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Grants to community non-profit organization totalling $47,500 were approved by Sechelt council on April 1 from its Community Investment Program (CIP). Twenty-one projects in the areas of arts, events, community programming and environmental enhancement are being funded.

In introducing the grants for consideration, Siobhan Smith, arts, culture and communications coordinator, said “now, more than ever this support is needed; both support that we can provide for these groups and the support that these group provide to our greater community in this time of crisis.”


A grant of $5,000 will go to the Arrowhead Society for its work with people experiencing mental health challenges. Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue was awarded $4,950 for improvements to its rescue boat and equipment based at Porpoise Bay. Grants of $500 to $3,000 were awarded to the Sunshine Coast’s Community Foundation, Hospice Society, Skating Club, Special Olympics, Conservation Society, Salmonid Enhancement Society, and Army Cadet Support Association. Also funded within that range were projects of the One Straw Society and the Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention BC Society.

Council members questioned awarding funding for event projects, given the uncertainty that the COVID-19 pandemic poses for public gatherings in the coming months. Smith reassured council that all grant applicants had been contacted regarding the impact of the pandemic on their plans. All confirmed they planned to proceed, although there may be delays or modifications to the funded programs. Events granted funding include the Rogue Arts Festival, planned for August 21 to 23, which was awarded a grant of $3,000. Sunday in the Park with Pride Society was approved to receive $5,000 for events surrounding Pride Month, slated for June. Cycling BC was granted $1,000 for the BC Cup bike race series, currently set for May 3 at Coast Gravity Park. The 2020 concert series of the Coast Recital Society was awarded $500.

Although policy allows the district to ask that funds be returned if an event is cancelled, council granted flexibility with the 2020 grants. Smith explained that organizations may need grant money for costs that cannot be recovered should events not proceed as scheduled.

In addition to events, funding related to arts projects accounted for close to $10,000 of the CIP awards. Recipients included the Coast Cultural Alliance, Deer Crossing/The Art Farm and the Gibsons Public Art Gallery.

Earlier in the meeting,

council received the first set of annual statistical results on the economic impact of the arts and cultural sector in Sechelt. The district is a participant in the Canada-wide cultural statistics strategy. A report from the strategy dated December 2019 indicated that this sector was responsible for $8 million in local economic activity in the previous year. Connie Jordison

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Can a public hearing be virtual?

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BEER AND WINE TO GO. Check our Website, Instagram & Facebook for updates. Call for Menu! The SC Community Services Society plans for redevelopment of their property will require moving its community garden to a different location on the property. CONNIE JORDISON PHOTO

Sechelt’s next step in public engagement during times of social distancing may be virtual public hearings. During the April 1 regular council meeting, Corporate Officer Jo-Anne Frank advised council that alternatives to the hosting of open public meetings for these required processes are being looked at. Staff are reviewing new provincial guidelines for such events and investigating networking system adjustments that may be needed to host public hearings online.

A zoning amendment for Sunshine Coast Community Services Society’s (SCCSS) re-development of its site on Inlet Avenue could be an early candidate for that new process. At the meeting, council gave first reading to the amending bylaw, which would allow the height of the building to double from three to six storeys. Planner Sven Koberwitz explained that the site cannot accommodate the expansion in a building with lower height and larger footprint. Much of the property lies beneath hydro transmission lines, where permanent structures are not permitted to be built.

Proposed for the new complex are two floors of office space, 34 affordable rental apartments for women and children in need of safe housing options, and possibly a youth centre. These uses fit within the Official Community Plan for the site.

In discussion, comments were made by council members related to the proposed siting of building entrances and types of construction materials. Staff noted that such design details would be part of the permitting process that would follow, should rezoning be approved.

Council sent the draft bylaw to its Advisory Planning Commission, as well as impacted stakeholders and agencies for comment. It also asked SCCSS to undertake a public information process for the project. One concern being raised on social media by individuals relates to the fate of the community garden located in the area of the proposed building site. Relocation of the garden to another section of the property is part of SCCSS’s current project plan.

Recognizing that in person information sessions are not recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic, council encouraged staff to work with the proponent to develop options for this. It was noted that SCCSS had conducted public presentations earlier in their planning for the project. Connie Jordison RCMP are investigating graffiti in Davis Bay, believed to have occurred between April 2 and 3. Black spray paint was used to deface the decorated washroom at Davis Bay, seen here, as well as the pier and Davis Bay Elementary School. Police are asking for anyone with information to call 604-885-2266 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477. RCMP PHOTO

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