The Local December 20, 2012

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Local The

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year!

Sunshine Coast BC Weekly Community Newspaper • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year • Thursday, December 20, 2012


2008 EdGE LTd. AJ Pumps 1049



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2 THE LOCAL • Shop Locally • Thursday, December 20, 2012

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Local The

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year!

Sunshine Coast BC Weekly Community Newspaper • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year • Thursday, December 20, 2012


2008 EdGE LTd. AJ Pumps 1049

Leather heated seats, panoramic roof, low kms.



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2 The Local - Thursday, December 20, 2012

BC’s Grade 4 students among world’s top readers Roberts Creek Sign 1002

Hallmark INTERIORS Ltd. From now until Christmas,

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BC’s Grade 4 students are among the world’s top readers at their grade level 12, 2012 and had theJan. highest average score in Canada, according to a just-released international report. 1042 InHallmark 2011, Interiors 45 countries and nine Canadian provinces took part in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), one of the world’s most influential global assessments of reading literacy among young students. BC stuOctober 18, 2012 dents performed very well in PIRLS, achieving an average score significantly above both the are now using reading to Cocos Roofing learn. By Grade 4, readinternational and Cana- 1050 dian averages. BC was ing skills become the main recognized as one of the tool that enables and suptop seven jurisdictions in ports most other learning in school. the world. “As a teacher and a parThe PIRLS study provides participating coun- ent myself, I’m delighted tries and jurisdictions with with reading achievements comparative international of our Grade 4 students. information on how well For more than a decade, Dec. 13, 2012 we’ve made significant students can read after four years of elementary investments in early litschool. Grade 4 was cho- eracy programs, and as this sen for the study because it study shows, we’re seeing marks the transition point very positive results. Many thanks to BC’s teachers at which students already and parents for helping to have learned to read and

build the reading skills of students worldwide particiBC’s youngest learners,” pated in the survey, includsays Don McRae, Minister ing 23,000 Canadian stuof Education. dents from 1,000 schools. To further strengthen • In BC, 2,647 students at reading skills for young 148 schools were surveyed. learners in BC, the Min• The PIRLS survey reistry of Education recent- ports that BC students ly appointed Maureen have high levels of enDockendorf as superin- joyment of reading and tendent of reading. Dock- self-confidence in reading endorf is working with compared to the Canadian every school district to and international averages. improve reading skills • High levels of enjoyamong young students. ment of reading and selfAs part of BC’s Educa- confidence in reading are Selling the Sunshine TOPministry 20 tion Plan, the both associated with highLifestyle! REALTY has also dedicated an ad- Coast er achievement scores. ditional $10.7 million • In BC, parents reportLake 1050 ed engaging in high levels to advance Lily early reading strategies and practices for of literacy-related activikindergarten-to-Grade 3 ties with their child before students. he or she started school, “We’re working hard to and this high level of encreate a supportive culture gagement translated into of reading in BC schools higher levels of student and to increase the num- achievement. ber of engaged, successful • The BC Ministry of readers among our young Education invests over $28 Dec. 13, 2012 million in literacy-related learners. By ensuring more of our primary students are programs annually. reading for enjoyment and • Since 2001, the BC reading for information, government has invested our goal is to improve life more than $1.5 billion chances for all children,” in literacy and literacysays Maureen Dockendorf. related initiatives, includQuick Facts: ing pre-literacy and early • Approximately 325,000 learning programs.

BOB MICHOR 604-740-4735 Lockaand Wishing you Leave. very Merry Christmas and all the best for NO HST the coming year. from Brian and Bill Goodman 604-741-5819 • 604-989-0189

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Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the coming year.

The Local - Thursday, December 20, 2012 3

What does Sechelt stand for? Mayor, District of Sechelt


ith 2013 on the near horizon, I find myself reflecting on some fundamental values – starting with “What do I think Sechelt stands for?” Some of us were born here and others chose to make this their home, but regardless, I believe we all share one thing – we love our community. At the same time, we all have a responsibility to do what’s best for our town in order to grow and prosper. I believe that almost all citizens of Sechelt stand for a community that values Accountability and Respect. There is pride in being accountable and delivering on promises. And there is a sense of community in being respectful of each other. I expect each of you to hold your Mayor and Council accountable for the

Your family tradition… Woods, the Christmas Store Keep him smiling this holiday season with our delectable, hand-crafted chocolates, musical instruments, wood-turned creations or Gladiator seafood.

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loss by up to 10 per cent. 6. Give the gift of ENERGY STAR electronics, like TVs, DVD players and cordless phones. They use up to 30 per cent less electricity. 7. A ceiling fan can affect indoor temperature by 10 per cent. Spinning your ceiling fan in the clockwise direction produces a gentle updraft, which forces warm air near the ceiling down into the occupied space. 8. Close the damper tightly when the fireplace is not in use to dramatically reduce heat loss. If you only use the fireplace occasionally, install glass doors. They act as a barrier against warm air loss up in the chimney.

Meet the carver:


you could see a 10 per cent reduction on your bill. 3. Your heating equipment needs regular maintenance to increase energy efficiency and cost effectiveness, and to ensure the comfort of your family and holiday guests. 4. Stop throwing money out the window. Blinds or drapes provide insulation and prevent heat loss. Heat loss from windows can account for 10 to 25 per cent of your heating bill. 5. Use the extra hands around the house during the holidays to help you draftproof your home by sealing the gaps and cracks with caulking and weather stripping. This can reduce heat

Meet the author:

Sat. Dec. 22 • 11am-1pm


Save on your energy bill this holiday season S pend your money this holiday season on family, friends and all the great activities you have planned and not on electricity. BC Hydro is sharing eight simple tips that help save energy during the holidays. 1. LED lights use 90 per cent less electricity than regular lights, allowing you to light your tree for about a penny a day. 2. Reduce your home heating costs by five per cent by turning down the heat by two degrees. Use a programmable thermostat to automatically turn the temperature down by five degrees each night for eight hours while you sleep and



John Henderson

In 2013 and beyond, I hope Sechelt citizens will commit to living in a way that refuses to engage in negativity or give credence to unfounded comments that promote gossip but do little to offer facts. In this age of “instant information”, we need to ask lots of questions and research what’s really happening before believing everything we hear or read. It’s never a bad thing for each of us to think about how to make Sechelt a place where we can be more accountable and respectful and, at the same time, contribute constructive solutions. Your Council is working very, very hard for the betterment of Sechelt. I also acknowledge District staff for stepping up and responding magnificently to what has been a challenging year, no doubt. The good news is, 2013 is looking very bright for Sechelt. On behalf of all of us, my very best wishes to everyone for a wonderful holiday season!


Mayor’s Message

decisions we make. Equally, I want citizens to be respectful – of me, your Council and our community. In my view, it is cowardly to be anything but. In the past months, I have seen examples of people trying to blame others while refusing to be accountable themselves. I have witnessed community volunteers being abused and District staff being blamed by people who have not taken the time to verify their information. Individuals have written accusatory letters to the editor and spread misinformation on the internet without bothering to check their facts. Outsiders reading or hearing this sometimes dramatic commentary could well conclude that Sechelt is a dreadful place. And I ask you, does this help us achieve what we want for Sechelt? Does it help make people want to live and work here? I’m sure you would agree that the answer is a resounding NO!

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Merry Christmas!

4 The Local - Thursday, December 20, 2012

Editorial Opinion Love, generosity, devotion and Santa Claus


ith holiday lights up, evening caroling taking place and the local production of the Nutcracker Ballet in full swing, the spirit of Christmas is alive and well here on the Sunshine Coast. But lately I have heard some mumblings about whether Santa Claus really exists or not. My mother use to pull out a famous letter to the editor from a New York newspaper written in 1897 and read it to us as kids each Christmas and I thought it would be appropriate to share it with you this holiday season. Dear Editor: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, “If you see it in The Sun, it’s so.” Please tell me the truth. Is there a Santa Claus? Virginia O’Hanlon, 115 West 95th Street, New York City Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except what they can see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect – an ant in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if you did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders that are unseen in the world. You tear apart the baby’s rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Claus? Thank God he lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood. Francis P. Church’s editorial, “Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus,” was an immediate sensation. It went on to became one of the most famous editorials ever written and was reprinted annually until 1949 when the paper went out of business. Happy holidays. Jim Dorey, Editor

Letters to the Editor – Opinions $45 billion? Stephen Harper and Peter McKay have blatantly misrepresented the facts to the Canadian public about the costs of the F-35 program. The KPMG report has now put the costs at a whopping $45 billion. Typically, the PM and his lackeys are trying to bamboozle us with talk of a ‘Seven Point plan,’ whatever that is. The whole project should be reassessed in terms of what is most practical to meet our country’s needs, (i.e. do we really need a jet with ‘stealth’ capabilities to defend our sovereignty?) put out to tender and awarded to a company that would create jobs for Canadians. Stealth aircraft cost substantially more than conventional fighter jets and money saved on military programs such as these jets, could be used for essential social programs and maybe keeping the Kitsilano Coast Guard among other things! Bette Chadwick, Sechelt

Clean Sweep There’s been considerable criticism and negativity directed at our Mayor and Council of late. Of course there’s always a certain percentage, in any group, of complainers and whiners. They’re the ones whose ancestors would still be living in caves but for the efforts of a few more ambitious and forward thinking Neanderthals. Our Mayor and Council

were strongly appointed a year ago to right the ship and move forward to enhance and strengthen various aspects of our community. Unfortunately they inherited many dysfunctional components and problems from our previously elected group. They also inherited situations, completely unexpected, such as Sechelt Golf Course, Target Marine, Sea Wall destruction, Sink Holes and the previous Councils myopic approach to the new Sewage Treatment Plant. From my observations of 2 and 3 years ago, we had a governing body with no vision and various staff who were rude and arrogant at public meetings. They are supposedly civil servants. Servants perhaps not but at least civil they should be. Various people have ‘retired’ or been let go. It takes time to ‘right the ship’ and as they say, “A new broom sweeps clean.” I observe that the broom shouldn’t yet stop sweeping. The Mayor and Council have a very time consuming and demanding job for little remuneration. I commend them. We should be more supportive of their efforts. Geoff White, Sechelt, BC

Buying locally is the best deal With the holiday season upon us, I’d like to encourage all British Columbians to celebrate and support

our province by buying local products. Whether you’re choosing gifts or purchasing ingredients for Christmas baking or your holiday feast, please celebrate with BC foods. As Canada’s most diverse agricultural province, BC is a locavore’s dream. Fresh produce, including apples, potatoes, squash, turnips and vegetables, are all available for the holiday table along with local meats, seafood and eggs. BC also produces a huge range of value-added foods, including cereals, crackers, jams, honey, juices, dairy products and much more. Agrientrepreneurs continue to choose BC to achieve their goal of running a business, and their products offer British Columbians everything from artisan crafted foods and gourmet cuisine to delicacies from around the world. Building the local market for BC foods is a key component of government’s plan to lead the agrifoods sector growth into a $14-billion-ayear industry by 2017, and developing the local market for BC foods is part of it. The Lower Mainland region has the highest number of farms and highest farm gate values in the province. The region produces a variety of crops including greenhouse vegetables, floriculture, mushrooms, berries and field vegetables along with animal products including beef, pork, poultry and eggs,

and honey. BC agrifoods producers are encouraged to apply to our Buy Local program as successful applicants are already receiving funding to help market their products. The passion for local foods in BC has never been stronger, and this program supports government’s clear commitment to build local demand and support for BC foods. You can be part of this commitment. This year, please make a conscious effort to buy local. Every dollar you spend in your community stays in the community and helps stimulate our economy. Your support for local business, farmers and agrifoods producers is a wonderful gift to give. Norm Letnick, Minister of Agriculture Letters to the Editor are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. Letters are preferred by e-mail, however typewritten or legibly handwritten are acceptable. Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. Letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. All letters must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. E-mail letters to, or drop off at 5758 Cowrie St,, Sechelt, or mail to PO Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0. Deadline is Monday at noon.

Volume 10 Issue 51

The Local - Thursday, December 20, 2012 5

Woodcrafters donate toys

An annual tradition and in keeping with the holiday spirit, members of the Suncoast Woodcrafters Guild presented more than a 100 special hand-crafted wooden toys to Sunshine Coast Community Services Society for distribution through their North Pole Project for area disadvantaged children. A spe-

cial thank you for the generous grant from Sunshine Coast Regional District, big-hearted donations from Lehigh Materials and Sunshine Coast Community Forest, plus a portion of Woodcrafters’ membership dues made it possible to purchase materials to build these toys. Committee chair, Ken Walker said, “With

This should make you think… T

he Sunshine Coast RCMP have been kept busy with impaired motorists, taking seven impaired drivers off the roadway. On December 6, police responded to a multiple vehicle collision in the 200 block of Harry Road in Gibsons, where it was initially reported that a pedestrian was struck. Police arrived on scene and determined that two separate collisions had occurred. At approximately 5:30pm, a witness heard a vehicle hit the ditch outside of his home. He attended the scene with his vehicle equipped with a winch in order to pull the vehicle out. Another motorist had also stopped when a vehicle observed speeding down the hill, failed to slow and struck both roadside vehicles. The driver of the vehicle in the ditch, a 67 year-old Gibsons woman, failed a roadside test and was administered a 90 day Immediate Roadside Prohibition, after it had been determined that she was under the influence of alcohol. The driver of the vehicle that initiated the second collision, a 24 yearold Gibsons man, also failed a roadside screening device. He was administered a 90

day Immediate Roadside Prohibition and 30 day vehicle impoundment, after police noticed symptoms of intoxication. Additionally, he was found to be unlicensed and was issued a violation ticket. On December 9, at approximately 8:00 pm, police located a vehicle in Sechelt that had been reported as driving aggressively and tail-gaiting from Gibsons to Sechelt. The driver, a 24 year-old Langdale woman, displayed obvious signs of intoxication, failed a roadside screening test and was arrested for impaired driving. Her two year-old child was also in the vehicle. The woman provided two breath samples and was later released on a Promise to Appear for Impaired Driving and Driving a Motor Vehicle while over .08, and was issued a 24-hour Roadside Prohibition and a 90day Administrative Driving Prohibition. The woman’s mother attended the scene to pick up the child and the Ministry of Children and Families has been contacted. Sunshine Coast RCMP also took another four suspected impaired drivers off the road from December

6-8, including: a 18 yearold male allegedly under the influence of drugs, who received a 24-hour Roadside Prohibition as well as a violation ticket; a 49 yearold Sechelt woman who received a three day Immediate Roadside Prohibition for a ‘WARN’ reading, after being pulled over on Highway 101 near Field Road; and a 72 year-old Gibsons woman, who displayed symptoms consistent to smoking marijhuana, and was pulled over at 1:15am on Gibsons Way after swerving twice over the center line. She received a violation ticket for ‘driving without a licence’, and was issued 24-hour roadside prohibition, and had her vehicle impounded. On December 8, police witnessed a vehicle leave a parking lot near Mahan Road and Gibsons Way speed up and make a sweeping turn onto Pratt Road. The officer pulled the vehicle over and immediately noticed the driver, a 38 year-old Gibsons man, exhibiting signs of intoxication. The driver failed a roadside alcohol screening test and was given a 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition. The vehicle was impounded for 30 days. Submitted

wooden toys, children create their own world, they use their imagination, that is why we keep making toys, and it’s our way to give back to the community”. On hand for the presentation were Vicki Dobbin, Kelly Foley from Community Services and Laura Dixon from Lehigh.

2013 Schedule of regular council and committee of the Whole meetings Regular Council Meetings convene at 7pm with a closed meeting held before then at 4pm and Committee of the Whole Meetings convene at 1pm with a closed meeting held directly after. All meetings held in the Community Meeting Room, 1st floor, 5797 Cowrie Street, unless otherwise noted. JANUARY 9 ........ Committee of the Whole/Council 16........ Regular Council 23........ Committee of the Whole/Council FEbruary 6 ........ Regular Council 13........ Committee of the Whole/Council 20........ Regular Council 27........ Committee of the Whole/Council MARCH 6 ........ Regular Council 13........ Committee of the Whole/Council 20........ Regular Council 27........ Committee of the Whole/Council

JULY 3 ........ Regular Council 10........ Committee of the Whole/Council 17........ Regular Council 24........ Committee of the Whole/Council AUGUST 7 ......... Regular Council 14........ Committee of the Whole/Council 21........ Regular Council 28........ Committee of the Whole/Council SEPtEmbEr 4 ........ Regular Council 11........ Committee of the Whole/Council 25........ Committee of the Whole/Council

APRIL 3 ........ Regular Council 10........ Committee of the Whole/Council 17........ Regular Council 24........ Committee of the Whole/Council

OctObEr 2 ........ Regular Council 9 ........ Committee of the Whole/Council 16........ Regular Council 23........ Committee of the Whole/Council

MAY 1 ........ Regular Council 8 ........ Committee of the Whole/Council 15........ Regular Council 22........ Committee of the Whole/Council

NOvEmbEr 6 ........ Regular Council 13........ Committee of the Whole/Council 20........ Regular Council 27........ Committee of the Whole/Council

JUNE 5 ........ Regular Council 12........ Committee of the Whole/Council 19........ Regular Council 26........ Committee of the Whole/Council

DEcEmbEr 4 ........ Regular Council 11........ Committee of the Whole/Council 18........ Regular Council

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of service


33. Not late 34. Consumed food 37. Agreeable 38. Lengthways 39. Smack 40. East Indian tree 41. Bypass 42. Not fresh 43. An outstanding achievement 45. Bad treatment 49. Be unwell 50. Get hold of 53. Intimidate 57. Inherent

100% L

ACROSS 1. Iridescent gem 5. A Musketeer 10. Contributes 14. Big party 15. Crystal-lined rock 16. Red vegetable 17. Pitcher 18. Replaceable 20. Chic 22. Ordinance 23. Terminate 24. Lawful 25. Significant 32. Delete

7. Jump 8. Poems 9. Dispatched 10. Decrease 11. Remove errors from 12. Greek letter 13. Metal 19. Dawdle 21. Initial wager 25. Transmit 26. Murres 27. Not front 28. Connection 29. Corrupt 30. Angry 31. Completely 34. Wings 35. After-bath powder 36. Type of sword 38. “Eureka!” 39. Spike heel 59. Rip 41. Besmirch 60. Abound 42. Whirl 61. Any animal with no feet 44. Fire warden 62. A tart spicy quality 45. Critical 63. Makes a mistake 46. Silly mistake 64. Giver 47. Not over 65. Chocolate cookie 48. Stalks 51. Attired DOWN 52. Misprint 1. Curved molding 53. Annul 2. Part of a rachet 54. Back 3. Away from the wind 55. Windmill blade 4. Generous gifts 56. Therefore 5. Order of business 58. Charged particle 6. Words


Horoscope December 21 to December 27 Gilligans 1050

wonderful gift. P.S. Merry Christmas! Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Michael Th e time has come for the O’Connor rock to roll. Okay, bad pun Astrologer but it serves to illustrate the verb in your vibe. Change is upon you whether you Tip of the Week: 13, 2012 would have it or not! The Happy Solstice, theDec. most celebrated one ever! A new good news is that, as said round of the 5125 Year-Long you are on a roll. It is time to Count Calendar begins, and graduate, to advance to the this is the first of five.Is it next level. There is no turnany wonder why the Clas- ing back. Get excited, get sical Mayan Astronomer/ creative and get going! Astrologers Priests, the ven- Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) Some cycles are bigger, erated ‘Keepers of Time’ considered this the ‘most deeper, more intense or insignificant event in human volved and passionate than history’? That this ‘Great others, like the current one. Cycle’ begins and ends with A steady deepening of comWinter solstice is due to the mitments with a long-term deep respect given to the focus on the future is feacycle of the Sun. Though it tured. Yet rather than feel Juneof14, plays the role the2012 ‘seconds contracted, you feel expanhand on the clock’, its qual- sive, exuberant and willing. ity far outweighs its quantity Yes, the work load is heavier than it used to be but you are as a measurement time. 1051 GibsonsofLegion Hardly a mere object in the okay with that. Go figure! sky, the Sun may best be un- Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) While the focus remains derstood as the nucleus, the brain center, of the ‘galac- on health and strengthentic cell’ of the solar system. ing your overall constitution With the Helio Pause and and/or fortifying your base Bow Shock literally forming continues, you want to get the skin membrane of the out, to play. Meeting new solar system, this is more people is in the mix. Experi2012encing the unexpected with than a metaphor. Dec. From20,this perspective, we actually live people has been a standing in the expanded body of the theme for a while and you sun! This holistic percep- are ready for a change that tion of reality reveals wholes way. Expect to take new crossword 1051 leads this week. within an everClaytons greater whole. Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) From cells to bodies to famiOh to be free of fear and lies, communities, regions, towns, cities, provinces, worry. It sounds easy, so why states, countries, continents, isn’t it? Too much thinking is planets, solar systems, galax- the classic issue. Some would ies, and the universe itself, say excess lower mind, that each level is whole within of the ego. Worry can be ever greater wholes. This ho- interpreted as caring, but it listic world view reveals a self- actually does not help much, Dec. 20, 2012 evident order and intelligent if at all. Practicing being design woven into the very present in the moment with fabric of existence. In this re- ‘what is’, is the classic solugard, we recognize ourselves, tion. Genuine gratitude for humanity, our planet and life helps and meditation is all the species upon it to be the real deal. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) significant parts of life. This Your world is opening up re-wakened realization frees us from the purely linear, in new and exciting ways. materialistic model that sees With the crack in the door us as apart from life, and and the light coming in you therefore separate and vul- are wise to do what it takes nerable. The deepest reaches to swing it wide open. Layof science have worked hard ing claim to latent gifts and to prove the timeless postu- talents meanwhile, is stirlations of mystics. Rejoice, ring at deeper levels. These a great new cycle has begun require vision and courage. and a new yet ancient world If you are having trouble view is born anew. What a seeing this light, seek counsel and do it now! Virgo (Aug 231051 – Sep 22) Laedeli A dynamic learning curve continues and the lessons are coming from all angles, some unexpected. The time is right to flirt with new possibilities. The tried and true, at least in some areas, is beginning to lie. Since Merry Christmas! two wrongs don’t make a your best option is to Dec. 20, 2012 THANKS and Happy Holidays right, redirect your focus towards more truthful, stable and reliable sources.


Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons BC

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) It is said that the karmic lords never sleep and they never forget. Life knows who we are, what is owed to us and what we owe. Graceful acceptance of the dues and penalties as well as the rewards is a sign of true wisdom. Reaction, blame and self-pity only serve to deepen the suffering. Fortunately, the light of a new day is steadily growing. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) A pioneering mood is lingering. You have been seeking new answers, insights and leads. Now you may have to contend with deciphering which ones are the best. The likely answer is those that stand to reach furthest into the future. The best choices usually involve a tight weave between health and a genuine sense of service, which is truly a privilege to render. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) You are in the mood to enter new territory. Yet, you may feel both called within and without. To reconcile this conflict consider the famous lyrics, “You gotta get in to get out.” Listening to your inner voice and heeding its urgings is the ageless wisdom. Be extra careful of excessive logic now. To trust your feelings, acknowledge them and feel your silent truth. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) The returns for many of your past efforts are rolling in now. Hopefully they are the kind you want. You may feel the need for some time out to manage the flow effectively. Be deliberate and concise with your communications, unless the exchange is deep, sincere and valuable. Your ability to make fine distinctions now is at a peak, make the most of it. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) You are in the mood to cut loose, get away, break free. A creative diversion might help. Yet, you may feel duty bound and restricted. How can you take good care of yourself in this stressful cycle? Patience is one way. The coming New Moon cycle will bring some needed relief. That is in one week. Accept this time as one of building character. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Getting the attention you feel you want and deserve is a current focus. A learning curve is implied. Perhaps you need to increase your social media skills or learn how to ask for a raise. Either way, it is important that you be proactive and give to the situation. Your confidence levels should be rising steadily these days so ride that wave!

The Local - Thursday, December 20, 2012 7

Wrapping up your home for the holidays Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie Sunshine Coast Real Estate News


ne thing that I find at this time of year if you have someone out looking at homes, they are a buyer ready to buy In the movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Clark Griswold may have gone a little overboard with his Christmas lights, but if he was selling his house, he may have had the right idea. “Great decorations really set the tone for the holidays, a time when you can showcase your house in a different way to highlight areas that normally may not stand out,” said Amy Cornwell, President/ Lead

Designer for Creative Impressions, which specializes in seasonal decorating. By creating a festive atmosphere, a home seller allows perspective buyers to envision what their holidays will be like in the property—complete with a beautiful tree, stockings hung from the fireplace mantels and the smell of Christmas cookies in the air. “Buyer’s associate a sense of ‘home’ through the traditions and memories of holiday décor,” Cornwell said. “It’s a great way to attract buyers.” Nighttime is when many perspective buyers are driving around looking at houses, and nothing will slow them down more than a great Christmas light display. “A well-designed display adds festive elegance to a home, and highlights

the already-present features of the property,” said Brandon Stephens, vice president of Marketing at The Decor Group, Inc., Lubbock, Texas, specializing in interior and exterior holiday decorating. In fact, consider holding an open house at night, when you can serve hot chocolate and better show off the Christmas lights, holiday decorations and all that the house has to offer. Here are some simple suggestions to ensure your home captures the holiday spirit without interfering in the real estate process: • Keep decorations to a minimum so you don’t block views, make rooms feel smaller and disrupt the natural flow of the home. Consider a smaller tree and store gifts in another room.

Holiday movies to get you in the mood

A Child’s Christmas in Wales


here’s still time for a look at “Holiday Movies You’ve Probably Never Heard Of.” Try the little British offering Nativity, with Martin Freeman of Sherlock and The Hobbit fame. It’s a low-budget charmer about a failed actor-nowteaching-assistant at an elementary school who gets corralled into directing the annual nativity play. There’s a serious rivalry with another school and (of course) a girl to impress, so he recklessly promises on the basis of his old history that Hollywood reps will be coming to view the play. The film is hilarious for both kids and adults. It has original songs, some live animals and the children are

truly wonderful – all locally sourced – not professional. Then, there is my personal favourite, watched every Christmas Eve for 25 years in our home: A Child’s Christmas in Wales with Denholm Elliott. Yes, it is a rendering of the Dylan Thomas piece, with Elliott playing a grandfather reminiscing about past Christmases with his grandson. It’s an hour of quiet joy, gentle humour and lovely Welsh carols. Sigh, I can hardly wait to settle down with it again. Here’s an oldie; in 1940, five years before he made his ‘other’ holiday favourite, Jimmy Stewart did a little piece called The Shop Around The Corner. It is set in a

2 Hour Sale

! 50% off in the stores BOXING DAY - NOON TO 2PM


The Landing: 451 Marine Dr. Gibsons 604-886-3818

• Incorporate fresh evergreen or rosemary into your decorating for a classic look and to promote “the Christmas tree smell.” • Make sure light strings and extension cords are tucked away for everyone’s safety. • Leave a plate of holiday cookies and warm cider or cocoa for prospective buyers. The holidays are emotional times for most people, including home shoppers. Holiday decorations presented tastefully and sensibly, can help you wrap a bow on your home for just the right buyer. From my family to yours I would like to wish you the love, warmth and hope that is represented in the words ‘Merry Christmas,’ may you have a safe and happy holiday season.

Please give to the Food Bank

family-run gift shop in Budapest of all places. Stewart is a long-time and lovelorn salesman who is deeply into a pen-pal relationship with a woman he is determined to marry. Unbeknownst to him, as they’ve never met, she gets a job in his shop, where they find they can’t stand one another. Sound familiar? It was remade as You’ve Got Mail. I think this is the better film. There’s a sincerity and warmth to it that draws you in. Hope you enjoy these! Happy holidays!

Take a Stroll in

SECHELT Peggy Sues 1051

New Year’s Eve HOEDOWN DANCE with THE COUNTRY BOYS & FRIENDS at Roberts Creek Hall Tickets $20 at Coast Books, MELOmania, Woods Showcase, Strait Music

Give the perfect gift this Holiday Season Gift Certificates Gift Baskets Manicures Pedicures Tanning Hair Massage Gel Nails Waxing Professional Hair & Body Products Eminence many more gift ideas

Win Our Christmas Gift Basket

One entry per $50 spent on Christmas Gift Giving Clip out this ad and bring in to receive 5 entry tickets!

Come in to talk with our staff to help you with the perfect gift whether it’s for family, a friend, a colleague, there’s always something for everyone at… Trail Bay Mall, Sechelt 604-885-3616

• jewelry • beeswax candles • glass • • pottery • paintings • prints • soap • • chocolate • tea • coffee• toys & more

All locally made!

local artisan shop & gallery open daily to December 24

5721 Cowrie Street, Sechelt | 604.741.0760

Season’s Greetings

La Bella Vita 1051

Season’s Greetings!


Nov. 20, 2012

Free wine bottles or 10% off for 1st time customers

Tyrel Elzinga

Wine Maker – Sommelier


5666 Cowrie St. 778-458-3550

from Marilynn, Bill, Melody & Billy Ayres, and Emma

#3 - 5647 Cowrie Street,

Sechelt BC, 604-885-4802

Red Line Shoe A standing ovation in flooring!


Watch for our new location in 2013.

bed & bath collections

Dec. 20, 2012

from the coast

fresh invites you to buy locally and locally made!

Reflections 1050



Dec. 22, 2011 Gift line now in for Christmas

5668 Cowrie Street,

Sechelt 604-885-4893

49 /sq.ft.

5710 Teredo St., SecheltNov. 20, 20 (in Teredo Square) 604-740-0551

Email: Website:

Open Tuesday to Friday 9:30-5 • Saturday 10-4

Tile Hardwood Carpet Laminate Cork Vinyl


Still time to frame Nov. 13, 2012 with materials in stock

5685 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-740-2660

Beside Sergio’s Pizza

8 The Local - Thursday, December 20 , 2012

Pay for 2 weeks and get the 3rd week FREE!*

Local The

CLASSIFIED CATEGORIES 100 – Announcements 200 – Community Notices 300 – Marketplace - General 400 – Automotive 500 – Marine 600 – Construction 700 – Real Estate 800 – Rentals 900 – Travel 1000 – Employment 1100 – Professional Services 1200 – Pets 1300 – Business Opportunities 1400 – Legal and Public Notices 1500 – Too late to Classify


CLASSES Feldenkrais® Classes for healthy, organized movements. Enjoy these gentle, no-sweat classes and eliminate pain, inhibited movement and restricted range of motion. Great for rehab as well as general maintenance. Tuesdays, 5-6pm, Davis Bay Community Hall. 604-885-9064 or silk-bri@dccnet. com btfn



OFFERS / $145,000 Big Maples Beauty! 103 - 4510 S.C. Hwy.

Sechelt: New seniors, 55+ ocean Bigincls Maples for $925/ sale view apt, heat & HW. mo, avail now. Contact Bob, 604885-5962 Mon-Fri 8-4. btfn

300 MARKETPLACE MISC. FOR SALE Pine bookshelves, $35/ea. Three or more $30/ea. Call 604-885-8952. p51

55+ park in Wilson Creek


Manufactured home, 2 bdrm, bungalow. Adult oriented, 865 sq.ft. detached, 8 x 12 wrkshp. Covered 2-car carport. 12 x 20 sundeck Mike Carson 604-885-3295


Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn



Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn Ashleys 1048


Come in for great deals on books, records, CDs, tapes & prints.

5500 TRAIL AVE, SECHELT UPCOMING EVENTS RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen open Monday - Friday. 604-886-9813 btfn

PERSONALS Need help to lose weight? Join TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly) at a new location. Sechelt Activity Centre, 5604 Trail Ave. at 6:30pm on Wednesdays (phone 604-747-4755). Also in Gibsons, Frank West Hall on Chaster Rd. at 6:30pm on Thursdays (phone 604-886-8578). p13 Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. b08 If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. Toll Free 1-877-373-8255. www.sunshine btfn


Retired hobbyist wants discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p01

FREE Nov. 29, 2012 32” Sony colour TV w/cabinet. Great picture, older model. Call 604-885-7882. f01


Lost: Samsung Galaxy Ace cell phone the week of Dec.10/12. Reward. Call 604-740-6772. f01 Lost: Ladies wedding ring; plain, wide gold band. Downtown Sechelt. Call 604-989-5039. f51 Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.


Food Bank c


Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial

Serving the Sunshine Coast Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Dyslexiadoor 1014 Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721

1978 Buick Skylark, 150,000kms, exc. running cond. $2000. Call 604-886-1242. p51

Please GIVE to the

Professional Services...




For complete rental listings and photos visit our website:

With Personal Focus

• Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement



The Local is a weekly community newspaper on the beautiful Sunshine Coast and we’re looking for another enthusiastic Advertising Sales Representative to work with our great Sales Team. While experience would be an asset, we’re looking for a Sales Rep who: • Is fun, outgoing, observant, loves people and is energetic • Owns a reliable vehicle and cell phone • Works to deadlines and is organized • Is willing to learn something new and interesting • Is able to think quickly, develop creative solutions and has a good memory • Is good at spelling, grammar and punctuation • Is conversant with computers • Works well alone and with a supportive team • Has a good attitude and willingness to follow direction

COMMERCIAL Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-885-3281. btfn

Dec. 13, 2012 OTHER Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn

Advertising Sales is an important part of our business and we are looking for someone who will not only provide outstanding service to our clients but will develop a relationship of trust with them. The Local is growing and evolving, and we need good people who will grow with us and show clients that excellent service and amazing results come in small packages.


Submit your resume to: 1051 Strait Music Karen Peterson, Sales Manager/Publisher Email: P.O. Box 494, 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Phone 604-885-3134 Fax: 604-885-3194

So Many Stocking Stuffers

Deadline for submissions: Dec. 21, 2012

Dec.13, 2012

#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802

Dec. 120, 2012

SoMalaspina Much More Realty Than 1006 Just a Music Store #3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802

Guitars, Drums, Ukes!

Feb. 9, 2012

#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802


WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. B52


Ask fonre Wayn

offering five-day courses in:

Ask about our free 2-hour assessment

Immaculately renovated, new paint, stove, gas fireplace, underground parking, ground floor level entry, 983 sq.ft., two bdrm, two bath, southern exposure, large sundeck off master and living room. Save MLS commission fees of over $10,000! $227,500. Try your offer with Norm, or call to view: 604-741-1755

Lost: Small gold/silver earring in Gibsons. Sentimental value. Call 604-886-2007. f01

Waynne Pretty


The Osprey

#307–5855 Cowrie St., Sechelt

Local is looking for YOU! The

CASH for your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b51



Solution to Crosswords on page 6

HOMES Davis Bay: 3 bdrm, 2 bth home w/ great view! 1900sqft, sundeck, 4 appls, NS, NP, avail. Jan. 1. $1350/ mo + utils. 604-740-8034 or 604886-4480. p02

APTS & SUITES Gibsons: 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo

April 5, 2012w/patios. Nat. gas F/P and in-

house laundry. $1100/mo, utils. extra. Call 778-839-0219. ptfn

Purses, Scarfs, Hats, Bling Polar Feet, Zebra Stripes #3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802

Open Sunday 12-4 Open Monday 10-4 #3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802 BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b05

OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL:

One Straw Society project coordinator position available. Part-time, annual contract to promote local food system & policy. Details: www. or email Apply by Dec 31, 2012. p51

WORK WANTED - GENERAL Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-989-3401. bom

Sechelt: New seniors, 55+ mountain view apt, incls heat & HW. $775/mo, avail now. Contact Bob, 604-885-5962 Mon-Fri 8-4. btfn



Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-989-9663 ftfn


$6.00 + HST*


20¢ each additional word + HST


Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.

The Local - Thursday, December 20, 2012 9

Street banner artists 900 TRAVEL

1200 PETS



Sunpeaks Resort. Ski-in/ski-out 2 bdrm, 2 bath townhouse w/full kitchen and hot tub. Sleeps 8. 604740-6201. b52

Reg. Toy Poodle puppies, inoculated, vaccinated and tattooed. Silver, black, brown. $800 – $1000. Call 604-885-5420. p03


Christmas Shopping




VISIT BOOTHS #1 and #21

bmoroz 1050

at Mosaic Market in Davis Bay

$ CASH $

Johnny Walker 1051

Dec. 13, 2012



Dec. 20, 2012


20 Years on the Sunshine Coast


Seasons Greetings Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure TWash Smith

Oak Tree 1051

BLACK FOREST HAM ............ $2.99/LB.

604 -740-0004

6 PACK,Date SAVE $2.00!

FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~ tfn


TJS Lawn Care CALL NOW FOR FALL/WINTER CLEAN-UP • Cutting • Edging • De-Thatching • De-Mossing • Fertilizing • Liming • Aerating • Yard Clean-Ups Excellent rates • Satisfaction guaranteed!

604-886-1242 b51 Winter Services


small engine repairs 1049 STEAKS OR ROASTS, $6.59 / KG.

New & used parts & tools, lawn mowers, chainsaws, outboards, motorcycles, ATVs Chinese/Japanese. free pick ups • house calls Satisfaction Guaranteed



to all of our customers

Small Engine Repairs


Congratulations to the street banner recipients (all elementary students, Gibsons to Sechelt) whose images will now get transferred to banners to be placed on Cowrie and Wharf Streets next year. The Boys 951

TURKEY PEPPERONI .................$9.99EA. FROZEN, 2 PACK Great Team............................ 1033 $9.99/LB. VEALAsian CUTLETS

ASIAN TEA EAT R G SERVICES OFFERED: M • windowTJS washing Lawn Care 1049 • gutter cleaning • moss removal Dec. 6, 2012 • siding scrub • power washing SAN REMO, SLICED OR WHOLE, 398 ML. • commercial cleaning ............................ LICENSED WCB BONDED ASSORTED December 29 issue: Aug. 16,......................................... 2012 Cell: 604-740-4204 Deadline for Display and Classified Off: 604-886-4862 advertising is Wednesday, ORGANIC LADY BUG, 1L.Dec. 21. Our office will be open through ............................ Date until 5 pm December 23.

Open 10-5 Christmas Day



3/$5.00 3/$5.00 3/$10.00

Our office will be closed December 26 and 27; office hours will resume as usual from December 28 through to the 30th. ............................................

99¢EA. ORGANIC GALA APPLES............................. $1.39/LB. AVOCADOES


MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. Dec. 21 to Thurs. Dec. 27 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411

MANAGEMENT LTD. Extends Christmas Greetings & Best Wishes to all, for a positive, safe and prosperous 2013! Dec. 20, 2012

Current listings available for viewing at or on Craig’s List over the holiday season

Wendy is Back! Hairstylist • Colourist

...and is taking appointments for the holidays. Flexible hours from Wednesday - Saturday

Wishing you the best of the Season, Good Health and Happiness for the New Year of 2013

Artistic Image Group 15 - 292 Gower Pt. Rd.



TRADING POST • Bake Shop • Used Marine •100% Wool Carpets • Used Books • Jewellery • Antiques & Collectibles • Coin, Stamp, Hockey Cards • VHS, DVDs, CDs, Records, Vintage Games • Quality Used Ladies’ & Men’s Clothing • Infant & Children Wear, 0-10 sizes

1 - 292 Gower Point Road open daily 10-5 Stroll Gibsons 1051

The MARKET Stroll Trading Post 1042

in Molly’s Lane

• Fashions • Unique Gifts • Antiques • Toys and soOct.much more! 18, 2012 We’re not just for tourists anymore… Open 7 days a week • 604-886-4117

Stroll Market Mollys Lane 1042 celebrate your body celebrate YOU! accessories, lifestyle products and fashions in sizes small to 3X

Oct. 18, 2012

453 Marine Dr. 604-886-4119

Stroll Bodacious 1048

Sunshine Coast


Gibsons Landing, BC, V0N 1V0


One Book – Once a Year! Keep Coast Books Here!

Nov. 29, 2012

#303 - 287 Gower Point Rd.,

Stroll Blackberry

PO Box 520 Oct. 18, 20 #305 - 287 Gower Pt. Rd. Gibsons BC, V0N 1V0 604-886-7744

10 The Local - Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas and Every Happiness In the New Year Staff & Crew

Photo courtesy Yvonne Paulson, Coast Reporter

The Local - Thursday, December 20, 2012 11

Your Coast Photos


Email your photos to:

Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!




Top: Coming down Jensen. Bottom: Davis Bay flood

Photos by Leonard Stott

Christmas donation

…extends sincere thanks to the sponsors, donors and artists who contributed to the success of our third annual Habitat Harvest, held November 30, 2012. Sponsors/Donors

In the spirit of the season Charlene Haugen was the happy recipient of a scooter donated to her by Kenneth Law at MediChair. Missing from the photo is Patricia Geddes who orchestrated the donation and they have one more to give away in the early new year.

Donating Artists

Industrial Alliance Pauline Hurley Northern Divine Caviar Kathi Dunlop Harbour Air Seaplanes / Westcoast Air Manon Staiger Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club Ursula Bentz More Café and Bakeshop Stephen Murphy Rainbow Room Salon June Malaka Executive House Hotel Ken Walters FLY Marshall Mar Mary Bentley Katie Janyk Fairmont Hotel Vancouver Derek Alltree Tantalus Resort Lodge Theresa Lee Scandinave Spa Jan Poynter Pauulet Hohn Tinhorn Creek River Stone Estate Winery Lake Breeze Mt. Boucherie Thanks to all of you and our many hard working volunteers throughout 2012, two more Habitat Starbucks

families will be enjoying their new homes at Sunshine Coast Village in Wilson Creek this Christmas!

12 The Local - Thursday, December 20, 2012


Happy Holidays from Everyone at The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy


$10 off

We, at The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy want you to stay healthy during the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season. your next front store purchase when you spend over $ 60.

Don’t let your body’s defenses get run down. Make sure you get plenty of rest, eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly and keep to your medication regime. Drop by to see us. We look forward to caring for your health in 2013.

6 - 4330 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-740-5813 *Must present this ad. Not valid toward prescriptions. Other restrictions may apply. See in store for more details.

in Wilson Creek Plaza • Ken Grunenberg, Owner/Pharmacist full PresCriPtion & delivery serviCe Gibsons to seChelt Medicine Shoppe 1051


Wishing Happy Holidays and a Great New Year to our Friends and Customers!

Thank you for your incredible support for the last 3 years and thanks for welcoming our new store to our downtown neighbourhood. Love Norm & Diane.

Dec. 20, 2012

5660 Cowrie Street • Sechelt 604-885-5884

Imagine Peace

ReDecor_ReFurniture 1051

Dec. 20, 2012

take an additional

take an additional

take an additional

take an additional

take an additional



Loc all y


Large selection of naturaL bath and beauty products

Open: Mon. to Fri. 9am - 6pm saturday 10 am - 2 pm Closed sunday


REFurniture • Reused • Refurbished • Recycled • Refurnitured

5520 Inlet Avenue • Sechelt 604-989-4838



12 The Local - Thursday, December 20, 2012

2 The LocaL • Shop Locally • Thursday, December 20, 2012 4 THE LOCAL • Shop Locally • Thursday, December 20, 2012

Boxing week sale Dec. 26 to Jan. 3 TVs

TraiL Bay MaLL,

Small Town Service with Big Box Prices

SecheLT 604-885-2568

Guitars and Accessories

LED TV with BUiLT-in Wi-Fi, 120 Hz 99 and 46” $ 99 42” $




Guitars & Accessories,

32” LED$ 32L53450

strings & cables

39” LED

20% off

50” LED



60 HZ $



99 60 HZ $


42” LED 3D 42LM3400

in sTock iTEMs onLy

52” LED BUiLT-in Wi-Fi,




120 Hz Lc52LEG54oU



70” LED 3D QUATTRon Lc70LE847oU

480 Hz, Ultra slim







on SaLe!

2499 $ 99 39 $ 99 49 $ 6499 $ 99 79 $

External Hard Drive

wiTh any GaMe purchaSe! HALo 4 T-sHiRT

sinGLE HAnD sETs

500GB DE6500 $ 99




2 HAnD sETs W/ AnsWERinG MAcHinE 3 HAnD sETs W/ AnsWERinG MAcHinE 4 HAnD sETs W/ AnsWERinG MAcHinE

MG2120 Reg. $8999


58 MX680 $ 58 oMX680 $ 58 cX680 $ 98 PMX680 $

new for 2013! Home for

48 HD 203 $ 88 HD 215 $ 108 HDModel280shown $ 158 HDPRo380 $ 238 HD 25-1 ii $



Reg. $19999 SALE $




$ 99



Pro Audio Headphones


USB Drives





3D WiTH Wi-Fi $


(May not be exactly as shown)




WiTH Wi-Fi $


available by mid-January

Local The

weekly Community newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, british Columbia, Canada 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194

email: • website: • office hours Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm free of charge at newsstands and on B.C. Ferries, LangdaLe to HorsesHoe Bay route.

mailed SubSCriPTionS in Canada, $32.65/mo. Call 604-885-3134 to subscribe

adverTiSing inquirieS: Phone: 604-885-3134 Contact karen PeTerSon, email: Advertising Sales Manager or wendy Huber, email: Classified Advertising Sales

How To SubmiT a ClaSSified ad: mail, phone, fax, email or drop off your ad with payment to: The local, P.o. Box 494, 5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: or drop off ad with payment at TAkE 5 VIDEo, North Road, Gibsons inquire about our special rates for obituary notices. How To SubmiT ediTorial TexT: email your editorial to: • SuBMITTED EDIToRIAl MuST BE RECEIVED ElECTRoNICAlly (typed or hand-written will not be accepted) • In most cases, editorial submissions must be prearranged with the editorial department • Editorial must adhere to specific word counts • use of proper English, spelling and grammar is appreciated • Submission does not guarantee publication • We reserve the right to edit all submissions • limit press releases to 300 words. How To SubmiT a leTTer To THe ediTor: email your letter To The editor to: • letters to The Editor are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. • Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. • All letters must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. This publication reserves the right to refuse any advertising that it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.

13,300 CoPieS PrinTed every week! The Local is locally operated and distributed every Thursday to households on the Sunshine Coast by Canada PoST (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012) and 1,400 hand-delivered to businesses. display advertising deadline: Monday noon at The Local office, email: Classified advertising deadline: Monday 3:00 pm at The Local office, email: editorial deadline: Monday noon at The Local office, email: The Local uses an How To SubmiT a Camera-ready diSPlay ad: APPlE MACINToSh email address: Platform Note: a camera-ready ad is an ad that is ready for printing. The ad will require no revisions, but will be published as submitted. • Build your ad according to our specific dimensions, (*please see column width measurements below) • All images (photos and logos) included in the ad must be at least 300 dpi • Make a PDF of your ad, at least 300 dpi, with all text and graphics embedded within the PDF • Email your PDF to us, along with your full contact information and the dates you would like to have your ad published. (The Local is distributed every Thursday. Submission deadline is the Monday before) Note: If the above criteria is not met, The Local cannot guarantee correct output of your material once published. • Please do not send a camera-ready ad using “Word” or “Coral Draw” applications

How To SubmiT a diSPlay ad THaT our deSign deParTmenT will build for you: email address: Note: there is no extra charge for this service. • Email (local your ad’s information to us. Be sure to include your full contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements to be included in the ad (eg. logos, photos and text). • All images (photos and logos) included in the ad must be at least 300 dpi. To fax an ad THaT our deSign deParTmenT will build for you: fax number: 604-885-3194 • Please fax your instructions and the text that will used in the ad. Be sure to include your full contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements to be included in the ad. Please note we cannot use faxed logos or images as that quality is inferior. ComPuTer aPPliCaTionS we CannoT aCCePT: • Please do not send us any of your “working files”, eg: Coral Draw, Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. *THe loCal Column widTHS: 1 column: 1.57” • 2 columns: 3.3” • 3 columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25”

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