10 minute read
Article Series
from CMD Bridge Oct.
by 1920 Bridge
談到十月,我一定會想起我的主保聖人 ─ 小德蘭。聖女小德蘭是一位傳教主保, 她把自己的一生全奉獻給天主。聖女天真淳樸,一如赤子,自覺要成為最小的,猶如耶 穌所說:「你們若不變成如同小孩子一樣,你們決不能進入天國」(瑪 18:3)。因此, 聖女常常在日常生活中表現謙虛,在小德蘭的自傳中,她曾這樣說過:「我奉獻給天主 的只是愛情,祂卻以愛情還報我。死後,我要降下玫瑰花雨」可見,她對天主的愛,是 充滿謙卑。
我們可曾想過自己的召叫呢?我們有否問自己:究竟天主想我做甚麼呢?了解了小 德蘭的生平,我才知道原來我們每人的召叫都一樣 ─ 就是愛。天主是一切美善的根 源,而美善就是出於愛。天主毫無條件地把自己的兒子為我們而死,這是天主對我們愛 的展現,那麼我們只需回報的,是那一點謙卑的愛。
為我們聖母軍,處事謙卑,是我們的應有態度,因為聖母的一生也是懷著謙卑的心 來渡過。大家可曾記得,在聖母領報時,當聖母得知她要懷孕生子,且那兒子將受逼 害,她亦謙卑接受。到了耶穌苦難時,十字架下的聖母,同樣地以謙卑的心默默接受這 一切的痛苦。天主愛謙卑的人,就像法利塞人和稅吏的故事: 「法利塞人立著,心裡這樣祈禱:天主,我感謝你,因為我不像其他的人,勒索、不 義、姦淫,也不像這個稅吏。我每週兩次禁食,凡我所得的,都捐獻十分之一。那個稅 吏卻遠遠地站著,連舉目望天都不敢,祇是捶著自己的胸膛說:天主,可憐我這個罪人 罷!我告訴你們:這人下去,到他家裡,成了正義的,而那個人卻不然。因為凡高舉自 己的,必被貶抑;凡貶抑自己的,必被高舉。」(路十八 11-14)
今天是傳教節,都讓我們好好效法這位傳教主保小德蘭!學習她的謙虛,她的虔誠 事主,自己對我們的母親瑪利亞的承諾,我們是屬於她,直到永遠。
Bridge Committee
「近 200 年來,我們從未像現在這般,如此傷害並虐待我們共同的家園。」 -- 教宗方濟各在 2015 年發布的通諭《願上主受讚頌》中寫到。
教宗在通諭中指出,他嚴格地看到人類如何背棄了自己身為地球管理人 的職責,地球逐漸暖化的主要禍首無疑就是人類,我們生活、生產及消費方 式的相應文化都是造成這些問題的成因,受人類糟蹋和劫掠的地球正在與世 上所有被遺棄的受造物同聲呻吟,這令「我們所生活的地球不再富饒美麗, 反而變得越來越受限制且暗淡無光」。
肺炎疫情肆虐全球,但也因為各國的防疫禁令,使得工商業活動對環境 造成的污染在這段時間內驟減。我們應該藉這次疫情開始反省自身與大自然 的關係,作為消費者改變現代生活習慣,減少垃圾量,進行垃圾分類,我們 不該認為我們的努力不重要,儘管只是舉手之勞,好讓我們能保護世界,而 非從中掠奪。
提起信仰,我們也許會想到的是進了幾次聖堂、做了幾次祈禱、守了幾 個大齋等等。無可否認,在我們的信仰旅程中、靈修生活上,這些祈禱和神 修的確是我們信仰生活中最常見的一種形態,但絕對並非我們信仰生活唯一 的形態。聖經裡面,經師、法利塞人就表面來看這些都做得不壞,但耶穌基 督 卻 指 責 他 們 信 仰 的 偽 善 。 這 是 因 為 他 們 把 信 仰 表 面 化 、 形 式 化 、 模 式 化 了,以至成為了一個「披著信仰外衣的無信仰者」。我們不能單純的把自己 局限於精神生活,而不在人類中行動起來,因為消極無為的被動只能說明我 們拒絕參與基督的信仰。 真正的信仰,遠不是流於一種表面的形式,對他人及其生活漠不關心。 耶 穌 說 : 「 人 點 燈 並 不 是 放 在 斗 底 下 , 而 是 放 在 燈 檯 上 , 照 耀 屋 中 所 有 的 人。」(瑪 5:15)因此,當一個人有了活潑的信德時,便應該開始他的愛 德生活;其實也惟有當人被愛所感動時才會接受信仰。因此,服從天主,遵 守他的命令,就是在天主的愛內生活,即是度一個愛主愛人的生活。而這個 愛的標準都必須包含有耶穌在「山中聖訓」中所描繪的、在他一生中努力踐 行的、浸透在日常生活各個角落的愛內。 要踐行耶穌的愛心,在信仰問題上,真正重要的是要有超性的信念和真 誠的態度。所謂信念,就是必須相信人生中確實有一種超自然的精神,他遠 比一己的生命,甚至世上的一切重要得多,我們值得為此而活著,必要時也 值得為之而獻身。這種遠遠超於日常生活,卻又像日月星辰一樣時時在我們 頭頂光照,啟示給我們生命意義及走向生命圓滿的精神就是上主。但是,他 又不像日月星辰那樣可以常常用眼睛看見,而是每一位基督徒因著那位超自 然的、至高無上的主宰的吸引和他聖子耶穌進入人間的啟示,使我們心中形 成一種渴望追求永生的信念,這種超出常規性的信念,我們稱做信德。有了 這種信德,我們就會在愛人如己的精神引導下參與基督的救贖工程。那麼, 什麼又是真誠的態度呢?第一就是要認真。既不是無所謂,可有可無,也不 是隨大流,不冷不熱。第二就是要誠實,決不自欺欺人,把祈禱生活禁錮於 某種普遍的外在形式,而忽略了把內心虔誠的祈禱轉化、提升為更廣義的誠 實的生活態度。
有了超性的信念和真誠的態度,我們的內心就會擁有真正的信仰之光, 且 將 照 亮 我 們 的 人 生 旅 途 。 一 路 與 天 父 的 召 喚 同 行 , 一 路 與 聖 神 的 恩 寵 同 行,一路與基督的愛德同行,為促使人類完成人生的使命,並獲得生命的圓 滿而竭盡己力。
「 良 心 」 是 使 人 心 靈 朝 向 善 與 真 理 的 確 實 指 標 , 是 神 在 我 們 內 心 的 聲 音 。 尤 其 是 疫 情 期 間 , 人 性 的 真 面 目 可 說 是 原 形 畢 露, 但 我 們 應 更 相 信 天 主,更去用心溫暖別人,幫助他人。
良心既然促人避惡行善,我們如何知道某一判斷對或錯?我應尋求什麼 善?終極的善如何在此時此地顯示給我?教會強調良心是需要培育的。在每 一個經驗中我們都在學習,都在收集資料。良心的判斷也是一樣,是基於我 們所知道的東西。但在這裡,我們的知識不只是理性的知識。在聖經裡這知 識 更 是 使 人 全 心 全 意 全 靈 朝 向 天 主 的 「 心 」 。 在 天 主 教 傳 統 裡 , 此 向 善 的 心,雖被原罪創傷,卻總是存在。我們應常常加強靈修生活,常常祈禱的原 因,正是為獲得力量去挑戰我們受傷的人性的軟弱。
但不是每人都接受這愛的誡命。就如耶穌時代的人一樣,今人也會對耶 穌的教導說:「這話生硬,誰能聽得下去呢?」但主耶穌不會做的一件事, 就是不會因有人認為祂過時落伍而改變祂的教導。故我們不應奇怪基督建立 的教會繼續忠於耶穌的教導。耶穌的教導,人不能改變。
主耶穌當然知道生活不容易的可悲事實。祂邀請祂的門徒背起十字架跟 隨祂,祂來給我們更豐富的生命,祂的生命是我們的最深的渴望。但可惜不 是每個人都接受這樣的生命,因這生命與世俗的觀念很不同。為願意跟隨基 督的人,這卻是一條導向永生的道路。
一個人的價值觀會受到社會、家庭、朋友…的影響。所以良心需要道德 教導。這道德教導為受原罪創傷的人性更形重要。良心最佳時會藉聖經的祈 禱反省,以及教會的訓導。然而,由於道德教導的終極來源是耶穌基督的啟 示,而教會被基督賦予保管、解釋這些啟示的使命,故教會的教導是培養正 確良心的最重要因素。正如紐曼說的,教會保管及傳遞的啟示是良心最真實 的輔助,「教會,教宗,聖經是天主為此預定的」。為天主教徒來說,特別 如紐曼所指出的,道德權威和良心不是對立的而是相輔相成的。梵二〈信仰 自由宣言〉14 號說:「教友為培養自己的良心,該謹慎注意教會的神聖而確 定的道理。由於基督的意願,教會是真理的導師,她的職責是宣揚並權威地 教授真理—基督,同時,以自己的權威闡明並確認由人性本身流溢的倫理秩 序之原則。」良心是對人的行為對錯的一個判斷。人應遵從良心行事,也有 責任培養正確的良心。良心按人有的知識發揮作用。
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
In these recent decades, holidays like Christmas feel more commercialized and less religious. From gift wrapping to Santa Claus at the local malls, what started out as merely the celebration of the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ has been completely blown into a commercial holiday.
The market has completely twisted the essence of Christmas, leading many devoted Christians, who actually follow the teachings of Christ, to resent certain aspects of the modern holiday and economy.
After all, the companies know that during the season, sales boom and they boom big. If that were not the case you would not be seeing all these festive cheer plastered on all of their products.
The Christmas Creep: Every year the “Christmas creep” sentiment becomes more prominent earlier in the year. The Christmas creep is a marketing ploy used by advertisers and merchandise salesman to extend the holiday season earlier in the year to increase sales. This is a tactic that has been in use as early as the 19th century. It began by stores using direct and constant promotions for Christmas products.
How should we celebrate correctly?
The importance of Christmas is rested on spending time with loved ones and celebrating the religious teachings and life of Jesus. We can try to attend mass more, donate to a charity organization, help out scavengers and the homeless people etc.There are many wonderful things to do in this holiday. Not only you will be the one enjoying it, you’re also helping another out!
As Christians, we need to re-evaluate our giving habits this year and try to move a little closer to what God had in mind. That being said, there is no need for everyone to stop with the gift buying or anything of the commercial sort, just remember the original purpose for this wonderful holiday!
"Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or without clothes and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and visit You?' And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.'" (Matthew 25:37-40).
Legion of Mary – the way to our third school Everyone needs a school to become a better man. From time to time we learn from our actions, our languages, our gestures, our manners and our thoughts in school.
First school - Family
Our first school is our home, with our family. They teach the first idea of what a mother is, what a father is, and what love is. Even if some of us have families with more defects, inside us God has planted a desire so strong as to even rub off the stains or fill up the holes of imperfections. Our first school at home is enough to form all these ideals we look for later in life.
Second school – Place of study
Our second school is the place where we study. Good teachers guide us through improvement of intellect, forming of good friendship, strengthening of will and bearing of holy fruit. We are looked after every day by the good companions and teachers, who by examples and words demonstrate to us what good life is. At some point, we shall find out some pieces of dreams, the life worth pursuing. These dreams develop themselves from our ideals to our habits, from our plans to our achievements. Holiness, as a great dream in life and the call to all men and women, is often found and sought in this second school. We, the apostles of Jesus, are called to pursue this as our ultimate goal.
Third school – the Church
As frail as our human nature is after the Fall, bad companions and teachers do not escape our eyes and ears; they sometimes attract us to commit sins. None of us can escape these traps set up by the Devil on our own. If only we can find out the third school, our Mother Church, who with the presence of the Holy Spirit teaches us with truth and kindness, we shall not be lost. Dreams of a religious life, or a holy marriage, or even a vocation so unique can be enlightened by our life in the Church.
What is the Legion but a great branch of this third school? We can rely on this creation which Mary designs, solely by Herself and only for Christ’s redemptive work, and start to learn our lessons in the Legion day by day. Only through the strict discipline and absolute solidarity in the legion, we could keep walking towards our goal of Holiness. Here is our school.
‘Therefore, the apostolic ideas of the handbook must be absorbed, and the praesidium must play the part of teacher. This process will be accomplished through the spiritual reading, through the Allocutio, and by stimulating the legionaries in a systematic reading and study of the handbook. Knowledge must not remain theoretical. Each item of the active work must be linked to its appropriate doctrine and thus given spiritual significance. Once when asked how to become learned, St Thomas Aquinas replied: “Read one book. Whatever you read or hear, take care to understand it well. Attain certainty in what is doubtful.” The master of learning was not here pointing to one particular great book, but had in mind any worthy book which aimed at the imparting of knowledge. Therefore legionaries can take his words as an incentive to an exhaustive study of the handbook.’ – Handbook 33:10 (Basic Duties of Legionaries, Study of the Handbook) Pure
A pastor went to cut his hair one day. As the barber did his work, the pastor sat there reading the Bible that he brought. After a while, the barber finished cutting the pastor’s hair and as was cleaning up, he told the pastor, “Do you know something? I don’t believe that God exists…” “Why do you say that, my friend?” replied the pastor.
The barber then explained, “It is very easy: when we go out there, we realize that God does not exist! And if God really exists, then tell me, why are there so many people hurting? Why are there so many abandoned kids? Sick people? No my friend, if God exists, there wouldn’t be suffering. There wouldn’t be so much pain in the world. I can’t understand how if there is a God, He allows all of these things to happen… ”
The pastor was disappointed with what the barber had said, he wanted to refute him, but knew that he would insist that there was no God, so instead, he replied with a smile and said, “Well, until next time, my friend.” and left the shop. As he stepped out of the shop, he saw a man with messy, long hair, and suddenly, he had a great idea. The pastor went back into the shop with the man he just saw, and told the barber, “Do you know something? Barbers do not exist!”
The barber replied, “What? Then what am I?” The pastor then told him, “Barbers do not exist. Because if they existed, there wouldn’t be people with such long hair as this man has.” “But barbers do exist. The problem is that these people don’t come to me!” replied the annoyed barber. The pastor has now proven his point, so he replied, “Exactly! That is the point: God exists, the problem is that people don’t go to Him. That is why, my friend, there is so much pain and misery in this world.” The barber thought for a while and nodded.
Under the pandemic, many people have lost their lives, and as we pray, we might ask God why He isn’t here to save the world from our sufferings, and why He isn’t performing miracles to save His children. Even in our daily lives, we might question our faith and ask if God is real, as even though He is benevolent, there are still so many unfortunate things happening around us, and even if we prayed to God, bad things happen.
However, as what the pastor has said, “God exists, the problem is that people don’t go to Him,” sometimes we are so busy in life we forget to pray to God and once we encounter problems, our first response is to ask Him to help us, but when God does not seem to reply to us by letting the bad become good, we start to test and question Him.
We are often blinded by our difficulties that we forget to rely on God no matter what and have trust in Him. We might not like how our road planned by God goes, but as we encounter the unpleasants, we should still place our trust in God and pray truthfully to Him without questioning or testing, as God exists and it is only us who sometimes do not recognize that. Succour