The Local, May 3, 2011

Page 1

Local The

Back in Time

A look back at an early May Day on the Sunshine Coast

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2

Battle of the Atlantic

A memorial service will be held to honour those who died

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3


Multiculturalism Award Nominations are now open for the annual Multiculturalism Awards

Look for these inserts:

• Nature’s Bounty • Guardian Pharmacy

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11

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This is your ad proof in the next issue of

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ROCK SOLID SERVICE GIBSONS 604-886-2277 Sunnycrest Mall Gibsons Central

June 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.

SECHELT 604-885-3295 5561 Wharf Road PENDER HARBOUR 604-883-9525 12873A Madeira Park Rd.

If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct. Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!

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It was paddle, sink or swim on Saturday, April 28 at the annual April Tools Wooden Boat Challenge in Madeira Park where contestants faced not only the challenge of constructing a seaworthy craft within a short time limit, but also waited with bated breath for the ‘surprise’ additional challenge: boats must be Nov. constructed without the use of nails or screws. PHOTO SUBMITTED 10, 2011


ontestants gathered Saturday, April 28 with the sky threatening rain over Madeira Park, but enthusiasm for the annual April Tools Wooden Boat

Challenge ran so high few noticed the weather – or the icy water temperatures. A dozen teams in the adult category signed up for this fun annual event, many

hailing from as far away as Kamloops (that team, Great Hope, took second place). More locally, there were 20 young people who signed up in the youth team cat-

egory and they all came anticipating fun. Each year, contestants are informed of their ‘special’ (previously undisclosed) challenge for an event that

Teresa Bartrim 1013

Passenger ferry makes SCRD agenda K

enan MacKenzie’s pre- Transport and Infrastructure, sentation on a proposed the Ferry Advisory Commisfoot-passenger service to the sion, and other transportaSCRD Transportation Com- tion stakeholders. mittee on Monday resulted The Committee’s proin a call for coordinated acposed resolution, to be March 29, 2012 tion by local government. brought forward at the next The Committee includes all SCRD meeting, will call for SCRD directors, plus repre- a delegation of community sentatives from Ministry of leaders (the Mayors, SCRD

Chair, School Board Chair, and Sechelt First Nation Chief) to meet with Minister Blair Lekstrom to discuss opportunities and alternatives to current service. “Everyone agreed what we need is a change in the ferry system that accommodates foot passengers, that

is affordable and supports people on the Coast working in Vancouver,” said Gibsons Councillor and Committee member Gerry Tretick. “Things have to change. What we have now is not acceptable.” See “Passenger Ferry” continued on page 2

annually draws increasingly large crowds – not only did the contestants have to build a seaworthy wooden See “April Tools” continued on page 11

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2 The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012

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Back in Time Matthew Lovegrove

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own here at the museum, I often find myself searching through our photo database and marveling at the amazing moments that have been captured on film over the years. There are certain images in our collection that pull at my imagination and I would like share one Mayto 3, 2012 with you. The year is 1910 and a group of Finnish settlers, about 60 in all, have travelled the skid roads and paths out to Dan Steinbrunner’s property (present day Poplars Mobile

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community) for May Day where people would celcelebrations. Dressed in ebrate springtime and the their finest formal clothes, start of the farming season. the group stands in a field After Christianity swept the framed by burnt tree snags continent, the celebrations that were scorchedCare in the Cap U Health 1018lived on but with a more fire of 1906. Typical of secular atmosphere that inthe photographs from this troduced the crowning of time, everyone looks very the Queen of May and the stern and serious; we can May Pole Dance. When this only imagine that their photograph was taken, May expressions are a result of 1st was also well known the rainy West Coast win- as International Worker’s ter and their hard-working Day, a time for labourers pioneering lifestyles. to gather together in soliMay 3, 2012 These Finnish settlers darity for worker’s rights. were the first to introduce Many of the Finnish settlers May Day celebrations to the of the Sunshine Coast were Sunshine Coast, a tradition aligned with the socialist that has its origins in the ideologies of the time; if pagan cultures of Europe there had been Facebook

back then, they would have posted articles about labour rights and striking for the 8-hour workday. But it was a more subtle influence that the Finnish settlers had on the community that would help shape life on the Sunshine Coast for years to come. May Day celebrations at the Steinbrunner ranch were well attended by everyone in the district and although politics may have come up in conversation, I imagine that it was mostly a time to get together with friends and celebrate the coming of summertime. Some things change, some things don’t…

Passenger Ferry

more opportunities for people who live here to do business in the city is going to be good for the economy of the Coast.” Tretick added, “Times are changing. People don’t want the cost or hassle of taking a car into Vancouver. They don’t want those long days with the current service. They want to live in our community, but once they get here and are working in Vancouver 16, 2012 (even partFeb. time), if it’s too much of a hassle, they’ll end up leaving.”

continued from page 1 Sunshine Coast Credit Union CEO Shelley McDade agreed. Citing ‘The Future Business Environ-

ment of the Sunshine Coast 2011-2021’ study available on the SCCU website, McDade said, “Additional transportation of any kind that provides



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The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012 3

Rave performers coming


he performance of Origins, a feature length theatrical comedy, will be held Friday, May 11 at the Roberts Creek Hall. The show weaves together music, dance, puppetry, multimedia, and circus arts to tell a story of love, loss, corporate power, genetic engineering, and propaganda, bashing apart the binaries of good and evil in a grueling quest to save the world. Superhero Boy Band’s mandate is to produce the-

atre shows that promote personal transformation and community empowerment through parodying superheroes and boy bands, and by raising questions on perfection, propaganda, and the shortcomings of dualistic perspectives. Doors open at 7:30 pm. Tickets available at Gaia’s Fair Trade (Gibsons Landing), MELOmania (Roberts Creek) and Strait Music (Sechelt). For information contact Judy at 886-7334.

Battle of Atlantic memorial service M

he BCSPCA on the Coast will host their annual Open House on Sunday, May 6 from noon to 3 pm. Coast residents are invited to come down and check out the facilities, meet some of the furry residents and visit with the staff and volunteers. The annual Open House is the SPCA’s way to raise awareness of some of the issues they face each year, in-

cluding abuse and cruelty to animals, spaying and neutering programs and the need for good homes for their homeless animals. Donations are always welcome to help provide a much-needed community service. The SPCA’s mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in British Columbia.

embers of the public are invited to attend the Battle of Atlantic Service, Sunshine Coast, to be held on Sunday May 6 at 11am. The service will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 140. This is a service of remembrance in recognition of those who fought and lost their lives during the Battle of the Atlantic, which was one of the longest battles of WWll. The Sunshine Coast Naval Veterans Association (SCNVA) was formed in 1988 with 64 members but over the years grew to 88 members. In the past 25 years they have taken part in all of the Sechelt Canada Day parades, the Gibsons Sea Cavalcade parades and the Madeira Park May Day parades, usually

CORRECTION: Our article last week on the Cool School should have credited Dave Marshall of the Sunshine Coast Drag Racing Association, who is spearheading the restoration, as a key volunteer in the automotive project. The article also credited the Coasters Car Club with donation of a 1971 Plymouth Duster for

repair and conversion to a dragster to be raffled for benefit of Cool School. In fact, the Coasters Car Club is not involved with Cool School, the restoration or raffl e project. Raffle tickets will be available starting in mid-May. Brenda Masich, Elphi’s automotive teacher, previously taught at Brooks Secondary in Powell River. Masich has

been working closely with the SD46 Board of Trustees to enroll Elphinstone Secondary in the BC Secondary School Motorsport Association, saying, “The current Board is just awesome, and really hugely supportive of us.” The Local apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the error and appreciate this opportunity to set the record straight.

SPCA to host Open House


Mother’s Day Luncheon Buffet Sunday, May 13 11am-1pm Reservations required





in their white summer uniforms and marching, generally, in association with the various colour parties. Each year, they gather on the first Sunday in May, along with the Royal Canadian Navy and other Naval associations across Canada, to remember shipmates and those of the merchant navy who gave their lives at sea during the Second World War and particularly on the North Atlantic convoy runs. Although they are all veterans of the RCN and no longer active, their motto remains: “We Still Serve”.

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4 The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012

Editorial Opinion

There’s no place like home


any of us have parents who live far away and, according to some psychologists, that’s a good sign. It means that we’ve been raised to be confident and independent, able to ‘leave the nest’ and strike out on our own. But it doesn’t mean we don’t need our parents anymore. When we run into a streak of trouble or suffer from a health problem, that’s when we want to talk to our parents, especially our moms. They offer sympathy, gentle advice and background information on our genetic disposition for any potential health problems. Often, just talking things over with her is enough to put things into perspective and make the world a less scary place. We’ll always be their children, even when our hair is just as white and we have almost as many wrinkles! With aging parents, the roles reverse. We worry about them as their health begins to fail, and make plans to spend more time with them. This involves taking time off work, considering the cost of traveling home and making arrangements for the care of the house and family pets while away. There are some who will uproot their own families and change jobs to move closer to aging parents; some are spared that overwhelming sense of responsibility by siblings who already live nearby and give regular reports. There are only two places where you ever experience that sense of ‘home’ – your own and that of your parents. Once your parents are gone, you’ve not only lost the two people you cherish, you’ve also lost that link to your childhood and the home where you felt comfortable, safe and loved, where someone else solved problems, where holidays and family gatherings were exciting times and there was the magic and mystery of the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. Parents are not only the hub of your family, linking siblings and relatives, they also hold the genealogical key to your past. Too often, we regret never having sat down with our parents (or grandparents) to learn more about our own family histories (with all the interesting skeletons in the closet!). Once we’ve lost that sense of ‘home’ when our parents are gone, it’s up to us to create our own precious legacy of love and take on the job of making holidays wonderful, keeping the magic and mystery alive and solving problems. It’ll be worth all the heartache, headache and pains in the backside because, as Dorothy said when she clicked her red slippers together, “There’s no place like home!”

Letters to the Editor Weston not listening? John Weston MP had a ‘town’ meeting in Sechelt. Despite pulling every string to suppress turnout (late and minimal advertising, a 5:30 pm start time on the opening day of the NHL playoffs), a standing room only crowd arrived. After a half hour of platitudes and talking points, the people took over. All but one of many criticized the Conservative policies and budget, raising everything from the Tar Sands, pipelines, tanker traffic, warplanes, AIDS drugs, retirement age, robocalls and everything in between. There was virtually no support (save one voice) for the direction that the Harperites are taking our fair country.

In the end, Weston chose to simply insult the large crowd by suggesting that only those who were disenchanted came out to open meetings. It is unclear that he actually heard any of the offered opinions. Did we elect a representative to speak for us, or a person to act as a message carrier for Stephen Harper? Weston is clearly the latter. Paul Johnston, Roberts Creek

Smoother sailing for passenger ship Do you know what would be a really good idea? A short, smooth boat ride to Horseshoe Bay from Langdale where there’s lots of parking. I’m really surprised the local governments haven’t lobbied for


Letters to the Editor – Opinions this before now, as it would just make total sense. I guess they didn’t want to upset the Provincial Government folks. Then catch the fast bus to North or West Van or even Vancouver and points beyond. This easy and smooth trip on the water would be so much quicker than going all the way around to Vancouver only from Langdale, which would limit the destinations too, and would be way less expensive as it’s cheaper to run a bus than a boat and it can get really nasty out there in the Salish Sea. (I could tell a few hair raising stories having been out there a bit!) Bill Howe, Gibsons

Ferry means friends and family moving away Please accept this letter as a reflection of my dissatisfaction with current ferry service and rates being imposed on residents of the Sunshine Coast. Not only have I been told by my potential buyers that rates, schedules and cut off times at the Langdale ferry terminal have been factors which have resulted in their choosing other areas to invest in, but the cost of getting my family to and from Vancouver has become prohibitive. Bringing up my three daughters in the Pender Harbour area, we are faced with regular trips into Vancouver for field trips, sporting events, training sessions and medical appointments. When we made the decision to move to the area, we

factored in the costs we expected to be paying for fuel and transportation, however, fuel costs and ferry fees have skyrocketed compared to the rest of the economy. We have numerous personal friends who have unfortunately left the Sunshine Coast with their children as a result of the growing costs of raising families here. As a result, our school system funding suffers and we are forced to make even more trips to Vancouver to give our children well-rounded upbringings. It’s a vicious cycle which BC Ferries has an opportunity to stop by providing regular and reasonable passenger and vehicle fares to and from Vancouver. I find it absurd that 12 year-old children are charged a full adult fare of over $11 and I would ask that BC Ferries consider maintaining a child rate for all high school aged children. Is there some additional expense incurred by BC Ferries in moving 12 year-olds versus 11 year-olds? I implore BC Ferries to consider the impact of the current pricing schedule and lack of a passenger only service to and from Langdale from the Sunshine Coast. Alan Stewart, Pender Harbour

Crazy idea or good plan? I can quite understand the need for a foot passenger only ferry. I wonder how many times we have been told, “We would love to live on the Sunshine Coast; houses are affordable. I work in Vancouver,

but that ferry ...!” Well it has been tried – the private enterprise route. Go to Google Canada and call up COASTAL LINK FERRIES, a story for which Gilbert and Sullivan would have been proud. Even a boat with a name: MV Coastal Runner, under Captain Shaker. Rumours started flying around in April 2008 – a 75-passenger ferry at $10 a head, and it would start from Gibsons in October 2008. And yes, there would be a few trial runs. Fast forward to January 2010. “We are able to secure docking at Hopkins Landing. Ferry service starts on the first of March 2010.”A sad ending followed. Walk on, walk off the Queen of Surrey, no problem; lots of room. At Horseshoe Bay, there’s a reliable blue bus to take you to downtown Vancouver. The issue is not the availability it is the scheduling and its reliability. If you have a car, for the businessman or businesswoman, forget it: Lots of two-hour waits at the terminals. “At least we’re not going to Nanaimo,” is the only thought that gives one pleasure. The lesson – if you are a 9 to 5 businessman or woman working in the Lower Mainland, the Sunshine Coast is not for you – even if you can arrange carpooling. Now to a crazy idea, but the more I think about it, the less crazy it seems. It applies to those who would like an evening in Van-

Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office email: Classified Advertising Deadline: Monday 3:00 p.m. at The Local office Carol Gardar Ron Karen Wendy Allan 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Editorial Deadline: Gardarsson Gardarsson Kowalski Peterson Huber Forest P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Monday 10 a.m. at The Local office Publisher, Publisher, Sales Rep., Sales Rep., Office Manager, Graphic Editor Ad Sales Manager Marketing Marketing Classified Ad Sales Designer Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 This publication reserves the right to refuse any advertising that it considers to email: The Local is locally operated and distributed every Thursday to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. website: 11,500 households on the Sunshine Coast by CANADA POST The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012) and 1,400 hand-delivered to businesses. Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.

couver – a game, a show, a restaurant but with no way of catching the 9:15 pm ferry. Pre-World War II, my father often took me on the Liverpool to Dublin overnight boat. Get on the boat at around 7 pm and enjoy a cabin for two or a comfortable chair. Wake up alongside in Dublin, have breakfast onboard and disembark. Now, what about a small boat fitted ‘a la business-class plane’ waiting in Horseshoe Bay? You arrive late at night, have a snack and settle down for a snooze. Wake up in the morning and you are in Langdale. What happens then? I don’t know. Maybe Keats, Gambier, etc. This could be a crazy idea that just needs some work. Bernard McGrath, Langdale

Cement plant another example Re: Clark Hamilton’s letter to the Editor It’s called democracy, Mr. Hamilton, governing by the rule of law in order to protect individual rights from being steamrolled by the rich and powerful. And it’s worth every penny. Blame for the $80,000 cost for re-doing Target Marine lies with the government of Sechelt and its advisors who made a mistake, and not on the individuals who are trying to save their right to the quiet enjoyment of their residential property. This typical push for maximum profit for companies (Letters continued on page 5) Jeff Smith


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The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012 5

Letters to the Editor – Opinions

(Continued from page 4) with no respect for people puts every residential property owner at risk even when the zoning should protect them. Stockwell’s proposal for a cement plant is the latest and coming example. Ted & Nancy Leathley, West Sechelt

McClymont’s summarization exaggerated? Since 2009, the regular publication on the website of ‘Hammy’s Reports’ has provided readers with an authoritative record of Hamilton McClymont’s perception of what occurred at various Town of Gibsons meetings. While Mr. McClymont is one of the most energetic chroniclers of local politics, there is an inherent tension between his gift for punchy summarization and the burden of providing context. As an example, McClymont noted in his report of the Feb. 14 CoTW meeting that Councillor Bouman had read back oral submissions from plant ecologist Dr. Terry McIntosh to confirm he’d heard them correctly. McClymont put “read back” in quotes and added in italics, “It’s clear that Councillor Bouman is trying to set up a ‘our scientists are better than your scientists’ scenario”. The “our” and “your” construct, though peppy, was somewhat hyperbolic. McIntosh had prepared a Plant and Vegetation Assessment of the Gospel Rock area in 2007 as a sub-consultant expert for environmental consultant Paul van Poppelen, and had reviewed (at the request of members of Friends of Gospel Rock) a 2010 report by van Poppelen about the area below Gower Point Road and how it relates to the part above. He’d done an additional survey before the Feb. meeting

and, as noted by local media, there was a lack of harmony between his findings and van Poppelen’s report. Those outlets also quoted Councillor Tretick as saying, when the topic came up again at the Apr. 10 meeting, “To have somebody come along and say ‘my scientist is better than your scientist’ is not acceptable.” Though the possessive pronouns had become singular, I had to wonder whether the real Tretick might not have been ill and some sort of battery-powered ‘Talking Hammy doll’ shown up in his place. David Stow, Elphinstone

Get gas prices into line Gas prices here on the Sunshine Coast are the same as in Metro Vancouver. Metro Vancouver has a 17 cents/litre transit tax. Why are the residents of the Sunshine Coast being ripped off? I propose that the residents ONLY purchase gas at gas stations. Do not purchase anything else like oil, coffee, pop, chips, cigarettes, etc. Grocery, hardware and corner stores sell things other than gas. When the profits are taken away from the gas station owners, maybe they will petition the gas corporations to lower the price per litre. This way we will be paying the true cost of gas. Dennis Pekrul, Gibsons

Five months later … As we know only too well in life, most of us can find the time it takes to make a phone call or write a letter if we have something or someone to complain about, but how many of us find the time to do likewise when praise is deserving? Not many of us, we suspect, hence all the more reason for this letter. We were two of the peo-

Kenan Mackenzie

ple that felt change was in order at election time and were most satisfied with the outcome but as we know only too well, talk can be cheap. Fortunately this does not appear to be the case for the recently elected Mayor and Council and we want to compliment them all on the very impressive start they have made during their brief term in office. We are very excited by the new sense of vibrancy and activity taking place on many fronts in and around Sechelt and this seems to be a feeling shared by many of the people we have spoken with. After many years of lethargy it finally looks like we are moving strongly for-

ward with confidence and enthusiasm – congratulations to you all! In response to Val Morris’s comments on spending, we think it is important to note that it is referred to as ‘the business of politics’ for a reason. Getting the message out there takes money – we commend John Henderson on spending his own money to enact change for something that he believed in and also appreciate the great efforts of FABS in helping to raise awareness on the importance of making our voting voices heard within the community. Again, our compliments to all of you! Geoff and Carolyn White, Sechelt


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June 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________

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This treed property allows for 2 full-size dwellings. Features a private 2nd home site on the upper side of the acreage. A creek directly behind the current dwelling separates the parcel and access for the upper part is off of Hanbury by a legal easement over Lot 1. A beautiful private setting for a great retreat or your hobby farm. Miles of great trails to explore on your horse or on your bike. Very sunny property. The property on the east is zoned RU4 (Rural Forest) and was logged a few years ago.

6 The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012

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JiM tayLor 8pm FRIDAY MAY 11 Steak & Prawn Dinner 5:00 - 7:30pm Music by

the east Van yaCht CLub 8pm

circumstances are pushing you beyond your comfort zone. Keep an open mind Michael yet clarify priorities and O’Connor boundaries. Astrologer Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) May 3, 2012 Due to ambitions to exMay 5th is Cinco de Mayo. pand your position, the time This annual celebration is right to work behind the highlights Mexican heritage scenes and/or to prepare and pride. Yet, it has gained the ground. Your ‘to do’ list cross-cultural focus, especial- stands to be extensive and ly in North America. Mayan varied. Pacing yourself so culture shares its roots with you can balance rest with the Toltec, Olmec, Aztec, productivity will feel right. Zapotec and Teotihuacanos Yet, there may be some real and Ruby other root e work to attend to close to Lakecultures. ResortTh1018 Spanish influence is about home. A varied approach four centuries old and well will keep your energies fresh. Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) established. Woven into The waves of change conthis focus is the Cosmology and Astrology of these root tinue to wash in. In fact, they cultures. These are collec- may well be getting bigger. tively referred to as ‘Mayan’, With the right attitude and though it is not straightfor- approach these could prove ward. With the advent of to bring big advantages and May 3 prophesies continuing to rewards. Yet, the changes perpetuate some anxiety due may not be so easy to handle to the dire cataclysmic tone or accept. Your ability to asof these prophesies, it’s added sert yourself, as necessary to reason to bring attention to meet the challenge, is ideal. this celebration. Interesting- Yet, avoid trying to control ly, Cinco de Mayo coincides people and situations and with the Full Moon in Scor- intend to cooperate. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) pio. This is just one of many A time of recognition and celestial events occurring in continues. 2012. The New Moon in advancement Gemini on May 20 coin- Meeting new people and escides with a Solar Eclipse at tablishing new connections the Zenith conjunct the Ple- and friendships is likely. A proactive and enthusiastic iades. This only occursLegion once 1018 Gibsons approach may be necessary, every 360 years. even ideal. Setting your Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) As though cruising sights on the bigger picture through the city at an off and long-term goals is the peak hour, you have a chance other side of the coin. Be to observe the many people willing to work, trust and and places there are to see. exercise your executive with Still, your focus mustMay remain 3, 2012full diplomacy. Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) sharp. The biggest challenge You are in a philosophical is your ability to see the bigger picture. Yet it is exactly mood, yet practicality rewhat you need to do for the mains a high priority. Gathsake of making sound invest- ering new tools and resourcments, like an overview on es is prominently featured and includes reaching out all the best sales. Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) to others. Pushing through This is an expansive go- and beyond may require ahead time for you. You innovation, renovation and are ready to take a few risks investment. Do what you and gamble. Your sights are feel you must and exercise set on more than one ob- patience with the outcome. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) jective. Other people and

3-course dinner for 2 from our Spring menu and 1 night in a lagoon-side room


only $

See you soon!

BRANCH #109 604-886-2411


Pub LunCh

starting at noon, followed by a

british Pub show featuring

LinDa Jones 1:30pm - 3:30pm We are accepting donations for the St. Bart’s Food Bank at the door, please bring non-perishable items.

Members and guests always welcome

• Crib on Tuesdays 7pm and Saturdays 12:30pm • Meat Draws Saturdays 4-5:30pm and Sundays 4-6pm

Driftwood Players


Driftwood Players is holding auditions for Norm Foster’s

MENDING FENCES “A poignant, powerful, and altogether hilarious play” – The View Magazine

Directed by Bob Hunt

ROLES: 1 Male (25 – 38) • 1 Male (45 – 70) • 1 Female (40 – 60) AUDITION DATES: SAT. MAY 5, from 10am – 3pm at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre in Sechelt, AND SuN. MAy 6, from 10am – 3pm at the Heritage Playhouse in Gibsons. Actors are asked to prepare a monologue in advance of the audition in order to showcase their abilities. Auditions are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY; please call Bill Forst at 604-886-2543, or 604-741-1113 to arrange an appointment.


Sudoku-Puzzles .net

SUDOKU Sudoku, Kakuro & Futoshiki Puzzles Driftwood Players 1017

Level: HARD

Sudoku 9x9 - Hard (139175201)

Solution on page 9. Courtesy of

PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:

Ruby Lake Resort

Gilligans 1018


Good food, good fun and great prices!

5770 Teredo St. Sechelt

Horoscope May 4 to May10







9 2

6 2




April 26, 2012 4


7 8




4 5








Who has what you want and need? This is a good time to ask and receive. The law of returns has been active in your life with plus and minus results. There is reason to say you are still in an endurance phase. Things stand to alleviate somewhat in several weeks. Proceeding with sobriety and discipline remains important. Accept support. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Dealing with dual desires perhaps especially on relationship fronts continues. Should I stay or go? Is there a middle ground? Sober thinking implies paying attention to the details. Yet, keeping an open mind is also important. Working to push through inner and outer resistance implies acting upon what you feel is true versus right. Go easy on yourself amidst this complex process. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Changes in your usual routine and rhythm are increasingly evident. These may not be so easy to handle or avoid. Yet they are stimulating your mind and perhaps social activity. Mix enthusiasm and creativity for what is happening for best results. Pay extra attention to creating harmonious exchanges with others. Who you know is more important than what, now. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) A sizable creative wave is coming in. You stand to get some of the best of it. Yet it is important that you are fully prepared to give to the situation and perhaps in more ways than one. Maintaining a close connection with your innermost self, your core, however you identify with that, will enable you to feel strong, focus and overcome distractions. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) Enjoying a more peaceful pace close to home is likely now. Entertaining new leads and directions is featured. These are opening new doors of awareness and perception. TheAJ process is causing you to Pumps Sudoku 1018 get to the bottom of things somehow, to secure the base. This calm state and increased awareness will support you to proceed with greater confidence now and for future prospects. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) A busy time following new leads towards establishMay 3, 2012 ing new rhythms and foundations is in focus. Others and circumstances are pushing you to be focused, clear and decisive. With so many fronts to manage, this may be easier said than done. Change and transformation are underway for you. This implies endings and new beginnings. Trust and cooperate with this dynamic.

The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012 7

Market update for April Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie Sunshine Coast Real Estate News


etached listings: There are 621 current detached listings and 142 sales, year-to-date. The current market’s hot price range is below $400,000, with 77 of the sales occurring in this price range. With the current pace of sales this represents a 17-month supply of listings. Comparing the previous year’s detached sales, in 2011 for the same time period we had 148 sales. The detached listing inventory climbed but with an increase of sales volume in March, the market supply decreased over the previous month.

Attached Listing: There are 145 current attached listings and 26 sales year-todate. With the current pace of sales this represents a 22-month supply of listings. Comparing the previous year’s attached sales, in 2011 for the same time period, we had 35 sales. Attached listings represent strata unit apartments, condos and townhouses. Attached listings climbed over January with the market supply. Land listing: There are 417 bare land listings and 15 sales year-to-date. With the current pace of sales this represents an 11-month supply. Comparing the previous year’s bare land sales, in 2011 for the same time period, we had 31 sales. Increase in sales over the previous month led to

a sharp decrease in the monthly supply. Well, April was a better month and the market seems to be getting warmer than the weather for May. The area of the market that is hottest is the up to $400,000 group, representing 77 sales. In the $400,000 to $500,000 there were 35 sales; $500,000 to $600,000 had 9 sales; $600,000 to $700,000 had 11 sales; $800,000 to $900,000 had 3 sales; $900,000 to $1,000,000 had 4 sales and only one sale over a $1,000,000 this year. Next week we’ll have a look at mortgage rates. Keep the letters coming in regards to improving the ferry service: Change will only come about if we make ourselves heard.

Mom and twins entertain at coffeehouse The Artesia Coffeehouse April 27 at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre played to an appreciative crowd with four sets of live entertainment including Denise Olson and her twin daughters, Mira and Angie Sheppard, (left). Also playing were Keely Halward, Mick Bryant, Michelle Bruce and Lowry Olafson. The May 25 coffeehouse will be the last this season.

Coast Cable Eastlink 1018

May 3, 2012






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55” LCD TV Drawn June 30, 2012

Name: _____________ _________________ Phone: _____________ Drop off entry form at store. No purchase neccessary. One entry per person, per ad.

television • home Audio • cAr Audio #1 - 5679 Cowrie St., Sechelt • 604-740-0982 across from the RE/MAX office


8 The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012

101 ACTIVITIES & EVENTS 101 Activities & Events 102 Garage Sales 103 Announcements 104 Anniversary & Birthdays 105 Births 106 Obituaries 107 In Memoriam 108 Memorial/Funeral Services 109 Personals 110 Childcare 111 Lost & Found 112 Classes 201 Health & Wellness 202 Health & Fitness 203 Sports & Exercise Equipment 204 Gardening 300 Pets & Livestock 400 Travel 500 Music 600 Computers 701 Antiques & Collectibles 702 Furniture 703 Appliances 704 Misc. for Sale 705 Wanted 706 Free 707 Trade & Barter 708 Financial Services 801 Cars for Sale 802 Trucks & SUV’s 803 Special Interest & Classics 804 RV’s & Campers 805 Motorcycles & Off Road 806 Parts & Accessories 807 Repairs & Service 900 Machinery & Tools 1000 Marine 1100 Storage 1200 Service Directory 1300 Firewood 1400 Work Wanted 1500 Business Opportunities 1600 Legal & Public Notices 1700 Log Homes 1701 Homes & Lots for Sale 1702 Mobile Homes for Sale 1703 Misc. Property for Sale 1704 Homes for Rent 1705 Apartments for Rent 1706 Misc. for Rent 1707 Commercial for Rent 1708 Shared Accommodation 1709 Vacation Rentals 1710 Wanted to Rent 1711 Wanted to Buy 1712 House Sitting 1800 Employment 1801 Careers 1900 Too Late to Classify

Local The

We Accept Classified Advertising At: OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street Sechelt BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 BY FAX: 604-885-3194

BY E-MAIL: Deadline: Monday-3:00pm at the office

c n te ra

Gibsons Wildlife Rehab Centre BAKE SALE. Sat. May 12 from 10:00am – 2:00pm. Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons. p19

102 GARAGE SALES 4th Annual Grandmothers PLANT SALE. May 5 at 10:00am, 6414 Norwest Bay Rd. Proceeds to the Stephen Lewis Foundation. p18 Huge Garage Sale. Sat. May 12, 11:00am – 4:00pm. 5555 S.C. Hwy. (beside Tsain-Ko Gift shop) p19 Sat. May 12, 9 am-1 pm, Marina Place Community Garage Sale, 699 Dougall Rd., Gibsons. (In carports if raining.) p19

SHORA – Sunshine Heights Owner’s Resident Association Annual General Meeting. Tuesday May 8, 2012 at 7:00pm. Sechelt Community Church, 5895 Reef Road, Sechelt. p18 RE Décor Consignment. Learn to `RE Décor,’ come in and pick up a handout with our décor tips and get the casual `RE Décor’ look. Always stylish, always affordable. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-8855884. Open 1:00pm-3:00pm on Sundays in May! b18 RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-886-9813 btfn If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. 604885-8208. btfn Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. btfn Too much Easter chocolate? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Small groups in Sechelt, Wednesdays 6:30pm, Sechelt Health Unit, 5571 Inlet Ave. 604-740-5845 or 604-885-4666. Gibsons, Thursdays 6:30pm, Frank West Hall. 604-8868578 or 604-886-1717. b28 Advertise in the paper that you read. Call The Local today. 604885-3134

111 LOST & FOUND Lost: 10K white gold ring. Centre triangle amethyst w/six sm diamonds (3/side). In the vicinity of the Sechelt Farmers Market. Cash reward. 604-989-1956. f18 Lost: Pair of bifocal eyeglasses around Mahon Trail in Gibsons April 15. Please call 604-8864312. f18 Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.


$6.00+HST* 15 Words

Spanish Classes. Basic to advanced levels. Email for details and fees; b22

20¢ each additional word + HST

Respite & Palliative Care available in private two bed Care Home. Please call for info, 604-886-8848. b26

for 2 Weeks *Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.

offering five-day courses in: • Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement Ask about our free 2-hour assessment



WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. B26

604-741-0605 62 Full-Time Members!


STIHL MS260 Pro saw, new in Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry box. 20” bar & chain, extra chain seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn (valued $30). New price $670, selling $550Dyslexiadoor net. STIHL O34, used Seasoned firewood and dump 1014 – 20” bar & chain, extra 20” & 24” runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn bar, extra parts, $325 obo. One used Homelite 20” lawnmower 1400 WORK WANTED w/side discharge, $75 obo. Used Homelite XL12, 20” bar, good runner $65 obo. Denlie ATV, 4X4 Renos, repairs, decks or other 700cc w/3000lb winch. 2-up unit, outdoor projects. Creative ideas free! Bishop Construction Servic475kms, like new. Loaded w/exes, Graham: 604-741-3563. b21 tra’s. Call 604-740-1064 (cell) or 604-885-2735 (evenings). p19 Drywall Finishing since 1992. 32” analogue Sony TV w/ remote. Dustless and occupied spaces. Exc. working cond. Asking $200. Commercial & Residential. RenoApril 5, 2012vations and new construction. Call 604-886-0604. p18 WCB. References. No job too Electric tricycle w/comfortable small. Derek Thomas 604-989Sechelt 1017 3401. bom18 seat, basket on both Farmer's ends, $1500; Market quality wheelchair, reason. cond., $375; walker in gd. cond. w/bas- Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-989ket, 4 wheels & brakes, $200. 6049663 ftfn 883-9545 p18

CASH for unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b18

Downtown Sechelt every Saturday 9am to 2:30pm Rain or Shine April 7 to September 29 We make it, bake it & grow it on the Sunshine Coast. b38

s Gifts eJ annie’ & Gems Jewellery Repairs & Design Jewellery Repairs Jewellery Repairs Watch Clock Repairs &&Design Design & Appraisals Watch & & Clock Repairs Repairs Watch Clock Buy Goldat at Best Best Buy Gold BestPrice Price Buy Gold Price Appraisals Appraisals 604-886-2023 604-886-2023 604-886-2023 Serving the Coast since 1978 tfn

Serving the the Coast Coast since since 1978 1978 Serving

500 MUSIC BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b22

Retired hobbyist wants, Aprildiscard26, 2012 ed old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p19 Wanted – Wood picnic tables. Will pay cash and will pick up. Phone 604-989-7275. btfn Volunteers Wanted for Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Variety of tasks, everyone welcome, especially able bodies for pick-ups. Call 604-885-6773. ftfn

$ CASH $ for any old

Coins & Bills

Silver Jan. & Gold 5, 2012 Antique Items, etc. 604-740-6474


706 FREE Kittens - 9 wks old, litter trained. Call evenings, 604-885-6128. f18 TV in working cond. Call 604-8851917. f19

Strait 1018 Wood. 4x12 Port Music Mellon decking. You p/u. 604-886-9216. f19

s a c i n o arm


#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802 600 COMPUTERS

NEED PC HELP? Anything Computers!

Prompt, Professional, On-Site Service

Call Computer Mike!

Solving computer problems since 1992

604-886-3555 604-885-6001 b27

703 APPLIANCES Upright Freezer, 18 cuft Woods 2006 Model V1813RW3. Very Clean. Excellent condition. $175. 604-740-5804 or email svanish@shaw. ca p18

Read the Classifieds & Local Events online

802 TRUCKS & SUV’S 2008 Ford Escape XLT, 4x4 Silver w/2yr warranty, roof rack. 78,000 km. $19,500. 604- 740-6706. p18

May 3, 2012

Now Open! Sunshine Coast Computer. Repairs, virus removal and more. 12859 Madeira Park Rd. 604-865-0688. b18

Did you know that free ads are FREE in The Local? Restrictions apply.

Ask fonre Wayn

Waynne Pretty



Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281 Jan. 12, 2012 tfn

1000 MARINE Zodiac, 9.5’ rubber boat c/w folding wood floor and oars. Rated 10Hp. $395. Call 604-989-4871. p19 4Hp Johnson OB, exc. cond, serviced. $400. 604-886-1242. p19 34’ Houseboat, live aboard. Outboard power. $10,500, trades considered. 604-989-5044. p18


Cleaning to suit your needs USTOM LEANING


ONLY $7.00 + HST – Run your 20 word Garage Sale ad for 2 weeks PLUS we’ll put your address in bold letters! Call 604-885-3134. tfn




Happy Cat Haven Yard Sales are back! Every Saturday (weather permitting). Spring hrs 11:00am – 3:00pm. Plants, furniture, collectibles and much more. SC Self Storage at 1161 Hwy 101, Gibsons. ptfn




Petra 604-740-0327


Room avail. in prof. clinic space, downtown Sechelt. Ideal for massage, chiro, etc. Contact Jeremy 604-885-1546. b19 Looking for a compatible business to share our space in Sunnycrest Mall. Would best suit food or gift business. Please inquire JohnnyLouie’s Walker 1016 at Sugarpop (across from Super Valu). 604-886-1412. b18 ASHLEY’S Book & Records is for sale. Now’s your chance! $59,000 obo. 604-885-8952. b19

1704 HOMES FOR RENT Sechelt: 3 bdrm, close to downtown. $1300/mo. Call Key Property Management at 60419, 2012 886-6618 forApril viewing or visit b18 Gibsons: 1 bdrm cottage. $800/ mo. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b18 Gibsons: Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bth duplex in lower Gibsons with a harbour view, decks and wood burning FP. $1300/mo, N/S, sm. pet nego. Avail now, call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit b18 Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn

1705 APARTMENTS & SUITES FOR RENT Gibsons: 1 bdrm, waterfront. $850/mo. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit b18



For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: Professional Services...

Custom Cleaning 1018

With Personal Focus Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial

Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721

May 3, 2012

Gibsons: Furnished waterfront 1 bdrm suite available now to May 31. N/P, N/S. $1200/mo. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b18 Sechelt: One bdrm front apt. Avail immed. $750/mo, N/S, N/P. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b18

Sechelt: 2 bdrm apt. in Sr. oriented bldg. Close to amenities, N/S, N/P. $750/mo, avail. June 1. 604885-9017. p19

1707 COMMERCIAL FOR RENT Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-8853281. btfn

1800 EMPLOYMENT Experienced cleaner for Gibsons B&B, ‘on-call’ basis. Call 604-8862912. b19 Executive Housekeeping position. Individual required to fully clean lodge guest rooms, restaurant, lodge use common areas and reception to the highest of standards, OMD personality an asset. To start immediately hours of work vary following check in/out schedules. Hourly rate commensurate with experience and work ability, full training provided, this prestigious job does require previous experience in high end cleaning. E-mail covering letter and resume to: info@ b18 Hairstylist needed. Chair rental avail at Artistic Image Group. Call Cindy @ 604-886-8118. b19

A&W NOW HIRING for Gibsons & Sechelt 1. Food Counter Attendant/ Prep Cook $10.75/hr. (exp. based) Wages depend on previous work experience.

PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON TO: 967 Venture way, Gibsons or 5500 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Sechelt Attention: Manager


The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012 9



Same Day Service, Fully Insured


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• Cutting • Edging • De-Thatching • De-Mossing AFFORDABLE RATES • Fertilizing • Liming • Aerating • Yard Clean-Ups Barteks Landscaping 952 Excellent rates • Satisfaction guaranteed! This is your ad 604-886-1242 proof

Lawncare& Landscaping


WINDOW WASHING Dec. 29, 2011 GUTTERS Pacific Hues

Nov. 10,•2011 Date: ____________________ Consult theIssueProfessionals 72 Years in Business


Painter T Smith 1018


looking for May 3, 2012 interior work.

June 16, 2011 Excellent references Issue Date: ____________________

PRESSURE Deadline for approval WASHINGor changesCallis Matthew Evans

from discerning clients.

20 years experience (15 on the Coast)

Monday by 3:00 p.m. May 3, 2012 604-989-9663 604.886.4960 If we do not hear from you by this

Deadline for approval SPECIAL: DINING ROOM CHAIRS

or changes is • Quality Furniture Recovering • Sofas, Armchairs, Stools Monday by 3:00 p.m. • Draperies, Slipcovers, Blinds • All Types of Foam, Cut To Measure 1018 If we do not hear from you by this

604-886-1242 in the b20next issue of

Reasonable Rates



FREE ESTIMATES Feb. 9, 2012 ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38

Small Engine Repairs

Lawn & Yard Care


This is your ad proof in the next issue of

Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash 604-740-0004

310-JIMS (5467)




CLEARANCE time, we can assume~allMUST is correct. GO! Call John 604-885-0425 5399how Derby Please let us•know we Road, Sechelt


Home Improvements • Renovations • Additions • Restorations • Drywall • Painting • Mouldings b11

Ju Issue Date: ___

Deadlin or c Monday

SOLUTION FOR If we do not h

Your business is important to us! • lawn care • estate mower • irrigation systems • water features • indoor / outdoor cultured or natural stonework • mini Bobcat June 30, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________


This Spot Wood Chipper • Small & Large Load Dump Trucks for approval Reasonable Rates • Prompt Friendly Service could beDeadline yours! or changes is

SUDOKOtime, we can

Feb. 9, 2012


If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct. Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!


time, we can assume all is correct.

Smilin’ This proof Cowboy Landscaping W i n d o w Wa s h is i n gyour ad Please let us know how we Design through maintenance in the next issue of can serve you best. 604-740-9828

Call Today! 604.885.3134 Monday by 3:00 p.m.

This is y OLE PEDERSENin the n




can serve you best. Your business is important to us!

M. Magas 1017


Please le can s Your busine

LOCAL EVENTS THURSDAY, MAY 3 •10:30am. Harbourside Friendships, a part of the Senior Initiative meets at the Music School, Madeira Park. For more info contact Cathy at 604-883-9766.

Oak Tree 1018

OUTSIDE ROUND ROAST .... $4.29/LB. April 26, 2012

GROUND PORK ......................... $2.99/LB. RACK OF PORK .......................... $5.99/LB. TRY OUR NEW RHINELAND HAM SAUSAGE ROYALE, 4 ROLL

BATHROOM TISSUE ..................3/$5.00 PREVIOUSLY VIEWED NEW STOCK MOVIES .................... 5.00EA. 177 G. MEZZETTA PESTO .......................... 3.99EA. BANANAS.............................................49¢/LB. HENRY REED PRODUCE NOW AVAILABLE MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. May 4 to Thurs. May 10 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411

FRIDAY, MAY 4 •5:30pm. Egmont Movie Night. Kid movie 6:00pm, adult movie 8:00pm. Free. Egmont Community Hall. •7:00pm-9:00pm. Girls Night Out, a bursary fundraiser sponsored by the Canadian Federation of University Women at St. John’s United Church (upstairs), Davis Bay Rd. 604885-8855 or 604-885-2015. SATURDAY, MAY 5 •9:00am-12:00pm. May Huge 3,Community 2012 Yard Sale and concession. West Sechelt Elementary School. Proceeds from concession and table rentals go to West Sechelt Playground Enhancement Committee. •10:00am. Ecole Du Pacifique Elementary presentsChildren’s Craft Fair & Cabane A Sucre. A great Francophone event offered to the SC community, family friendly and everyone is welcome! By donation, Seaside Centre, Sechelt. •10:00am-1:00pm. Annual Plant, Bake & Book Sale at Gibsons United Church, 724 Trueman Rd., Gibsons. For more info call 604-886-2333. •10:00am-2:00pm. Walk for Lupus. Join the SC Akroswirls as they walk to raise funds and awareness. Davis Bay Seawall to Mission Point Park. For info email: SUNDAY, MAY 6 •10:00am. Go Green Day, Harbour Cleanup sponsored by the PH Power & Sail Squadron. Two locations; Millennium Park, Madeira Park (call Ted @ 604-883-0677 for more info) or Garden Bay Lake, south end by pump house. (call Charlie for more info @ 604-883-0453). •10:00am-1:00pm. SC Botanical Garden Annual Plant Sale. Master Gardeners on hand. Refreshments. 5941 Mason Rd, Sechelt. •12:00pm. Hike for Hospice 2012 at Porpoise Bay Provincial Park. Learn about the hike and the work hospice does in our community at

10 The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012

Home & Garden

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The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012 11

Nominations open for multiculturalism awards


ominations are open for the annual Provincial Nesika Awards 2012. These awards started in 2008 to recognize people,

organizations and businesses whose exceptional work brings our diverse cultures together. The Multicultural Advisory Council sponsors

the awards to honour and celebrate British Columbia’s cultural diversity and Aboriginal heritage. Four categories are: In-

April Tools

team category, was Delta’s four-man ‘Bud1’ team, made up of Peter Motzek, Alex Kurenov, Norm Richards and Scott Alexander. Second place went to the Kamloops ‘Great Hope’ team of Carl Brownstein, Iris Rich, Jake Snedden and Luke Roose. Third went to the Fireflies of Madeira Park: Bruno Cote, Kerry Rand, Dustin Ouellette and Ray Miron. The Broken Paddle Award was awarded to the Squamton Four from Madeira Park: Arleah Johansen, Trevor Bergsstrom, Jaimie Taylor and Ryan Howie. The coveted Spiffy Skiffy Award went to Ed Cleave, Anna Jaschinski, Joerg Jaschinski and Mike Latimer of The Sinkers team from Sechelt/Roberts Creek. In the youth category, judges had great fun awarding places; first prize in the Trophy Race was awarded to grade 12 Team Awesome – Jake Snedden, Codey Edwardson, Luke Roose and Carson Anderson. The judges also awarded this team a Fun Race award for ‘Best Attack’. The grade 8 and 12

‘Hydrophobes’, consisting of Khoya Craig, Liz Rowlands and Michael Parrot won second in the Trophy race, and took first place in the Fun Race. Third place went to ‘3 ½ Men’ and this grade 10 group, made up of Dustin Sigurdson, Matt Watts, Zach M.-F. and Hunter Edwardson also took the title of Wettest Team in the Fun Race. Wetter still were the grade 9 ‘DT Double J’ team, made up of Teaguen Craig, Jade Storoschuk, Dani Pazur and Jace Landry, who were awarded Best Swimmer in the Fun Race. While the Spongy Llamas didn’t finish in the Trophy Race, grade 7-9 students Jordan Kammerle, Jordan Haines, Mitchell Silvey and Sawyer Cote did win the Best Sweeper in a Boat and the Perseverance Award in the Fun Race. The creativity, inventiveness and sportsmanship of all the teams was applauded by the judges, organizers, volunteers and all those who attended to cheer on their favorite teams. See more photos on The Local website at

continued from page 1 boat – with wood provided by RONA – within the three-hour period, this year their additional challenge was that they had to do so without using any metal screws or metal nails. This meant that some of the contestants whittled and used their own wooden ‘nails’, while others made creative use of twine and plastic and the old Canadian standby, duct tape. When the period allotted for construction was up, challengers took to the water in their little crafts, some with better results than others. Screams of laughter erupted as some of the little boats failed to negotiate harbour waters and capsized, tipping life-jacketed teams into frigid water. Bystanders cheered all the contestants on, and applauded enthusiastically as the winning teams completed the course, with emergency rescue standing by for the not-so-lucky. Overall, the day was a great success for everyone. In first place in the Adult

dividual, Business, Organization, and a new Youth category. The four winners will be recognized at the awards event in November. Winners in each category will receive a trophy and $5,000 for donation to a non-profit

organization of their choice to further support multiculturalism in the province. Nominations must be received by Sept. 24. Download the 2012 Provincial Nesika Awards nomination form at: www.


Beware of imposters!


12 The Local - Thursday, May 3, 2012





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