Thanks for being here everyone. Alright, well, are you guys ready for another big day, another big two days? Alright, that's what I like to hear. Well, I just wanted to pre-frame everyone a little bit here, what we are going to do is, we are going to open up with a presentation from Vivian Glyck, my wife, the Founder of Just Like My Child Foundation, and the other thing that I will do after that is, just go to what we are going to be learning over the next two days, because I think I learned a little lesson from yesterday, and that is, cut it off a little bit earlier. I think we packed a little too much in one day. Little bit too much, so you'll have to excuse the gigantic fire hose of information here, but actually I make no apologies about that, it's part of brain surgery. But one of our first speakers today is all about really taking advantage of the brain, the science, I guess the neuroscience of success, and that's John Assaraf. But without further ado, what I would like to do is turn our fancy projector on. I am going to play a video for you before I introduce Vivian Glyck, the Founder of Just Like My Child. And just remember what we are all here for, and what this all about and why all the speakers got involved in this. Again, putting together an event like this, and bringing a bunch of A-listers together is not easy these days. They are pulled in a million different directions, and they are here because they wanted to give back and be part of this. So this is the video.
[Video Playing] Female Speaker:
These are the people of Uganda. Their faces and their landscape are beautiful, they are rich in culture, but their current situation is bleak. Almost all are impoverished, most are uneducated, many are sick from AIDS and malaria, many more have died, and countless children are now orphans, but there is hope, and in every individual there is power. This is the story of how one organization with help from people like you is changing the course of many lives giving these people a future, a chance meeting with a little girl. Her name is Nyangoma. When Vivian Glyck first met Nyangoma in her village of Kikoiiro. Vivian discovered that the girl's two siblings and mother were HIV positive, and her mother was dying. Nyangoma was not infected, but her future wasn't certain. But with every problem there is a solution.
Vivian Glyck:
I had what I feel was a remarkable connection with a little girl and I have done a little bit of research and found that it is quite possible to send her to a good boarding school for a relatively small amount of money.
Female Speaker:
That Just Like My Child foundation provided Nyangoma's mother with life saving anti retro viral treatments, and gave Nyangoma a scholarship. She was placed in a private boarding school and is now being housed, fed and educated. Nyangoma her family and friends, she can read, and most importantly she has a future.
Vivian Glyck:
What would you like to be when you grow up?
I want to be a nurse.
Vivian Glyck:
A nurse?
Female Speaker:
She is one of many who's life is been saved through education.
I love my school.
Female Speaker:
That Just Like My Child Foundation was formed in 2006, Vivian Glyck a San Diego author, business women, wife and mother was at a crossroads, after having a child her heart opens at the needs of children around the world. The incredible vulnerabilities of the children in Africa became unbearable to her. Vivian decided to go to Uganda and her eyes were opened even further. Vivian formed the Just Like My Child Foundation, because in the Ugandan children she saw her own, and realized that each one of these children deserves the ability to reach their own potential just like hers did. Vivian went to Bishop Asili Hospital in Luwero, run by the sisters of Mary Mother of the Church. There she met the hospital administrator, Sister Earnestine.
(00:05:10) Sister Ernestine Akulu:
When we are sick, nutrition is the basic.
Female Speaker:
In Sister Ernestine Vivian met her ally for change. A community leader in Uganda with a commitment to action.
Sister Ernestine Akulu:
We are having many cases of HIV, who come to the hospital, they are helpless, they have no money.
Female Speaker:
The Bishop Asili Hospital have patients, but unfortunately no electricity.
Vivian Glyck:
Just Like My Child Foundation raised money for a generator.
Male Speaker:
They need this generator, so we have to make it very strong.
Vivian Glyck:
We have been watching the construction of this over the last several days. As you can see this generator is not going anywhere.
Female Speaker:
That was just the beginning. Just Like My Child Foundation raised money to sponsor a doctor to work at the hospital. Doctor Charles' salary is $1200 a month, and he has cared for patients after patient.
Sister Ernestine Akulu:
Everything was bad, she gave up life.
Dr. Charles Lwanga:
She wouldn't even smile, she was very sad.
Female Speaker:
The hospital was in desperate need of supplies, so the Just Like My Child Foundation supplied a new equipment vital to performing surgeries, and money was raised for the hospital's first ambulance. Just Like My Child has attained a CD4 testing machine to qualify patients for live saving AIDS treatment, one of only three in the entire country. The organization is close to securing a surgical suite, and it has distributed bed nets that are protecting over 40,000 pregnant women and children under five for malaria.
Dr. Charles Lwanga:
We are excited and really happy that we are saving so many people at the unit.
My name is Rogette. This is my daughter Gloria. My Child is like your child.
Female Speaker:
Just like your child, this is how little it take to have.
Vivian Glyck:
This is baby Christina, and the last time when I was here, she was just a couple of days old, and her mother had died during the time that I was here. They were very afraid that they might just dispose of her, because they didn't have the means to take care of her. She was able to receive formula, and now, very, very fat, and happy.
Female Speaker:
The organization has raised over a $100,000 to build a new school in Kikoiiro.
Vivian Glyck:
I have some surprise for the children.
Female Speaker:
The Just Like My Child Foundation promises that funds are going directly to the people on the ground.
Vivian Glyck:
It's providing hope and encouragement.
Female Speaker:
Working with village leaders to create jobs and income generating activities, so these women can care for themselves and their children. From the ground up lives are being transformed. Not for the mean time, but for generations to come, would help these men, these women, and the most importantly these children will have a future.
Male Speaker:
Well, would everyone please stand up and greet Vivian Glyck, the Founder of Just Like My Child Foundation.
Vivian Glyck:
You can't make me start crying before I get started. Thank you, thank you so much, and thank you so much for being here. There are really two things that I want to do in the next 60 seconds I have up here, it's a little bit more than that. But it's first to thank the people who have really allowed this to happen, and also to just tell you a little bit very quickly about what we are up to. You heard a bit on the video, but we will be having a little quiz in a minute. Are you sure I know how to use this mic? I am not the technical one in the family, in case you haven't noticed. So I just want to make an announcement that within this room there is no recession. What these people, what Brendon and Mike and everyone of you have proven, is that conscious capitalism can happen. We can make a difference doing well, doing good. So just like the round of applause you just gave me, could you give Brendon and Mike a huge round of applause. Thank you. And for everyone of the speakers, we have got a top lineup here of speakers, which is I know why you guys are here. Everyone of them has given up their own time, they pay their way here, they are paying their own hotel. They are contributing their time, their products, so bless all of you. This is a huge undertaking, and we are going to make a huge difference as a result. And I wish I had pictures of them, but everybody
knows that if you want to change the world, you have to get women involved. So I want to give a huge shout out to Just Like My Child's Associate Director, Jill Secard, Ruthie Espanol, the wizard of everything. Hi Ruthie. Audrey Hagen, who's donated her time and her mastery to come and make this a smooth sailing event. And Donna Donato from coast to coast, who gave up her weekend to come and be with us. Thank you so much. This is why this is such an incredibly professional event. Now a lot of people ask me, how did you get started in this? What does Just Like My Child mean? And it really means what it sounds like. I woke up one day, I had the incredible privilege of becoming a mother, and I said, this is unbelievable. How could it be that these issues are happening half a world away, and we get to be so neurotic and obsessed that we are teaching our kids how to sign language before they are six months old, and we go to Cosco and we have to have that nice little blanket we put in the cart, so they don't get any germs etcetera. And I just said to myself, these kids -- a child dying every 30 seconds of malaria. Thirteen million orphans completely vulnerable, how could it be, they are just like my child. And by show up your hands, how many people here have a child in their live that they are close to? And just ask yourself the question, what would you do if this was your child? Where would you stop to save your child's life? Where would you stop to make sure your child is protected? And I know the answer for me is, I would stop nowhere, and in fact, I am going to leave this picture up for a moment. Here he is seven years later, hey Isaac, could you just stand up for a second and wave. Come on stand up. So quickly some facts, and now we are going to get to the fun part of the evening. How many people are here who know what these beads are? They are a part of our micro finance project for, they are made out of paper and glue, they are for sale outside, $25 each, three for 60. And we are also looking for people also who might want to buy them in bulk and distribute them in stores, homes, whatever, so you can see Stacy outside for that. The first person who gets this answer right, and you got a little cheat, because you just saw it on the video. So every 30 seconds, unbelievably, a child dies of a completely treatable and preventable disease. So the first person who can tell me how much it cost to purchase an insecticide treated bed net? I think this lady here. How much? Yes. Excellent. I don't know if I can get this stuff for you, but it is Mardi Gras. Everyday 6500 Africans die of AIDS, these are a couple of years old, so I am sure the numbers need to be adjusted. There are 13 million orphans now in Africa, scheduled to be 20 million by 2012, that's three years from now. (00:15:10) Here is a really, really, really difficult question, how do you prevent a child from becoming orphaned? Save the mother, very good, and that's really what we are about. What's the most dangerous thing African women can do? I heard childbirth. I know you are thinking I am not hearing you back there, and it could be. Get pregnant, that's true, it's childbirth. You said, get pregnant, you can got these, I am afraid I am going hit somebody with it.
Alright, so we'll see it a little bit later, but one in ten women are dying in childbirth in Uganda right now, compared to who knows what the statistic is in the US. One more set of beads. You can't get two sets of beads. It is about one in a hundred thousand. Who came the closest, precisely the lady who already has the beads. Alright, we'll negotiate this later. So I just very quickly what we are focused on, Just Like My Child is, we are tacking poverty through three initiatives, and we bring them together at one time, like an influx of resources, healthcare, education, Micro Enterprise. Micro Enterprise is small loans to women so that they can build their businesses and it's self-sustaining, and we have a measurement of three things that we look at, every time we look at a project. The first one is, is it sustainable? So a lot of people want to come and give us things that will only last a month. We'll get a month worth of supplies of something, but that's not really putting the power into the hands of the community. The second thing is, is the community involved? Do they ask for it? Do they want the program? Because after three years of working in Uganda, I can tell you, if you give somebody a good idea, and they are not invested in it, it's not going to take off. And the third what we find the most important, is that the community is ready. There are a lot of things that you can put on a group of people, but if they are not ready to take the ball and run with it, it's not going to work. So I would just like to show you a couple of examples of how this has worked. So here is my friend Grace, when we first got to Uganda, she was HIV positive, which she still is, but she was extremely ill. Her child was not in school, she couldn't afford to pay for him. She didn't have any work, because she was too sick. Well, you heard we got the CD for it, well we have got one of three CD for analyzers in the country. So here is Grace about a year-and-a-half later. You can see she gained about 30 pounds. Her child is going to one of the best boarding schools, he is one of our scholarship children. He is excelling. The last time he did a little assessment, he had to write about himself. He referred to himself as the Honorable William Chiburu. The only person who is called Honorable in the country is the President. So he has got high hopes, and we have put her to work, she is making these beads, she has got enough money to buy her own materials to create crafts. So I just love this woman. It's about the community being ready, she wanted to work, she is supporting her child in school. We are transforming building practices, and this is another thing that we had to do. There are huge deforestation because of the way that building is taking place in Africa, in order to burn bricks, they put them in a kiln, while we have electricity to plug in, in order to cure the bricks, so that they don't melt in the rain. And so they actually use wood, just tons and tons of wood to create these bricks. These brick making technology that we have introduced in the communities, burns no wood at all, it's completely environmentally sustainable, and the communities we are working with have really embraced this, as a way to create sustainability down the road. And here you can see this boy is building his own school. Could you imagine if our kids were this excited about building their own school. Here we are, our
first school built by the community, Just Like My Child Foundation's first school. We did it together with a children's academy of the Global Heart of the Collective Heart. It used to be Global Hearts, kind of confusing. But your name can go here for just $25,000; a three room school house plus an office unbelievable. (00:20:05) And here the kids in very progressive teaching, we are working together with them to really help them create their mission. And I know that a lot of you have opened this email, but this is the thing that I am so excited about. If there is anything that we've done to really show, that when we leave, we have made a difference; it's social change. I've been to probably 20 schools in Uganda. I always ask them, do you have a policy against caning children, which is beating children, humiliating them, hurting them. Imagine if you were beaten, and I am sure some of us probably were in classrooms. I am sure there's some Catholic School stories. So this is the policy, we didn't tell them to do this. They did this themselves, I just asked the community the simple question, what is your view on caning? And this is what came out of it. This school has a no tolerance policy on caning. Please do not request your child to be caned at the school. Administrators and teachers will be terminated, which is the law, but it never happens there; from their positions for caning a child, we believe in Children's Rights. Just very quickly, this is my friend Nemata Josephine, she was an orphan living with her grandmother in a village where the HIV rate is 30%. The girls are extremely vulnerable, you can't get all of them out of there, but you really do try to do the best that you can. Here she is, she is now excelling in boarding school, she's got people who are looking out for her best interests, and she is being monitored by our country director, and we have I think five children in boarding school right now. So just very quickly, I don’t know what my timing is here. How much time do I have? Nobody knows. If only that was the case. So we have together collectively today in this room raised over $110,000. So please give yourselves a huge, huge round of applause. And please know that all of the speakers here are donating all or a portion of their products sales. Just Like My Child, you'll hear about that, so hopefully by the end of the weekend that number will be even higher. We have been trying for three years to build this surgical suite in Uganda at the Bishop Asili Hospital. When we got there, women were turned away in darkness every single day with emergency of statistical procedures. Today we have a small room where their lives are being saved through C-section because we have the doctor, but it's nothing in comparison to what their capacity is going to be when they have a regular old operating room, like we walk into everyday, or we bring our family or friends to. So, I think I mentioned before 1 in 10 women in Uganda dies in childbirth; hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal death. In our attachment area, this has been drastically reduced. When the surgical
suite is complete, I am almost certain it will be eliminated. So remember what we said, how do you prevent a child from becoming an orphan? You keep the mother alive. So Paid for Life 2009, has put us over the edge, and I really want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. I know that my staff who works so hard, all three of us; we want to thank you and all of the volunteers who have made such a huge difference. And I don't know how anybody feels about this, but wherever you believe God is, God bless you; thank you. Mike Koenigs:
Alright, well, I am going to shift gears a little bit. Let’s get into content, the flow and the map of what's to come over the next two days. Are you ready? Alright, so you have apparently a printout of the calendar that was handed out or the schedule; I am sorry. Here is a brief summary and I am really going to contextualize it, instead of going through this, you already have it. So I am going to put it in the context of what you are going to be learning, because I think that is really more important. So we talked about this yesterday; it's not about the technology, it's about the psychology and the SYSTEM. The real focus of what's happening for the next two days is system. Yesterday we discussed the system of traffic building, relationship, rapport, proof; every single component of what you learned yesterday is useful, and it provides a foundation for everything that you are going to be doing over the next two days, which is really transforming knowledge into multiple streams of income, and specifically continuity programs.
(00:25:19) So a system consistently produces predictable results, and I think that again is so key, when you understand that basic fundamental process of modeling successful people who already have systems that make money, right? And all the speakers who are here have been carefully selected, because that is precisely what they have done. There is no smoke, there is no mirrors, there is no magic, there is no magic bullets. It is about good old-fashioned systems. So here are the key concepts, and then I am going to put this in relative terms with the speakers. So number one, if you are not already doing it, you are going to need to change your mindset. And our first speaker, John Assaraf is going to do exactly that. So the next thing you are going to be learning about is, is there a market for your idea? We all have ideas, and sometimes ideas are better left to be hobbies. Okay, because just because you think it's cool doesn't mean anything. Okay, so you can make money selling and creating products that people will buy, so you can enjoy your hobby, right? And we are also going to be talking about turning your passions into a product and that's what Brendon is going to be sharing with us. For market it for your idea is Eben Pagan's responsibility. We are going to be talking about understanding the business models, specifically successful Paid for Life or Continuity Business Models that always work. Then we are going to actually show you an example of turning an idea into a product. One of the things that I am really excited about. We are going to keep it super simple as Paul and I today are actually going to show you precisely
how we turn ideas into products very rapidly. You learned screen casting yesterday, this is going to actually involve a variation of that with video. But it is going to be easy to do and easy to use. Next, Modeling successful Paid for Life Businesses. Okay, that's what we are going to be doing with Len Foley. We are going to be talking about marketing strategies. We are going to be talking sales strategies, and then we are also going to be talking about going everywhere. I promised you Paul Colligan and I am going to be demonstrating with a special guest, how to actually get your content into the living room. I believe that is the final frontier in the world of Internet marketing, and for that matter information marketing. And finally, integrating this all together, because as I am sure you experienced yesterday, depending on where you are in your -- I'll say brain evolution, and business evolution. You probably walked out of here yesterday feeling completely overwhelmed, and that's good; that means change is happening. Alright, I can’t apologize for that, this is what it takes, okay. At some point we all start at square zero. So let’s talk about the systems, and a kind of review mindset and psychology, John Assaraf is here for that. Identifying profitable niches; that’s a portion of what Eben is going to be discussing. Turning your passions and know-how into money; that's what Brendon is going to be covering. We have the profitable business systems and continuity Russell Brunson, incredible guy. He is a quick – oh, by the way, he is 29 years old. He is retired to train for the Olympics as a wrestler, okay. He is actually hired gold medalist, and how has he done that? Continuity programs, and this guy is brilliant, and he is a modeler. He will come up and he will say, I am not the brightest guy in the world. Okay, he is actually brilliant, and I don’t know what his IQ is, but what's important is, he learned very early on to model the best, and he will give credit what creditor do. Next, turning your know-how in multimedia products, anytime, anywhere, any device; that's what Paul and I are going to be discussing, and again, specifically is taking your know-how very, very simply and easily and turning it into a video and audio, printed content; something that can be just distributed anytime, anywhere, any device. And that is the key to success; that is where a lot of businesses fail. If all they did is made their content available in more places, they'd win. So you can’t think it the old way, you got to make it all about them, and ain't about you, and fitting into your business model. Your business model is irrelevant; all that matters is what the customer will buy and what they will continue to buy. So on day 2, Sunday, we are going to talk about successful membership systems. Len Foley, is going to be covering that. This guy is another brilliant, brilliant marketer, and he is one of these behind-the-scenes guys. Most people outside of our business don't know who he is, and what he has done, is he has partnered up with celebrities, and experts, and millionaires, and come up with strategies in ways to transform their knowledge off loaded, so it doesn’t take any extra time on their behalf, and turn it into successful continuity programs. (00:30:18)
So what I would like you think about is, if you feel as though you don't have the expertise that you wish to share, either right now, or for that matter forever, there are great ways to make very, very healthy incomes by leveraging other people's know-how and making them available. Because right now in my opinion, the two biggest opportunities that are out there in our business, and for that matter worldwide, are being an expert in social media, social media marketing, and in taking other people's information and making it available. I would bet most of the experts here would gladly say, I would love to find a partner who will work with me, take my stuff and turn it into a business, so I can focus on my creative. Okay, my writer on my right, okay? Now again, I want to present to you two ideas, one of which and the most important is, it is very important if you are going to succeed in this business to understand how it works. So even if you are not doing the work, and again, how you can leverage these next two days, is you can take all of this information, you have a membership site. Okay, all this content is going to be on it, so you can use the advertisement that you received yesterday, and finding someone to do it for you and say, immerse yourself in this, and will you do it for me? Okay, but it is critically important that you understand the components, because it is too easy to get taken advantage of, or make big dumb mistakes if you don't understand how it works, right? That is what’s important, and that's something again, that’s very important. Every person who is up here understands the elements even if they don't know how to do the details. So selling your products and content; that’s what we have John Carlton for. He is a remarkable man, he is arguably, and most people would agree the greatest living copywriter. I learned so much from him in everything he does, I have always bought his products. I studied a simple writing system which is his current package, and just as bonuses alone, he has got like an 11 or 18 step -- I can’t remember, it's a couple of step process where you just read it, and you say, am I doing this, and here is how to determine what it is, completely shifted our business. So changed the way I write copy, and I am not by nature a copywriter. But I have learned how to be one, because I found it to be an incredibly valuable skill to have. So, we also have selling with teleseminars and webinars. This is Shawn Casey. He is a guy who is known as the gentleman who is with -- the first that I know of who have sold over a million dollars worth of product on one teleseminar. Okay, how did he do that? He has a very specific deliberate system; he also does it with webinars. I love teleseminars personally, because they are so easy; as I get on the phone and you can stand you can walk around. You know, you can be in your body and answering questions and working, and it is a great way to create content, it's also a great way to sell. Webinars are also very, very effective, because we can effectively do what we are doing here, except remotely, and do it to thousands of people at once. But again learning from the best, he has a system, I have studied his system and worked with that it. He is one of these guys who again, I have purchased his products and learned how to do what he does. Then we are going to talk about bringing you into the living room,
as I said with Paul Colligan. I am really excited about this. I think it is a world transforming opportunity, and to the best of my knowledge we're the first to actually have access to this. And finally we have some bonus sessions with James Melocheck (ph) and Jim Quick, and they are going to be going over some really cool stuff, like I say, some great extra material, and then we are going to integrate this. We are going to have an integration exercise at the end. I have a bonus. Now I may regret this, but I am going to offer it to you anyway, because I know that each of you have unique ideas and you are all at different places in your evolution, in your development. And we have organized sandwiches outside, so you can get some food and what I like to offer you -- and this is the first he is going to know about it, but there's Zack in the back, raise your hand Zack, I am going to put him in- charge of this. What I am going to do during lunch, is run out and grab a sandwich, and in single file order I will take five minutes with anyone in order, and I will listen to your business idea, and I will tell you what to do, okay? So I am going to do that for two days. (00:35:04) And all I ask is that, you don't trap me in the hall, because usually when I am moving, I either have to empty my bladder, or I have to meet with someone really quickly, but I want to do it in a structured organized way. And for anyone who doesn't get covered, we will have a means of dealing with this later on. But I am going to give you as much as I can, until I drop, or until my voice stops working, and that's my biggest concern right now over the next two days, alright? Thank you. But here is what's important; if I don't get to you, understand that you can model everything I say. Because the fact of the matter is, the systems and the formulas are the same, and they work for every single business. So remember, I know it takes a little while. It wasn't long ago when I was sitting here, and I had listened and I had listened and I had learned and learned, and I was the guy in the audience going completely overwhelmed. But this stuff clicks; it requires just a station process. You do, and you will get through it, you cannot give up, and you can't listen to the naysayers, okay. It is an evolution, it will not happen overnight. What’s beautiful about it is the investment you make right now, will give you incredible valuable skills that you can leverage either for yourself or other people for the rest of your life, and this will give you the economic freedom that you need and you want to give back in a much bigger way. So the next person that I have to introduce to you is my dear friend, the co-host of this event Mr. Brendon Burchard, and he is going to get you guys ramped up and ready for what's about to come over the next two days. So please stand up, give him a warm unbelievable welcome. Brendon Burchard:
Let’s go, let’s go. Are you ready? Come on put some energy in this room, let’s go. Let me hear your scream. Everybody into it, come on. Are you ready? Are you ready? It's a good morning. Good morning, I can’t hear you, good morning. How many people are ready for a killer, we can say yes? How many people really thought about this weekend, and you said,
you know what, this is going to be an opportunity for me to finally figure out my shit, and make a massive difference. But finally, you don’t just want to impact an income in the world, you want influence, yes? And you want to be able to have the influence that actually helps you come alive. How many people feel that? It's like you are here because you want to come alive. We are going to talk about a few themes this weekend, maybe five or six themes, and as we talk these themes, I am hoping -as we talk about these themes, one of the things that I am hoping that is going to come alive for you this weekend, is yourself. Because how many people have felt the economic turmoil out there? How many people felt that weird media thing going on, just pushing us to negativity and frustration and freaky fear out there, anybody sensed that? It’s like, it's out there so thick, that probably that if you come to a weekend like this, this is so immersive, especially you are going to be hit with so much content, and you will be like, oh my gosh, it's too much. You are going to feel all the immersiveness of this event, you can say, it's way too much, I can’t handle all this, and that’s going to be very good thing. Because you know what, you need more of it in your life right now. What you need more of right in your life? Time, life, freedom, family, creativity? You don’t need that, trust me, you can ask my wife. What else do you need in your life right now? Money, connections, wisdom -- what? Help, certainty, reasons, leadership, happiness, health. You know what the world is dying for, in terms of having more of work of? (00:40:03) More of you. You know what you need more of right now? You need more of you. You need to let yourself go of the fear, you need to let yourself go of all the freakiness. This might sound like a bunch of self-help, so if you are like, hey, I am here for Paid for Life, talk to me about money. How many people just feel in a sense of something in you right now just needs to come alive again?. I think the whole world is feeling that, isn’t it? And so one of reasons that I got so excited about this event, was it something it's saying, hey look, we are going to do this event in a way that it is not just about money. I get invited to speak on Internet marketing things all around the world, and 9 out of 10 I would say, no, it's not right for me. Because I know the people who go there are all these money guys. You know the get rich quick, make me quick buck, I want to be out of here, and those people frankly are not attracted to the most of the work that I do, because I'm not about that. I want the money sure, but I want what’s behind the money, and that's the impact, the influence that you have to do good and well. So Mike calls and says, I want to do this Paid for Life thing where we are going to get people together, and we will teach them all the systems to succeed. We are going to teach them all the techniques, the tactics, all the technology that they need to succeed. But we're doing it for a fund-raising event. I was like, you are kidding, that’s amazing. I met Mike about a year-and-a-half ago, in my journey as an expert, where I was kind of like this, and just about to go like this at the time.
And I know some of you haven't heard my story before, but I probably have the same story as you do. How many in the room have a message within you that’s just waiting to burst out? Like you are here to make money, but you also want to get a message out, how many people in the room? Yeah, most people in the room, most people here, and so I have the same journey, some of you heard my story, some of you not, but I will tell the shortest version I have ever told, which is basically I was in a car accident, I was a 19 year old kid. Nineteen, this is at the time when you are a young man, especially you have no direction, you have no connection with your community, or probably with your family, your friends, you don’t haven’t tied in that purpose of that greater thing in the world that lights you up. And I didn’t have any of that, and then I went down to the Dominican Republic, and I was working a summertime job, long story short, we ran out of the corner going 85 miles an hour, way too fast, and in the moments after that it taught me the questions that we all ask in our lives. At the very end of it, and I would like to say this at all my seminars, because at the end of a seminar like this, this weekend, at the end of our lives, we are all going to wonder these three very basic questions. We are all going to wonder did I live? When your death is in store, why you want to know, were you lit up, were you alive or were you vibrant, were you here, were you present, were you passionate, were you ready to go, were you here? Yes or no? Yes. You want to know, was I here? You want to know, was I alive? And it just like it aches in your bones you want to know it so bad. You want to know did you really live life, you also want to know as many of you know, have faced the end of your lives or been with someone who have faced the end of their lives. I just spent the last two months having my father deal with the end of his life, and I just lost my dad, and it was a tremendously powerful experience of my life, sad as hell at times, so grateful that we got to be with him at the end, the last 12 days. He passed with leukemia, and I remember in that process thinking, how true it is what I get to speak about with my life, that I could share this message, because the second question we all ask is, did I love? And my pops got to pass knowing that he loves us full on, whole heartedly, and completely. One of the reason I got involved in this, over this weekend is because, that question of, did I love? Is so here, you saw that when Vivian is presenting. When you hear her speak about her -everything she does is coming from the place of love. She is like, I love my child, I cannot imagine these children going through something, because she has such a huge heart for her own children. She also feels like a connection to them, that says, I want to love. And you want to know at the end of your life, did you love in a way that was so big, and so true, and honest, and so complete, that you know you didn't hold back. That you didn’t let those times that you got hurt hold you back from really connecting with other people. And I think the last question is, whey we are all really here? The last question we all ask in our lives, at the very end my dad has asked this, I have been with too many people, they passed away, and I know that we are all going to ask this last question of, did I matter? I remember after my car accident, one a few moments I was actually conscious, was
afterwards I had pulled myself through the windshield of the car trying to escape. And I am standing on top of this crumpled hood of this car, and I am looking down, and there is blood pouring off of my body all over the hood of this car, and I am feeling life drained out of me, this young 19 year old kid, realizing for the first in my life that life can end. And I see there is blood coming out, and I feel this weakness, and I just remember thinking, if this is there, if this is the end, did I really matter? (00:45:03) Was there a reason that I was here? Did I make a difference, that I may be not changed the whole world, but did I change somebody’s world? And so the last question we all are going to ask is, did I matter, did I make a difference? And you want to know that, and you want to live your life in way now, and not think that’s why we are all here I hope, is it we are all here that by the end of our time here, no matter what tools and technologies and systems we create, no matter what content we put out in the world, no matter what extraordinary businesses we create, no matter how rich we get, that at the very end we are all going to ask that question, did I matter? Did I do something with my life? Did I create something that was so meaningful that impacted people, that’s why I am here. We are going to teach you technology and systems and tools, but you know what the magic is? The magic is what you put into it. So it's about you making that difference, it's about you deciding, okay, I am going to use this stuff to do something with my life. I am going to use the stuff to make a difference, because when I started, and when Mike started, and everyone of these speakers are going to hear their stories, they are all extraordinary stories. We do hear John Assaraf, who is speaking after me. We do hear his story. We have all had stories that were incredibly challenging, but we have all also gone through the struggle that's so meaningful, so powerful, not just for ourselves, but for other people to hear. Because isn't it true when you hear someone else's stories, sometimes you reconnect it with your own?. And isn’t it true though that we are all in a place like this, we are all creators right? We all want to go out and create something, like these technologies and tools are only allowing us to get that thing within us that’s dying to get out, out to the world. Where there is content for you, and it's just hardcore business stuff, or it's like soulful stuff. Whatever it is for you, you're trying to get a message out, because you are a creator. You are somebody who loves to create, right, am I right? How many creators are there in this room? Say I am a creator, sing it aloud, creators, I am a creator, you are all creators, yes? Yes, you love to create stuff. So now the question is, well when you create all the stuff, what the hell do you do with it? How many people have a garage full of stuff, anybody in the room? Or shelves full of stuff? You created it, but you never moved it, and that’s a challenge. That’s a big challenge, because as creators, we are just going to create, create, create, create, and you are going to learn all sorts of cool stuff to create this weekend, but then the question is, do you communicate it? Do you get it out there? So this weekend is going to be a lot about a few things, and I just want to introduce these 5
things, because you are going to hear them over and over and over, and I think these 5 things might really help frame this weekend for you in way that's really meaningful, and you kind of get it. Because this weekend I would say is about five things. When I look at the roster, I look at the speakers, I look at everything that we brought together here, obviously you take a title, you start from there, what's the title? Paid for -- the first question, the first word is paid. So this weekend is going to be about money, and I am just going to be upfront and talk about that, because I know a lot of people here are into money. We want money, but it's not our driving need. So I want to preframe everything and let you know, hey, there is going to be a lot of money talk this weekend, and hopefully if you are uncomfortable with that, that's okay, but part of it is saying, look, you need to get more money in your life. Not to be just somebody who acquires in hoards, but somebody who gives. Look at what Vivian has done with her abundance, built school's, made extraordinary differences in the world. You want to have the impact in income in your life, both of them, not just income, because income is, you get it, and someday it means nothing to you. Trust me, I know a lot of my clients have gotten there. They have achieved extraordinary amounts of wealth, extraordinary amounts, many of them are famous people. We are so blessed to work with some of the best trainers in the world, and the best speakers, and the best celebrities in the world, and at same time, some of them, you look at their lives and say, you know what, they are miserable, they got the fame, they got the fortune, but they never really found that thing inside of themselves that lights them up. So we are in this place where you are going to learn a lot about money, we are going to touch you where you are going to learn about the strategies and the techniques and the technology. Well, these are the three things you are going to hear here, lots of strategies will be thrown at you. Some of them you are going to catch, some of them will be interesting for you, some you might say, that’s what's really five years out for me. But you'll get the strategies, you'll get the techniques, and you get the technology. You'll understand that by the time you leave here, you get the money stuff. I think the second thing you are going to see though, because of why we are all here, the second theme here is meaning. You are going to hear a lot of people talk about why they started this, why they got into it? And it wasn't this primary drive to achieve wealth, it never is. There is something that's pulling you here, and it's not just about making money, true? So now our question is, okay, we know that, if we really know that, then what it's all about? You know, I am blessed, I am a young guy, and I have more money than I ever imagined possible. Well, I am from small town in Butte Montana, which is an old Irish mining town. (00:50:04) In that town I'll tell you what, $40,000 is extraordinary amount of wealth, especially when you have two full time earners. I grew up in a place where, when -- have you anyone been to Montana before? You know, like it's cold you there in winter, hope you were not there in the
winter. Well I grew up in the winters, I grew up in Butte, which is a fierce winter, and there was one winter where all of the heat went out in our house, the heater broke, and my parents were living pay check to pay check. So they can't afford to fix the heater, and what you do in that situation? You got four kids, you have no money, the heater goes out, the next day the electricity goes out, and it's 40 below zero, not exaggerating with windshield, 40 below zero. So what you do? My mom decides to put up a tent, she puts up our camping tent in the middle of the living room, throws all of our sleeping bags in it, puts a bunch of blankets in there, bunch of our jackets. At night, she is cooking dinner literally on Bunsen burners, waiting till we get the check to fix the heater. And as kids of course we are going to school, we were like, we are camping. We have the coolest parents ever, we are camping. Oh my God, what you did last night? I was in the camp, I mean all day, we were stocked. I mean we were having the best time, it wasn’t until three Thanksgivings ago, true story, three thanksgiving ago, my family is sitting around, the kids are talking about, you remember mom and dad are cool, do you remember that time we were camping for two weeks in our house, and mom and dad are like, didn’t you know the heater, and the paycheck, and the two weeks we are waiting, and we are like, what? So I come from a place where I grew up with nothing, but with total abundance, you know what I mean? I had parents who just were so resourceful, and my dad and my mom did everything to give us as kids. Matter of fact, now that dad has passed, my mother has no income, because all the money they ever had throughout the year any excess, they put into our Christmas fund, because they didn’t want as kids, if you are like, we didn't have what everybody else did. So they never saved for themselves, they did it for Christmas fund. And I say all this because money is nice, but you got to build a meaningful life behind it, you are going to hear a lot of those themes this weekend. Then the last three themes are something that I think you are going to really connect with, and these last three themes are really about this business, this Paid for Life Business. This afternoon I am going to talk about, well, what is a Paid for Life Business? Like, what’s the big picture, what are the four components you need to have, I am talking about this afternoon. But you're also going to wonder, you are going to hear some themes throughout all the speakers this weekend, about how you are going to succeed in this business? You are going to hear three things everyone is going to talk about, no matter what, because it’s the fundamental element to Paid for Life type of Business. How many people want to know the sweet things, say yeah? Are you ready? Before I get into those, I would always say this, you know what’s going to help you succeed this weekend, especially we started getting content like I am going to give you real quick, rapid fire. You know what’s going to help you be successful this weekend? Being present. You all got lots of going on outside that room, outside these doors, you have a lot going on, true? You have so much going on in your lives right now, you need to put it on hold, and you get real present this weekend, because what the challenges at a event like this, we are going to get so many strategies, so many techniques, so many tools, it's going to go chu, chu, chu – and if you are not there present to catch it, you miss. You don’t have to
understand everything this weekend, you don’t have to know how to do everything this weekend, because frankly, there is going to be speakers, there's going to be people, there are people here already who can help you actually implement it, right? How many people in this room are great implementers? You got to take the stuff and go and do it, how many? Okay, some people need to work on that shit. The rest of you, there's plenty of implementers in this room, there's plenty of speakers who will come up and here, they will teach as much as they can. They'll say, I know, I know each of the firehose, if you have something more, if you need something more, I've got this service that you can get involved in. And by the way, this is in an event where speakers are not coming up here to sell something to make a bunch of money for themselves, every speaker who came here, came on their own. They paid for their time and the effort, because they believe in Mike, they believe in Vivian, they believe in what you are doing here this weekend. They also, if they have anything that they are offering, is not offer something – most of them are donating all of that to charity, to this charity. It's not about that, it's saying, look, at the end of the day there is going to be some things you are going to be able to catch and grab and know how to do, other things you might need support on. They might offer something like that. Most of us are all going to share it, so it's something that is going to be beneficial for you anyway. So don’t worry about like, oh, can I do this right now? You have services to help you do that if you need it. What you need to understand is the strategy, and how does the strategy apply to you, what’s meaningful to you and your business, does that make sense for you right now, and you'll find all that. (00:55:07) But in order to get it, you need to be present, you need to be so here -- I mean, need to work on this in their lives in general, anyway, would you agree? Like there's so many people out there, they cant be present, because they are just running around – how many people have this energy in their life all day, anybody? Most of us, right, it's going over – so boom! you got to be centered, you got to be here, you got to be present, so you can catch it, so you can hear the idea of boom, that’s perfect for me, because if you are in lala land of tomorrow, or lala land of yesterday, or lala land of what’s behind you, then you are really going to struggle, does that makes sense? So you got to here, everyone say, I am here. Sing it all loud, I am here. You got to get present, you got to get present in your relationships, and you got to get present in your business, agreed, yes? So you got to be here, so here is the first three things, you are going to hear these themes coming through all weekend. Okay, we talked about money, we talked about meeting, you are going to hear those things. Another theme we are going to hear about, is expert positioning. You have to be able to position yourself as an expert that people will go to and buy stuff from, or when they do interact with you, they see you, they say, wow! This person is an expert, I can buy from them, right? When you go to learn
your business, do you want to go and learn from amateurs or pros? Pros. Do you want to learn from someone who has never done it, or someone who is an expert and they've mastered it? Always, and that’s the think, if you want to make money, you have got this very simple question, what position have to created to show that you are an expert? If someone goes to website and they want to buy some stuff. If they can't see that you are a dominant expert in this area, because either you've got, you've created that expertise by doing it, or you have interviewed everybody who has done it, right, there's two ways to be an expert, either you did it, you mastered it, or you interviewed those who mastered it and created it, and you know all the best practices and the patterns, that’s expert position, you got to have it. If you aren’t seen as an expert, you are never going to be paid for like business, because people will want to come back to you and get more and more stuff from you. They are not going to say, I really need that right now, that’s going to help me. So this elemental question throughout the weekend is, hey, what is it, I want to build an expertise in? How many people already found that for yourselves by the way, raise you hands, that’s great. Now you see that you expertly position yourself and promote yourself, so you get more money, make sense, yes? So expert positioning, you will hear that theme throughout the weekend. You are also going to hear another theme, and this theme, is about you need to have an audience. People will use different word for that, some people say database, some people will say a list, but you are going to have an audience of people. If you can't position yourself, and you have no one to communicate what you have to, you are out. So you are going to learn a lot of technology and tools and strategies for getting that list built up, for getting more awareness out about what you want to do. And how many people already know, in your own business, you just really need to have a better audience, say I. Most people in the room, yes? Now this last question is, okay, I know what I want to be an expert in. I know I need an audience now, this other theme we are going to hear, the fifth theme this weekend, you are going to hear this, you need content. You need solution content, content that people can buy, either they can come to your seminar and learn it from you, or they can download it, or they can watch it on a webinar, or they can listen to it on a tele-seminar, but I guarantee, guarantee, if your business is not making the amount of money you wanted to make in one of these three areas, you are failing. You haven’t positioned yourself intelligently, you don’t have the audience to promote to, you don’t understand what they need, and you are not delivering the right solutions to them. Simple, isn’t it? But those three are probably where you are not adequate in. I don’t want to say that as a mean way, it's just like anybody. When I go I sit down with Tony Robbins, we can look at that, when go to sit down with Paula Abdul, we can look at that, when I sit down with my coaching clients, we can look at that. Those three things say it all. How are your positioned? How are you communicating with an audience, and what solutions are you attempting to provide for them? If you get those three things right in your business, it starts happening, you miss any of those, and it's challenging.
When I figured this out two years ago, it was just like coming from the brink of bankruptcy, because I fought so hard for my dream for so long. How many people in that place right now? I mean I fought so hard, for so long, near bankruptcy, and I figured out these three things, and I learned a lot from my Mike, and all of a sudden it was like, phew! I mean just like bam! $4 million, 18 months, boom! How many people would like that, $4 million in 18 months? Anybody interested in something like that? It was like, I couldn’t believe, and I am spreading my message, and I am getting to do what I'd love to do. I mean I enjoy this stuff, how many people love what you do, say yes, you will love what you do, you got to love what you do. So here is the question. What do you do? So I want you to do this one thing, this weekend. I want to you to get to know everybody around you, so I am going to do this quick activity for you. What I want you to do in a second, what I want to ask you is, I want you to stand up and you do this with your friends in the tables, or you can come out here in the center. (01:00:09) But what I want you to do is, just get together in a group of four, and I just want you to go around real quick and share who are you, where you from? The basics, right? Who are you, where you from? But here is the second question I want you to answer, what are you doing now that's cool? Now don't just you say my business is blah, blah, blah. Now what are you doing now that's cool? I love that question, because you learn a lot about that person. Every time I interview some celebrities, I always ask that question. What you do now that's cool? Because they reveal so much. And if you are doing shit, you might answer this question, what is that you want to do that's cool? Because may be you are not doing anything right now, because you have been spinning for a while, because you haven't figured yourself out, that's okay, because this afternoon I am going to get you clarity on that. You will be fine. But what you are doing now that's cool, or what would you like to do that's cool? And then the third question is, what you need to succeed, what you really need to succeed? Because you might find -- well, what I really need is a web guy, and the guy across from you is a web guy. So this would be a little bit of networking activity too. So the three questions are, who are you, where are you from, what are you doing now that's cool, and what do you need to succeed? You all got it, yes? Okay, so I am just going to give you quick six or seven minutes to do that, so you got to spin around, everybody stand up, groups of four, answer those three questions. Go now. (01:05:29) What the hell is going on? I thought this is an internet marketing, I thought you guys were geeks, come on, line up, say, ooh! Are you having some fun this weekend with us? Yes? Hey, if you are already bored stiffless, we could do it, we could make this suck or are you going to have some fun, yes?. Look, if your presence sucks this weekend, it
sucks for all of us, agreed? So you got to show up, your energy right now is at 7 am. We're a couple of hours in the day, you got to amp it up, are you here, yes? Say, I am here. You got to be here, and you know what, if you think this is silly, you thing all these guys are big hype guy, you got the level of energy which you show up in this moment, in this day, is a distinction of who you are. It's a complete reflection who you are. If you are like -- right now, that's you. That's you too. Who you show up in every moment is who you are agreed? So you got to be here this weekend. You got to bring your presence, because you know what, we are going to teach you the technology and tools, but if at the end of the day, if you haven't mastered your mind, how you think, how you behave, none of this means anything to you. If you can't amp your energy up to be present, to get the stuff done during the day, because how many people go through their day sometimes completely exhaust, they can't get anything done. Why? It's because the world dumped a big boring block on their head? No, it's because they are not consciously amping themselves up. They are running themselves by complete unconscious pattern. The people who succeed in this life, and you'll see this over and over again up on the stage, are people looking at present. They can get here, they will bring the energy, when it's time to be on their own. When they are at home, and it's time to work, they work. When it's time to be with their wife and play, they play. But you will see over and over and over again. You want to master distinction, your level of presence completely equals your level of income, and impact, and influence the world right now. You are frustrated and pissed off about your income, influence, and impact, look at your presence. Have you been shown up each day? Have you mastered your mind? That's one of the reasons we are bringing up this next speaker who – I am actually excited and complete dorked out to hear. Matter of fact this whole weekend, I am going to be here dorking out in the back. The whole weekend I am here to learn, how many came here to learn, say yes. I am here to learn this weekend. I am not as an expert this weekend, I am like I am learning this weekend. Because these guys are unbelievable at what they do, and John is the best in the world at what he does. Most people know John Assaraf from the Secret, or his unbelievable multi-million dollar coaching business called One Coach. He has made an unbelievable impact on the world, and he's just -- this guy has kind of figured out how do you master your mind? What is the neuroscience behind success, what you got to do to control your thoughts, and what you do in this world? Why is this so important? Because if you leave this weekend without that in place, in other words, if you don't have the psychology, the technology doesn't mean shit. How many people agree, say yes. If you don't have the psychology, if you can't get present, if when we are clapping this weekend, you are like, woo, then your life is like, woo. I believe this, people always say, they come to like four days business, they say, how do you for four days? I love life, and I will show up in every single moment, loving life. And if you are not going to show up this weekend, these things is just going to bomb. If you show up, and you learn it, and you absorb it, and you
practice what we preach, and you can get present. This weekend is going to rock, who wants that, say yes. I want it too, and I want you to rock the house when I introduce John here in a second. I wish you would rock the house, not like, this is internet marketing. No, I want you to be like, this is passion, this is energy, this is meaning, I want you to light it up for him. He is just somebody I'm interested to hear, I want to tell a quick story about John. I went out to Hawaii, I got invited to come to speak to this counsel, it's called the transformational leadership counsel. It's the top 100 trainers in the world, and I got to go out and meet John, I got to meet another 100 people there, they have all the experts in the world. And what was amazing, out of everybody who I met there, this guy was the one who really took the time to get to know myself and my wife. He took the time to really connect, he took the time to really say, hey! He actually came up to me, everyone else, many people were coming up and say, can you do this for me, do this, do this. He came he said, how can I help you? I believe in your message, how can help? And that's the spirit he is coming on the stage with this, he is helping you, helping you master your mind, your psychology, so that when you leave this weekend, you are going to be succeeding beyond any measure you ever had for yourself. So if you would rock it out, and welcome with me my friend John Assaraf, give him a great big hand of applause. Rock it up, let's go. (01:10:00) John Assaraf:
Thank you so much, what a joy. Thank you so much. Now that's what I call some great energy. Thank you, why don't you have a seat. I have been told I have got 60 minutes, and we've just used one. The purpose of me being here is, I want to sell you something, but it's not what you think it is. I want to sell you on really understanding your true potential. Not from having a great attitude. Not from what you have heard in the past, but from the latest scientific research that is showing us how powerful we really are. Not from ego, but from pure potentiality of the intelligence within the universe, the intelligence within you, and this miraculous brain of yours. And I want to combine that with some of the right strategies and tactics that you must use in order to grow a business. Now I come with a little bit of experience, I've built four multi-million dollar businesses. One I built from 1986-1996, and I grew that from six offices to a hundred real estate office, and 1500 sales people, 400 staff, five-and-a-half billion dollars a year in sales. Retired from that, got involved in the internet, in 1999 with one of my friends, and my friend's sons invented this technology that some of you may have used online if you moved your mouse left or right while you were looking at a house or a room in a house, or a car, or uploaded a photo from eBay, or you were going to hotel somewhere in the world, you wanted to see what the pool area looked like. You looked at a virtual tour. That was my last company that we grew from six people to a 1500 in 14 months, took in public on NASDAQ on the 9th month, we did $10 million in revenue on the 9 th month.
Now I don't share that with you to impress you, but I want to share with you that there was a process and a system that we used, that I consistently use and teach clients all over the world how to use, and it starts with what's happening in here. Because what's happening in here, is actually creating manifesting and attracting everything in your physical world. We do not do what we know what to do, we do what we are conditioned to do. We do not see what there is to see, we only see what we are conditioned to see, and I will prove that to you today if you will play along with me. Are you ready to have some fun? Good. And so let me share with you some of the work that I do, as Andy helps me out here, we are going to be probably about 30 minutes before this video. So we would go to my slides first, that will be great, turn it back. Technology is great, what did Brendon say, it's not technology it's psychology. We are not going to watch this till, afterwards. But you know what, maybe the universe is trying to tell me a story, let's have some fun first. How's that? This is called improvisation. Here is what I would like you do to. Remember I said, we don't see what we are conditioned or what there is to see, we only see what we are conditioned to see. There is a little exercise I am going to show you up here right now. It's a little video, I am going to start with this, if you have seen this, please don't share the number with anybody next to you. As a matter of fact they need absolute quiet during the exercise, and I'll move away so you could see it when the video is on. It's about a 20 second video and there is no sound. Now on the stage or on the video, there are six video on the stage, three are wearing a white shirt, three are wearing a black shirt. How many are wearing white, how many are wearing white, how many are wearing black? Good. I want you to focus on the team in white. I want you to focus on the team in white, that's me having a brain map done, so, I'll tell you about that in a minute. I want you to focus on the team in white, and here's what they are doing. Here's what they are doing. The team in white -- pay attention to me, not up there. The team in white is passing a basketball from one person to the next. All I want you to do in 20 seconds, is count how many times the team in white passes the basketball from one person to the next. Now, here's a couple of things to know. If they take the ball and they pass it, that's one pass. If they bounce it and the other person catches, that's one pass. If they hand it off to the other person, that's just one pass. So any time that the ball goes from one person to the next, it's how many passes. One. And which team you are going to focus on? White. Which means this, there is a part of the brain called the frontal lobe, and it's crowning achievement of mankind that we are starting to learn about. It's the part of the brain that's shuts out all the noise to the rest of the brain which allows you to focus on the task at hand. Now we are creatures that have ADD today, because of all of the messages and all of the interruptions that are coming at us, and so we start something and we stop. And we get interrupted, and we get distracted, and we never give enough time and focus to achieve success. And what we now know is possible, and is responsible for success, is the ability to give yourself an order, command, a goal, a vision and consistently take action towards
that without getting interrupted. The average person in this room loses their focus six to eight times every minute, every minute, and here is one of the reasons why? The brain is always getting stimuli, 400 billion pieces of information every second, and the brain is processing a lot of that, but deleting or distorting a lot of it as well. So what we want to do is understand what happens when we set a vision and a goal for our company, our business our revenues, our internet, whatever it is, and we stay focused on that goal. There are miraculous things that happen in the brain that when you learn how to focus it, allow you to do a couple of things. Number one, allows 100 trillion cells in your body to resonate and vibrate with that image. Now we know without a shadow of a doubt that every one of those cells are emitting or transmitting a frequency into these quantum field of intelligence that responds not to the thought, responds to the emotion. When you combine the vision of what you want to achieve with the emotion, the heart, that creates a coherence pattern that the universe responds to, that's some of the quantum physics stuff we will talk about very, very gently today. But the neuroscience part of it is what's really important, because when you start to impress that image, that you have a goal or a vision from the explicit memory system, which is the part of the brain that chooses the goal or gets information to the implicit memory system, that's when you start thinking, acting, the way you need to be in order to achieve that goal. If you have ever wondered why you have goals that you don't achieve, it's because you have the goals in one part of the brain, and that part of the brain that's filled with imagination, and persistence, and will power. There is another part of the brain that I will show, that's responsible for your perceptions and behaviors, 96%-98% of the time. That's what you have to reprogram or recondition. So for the moment, let's see how good your focus is. This is not about mathematics as much as it is about focus, because you can all count to less than 25, how is that for low Q? So I want you to pay attention to the team in white, just focus, take a deep breath in right now, one, two, three, and release, one more time, and release, now focus on the team in white, and then I am going to ask you question. Do not talk to your neighbor at all. Absolute quiet. Alright, how many of you see the moon walking bear? How many of you did not see the moon walking bear? 90% did not see the moon walking bear, let's play that over again. Don't count the basketball now. You see the bear now? How is it possible you could watch a video and bear will walk across the stage and you didn't see it? Is it possible that that is what happening in your lives and my life right now, that everything we need is walking right in front of us, but we are so stuck on our way, we are so stuck on our process, our systems, our beliefs, our habits, our values, that everything you need right now is right in front of you. The answer is absolutely, that's called the Scotoma, or the Blind Spots. And we develop these blind spots based on our beliefs and our habits, and the way the brain works is this. Once we have a bit of information that we impress into the brain, specifically the subconscious mind, over and over and over again, we become conditioned to only look for that in the physical world. Your brain does a
couple of things beautifully. Number one, keeps you alive. Number two, it looks for things in the physical world to match up with the internal map of reality. (01:20:06) Now is it possible that in some ways you've been conditioned to earn a certain amount of money? Is it possible that in some ways you're conditioned to believe something is possible or not? Is it possible that because of the conditioning, because of the training you've had, you are stuck? Not only is it possible, it's the truth. And the question is, if that's the truth and you are willing to accept it, how can you break the patterns? How can you break the habits? How can you break your perceptions? How can you break your behaviors? See, if somebody is looking to make a million dollars a year, they have to line up their thought patterns with their behavioral patterns. Because you've got to have these thoughts of a million dollars a year, but not act in the ways that are necessary to achieve a million dollars a year, either in revenue or personal income. When I set a goal back in 1982 to do a billion dollars in sales in 5 years, I had no idea. I was 26 years old, I had no idea how I was going to do it. And what I later found out, you may want to write this down, is the how, always will show up after the what. Know the what, the why is your fuel. The how always shows up, after what it is that you want. So number one, you want to set goals, but you don't yet know how to achieve. Even though, as soon as you do that an emotionalize it, you'll start to have doubts, fears and anxieties. All that is, is a part of the brain called the amygdala, telling you, you are out of your comfort zones, alright, and sending a neurotransmitter through the bloodstream to signal to you that you're out of your comfort zone. We'll talk about something called the Cybernetic Mechanism, in just a moment. So this is really the neuroscience behind success. And I was fascinated after the -- an incident happened with my home. Have all of you seen the Secret? Most of you. I had a pretty big epiphany in my life, and it changed my life, and I studied for 9 -- the last 9 years with some of the best neuroscientists in the world, Quantum Physicist, Quantum Mechanics, Molecular Biologists, and were able to understand what's the correlation between my thoughts? What's the correlation between, how the universe, the intelligent, highly self-aware universe responds to my predominant thoughts; feared, revered or vision? And I came up with the answers, and put it in my newest book called 'The Answer'. But I also lecture about this all over the world, and the findings are just spectacular. Last week, that's me, to the left of me is Dr. Jeffrey Fannin from the Cognitive Enhancement Institute in Arizona. He is one of the leading experts in the world on matching, or finding the brain waves of highly successful people and leaders. He has been doing some research at the Thunderbird School at West Point, and guess what they have discovered most recently? Leaders, highly successful people, have different brainwave frequencies, than other individuals who are not as successful. So the question is, can we map the brainwave frequencies of these
leaders, and then train other people's brains to mimic those brainwave frequencies? What do you think the answer is? Absolutely, so I went into -- I do a lot of work with meditation and visualizations and affirmations in neurotechnology. And I've been doing this for 20 some odd years. Because when I was in my early 20s, somebody told me to start visualizing, somebody told me to write affirmations, somebody told me to meditate, somebody told me to read my goals so that I have clear and precise goals. I started to do that, and I started to make a lot of money, I started to be healthier, I started to be happier, I started to have all of my dreams and goals come true. I started to build pretty big companies. So in the last several of years, the last 4 years, we've been teaching two types of things to businesses. Number one, is how to master your mind? How to master your mind, the gifts that you have based on the latest scientific research on how to do it. Affirmations are a waste of time, unless they are written properly and done properly. Visualizations are a waste of time, unless they are done properly and applied properly. Meditation is a waste of time if not done correctly. And now we have billions of dollars being invested into understanding the last frontier, and that's the brain. So I am fascinated with some of the research, I am fascinated with bringing the research to the world. So I am going to talk with you about a couple of really critical things today. (01:25:02) Number one, is the mindset. How do you change your mindset? How do you change the subconscious programming that has you at whatever level you are at, that's number one. We work with this process with every business owner around the world. So it's you, because here is what I can promise you. You can learn all the strategies, all the tactics, all the tools will be given to you, and you will not apply it long term. Answer this question for me. How many of you right now at home or here, have a CD, a DVD, a program, a manual or a seminar you've been to, where there is killer information, that if you applied it, you would do better in your business, point taken. Why aren't you doing what you should be doing? It's not about more information. It's about applying the right information in the right order. So here is some of that order. The subconscious part of the brain we now know based on the latest brain scan imaging, controls 96-98% of your behavior. Thought patterns, perceptions, brainwave frequencies. You're not even aware of this. And so this is where we become creatures of habit. Alright, it can't tell the truth from a lie, which means that if you learn how to impress a new image, a new vision, a new goal, a new outcome into this part of the brain, it starts to take over and gets you to start thinking in ways that relate to that goal; that vision, that outcome. Then you start to behave differently. And so one of the first things to do, write this down, as I have to have a clear and precise vision with the belief to match the vision. If you think of your brain as a hardware, then you think of the beliefs that you have and the habits you have is the software. So you don't necessarily have to change the operating system, but you do have to
change the programming. We have something to go in through the eyes to the back of the brain. We have something called the occipital lobe. Every sense, every sensory input from your eyes, which your brain processes or is used for about 35-50% of your brain is used for visual processing. But every sensory input must come to this part of the brain first. And it looks for matches, things in the physical world. Alright, things you hear, things you read, things you see. It looks for matches in the physical world, that match up with your existing software. If it doesn't match up with your existing software, it deletes it or distorts it within 24 hours. So you could gather information like you are here right now, or you have in the past, and within 24 hours, 90% of it is gone. You may remember a little bit, but 90% of it is gone. We now know that information comes through this part of the brain, up to half a second before a signal is sent to the conscious part of the brain to make you aware of it. So the subconscious is processing information, looking for matches, okay, and patterns that match up what's already in the brain. If it doesn't match, it deletes it or distorts it, because there's 400 pieces of information coming at us at every second. And so what we have to do, is teach this part of the brain, and it's your brain, you're responsible to learn how to use it. Okay, it's your brain, you are responsible to learn how to use it. It's like a tool you have got, that you own, and it's like having a Lamborghini or Ferrari or Mercedes in a driveway, and you saying, I really don't know how fast it goes. This thing can rip through the stuff you need. So we want to do is learn that this part of the brain will find for you 800 times faster than your conscious braincells, what it is that you are afraid of, focused of, negative about, or what it is you are focused on that you want. You hear that? So if you're focusing on the reorganization that's happening in our world today. See, I don't say recession, it's a reorganization, because nature doesn't think twice about inflicting capital punishment. And right now, capital punishment is being inflicted on the unprepared or the unwilling to change. This is what nature does. And so this part of the brain very, very simply, all you have got to do everyday -- I'll show you a process called a neuro reconditioning process on how to train this part of the brain. Now remember, it only will see, what you are conditioned to see. I am going to show you what you just saw right now, and that's the on as the FedEx logo. How many of you have seen that more than once in your life? Keep your hand up, if you have seen it more than 10 times in life, more than a hundred times in your life. So you would suggest to me, that you know that image, right? How many of you could tell me right now, without seeing the image again, where the arrow is? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten about half of you. How many of you could not tell me where the arrow is? Obviously the other half. (01:30:07) So for those of you who did not see the arrow, look at the image and tell me where the arrows are, and those of you who have seen it, please don’t share it with them. You don’t see what you have to see; you see
what you are conditioned. Look between the E and the X. So all I want to suggest to you, is there's a couple of ways to retrain the brain. Number one, is you get the specialized knowledge from somebody else, that’s the easiest way to retrain your brain. And then through repetition, you impress it into the implicit memory system, so it's locked in there for life. If you think about, how do you learn to ride a bike? How do you learn to drive stick shift? How do you learn to put on make up? If somebody shows you usually, and then you repeat it, and repeat it, and repeat it, and through perfect practice you make it perfect. And if you not taught perfectly, then you have an imprint or a sub conscious program for imperfect behavior. So simple way to learn is specialized knowledge like what you are getting right here. There is another part of the brain that works in a miraculous way called the Cybernetic Mechanism or Cycle Cybernetic Mechanism, and you have heard about it before, but most people aren’t applying a reprogramming of their own Cybernetic Mechanism. Think about this, I want you to have a visual. In this room there is a thermostat, whereas in San Diego, if we opened up the windows and the doors and heat came into the room, and there was a deviation from the heat that came in the room, and the set problem is 70%, what would happen? A signal would kick in through the electrical system, will be sent through the electrical system through the furnace, to either a) turn up the air conditioning or turn up the heat depending on where the deviation was, right? Every animal and some machines have this system built in. Humans, the most sophisticated one, and here is part of how the human brain works. Any deviation from your current comfort zone causes neurotransmitters to be released into the bloodstream, Epinephrine, Cortisol, stress hormones, what do you feel when stress hormones are released into your blood stream? Danger, stress, anxious, doubts, fears, anxieties, part of the reptilian brain are all brain is always looking for danger to save our lives. So any deviation, it doesn’t know the difference between a potential danger and a real danger, unless it has learned it over time. So it knows what to be afraid of, and it knows what not be afraid of, based on experience or genetic conditioning. So when you set as goal that’s double or triple or quadruple your current income or revenue goal right now, and you get emotional about it, wow, that’s what I really want, that could be fun. You know what’s the first response in the body, doubt, fear and anxiety. So one of the things you have to learn, is why am I feeling this way? So if you have the knowledge, then you are not dealing with ignorance, and ignorance just means not knowing. But when most people have a feeling, feeling is conscious awareness of the vibration I am in, feeling is the word we use to determine, and to express the conscious vibration that my body is in. So if you are feeling these doubts, the first thing we doubt is what? Ourselves. The second that we doubt is, is it possible, and then we do what Maslow says, we revert back to one of our hierarchy of needs, that is safety. So we have these grandiose dreams, we go to seminars, we go to workshops, we buy books, we buy CDs, we buy DVDs, but we never do them. I don't need a house that big. My cars is fine, I don't care about the clunker program. Alright, I have to work that hard, oh my God. So
here's what happening. Remember I said, I want to sell you on something, or sell you on yourself? I want you to re-engage in your genius, I want you to reengage in your genius, because with in you is the ability to change. However, the only thing that likes changes is a wet diaper or a wet baby. We as humans hate change, the very nature of who we are, what we are, has changed. That’s the only constant in the universe. We are made up of energy, energy is only constant, has changed. So we have to start learning more about why am I feeling this? Why am I stuck? Why am I not doing the things I know I should be doing, when that’s the ticket to my financial freedom, that’s the ticket to my relationship freedom, that’s the ticket to my spiritual freedom? (01:35:04) Why do I know that meditation connects me more to a higher power, and I don’t do it, right? Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. So there are some things going on here that you can change, you can change them starting right now. A neuro-reconditioning process is based on the latest brain research, okay? And here's what I want everyone of you to do. Number one, immediately without question I want you to create a powerful vision for your business, and I do not want you to create a vision that you know how to achieve. I want you to create a vision that scares you. I want you to create a vision that is going to force you to grow, I want you to create a vision that’s going to change the world, creative vision with a higher moral and social purpose, okay? One like Mike and Vivian, and Just Like My Child is, look what it’s attracting? I am not here to do a workshop or seminar, I am here to be part of the cause. I am not charging my fees, I am doing this because it’s a cause. It's something bigger than me, bigger than her, bigger than all of us. When you choose a big vision and a big goal, you attract the people to help achieve that goal, because it's all about the resistance, the energy, then you have got to have the right strategies and tactics which we will talk about in a minute. So you've got to have the mindset first, so how do you do it? Create a powerful vision is first. Number two, you have got to affirm and declare your intent daily. Why? Because repetition, when you declare the intent daily, when you create the beliefs necessary to achieve that, and you feel it, the heart emits a frequency, 60 to 80 times more powerful than the brain, but when you have the vision and the image here, and you feel as if it's already happened, you are sending a message into this quantum field of intelligence that responds to you. Send a message of doubts, fears and anxieties, it responds, as a message of passion, purpose, and fame, it responds. You want to have a Law of Attraction work, get the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind, and the hard aligned, you will never ever, ever fail. We teach businesses about the Law of Attraction, the Law of Coherence, getting people to have the same vision, same purpose, by the same values, now we are creating coherence pattern. We are responding and acting the way that the universe acts, as opposed to our egotistical physical self. You got to get that site out of the way, retrain the brain, get the heart involved, follow your passion, follow your bliss, your purpose, that’s the emotion, energy in motion, that people respond to, it doesn’t make a
difference to what you are say. Enthusiasm pours out of you, and feels God within that shows up, and people show up to your events, people show up to your website, people show up to your store, people show up -- and you have got to have the right sales and marketing, all that stuff too. So you've got to have the non physical neurological stuff with the right strategies, tactics and tools. That’s a recipe for a predictable result, predictable, we've worked with over 5000 companies in the last four years, giving them predictable results based on a process and a system. But I can tell you, I have also worked with companies where we have only worked on their strategies and tactics, and they never apply them. So as we leave, they don’t apply them. So, ha, how come? In here. It’s what causing the non behavior or the behavior, oops! We are back up. So then you can create some written materials, some auditory materials, some visual materials to imprint that message, that image, that vision, that belief into the subconscious mind, the implicit memory system is where it is at. How do you do this? It's a process called Daily Recondition. When you wakeup, and you are slightly hypnagogic state, you are tired, you have your affirmations there, or you put on your headsets with your audios, or you watch your little visuals. In about a month I have got some iPhone applications and Computer applications to do this in five minutes, for every category of life, you'll hear about it hopefully through Mike. And we have them in our program, thanks Susie. And so all you do is 3 to 5 minutes a day, to retrain the brain. It’s what I call Innercise. We are so used to exercise, working the physical body, this is a little bit of innercise to retrain our brain based on the latest scientific research. And then we can apply neurotechnology like the ones we are releasing in about 30 days, where the technology will have the words, have the images, put your brain into the right brainwave frequency, so you learn it a hundred times faster just like the Matrix. (01:40:01) If you don’t think that’s where we are going, I'll prove you wrong in 30 days. Because all the research has been done, all the statistics are done, all the case studies are done, and trust me, we are on the bleeding edge, we are on the convergence of really making a huge quantum leap in our society as a species, but in our understanding and knowledge of how do we take everybody’s level up, everybody’s game is going up. Meditation, it's one of the most unused tools in the world, and one of the most beneficial to raise your IQ, reduce your stress, connect you to the quantum field, and also help you achieve your goals hundreds of times faster. And let me share with you why? Think of your brain as a radio station that sends out a frequency and receives frequencies. If we had a radio here right now, and we turned it to 92.1. Okay, we would hear some music. Now is there music in this room right now? How many say yes? How many say no? How many wouldn’t answer regardless of what I asked? How many are afraid that this is a trick question so you won’t raise your hand?
Think about this, I only have 31 minutes left, and I have got lots of stuff to cover. If we had a radio station right now, we tune it to 92.1, it would pick up through the receiver the frequency that’s already in this room. So that might be Rock 'n Roll. If we didn't like Rock 'n Roll, we'll turn it to 92.3, we might get classical; a frequency that's in this room. So the radio is receiving a signal that’s already here. What do you think your brain does? It receives a signal based on the stations you are on. So if you are on the $100,000 of your station, it receives those signals, it looks for those signals. If you are on the million-dollar station, it receives those signals, and all we are, is energy, all there is, is frequency. All we have to do is tune into the frequency of what we want. The other thing about meditation is, we have got five different brainwave frequencies, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and new one that I'll call Gamma. Gamma is cosmic brainwave frequencies that a lot of the Olympic athletes of meditation, the monks could get into. Think of stick gear or stick shift car. In first gear you got the pedal to the metal, you are going as fast as you can, think of that as Beta brainwave frequency. Why are so many people stressed? They are stuck in Beta or Delta when they are sleeping. But what happens in a car, is when you go from your first gear to your second gear what happens? The engine goes slower, the car goes faster. When you actually put into third gear what happens again? Engine goes slower, tires are going faster. When you learn how to go from a Beta brainwave frequency to an Alpha, guess what happens? You switch gears, you tap into the intelligence of the universe, and the deeper you get into the intelligence of the universe where all the answers are any way, they are easier just for you to attract, and find, and resonate with what it is that you want. So why are we busting our asses so much, working so hard, stressing ourselves out, when there is a simpler easier solution. One of my friends Price Pritchett, was sitting at the Milford Inn in Toronto Canada, and he was writing one of his books, and if you haven’t picked up his book called 'You Squared' -- 'You Squared,' it's outstanding a little book. He tells this in the book, and he says, he is listening to a life and death struggle that’s happening right near him. And there is a fly that’s buzzing around him and smashes into windowsill trying to get itself free, and picks itself up from the glass pane, buzzes around again, smashes into the window, again, and again, and again, and again, and Price asked himself a question, he said, why is the fly trying harder each and every time when 10 feet away the door was open? It's not about trying harder my friends, it's about being smarter and applying some of the latest information on the brain, and understanding that there is a direct relationship between your brainwaves, your subconscious mind, and what you are seeing, what you are thinking about, and exactly what you are behaving like. If you want to know what you are currently conditioned to think and behave like, all you have to do is look at the Magic R, results. See, the result is the end game up to now, which means, your results will tell you what you been thinking and doing in the past. Your results are
just your results, they are not good or bad, they may not be to your taste or to your liking, but your results are nothing more than what you have been thinking and doing in the past over a period of time. (01:45:12) So here's what I can promise you. If you don't change what I am talking about, you will duplicate more of the same, regardless of how many seminars you go to, regardless of how many books you read or CDs you listen to. That's just the truth, and so how do we change? Number one, is we change through having the right information in the right order, backed by the right instruction, backed by a new process or system for change. The reason I started One Coach was not to be in Information Dissemination Company. It was to be a behavioral change company, to get people to learn what they need to learn in the right order, but then to keep them accountable, week in, week out, month in, month out, over three months, six months, nine months, twelve months, to get them to their goals. And I'll show you some of the results from some of our clients. We have got hundreds and thousands of them, because part of what we need, like we had our parents or teachers when we were in kindergarten or school, we had somebody to keep us accountable. We still need that today, especially if we want something different. That's why Tiger Woods has got coaches. That's why every single highly successful person, whether it's music, has a coach to help them get better at their game. So that’s some of the neuroscience stuff. Number two, I am going to take you now into the business stuff. Alright, and this again is the science, the neuroscience, the way you have to think about business. The right way I have been able to build some pretty big companies, is I have always identified who is my ideal client for my product or service. And the reason we did this, is because we found out that we couldn't go after everybody, we couldn’t create a message for everybody, we couldn’t go to all the different channels and strategies and tactics and joint ventures to find everybody. So when we identified who the ideal customer was, we were able to create everything very, very, very specific for them; very, very narrow, versus very, very wide. So go narrow and deep versus wide and long. So number one, you've got to find your ideal client, and how do you do that? You got to identify somebody who needs your product, and then you identify somebody who wants the product. So it's demographics and psychographics, will give you these answers. That's a process for doing it. Then you create a match. Number two, you've got to identify are they male, are they female, are they single, are they married, are they employed? Because when you find out these things, you know certain behavioral things about them. You can figure out where are they, where are they hanging out. So this is a very, very specific rifle approach, versus a shotgun approach. So you'll pinpoint who they are first, find out where they are, what their wants and needs are, what’s important to them; then and only then do you start to choose the strategies and tactics to apply. Most people are buying the tools first. Probably the tools will work for them. I am saying, no; you got to build the foundation first. You've got to build the first
15%, that will take you 85% of the way there. And so let me share with you a story about ideal client profile. Erica Phillips is one of our clients; she is a bookkeeper here in San Diego. And she was -- last year she was at about $8000 a month, and dropping, dropping, dropping, because of the economy, her clients weren’t paying her on time. She was working endless hours. We helped her just with a couple of the modules we have got, on ideal client profile, the next one called decision-making process. She increased her revenue in six months to $40,000 a month, hired somebody to run that company, started a new company now. How do you like these kinds of results? I am telling you the simple answer is, stop what you are doing for a moment, and think of this from a neuroscience perspective. Think of it from a behavioral perspective, your behavior and others behavior. Think of it from an energetic perspective. When you get clear on your client, when you get clear on your values, and you want them to have those types of values, guess what you start doing? You start to attract with the right strategies and tactics. She removed some of the negative thoughts and tension associated with the late payments and negative clients, replaced her less than ideal client. Would does this look like? She got rid of 65% of her clients, got rid of them, said goodbye. Tough, tough decision; economy is bad, tough decision, guess what? We coached her out of the doubts, fears and anxieties, and we coached her into the certainty and confidence, backed by the right strategies and tactics, and we had a predictable result. (01:50:00) Number 2, you have to understand how your client makes a decision to buy your type of product or service. Is it an impulse buy, is it a thought out buy? You have to understand your ideal client, and how do they go about making a decision to buy your products or services? Here's what I can share with you; there are billions of dollars, billions of dollars that are being spent right now on what's called the Neuromarketing field. The Neuromarketing field is how do you make a decision to buy a car, roulades, choose a burger place, a pizza place, how important is the brand. You have to get into the head, into the mind of your customer. It's not enough, you see, you've got to stop the flea marketing approach, and the flea marketing approach, is you put your wares out on the table, and you hope someone is going to walk by out of a hundred people and buy it. If you want to catch a lot of fish, go to where the fish are, right? And so you have to understand the decision-making process, or what do they want, what's their process for finding it, what triggers that decision to buy? You have to answer these questions; when you can answer these questions, then and only then, can you start to invest your time and money on products and tools and joint ventures, and everything else to be able to really get them. This is a science, okay? This is a science, and I am telling you there's billions of dollars being spent right now by the
major corporations to understand what triggers people to buy their product or service. You are no different, especially since the Internet is playing such an important role. You need to understand the words that trigger them; John Carlton will help you with that, he is one of the best in the world at that. You understand how to get your information as fast as possible in front of them when they are searching. Mike Koenigs will help you with that. But this is a science, and you don't have to reinvent it, it pays to know where to buy specialized knowledge. The other thing you must understand based on the neuroscience of success, is this, and I have simplified this for you today. We get deeper into it, obviously in what we do, but there are four different types of buyers out there, alright. If you are conceptual, and you like to see the big picture, and somebody gives you a boatload of facts and statistics, do you shut down? Yeah, and if your analytical and structural, you want a lot of information and you want it in the right order, what's step one, what's step 2, what's step 3, what's step 4, what's step 5, and somebody is talking phoo phoo, satirical, boloney stuff, you are like, shut off, right? So when you're selling or marketing, if you're not talking to all of these brain types, you're missing out, and you shouldn't be, right? So how do you make sure that in your video messages, how do you make sure that in your copyrighting, you talk to all of these people, so they get what they want the way they wanted. See, you have to serve up this information the way they wanted, not the way you wanted, and you have to understand, that's who you're talking to. And if you don't cover all four, guess what, you are going to be leaving money on the table. So if you are going to be busting your butts to do the videos, you are going to be busting your butts to get great copy, and your language patterns, you have to understand that you have got to speak to these people, because everyone of you is in sales. It may be sales in print, it may be sales in video, may be sales in audio, but you are in sales. And so your message has got to speak to the neuroscience of this. Is this making sense? So then, you have to understand the decisionmaking process, this is just a small little sample, where are these people, where are they looking for your type of product or service? See, because when you get to start to figure out where they are, you find what I call as that hubs, and when you find the hubs of where they are, okay, let me ask you a question, how many of you go on Facebook everyday? And how many of you are Tweeting everyday? How many of you have favorite magazines, well, online and off? How many of you have a favorite restaurant? Every one of us has got behavioral patterns. We show up at certain places, we read certain things, we buy certain things, we communicate with certain people. When you could find out who the ideal client profile is, and their decision-making process, and where they are, then and only then, do you put your message in that path. Then and only then, do you put your message that's carefully crafted in their path, to start the dialog, and the dialog you are starting is with their brain, because their brain, remember the reticular activation system, it's scanning 400 billion bits of information, audio, video, radio, billboards, email, newsletters, all that stuff, it's scanning it.
You don't read the whole thing, you know what, you scan it. And when you see a word, when you see an image, when you see a feeling that resonates with something you want or are afraid off, bam! The message is sent to your conscious mind. So your brain is doing all this stuff behind the scenes, but you have to understand how to evoke that emotion. What you have to understand in the world of selling, the world of business, is you have to evoke the emotion first from the mammalian brain, which then sends a signal to the frontal lobe. So it's the mammalian brain, the emotional brain that you have to attract, and you have to penetrate that the way people behave, and behavior is based on their genetics and their programming, and whether they are analytical, structural, conceptual or social. So again, there's a neuroscience behind all of this. Here's Bow Wow Bill, 18 months ago has a job washing dishes in Washington, making 10 bucks an hour, walking dogs when you can find it. Bala Bill want to build his business around his passion for dogs, he just loves dogs. This guy just loves dogs, train dogs, he had no idea how to do it, didn't who his ideal clients were, the decision-making process, and he had no compelling message to attract them, because nothing was in sync. He started working with us, with our program, there is Bow Wow Bill. Matthew's revenue jumped from $600-12,000 to 50o plus 1000 this year, 18 months' dog-walker, following a process, neuro-reconditioning everyday, follows a process, bought his dream home, having a ball, 5.2 acres, put a kennel in now. Now he has got a kennel, he had got other people walking his dogs. Now he is private consultation for 100 bucks an hour. Now he is getting a line of dog food, now he is training other people -- I can go on and on and on. It all started with a vision he had, he followed the process. Then he selected his niche marketing, was obedience training, discovered the ideal client, the decision-making process created his message; the fast way to train your dog with love, guaranteed. When somebody buys a puppy, how fast do you think they want them trained? Do they want them loved or not? A couple of emotional triggers there, right? Guaranteed emotional trigger. Alright, this was the beginning of his message. He will hit a million dollars in revenue next year, I predict, and then he wants to start franchising. A guy who walked dogs 18 months ago, washed dishes, but he had a dream. Then you create a compelling message once you have all of those things done, and I am sure John Carlton will share all of this stuff with you tomorrow, when you start with your elevator pitch, your mini commercial prequalifies every prospect. Now I have got to move through this pretty fast, but it's hard to separate you from your competition. So I will give you some examples of a diamond jeweler; if somebody asked you what do you do? What do most jewelers say, they are selling diamonds, I sell diamonds, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah; in the sea of jewelers, that's blah. How about, do you know how and when do you go to buy that prefect diamond, you have no clue if you're getting the best quality at a fair price. Whenever you ask the brain a question, it shuts off from everything else, because we are socially conditioned to pay attention to our teachers and our parents, that we shut off whatever we
are doing and we want to respond to the question. So an elevator pitch that we teach is always around a question first. That might be something that people feel or go through experience when they are looking to purchase a diamond. The answer is, what we do is educate you how to buy the perfect diamond at half off retail, and guarantee it will be appraised to double the price by a certified gemologist of your choice. Now do you have a higher level of confidence and certainty, that if you are looking for a diamond, if you happened to be an ideal client profile, and you happen to be looking for a diamond, will you continue at least looking at this ad video webpage yellowpage; would you at least continue? The message is critical, critical, every one of your interactions, your conversations, and it has to be based on how people respond, how the brain is responding to questions, how the brain is looking not to have pain and to gain pleasure. So we've identified some of the problems. How many of you have ever bought a diamond, you've had that question on your mind. (02:00:00) How do I know you are not screwing me basically? You want me spend 10 grand or 20 grand, how do I know? There's the four Cs. Well, how do I know if you are telling me that, that C is the right C?. So we eliminate that in the elevator by saying, it will certify double at the gemologist of your choice. Now I am putting it back on you that I am so confident. So I have eliminated the psychological barriers for people doing business with me. So then you reduce your elevator pitch to 10 seconds, you can provide this kind of diamond with the highest quality, lowest price, with the best customer protection guarantee in the industry for some of your messaging, alright? And then from there you can create a USB, the way you do that, is you take the benefits of the elevator pitch. So discounted diamonds, highest quality, lowest price, best customer protection guarantee, and you're caught with discounted diamonds, unmatched quality, untouchable prices, unbeatable guarantee. So you start to create the right messaging that people are looking for. And I am going really fast, but this is again, I am talking about the Neuroscience behind this. This is how the brain is processing informations, looking to avoid pain, gain pleasure, but it looks to avoid pain first. We do more to avoid pain, than we do to gain pleasure. It's just a simple, simple formula. So if you are speaking to somebody and you know this, your language patterns have to be around this. If you are creating a video or audio or text, it has to be around this. It's not hard to do once you know how to do it. Here's the Lowers, they were a multi level marketing travel agents running less than $6,000 a month. Here was their original elevator pitch.
We help people diversify their income portfolios while taking trips. Does anybody here know what the hell that is? We work with them on the ideal client profile. We looked for them on our entire system, and then they are on track to earn more than a million dollars in 2009. This is in two years, of 2008, we started work with them, 2009 they are on track to do over a million. Their feature on the cover TRAVELHOST magazine, World Ventures travel adopted the pitch they created, which was – we help people make a fortune while taking dream vacations, before and after. Simple, simple, so now when somebody says to them what do you do? They say we help people make a fortune while taking dream vacations. How many of you if you've met them would say, how do you do that? How many of you would do that, how many of you would have asked them that question before? You will go, oh really, thank you. Are you seeing how this all ties together? Alright. Michael Schmidlin, one of our clients in Denver, Colorado. Revenues plunged last year from 3.4 million to 2.2 million, in 2008. Where he looked at what he was doing had the wrong message, wrong clients and he didn't understand that his Datacom company and what he was specializing, was the networking solution that was changing rapidly, and he was using old systems, old processes, old messaging, and he is a Solopreneur by the way. No assistance, Solopreneur. In the first six months 2009, 2.9 million of additional growth, by just applying what I have been teaching you so far. He actually had a couple of extra pieces, he created the revenue plan and a sales plan as well. A revenue is simply taking your products or services, counting the numbers you are going to sell to meet a certain target, that's a revenue plan. A sales plan is really understanding what happens from the beginning to the end of your sales process. You’ve got to map that out. It takes a bit of time but once you do, it's like painted by number, it's paint by number. So we talked a bit about the mindset client profile decision making process in the communications, in every business, you’ve always got to focus on three things. Lead generation, lead qualification and lead conversion, lead generation, lead qualification, lead conversion, and there is modules that you have to have in every business. You can't get away from them. If you want to get to that 100,000, you’ve got to have it, you want to get to that 250, you’ve got to have it, 500,000. Every stage of business is different, and requires different tools, and resources and messages to get to the next stage. But you have to have the fundamentals and these are some of the fundamentals. Here's something that I am going to share with you, because I have only got a few moments. If any of you are interested in working with us, and I do a very, very simple educational process. If you take a look at the documents that you were given here, first and foremost, if you want some free videos that are about 10 minutes long that we created after we learned about Traffic Geyser, that's generated about – it was about
12000-13000 new views on our pages about 2500 business assessments for us in last 90 days, 2500 business assessments for us in the last 90 days. (02:05:03) So we are not using Traffic Geyser optimally yet, but because of those results, I have brought my partner and COO and President Susie Carter, her husband Bert, Allan, our Director of Marketing, Ryan was here yesterday, four of my team members have been here, to learn how to use Traffic Geyser even more. So I am like Victor Kiam, but I am not going to buy his company, but it works. So we are looking at utilizing the tools. If you want to see those videos, it will help you, just go to Paid for Life, HYPERLINK "mailto:OneCoach.com"OneCoach.com. I would like you to spend one minute right now if you can on page number two, and ask yourself, do you have a proper written vision and mission statement? And this is, score yourself on a scale of 1-10. I want you to have a score based out of 100 right now. So do you have, kind of sort of maybe is 5, a clear and precise incredible one is 10, no, I don't, you get 0. Do you have written goals and objectives for yourself, and your team whether they are virtual or not? Yes, is 10 for everybody or 5 or 4, 3, 2 or 1. Do you have if you have a virtual team or employees, do you have team meetings at least once a week to make sure you are focusing on the goals, the objectives and measuring? And this is what I call the True North, everybody, okay? This is the True North. This is going to give you a snapshot of where are you really? Where are you really, okay? Then do you have a clear defined revenue plan? Do you know based on your products and services, how many you have to sell at what price, to how many people to achieve your revenue goals, either you do or you don't, or it's kind of a sort or maybe. And just grade yourself so you have a picture of where you are. Then do you have a clear defined marketing plan? Most companies when we do business assessments, we serve companies in 50 plus countries around the world right now, 95%, 96-97% do not have a marketing plan. Their marketing plan is, what should I do this week or this month? Oh, there is a really good special available on the Yellow Pages. Oh, you know, maybe I'll try an Internet Marketing campaign, maybe I'll send out an email, maybe I'll send out a postcard to see what happens. If you are serious about growing your business, okay, get serious about in marketing plan. If you treat your business like a hobby, it will cost you like a hobby. If you treat your business like a business, it will pay you like a business and business can be your road to financial freedom, and the lifestyle you want. Do you have a sales process? Do you know exactly how to generate leads, qualify those leads and convert those leads every single step? So
when your phone rings or an email comes in, okay, first of all how do you get the phone ring, how do you get the emails to come in, what are the channels and options that you have to do that? Because there are hundreds. Do you have a clearly defined plan and what happens every step of the way? If you don't, you are going to be okay, but not in this economy. Like I said before, nature will pour a vacuum and the vacuum is being created right now, as companies are dying off, because they don't have the stuff, and wouldn't it now be a good time to do it? Management infrastructure, accountability plans and clear job descriptions, have them or you don't? Budgets, monthly accounting, if you are not budgeting, if you are not checking your matrix, you don't know what your finances are, you don't know your cash flow, you don't have projections, P&Ls, you are running the ship blind, can't do it, can't do it. Trust me, I’ve lost millions of dollars doing it that way. I have probably established business entity and legal structure, that's just something everybody should have. Then do you have an exit strategy right now? Do you have an exit strategy of how are you going to sell your business, remove yourself from the business, so that you can have a business that works for you, versus you working for the business. You have to think about all of this stuff in advance. How many of you’ve got a score of 100? Awesome, how many 90? Great! 80? 70? 60? 50? 40? 30? 20? 10? Who is just getting into business? Great, okay. So these are the things you have to be thinking about. Again, this is your Neuroscience of Success. For those of you who want to play with us, we have got a couple of options, and we are donating a portion of obviously what we make over here. We have got to pay our coaches and stuff like that. We have got a platinum package at $6700.50, and you work with the coach for the next 12 months, on implementing absolutely everything we’ve talked about, plus a whole bunch more. So all that stuff. (02:09:55) If that doesn't work for you, that's okay as well. We've also got a -- all of the stuff I've talked about in the mindset, mindset for success program, with, obviously CDs, manuals and everything that you can do. And then attract more clients program, which has got about 500 pages of step-bystep-by-step, how to get it done on your own. So there's the we'll help you do it model, and there's the do it your model yourself. And it's normally I think $975 for the attract more clients program, and $475 for the mindset. Because we're here today, we'll give you a break, and it's $975. If you are interested in that or consulting with me, I have room for four individuals I work with privately, for myself and Susie. We have a room for four, just see Susie in the back for any of the stuff, just see us in the back afterwards. There is your opportunity for yourselves, the benefits are that you are going to do what you should be doing. And then you do what you should be doing. The investment should be inconsequential, and you can make that up hundreds, hundreds of times more, just like our other clients.
Here's something I would like to share with you. On your desk or on your -- on your – in front of you, there it is. On November is it the 19 th Vivian? November 19th, my beautiful wife and I, one of the passions we have in our life is philanthropy. And giving back of ourselves, our finances, our hearts, our minds. We are opening up our home to a select group of people to have a party, and the party is an African thanksgivings theme to help, Just Like My Child. And how many people -- how many people can we accept, was that up to us? 200 okay, so we are going to host a party for 250 people at our home, for a great, great cause. We have had up to 400 there, so it will be an indoor and outdoor -- indoor and outdoor. We get to live in this beautiful place, like I shared with you, I get to live this lifestyle, because I learned everything I talked with you about for the last hour. From individuals who wanted to make a difference in my life, and wanted to make a difference in the lives of others around the world. And my passion, what I do today, is I write, I travel around the world, I do consulting around the world, I lecture only about ten fifteen times a year, and then we do a lot of philanthropy work with organizations that we believe in, and this is one we believe in. And so, we were just introduced to Mike and his beautiful wife. They came over to the house, and we loved what they were doing, and the mission that they were on, that we really wanted to help make a difference. So for those of you want to attend on November the 19 th, it will be a VIP reception, and we'll host you there. For those of you who want to acquire any of our products or our coaching, there are some forms on that as well. And then with one minute, I am going to leave you with a closing story, and that is this. What I've learned in the last 30 years of really studying the brain, studying the quantum physics field, is that, we are just starting to scratch the surface of what we're capable of. We take you back to 1633, to Galileo, okay? Beautiful Italian astronomer that was convicted of heresy, and he was convicted of heresy for, do you know what? Writing that the earth was not at the center of the universe. And he was convicted to house arrest. He was actually convicted to life imprisonment, then house arrest. Just because he said, that the earth was not at the center of the universe, which is what the scripture said, in the Bible, and went against, guess what? The church. So since then, since 1600s, to today 2009, we've really entered an era of scientific study. From Galileo to Descarte, to Isaac Newton who gave us the Laws of Motion and Propensities. He gave us the material that we need to navigate our physical world; hear, see, smell, taste and touch. Alright, propensities of motion. Put a man and woman on the moon, time them within the fraction of a second. We have known about those laws up until the mid 1900. We'll start actually with Albert Einstein, 1903, with E=mc2. Alright, but that era, 110 years is not a lot of time. But what we're starting to realize, is how magical and powerful God created us in a humble, beautiful way. Alright, and that our thoughts do matter. And we can change our life. We can change our experience. We can change the
journey, when we change from the inside out first. And we do affect each other, because we're all connected. Whether you like it or not, whether you see it or not or believe it or not, we are all connected. (02:15:07) So my fears are your fears. My love is your love, my caring is your caring, my animosity, everything that is within me is also within you. And the beautiful part is that we get to choose. Everything within you, and everything within me is found in a pig or a horse, except for one thing. Our ability to choose. We have a choice, and it's with that, that I hope that maybe inspired you just a little bit to go after your dreams, to go after your passions, to go after the purpose. The thing that's calling you. Your reason for living. The thing that you are passionate about doing. Go after, go after in a big way, and I'll leave you with that. And I'll tell you, also in that document is a form. If you would like to have a business assessment by one of our advisers to let you know, what's going on well, with your business or not, we'll give everybody here a complementary one also. And so just fill out the form and give it to one of our team members in the back. And with that said, with hopefully the hope that everything is here that you need. Let's bring up the beautiful creator of Just Like My Child. She'll tell you a little more about it. Give it up. Vivian Glyck:
How about that John Assaraf, our superstar. Thank you so much John.
John Assaraf:
Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you so much, had lots of fun. So you're done? You can do this on your own. I know you could do.
Vivian Glyck:
Tell me.
John Assaraf:
For the first person who signs up for coming to the house for the party, I'll also give you my Having it All Program, right there, okay? With my 'Having it All' book, alright, here you go. Usually put that back in there.
Vivian Glyck:
Anything, any other thing.
John Assaraf:
And for the second person, right there, the gentleman there, the Vision Board Kit, all about creating powerful visions with a 45 minute CD. Make sure you get his money. Right back there, what Susie? Do you want to give out the next one?
Vivian Glyck:
John Assaraf:
We have got a couple. Here you go. One more Vision Board.
Vivian Glyck:
Alright, hurry up, come on up. Did you give in your form?
John Assaraf:
There you go, thank you all. We had fun.
Vivian Glyck:
Thank you so, much I met John and Maria several months ago, and Maria is just the most open hearted, fun loving, exciting person, and I had this vision of what it would it would be like to have our annual -- we call it our 3rd Birthday party, because we have been around for three years now, at
their home. I mean this crazy home, that's been featured around the world, and I was so nervous, and I was like, she said, what can I do to help? And I was like, can we have our party at your house? She was like, yes. Party! So, we are really excited, we are expecting, we've got ambitious plans, we've got invitations out to celebrities like, Forrest Whitaker. Hopefully, Michael Jordan, we haven't confirmed any of these yet, but it's really going to be a fun event. It's awe, it's right before, it's a week before thanksgiving. We are calling it Our African Thanksgivings, really getting you close to the rhythm, the fabric, the flow, the culture of Africa. So I am hoping you guys can attend and see this magnificent home. So, thanks again, John. So we are going to go into a little break right now. And what time is it right now? 11:10, lovely; you are going to have a 20 minute break. Again, for the people who weren't here yesterday, we have Grab & Go food outside, we have a daily minimum that we need to reach. So, if you could help us, by getting your lunch there, your coffee etcetera, it would make the foundation happy.
Total Duration: 140 Minutes
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