The Local January 4, 2013

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Local The

Birth rates on the rise

January stargazing

Canadian philanthropy

BC life expectancy highest in Canada.

Planets in plain view

We are giving even more during these hard times


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Page 5

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Onlookers watch as the hardier souls start the new year with a splash in the Davis Bay Polar Bear Plunge.


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2 The Local - Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year greetings from Parliament Roberts Creek Sign 1002

who are dedicated to service won’t be surprised that my best work is not perJohn Weston MP, West Vancouver, formed alone, but in the company of a dedicated Sunshine Coast , Sea to Sky Country and talented group of staff members and volunteers. Jan. 12, 2012 One after another, these s we reach year end, it’s people demonstrate exemour family tradition to plary service, driven by our pause and thank the many team’s professed mission people in our lives for and values. My staff deals directly their contributions to our with the people we serve, health and welfare. Contrary to common on citizenship and imperception, most of what migration matters; social I do as Member of Parlia- security issues; veterans’ Cocos affairs; and other matters. ment is not aboutRoofing politics; 1050 it’s about service. People Whether it’s an injustice

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suffered by a Canadian languishing in a foreign jail; parents locked in a bureaucratic struggle to adopt children overseas; or the scourge of drug addiction, my team members come to the plate time and again, working hard and getting results for the people we serve. Beyond our paid staff, our wonderful volunteers enable us to take on some of the larger projects that we initiate, such as events in the Chinese, Farsi and Korean-language communities, National

Health and Fitness Day, and Ride the Riding. We could never undertake such ambitious events relying only on the small team of people facilitated by our Parliamentary budget. As we start 2013, I thank my staff and volunteers who serve our constituents with gusto and help me understand daily why Canada is the best place on Earth. My wife Donna, Shane, Jake, Mei Mei, my staff, volunteers and I wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!

Births are on the rise in British Columbia T

he most popular names for babies born in British Columbia in 2011 were Dec. Liam13,and 2012 Emma, according to the annual report from the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency. The most widely selected names for boys were Liam, Ethan, Mason, Lucas and Benjamin. The top five names for girls were Emma, Olivia, fair So- 1101 Coastal Wedding phia, Ava and Chloe. In 2011, there were a total of 43,991 births in BC, up from 43,670 in 2010. “I am proud to call British Columbia home and so are more and more people,” said Health Minister Margaret MacDiarmid. “The number of births in Jan. 4 2013 British Columbia is growing and British Columbians also enjoy the longest life expectancy in Canada, in 2011, or at rate of 2.7 with life expectancy of 82 per thousand, not counting migration. years old.” The report also states the Life expectancy in Brittotal number of deaths in ish Columbia is the highB.C. in 2011 was 31,776, est in Canada at 82 years up from 31,151 in 2010. for 2007-11, up from Th e leading cause of death 81.7 for 2006-10. The was cancer. The oldest provincial population also person to die in British grew naturally by 12,215

Columbia in 2011 lived to be 112. The number of HIV deaths continues to fall in B.C. In 2011, there were 59 HIV deaths, down from 253 in 1996. The 140th edition of the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency

Annual Report contains information collected from registrations of births, deaths and marriages that happened in 2011. Information from the report is used for various aspects of health planning, research and education.

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The Local - Friday, January 4, 2013 3

Jupiter and Pleiades shine brightly


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Whistler? No. Stargazing


hat appears to be the brightest star in the evening sky is in fact the planet Jupiter sitting in the constellation Taurus, located high above the eastern horizon after sunset. Brace a pair of binoculars against the side of the house or a fence and see if you can see any of its 4 brightest moons. Look above Jupiter to find the Pleiades or seven sisters, a small cluster of stars with a distinct pattern that finds them often confused with the little dipper. The little dipper is in fact in Ursa Minor, a constellation farther to the north. Naked eye viewing of the Pleiades is often used to gauge the clarity of ones eyes. How many individual stars can

your eyes discern? Written references to the Pleiades go back as far as 4000 years ago where they were first mentioned in ancient Chinese texts. Later references include a famous 19th century poem by Lord Tennyson, who uttered: “Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising thro’ the mellow shade, Glitter like a swarm of fireflies tangled in a silver braid.” Below Jupiter lies yet another conspicuous companion. Its the bright star ‘Aldebaran.’ You can tell for sure you have found it by its color as this star appears bright red to the human eye. Compared to our own star, the Sun, Aldebaran is huge, at 40 times our sun’s diameter. In the latter stages of its life and having exhausted most of its supply of hy-

drogen, Aldeberen is but a remnant of its former self. Down but not beaten, Aldebaran awaits its fate as an eventual Supernova, an event that will far exceed its former glory as it goes out with a cosmic bang. The Royal astronomical society meets at the Sechelt Arts Center Friday January 11, at 7:30 pm. This is the clubs annual invitation to the public to bring your old or new telescopes to the meeting and members will assist you on how to set them up and use them correctly. In conjunction with the event, club member , Adrian Payne, will demonstrate how optics work and perform on his homemade optical light bench! These events are free to attend. Be sure to check the club out at www. Submitted

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7687 Tuwanek Trail, Sechelt 5926 Harbour Way, Sechelt $899,000 $549,900 West-facing Sechelt Inlet waterfront at its best! Beautiful pebble beach, year round secure moorage with legal foreshore. Very private and quiet property with 4 bedroom home and guest suite. Owners have been in the location for 30 years. All new decks and railings. Truly a magical spot! This property is a must-see property. Call Bob for appointment. MLS#V931920

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This new, 1946 sq ft rancher built by Clarke Hamilton has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with in-floor heating, granite counter tops, heat pump system and covered patio area. This home is in the new Porpoise Bay Trail subdivision which includes boat and RV storage. Easy walking distance to Sechelt Inlet beaches. MLS V920193

This 1.36 acre subdividable property in West Sechelt is a must-see! The gently sloping south view property can be easily hooked up to sewer for subdivision. The older 1268 sq ft, 3 bedroom home and 1200 sq ft shop is a great starting situation. Ideal for 2 homes and family investment. MLS V959395

4 The Local - Friday, January 4, 2013

Editorial Opinion

Resolutions are fun to talk about but setting goals is the way to go!


he holidays were great, and as everyone cleans up and gets back into their regular routines, it’s a perfect time to take advantage of the new year with some new beginnings for yourself. New Year’s resolutions are what most people talk about on New Years Eve and they appear to be a great way to motivate and push people towards things like eating better, saving money, getting more physically active, and generally becoming a better person. The problem is that these resolutions have been proven to have a small level of success. For some reason the whole idea of resolutions just seems flawed from the start; why is this? In fact most of these promises to ourselves are just too ridiculous. Resolutions do not succeed most of the time because of the lack of thought that goes into them. As the new year starts, they are just something to do because the person next to you decided to set a resolution and you thought you would join in on the fun. As it turns out, there is usually little to no accountability or timetable for these weak promises. The more successful approach is to work on setting a goal. Goals are not just things you mention four glasses of champagne later on New Year’s Eve. To set goals, one must take the time to reflect on their life circumstances, for this to be successful in any way. If you’re really trying to enact change in your life, it’s probably best to take a look at how to set a reasonable and attainable goal. There just might be more to it than you think. So, first look at your own circumstances and decide what you feel would help contribute to a more positive and happy life for you and your family. Second, set just one goal. Trying to set 5 or 6 goals can be overwhelming and just because it’s a new year, doesn’t mean there will magically be more hours in the day. It’s been estimated that your chances of success are around 80 percent if you just set one goal. Try to accomplish two goals at the same time and you’re chances of success drop down to about 20 percent for each goal. Thirdly the goal must have tight parametres. “I want to tone up my arms” isn’t good enough. Exactly what kind of shape do you want to be in? Exactly how much weight do you want to lose? You have to be more specific and the goal has to be measurable. There should be a number attached to your goal. To make your goal better defined also means setting a timeline to it. Remember to be realistic with the timeline. Unless you are unlucky enough to be selected to participate on The Biggest Loser (TV program), losing a large amount of weight in a short time period is not realistic. Finally, you must put your goal down in writing. I like the physical nature of using pen on paper, as it feels more real than just typing it into my phone or laptop. I heard it said once that if it’s not written down it’s not a goal, just a wish or a dream. So get out a piece of paper, write down your goal in detail, and post it in a place where you will see it everyday. Don’t be afraid to tell any friends or family about your goal, as it usually helps apply a bit of pressure and accountability to the task at hand. Overall the new year is a perfect opportunity to make some positive changes to your life. Goals are not easy to follow through with, so prime yourself with the knowledge that you will have some struggling moments to overcome in trying to keep your dream alive. Set yourself up by going one day at a time and don’t look at how hard it will be to keep it up all year. Once you have changed your routine, the goal you set will become easier to attain, and your happiness and well-being will follow suit. Have a healthy, happy and very prosperous new year. Jim Dorey, Editor

Letters to the Editor – Opinions An expensive glass of orange juice

I purchased two cans of frozen orange juice from a local grocery store. The next morning, my daughter, husband and friend had a glass of orange juice upon rising. Within an hour, they were very ill. My daughter was rushed to the hospital as she was violently sick. She was visiting from Alberta for the weekend and was too ill to return home as planned and had to catch a later flight which cost her $1000. She was a lactating mother and the dehydration caused her milk to dry up. My husband was equally as sick and both of them were not functioning fully

for at least a week. I approached the store where I purchased the orange juice at as the date on the can was four months past the selling date, on both cans. I completed the necessary forms requesting some compensation for this horrific experience, i.e. my daughter’s airplane ticket reimbursed. The response I received from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency stated that the onus is on the consumer to check all dates before purchasing a product. By law, the store cannot be held responsible for selling out of date products. This conjures many questions as to the moral

or ethical responsibility of our local stores. How difficult would it be to have the shelf stockers check dates on perishable foods or would that cut into their profits too much? As consumers, please be careful what you purchase. I believe we should demand our local stores take responsibility for selling potential lethal food. Carol G, Sunshine Coast

Making a sober decision The statement “If you drink, don’t drive” has been around for a long time. I think it would be more thoughtful if it was worded thusly: “If you are planning to drive, don’t drink”. Whether the drinker is

an alcoholic or a so-called social drinker, she/he generally drinks alcohol to alter his/her state of consciousness. Once taking a drink of alcohol, the drinker’s state of consciousness is usually altered to the point where she/he often believes they are at least among the best/ safest drivers when on the road. If a person is going to drive a vehicle, then BEFORE she/he has a drink, chances that the decision NOT to drink BEFORE driving will be made with a clear mind, not influenced by alcohol. Making the decision to drive AFTER having a drink puts the general public and the driver at risk. Donald Hensler, Gibsons

Street trees seek adoptive homes in Sechelt S

echelt residents can apply to have a free street tree installed in front of their property through the ‘Adopt a Street Tree’ program. In 2012, Sechelt planted over 80 trees under this partnership program. A total of $10,000 is being contributed in 2013 by Tree Canada and BC Hydro for the purchase of trees. Sechelt will contribute a similar amount to cover tree installation labour and program administration. Completed adoption applications are available on and must

be received by March 15, 2013. Residents can select from over 30 species of trees to adopt. As trees will be planted on District road allowances, height limitations may restrict choices for some locations. Staff will work with residents to find the best available tree for the location. Residents will be responsible for watering trees that they adopt. To get a good start, a healthy tree needs at least 3 to 5 gallons of water twice a week for the first two years. Additional watering during

hot, dry periods and in subsequent years may be necessary. “Establishing tree planting programs is one of the goals of Sechelt’s Urban Forestry Plan. With the help of our Street Tree program partners, we look forward to working with our residents to create a greener, healthier and more beautiful community,” said Sechelt Mayor John Henderson. For more information contact Connie Jordison, Communications Manager. Submitted

Volume 11 Issue 1

The Local - Friday, January 4, 2013 5

Real estate market update for the year of 2012 Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie Sunshine Coast Real Estate News

Detached listings There are 421 current detached listings and 462 sales year ending 2012. The current market’s hot price range is between $301,000 and $400,000, with 141 of the sales occurring in this price range. Comparing the previous year’s detached sales, in 2011 for the same time period we had 452 sales.

2012 finished off with 10 more sales than 2011 and I believe that 2013 will be an improvement on 2012. Attached Listing There are 141 current attached listings and 88 sales year ending 2012. With the current pace of sales, this represents a 19-month supply of listings. Comparing the previous year’s attached sales, in 2011 for the same time period, we had 94 sales. Attached listing represents strata unit apartments, condos and townhouses. So 2012 was not as good for attached sales. We finished

with six less sales than the previous year. We do see a corresponding sales ratio to detached sales, quite often as the detached sales increase so do the attached sales. The reason is as we get older we downsize from the family home to an apartment. If we cannot sell the family home then we cannot buy the other, so we just get more families living in our paradise Land listing There are 323 bare land listing and 62 sales year-todates. With the current pace of sales this represents a

65-month supply. Comparing the previous year’s bare land sales, in 2011 for the same time period we had 76 sales. I still feel this is great area for investment some of the lot prices will not cover the cost of servicing the lot. In my opinion we are going to see some improvements in the market next year and with construction costs down, this leads to great opportunities. The market was a little better for detached sales in 2012 on the Sunshine Coast than 2011. The de-

tached sales for the year by price zero to 300,000, with 102 sales; $301,000 to $400,000 with 141 sales; $401,000 to $500,000 with 95 sales; $501,000 to $600,000 with 50 sales; $601,000 to $700,000 with 24 sales, $701,000 to $800,000 with 18 sales; $801,000 to $900,000 with 11 sales, $901,000. $1,000,000 with six sales and over a million there were 15 sales So 2012 was not a stellar year and we can see by the numbers that if you were selling a home

below $400,000, your chances of selling were a lot higher. The question has come up that the average price on the Sunshine Coast has not come down from the highs of 2007/2008 that much. Why? The simple answer is that people are buying what they can afford and the average may not have come down much but a buyer is getting a lot more for their money. 2013 will be a better year. We will see the equity markets improving and some better headlines.

Hard times bring rise to Canadian philanthropy Biggest event so far this year!


Radio Station CKFM 91.7 on site Live, local band 11am - 3pm BBQ Raffle BBQ Lunch by donation Raising money for local charities.

As Canadians work at improving their own lives, they also strive to help the less fortunate. According to a recent report by BMO Harris Private Banking, charitable giving is on the rise in Canada. Almost 79 per cent of Canadians made a charitable donation in 2012, up from 68 per cent in 2011, and the average amount they gave has increased from $487 in 2011 to $557 this year. Interestingly, the average amounts of annual giving tend to increase with age. According to a Statistics Canada 2010 report, people aged 75 and older made average annual donations of $725, compared with $431 for those in the 35 to 44 range and $143 for those from 15 to 24. The BMO report also found that 45 per cent of Canadians donate on an ad hoc basis rather than having a specific strategy for giving. These donors should consider planned philanthropy as it can benefit both themselves and the charities. One example is the gifting of publicly listed securities, such as stock, bonds, and mutual funds to registered charities. A donor who

sells the shares of appreciated securities, and then donates the cash, is taxed on capital gains. However, if that person donates those shares directly, the charity issues a tax receipt based on the fair market value of the securities. The donor gets full value for a tax credit without the imposition of capital gains taxes. Efficient philanthropy can also be accomplished with RSPs where the donor names a charity as beneficiary of their registered plan. On death, the balance of the registered plan transfers directly to the charity and the estate receives a tax credit for the value on disposition. This can offset the tax on final income and effectively bypass probate fees. Flexibility is another advantage. The donor controls the RSP and, should circumstances necessitate a change, a new beneficiary can be designated. Insurance provides other options. In one, the donor purchases an annuity and a life insurance policy. The income stream from the annuity payments is used to fund the premiums on the life insurance, where the char-

ity is the named beneficiary. The donor benefits because the charity issues tax receipts for the premiums. At death, the charity benefits because it receives the proceeds from the life insurance policy taxfree. Charitable Giving or Donor Advised Funds are popular. These funds set up an endowment wherein the donor makes an irrevocable contribution of cash and other assets that are invested to maximize the worth of the donation and increase its value. Investors can set grant recommendations and choose which registered charities receive donations. In return they are provided with an immediate tax benefit that can be carried forward up to five years, and a philanthropic legacy continuing into the future. Philanthropy integrated with financial planning makes good sense but there are many options, so decisions should be made in concert with the specifics of your particular situation. Be sure to seek advice from a qualified tax professional when determining charitable giving strategies. Submitted

Solution to Crossword on page 6

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6 The Local - Friday, January 4, 2013


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behaviour patterns. Investments of time, money and focus will be required. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) A rising desire to take some bold initiatives will continue throughout 2013. The biggest challenge includes determining your direction. The future is the basic answer. This means you are ready for new experiences. A change of lifestyle that began about 2 years ago is a good area to look for answers. Ask: what constitutes the high road? Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) A process of building upon new foundations will continue in 2013. Deliberate action and efforts are implied. To this end you are experiencing an exciting creative and inventive cycle that will continue for the next several years! Yet, there is also a theme of ‘letting go and letting God’, in the mix. Balance a healthy measure of deliberate action and acceptance of endings. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) 2013 will prove to be a pivotal year for us all, and perhaps for you especially. Making the most or earned rewards from the past, cleaning up the mess of ‘bad’ choices and organizing your efforts to direct your energies to projects and causes that genuinely feel meaningful are the complex line-up. Clean and tie-up loose ends and prepare for expansion in June. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) You have arrived at a steep ascent to power. Deliberate effort and steady discipline is implied. Like climbing a great mountain, it is important that the segment that 2013 implies leaves you feeling strong and confident for the even steeper sections in 2014 and 2015. Patience is also extra important now. Keep showingup then take it one step at a time. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) A summons from your higher mind has been sounded. It is calling upon you to establish a more refined and healthy balance. By doing so you will both be able to access your intuitions more quickly and clearly and you will be ready for bigger opportunities and challenges to come. In 2013 intend more regularly to be still and silent to listen within, and take note then deliberate action, Arjuna!


30. Guiding light 32. Render unnecessary 35. A short novel 39. Douse 40. Expound 41. Kaffir corn 43. Sparrow hawk 44. Emissary 46. Countercurrent 47. Oxygen and helium, for example 50. Payola 53. Largest continent 54. Missing In Action 55. Field day

6. Mesh 7. American songbird 8. Gatekeeper 9. Feudal worker 10. String puppet 11. Awry 12. Fine thread 13. Seizes 18. Metric unit of area 24. Honest ___ Lincoln 25. Birds of peace 26. Gestures of assent 27. River of Spain 28. Affirm 29. Instigator 31. Cypher 33. Pains 34. Goon 36. Piecrust ingredient 37. Misled 38. Friend 42. Sorcerous 43. New Zealand parrot 45. Wound 47. Contests 48. Comment to the audience 49. Burn slightly 51. Enemy 52. Melodies 54. Untidyness 56. Scrabble piece 57. Computer symbol 58. Short sleeps 59. Delight 62. Got together

100% L

ACROSS 1. Cite 6. Connecting point 10. Kiln-dried grain 14. A kind of macaw 15. God of love 16. Dogfish 17. Harbinger 19. Hazard 20. Not greater 21. Mineral rock 22. Small island 23. Kingdom 25. Units of medicine 26. Close

go-ahead and/or get-ahead theme. If this has not begun for you yet, there reMichael mains time. Perhaps you O’Connor are not as clear and focused Astrologer as would be ideal to capitalize. Hold a vision for a brighter future that you can Tip of the Week: As is customary, I write commit to. an overview for each sign Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) Bringing your dreams for the upcoming trends and themes for the year. down to reality will conI also do a longer version tinue in 2013. A learnwhich is posted on my ing curve is implied, yet website. So the following its timeline will reach all is the short version of the the way to 2015. So, pahoroscope for the year – tience with the process is 2013. From the perspec- important. Learning from tive of numerology, when someone or undergoing added to a single digit, an apprenticeship makes 2013 = six, which is called sense. Your health is also the ‘universal number’ for a corner stone theme and the year! While there are is linked to the learning June 14, 2012 many calendars, this is the curve. Dovetail both for one we use and is the most best results. commonly accepted calen- Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) A creative wave is washdar in the Gibsons world. Because Legion 1101 we all agree that it is 2013, ing in and will continue the symbolism of it actually throughout 2013. This is works! This illustrates our your opportunity to do co-creative participation in something that reveals your life, which occurs at col- creative leadership. The lective as well as individual more inventive you are the levels. Six is the number of better. This is a call to emharmony and beauty. Many bark on new roads. If you managers have this number do look back, do so only Jan 4, 2013 strongly emphasized in to take the best and bring their numerology chart. It it forward in a fresh way. is also a number of culmi- Plan and prepare now then nations. In other words, launch near or after your number six represents the birthday. Leo1101 (Jul 22 – Aug 23) flower in fullClaytons bloom orcrossword the You have arrived at an ripe fruit on the vine. As a ‘growth cycle number’ important juncture. The six refers to a process of time has come to confront prioritization, time man- your fears – the ones hidagement and important ing in your subconscious. decision making. As a con- Basically, they are standing sequence of making such in the way of you actualimportant decisions, cer- izing a fuller measure of tain relationships, personal, your creative potential. It Jan 4, 2013 may be necessary to step professional or otherwise, will deepen while others, away from the limelight due to time restraints or for a while, to go within simply to lack of interest and do this ‘inner work’. or value… will end. So, Decipher what is your we can expect 2013 to be ‘gold’ then intend to defeat one in which we experience the fear dragons. many new developments Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) 2013 represents an imwhich will become evident portant and dynamic learnto everyone. Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) ing curve. The early signs A steady pace of change of what you will be learnthat began in the last ing have likely already been quarter of 2012 will con- revealed, especially since tinue and even accelerate September. New leads and in 2013. The process you directions and a pioneering are in may be described as approach are implied. The a metamorphosis. Yet, un- sooner you can clarify what like the caterpillar becom- is implied the better, so ing a butterfly, you can work to achieve this now. and do have a say in the Yet March is the probable outcome. Tune-in to the official start month. changes that are happen- Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) You are in a foundaing, decide how you envision the ideal result and tion building process. The cooperate with the process. challenge includes clearing Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) away the old foundations. 2012 was likely a very These may be literal as in busy one for you and the actual renovations, yet they same will largely be true in may also be or at least in2013. In the bigger picture, clude habitual beliefs, perthis is a window offering a ceptions, attitudes and/or


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PERSONALS Need help to lose weight? Join TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly) at a new location. Sechelt Activity Centre, 5604 Trail Ave. at 6:30pm on Wednesdays (phone 604-747-4755). Also in Gibsons, Frank West Hall on Chaster Rd. at 6:30pm on Thursdays (phone 604-886-8578). p13 Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. b08 If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. Toll Free 1-877-373-8255. www.sunshine btfn



Alvin Clifford

OLSON April 11, 1929 to December 11, 2012


It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Alvin Olson. He passed peacefully, surrounded by his family. Al was born in Lady Lake, Sask. He will be remembered as an avid fisherman, he was well travelled and loved to make others laugh with his many jokes and stories. Al is survived by his loving wife, Elaine, of 64 years; his children Cheryl, Randy, Wayne and Colleen; his grandchildren Christopher, David, Elissa, Bryson, Wesley, Tegan and Nicholas; his great grandchildren Emily and Jacob. Elaine and family would like to thank Dr. Robinson, the wonderful caregivers at Shorncliff and St. Mary’s Hospital. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Pender Harbour Health Clinic or St. Mary’s Hospital. A celebration of Al’s life will be announced at a later date.



dyslexiadoor offering five-day courses in:

Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn

APTS & SUITES Gibsons: 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo w/patios. Nat. gas F/P and inhouse laundry. $1100/mo, utils. extra. Call 778-839-0219. ptfn

k for AsOlson e 1101 WaynnObit

Sechelt: New seniors, 55+ mountain view apt, incls heat & HW. $775/mo, avail now. Contact Bob, 604-885-5962 Mon-Fri 8-4. btfn

Waynne Pretty



Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn Jan 4, 2013


For complete rental listings and photos visit our website:

Ask about our free 2-hour assessment


WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. B52


Feldenkrais® Classes for healthy, organized movements. Enjoy these gentle, no-sweat classes and eliminate pain, inhibited movement and restricted range of motion. Great for rehab as well as general maintenance. Tuesdays, 5-6pm, Davis Bay Community Hall. 604-885-9064 or silk-bri@dccnet. com btfn

Please GIVE to the

Retired hobbyist wants discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p01

Lost: Samsung Galaxy Ace cell phone the week of Dec.10/12. Reward. Call 604-740-6772. f01

Food Bank

Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.


With Personal Focus Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial

HOMES Gibsons: 3 bdrm twnhs featuring 1.5 baths, sm fenced yd, parking for 2 cars, gardener for lawns, sm pet nego. $1200/mo. Avail. Jan 1, call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.key b01 Davis Bay: 3 bdrm, 2 bth home w/ great view! 1900sqft, sundeck, 4 appls, NS, NP, avail. Jan. 1. $1350/ mo + utils. 604-740-8034 or 604886-4480. p02

SERVICE DIRECTORY Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash

This is your adWinter proof Services in the next issue of 604-740-0004 FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38


looking for interior work.

Excellent references from discerning clients. 20 years experience (15 on the Coast)

Nov. 10, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ tfn

Call Matthew Evans


Deadline for approval WE ACCEPT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AT: or changes is OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BYMonday PHONE: 604-885-3134 by 3:00 p.m. • BY EMAIL: c


If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.

Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-989-9663 ftfn

1100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MUSIC BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b05

Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-885Feb. 9, 2012 3281. btfn

1200 PETS FOR SALE Reg. Toy Poodle puppies, inoculated, vaccinated and tattooed. Silver, black, brown. $800 – $1000. Call 604-885-5420. p03


accepts donations to

Grandmothers and Grandothers Please give generously.

5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt


32” Sony colour TV w/cabinet. Great picture, older model. Call 604-885-7882. f01

Lost: Small gold/silver earring in Gibsons. Sentimental value. Call 604-886-2007. f01


Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn

Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt FREE April 5, 2012 Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721


Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-989-3401. bom

Sechelt: One bdrm, close to shops &Malaspina restaurants. NS,Realty NP. $695/1006 mo. Avail now. Call Key Property COMPUTERS Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keyproper Computer repair & network setup. In- home service. Reasonable b01 rates, 25 years experience. Call 604-865-0688. b04


Seasoned firewood and dump Dyslexiadoor 1014 runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn

CASH for your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b01

Sechelt: New seniors, 55+ ocean view apt, incls heat & HW. $925/ mo, avail now. Contact Bob, 604885-5962 Mon-Fri 8-4. btfn



Professional Services...


• Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement

Sechelt: One bdrm, newly reno’d corner ste. NS, NP. Avail now. $775/mo. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keyproper b01



RE: The Estate of Hedwig Pickl, deceased, formerly of 5359 Benner Road, Sechelt, BC. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Hedwig Pickl, also known as Hedy Pickl, are hereby notified under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should send to the under-signed executor, Robert B. Widdess, at 2078 Squaw Valley Crescent, Whistler, BC, V0N 3A2 on or before February 2013, after which date the Executor will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the Executor then has notice.

Robert B. Widdess, Executor




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20 Years on the Sunshine Coast



$6.00 + HST*



Issue Date: ___ 20¢ each additional word + HST


Some exceptions apply. Deadline Business advertising excluded from this offer.

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8 The Local - Friday, January 4, 2013


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