Day of the Honey Bee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Food Sovereignty
Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • Thursday, May 23, 2013
All fired up!
Weston talks to One Straw Society ..............
Page 2
Health & Wellness
Seeing the need for eye care ..............
Page 7
Arts & Culture
Gearing up for Gibsons Jazz festival ............
Page 15
Look for this insert:
• Home Hardware
best Health Food store — Find us on
Seaweeds 1015
Free sAMe dAy grocery deliVery wHen you sHop online
All orgAnic & locAl produce, Bulk, grocery, MeAt & dAiry, VitAMins & HerBs April 12, 2012
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Weathertight lug 1035
Drag races at Sechelt airstrip on May 26
• Custom sheet metal fabrication • Metal roofing manufacturing • Sales & installation
Vice President of the Sunshine Coast Drag Racing Association Dave Marshall has been building a drag racer with the students at Elphinstone Secondary in Gibsons for several months. Come out on Saturday May 25 to the ‘test and tune’ and join the club. Then settle in on Sunday May 26 for a day of racing starting at 9am. See page 8 and 9 for more details. PHOTOS ALLAN FOREST
Aug. 30, 2012
4472 Hilltop Road
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Big salE Your Hometown Store in Sechelt Sears banner 1121
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now open sundays (11:00am-4:00pm) Catalogue Desk Closed
2 The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013
House too small?
Food sovereignty on the Sunshine Coast Randy Wollen 1120
MP John Weston very impressed with amount of work and progressive programs being managed by One Straw Society.
Randy and Melody Wollen
Classifieds 15 words
The most comprehensive coverage on the Sunshine Coast!
2 weeks
Mail, fax, email or drop off your ad with payment: The loCal: P.o. Box 494 – 5758 Cowrie street, Sechelt BC, V0N 3A0 • Phone: 604-885-3134 Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email:
Your 15-word or less, private party classified ad will be delivered to over 13,000 homes and businesses in 2 consecutive issues of The Local.
Private sale items
+ GsT
n Thursday, May 16 at 3pm, MP John Weston met with Chris Hergesheimer (President May 16, 2013 of One Straw Society) and Justin French (Food Action Network Coordinator) to discuss food security and other programs related to food systems on the Coast. One Straw Society was founded by the late Robin Wheeler and is an organization that helps Coast residents to define their own food systems. Hergesheimer outlined the different programs One Straw is currently managing including the Grow
RolleR ShadeS Ask DeSiRee TinDall
Left To right: Chris Hergesheimer (President of One Straw Society), MP John Weston and Justin French (Food Action Network Coordinator). PHOTO JIM DOREY
Your Own Dinner program, the Hands on Lands project, and the Edible Custom Garden tour. Carpet 1115 Weston was very impressed with the amount of work and progressive programs being run on the Coast. He even mentioned it would be a good idea to invite the Minis-
ter of Environment to the Sunshine Coast to experience the edible Garden Tour in August so that these and other programs could be discussed in small towns across the country. Justin French described the Live and Learn program to Weston, describing it as “a series of educational
events to connect skilled elders with those who want to learn more about everything from food preservation and processing, to animal husbandry.” To learn more about local food systems and programs available check out the One Straw Society website at
Service delays during ferry ramp repairs
WindOW COvering SpeCiAliSt
April 11, 2013
5580 Wharf Road, Sechelt
phone: 604 885 - 3582 • visit:
email: • Open Mon - Sat 8:30am to 5pm Cap U Lecture 1121 3 col. x 6.5”
Capilano Universe 2013 Lecture Series
The Queen of Surrey, travelling between Horseshoe Bay and Langdale terminals
In recognition of National Tourism Week & World Environment Day presents... Catherine Evans, M.A. , Instructor in the Faculty of Global and Community Studies, Capilano University
Towards an Ethic of Biodiversity on the Sunshine Coast Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Presented by Capilano University, North Vancouver and Sunshine Coast Regional Campus, in partnership with Gibsons and District Public Library.
$3.19/lb. ground beef .............................. May 23, 2013
bacon wrapped
tornadoes back ribs
................................. whiLe they Last pork frozen .....................................
$3.99/lb. check us out on facebook
6:00-7:30pm Learn about the relationship between tourism, biological diversity, and the role community frozen 1Lb organizations played in promoting prawnhave tails ................................... environmental stewardship among both residents and visitors.
Presentation is free. Registration is required: Call 604.886.2130. For further information, including speaker biographies and the complete Capilano Universe series, visit: Gibsons & District Public Library
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Lady bug organic 1.9L ............................... assorted 2L ...................... previousLy viewed .......................................................
apple juice
coke products dvd’s
$5.98/ea. 2/$4.00 $5.00
2Lb organic
carrots ......................................$1.39/ea.
MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. May 24 to Thurs. May 30 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411
Oak Tree 1121
C Ferries warns of potential delays in service on the LangdaleHorseshoe Bay route through to June 19, as the two lane exit and loading ramp from the top transfer deck in Horseshoe Bay has been reduced to one lane in order to complete ramp concreteMay structural 23, 2013 repairs. While BC Ferries advises they are making every effort to ensure schedules are not impacted by this construction, minor delays “may occur,” and they thank customers for their patience and understanding during the construction period. For traffic updates or more information please call toll free 1-888-BCFERRY (223-3779) or check the website at www. Submitted
The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013 3
Research programs build connections to employers
Post-secondary education is a big investment; be clear on expected outcomes
On Campus Jules Smith & Caroline Depatie
The exPeRT In heaRIng Here for you
Capilano University News
There’s a real need for continuous learning.
January 2013 Macleans cover story called ‘The New Underclass,’ followed by other media coverage including a segment on CBC’s Sunday Edition series, Is Canada Working? reported on the challenges facing post-secondary education institutions and students amidst a changing fiscal environment. Many of the profiles included students graduating with huge debt from student loans only to be underemployed, e.g. the ‘barista’. While the rising cost of tuition does place an extra burden upon new graduates, a lack of education pushes people to the margins of rewarding employment, both psychologically and financially. Being strategic when choosing a field of study can increase chances of success and future earning potential. You may want to choose to study in a program which offers the option of a certifi-
~ Macleans Magazine ~
cate or diploma before moving on to completing a degree. In academic terms this is called laddering. Laddering offers more flexibility to study in chunks. A program that connects students to employers through course work can give a head start when looking for employment. Connections can be made through a service learning course, an internship/ practicum, a co-op program or simply by meeting industry experts through
classroom guest speakers. When applying to a college or university program be direct and do not be afraid to ask: What kind of job is this going to get me and how much am I going to make? Post-secondary education is a big investment; be clear on expected outcomes. As mentioned in the Macleans article, “those who are willing to relocate and build on their education will find plenty of opportunities in a range of growing fields. There’s a real need for continuous learning.” Stay tuned; our column next month will include examples of jobs filled by recent Capilano University Sunshine Coast campus graduates.
Dr. Shannon MacLean
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Dreamland 1121
May 21, 2013
4 The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013
Editorial Opinion Art – doorway to healthier life Roberts Creek hosted its second annual Arts Festival last weekend and it was truly incredible. Ten local galleries and studios showcased the specialties of more than 150 artists, including glass blowers, painters, puppeteers, musicians, filmmakers and photographers. An estimated 2000 people attended the events, coming from the Sunshine Coast, across the lower mainland and even from as far away as Europe. With so many world class artists on the bill, it’s not hard to understand the attraction, but it was just amazing to see all the people moving around seamlessly between venues by bicycle, automobile and on the free shuttle bus. As I enjoyed the work on display, I wondered: why do artists pour their heart and soul into their creations and what is it that people get from experiencing these different art forms? It was simple to understand that each and every one of these artists lives and breathes their art form because of their raw passion – almost the way a successful business owner might run their operations, or a mother might care for her family. This passion defines them, keeping them vibrant and engaged. As for what people actually get from looking at art, studies have linked physical gratification with uplifting art forms. Professor Semir Zeki is the chair of Neuroaesthetics at the University College London (UCL). He and his team led a study that tracked brain activity of individuals who looked at paintings. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan was used to measure if and where an increase in blood flow occurred while viewing paintings. The study found blood flow increased to the medial orbitofrontal cortex area of the brain, the section often associated with pleasure. Increased blood flow to this area is a similar phenomenon to what people experience when they see somebody they love. Recently a museum in Pennsylvania began using the unique qualities of art to treat local Alzheimer’s patients. They have observed that by introducing art back into their lives, these patients can remember more and even focus better at times. They concluded that “viewing art provokes calm discussion and even laughter among the patients, for whom total lucidity is a rarity.” Over the last five years, music therapy has also become more popular across BC. The Canadian Music Therapy Association explains that this form of therapy is used to promote, maintain, and restore mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Music therapy is currently used in treatment of everything from autism to palliative care. My own mother is an artist who is not afraid to utilize her skills in many forms. She has been a wonderful example to all the children she taught over the years, and continues to inspire creativity in her grandchildren. She plays piano, paints, and even breaks out her iPhone, when it happens to be the only canvas available, and creates beautiful ‘finger paintings’ using a cool little app named ‘Brushes’. Overall, creating and experiencing art helps bring out a level of relaxation that is difficult to achieve elsewhere. It does so while helping to reduce the stresses of everyday life and adding a little fun and enjoyment along the way. It is an outlet where people can help those with chronic pain or other health conditions by simply expressing themselves and sharing their emotions freely. Thank you, Sunshine Coast, for being an incredible hub of artistic talent and spirit. Jim Dorey, Editor
Letters to the Editor – Opinions Remember to bring your cloth bags This week at a local grocery outlet, I missed an urgent opportunity. At the checkout, I couldn’t help but observe the person ahead of me. He chose plastic bags; his groceries required five. As the cashier was concluding the transaction, the customer requested that his extra-large liquid detergent container with handle also be bagged. The cashier politely complied, bundling the plastic jug in three or four plastic bags to accommodate its weight. I stood choking back thought of the environmental consequences of just this one purchase, biting back judgmental words. Why didn’t I simply grab one of the inexpensive cloth bags hanging right in front of me and donate it to the transaction. In the days following, I had fantasies of Sechelt becoming one of the brave Canadian communities to ban plastic bags. I imagined myself spending a day offering free canvas bags to every shopper who would accept one. I want to commend Extra Foods for their policy [of charging for each plastic bag used]. And in this letter, I want to express my appreciation to everyone
who is embracing the planet’s plight by doing whatever is possible. Nina Haedrich, Sechelt
The day after the election We lost last night. We lost. We lost our coast to oil spills, our land to pipelines. We proliferated the tar sands. Have you seen an aerial view of the tar sands? We lost the Peace River Valley, unique and bountiful farmland that could feed the whole North. We lost our health to wireless radiation and our freedom to surveillance and control by wireless meters. Like a broken record, fear and smear took the day. We lost last night. We and our planet lost. Nancy Leathley, Sechelt
Community garden launch Last November several community organizations and myself approached the Sechelt council with the proposal to build a community garden along the boulevard space on Ocean Avenue, looking out from the library at Cowrie Street, and north to Dolphin Street near the top end of Hackett park. Council responded with unanimous support for the project, so you may have
noticed in the last week a number of new raised box planters. On holiday Monday, May 20, from 12 to 2pm the public came out to attend a family seedling planting party. Refreshments were supplied along with a generous supply of seedlings for planting. It was a great opportunity to get acquainted with the project and meet some fellow citizens. Don Robb, Sunshine Coast
SPCA offers help at annual Open House I am a volunteer at the local SPCA, and I love it! I started walking dogs in 2010, and first impressions included the cheerful atmosphere as well as the dedication of the staff to make the life of every animal that comes through the door better. When I tell people that I am a volunteer there, or tell them where I got my two beautiful and generally well behaved dogs the reaction I often get is “Oh, that’s wonderful, but I couldn’t go there – it would be too sad!” This Saturday anyone who is scared or worried about visiting the SPCA has the opportunity to challenge their fears in a stress-free situation. Saturday, May 25, from 1 to 4pm all are welcome at the Shelter’s annual Open House, 4376 Solar
Road in Wilson Creek. There will be staff and volunteers on hand to allay your fears and make your experience positive. There will also be an ‘ask the Vet’ information booth, and lots of other fun activities! One of the highlights of this year’s Open House is an opportunity to microchip your pet for only $15. Microchipping is fast, safe, minimally uncomfortable and is one of the best ways to increase the chance of being reunited with a lost pet. At $15 this is a real bargain. You will also be able to witness the wonderful beautification project that the Sechelt Rotary Club has undertaken! So please, come and join us for a little while, or the whole afternoon. Christa Morrison, Gibsons Letters to the Editor and Submissions are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not reflect opinions of The Local publication. Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. Letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. All letters must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. E-mail letters to Deadline for letters and submissions is Monday at 3pm.
Volume 11 • Issue 21
The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013 5
Celebrate Day of The Honey Bee May 29
Business of theWeek
The value of honey bee crop pollination is documented to be more than $2 billion annually in Canada.
he Sunshine Coast Beekeepers Association (SCBA) will celebrate the Day of the Honey Bee on Wednesday, May 29 at the Roberts Creek Farm Gate Market from 3 to 6 pm. While raising public awareness about the honey bee’s plight, and its enormous environmental and economic importance, the event will provide a unique opportunity to view an ob-
servation hive. Beekeepers will be available to discuss and answer questions about all aspects of beekeeping. The Day of the Honey Bee was started in 2010 by Clinton Shane Ekdahl, a beekeeper from Saskatoon, to raise public awareness about the impending worldwide crisis that we face with the decline of the honey bee. Honey bees are the cor-
Over $3500 raised to help complete playground T he West Sechelt Playground Enhancement Team held a Burger and Beer Fundraiser at the Lighthouse Pub on May 9 to raise funds to upgrade the playground at West Sechelt Elementary School. The Chair of this committee, Susan Shinn, Secretary Christine Wood and Treasurer Allyson Fawcus worked very hard fine-tuning the details for this event. Susan canvassed the Coast for silent auction items from 50 local businesses. The tickets were $20 each which included
live music by Joe Stanton & Simon Paradis, a burger, a beer, silent auction, 50/50 draw, lotto board and balloon prizes. Our community truly believes in this project, so much that the winner of the 50/50 draw, Christopher Fawcus, donated his winnings back to the cause. This event brought in over $3500 in profit that will greatly help toward the completion of the playground. Full project details can be found at www.west Submitted
nerstone of sustainability in our agricultural system, and play a critical role in overall environmental stability. They are responsible for pollinating one third of all food crops, as well as 70 percent of general crop pollination. For the past decade, however, beekeepers worldwide have been facing problems with bees dying and disappearing at rates considered unsustainable. A number of causes have been identified, including the parasitic varroa mite, indiscriminate use of new classes of toxic pesticides, stresses suffered by bees during cross-country transportation, diminishing availability of forage and poor quality supplemental nutrition. This is of considerable economic
importance: in Canada alone, the Canadian Honey Council estimates the value of honey bee crop pollination to be more than $2 billion annually. Provincially, honey bee pollination is responsible for more than $160 million annually, in addition to the considerable economic value of honey and other hive products. Currently, commercial bee keepers cannot provide sufficient bees for pollination of fruit bearing crops, including the blueberry industry in the Fraser Valley. All four Western provinces have endorsed, by declaration and proclamation, support for the Day of the Honey Bee, as have more than two hundred municipalities, cities and towns. Submitted
Come celebrate our Lots of sewing,
games, fun, food and prizes. Watch your email on Saturday June 8! for more info! nd
2 - 5679 Cowrie St. Sechelt 604-885-6677 • • Open Mon- Sat 10- 5
Fibre expressions Quilt shop Fibre Expressions Quilt Shop opened its doors in 2011, featuring a delightful rainbow of color from over 1,500 bolts of quality quilting cottons lining the shelves. Patterns, books and notions of many kinds (and advice from friendly staff) help make each project a little easier. Many sample projects on display throughout the store will inspire any level of quilter. Fibre Expressions owner Christine’s mega-project, the ‘quilted car,’ is usually parked in front of the store on weekends during the summer. Completely covered with a custom designed and fitted quilt, the car also appears in local parades and at the annual Show & Shine car event in August. Classes are offered throughout the year in a very large classroom space which is also available for retreats and meetings.
Fibre Expressions 1121
2 - 5679 Cowrie St., Sechelt • 604-885-6677 • Open Mon- Sat 10- 5
• Baked Goods • Organic Coffee • Gluten-free and Vegetarian-friendly Options
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Baked Goods & Organic Coffee Gluten Free & Vegetarian Friendly Opt
Join a credit union.
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At Sunshine Coast Credit Union, we’re here for you and your community. Visit to make the switch and you’ll get your share of over $500,000 in gifts. We’re also showing appreciation to our loyal members. If you’re a member, visit for your chance to win $20,000.
No purchase is required in order to participate in the contest. Full contest rules are available at
6 The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013
Sandalwood IT’S YOUR Spa 1121
The Sandalwood Spa
Manicures • Pedicures • Facials • Waxing • Tinting • Make up • Tanning Bed • Airbrush Tanning • Infra Red Sauna
Seeing the importance of regular eye care May 23, 2013
444 Gower Point Road, Gibsons • • 604-886-3606
Sunshine Care Network 1121
~ Senior & Home Care ~ ~ Nanny & Babysitting Services ~ Serving Langdale to Egmont • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week phone 604-740-1993 •
May 23, 2013
Roberts Creek Health Food 1105
Good things are in store for you! roberts creek
health food store
Organic Food, Produce, Body Care, Bulk, Supplements and Giftware
1059 Roberts Creek Road 604-885-2580
ly cr ap .ca
ision Health Month is a nationwide awareness campaign supported by the Canadian Jan. 31, for 2013 National Institute the Blind (CNIB) and Canadian Doctors of OptomHoly Crap 1104 etry, two organizations dedicated to reducing preventable vision loss and improving Canadians’ eye health. Vision Health Month is an opportunity to bring eye health education and awareness into the public spotlight. Vision loss is a signifiJan. 24, cant reduction in2013 vision affecting a person’s life, and at a level which cannot be fully corrected by glasses or contact lenses. This includes anything from partial loss of vision to complete blindness. Vision loss affects one in 11 Canadians over age 65 and one is eight Canadians over 75 years of age. The 23,000 children under age
Over one million Canadians are living with significant vision loss and every 12 minutes in Canada someone develops vision loss. 15 afflicted with vision loss are often overlooked. The leading cause of vision loss in Canada, Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), affects over one million Canadians, normally over age 50. As the Canadian population ages it becomes more susceptible to developing a major eye disease like AMD or glaucoma. The number of Canadians with vision loss is projected to increase dramatically in the near future. The CNIB recently published statistics revealing that the cost of blindness to Canada’s economy
is a staggering $15.8 billion per year or $500 per Canadian. The good news is 75 percent of blindness and partial vision loss is avoidable. Visiting a Doctor of Optometry for a regular eye exam is an important first step in the early detection and treatment of eye disease, and correction of vision loss where possible. Other things that help save vision include eating a healthy diet, taking vitamin supplements, keeping alcohol consumption to a minimum and quitting smoking. Protect eyes from UV
rays by wearing sunglasses, and remember to always wear eye protection when working or playing sports that pose a threat to vision. People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing diabetic retinopathy (one of the major eye diseases causing vision loss) and other vision problems. For them, managing their diabetes is essential for maintaining vision health. Many eye diseases are hereditary and so it is important to ask parents and grandparents if they have suffered from any type of vision loss. This medical history will immediately provide a little ‘heads up’ of eye issues for your and your Doctor of Optometry to watch for and is a best practice for prevention. Dr. Grant Wood Optometrist
Vision Health Month
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The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013 7
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MegaFood premium whole food multivitamins supply the body with the energy and nourishment it needs for life! Made from a variety of gently dried, fresh raw whole foods and organic herbs, just one tablet of MegaFood will naturally replenish your body with whole food nutrients so that you can live your life to the fullest each and every day.
Sunscreen, sunshine myths and misinformation A
s summer season approaches and many Coast residents plan camping trips and visits to local beaches, it’s time to consider how much sun is too much. With all the information about sun exposure, skin cancer and the need for increased levels of Vitamin D, it has become difficult to sort out what is healthy and what is not. It’s time that the myths of sunshine are uncovered for what they really are and that sun worshippers plan to cover up and find a little shade. Many folks believe that sunshine equals happiness. Even though a wide range of sources warn frequently of sunshine’s dangers, people still find it hard to stay out of the warm rays of the sun. It’s almost as hard as cutting down on one’s coffee intake. Of course there is a big push on these days to get more Vitamin D, the ‘sunshine Vitamin,’ especially in northern climates like ours. Beware – too much exposure to sunshine’s UV rays can pose a threat to health. The Canadian Cancer Society says that every three minutes another Canadian receives a cancer diagnosis. Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers and accounts for almost half of all cancers in Canada. Our American neighbours report an average of 3.5 million cases of skin cancer diagnosed each year. Many people believe that they need to sit out in the sun whenever possible in order to get enough Vi-
Remember to apply sunscreen even on cloudy days. Harmful UV rays can penetrate cloud cover and affect skin negatively. tamin D. But, in just five to ten minutes exposure to the sun’s rays, the body can manufacture its daily requirement of Vitamin D. Keep in mind that Vitamin D can be incorporated through diet as well. Dairy products, fish, orange juice, ham, sausage, tofu and mushrooms all can raise Vitamin D levels.
Another common myth is that darker skin does not require sunscreen lotion. While it’s true that darker skin does not burn as quickly, dermatologists state that skin pigmentation provides no protection against skin cancer. How much sunscreen is enough? Most people will apply it once a day
and feel protected but when spending beautiful afternoons at the beach or out on the boat, apply sunscreen every few hours. Also remember to apply sunscreen even if it’s cloudy as many harmful UV rays can penetrate through the clouds and still affect skin negatively. Remember: many sunscreens don’t start working until 20 or 30 minutes after application, so lather up at least a half hour before heading outdoors. Many are worried about sunscreen’s health benefits due to a controversial 2001 study that stated oxybenzone, an ingredient commonly used in sunscreens, created free radicals which could contribute to people getting melanoma. Health Canada has found no definitive evidence linking oxybenzone and skin cancer, so has approved the use of oxybenzone in sunscreen. However, for those who want to avoid oxybenzone, a mineral-based sunscreen can do the job. There are many different ones on the market and a pharmacist will be able to help recommend one. This summer, don’t be afraid of heading out in the sun. Summer on the Sunshine Coast is heavenly and to hide out inside would be a shame. A light long-sleeved cover-up, a hat and the sunscreen of your choice are essentials for safely enjoying fun in the sun, keeping smoother skin and reducing the likelihood of skin cancer in the future. Submitted
Workshop explores ‘process of becoming human’ A
n intensive four-day workshop sponsored by the Canadian Craniosacral Biodynamic Center and open to the general public, The Embryo in Us: Understanding the Self as Embryo explores principles influencing the process of becoming human through science and religion, matter and spirit, creation and evolution in both the micro- and macrocosm. From June 6 to 9 at
Chaster House, Gibsons, participants will experience an in-depth consideration of the creative principles and forces working through the human self from gestation through birth to maturity. Led by renowned embryologist Jaap van der Wal (PhD, MD), the session begins with the age-old question, ‘Where do we come from?’, alternating lectures and discussions with practi-
cal exercises such as form drawing and body movement. Participants will come away with notes and diagrams along with a better understanding of phases of embryonic development and how those phases affect us as adults. An Associate Professor at the University of Maastricht, Dr. van der Wal specializes in functional human anatomy and teaches Anatomy and Embryology as well
as Medical Anthropology and Human Embryology. “Comprehending embryological forces supports a holistic approach [to health],” says van der Wal, “because the same forces that formed the body are continuously at work through life, carrying the blueprint of health into manifestation.” For more information, contact sageele@uniserve. com (604-202-8056). Submitted
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8 The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013
The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013
Good luck to all the racers!
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The race is on!
Pender Harbour Auto & Tire 1121
Welcome to all racers. Have fun and be safe!
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Wayne Rowe Drag Race 1021
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May 23, 2013
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Happy dragging!
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Good luck to all racers.
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May 24, 2012
Napa drag race 1021
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May 24, 2012
GBS drag race 1121
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Sound Attractions drag race 1121
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Until May 30, 2013
604-883-2747 Good luck to all the racers!
Have fun at the races!
Have a great
Blackfish drag races 1121 May 23, 2013
Come check out our specials after the races 966 Venture Way, Gibsons
604-886-6682 • Open 10am to midnight • facebook: BlackfishPub
16 Draught Beers on tap! Free pool every Day! patio!
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ADMISSION: Kenmac race 1021 Maydrag 23, 2013
Wishing all drag racers the best of luck! Serving you since 1959
May 24, 2012
CHILDREN UNDER 12 ADMITTED FREE when accompanied by an adult PARTICIPANTS (PLUS GATE) Members Non-Members
$25 $40 10 Bring chairs and sunscreen... and all your friends! $
Pets are not allowed in or out of your vehicles. Please leave your pets at home.
t n e v E g n i c a DragR Proud to be a member of the Coasters Car Club and the Sunshine Coast Drag Racing Association
Open Monday to Saturday 8:00-5:30 • Sunday 12:00-5:00
Stereos • Auto Body • Tools • Paint & Supplies
1045 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Gibsons • 604-886-2031
Under the Pharmasave red awning in downtown Sechelt
5663 Cowrie St., Sechelt 604-885-9614
10 The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013
Congratulations to
Heather Tsumura
home Home & Garden Winner 1121 &garden
Create a theme next time you paint
of Gibsons
Heather was awarded $1200 in Gift Certificates from local merchants who participated in our 10-week contest.
Stay cool in the shade Spruce up the look of your house or store front
• Awnings • Rollshutters • Railings • Sunrooms • Blinds • Patio Covers • Giant Umbrellas • Exterior Rollscreens • Exterior Venetians • Vinyl Decking RESiDEntiAl AnD CommERCiAl
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604-885-9622 toll free 1-877-886-9586 •
is it time to downsize?
I can help you! ✔ Move Organization ✔ Decluttering
simplifying your space
✔ House Sale Preparation ✔ Contents Sale
Spring Cleanup
Run Clean & Run fast
• Remove hard drive from client computer • Vacuum computer, check fans • Scan your hard drive from DVI’s computer • Remove old anti-virus prior to deep clean • Remove programs installed by or to Malware • Install new Microsoft anti-virus • Check and clean start-up options • Remove and replace Java, Flash
DVi Tech
Len Friesen
May 23, 2013
hether buying a new home, or just looking to update a current residence, paint can be one of the least expensive and1120 most Sunpro versatile means to making a change. According to the experts, 60 percent of the colours of a home that visitors perceive come from the paint on the walls. Choosing a colour scheme can be challenging, which is why so many stick with neutrals like beige andMay white. For 16, 2013 those ready to add a spark Base colour choices on themes, hues and patterns appearing of colour, there are a few guidelines to consider. in nature, such as on a seashell or flowering plant. The science of colour theory and rules of colour use be complementary enough so look for an item in na- lour. Novice decorators just are taught as early as a child’s that they flow into one an- ture, such as a seashell or a starting out with bold cofirst foray into art class. Un- other. Don’t paint one room flowering plant upon which lours may want to select one derstanding and using the in a child’s basic primary to base colour choices. Or wall to serve as an accent colour wheel’s primary, sec- colour, while painting other pull inspiration from a par- wall. Use that wall as a bold ondary and complementary rooms in jewel tones and ticular design item, such canvas and paint it with the colours can guide even a pastels. Stick with one theme as an area rug. Use colours chosen hue. novice home decorator. throughout the house. that appear in the rug in the Some people like to exAccording to HGTV, coIf using a bold colour, first room. periment with a more flashy lour should flow throughout find a colour inspiration. Keep in mind that using colour. Those who may be Rightsizing Solutions 1112 a house. Every room need Colour combinations that bold colour doesn’t require nervous about beginning in not be painted the same co- appear in nature are more every wall from ceiling to the living room or kitchen lour, however, colours should readily accepted by people, floor be painted in that co- may wish to splash out bold colour in a smaller space, such as a powder room. Garden Botanical Try to avoid greens in the bathroom, as they may reflect off of the mirror and cast an unhealthy hue onto the face. Pinks and peaches March 21, 2013 will shed a rosy glow. If incorporating complementary colours into a room, use the paint colour swatch as your May guide. 16, 2013 Most paint manufacturers use three or four different shades on one sample card. When selecting a complementary shade, be sure to pick from the same tone on the card. That means if Come for a quiet stroll, join a public tour or you’re choosing the darkest tone on a colour swatch bring the family for a picnic and games. card, choose the darkest DVI Tech 1120 Bring your supper, your camera, your tone from its complimentary colour swatch card. paints, your guitar, or your binoculars Another idea is to leave and especially, bring those you love. walls neutral and use bold colour on design accents. West Coast Nature at its best For example, designers often recommend paintOpen daily ing the inside of shelves or 5941 Mason Road, Sechelt cabinets with glass doors in bright tones and the outside white to create an eyeMay 16, 2013 catching space without going overboard. Apply a bold colour to moulding or use an appliance or a fixture in a bright colour as a splash of boldness. So before you decide to paint your house, think about what theme you would like to create and move forward from there. It should be an exciting and fun process.
Lots to do!
Tricia Coffey
Let Nature Inspire You!
Serving the Sunshine Coast
✔ Estate Liquidation
“We have the fastest response, fastest turnaround and the most knowledge and experience on the Coast!”
Summer at the Garden
The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013 11
home &garden
Growing healthy from the ground up T
he Sunshine Coast has always been a hot bed for gardeners but it seems with the efforts of local organizations like the One Straw Society, the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden Society and the Food Action Network, gardening has become more and more popular. Gardening is a truly rewarding hobby and a great way to get some exercise and fresh air while becoming more connected with the food we eat. Creating a garden can take a lot of planning but can be a great addition to both yard and lifestyle. A self-sufficient garden is one that sustains itself and supplies enough vegetables for a family to eat during the year. Research indicates a total of sixty square metres should produce a year’s supply of vegetables for a family of four. This would require very healthy soil, good seeds and a lot of hard work to preserve the harvest for the winter months. Although creating a selfsufficient garden might be the end goal, begin by aim-
ing to grow between a quarter and half of the family’s food nees for the year. Soil is the key ingredient to growing a fruitful garden. Without excellent soil all the plants will suffer, vegetables will not grow as large as they could and yield will be reduced – requiring more land, seeds and time to achieve optimum results. Efficiency is king in the world of gardening, so be thoughtful about starting right. Begin by checking the soil’s pH. Soil pH factors into the many chemical processes that affect plant growth. It directly affects plant nutrient availability, which in turn affects yield. A soil pH range between 5.5 and 7.0 is ideal for most plants, although blueberries prefer a more acidic soil. It is always important to understand the plants’ needs and then provide the best scenario for them to grow. Throughout the summer check on the soils’ pH and add compost or mulch as needed. Often soil is compacted or sandy. In such instances, it needs to be enhanced by add-
ing nutrients. Spreading out a layer of compost – which you can create yourself from leftover vegetation – will enrich soil with nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Building up the right balance builds optimal root formation and enhances drainage. It is also essential to understand the growing season. There are many vegetables that should be planted at specific times to give them an opportunity to grow to their full potential. Peas and beats don’t mind cooler temperatures, while squash and cucumbers thrive during warmer parts of the summer. Finally, always start with fresh, quality seeds. Watch for aphids or other pests attacking the young plants. Local nurseries offer a wide range of natural pesticides and deterrents; staff will be glad to advise on new as well as proven remedies. Enjoy time out helping the garden grow, and include the kids as much as possible. Gardening can be an enriching science lesson for young and old alike. Submitted
Work Safe Insured
e v i t a t n e v e r P y a r p S e c n Maintena STOP
The MOSS $139 . 00
Special Offer expires May 31st.
2 Rooves for $199 604 740-0683
Coastal Sun
Top Quality Soil 1114
GreenhouSeS Farm k’s feaTuR e THis w ee
Top Quality gardens begin with
April 4, 2013
Top Quality soil
Jumbo Size
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Garden Mix • Turf Blend • MushrooM Manure • fir Bark Mulch
Soil starting at $24/yard
Soil Amender Compost ...............................................$47/yd Garden Mix ......................................................................$41/yd Veggie Mix (with 20% mushroom manure) ........................$44/yd Turf Soil .............................................................................$37/yd The above soils all meet BC Landscaping specs and are weed-free.
Open Daily 10:00am to 6:00pm phone 604-885-0128
604-740-7715 Simply the best!
We deliver 7 days a week Our soil meets BC Landscape specs
wilSon Creek
robertS Creek
SunShine CoaSt hiGhway
1652 Pell road COASTAL SUN
is 1/4 mile North of Hwy #1
OPEN 10:00 am to 6:00 pm DAILY << Sechelt
For blasted wall rock, round wall rock and sand & gravel: please call us for a price.
Nursery in Roberts Creek Your Homegrown
Pell road
Local Peat Soil .................................................................$24/yd Peat Garden Mix.............................................................$32/yd Fir Bark Mulch .................................................................$38/yd Coarse Tree Chips (hog fuel)...........................................$17/yd Mushroom Manure .......................................................$45/yd Tailings (3/8” to 6” rock with approx. 25% soil) .......................$8/yd
1652 PELL RD Roberts Creek PLANT ROAD
Gibsons >>
Plants raised on the Sunshine Coast!
Where’s John?
John will be somewhere in the garden looking after the plants.
Find John and receive a discount!
12 The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS
Sunshine Coast Lions Housing Society, AGM, Thursday June 20, 7pm, at Greenecourt Hall, 5810 Medusa, St., Sechelt. p21
RE Décor Consignment. Christopher Kelly, unclutterer and Feng Shui practioner, has worked his magic in the store. Come and see our FAB new look, we love it! Always stylish, always affordable. www.facebook. com/redecorsechelt. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-885-5884. Still Good ReFurniture, 5520 Inlet Ave., Great vintage suitcases, round dining table w/leaves, chairs, pottery and more. New stock arriving daily. b21
Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn
Have you received our MARIBEL’S FINE FASHIONS flyer in the mail, recently? If you did, come and visit us at our shoppe in Teredo Square and enter our draw to win a $200 value of merchandise, to be drawn June 15th. b21 Welcome Beach Community Association’s AGM will be held at Coopers Green Hall, Thursday, June 20th at 6:30pm. All members welcome. b22 Homestay families are urgently needed to host 25 Japanese students who will be visiting Gibsons from July 26 to August 12, 2013. The young women aged 16-17, are students of Japan’s Kyoritsu High School. The students will attend classes at Elphinstone Secondary School and experience Canadian family life while living with their hosts. Muskoka International Language Homestay works with agents from countries such as Japan, Germany, Brazil, and China to name a few, facilitating international student exchanges throughout Canada. MLI has been bringing Japanese students to Gibsons and other Canadian communities as part of a cultural and language experience for many years. Judith Waring, MLI Homestay Coordinator for the Sunshine Coast, describes homestay as a unique opportunity to extend Canadian warmth and hospitality to an International student, in return for a cultural experience, that ranges from learning firsthand about other customs, to sampling authentically cooked cuisine prepared by the international student. “Previous homestay families I’ve spoken with claim that the rewards for hosting are many and that they have stayed in touch with the students they’ve hosted. It is not unusual for these families to become repeat hosts,” she explains. Host families receive an honorarium of $30 per night and provide a room, food, and transportation for students during their stay. To learn more about how you can become an MLI Homestay Host, please contact Judith Waring by calling 778-458-2529 or by email at p22
UPCOMING EVENTS RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen open Monday - Friday. 604-886-9813 btfn
PERSONALS Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. np27 If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. Toll Free 1-877-373-8255. btfn Need help to lose weight? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensiibly) at a new location. Sechelt Activity Centre, 5604 Trail Ave. at 6:30pm on Wednesdays (phone 604-7474755). Also in Gibsons, Frank West Hall, Chaster Rd. at 6:30pm on Tuesdays (phone 604-886-8578). p27
200 COMMUNITY NOTICES CLASSES Feldenkrais® Classes for healthy, organized movements. Enjoy these gentle, no-sweat classes and eliminate pain, inhibited movement and restricted range of motion. Great for rehab as well as general maintenance. Tuesdays, 5-6pm, Davis Bay Community Hall or customized, hands-on sessions by appt. 604-8859064 or btfn c
$ CASH $ for any old
Coins & Bills
Silver & Gold Antique Items, etc. 604-740-6474
Vintage and other quality watches & boxes wanted in any condition
ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Gold & Silver buyer. Top dollar paid. Jewelry, coins, etc. 604-7406474. b21 30% off all Biographies at La Brocante, 8122 Redroofs Rd., Halfmoon Bay, 604-885-2027. Books, prints, and records, 11am – 5pm daily. Cash only. b22
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TaylorMade driver (used a couple of times) $120. Air hockey table $300. 10 gal terranium, complete $50. 10 gal aquarium, complete $50. Mens neoprene dry suit, fits person 5’10”, 180lbs $300. Call 604-885-8422. p21
COMMERCIAL Malaspina Realty 1006
Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn
For complete rental listings and photos visit our website:
WANTED ROLEX & vintage & other quality watches wanted in any cond, call 604-740-6474. b21 Buying vintage weapons, badges, medals, etc. 604-740-6474. b21
Johnny Walker 1016
Retired Hobbyist wants discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones, etc. Call 604-740-3989. p21
Professional Services...
Serving the Sunshine Coast
Found: Mens gold ring with large Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Walker initials on Johnny the front “WCS”, nearRolex 1118 Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721 Elphinstone Secondary in Gibsons. Call 604-740-0381. f21
Found: Ladies silver/gold wrist watch, found on Teredo St. noon on May 6. Call 604-885-2630. f21
Gibsons: 3 bdrm upgraded twnhs featuring 1.5 baths, sm fncd yd, prkg for 2 cars, gardener for lawns, sports field for the youngsters, etc. n/s, sm pet nego. $1200/mo. Avail. June 1. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit
Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.
May 2, 2013
1997 Kawasaki Vulcan, excellent cond, good starter bike, easy to drive, new windshield, planning to upgrade. $2,350.00. Call 604885-8422. p21
CARS FOR SALE CASH for your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b21
Ask fonre Wayn
Waynne Pretty
seChelt: lrg 1 bdrm. apt, close to shops & restaurants. $695/ mo Available now. ns/nP. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit
seChelt: 1000 sqft new comm space available now at $10 per sq. ft. suit prof or destination business. excellent parking. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit
8 HP outboard, less than 25 hours, 2008 Yamaha 4 stroke outboard, electric start, trim, and steering complete package. $2,350.00. Call 604-885-8422. p21
GARAGE SALES ESTATE BUYER. 604-740-6474. b21
Give to the Food Bank
COMMERCIAL Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-8853281. btfn Read the classifieds online
Submit your resume to: Susan Attiana/Publisher Email: P.O. Box 494, 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Phone 604-885-3134 Fax: 604-885-3194 Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2013
Sunshine Coast Arts Council: Summer employment for a post-secondary student. Must be returning to full studies in September. Two positions available. Additional information available at b21
¾ size guitar, good cond, $45. Walker with basket, good cond, $60. Little tykes work bench with tools, $15. Call 604-885-9643. p21
Sechelt: Greenecourt Srs low-cost housing is taking applications for 1 bdrm apt. Heat & H/W incl. Mandatory 2 meals/day Program w/ alert button at an additional cost of $503/mo. 604-885-5962. btfn
Advertising Sales is an important part of our business and we are looking for someone who will not only provide outstanding May 23, 2013 service to our clients but will develop a relationship of trust with them. The Local is growing and evolving, and we need good people who will grow with us and show clients that excellent service and amazing results come in small packages.
Gibsons RV Resort: $475/mo. incl. hydro/sewer/water. RV site only. Internet $20/Cable TV $20. Pets OK. R.V to be 1995 and newer. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275. btfn
Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn
The Local is a weekly community newspaper on the beautiful Sunshine Coast and we’re looking for another enthusiastic Advertising Sales Representative to work with our great Sales Team. While experience would be an asset, we’re looking for a Sales Rep who: • Is fun, outgoing,Key observant, loves people is energetic Property classand 1121 • Owns a reliable vehicle and cell phone 1 col x 3.5” • Works to deadlines and is organized • Is willing to learn something new and interesting • Is able to think quickly, develop creative solutions and has a good memory • Is good at spelling, grammar and punctuation • Is conversant with computers • Works well alone and with a supportive team • Has a good attitude and willingness to follow direction
is looking for YOU!
36” loom, LeClerk, $1000 obo. 604-885-5348. p21
Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial
April 19, 2012
5 HP Wisconsin heavy-duty engine, ¾” keyed shaft, $100 obo. 10 HP Kohler engine, 1” keyed shaft, $150 obo. 10 HP Tecumseh engine, cast iron, long life, vertical keyed shaft, used for riding mowers or equipment, vertical drive, $295 obo. 10” table saw, new in box, makeTrademaster, $150 obo. Beaver band saw, older model, extra band, $150 obo. Call 604-740-1064 days or 604-885-2735 eves. p22
448 sq. ft – Unpartitioned 1096 Feb. 9,sq. 2012ft – Partitioned Air Conditioned Wheelchair Accessible
With Personal Focus
Bamboo poles for gardening and flowering perennials. 604-8863634. f22
Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn
Mid-sized wood turning lathe. Swing 12” x 36”, swivel head, variable speed. $200. 604-885-4789. p21
2 offiCe sPaCes
FREE APPRAISAL of your gold & silver items etc. 604-740-6474. b21
Banjos, five string. Golf clubs with R9 Taylor drive. 604-7401079. p23
Coast Professional Centre 938 Gibsons Way, Gibsons
Derek standfield 604-886-0242
Sears treadmill, Free Spirit, electric drive, displays speed, calories, distance, pulse. 604-886-2329. p21
University student looking for yard work - mowing, hedging, etc. Call Joey at 604-989-0114. b21 Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas, 604-989-3401. bmo
HELP WANTED Require reliable 1:1 Caregiver with ECE, experience working with children with developmental disabilities and American Sign Language. Knowledge of Augmentative Communication devices an asset. Active outgoing person with a love for children. Must have a reliable vehicle. Hours: Mon –Fri 0700 - 0845 & 1445 1700 - 20 hrs / wk plus additional coverage for non-instructional school days. F/T July-Aug. Send resume and reference list in confidence via email to: king_rose@ or fax to 604-8858682. b21
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL:
1100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MUSIC BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b21 COMPUTERS
Strings & Things #3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802
Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub 1121 Strait Music & Pressure Wash 604-885-0661 Free esTimaTes ~ WCB Coverage ~
SERVICE DIRECTORY Small Engine Repairs New & used parts & tools, lawn mowers, chainsaws, outboards, motorcycles, ATVs Chinese/Japanese.
pick up & Delivery • house calls Satisfaction Guaranteed
AffordAble rAtes
$6.00 + HST*
May 23, 2013
T Smith small engine repairs 11
Organic Landscape
design & cOnstructiOn
call dennis
20¢ each additional word + HST
Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer. April 18, 2013
The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013 13 Popeye's Storage 1118
Season is FINALLY May 2, 2013
5880 Sechelt Inlet Road
Are you looking to get out early on weekends? Do you like to plan your golf well in advance?
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Book your tee times now up to TWO WEEKS in advance
Call the Golf Shop now to book your time and enjoy Sunshine Coast golf at its best!
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2013-May-23-Summer Programs-The Local - 1 16/05/2013 3:46:29 PM
Available online and at recreation facilities Monday May 27. sunshinecoastrd
Summer Recreation Guide
Coming Soon!
Lots of fun activities happening over the summer. Kicks Soccer Camp August 6 – 9 Junior Lifeguard Club Sampler Week July 8 – 11 and August 12 – 15 Karate for Kids Sampler Camp July 8 – 11 and August 26 – 29 Summer Ice Hockey – Something for Everyone! Summer Hockey School August 12 – 16 Tykes (5 – 6 years), Novice & Atom (7 – 10 years), Atom & Peewee (10 – 12 years) and Bantam & Midget Conditioning Camp Duffer Co-Ed Summer Hockey Camp August 19 – 23 One Goal Beginner Hockey for Kids August 19 – 23 and August 26 – 30 Heros Summer Mini Camp August 26 – 30
Playball Camp July 8 – 29 and August 12 – 26 Grouped by age. Starts at 2 years of age. Creativity Camp – Art, Drama & Creative Dance! Ages 7 – 11 years July 8 – 12 Ages 4 – 6 years August 12 – 16 Mixed Media Art with Miyuki Ages 6 – 12 years August 19 – 23 Youth Centre Saturday Out-Trips For youth ages 13 – 18 years. Free – but youth must pre-register. Summer Aquatics Lessons and Aquatics Leadership classes happening the summer. pp g throughout g
Register Online call 604-885-PLAY (7529) Registration for Summer programs will begin Monday June 3. Coastal Kids Summer Fun Daycamps A fun-filled affordable day camp experience which includes arts, crafts, swimming, sports, cooperative games, outdoor exploration, special events, guests and so much more. Visit for updates. Register for a day, week or the whole summer! July 2 – August 22 (Monday – Friday) 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. $21 per day.
14 The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013
Good food, good fun and great prices!
5770 Teredo St. Sechelt
PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:
Horoscope May 24 to May 30
Wifi NoW available
Gilligans 1118
May 2, 2013 BuyRapid 3 months Edge 1024 and get the 4th month free!
Secure • Safe • affordable Best rates in town. We beat any price! brand new units 24 hour access • 7 days a week • •
5621 Inlet Ave, Sechelt 604-885-3460 •
legion GIBSOnS 747 Gibsons Way Royal Canadian
Friday, May 24
B.B.Q. ribs dinner 5pm • $10 Come early!
BRanch #109 604-886-2411
June 8 & 9
LiVe JaZZ Watch for details
Crib on Tuesdays 7pm & Saturdays 12:30pm • Meat Draws Saturdays 4-5:30pm & Sundays 4-6pm
Brought to you By
Solution on page 14 Courtesy of
59. Found in some lotions 60. Encounter 61. A river through Paris 62. Small island 63. Combustible pile 64. Canvas shelters 65. Scallion DOWN 1. A formal high school dance 2. greek letter 3. Sweeping story 4. reload 5. hood
Your first choice in foods
d ne
Trail Bay Centre • 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • Meat & Deli 604-885-9812 • Produce & Floral 604-885-9841 • Bakery 604-885-9823 • Office 604-885-2025
aLLy ow oc
of service
33. Angers 34. Clothe 37. rend 38. Assail 39. Early 20th-century art movement 40. French for “Summer” 41. objectives 42. Poison 43. unworthy 45. Sand bar 49. Caviar 50. Deluge 53. Walks unsteadily 57. unmerited
6. type of sword 7. regulation (abbrev.) 8. Stepped 9. Despise 10. Substantial 11. Loft 12. British biscuit 13. half of six 19. Small islands 21. Bright thought 25. unusual 26. Send forth 27. Donate 28. Step 29. Passageway 30. Consecrate 31. Permit 34. Cab 35. Norse god 36. Mob 38. French for “good” 39. Fit together tightly 41. throats (archaic) 42. gait faster than a walk 44. Wears away 45. the base part of a tree 46. Product of bees 47. Law and _____ 48. Mountain crest 51. Where a bird lives 52. tall woody plant 53. Canvas dwelling 54. If not 55. Part in a play 56. Search 58. French for “Wine”
100% L
ACROSS 1. Jetty 5. A bed on a ship 10. Spar 14. Lasso 15. A drama set to music 16. Carve in stone 17. Ear-related 18. Mediator 20. Device 22. Preordain 23. Citrus drink 24. French school 25. unfortunate 32. girlfriend (Spanish)
concerns, yours or those of significant others are on your mind. It may be that these Michael are beyond your immediate O’Connor control anyway. An added Astrologer measure of disciplined response is required. Tip of the Week: Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) This Full Moon on May Sowing the seeds of new 25 is the fruition of the So- friendships and associations lar Eclipse New Moon seed is a current theme. Looking of May 9, packing an added to the future, it probably feels charge - manifesting as im- important to be proactive and portant decisions pivotal open-minded. This includes June 14,and 2012 events coinciding with major working behind the scenes. turns in people’s lives. We are Drawing from your deeper in the midst of some celestial well of faith in the changes shaking that many people that are unfolding is probably are feeling and will be af- easier said than done. So, do fected by. We are in the final your homework and clarify stretch leading up to Summer your options. Solstice. The impact of curLeo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) rent alignments is certainly A good deal of shifting is producing a rich, dynamic shaking your status quo. Your and perhaps dramatic mix public and professional life is of influences and activations in focus. It is important that now. The best way to really you take a visionary and creunderstand these influences ative approach. This includes in your life is to have an in- reaching out to make key Gibsons Legion 1121 depth reading. connections. This will require Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) some innovation and extra A full spectrum on your diplomatic efforts for best to do list is keeping you busy results. The key is to decipher now, perhaps too busy. It is then clarify how your interalso inspiring creative expres- ests will benefit theirs. sion. In the bigger picture, Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) deep changes continue to unNew visions and dreams fold. These are activating you are dancing in your mind. to want to push through and Yet your scope is very pracMay 23, 2013 beyond the existing status tical. This includes adjustquo.. It is important to take ments and changes close to an extra strategic approach. home and in your profession. Claytons crossword 1121 Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) The path may seem clear yet Opportunities to enter new it is not altogether obvious. territory are on your radar. An Taking key risks is ideal yet it expansive time continues and feels important that these be for the sake of productivity calculated ones. Extra efforts and progress it is important and research is required. to be in-tune and responsive. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) This cycle began last year The time has come to and a resurgence of it is roll- make some new moves in ing in now. The good news is the money game. There may May 23, 2013 that these waves will remain be more than just money steady. Take full advantage! at stake, but it is a central Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) theme. The prospect of An expansive and abun- travel, adventure and perdant cycle continues. Beyond haps even relocation is comsweet dreams it seems that ing up fast now. You could genuine needs want your at- go far and to great lengths to tention. Feeling secure about achieve your goals over the it may be a challenge. Health coming weeks.
e o p e r at
KLS Yacht Care “Coasting through life in style” • • • • •
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Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Some promising new developments on relationship fronts are reason for excitement. You feel committed to realize your dreams. One of the bigger challenges includes deciphering clearly what you want and need. The main issue to overcome is sending out mixed messages. The other challenge involves deciphering the difference between the lower and the higher way. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Changes in your overall lifestyle roll in. These include your work and key relationships. Cultivating healthier rhythms is also a key theme. There are indications that you have and continue to enjoy some perks. This is an expansive cycle overall. Clear the old to make way for the new. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) A creative cycle has been a source of energy and inspiration for your ambitions. You have had to take some very calculated risks not all of which have left you feeling confident. Are your efforts truly conducive to your needs? This sort of critical analysis is a sobering task. A review of dreams and goals will lead you to make some key adjustments. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) The seeds of change have been sown very close to home. These are inspiring you to take a few risks, perhaps even a leap of faith. The time has come to push through resistances, especially your own attitude and perspectives. The next step includes communicating your aspirations effectively. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Many thoughts, ideas and plans are on your mind. With confidence running high, the time is right to act. Your entire philosophy of life and subsequent visions of what you want and what is possible is changing. You are ready to experience a whole new quality of connections. KLS Yacht Care 1121 Trust what you feel you ‘should do’ and do it!
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May 23, 2013
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Jan. 12, 2012
The Local - Thursday, May 23, 2013 15
ARTS & CULTURE Sunshine Coast on the
Gibsons Jazz Festival countdown is on I
t’s that time of year again. Time to lay back and enjoy some of the finest live musical talent in restaurants and other local venues during Jazz Week, and right through to Sunday afternoon of the 18th Annual Gibsons Landing Jazz Festival, on June 14 to 16 on the Sunshine Coast. This year organizers are very excited to announce a big change. They have organized with the Town of Gibsons and the Landing Business Group to move the Saturday event (in past years held at Dougall Park) to Gower Point Road in the heart of Gib-
sons Landing. The street from Winn Road (at the Post Office) to School Road (up from Molly’s Reach) will be closed to through traffic. The Saturday Street Festival will present four phenomenal and varied jazz and world music groups including Celso Machado, the Lumiere/Penfold Quintet, Hugh Fraser Quintet and Tambura Rasa, on the main stage. A second ‘Bus Stop Stage’ for the kids with The Legion of Flying Monkeys, street performers and a special streaming live filming of the Festival Dancers
Benefit for Ruby Slipper Fund
wo upcoming concerts will help raise funds for the Ruby Slipper Fund, which provides support to residents of the Sunshine Coast who are experiencing, or who have experienced a cancer diagnosis. The concerts, called Sérénade, will feature original and familiar tunes exploring the diverse aspects of love. Vocalist Jena
Wren will be accompanied by composer/lyricist Kenneth Norman Johnson at the grand piano, with Peter Williams on cello and Barry O’Hara on sax. The concerts are Saturday, May 25 at 7pm at St. John’s United Church and Saturday, June 1 at 7pm at the Performance Centre in Madeira Park. Tickets are $20 and can be picked up at BlueWaters Books.
Driftwood Players presents
will add to the festivities. Community groups, food and craft vendors will line the streets. Purchase an event daypass and receive a wristband for admission to all activities and discounts from participating Landing merchants staging fesstival sidewalk sales. The kick-off to the Festival Weekend features a concert by the Steve Giltrow Quartet at the Gibsons Public Art Gallery. Saturday night enjoy a delicious treat with the Jazz
Group of Seven at Boomers Burger Bar before putting on your dancing shoes for the dance at the Roberts Creek Hall with the 10-piece funk/soul band, Soulstream! Sunday enjoy Jazz Brunch with Ali Milner at Leo’s restaurant and then take in the free Sunday afternoon Festival in Winegarden Park overlooking the Gibsons Harbour. Get the entire schedule and band details from www. Submitted
Quilt Show stitches up crowds
he Sunshine Coast Quilters Guild Bi-Annual Show drew crowds to the Gibsons Arena over the Mother’s Day weekend, with its largest-ever display of quilts, fibre and wearable art. Over 400 pieces draped the arena walls and display racks in vibrant colour and texture, with the public invited to vote for their favourites. The visual feast overwhelmed with the variety, quality, and skills displayed. Essentially, the art of quilting is similar to painting – creating designs and texture with
fabric and stitchery rather than paint and canvas. Event organizer and Guild Past President, Fay Bullock, expects the next show, in 2015, to easily surpass the 2013 show in quantity and quality. New members are always welcome, says Bullock. The Guild meets the last Saturday of each month (except June, July, August and December) at Holy Family Church in West Sechelt. For more information, visit the website: Heather Jeal, Contributing Writer
Driftwood Players 1121
Benefit concert for the Ruby Slipper Fund
May 25th
7pm – 9pm, St. John’s United Church Davis Bay, Sechelt
June 1st
7pm – 9pm, The Performance Centre 23, 2013 Madeira Park, May Pender Harbour
Kenneth Norman Johnson Jena Wren, Peter Williams, Barry O’Hara
Who killed Victoria Yewwing? It’s up to you to find out!
A Dinner theAtre exPerience $40 • Includes Dinner & Performance Friday & Saturday, May 24 & 25 at Garden Bay Pub and Restaurant Pender Harbour Phone 604-883-2674 Tickets available at Garden Bay Pub
Tickets $20
at BlueWaters Books, Madeira Park & Sechelt Visitor’s Centre
A Latimer & Co. Event
604 989 2387
invites you to meet the artist
A little-known chapter of B.C. history told symbolically in vibrant oil-on-canvas.
Artist's Reception: 2- 4, Saturday May 25 Artist's Talk: 2 pm, Sunday, May 26
Artist's GIBSONS PUBLIC ARTReception: GALLERY 2- 4 Saturday, May 4431 Marine Drive Thurs-Mon. 11 25 - 4 pm Contact 604-886-0531 Artist's Talk: 2 pm, Sunday, May 26
2013 Events on the Sunshine Coast April through to Sept July 12 - 14 Farmers Market Halfmoon Bay Country Fair Cowrie St., Sechelt April to Oct July 19 - 21 Roberts Creek Farm Gate Market Highway 101 Music Festival Roberts Creek Hall Pender Harbour Lions Park May 23 to June 24 The Chilcotin War: a Colonial Legacy July 21 artist Ann Nicholson Davis Bay Sand Castle Contest Gibsons Public Art Gallery Davis Bay beach May 23 – June 24 July 27 - 28 Sumi-e: artist Dina Dune Sea Cavalcade The Eve Smart Gallery various events and locations in Gibsons Gibsons Public Art Gallery May 24 - 26 Aug. 8 - 12 Lund Shellfish Festival Art Stroll in The Landing various locations in Gibsons May 25 Exhibitions Opening Reception Aug 9 - 11 artists Ann Nicholson and Dina Dune Sechelt Festival of the Rolling Arts 2- 4 pm, Gibsons Public Art Gallery May 25 -26 Aug 9 - 26 Artists reception for Ann Nicholson Handcrafted Asian Imports Imporium 2pm, Gibsons Public Art Gallery Roberts Creek Mason Hall May 26 Ann Nicholson Artist ’s Talk Aug 10 - 11 2pm, Gibsons Public Art Gallery Sunshine Coast Trail Challenge May 26 biking event, SCCOA 20th Anniversary Gala, Aug 11 2:30pm, Raven’s Cry Theatre Show ‘n’ Shine Garden Bay May 30 auto event, Barn Raisers: 5 Local Social Venture Start-Ups Aug 15 - 18 Presented by FUSE Community Work Hub Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts Seaside Centre, Sechelt 6-9 pm Rockwood Centre, Sechelt May 31 Aug 15 - 18 Music at Roberts Creek Legion Pender Harbour Chamber Music Festival Petunia & the Vipers (from Vancouver) Pender Harbour School of Music June 1 Aug 17 Dina Dune Astronomy In The Park Artist ’s demonstration of Sumi-e Porpoise Bay Park 2 - 4pm, Gibsons Public Art Gallery June 1 Aug 17 Egmont Day Rodz & Hogs Charity Rally Parade at 11am Crossroads Grill, Garden Bay Latimer 1120 Events at CommunitySheryl Hall Aug 17 June - Aug Creek Daze, Roberts Creek Lagoonies Kids Club Nature Day Camp Higgeldy Piggeldy Parade and Wednesdays at Iris Griffith Centre celebrations at the pier Aug 17 - 18 June - Sept Hackett Park Summer Arts & Crafts Fair Sechelt Night Markets Sechelt, 5-9pm, Cowrie St., downtown Sechelt Aug 23 - 25 June 7 - 9 Synchronicity Festival Pender Harbour Blues Festival Shirley Macey Park, Gibsons, various venues Sept 1 May 16, 2013 June 8 - 9 Harvest Festival Home and Cottage Show Botanical Gardens, 5491 Mason Rd., Sechelt 100 exhibitors Gibsons Community Centre Sept 15 June 8 - 16 Off The Edge Brat Race Gibsons Landing Jazz Festival week biking event June 22 Sept 20 - 22 Annual Children’s Festival Pender Harbour Jazz Festival 10:30 - 3:30, Dougalll Park, Gibsons various locations June 29 GPAG 1121 Malaspina Regatta Oct 5 Pender Harbour sailing race Pender Harbour Fall Faire Madeira Park June 29 - July 6 Oct 6 BC Bike Race Fall Faire from Vancouver to Whistler presented by One Straw Society Roberts Creek Hall July 1 Canada Day celebrations Oct 12 - 13 Gibsons, Sechelt, Pender Harbour Gibsons Fall Fair July 3 May 23, 2013 Quality Gardens, Pratt Rd. Sechelt Outdoor Festival Oct. 17 - 27 July 6 Sechelt Arts Festival Wood Duck Festival, Iris Griffith Centre Various locations Pender Harbour, July 6 Oct 18 - 29 Kids Catch a Trout Day Sunshine Coast Art Crawl Chapman Creek Hatchery, Wilson Creek Artists’ studios from Langdale to Lund
May 23, 2013
Giggle n Bloom 1121
16 The TheLocal Local -- Thursday, Thursday,May May23, 23,2013 2013
On Saturday, May 25, Celebrate with us at our new StOre lOCatiOn
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