The Local - September 5, 2013

Page 1

This Week:

Lots of action at Little Legion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2



Weekly Community Your community, your paper Newspaper Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • • Thursday, September 5, 2013

I can’t believe I ate the

whole thing!

Curb appeal in Gibsons Small outlays, big returns ...................

Page 5

Brat Ride

set for September 22 ................


Page 8

Meet the family

at Gibsons Public Art Gallery

Page 9


Look for these inserts: • Home Hardware • Guardian Pharmacy (Pender Harbour)

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Quest for the

Quest Burger contest 1136


Over 1,000 residents attended the annual Labour Day Picnic, presented each year in Dougall Park by the Sunshine Coast Labour Council. Kids gave the bouncy castle a good workout, everyone enjoyed live music, burgers, hot dogs and corn on the cob courtesy of the Labour Council, and families had fun in the playground with Frisbees. Kids (and spectators) enjoyed the traditional pie-eating contests, with prizes for all. This winner in the six-yearold category exclaimed, “I can’t believe I did that!”

See details on page 6


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2 The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013

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Lots of action at Little Legion

Exner and Jepcott appointed to Sechelt Innovations

Sechelt Mayor John Henmoved to Sechelt in 2007 derson recently announced and is the former presithe appointments of Kirk dent of the Sandy Hook Exner and Dave Jephcott Community Association to the District’s business (SHCA). Exner currently development entity, Sechelt serves as a board member Innovations Limited (SIL). of the SHCA and also the “Sechelt is very fortunate Sechelt Groves Society. to have recruited Kirk and Jephcott first moved to Roberts Creek HealthDave,” said Mayor Henthe Coast in 2002 and Food 1123 derson. “Both are entre- Kirk Exner has operated a sales and preneurs and have a wide business growth marketrange of experience and ex- ager of Business Develop- ing firm for the past ten For 65 years the Royal pertise that will ensure that ment Dave Jephcott will years. He has worked on Canadian Legion – RobSIL’s mandate of creating work with Exner to help promotional campaigns for erts Creek Branch 219, new jobs and businesses is drive the SIL mandate. various successful Sunshine known as ‘the Little Leachieved.” gion,’ has been a hub With over twenty years Coast-based companies, As Director of Business experience in developing and served as the Business of activity for Creek Development, Kirk Exner new businesses as well as Development Manager of residents. With memberwill direct and oversee SIL’s arranging financing, Exner Initiatives Prince George, ship no longer restricted June 6, 2013, 2013 operations, reporting to brings strong technology that community’s area busito veterans and/or their the soon-to-be appointed and venture capital expe- ness expansion and retenfamilies,Upthe gates are The Creek B&B 1116 Board of Directors. Man- rience to his new role. He tion arm. open to all to meet friends for a game of cards or darts, enjoy a live music event with friends and neighbours, or get out of Elphinstone Logging sheer slopes.” The group also the hollows of the old cedars, the kitchen for a meal at Focus (ELF) recently com- recorded BC’s third-largest thick blueberry undergrowth ‘Diner 219er.’ pleted a field expedition to Mountain Hemlock within and bear scat everywhere,” Memberships are halfa forest in the Dakota Bowl the cutblock, measuring said Muirhead. “Logging price at the Little Legion until December April 31 (and 18, 2013 area mapped out for clear- 5.36 metres (17 feet, 7 inch- these old trees will destroy cut logging by BC Timber es) in circumference. one of the best bear habientitle the holder to adSales (BCTS) under TFL “This is truly a magnifi- tats I’ve seen on the Coast. mission as a member to A79517, any Legion in Canada). Mystique Andalusians & which includes six cent forest.” Hans Penner BCTS needs to bring in a separate cutblocks totalling of ELF remarks. The forest bear specialist from Ministry Because Legions are Farm Ventures 1115 69Ha (170 acres). “The contains some of the largest of Environment to study this licensed as ‘private clubs’ way BCTS has laid out red and yellow cedars left on area before any decisions are members and guests must these blocks raises several the Sunshine Coast. As the made to log it.” sign in to enjoy the fared flags,” Ross Muirhead of older trees decay from the Penner added that in one cilities. But non-members ELF says. “The logging road inside out, they provide opti- small area, the ELF expediare welcome to drop in – to reach this area cuts across mal bear den sites, especially tion discovered evidence of someone in the ‘friendly steep slopes which will cause for females who climb up in- six to eight bear den sites scat little Legion’ will sign untold drainage and stabil- side hollowed trees to secure indicating this is prime black them in as a guest. ity issues. Some of the falling protection for cubs. “We ob- bear habitat. Drop in and pick up boundaries were found on served many bear den sites in Submitted tickets for theApril Buffet ‘n’ 11, 2013 Boogie on Saturday, September 14. A full buffet dinner starts at 7 p.m., dancing at 8 p.m. to the A.D. Band from Vancouver, the Luminaires and Jeff Heeley. Tickets ($40) must be purchased in advance at the Legion or online at Admission at the door after 8 p.m. for Specialty products that celebrate the purity and enchantment dance only, $15. Save the date! Dine of a family on the grow! ‘n’ Dance with Jim lor on Friday, October 11. Just try and stay off gigglebloom the dance floor as Taylor plays all the classics from Come visit us in our the 50s, 60s and 70s. new & bigger location... For more informaGibsons IGA Plaza tion on the Little Legion events, visit www.rob 119-1100 Sunshine Coast Highway • 604-886-2335

‘Dakota Bowl Bear Sanctuary’ needs protection

Back to school


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The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013 3

Back to school

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there’s no advice on where ‘well brought up’ boys shouldn’t go or who they shouldn’t talk to. Second, a suggestion that many teachers to this day would strongly advise but hopefully without the derogatory judgment: “The chewing of gum in a streetcar, in church, or in any other place outside of your own private room stamps you at once as ‘common’.” Yikes! Thirdly, as school dances seem to be becoming more and more frequent with younger and younger grades, students would do well to remember, “bobbing and wriggling are taboo” and to “let the spring

come from the ankles and the knees… imitate the grace of the swallow.” Now that I would love to see! Another still relevant piece of advice on dances: “If your partner doesn’t dance well, take it pleasantly – but not as too much of a joke – and help him to do better.” You wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Nowadays, much of this advice seems old fashioned and out of date. But if we take the kernel of the idea and apply it to our modern context, it is essentially the same – be safe, be polite and be kind. And imitating the grace of the swallow wouldn’t hurt either.

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If you listened closely in the last days of August you could almost hear the collective groans of children and relieved sighs of parents everywhere. As schools open for the new academic year, we’d like to offer students some perspective on how the rules have changed over the years. Here are some of the rules set out for pupils of the Sechelt United School in 1921. We found these gems in a book from our archives entitled Manners and Conduct In School and Out. We have some examples from this book on display in our school exhibit on the second floor of the museum, but here are a few more to ruminate on. First, where NOT to socialize: “If you are well brought up, girls, you will not loiter on the street to talk to one another; much less to boys. Street visiting is taboo.” It’s strange but

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RegulaR CounCil Meeting with direct links to YOUR7:00pm website. Wednesdays, Visit Oct 2 and 16. There will be for more information on District news, no meeting on Sept. 18. programs and services, including… CoMMittee of the Whole Meeting • Tax Sale, (if necessary, to conduct an auction of prop- Wednesdays, 1:00pm Advertisers... erties with delinquent property taxes owing) Monday, Sept. 11 and 25 Your ad10am, is on our Meeting new Room website, with direct links to your we Sept 30th, Community aCCessibility advisoRy • Community Investment Program Workshop, CoMMittee Meeting Tues, Sept 10, 6 to 8pm, Seaside Centre. Organizations Wednesday, Sept. 4 that have in the past applied or are interested in apply- 10:00am ing for grant (grants in aid, traffic fine revenue grants, Second Floor etc.) funding from Sechelt are highly encouraged to Meeting Room business developMent have their representatives attend. advisoRy CoMMittee • Sechelt “Spring Clean Up coupons” will expire Oc- Meeting tober 10th. Please remember to review the coupon Wednesday, Sept. 4 & 18, terms and conditions before use and that the landfill 2:30pm site may be busier than normal in the final days of Community Meeting coupon validity. Room


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4 The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013

Editorial Opinion

Letters to the Editor – Opinions

Gas prices downright indigestible

In mid-August, a CTV report announced that Lower Mainland drivers face the highest gas prices in North America, according to a study by To which we on the Sunshine Coast said, “surprise, surprise.” With costs equaling and occasionally surpassing Vancouver’s price at the pumps, Coasters can be forgiven for feeling a tad gouged. After all, the Metro Vancouver communities that topped the list of 10 most expensive places to fill up in North America (Delta, Surrey, Pitt Meadows and Vancouver) are paying about 16 cents per litre more in special assessed-inMetro-only taxes. And overhead costs in Vancouver surely are higher than on the Sunshine Coast. For everyone in BC, about 49 cents of each litre’s cost is straight tax: for Translink, for the provincial gas tax, for PST and GST. Gas company reps explain that on top of these charges, Coast residents have to factor in the cost to barge the fuel up from the Port Moody refineries. Sure. But in Victoria, the price at the pump is as much as ten cents per litre less than Coasters are accustomed to. And presumably their gas is also barged over from Port Moody. So that won’t wash. Gas company reps also maintain that the price of gas is tied to the per-barrel price of crude oil. That won’t wash either. Recently, the price of oil plummeted, but the price at the pump stayed within two or three cents per litre and actually rose at one point. If the price of crude mattered, in Canada – a nation, we are reliably informed, which produces a whole lot of oil and gas – motorists should be able to tank up at reduced rates because the sale of excess production would subsidize our own consumption. This isn’t happening. Over the past years, gas prices have gradually risen towards the benchmark rate of $1.50 per litre, and because it’s been so gradual there has been virtually no protest from the nation’s motorists. Whining to the gas station attendant is not effective protest. Instead, residents need to stand up and say to their elected representatives, “I’m being gouged, and I won’t take it any more.” And if that doesn’t work, there’s always the bus. After all, our gas taxes are paying for it. Heather Jeal, Editor Letters to the Editor and Submissions are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not reflect opinions of The Local publication. Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. Letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. All letters must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. E-mail letters to: Deadline for letters and submissions is Monday at 3pm.

OOPS! Re: Wharf restoration appeal ramps up, The Local, August 29 John Denham, a Draughtsman with Mobius Architecture, created the drawings of the proposed Davis Bay wharf reconstruction during his free time as a donation to the project. Mr. Denham was incorrectly identified as an architect in the story. The Local apologizes for any confusion this may have caused. Re: A great big thank you, The Local, August 29 In her column, ‘A Caring Community,” Sunshine Coast Community Services Society Co-Executive Director Lucie McKiernan thanked the “Semiahmoo graduation class” for a donation of $15,000. This should have read “Elphinstone graduation class.” Kudos to the kids!

“Are you taking them away?” “Yes, I am taking them away” responds the Conservation Officer; the look on his face said it all; the exhaustion of covering an area as large as the Sunshine Coast, making decisions for public safety, and realizing that he has to shoot bears, again. It’s not pretty, and it is certainly not a part of their job that they enjoy carrying out. The bright blue culvert trap contains a sow and her yearling cub; they have become habituated to humans, lost their natural wariness, and are comfortable entering residences for food (in this case, apples in a kitchen). Bears like to roam through areas they perceive to be ‘safe’ local neighbourhoods, entering carports to steal backpacks, rummage through outdoor garbage bins, following the scent to backyard chicken coops and birdfeeders, and accessing unpicked fruit in yards. Our garbage is still the number one killer of bears in British Columbia. Bears have a keen sense of smell (2100 times better than ours) and extraordinary memory capabilities. Sadly, it only takes just ONE taste of our garbage, a non-natural food attractant, and the bear is addicted. A death sentence is imminent. I am always asked, “Why don’t they re-locate the bear?” Re-location and

translocation are extremely hard on a bear; it has been shown that most relocated bears either starve or become prey when they are placed in a new, unknown territory. We can change our behavior – the bears cannot. As bears enter the hyperphagia stage, they are being biologically driven to consume 10,000 to 20,000 calories per day; some will forage for up to 20 hours in a day. We must remain vigilant with our attractants: pick ripened and fallen fruit, keep birdfeeders and pet food inside, aerate compost, clean BBQ’s, store refuse in a secure container (inside), erect a properly installed and maintained electric fence to protect chickens or crops. Whistler has destroyed two bears this year (one B&E, one Wildlife Collision); the Sunshine Coast destroyed 10 bears during the period from May 16 to August 13. We have chosen to live in an area that directly interfaces with prime habitat for wildlife. It is our responsibility to safely co-exist and to help keep wildlife, wild. I have a lot of faith in local residents; I think we can manage that. For more information or to book presentations, please contact Kim Drescher, Sunshine Coast-WildSafeBC Community Coordinator

Fine to give Translink a brake I recently read a news item informing us, the downtrodden taxpayer, that we possibly could face the imposition of yet another tax. This has to do with Translink’s plans for expansion After much thought, I came up with an idea that might raise the funds needed for expansion without hitting the taxpayer in the purse/wallet. I wish to suggest that law enforcement devote about six months to nabbing drivers who ignore STOP signs, all over the province, but particularly on the Sunshine Coast. A hefty fine would be in order for a first offence and doubled for a second offence. Anything beyond that might include licence suspension. All fines would be forwarded to Translink. Those drivers on the Coast who obey STOP signs with a FULL stop, know that the majority of drivers today completely ignore the word STOP. If my plan were to be adopted, I visualize Translink will have a huge cash surplus to fulfill their expansion plans and also a bit left over to provide bonuses for their hard working staff. I rest my case. Don Hensler, Gibsons

Vaccination challenge The vaccination article in the Aug 29 issue of The

Local indicates that vaccines are safe and effective. It mentions recent outbreaks of measles but doesn’t reveal how many of the infected had been vaccinated. Immunologist Tetyana Obukhanych has analysed the infection rates during a large 2011 Quebec measles epidemic in which many of the cases had been vaccinated. She’s found that, although vaccination appeared to be effective to some degree, it wasn’t effective enough to provide herd immunity. Not just parents, but many doctors and scientists have become disenchanted with immunization ideology. In 2004, a British paediatrician who didn’t dare identify himself, told media that he offered both the single measles vaccine and MMR, a practice counter to the dictum of public health authorities. Gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield’s suggestion that it would be prudent to give measles, mumps and rubella vaccines separately and spaced several months apart resulted in his banishment from practice. But since his 1998 study (since withdrawn), others have corroborated his findings of a possible link between autism, bowel disease and MMR. In 2009, Dr Healy, former head of the US National Institutes of Health, told CBS News, “I don’t think you should ever turn your back on any scientific hypothesis”. She exemplified with lack of tracking to find how many cases of autism resulted from the 1,300-plus brain injury cases paid compensation in vaccine court. Not only is natural immunity much more reliable and permanent than vaccine-derived immunity, but it can provide other benefits, too. A 2002 study of West African children found that those who’d survived measles had a much higher survival rate from all other infections than those who’d been vaccinated. Research could be done in well-fed North American populations to look for a similar effect and with little risk of death. Why hasn’t it been done? Susan Fletcher, Sechelt

Volume 11 • Issue 36

The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013 5

Home Renovations

Small outlays reap big returns with curb appeal First impressions count. A visitor’s first glimpse of a home gives a lasting impression and a hint on how well it has been cared for, inside and out.

Heather Jeal Editor

Improving curb appeal involves dressing your home to make a strong first impression on visitors and (when a preparing a home for re-sale) on prospective buyers. A home with a well-maintained exterior hints at an equally impressive interior. A few simple renovations can make a home more welcoming while bumping up its market appeal. Begin by removing clutter – broken planters, rusting lawn furniture, and discarded toys. Fall garden clean-up and winterizing includes hedge trimming, pruning roses, weeding, planting spring bulbs and putting down a fresh layer of organic mulch to protect and nourish shrub and perennial roots during the colder months. Consider adding some fall or winter colour with fresh plantings. Local nurseries will be please to advise on best shrubs for Coastal climate and soil conditions. Provide driveway and side-

Adding a fresh layer of mulch to edged flowerbeds deters weed growth and adds definition to plantings, for a tidier and more colourful presentation. walk definition with edging. Paving stone or brick edging, either level or slightly elevated, can protect both lawn and driveway from erosion and offer an elegant frame for the garden area as well. Many homeowners grow accustomed to overgrown trees around their property and may not notice that low hanging, unsightly branches are hiding the home from view or blocking light from the home’s interior. Let the light in, and let the home be seen! Book the services of an arborist or knowledgeable tree pruner/removal specialist in the fall for winter pruning.

Regularly throughout the fall and winter, ensure gutters are cleared of leaves, sticks and other debris. For homes surrounded by trees, consider replacing open gutters with guarded types to reduce clogs and potential roof damage.


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Even if the front door is not generally used, make it appealing with the addition of modern upgraded hardware, hinges that move freely and squeak-free, a fresh door mat, and possibly an accent planter filled with seasonal colour. As the holiday season approaches, a well-groomed entry will provide a welcoming focal point to the home with improved curb appeal.


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6 The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013

Questing for the best north of Sechelt Laverne's Grill 1136

Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Celebrating 12 years of authentic food and atmosphere! 4326 Garden Bay Road

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Burgers To our advertisers...

See your ad on our new website, with direct links to YOUR website!




Discover how the chefs from Halfmoon Bay to Egmont prepare the humble – and not-so-humble – burger, often served up with an excellent view on the side. Heather Jeal Editor

When a hamburger is Sept.know 5, 2013it done right, you – the smoky, char-grilled outside and the juicy inside, all barely contained within a chewy, toasty roll. That’s what a burger is all about! Too often, hamburger patties’ savoury, crunchy exterior mask an undercooked, grey and mushy interior. Often these patties

All burgers are served on a fresh kaiser bun with lettuce, tomato, red onion and a dill pickle with hand-cut fries and house greens (substitute Caesar salad or yam fries for an additional $2) Deluxe Burger or Veggie Burger Char broiled to perfection, each $11

Beef-Chuck Burger



Char broiled with bacon & aged cheddar, $14

Bison Burger

Your ad is on OUR new website, Topped with aged cheddar, $15 with direct links to YOUR website. Salmon or Halibut Burger

travelled straight from freezer to microwave to grill. The Coast’s best chefs know that cooking a truly excellent burger requires attention to detail. Toppings and condiments add texture and enhancement to the meat, rather than masking a poorly cooked patty or poor quality ingredients. In Egmont, the team at the Backeddy serve the Coast’s biggest burger on buns specially baked by the Green Rosette (find them at the entrance to the 1136 SkooPebbles kumchuck Narrows trail). Next door, rivals at West Coast Wilderness Lodge declare that not only do they have the best view of any

contender, they also have just added a burger to their the best burger – “no con- lunch menu. Is this the test.” It’s worth the drive to Coast’s best burger – and check out this rivalry. the best view? In Garden Bay, tiny LaThis is the first week of verne’s Grill serves up burg- our Quest for the Best, ers in a diner setting while and we expect to have around the corner at the more restaurants getGarden Bay Pub, the team ting into the spirit of the Website-advertisers dishes out a variety of burg- competition, joining the ers as diners overlook the fun and getting creative. adjacent marina and, on Residents are invited to Sunday afternoons, enjoy vote for their favourites, live music ‘jams’. and to discover new taste At Madeira Park, the sensations at restaurants a Restaurant at Painted Boat bit further afield. Resort’s Chef Michael Riley Vote online at www.theadded a burger to the menu, or get a baltempting the masses to this lot at your restaurant (look beautiful spot. for the Quest for the Best Halfmoon Bay’s Rock- poster in participating reswater Resort restaurant taurants.)

Public art tours offered in Sechelt Sept. 5, 2013

Choice of salmon or halibut topped with

our basil pesto glaze, $15

Chicken Burger

Grilled Cajun chicken breast and three-cheese mix, $12

Highway 101 at Trail, Sechelt Advertisers...

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This month we are featuring our Saigon Turkey Burger...a tasty combination of fresh herbs, spices & citrus, served on a toasted ciabatta bun topped with our “it’s not just for Christmas” cranberry chutney. You wanna try this, it is delicious!

The recently-completed graffitti-style murals at Sechelt Skateboard Park incorporate a variety of style and subjects. Check them out with the Outdoor Public Art Tour Sep. 12. STAFF PHOTO

Quest for the


u Vote for

Our Burgers


Grilled and seasoned to get your taste buds firing – enjoy our delicious burgers in the comfort and hospitality of Rockwater’s oceanview restaurant. Our burgers are served at lunch from 11:30 -2:30pm, Mon to Thurs and 11:30 to 3:00 pm Fri and Sat. The restaurant is open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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Best Each month this fall we’ll be inviting our readers to help us find the best the Coast has to offer. So tell us, readers – which burger is really Skookum? Does a yakburger trump a salmonburger? Does size matter? Vote online at or use a ballot at the restaurant. One lucky voter will win a $100 grocery gift card, just in time for Thanksgiving. The People’s Choice, verified by a visit from Local staff, will get bragging rights in a free ad on our Cocktails and Cuisine page.

Art lovers are invited to participate in free Public Art Tours in Sechelt. The guided tours focus on segments of the District of Sechelt’s Public Art Collection as well as a few other artworks located in and around the community. Led by Arts Coordinator Siobhan Smith, the tours will give residents and visitors the opportunity to view both new and historic works and learn more about the artists who created them. Whenever possible, the artists will join the tour to answer questions about their work. The District of Sechelt has been collecting works of art since the 1970s. Two newer acquisitions are now on public display: Gord Halloran’s Hung Jury can be viewed in the municipal offices reception area, and Todd Clark’s stunning oil painting Paradise Found is displayed inside the Sechelt Public Library. Thursday, September 12 at 11 a.m., join the Outdoor Public Art Tour to view work in the Spirit Square Sculpture Garden, as well as a shíshálh totem pole, the new murals at the Sechelt Skateboard Park, and master carver Dudley Carter’s Sanctuary. Wednesday, September 26 at 1 p.m. tour the Indoor Art Collection at the District of Sechelt municipal offices, including works by eight local artists. Tours are free, but limited to 10 people per tour. To reserve, please contact Siobhan Smith at 604-9890804 or email ssmith@

The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013 7



cocktails & cuisine Sunshine Coast on the

Zucchini madness strikes in September They start out small – just one or two plants in a corner of the garden – and finish in a tangle of vines and watermelon-sized gourds. The ubiquitous zucchini gets away from us again. Usually, zucchini are picked when they are six to eight inches long. The mammoth versions (that used to have a way of showing up anonymously on doorsteps) are just as tasty as their younger brothers and are well suited to slicing in half lengthwise, seeding and stuffing with – for example – a meatloaf blend of ground beef, onion, and mushrooms. For a vegetarian entrée, slice the zucchini, brush with olive oil, and grill on the barbecue. Sprinkle each slice with a pinch of Italian seasoning to add pizzazz. Zucchini is an excellent addition to a number of dishes, adding bulk and enrichment to support the more complex flavours of other ingredients. With only 17 calories per 100g, zucchini – particularly the yellow variety – is an excellent source of fibre, folates, potassium, vitamins C and A, and various anti-oxidents. Grate it, peel and all, into a Bolognese spaghetti sauce or a cake batter, to add bulk, moisture and enrichment without noticeably altering the end flavour. Zucchini cooks quickly, making it a great ingredient in a quick one-pot supper like Pasta with Sausage, Feta and Zucchini - or as a side dish sautéed in olive oil with garlic and thyme.

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Pasta with Sausage, Feta and Zucchini

Serves 4

1 pkg (400g) fusilli or rigatoni 1 tbsp (15 ml) olive oil 2 garlic cloves, minced finely 1 tbsp (15 ml) dried chili flakes 2 tbsp (30 ml) dried oregano (or 4 tbsp (60 ml) fresh oregano, chopped) 2 mild Italian-style sausages (like Oak Tree Market’s Tuscan sausages) 1 small zucchini, either cut into matchsticks or grated zest and juice from 1 lemon ¼ cup (50 ml) crumbled feta cheese ¼ cup (50 ml) grated Parmesan cheese chopped fresh oregano for garnish Add pasta to a pot of boiling, salted water; stir and cook about six minutes or until it has a bit of ‘bite’ (not too soft). Drain, saving a few tablespoons of the pasta water for the sauce. While the pasta is cooking, slice sausage and sauté in large frying pan over medium-high heat for five minutes, stirring and turning to brown evenly. Drain on paper towels. Add olive oil to frying pan, stir in garlic cloves and chili flakes. Reduce heat to low and stir until garlic is trans-

Cocktail of the Week:


The Negroni is a deceptively simple, elegant 1950s-era Italian pre-dinner cocktail. In that era of glamour and style, Italy – with its deep sense of fashion and design – welcomed the American cocktail tradition and carried it to the next level. The ritual of preparation, the service

Locals! You can’t miss these deals!

in uniquely shaped glasses, and the attention to quality ingredients became part of the Negroni’s heritage. In a medium tumbler or Old Fashioned glass filled with ice, stir in equal parts of Vermouth rosso, Campari bitters, and dry gin. Garnish with a half-slice of orange and twist of lemon zest.

lucent. Do not let it brown or it will be bitter. Add the zucchini and stir-fry for two to three minutes. Stir in the sausage and pasta water, feta, lemon juice and zest, and the Parmesan cheese. Place in serving bowl, garnish with more Parmesan and chopped fresh oregano, and serve with a salad of fresh tomatoes tossed with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and basil. To give this dish a Greek accent, substitute lamb sausage for the Italian-style version.

Open 7 days a week • Lunch & Dinner • 604-883-2269 15426 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Pender Harbour waTerfronT paTio cabins, lake-side suiTes, lagoon-side coTTages, hiking, fishing, swimming, mounTain biking, CanOe rentaLS, wiLDLife & birD SanCtuary

PORK CHOPS.............................. $2.99/LB. 3PK



PASTAS ASSORTED ................. 2/$3.00

ASSORTED 2L ..................................................



BANANAS............................................ 39¢/LB. ORANGES ............................................ 49¢/LB. MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. Sept 6 to Thurs. Sept. 12 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411

a t t o g u o Y ! s i h t y r t ddar Burger e h C ’ N n o c a B

Ricky's 1136


Tsain-Ko Village Shopping Centre 5500 Sunshine Coast Hwy 778.458.3048

8 The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013



sports & fitness Sunshine Coast on the

Annual Brat ride set for Sep. 22 Ideal Weight Loss 1136

Tammy & Denise Coaches


September 5, 2013

604-885-4414 • 112-5530 Wharf Avenue, Sechelt

Time to get your bike on! ADVERTISEMENT

Local Loses 142 Pounds in 11 Months

You can hear her voice and look around but will not recognize her. Our well known local Colleen Husby Procknow has proven that it can be done.

“I was suffering from back pain and sore knees and was concerned that I was not going to be able to carry on doing my job if I didn’t do something about my weight.” Colleen attended a free weight loss lecture at IDEAL WEIGHT LOSS SECHELT. Without hesitation she joined the first group of clients to embark on what has proven to be a life alter- so quickly that it is easy stabilizates blood sugar ing endeavour. What to maintain motivation. levels and other obesitymade her decide to do Our weight loss method related issues. Ideal Protein products it now after all these consists of a four-phase protocol; weight loss in support cellulite reducyears? To our advertisers... wonder if it the first two phases and tion and skin revitilizaYour“People ad is on our new website! was because I had recent- maintenance in the lat- tion. At Ideal Weight ly lost my brother and I ter two. It has a begin- Loss Sechelt our clients To our advertisers... the an end. We of- are coached weekly by can adsay that did not ning and Local Your is on our this new website, with direct links to YOUR website! professionals play a factor but I sure fer protein foods that are trained wish he could see me available in over 60 deli- who give individualized today,” said. It came cious varieties, are low in feedback and support. To our she advertisers... See your ad on our new website, down to timing. She was calories and high in bio- One dieter sid, “I feel so with direct links to YOUR website! in the right place at the logically available protein. good I don’t even care if right time and has not Our highly researched I lose weight.” Well lose theLocal protocol not only encour- weight she did and feel looked back. Ideal Protein is a high ages weight loss but also good she does! Advertisers... protein low carbohythe Your is on OUR new you website, drateaddiet that leaves 604-885-4414 feeling energized with and direct links to YOUR website. 112-5530 Wharf Avenue, Sechelt full. The weight off





Your ad is on our new website, with direct links to your website.

The 5th annual Brat live to pedal a bike. mountain bike event, The event also raises scheduled for Sunday, Sep- money for our local heroes tember 22 offers a ride for and heroines: The men and Advertorial 1136Coast all abilities Ideal along Weight on the Loss women of Sunshine popular Brat Trail in West Search and Rescue. Sechelt, winding through And while mountain bike some of the best single-track events all over Canada are anywhere. The after party winding down the season, includes a pasta buffet at the Brat Ride symbolizes all the Old Boot Eatery, a great that is yet to come. Welway to finish a mountain come to fall mountain bikbike ride! ing on the Sunshine Coast: The Brat celebrates moun- It’s going to be a great ride! Sept. 5, 2013 tain biking on the Sunshine For more information Coast: the diversity of the on the ride, go to www. cycling community; the vol- or register unteers who build trails be- at Off the Edge Adventure cause they love to ride; and Sports store in Sechelt. the passionate riders who Submitted

Coast seniors score medals at Seniors Games At the BC Seniors Summer Games in Kelowna, August 20 to 24, Coast residents brought home an avalanche of 11 gold, six silver and three bronze medals for individual competitions, and two gold, one silver and one bronze for Lower Mainland Division team relay races. Most of the medals were scored in swim competition, with Bob Sangster garnering one gold, two silver and three bronze; Mary Pinniger was right behind with three gold and one silver; Christine

Golf: Sechelt Golf & Country Club, 6177 Ripple Way, Sechelt 604-885-2700 Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club, 3206 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Roberts Creek 604-885-9212 Pender Harbour Golf Club, 13823 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Pender Harbour 604-883-9541 Langdale Heights RV Par 3 Golf Resort, 2170 Pt. Mellon Hwy, Gibsons 604-886-2182 Biking Events: Off The Edge Brat Race Sept. 22 Campsites: Roberts Creek Provincial Park, Roberts Creek, 1.4 km from Flume Beach. Porpoise Bay Provincial Park, Sechelt, Large sandy beach, grassy picnic area, adventure playground and forest trails. Smugglers Cove Provincial Park, Halfmoon Bay, This provincial park offers wilderness camping only, with pit toilets but no fresh water or other amenities. Homesite Creek Campsite, Halfmoon Bay, 9844 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Follow Homesite Creek Falls to get to campsite. $14/night. Outhouses only. Katherine Lake , Pender Harbour, Sandy beach, pretty hiking trails and washrooms with showers. Klein Lake (Egmont), Rustic campground with outhouses but no running water or other amenities.

Chandler captured one gold and two silver; and Mol Els took home a gold and a silver. Liz Dilasser captured three gold medals for her age division in runBeaches: ning events for Women’s Hopkins Landing, Track and Field including At the end of Hopkins Road in Gibsons. Website-advertisers the 10K road race. Smith Cove Park, Swim relay teams capFrom the Langdale ferry terminal, turn turing gold included Bob right on Port Mellon Road, then right on Sangster, Fred Lerner, and Smith Road for this ocean beach. Warren McCrimmon; Tom Soames Beach, West swam freestyle on the Follow path through blackberries at silver-winning team; and bottom of Soames Road, Gibsons. Lucille Oakey, Mary PinRoberts Creek Beach, niger and Joan Humphrey Bottom of Roberts Creek Road beside the made up 75 per cent of Roberts Creek estuary. bronze-winning team.

Roller derby start time correction The Sunshine Coast Roller Girls ‘Red Tide Warning’ team takes on the Squamish ‘Sea to Sky Sirens’ at Sechelt Arena Saturday, September 7 at 6 p.m. (not 6:30 p.m., as reported earlier and else-

Sports and Marine Listings

where). Doors open at 5 p.m. for all the side action: vendors, concessions, beer garden, 50/50 draw and more. This is a familyfriendly event. Fore more information, visit the Roller Girls’ website at

Flume Park, Bottom of Flume Road in Roberts Creek. Mason Road Beach, At the foot of Mason Road, about five minutes north of Sechelt on Hwy. 101. Trout Lake, Follow Hwy 101 north of Sechelt on your right 5km past Redrooffs Road turnoff. Coopers Green, Access from the west end of Redroofs Road in Halfmoon Bay.

Special Offer: MEMBERSHIP


Purchase a Membership now and pay no dues until 2014! AND you’ll get a FREE Vegas Vacation* for two! This offer will NOT last long– call GM Barrie McWha today!

Golf Shop 604 885 9212 Toll Free 1 800 667 5022

*two nights, three days and does not include airfare … it does include a $500 credit for gambling and attractions and a 2-for-1 airfare coupon.

The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013 9



r e l l e o H i g i G

Originals and prints available Gigi Hoeller Gallery

open 10am to 5pm daily, or by appointment







ê8000 BircH Way lean

10 minutes north of sechelt, north on leaning tree road

hwy. 101

604-885-6650 •

on the

Meet the family at GPAG Gigi Hoeller Gallery 1136

G a l l e r y

8000 Birch Way, Halfmoon Bay

arts & culture Sunshine Coast


Please give to the Food Bank

A Family of Creative Photographers

Kaleidoscope, opening who designed the cover Thursday, September 5 for his album, ‘Cocoon at the Gibsons Public Art Air.’ Mix in photograGallery (GPAG) show- pher Isaac Cormack’s nacases the multi-faceted ture studies detailing “the photography of the multi- stunning world we live talented Grainge family. in,” and work by Ingrid Work by Brazilian art- Bremer Grainge (previ5, 2013 ist Sarah Lipi,Sept. whose ously shown at her Pendmain interest is film, er Harbour gallery, SAC.) videos, and graphic deMeet the whole family sign compliments pho- at the show’s Opening Retography by Ramona ception Saturday, SeptemGrainge Cormack, Steve ber 7 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Cormack and artist/pho- GPAG, 431 Marine Drive, tographer/songwriter/ Gibsons. producer Brett Grainge, Editor

GPAG - Kaleidoscope 1136 Buffet ‘N’ Boogie

Saturday, September 14

at the Roberts Creek ‘Little Legion’ Full buffet, followed by dancing to THE A.D. BAND Classic Rock, Blues and more September 2013 • Dance: 8pm Doors: 6pm • Buffet:5, 7pm

September 5 – October 7, 2013 Reception: Saturday, September 7 • 2 – 4 pm Gibsons Public Art Gallery • 431 Marine Drive, Gibsons • 604.886.0531 •

Tickets for buffet & dance must be purchased in advance $40 at the Legion or online: Dance only admission after 8pm: $15

3040 Lower Road Park at rear (off Largo)

Events on the Sunshine Coast

Now to Oct Sept. 16 Roberts Creek Farm Gate Market Annual Membership Tea Wednesdays 3 - 6pm, Roberts Creek Hall Hosted by The Sunshine Coast Club of the CanaSept. 5 - Oct 7 dian Federation of University Women to welcome GPAG - KALEIDOSCOPE new and old members, 1pm, St. John’s United a family of photographers Church. Info or 604-747-2044 Reception Sat. Sept. 7, 2 - 4pm Sept. 16 Sept. 5 Preserving Your Summer Bounty Suncoast Phoenix Choir re-start 5-7pm, $12 members, $15 non-members 7 - 9:15 pm. Living Faith Lutheran Church, Davis Call to register 604-740-3969 Bay. Newcomers welcome. No auditions! Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden Sept. 7 Sept. 17 Valdy Concert 8pm, Rockwood Pavilion, Suncoast Woodcrafters Guild meeting 7pm Sechelt. More information 604-740-4893 at Chatelech Secondary School, science room 117 Sept. 7 Sept. 20 - 22 Driftwood Theatre School Registration Pender Harbour Jazz Festival Noon - 2pm, St. Bart’s, Gibsons 604-886-0143 various locations • Sept. 21 Now to Sept. 8 2013 Family Fun Day, 1 - 4 pm Carte Blanche, Juried exhibit showcasing Coast Free: pony rides, mini-golf, bouncy castle, face artists, Sunshine Coast Arts Centre, Sechelt painting, games, entertainment.Calvary Baptist Sept. 8 Church grounds, 711 Park Road, Gibsons, SPCA Paws for a Cause Fundraising Walk, Sept. 22 Off The Edge Brat Ride Sept. 8 biking event • Last Night of the Proms, from London via HD Sept. 29 RC2pm Legion 1136 Satellite, Raven’s Cry Theatre, Halfmoon Bay Fire Dept 10k Sept. 11 to Oct. 6 “Run Until It Burns”, Through the Eyes of Gordon Adaskin and Opening reception Sept. 11, 7-9pm Sept. 29 Sunshine Coast Arts Centre, Sechelt Othello, London Theatre via HD satellite Sept. 12 Raven’s Cry Theatre, 2pm Preserving Your Summer Bounty Sept. 29 5-7pm, $12 members, $15 non-members The Magic and Mystery of the Harp Call to register 604-740-3969 Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden 2pm, $20, For tickets call 604-740-3969 Sept. 14 or email Gibsons Fall BBQ Cook-Off, Ribfest Cooking Oct. 10 Contest, 11am-5pm, at 730 SchoolSeptember Rd. Tchaikovsky’ 5, 2013 s Eugene Onegin, Met Opera Live Bring a non-perishable item for the food bank via HD Satellite, Raven’s Cry Theatre, 10am Sept. 15 Oct .26 The Audience, Helen Mirren’s London stage Shostakovich’s The Nose, Met Opera Live via triumph, Raven’s Cry Theatre, 2pm HD satellite, Raven’s Cry Theatre, 10am Sept. 15 Oct. 27 SCDRA Drag Racing, at Sechelt Airport Macbeth, London Theatre via HD Satellite • 604-230-5067 Raven’s Cry Theatre, 2pm

Automotive Tune-Up and Car Care


Drivers lighten up during fall’s dark days

Tuesday morning’s rain squall reminded drivers that we are about to return to dark and challenging driving conditions. After months of extended daylight and bright sunshine, September’s shorter, darker days might catch motorists unprepared. Now is the time to check all lights to ensure they are functioning well. Check that headlights, taillights

and signal lights are all in good working order now, and regularly throughout the winter months – don’t be a ‘one-eyed monster’ driving down the dark Coast roads. During the year, headlights can shift out of alignment. Readjusting them can make a surprising difference for nighttime driving. Reverse lights illuminate the scene when backing

up, but more importantly they warn pedestrians and other drivers that a vehicle is about to reverse. These lights should also be checked regularly. Many Coast drivers have installed overly-bright lights, such as ‘fog lamps’ to help cope with night driving. Unfortunately, on a darkened highway these can blind oncoming drivers as effectively

as ‘high-beams’ (and cannot be quickly adjusted while driving.) These lights should be used for off-roading, or in fog – but not when driving the Sunshine Coast Highway. Replacing and adjusting lights now should be part of a motorist’s fall safety routine. A car care professional can offer this service quickly and competently. Editor

Colour Me randy E G N A IndustrIal body shop OIL CH MENT T N I O P P NO A

Skookum 1136

yS SATurdA ONly

33 604-88d6od-3ge.4com • y a W s n o kum 1028 Gibs w w w.skoo




A O N GaraGe Sale

New LocatioN

1114 Stewart Rd, Gibsons 604-741-3432

Text Bodyworks, Paintwork & Restoration Rust Repairs Sandblasting Fiber glassing

caRS, BoatS, tRuckS, equipmeNt Sept. 5, 2013

Don’t be a ‘one-eyed monster’ on winter roads.

Complete Auto RepAiR SeRviCeS Colour Me Randy 1112 5546 Inlet Ave, Sechelt • Phone 604-885-2375 Email: • Fax 604-885-2240 Open Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm

Unlocks, Battery Boosts, Tire Changes, 5th Wheels & Travel Since Trailers, Construction 1962 Equipment Hauling, March 21, 2013 Accident Towing, Fully licenSed & inSured

Kenmac auto 1136

Pender Harbour Auto 1136

Saturday Sept 7 starting at 9am


Amazing deals! Come check it out!

1045 S Gibsons ATUR Way • 604-886-2031 Mon - Sat 8 - 9:30, Sun 12 - 5 •

Congratulations to new owners

Wayne & Tami Dyck Sept. 5, 2013


24 towing ServiCe

604-886-9500 hour

Cell 604-212-0117

Boats & Motorcycles, Flat Deck Towing, Ford GM & Chrysler Roadside Assistance Our trucks are

Sept. 5, 2013 Eco-Friendly

10 The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013 100 - ANNOUNCEMENTS AnnuAl ThAnksgiving

food drive for The food BAnks

It’s time again for the Thanksgiving Food Drive to help fill the shelves of the food banks on the Sunshine Coast. This is a timely gathering for the fall season and especially for Thanksgiving and after. Please help if you can. This is how it works: Bags are left on your house front door handle with a Thanksgiving Food Drive label between Sept. 14 and Sept 19. On Sat. 21 someone will come around to collect the donations and deliver them to the Food Bank. All you have to do is put your donation in the bag and leave it out on Saturday morning before or at 9:00am. If you miss us, you can call the contact number. We also need volunteers to help distribute the bags and pick them up. This Food Drive really works. It’s easy and not intrusive. Every person makes a difference, come with your group, or come as individuals! Last year 11 volunteers gathered 4500 pounds of food for the food banks. Groups that might like to help are: Walking groups, church groups, and charitable organizations, teams, and all others. Every person makes a difference, We will provide the bags, labels, phone numbers, contacts and other logistics such as coordinating streets to avoid overlap and so forth. My husband and I are the Coast Food Drive coordinators and if you want to help, please call 604-885-8894 and leave a message. We will also be at the Seniors’ Center in Sechelt from 7-9pm Wednesday Sept. 11, if you would like to get started directly. The food is given to the closest of the 4 food banks on the Coast. Maureen Matkin, Sunshine Coast coordinator

Donald Cameron, Oct. 19, 1926 – July 18, 2013, passed away suddenly in his 86th year. His children will be holding a Celebration of Life on September 15th, 1pm – 4pm, for all his friends and family, at 4440 Stalashen Drive, Sechelt. p37 Business Opportunity: Have handmade stock H.D. vinyl leggings (over-calf, pant/leg guards). Also fancy styles for everybody, XS-XL. “keep trouser cuffs splatter free”. Ideal rain/flood regions, suit golfers, or fish farmers. $20 – up per pair. Reliable, deposit required, or ideally buy-out. Call 604-885-2988. b36


300 - marketplace

Coins, jewelry & ColleCtibles We buy gold & silver, watches, vintage guns, military items & more...

604-740-6474 Aug. 29, 2013

$ Cash $ for unwanted motorhomes & travel trailers

Lost: Small watch with gold-tone Mickey Mouse face, and brown leather strap. Madeira Pk Rd area. Call 604-883-9986. f36

300 - marketplace

Found: Set of Ford keys on a ring at the beach in Wilson Creek area. Describe ring to claim, Call 604 989 2467. f36

Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721

Found: Waterproof iPod case in Gibsons. Call 604-209-1981. f36 Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply..



Lumber Sale: all sizes, also fir and cedar beams. On-site milling also available. Call 604-885-2502 p36


Ask fonre Wayn

FIREWOOD Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn

Waynne Pretty




Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn



Wanted: 1998 – 2003 Import car, 4 door, auto, gd running cond, less than $3000. Call 604-741-3185. p39

Bunnies, Lionhead dwarf, 10 wks old, 7 ready for new home. Call 604-741-7663. f36


200 - Community notices CLASSES

French provincial, solid cherry wood, homemade coffee table. Needs refinishing and glueing. 604 885-6094. f36 RV/travel trailers, you pick up. Call 604-885-5937. f36 Flowering garden plants - variety of perennials. Call 604 8863338. f36 Lynwood 20 ft. fiberglass boat, needs repowering, hull in gd cond. Call 604-886-3605. f36

Feldenkrais® Classes for healthy, organized movements. Enjoy these gentle, no-sweat classes and eliminate pain, inhibited movement and restricted range of motion. Great for rehab as well as general maintenance. Tuesdays, 5-6pm, Davis Bay Community Hall or customized, hands-on sessions by appt. 604-8859064 or btfn

Hardwood: Kitchen cabinet doors, various types and sizes.. Good for hobbyist or single application. Call 604-886-7854. f36

Please GIVE to the

Lost: One gold/silver earring in West Sechelt or Sunnycrest Mall area, on Aug 30. Call 604-885-3066. f36

Food Bank

Did you know that Free ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.

lost / found

We Accept Classified Advertising at:

Lost: Whaler-type boat in Sechelt Inlet, 16” white sylray angler, Lost:


HOMES Sechelt: Furnished two level home in SandyHook, bright & open, 1 lg bdrm, plus sleeping areas for 4 in studio and loft, sm den, 2 full baths, lg wrap around deck, beautiful gardens, near beach. Avail Oct 1. $1200 p/mo, util not incl. Call 778-879-2082. p37

Free esT. ~ WCB

Feb. 9, 2012

Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-8853281. btfn

With Personal Focus Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial 604-885-0661


Whaler-type boat in Sechelt Inlet, 16” white sylray angler, named “Business”, 13K106149. Reward. Call 604-885-9425. f36

Rolex and vintage and other quality watches wanted in any cond. Call 604-740-6474. b36

If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. Toll Free 1-877-373-8255. btfn

Aug 15, 2013


LATTICE: New 4x8 sheets, hvy duty, $45 ea. Various other sizes avail. 604-885-7014. p5/14

Sechelt: Greenecourt, looking for seniors whose income is more that $1791.00 and less than $2765.00 a month, to rent one bdrm apt, with two meals a day and alert button for medical emergencies, heat & hot water incl. Rent is $685/mo plus $503/mo for meals and alert button, for a total of $1188/mo. Call 604-885-5962. btfn

lost / found Johnny Walker-1 of Professional 2_1133 Services...

Found: Ladies prescription glasses. blue frames, by bench at Davis Bay seawall, on Aug.21. Call 604886-1502. f36


Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash

For complete rental listings and photos visit our website:

Lost: Hearing aid, Davis Bay area, on Sat. Aug.31. Call 604-886Aug 15, 2013 9457. f36

RE Décor Consignment. Living a sustainable lifestyle? We are a great source of stylish and affordable, recycled home and cabin STUFF, furniture & gifts. Reuse, repair, ReDecor. New this week, mid-century teak coffee table, small burl table, local James Bennett pottery, and Anna Diehl furniture. Always stylish, always affordable. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-885-5884. b36


Gibsons: 1 bdrm + den, garden level ste, Bonniebrook area. Resp, Realty 1006 Johnny Walker-2 ofMalaspina 2_1133 N/S person. $850/mo, hydro incl. Avail Sept. 1. Call 604-886-3338. p36

Food Drive 1135 - 1 colCoast x 6” Sunshine

RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen open Tuesday - Friday. 604-886-9813 btfn

Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. np29



other Gibsons RV Resort: $475/mo. Incl hydro/sewer/water. RV site only. Internet $20/Cable TV $20. Pets OK. RV to be 1995 and newer. 1051 Gilmour Rd. Call 604-9897275. btfn.,


looking for interior work.

Excellent references from discerning clients.

1000 - employment

20 years experience (15 on the Coast)

Key property class 1133 work WANTED-generaL Call Matthew Evans 1 col x 4.5”

GIBSONS 3bdrm upgraded twnhse featuring 1 ½ baths, sm fenced yard, prkg for two cars, gardener for lawns, 5 appl. etc. N/S. Sm pet nego. $1300 p/m plus util. Avail. Sept.1. SECHELT 2 bdrm, 2 bth, dble wide mobile, on it’s own lot in a quiet neighbourhood. 5 appl, lrg deck, dble carport. $1100 p/m, NP/NS. Avail Sept. 1.

T&A Services – Rubbish removal, pressure washing, yard cleaning. Call 604-989-9663. b38

Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas, 604-9893401. bmo

3 bdrm home close to downtown in quiet neighbourhood. Great veggie plot, storage area, 4 appl. Gas fpl, hrdwd flrs, great home for young family. $1300 p/m. Avail. Sept. 15. NS

APARTMENTS & SUITES Sechelt: Semi-furnished, bright and open garden level suite in SandyHook, 900 sq.ft. 1 lg bdrm, sm den, 1 full bath, kitchen/living space . Quiet neighbourhood, close to beach. Avail Oct 1. $800 p/mo, util incl. Call 778-879-2082. p37

c ntera

OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL:

Ad Deadline noon Monday at the office

Pacific Hues



Help save an ERA

Solution to Claytons Crosswords on page 11

Sechelt: 3 bdrm, upper level of house, 2 full baths, shared w/d. N/S. Pets nego. $950 per/mo plus utilities. Call 604-218-9166. p36

Please call Jen at 604 886 6876 or email me at


1036 sq. ft. retail space avail in Gibsons now. $11.00 per sq. ft. plus CAM. Suitable for a destination business. Excellent customer prkg Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing, or visit

Equipped with all bed linens, towels, Internet and cable, towels, a complete kitchen and dining room table, fireplace, 2 TVs. Sliding doors lead to a nice terrace with lots of outdoor space. $1200/mo plus utilities. Available immediately or for Oct. 1. If you have any questions, or would like me to email you more photos or if you would like to come and see it.


St.Peat’s Landscaping: $20/hr. Blackberry and Green Waste, Removal, Lawns, Weeding,August Pruning,8, 2013Window Misc. Yardwork. Call Alex at 604741-1922. b37

Lrg 1 bdrm apt in Sechelt, $600 p/m, plus util. NS/NP. Avail now. WILSON CREEK Waterfront, very quiet 1 bdrm + den fully furnished cottage, avail from Sept. 15 to May 31/14. NS/NP. $1050 p/m. COMMERCIAL 1000 sq. ft new commercial space avail in Sechelt now. Suitable for the professional or destination business. Excellent prkg.

FOR RENT Private, fully furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom cottage on Grant Road, Roberts Creek


Do you love older wooden boats? Looking for volunteers to help save The eRA, a historic 1951 vessel that was used for navigational purposes along the West Coast. Moored in Sechelt. Contact Ray 604-989-4624

6 an ERA

15 words $ Classifieds 2 weekssave Call 604-885-3134 • email: admin@thelocal1.caHelp + GsT

PrivaTe sale iTems

Why settle for less? The Local gives you...

Do you love older wooden

Looking for volunteers to help save The e 1951 vessel that was used for navigational pu West1135 Coast. Moored in Sechelt. Contact Ray Rental Cottage Jennifer

• 100% market penetration in every area of the Sunshine Coast • the ONLY community newspaper delivered to your home and business mailbox on the Sunshine Coast

So get the most for your advertising dollar! Your weekly community newspaper

5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt • phone 604-885-3134 email: • fax: 604 885-3194

Aug. 29, 2013

• Private: 15 words 2 weeks $9.99+GST • Business: 15 words 1 week $8.99+ GST

20¢ each additional word +GST

The Local - Thursday, August 29, 2013 19

1000 - employment help WANTED - generaL

Donate your spare change

Grandmothers 1014

to the Sunshine Coast Grandmothers & Grand Others Donation jars located at

Local The

Pennies for grannies

5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt

Woods showcase

April 5, 2012

Sunnycrest Mall Gibsons


The Local - Thursday, July 14, 2011 14

The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013 11

Horoscope September 6 to September 12 Astrologer

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Your focus has turned to making improvements; your aim is to create more beauty and harmony. Producing refinements in your home and family and in your relationship interactions is your goal. The overall tone is passionate and revolutionary. Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) An extra creative cycle continues. You are intent upon outright renovation, and consequently your overall momentum is extra dynamic and busy. Your creative juices are flowing so amply that you feel inspired to attend to a variety of fronts. For the sake of key relationship involvements and the future, commitment and endurance are key words. Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) The energy flow is large now. Whether that is a good thing depends on your situation. Despite deeper themes linked to the need to be more disciplined, perhaps especially towards your health and lifestyle in general, your energy levels stand to be high or exasperating. This New Moon will activate desires to make measurable improvements close to home. Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) An extra busy period is underway and will continue. A full spectrum of errands and social activities fills your calendar. Meanwhile, thoughts about long-term investments are on your mind. The realities of revolutionary changes

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Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Some new activation is occurring in your public and/ or professional life. A mix of desires for social stimulation and call to adventure balanced by practical concerns and considerations are likely. You may need to bring more order to your affairs and your living and work space. If you could balance social activity with cleaning and organizing you would have it all. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) You want information, insights and answers. Balancing the facts with what constitutes truth for you presents an intellectual adventure. Finding the right tool or person for various projects remains important as well. Your passions are peaking noticeably. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) A mix of endings and beginnings are keeping you busy. These include dynamic and lively interactions with significant others. Desire for more play and cultural activity is in the mix. The overall complexity in the flow may be causing your confidence levels to waver. Yet, you feel the need to pitch for higher and more stable ground. Onward you must go. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) A whole new quality of association is occurring in your relationships. This is requiring that you make extra efforts and dig much deeper than usual. Gaining the cooperation of others requires flexibility, patience and resour cefulness. Some may feel suspicious of your motives. The key is to give more than usual and thereby demonstrate your sincerity.

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ACROSS 25. Impossible to fix 1. After-bath powder 32. Divinity 5. An official in India 33. Steer clear of 10. Powdery dirt 34. Directed 14. hodgepodge 37. Wash 15. Maxim 38. Villain 16. Ancient Peruvian 39. Bog 17. Flower stalk 40. Before, poetically 18. A coming into being 41. Style 20. Small indefinite 42. type of antelope amount Gilligans 1136 43. Direction 22. Physicians 45. grave marker 23. toss 49. Make lace 24. Product of bees 50. Piece of furniture

4. Bring to a finish 5. A type of dome-shaped structure 6. Biblical garden 7. Pallid 8. Matured 9. roman emperor 10. repeat 11. Labor group 12. gain points in a game 13. A Eurasian aromatic herb 19. hurt 21. replicate 25. Doing nothing 26. Back 27. rend 28. Showers 29. Stave off 30. Silly mistake 31. Cover 34. 53 in roman numerals 35. therefore 36. university administrator 38. Bog 39. Bed pad 41. goliath 42. Leave in a hurry 44. Speaks 45. Climb 46. Snouted animal 47. African virus 48. Enumerates 51. At one time (archaic) 52. Anagram of “Note” 53. throat-clearing sound 54. Competent 55. team 56. Small city 58. A leguminous plant

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are clearly evident to you. Scan the details and aim for a much wider scope. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) Some very real and measurable pioneering initiatives have begun for you. Now the focus is upon all the practical details it implies. This trend will continue. Fortunately, your focus and determination are strong now. You have gained a glimpse of new visions and possibilities and you want to realize them. Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) The New Moon in your sign signifies new beginnings in the germination process but you can expect to see real signs of growth by equinox. While outer efforts are required, the emphasis points to inner work and/or extra activity behind the scenes. Clarify your priorities and manage your time well. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) This time of year is a call inward for you. Ideally you are taking heed of it. However, the pull to engage in outer social activity is extra strong this time as well. Dynamic and even dramatic interactions are calling. Balancing these conflicting forces is ever ideal and important. Aim for grace and poise between these two extremes. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Although a particularly hot period continues, it is beginning to cool off somewhat. Circumstances are pushing you to assert yourself independently. Innovation and subtlety are challenges. Training and skill development is likely and ideal yet your will to do the work may be wavering. Incite inspiration to persevere.

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12 The Local - Thursday, September 5, 2013




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The Local • Thursday, September 5, 2013 1


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2 The Local • Thursday, September 5, 2013

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September 5, 2013

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4 The Local • Thursday, September 5, 2013



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reg $1449

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Twin Set 359 $ 359 749 FREE 359 749 Double Set Double 449 FREE 449 779 449 779 $ 499 FREE 499 799 Queen Set Queen 499 799 $ 799$ 1199 799 1249 1199 King Set Set King ST 799 60 DAY I-SERIES – featuring cool twist gel firm or pillow top Smooth Featuring BONUS 2 MED FIRM 10” inch I-SERIES – Smooth Top Featuring Sale held Limited Time ove EveSu Micro Hurry Now! BC’S BESTcomfort PRICES trial* $ $Gel Cool ActionIn Gel Memory Foam Micro Support Sertapedic ELITE Cool Action Gel Memory Foam I-SERIES – Smooth Top

comfort trial*10” MED FIRM BONUS 1 $ inch$ Twin Set regDelivery* $699 BONUS 3 Twin Set reg $699$ FREE Delivery* Up* $ Up* Double Set FREE reg Set $799Set FREE * Serta Double& Set reg $799$ FREE Removal Sheep Plushie Removal Queen & Set regold $899 of mattress $ all sets Queen Setwith reg $899 of old mattress $ King Set reg $1199 BONUS 2 $ *on mattresses King Set reg $1199 Sertapedic $599 andELITE up

359 449 499 799

Perfect Sleeper Pocket Coil MED FIRM 10” inch Featuring featuring cool twist gel firm or pillow top reg $699 featuring cool twist gel firm $ or pillow top Cool Action Gel Memory $Foam Twin Set reg $699 $ Twin Set reg $1399 Twin Set 4 comfort reg reg $1399 $799$$ Double Set reg levels to$799 Queen Double Setchoosereg $1449 $$ from Double Set reg $1449 all sizes $ Mattresses Queen reg $899 Queen Set Set available reg $1499 reg $899$$ Queen Set regreg$1199 $1499 $ King starting at King Set Set reg $2199 $ Perfect Sleeper Coil King Set regPocket $2199 reg $1199

749 QUEEN 1399 QUEEN 779 SETS 1399 1449 799 SETS 1449 1499 1149 1199 1249 $389 1249 1499 1899 Queen starting at $ * Serta FREE $ $389 Featuring Double Set reg $2099 1179 Set held Sale ove Limited Time Even 1249 King Set reg $3199 Hurry In Now! Mon-Sat • 10am-6pm 1899 Sale Ends Aug. 31, 2013 Sale held over until September 15! Limited Time Event! Hurry In Now! Cool Action Gel Memory Foam Sheep Plushie LIVE WELL • SLEEP WELL QUEEN Sets QUEEN Sun • 12pm-4pm $ $ $ BONUS 3 Twin Set 1399 with all sets Twin Set held 1399 Sale Ends Aug. 31,now! 2013 Sale until September 15! Limited Time over Event! Queen Set reg $2199 Setin Queen In Now! $ 1199 SETS Hurry Queen Hurry 927 Gibsons Way Double Set $ 1449 SETSstarting 604-886-0102 Dreamland 1133 Mattresses $ Double Set 1449 $ Mattresses *on mattresses Queen reg Set $2799 1499 STARTING AT 1-800-584-0102 GIBSONS $ King Set 1499 Set over $ Sale Held $ 604-886-0102 $389 Way $ $599 Queen Set 1499 1249 King Set andHome up Hardware) 1899 (Beside tarting at $ $389 1-800-584-0102 1249 HOURS:Hurry InKing Set Limited until Sept. 1899 Sale Ends Aug. 31,15 2013 Sale held over until September 15! Time Event! Now! HURRY IN! Limited Perfect SleeperTM Pocket Coil

Featuring Twin Set reg $699 Twin Set reg $1399 featuring coolTM twist gel firm or pillow top MED FIRM 10” inch TM Set Micro Support $ BONUS 3 60 DAY Twin reg $2399 4 comfort Cool Action Gel Memory Foam $ $ Micro Support $ Featuring Gel $Gel I-SERIES – $1399 BONUS 1 NEW Twin Set reg $2399 4 comfort levels to Twin Set reg $699 359 Twin Set reg 749 Queen Double Set reg $799 Double Set reg $1449 $$ on a pocket 927 levels to Gibsons QueenFREE choose from comfort trial* * Serta Way $ $ coil Double Set reg $2499 Delivery* chooseFREE from Twin Set reg $2399 4 comfort all sizes $ $ Double Set reg $799 449 Double Set reg $1449 779 STARTING AT Mattresses Double Set reg $2499 allUp* sizes Sheep FREE levelsPlushie to QueenQueen Set Setavailable reg $899 Queen Set available reg $1499 $ Mattresses GIBSONS $ $ & FREE Removal choose from $ with all sets reg $2599 Queen Set reg $899 Queen Set reg $1499 $ 799 Queen Set 499 Double Set reg $2499 $ $ all sizes Queen Set reg $2599 of old mattress BONUS 3 (Beside Home Hardware) $ Mattresses starting at Twin Set reg $1,999 Set King reg $1199 King reg $2199 $ $ Set STARTING AT available tarting Set at $ $ King Set reg $1199 King Set reg $2199 1199 $ *on mattresses 799 King Set reg $3199 BONUS 2 $599 and up King Set reg Queen Set reg$3199 $2599 $ HOURS: Top – Smooth Top I-SERIES Featuring I-SERIES – Smooth TM Micro SupportTM Gel Micro Support Gel Cool Action Gel Memory Foam

60 DAY

comfort trial*

4 comfort FREE* levels Serta to choose Sheep Plushiefrom all sizes with allavailable sets *on mattresses $599 and up

4 comfort levels to choose from

reg $2399

all sizes available

reg $2499

starting at

reg $2599 reg $3199

reg $2399 reg $2499 reg $2599 reg $3199

STARTING AT Aug. 15, 2013


Adjustable Beds

Mattresses Quality Bedding Sale Ends Aug. 31, 2013 Sale held over until September 15! Mon-Sat • 10am-6pm Limited Time Event! Hurry In Now! 604-886-0102 LIVE WELL • SLEEP WELL 927 Gibsons Way Adjustable Beds Bedroom Furniture Sun WELL • 12pm-4pm • SLEEP WELL LIVE


6pm m

604-886-0102 927Dreamland Gibsons Way 1133 WELL LIVE • SLEEP WELL 1-800-584-0102 GIBSONS LIVE WELL • SLEEP WELL 1-800-584-0102 Quality Bedding


(Beside Home Hardware)

HOURS: Mon-Sat • 10am-6pm Sun • 12pm-4pm

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Aug.Bedroom 15, 2013Furniture

Aug. 15, 2013

Adjustable Beds

Quality Bedding

Mattresses Bedroom Furniture

Aug. 15, 2013

Adjustable Beds

Aug. 15, 2013

Quality Bedding

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