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Senior Regent’s Message

Hello April Fellow Coworker Sisters!

Well, it looks like we did it WE Made It Happen! We accomplished our goal to be a pristine Chapter. GO Stockdale 1203!! This achievement is worth recognition, but it is also a part of a larger set of goals. There is much more to accomplish and the journey is continuing. Hop on and join the ride.

The last two articles focused on recognizing the WOTM Board and Chair ladies. Today I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to both our Chapter and Lodge members for supporting WOTM efforts; for all donations, and to the many volunteers stepping up and actively representing our team. THANK YOU…THANK YOU…and THANK YOU for all your generosity and interest in our Chapter.

In my Senior Regent year 2022-2023 vision, I came up with three goals. First, to improve membership and involvement; second, to increase cohesion and collaboration with the different sectors within the Lodge; and finally, to expand community visibility. There are many examples of how we gathered as a team to make these goals come to fruition. I want to express my sincerest gratitude for all who came along for the ride.

As this is my last article to you as Senior Regent, I am happy to announce that voting will take place on April 10, 2023 from 3:15 to 5:15 PM. This is a two-hour window prior to our Chapter general membership meeting. The results of the election will be announced during the meeting start time continues at 5:30 PM.

Finally, (drumroll) it is time for me to recognize the last quarter Caught You Doing Something Great nominees. There are so many volunteers cheerfully giving of their time, resources, and talents. The nominees are: Becky Grove, Susan Cowan, Melanie Kelley, and Rosa Madrid. Congratulations goes to Rosa Madrid! As you see her around the Lodge, probably organizing one of many opportunity drawings, take time to say hello and thank her for all she does.

In closing, I welcome a new Board on the 29th of April at 5:00 PM during installation of the incoming Board. I encourage all to attend in support. My journey continues with our new Board as Junior Past Regent and in the role of advisor. I look forward and am very excited to be part of something great It just feels good. So…this is not goodbye; it is “see you around” with a huge smile. Remember, an Attitude of Gratitude goes a very long way.

I am so proud to have had the opportunity to represent these values and be Stockdale 1203 WOTM!

Fraternally Yours, Robyn McClain Tennison, Senior Regent

From the Desk of the Treasurer

Hello Women of the Moose!

Please help me welcome our newest members to the Stockdale Women of the Moose Chapter #1203:

Margie Schwartz – sponsor Chris Myers-Mainland

Catherine Vigil – sponsor Robyn Tennison Kathy Jamieson- sponsor Beverly Bently Welcome and thank you for joining our Chapter!

We would also like to thank the sponsors for working toward increasing our Chapter membership! YOU’RE DOING A GREAT JOB! We are still leading the chapters in our area and are continuing to Make It Happen for our Chapter!

Our Chapter continues to lead all chapters for Territory 46 in membership. The women from Chapter 1203 have been working hard to earn their top honors.

If you have any questions concerning membership to the Chapter, please do not hesitate to ask any officer (Robyn Tennison, Senior Regent; Claire Acosta, Secretary; or Melanie Kelley, Treasurer) or any member of the Chapter. We would love to answer any of your questions you may have.

Fraternally Yours, Melanie Kelley, Chapter Treasurer (559) 920-6302

Moose Good Samaritan

March saw quite a few members ill or hospitalized. Robert Robison had a visit to the ER and is home doing better. Robert retired in March and we wish him well. Mike Stamper is home recuperating and we were glad to see him at the Lodge Paint Party. Keep getting better, Mike. Donna DeGough had emergency surgery in March and we hope she is recuperating. Carol Jett hurt her knee and we send prayers for it to heal.

I am sad to report the passing of Lori Netherton’s partner, Dea Anne Wilson. Pete Boggus passed and Paulette had a Celebration of Life on March 4th Member Josie Smith passed in March and Annette Cornejo’s brother-in-law passed in March. Glenn Holland’s family in Washington suffered a tragic accident and his cousin & nieces passed. Condolences to all the families.

On the brighter side, Ashley Stanley’s son, Adam, placed 3rd in the State Wrestling Championships. Adam is a sophomore at Bakersfield High School. Congratulation’s Adam!

Please contact me if you know of any of our members and Moose families that need help or assistance, or Prayer Warriors. Good news is always welcome, so please let me know of any weddings, new babies, or grandbabies. You can contact me at cmyersmainland@bak.rr.com or text/call (661)3330029. Or there are forms on the table outside the Chapter office that you can fill out and leave me information. Next month will see a new Chaplain and I know your input will be appreciated.

Chris Myers-Mainland, Chaplain

Anonymous Member Contribution

Our membership volunteerism is an important part of our fraternity. That being said, we need to rethink ourselves when making comments to the members that are volunteering. They do not need to hear that they have done this wrong, overcooked, or under cooked for a function. The person or persons that are putting on the function need to be thanked, not criticized. So, in the future if you have a comment rethink your comment and thank the person or persons for what they are doing. Be kind and considerate as you are not always right.

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