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City of Ocean Shores Newsle er
City Achievements:
Exci ng news! The Ocean Shores City Council has approved joining the Grays Harbor Conserva on District. This partnership will benefit all property owners and the city as we tackle tough challenges like erosion, waterways, and noxious weeds. Working with agencies is essen al to finding sustainable solu ons, and we can't wait to share more in a presenta on soon. Let's protect and preserve our beau ful community together!

Our Mayor, Jon Mar n, received the Advanced Cer ficate of Municipal Leadership. This program acknowledges the hard work of elected officials who have shown proficiency in key areas, including legal requirements, community planning, and resource management. To earn this pres gious cer fica on, he had to a end training sessions, serve in the community, and further hone his leadership skills.
According to AWC CEO Deanna Dawson, city leadership is a challenging and mul faceted role. The Advanced CML program equips officials with the knowledge they need to succeed in this role by ensuring they adhere to legal requirements, plan for the future, manage funds, foster rela onships, and promote diversity and inclusivity.
The High Dune Trail has broken ground, and we couldn't be happier! The trail will be ADA accessible, which means everyone can enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors equally. The new surface will be walkable and safe for everyone too. It's fantas c to see such a great turnout for this event, and I can't wait to see more people able to enjoy this trail. Looking forward to the comple on in September/October. We will keep you posted on the progress.
Plans & Projects: Fire Hydrant Flushing 2023
The City of Ocean Shores Water Department began flushing fire hydrants in June. It is common for flushing ac vi es to s r up sediment in the water lines surrounding the work areas. We recommend that you do not use hot water during the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM on the days flushing is happening in your neighborhood. If you experience discolora on of your water, please run the COLD water tap for a few minutes un l it clears. If you must use hot water during flushing opera ons, we strongly recommend flushing your hot water tank a er our opera ons are complete. A map of the work area can be viewed at www.osgov.com. If you have any ques ons or require addi onal informa on, please contact us by phone at 289-4210 or email at mtobert@osgov.com.

Embracing the Waves: Exploring the Health Benefits of Living in a Coastal Community
The allure of coastal living extends far beyond the picturesque landscapes and the calming sounds of crashing waves. For centuries, humans have been drawn to the coast, not only for its aesthe c appeal but also for its remarkable impact on physical and mental well-being. Science has now begun to unravel the numerous health benefits associated with residing in a coastal community. From improved respiratory health to enhanced mental well-being, the posi ve effects of coastal living are truly remarkable. In this ar cle, we will delve into the reasons why coastal communi es offer unique advantages for our overall health.
Abundant Fresh Air: One of the most apparent health benefits of living in a coastal community is the access to an abundance of fresh, clean air. The coastal breeze carries a high concentra on of nega ve ions, which are known to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain. These nega ve ions also help to balance serotonin levels, boos ng mood and promo ng relaxa on. Breathing in the crisp sea air can have a rejuvena ng effect on the respiratory system, clearing airways and reducing symptoms of respiratory condi ons such as asthma and allergies.
Vitamin D and Sunlight: Living by the coast offers ample opportunity for sun exposure, allowing residents to soak up vitamin D, o en referred to as the "sunshine vitamin." Vitamin D is essen al for bone health, immune func on, and mental well-being. Coastal dwellers have increased access to natural sunlight, making it easier for their bodies to synthesize this vital nutrient. Regular exposure to sunlight also promotes the produc on of serotonin, a neurotransmi er associated with feelings of happiness and well-being.
Stress Reduc on and Improved Mental Health: The calming effect of the ocean has long been recognized as a natural stress reliever. The sight and sound of waves crashing against the shore induce a sense of tranquility, reducing stress levels and promo ng relaxa on. The coastalenvironment provides a perfect se ng for medita on, yoga, or simply unwinding and clearing the mind. Research has shown that individuals living near the coast experience lower levels of psychological distress, anxiety, and depression compared to those residing inland.
Physical Ac vity Opportuni es: Coastal communi es offer a plethora of physical ac vity opportuni es, encouraging residents to lead an ac ve lifestyle. Whether it's swimming, surfing, paddleboarding, beach volleyball, or leisurely walks along the shoreline, coastal living promotes engagement in outdoor ac vi es. Regular physical exercise has numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased stamina, weight management, and reduced risk of chronic condi ons such as diabetes and heart disease.
Connec on with Nature: Living in a coastalcommunity allows for a deep connec on withnature. The scenic beauty of the coast provides opportuni es for relaxa on, contempla on, and a sense of awe. Engaging with nature has been linked to improved mental well-being, reduced stress, and increased cogni ve func on. Coastal dwellers o en have access to diverse ecosystems, including wetlands, dunes, and marine habitats, fostering an apprecia on for biodiversity and environmental conserva on.
Next Month’s Highlight will be Sports
Your Pharmacy Should Do More Than Just Fill Prescrip ons
We are dedicated to providing a wide range of high-quality services that meet all of your healthcare needs. From medica on services to clothing to childcare, we have you covered. Call, click, or stop by today and find out how we can help you! Located on Chance a La Mer, we’ve been serving the community of Ocean Shores since 1981. Our pharmacy staff have over 40 years of experience and our friendly staff will treat you like family.
Alongside pharmacy services, we also offer women's clothing and children's toys. We believe that being a local Ocean Shores pharmacy means providing a wide selec on of quality services customized to the needs of our pa ents.

Phone: (360) 289-4647 h ps://www.oceanshorespharmacy.com
Meet your community leaders – focusing on a one member each month:
Alison Cline was unanimously appointed to City Council in January 2022 when Mayor Mar n moved from council posi on 4 to Mayor. Each council member is appointed as a liaison to city boards. I am the liaison for the Library Board of Trustees. I am a full- me special educa on teacher and while I may not a end other board mee ngs, I do watch the mee ngs during my lunch break or a er work, just as I'm sure other council members that do not a end every board mee ng, watch the videos. The council has worked collabora vely and most votes have been unanimous. I have supported food trucks, the cleaning of the Oyehut ditch to prevent flooding of homes and businesses, a capital improvement plan for the city, and many other items to move our city forward. I am currently working with Councilmember Sprigg on the distribu on of ARPA Funds and Councilmember Hartman on a sliding scale for u li es. While I am not extremely vocal during mee ngs, I read, research, and ask ques ons prior to mee ngs. I am very involved in our community and hope to con nue on the council in helping to move us forward.
Place marker for monthly calendar

Ocean Shores City Welcome Commi ee
715 N. Bay Avenue SE
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Are you looking for a way to make a posi ve impact on your community and give back to the city you call home? Consider volunteering with your local government! There are plenty of opportuni es to get involved, from helping out at a community event, being a member of Ci zen Patrol to serving on a city commi ee or board. Volunteering with the city is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and make a real difference in your community. So why not give it a try? Contact the City Clerk Sarah Logan (slogan@osgov.com) today to find out how you can get involved and make a difference in your community!

Helpful Links:
Voter Informa on: h ps://www.osgov.com/government/voter_informa on/index.php
Residents Resources: h ps://www.osgov.com/community/index.php