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Due to the nature of this thesis surrounding various types of representation, it seems more appropriate to discuss the ‘project’ in terms of various contexts rather than a singular specific site. This thesis will define 3 different contexts to discuss each mode of representation relative to its own context.
Paper Space, Model Space, & Physical Space. 101
This context is defined in a 2-dimentional formatting and can allow representation to vary through the paper size, type, orientation, and drawing/image scale. Flatness is an integral component of paper space and is dependant upon graphics, lines, tones, textures, ect.
Paper space is the most conventional way we interact with representation, whether it be a drawing on a wall, images on a screen, scanned images, renders in a book spread, documentation of models & buildings.
The context of Model space is a physical representation of an object, and can express aspects of an architectural design that cannot be shown in the restricted 2D of paper space.
Model’s take on physical materials to represent aspects of the project rather than rely on graphics. Due to the physical characteristics of certain materials the project can inherit specific qualities from the chosen materials, such as grain of the wood, properties of paper, the color of the printing filament, ect.
Referring to the Representation of ‘Physical Space,’ is that of ‘real world’ context; a site that exists in the world and is defined by real dimensions and in locked into 1:1 Scale.
Representation at this scale and context takes on a different purpose and set of characteristics. These can come in the form as physical elements such as installations/ mock-ups, graphics like a scaffolding screen, or most commonly the Render.
Typically any representation at this level has been refined to a High-fidelity and loses much of its previous abstract or ambiguous state (if it had any to begin with).
We understand the creation of representation as the result of using various techniques ( line, wash, tone, collage, Photoshop, photograph, model, ect.) to create images that are of Architectural significance, subsequently to the design and process.
This thesis hopes to instill the concept of Representation as Technique.
Understanding representation as an active tool itself to explore and create architecture, rather than being left to a passive documentation of it.