What Next? To capitalize on the success of the DiGiN 1:1 Initiative at South Hills High School, it is imperative to increase the innovative opportunities for our students. This document represents the ideas from the DiGiN Mentor Think Tank that would serve as a catalyst to the development of a truly inspirational and creative environment for the entire school.
The DILo (Digital Innovation Lounge)
The DILo model is one in which the library provides opportunities for students to fulfill those 4 C’s through the services and facilities available. Like the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0, the library moves from a storehouse of static information to an environment where students access and create information in new and innovative forms to demonstrate their learning. Within the campus structure, the library as an innovation lounge becomes an extension of the classroom where content is enhanced and extended through communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. At the same time, the DILo can be a type of learning lab, modeling the classroom of the future in understanding ways in which we can engage students and allow them to alternatively demonstrate their learning.
At South Hills High School, “opportunities� is the key word. The opportunity the DILo can provide is the availability of new kinds of content, new tools, and new ways for learning. Which include a Makerspace that provide students opportunities to develop critical thinking skills by simply figuring it out in order to create; A Media Booth provides an opportunity to strengthen communication skills using Audio and Video, empowering students to have a voice while learning software, design, production skills and become teachers themselves through the products created; Collaborative spaces that facilitate student opportunities to learn from each other and connect with experts in the field and other classrooms both locally and globally.
The DILo Project In developing the DILo, it is imperative that we engage the students and community in the conversation as to what it will look like and how best to fit in the learning process. Therefore, the DILo Project will consist of student teams comprised of A SILC member and Architect Student as captains of a 8 -10 member team that will compete in a design competition to reconstruct the current library into what we call The DILo. Each team will work for 12 weeks, consulting on a weekly basis with two coaches; A local college student currently studying the field of design and a community professional with expertise in the area of constructional design. Each team will collaborate on their own time using means conducive toward their success.
Each team is free to be as creative as they want, but each design must include the following components.
A Maker Space, Audio/Video Production lab, Collaboration Space, Presentation Space, Help Desk space and an office and circulation Kiosk for books. Each presentation will include a 3D mockup and media presentation. At the end of 12 weeks, the teams will present their designs in front of the entire student body and let the people decide. With the help of grants and community donations, the hope is for the winning design to go into construction phase at the end of the school year.
Tech Squad Tech Squad is a student-led technology team that not only handles troubleshooting assistance to the campus, but also serve as digital innovation leaders for the student body. Tech Squad provides an opportunity for students to develop skills in design, productivity and customer service that will be used to enhance the opportunities for innovation at South Hills. Members would receive training in various levels of tech including: Microsoft, Adobe, Google, Digital Learning Environments, and software/ hardware support. Using the DILo (Digital Innovation Lounge) South Hills students would have the opportunity to make appointments to have Laptop issues addressed and receive group or 1to1 training on various learning tools used on campus. Tech Squad members would also create video tutorials and step sheets to provide South Hills students an opportunity to learn on their own. Also conduct showcase opportunities like “Figured It Out Fridays� to support further innovation in the same model of TED Talks. Leveraging the technological know how of students, placing them in a leadership position within the school, and taking advantage of their desire to help others makes perfect sense, especially in the thriving 1:1 Laptop program at South Hills. Tech Squad is an application process that all students would have the opportunity to apply for. Meetings and trainings would be held both online and after school. Members will also be able to graduate with training certification for various platforms.
SILC Student Innovation Leadership Committee The student voice is powerful when heard. Here at South Hills, we want our student to know that their best interest is always at the forefront of every decision made regarding our campus. The forming of SILC allows for students to represented by a group who will be given a platform to voice innovation and change necessary to make South Hills the most forward thinking, future ready, student centered campus around. SILC will play an active role in leading Teen Panel discussions around topics of Digital Citizenship, College Readiness, Digital Equity, among others. SILC will also represent South Hills in the Social Media space as Student Voice advocates. This will provide opportunities for the group to collaborate with other student leadership organizations across the region to create opportunities for change. SILC will combine the student leadership groups already in existence on campus, including Senior Class Officers, AVID offices and National Honor Society along with teacher recommended individuals from various grade levels.
Community & Global Collaboration Students need to see how their learning connects to the realworld. SHHS looks to leverage both physical and virtual opportunities for students to connect with the local businesses in the community, experts in different states and classrooms around the world to build accurate perception and global perspective to creatively solve problems. A 1:1 environment is conducive for connection through social media platforms such as Skype and Google Plus Communities to facilitate virtual opportunities. The DILo and Outdoor Classrooms provide space for on campus opportunities.
Personalized PD Innovation is just as important for teachers as it is for students. However, the model of the current PD offering does not serve the purpose for all learners. At SHHS we want teachers to actively participate in the design of their own learning and building networks to guide and support that learning. The design needs to focus on four targets: student-centered learning, leadership, flexible learning environments and community engagement. Opportunities for learning will be provided through virtual Personal Learning Networks (PLN), Face-To-Face groups and eCourses. As learning takes place, DiGiN Leaders in various areas will be identified with door badges to provide deeper learning opportunities.
Digital Citizenship  
The Digital game and language has changed for today’s teachers and students and we have to stay on top of it if we plan to provide the best education possible at South Hills. Having a Digital Citizenship learning platform will provide the opportunity to promote engaging conversation between students, teachers and the community about behavior while being immersed in the world of technology. Using the LMS, school and 1:1 websites, South Hills will heavily advocate the teaching of lessons using the Common Sense Media Digital Bytes curriculum. All students will be enrolled in the year long course where they will have the opportunity to produce media projects to articulate their understanding of the social issues concerning being a digital citizen. Various contest will be created to encourage the enthusiasm around the conversations. South Hills will also provide community information by way of Teen Panel Discussions and Semester Technology Nights. The 1:1 website will carry information for parents in the community to further their understanding of the role technology plays in their lives and how to best manage it.
Digital Equity The myth is that the digital divide can be solved by giving every student a device. However, even in a 1:1 program this does not make everyone equal, especially if one student has internet access outside of school and another does not. If we want to focus on all students being able to create and design as part of their learning, this has to be able to happen outside the classroom anytime and anywhere. SHHS would like to look at partnering with companies like Kajeet ( to provide “smart spots�, a mobile broadband solution for families without access. Students and parents would be able to check out devices from the Learning Commons for a set period of time in order to complete projects away from school.
Time to DiGiN Deeper