Name: _________________________ Reviewer's Name: ______________________ MEDIA PROJECT FINAL PRESENTATION RUBRIC Ratings: 3 = Exceeds expectations; 2 = Meets expectations; 1 = Below Expectations Please check the appropriate box within the rubric LEARNING CONTENT 1. The media project's content reflects 21st century skills such as: Learning and Innovation Skills Information, Media and Technology Skills and Life and Career Skills 2. The project shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original, and creative. 3. Do the choice of elements such as film clips, pictures, backgrounds, and transitions enhance the project? 4. Copyright issues and Fair Use issues are clearly addressed. 5. Does the media project incorporate skills gained from at least 6 EMDTMS courses? THE MEDIA PRESENTATION 1. The media project shows a continuous progression of ideas and tells a complete, easily followed story. The project is well thought out and the attention to details is evident. 2. The media project promotes the use of technology to inform the audience about the topic. 3. Do the top leaders in the field from your research support the media project’s learning content? 4. Do the choice of elements such as film clips, pictures, backgrounds, and transitions enhance the project? 5. All media elements are of high visual and aural quality. MEDIA PROJECT CONTENT PROPOSAL 1. Thesis abstract is included on a separate page of the content proposal. 2. The media project content proposal clearly addresses a teaching or training solution to a knowledge, attitude, or skills gap with the target audience. 3. The media project content proposal clearly describes the project's goals, objectives, and scope. 4. A minimum of 5 peer-reviewed references, with a minimum of 10 references support the media project content proposal. These references are listed at the end of the Content Proposal using proper APA 5th Edition style. PRESENTATION CRITERIA 1. Strong and clear and audible voice throughout presentation. Voice inflection changes to indicate a change in topic, importance, and/or activity. Positive body language or gestures reinforce content and/or emphasis in presentation. 2. Information was consistent and relevant to the presentation and the subject discussed. Information flowed seamlessly and impeccably. 3. Adheres to the time requirements of 10-15 minutes. Comments: