Interesting Facts about Beeswax Pillar Candles Since the nineteenth century and the industrial revolution, paraffin candles were your only choice in pillar candles. Recently though, two other affordable options have become quite popular. I would not consider bulk Beeswax Pillar Candles to be one of these, however, since beeswax is very expensive. Beeswax also usually comes in the form of taper candles, and it's challenging to scent since it has a smell of its own. The other two decisions are soy column candles and palm wax column candles. The two are comparable in price, but soy is more popular, and I will be comparing soy to paraffin today. The Wax is generally of 3 types of Candles that are listed below: Paraffin wax - This is a soft, colorless solid that is flexible and amenable to molding into any shape. The fully refined variety becomes white and hard but still stays mouldable. It is commonly used in cosmetics, inks, and polishes primarily to get a lustrous finish. It lends itself well to coating and sculpture engraving as well. There is an edible variety of paraffin wax that is regularly added to chocolates so that they stay glossy and robust. One of the most significant utilization of Wax is in light making. It is especially suitable for beginners as it melts quickly, colors easily and is cheap on the pocket as well. Beeswax - As the name goes, this Wax is derived from honeybees. Honey bees discharge utilizes this clingy substance for making their honeycombs. This Natural Tealight Candles is entirely edible and is commonly used in food for both flavoring and glazing. It serves as an excellent polish and lends a lovely gloss on furniture and other items. Various cosmetics and ointments also incorporate a small amount of beeswax. Yet, the widespread use remains in sculpture engraving and candle making. Synthetic beeswax - This is a humanmade imitation of the naturally occurring Wax and proves to be pretty cost-effective. It serves as a good substitute and is again added to cosmetics and polishes for its glossy effect. Different types of waxes can be used to make candles. Even spermaceti wax, soybean wax and palm wax are often used to fashion delightful candles. This is because Beeswax Pillar Candles is primarily inflammable and therefore lends itself particularly well for making candles. It serves as a fuel to ignite the wick and continues to keep it burning. Learning candle making or candle making itself is an enjoyable hobby. The process begins with melting the chosen Wax in a double boiler or kitchen kettle. You also need a thermometer to keep track of the temperature of the melted wax. During melting, you can add aromatic oils for a fragrant smell in the candle. Similarly, oilbased dyes can be used to get the desired hue in the candle. Pouring the molten Wax into the preferred shape and cooling will create lovely candles. Article Published by Bee Healthy Candles