 1. Poultry 5. reef material 10. Back of the neck 14. District 15. 3-banded armadillo 16. Quaint outburst 17. Back 18. Judge 20. Mutt 22. recurrence 23. hearing organ 24. East African country 25. transparent 32. Loamy deposit
33. Moses’ brother 34. British rule in India 37. Wings 38. Leafy shelter 39. head of hair 40. Apiece 41. A noble gas 42. hotel offering 43. raconteur 45. oodles 49. rodent 50. Lurches 53. Xylophone 57. uncommitted 59. Jetty
60. Exposed 61. Interrupt temporarily 62. gave temporarily 63. Winglike 64. Besmirch 65. terminates DOWN 1. ranch 2. Chocolate cookie 3. Withdraw gradually 4. generous gifts 5. Photographic necessity 6. Iridescent gem 7. A small piece of cloth
8. Diva’s solo 9. Not first 10. Audacity 11. Another time 12. Fall guy 13. Swelling under the skin 19. Captured 21. rodents 25. Applaud 26. Part in a play 27. 365 days 28. Very slow in tempo 29. Work hard 30. Sarcasm 31. Neither ___ 34. train track 35. Initial wager 36. razz 38. Paintings 39. Manifold 41. Something of value 42. Char 44. Wall Street figure 45. Aqualung 46. Artificial waterway 47. A kind of macaw 48. Discourage 51. Short sleeps 52. Fraud 53. Plateau 54. Bearing 55. Curve 56. the products of human creativity 58. Color
Your first choice in foods
aLLy ow oc
d ne
Trail Bay Centre • 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • Meat & Deli 604-885-9812 • Produce & Floral 604-885-9841 • Bakery 604-885-9823 • Office 604-885-2025
Tip of the Week: The Sun enters Gemini on May 20. It does so just 71 minutes prior to the next exact Square Aspect between Uranus and Pluto. This is the third official connection of seven between these two power players. The conjunction between them, which represents the seed event, occurred in 1965! Now, after 48 years they are in the first of their more challenging aspects, the Square. True to the angles of the shape that reveals the measurement of the angle or 90 degrees, this implies what can be described as a very hard or sharp turn in the road. The energies of planets in Square Aspect tend to be at cross purposes. As is true with building blocks, the square, which is the basis of a cube, is an ideal shape for new constructions. Yet, it is the building process that can be arduous. In one’s Natal Chart, A Square Aspect indicates a dynamic life lesson theme which is generally ‘hard won’. It represents where we have some real work to do. At best, Squares produce a lot of energy. At worst they indicate ‘blocks’ or delays and issues. A pro-active attitude and approach is ideal. Yet, the overcoming of the challenge can endure for a lifetime, if ignored, denied or repressed, which is quite common, is labelled a weakness, produces stress, strife and even illness, injury and/or casualty of all possible sorts. More to the moment, we are also in mid-stride between the recent Solar Eclipse and the impending Lunar Eclipse. The combined influence of this charged aspect and the eclipses will be one of dynamic activity where new action, choice and construction comes to the fore to replace the old, thus presenting an indelible blow and challenge to the status quo. Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Asserting your authority to break through convention has and continues to be a core theme. Changes are happening and they are pivotal. Certain challenges now are calling for some quick thinking. Your ability to be versatile and to multi-task is extra important. Avoid trying to rush the outcome.
what you have? Exchanges of energies, talents and resources are the game of life and you are being called out to play. Get the word out, you are in the mood to wheel and deal. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) The seeds of new relationships are beginning to sprout. You have been busily working the angles. A learning curve is implied. The follow-up requires that you tend to your garden. Weed and feed is the basic formula. Thinning is important too. This can be a delicate process especially when the sprouts are people with feelings, opinions and voices. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) All being well, you are doing the work and whistling all the while. Clearing the old to make way for the new is implied. Establishing a firm foundation that will withstand the tests of time is in the script. It could be real estate, or attitudes, or healthy rhythms and habits. Whatever your focus, the word improvement should be written across your banner. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) A playful, sporting, risky and gambling mood prevails. To this end you are extra focused on the details. Even against all odds you may feel confident and faithful about your approach. That you are a force to reckon with to others and something of a shaker is all part of the script. Yet you are probably wise to diversify your interests. Have a back-up plan, or two. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) Some moving and shaking close to home is a source of excitement. At best, it is spurring a creative streak. It may also be a source of discussion and communication exchange. Your attention will be drawn to a variety of fronts. The tasks require a dynamic, even revolutionary assertion. Yet you may simultaneously feel tired, whimsical and evasive. Take a varied approach to stay alert and amused. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Your drive ambition and confidence levels are all running high. Inspired by beauty, the cultivation of talents and the prospects of abundance, prosperity and advancement, you feel determined to achieve a lot. This represents a prime opportunity to make a break away to get ahead. These are all manifestations of much deeper changes that signify rebirth and/or reinvention.
of service
Michael O’Connor
Rather do the rounds and enjoy a creative process. Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) Commitment remains an important theme these days. Realizing your dreams, goals and plans requires that you have some. A wide spectrum of interests and duties are pushing you to draw upon your resources and talents. If you respond well this can produce abundant returns. The main challenge is not to scatter your focus. Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) Your energy levels are on the rise. Waves of inspiration are a source of enthusiasm. This trend will continue for the next few weeks so intend to make the most of it. Your will and determination to learn new skills or gather knowledge for practical application is a deeper long-term theme. Extra emphasis upon security themes is a call to count all your blessings. Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) Building strong bonds of friendship is ever important. This includes being your own best friend, perhaps above all. With healthy self-regard wellestablished you can feel more confident to take risks. These may include financial investments. All of the above are leading you to do inner work and/or study and research behind the scenes. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) Some promising activations in your career and social standing are yours to enjoy. Yet, you also have to be disciplined and do the work. This includes perseverance and pushing through fears. Working the angles includes accessing key connections and perhaps making new ones. Just keep putting it out there. Don’t worry about any no’s, just stay focused on the yeses! Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) You have begun to look to the bigger picture. This visionary approach has a practical twist. You want to realize greater success. While earning more is a likely goal, increasing your skill levels is also implied. Asserting a more strategic and disciplined focus is woven into the plot. Clarifying your objectives and managing your time better will help, a lot. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) Money is not what life is all about. But especially if you are lacking in that department it will take on added importance. Who has what you want and need and needs and wants
100% L
win prizes • Jerseys • tickets Food specials at GilliGans
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16 The Local - Thursday, May 16, 2013
THE LOCAL • Thursday, May 16, 2013 1
Sunshine Coast • May 16, 2013
See inside pages 7, 8 and 9 for more
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Northridge Farms
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LocalCommunity VISITOR’S GUIDE Sunshine Coast
THE LOCAL • Thursday, May 16, 2013 3
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Memoriesthat thatlast lasta alifetime lifetime Memories Summerisisa atime time kids have fun! Summer forfor kids to to have fun! It’s It’s alsoaachance chancetoto learn and grow. more also learn and grow. ForFor more than 100 years, we’ve provided exciting than 100 years, we’ve provided exciting camp adventures for kids ages 5 – 17 that camp adventures for kids ages 5 – 17 that combine new friendships, physical activity combine new friendships, physical activity and personal growth to develop the and personal growth to develop the potential of kids and youth. potential of kids and youth. To learn more or register, please visit our To learn more or register, website or contact us. please visit our
website or contact us.
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T: 604.886.2025 E: camps@vanymca.org T: 604.886.2025 vanymca.org/camps YMCA 1120
E: camps@vanymca.org vanymca.org/camps May 16, 2013
YMCA Camp Elphinstone
YMCA Camp Day and Elphinstone Overnight Camps Day and Overnight Camps
May 16, 2013
Diana Starbuck wrap 1120
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44 THE The LOCAL LocaL •• Thursday, Thursday, May May 16, 16, 2013 2013
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Know the market, know your Realtor
19th year Diamond Master Lot 42 Sandy hook Road, Sechelt
Lot 15 Delphi Place, Sechelt
Email: dianastarbuck@dccnet.com • Web page: www.dianashomes.com
cell: 604-740-2635
#48-555 eaglecrest Drive, Gibsons
#2-767 North Road, Gibsons
Lot 14 Franklin Road, Gibsons
NeW PRice
Superior view lot in scenic Sandyhook! Recent clearing of just a few trees shows the potential for an even greater view! Build your getaway home or enjoy full time living. Close to the beach and kayaking and endless trails for hiking. Only 7 minutes from Sechelt!
Beautiful oceanview lot, in quality controlled Oracle Heights! Cul-de-sac with underground services, on sewer. One of the best lots in the area!
2866 S.c. highway, Roberts creek
#102-10163 Mercer Road, halfmoon Bay 678 Dougall, Gibsons
NeW PRice
Prime location two-bedroom townhouse Secret Cove, in waterfront complex. Fabulous view across Malaspina Strait and beyond to the mountains of Vancouver Island. Comes with 40’ boat slip. Fully furnished as your permanent residence or as your favourite getaway which may be rented through the included website when you are away.
New price $299,900
VaNcoUVeR coMMUTeRS! On Smith Road, RIGHT NEXT TO WALK ON FERRY, 2 bedroom home with additional 1 bdrm. re venue suite. Spectacular view of Howe Sound (no-wires). Quiet cul-de-sac, immaculate & move-in ready, 9ft ceilings, open concept, large kitchen , and spacious living / dining area opens to huge sundeck.
367 hough Road, Gibsons
10 Acre Country Estate within a short distance of amenities. The home is a comfortable 1 bedroom with a wood f/p and an open plan easy to expand the home if desired. The one bdrm rental cottage is currently rented. The property features mature landscaping and ponds including fenced dog runs, kennel? Walk to everything.
1000 Metcalfe Road, Roberts creek
Fabulous location in area of character homes with beach access across the road. Level corner lot with lane access (on sewer) provides easy walk to marina, shops and also bus stop at door for easy commute to Vancouver and airport. Possible ocean view from second story home. This is a “10”.
857 Gower Point Road, Gibsons
1708 North Road, Gibsons
Prime location “bring your boat“. Warm and cozy 3 bedroom home with open plan, living room with gas f/s stove. Huge front deck to enjoy the colorful views of Gibsons Harbour. Handy location next to boat launch. Great getaway or full time residence. Walk to restaurants and seawalk.
Waterfront cottage at an affordable price,great for getaway now, with many future opportunities. Vacation home now and lots of opportunity for your future dream home. Located at scenic Gospel Rock, only a short walk to shops, restaurants, and Marina.
Newly renovated move in condition chalet. A gem among the cedars. Features vaulted ceilings with large wood beams. Two wood burning fireplaces. 3 bdrms & 3 bthrms. Lower level with wet bar, could be inlaw suite. Two separate entrances & parking at both. Lovely ‘new’ view. Close to ferry and beaches.
1185 Largo Road, Roberts creek
6506 S. Gale avenue, Sechelt
299 harry Road, Gibsons
Scenic water views! Elegant rancher with easy care gardens, located next to beach access. Quality hardwood flooring throughout most of main level. Living rm w/ 3 sided fireplace adjoining family rm. Huge kitchen w/wet bar, island, and adjoining eating nook. 3 bdrms on main, master ensuite w/jetted tub and bidet. Finished lower level. for guests. In area of executive homes
View home is a masterpiece of design and quality finishing. Living rm with soaring ceilings, granite & slate fireplace, Quebec maple floors, Italian tile, and kitchen w/ granite countertops. Family rm w/wet bar, French doors to deck. Den on main, 4 bedrooms up. Huge master bdrm w/fireplace, and fabulous ensuite w/jetted tub & shower. short walk to Bonniebrook Beach.
Living life in Roberts Creek. One bedroom, handcrafted home with French doors, river rock fireplace and finished loft area. Plus cute 1 bedroom cottage. Offering further possibilities, the professionally constructed 32 x 22 carriage house/art studio. This 3 acre paradise with streams and natural pools backs onto park. $599,900
3758 Beach avenue, Roberts creek 6280-6290 heritage Road, Sechelt
5926 Shoal Way, Sechelt
Executive 5 bedroom, 3 bath, post & beam home with soaring cedar ceilings. Large kitchen with granite countertops, large centre island/butcher block. 2 bedrooms on main, master up. Lower level with 2 more bedrooms, kitchen wet bar & family room. Great for family, guests, or studio home office area. Very private setting. Beautiful condition. Only 1/2 block to beach. $649,900
New price $199,900
Level entry 2 bedroom townhome in adult complex is in immaculate condition. It has 2 full bathrooms and the bright kitchen adjoins the spacious dining area; separate living room leads to patio and lovely garden area. Walk to all amenities.
Charming all season country cottage on 1 acre; is bordered by creek & forest. & beautiful gardens. This 2 bdrm/1 bath renovated cottage , has mahagany floors & a cozy woodstove in the living room. This property is conveniently located within minutes to beaches, hiking & biking trails, golfing & more. Transit & school bus stops nearby.
1503 Smith Road, Gibsons
Golden opportunity to live in prestigious Georgia Mirage at a price you can afford. Beautiful 1 bedroom townhome is level entry with carport at door. This adult oriented complex is complete with clubhouse and golf green. Easy walk to everything!
Lot 1 Redrooffs Road, halfmoon Bay
Custom built log home is bright and immaculate, located on 4+ acres with water views, 5 mins to Sechelt, Golf Course, arena and school. Open floorplan with high ceilings, attached garage, professional size shop. Healthy lifestyle for family, hobbyist, horses or gentleman farmer. Strong subdivision potential with sewer hookup available.
Vacation or full time living. Executive country-style home comes fully furnished! Spacious kitchen w/many built-ins, breakfast area & family room. Huge formal dining room, living room with gas f/p, master bedroom on main with 6-pc ensuite. 3 bedrooms plus den. Coachhouse with beautiful guest suite above. 5 acre area and only 1/2 block to level beach access. $969,000
Top of the hill, prime location while enjoying scenic views of Sechelt Inlet, surrounded by lush fenced pastures, barn, lovely 3 bedroom rancher. Located on nearly 5 acres, strong subdivision potential, into 2 parcels. Great for family purchase or partnership, to build second home. Near Park, Golf course, transportation nearby.
Westcoast waterfront paradise, southwest facing 10 + acres, over 700 lineal ft of waterfront. Rolling hillsides, picturesque coves, with several building sites, make this perfect for family estate, or further subdivision. PLUS 2.8 acres Lot 2 may be included in price. Great for group purchase or development. Only 7 minutes from Sechelt.