B M H selected
I N D E X A B O U T | C O N TA C T | P R O J E C T S Resume
Te r a n , C o s t a R i c a
TOD in San Jose Costa Rica / 2015 Calthorpe Associates
Roselawn, Cincinnati
NBD infill and development / 2016 University of Cincinnati
Pleasant St, Cincinnati
Corridor revitalization / 2015 University of Cincinnati
Fo o d Sys te m s Pl a n , Fa rg o
Food deser t mapping in ND / 2013 FM Metro COG
River Corridor Plan, Moorhead
Flood mitigation in MN / 2013 FM Metro COG
BV Optimist Square, Buena Vista A splash park in Colorado / 2014 To w n o f B u e n a V i s t a
Lotus Temple, New Delhi 2015
ABOUT I am a recent graduate of the Univesity of Cincinnati with a Bachelor of Urban Planning (BUP) degree. My experience has allowed me the opportunity to work in and visit cities across the U.S. and abroad. I went into planning because I have seen that although there is much in this world that needs changing, there is much that needs to be preserved. If you have an interest in helping people, preserving the environment, and making the world a better place, let’s talk and create some changes together.
www.issuu.com/bridgethamilton bmhplanning@gmail.com
Un i versi t y o f Ci n cinnat i || Cinc innat i, OH B a ch el o r o f Ur ba n Planning
Wa l n u t H i l l s || Ci n c innat i, OH H i gh S ch o o l D i pl om a
I nter n sh i p, 8 mo nt hs Ca l th o r pe Asso ci ates || B er keley, C A An u r ba n desi gn fir m where I was involved wit h c lient co mmu n i cati o n s, researc h, and t he c reat ion of p resent at ion mater i a l s fo r several inter nat ional d evelop m ent p rojec t s
I nter n sh i p, 4 mo nt hs Tow n o f B u en a Vi s t a || Buena Vist a, CO A tow n pl a n n i n g d ep ar t m ent where I was resp onsib le for u pdati n g GI S data, assist ing wit h town ap p lic at ions, and gen erati n g mater ials for p rojec t s involving wor kforce h o u si n g, way f i n di ng, and p ar k d esign.
I nter n sh i p, 4 mo nt hs D esi gn Co l l ec ti ve I nc || Balt imore, MD A mu l ti - di sci pl i n ar y d esign fir m where I was involved i n severa l devel op m ent p rojec t s, inter nal and ex ter nal co mmu n i cati o n s, t he c reat ion of var ious d oc ument s, and precedent resea rch.
I nter n sh i p, 4 mo nt hs FM M etro COG || Fargo, ND A M etro po l i ta n Pl anning Organizat ion where I was involved i n th e creati o n of a met rop olit an food systems p lan, a r i ver f ro nt greenway flood m it igat ion effor t, ex ter nal co mmu n i cati o n , t he c reat ion of var ious d oc ument s, and resea rch . R eferen ces ava i l a ble up on req uest INTRO
(c) Calthorpe Associates Aerial View of Teran looking North-West Project image rendered by 3D specialist with linework I created in AutoCAD.
T E R A N San Jose, Costa Rica Calthorpe Associates During my eight months at Calthorpe Associates I was involved with the first and final design phases of two mixed-use TODs in San Jose, Costa Rica one of which was Teran. The Teran site is located on a beautiful area of land that was once a commercial coffee plantation and is no longer in use. It is unique in that it had potential transit accessibility via rail line but lacks visibility from and direct access to any major roadway. During the start of the project, my involvement entailed initial site research that I transfered into the creation of base maps and site analysis diagrams. As the project progressed, I continued to develop diagrams representing the existing conditions of the site and the proposed design changes. The final stages of the project entailed the creation of illustrative plans, diagrams, and other production documents which I assembled into a project book for clients.
Teran Illustrative
Illustrative Plan of the Overall Teran Design Illustrative Plan I created using AutoCAD and Illustrator with background information provided by project team.
Transit Network
Natural Features
Site Features
Teran Theme Diagrams I created these diagrams with the input of the project team to communicate the site’s transit network, natural features, site features, and connectivity.
Aerial View of Teran looking North-East Project image I created in Sketchup showing proposed changes to the Roselawn Business District.
R O SE L AWN Cincinnati, Ohio University of Cincinnati My last four months at the University of Cincinnati revolved around the completion of my capstone project, the revitalization of the Roselawn Neighborhood Business District. Roselawn is a neighborhood on the outskirts of the city of Cincinnati. Acquired in 1905, it is a relatively newer neighborhood than others in the city. As a neighborhood on the edges of the city, its problems are often ignored by decision makers so much so that residents refer to it as the “forgotten neighborhood”. For my capstone, I attempted to identify the issues and assets of the neighborhood in order to create a plan to change the market and bring people to this community. As an aging community with minimal housing options and few businesses in their NBD, the future for Roselawn does not look bright. By reducing crime, reinvesting in the community, and encouraging diversity in housing and businesses it may be possible to turn the tables for Roselawn’s future.
Live Works
Grocery Residential Infill
Mixed-Use Industrial
Mixed-Use Community Center
Sensitivity The proposed development needed to respect the existing forms and functions in the neighborhood.
Connectivity The proposed road connections would reduce the number of dead end streets.
Diverse Uses The proposed mixed-use commercial infill would create a better transition between the existing industrial and residential uses.
Green Network Improved connectivity, streetscaping, plazas, and green space would create a greener pedestrian network.
Illustrative Plan for Roselawn Development Illustrative Plan I created using ArcMap, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
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PLEASANT STREET Ci nc innati, Ohio University of Cincinnati
During the summer semester of my fifth year at college, I was a part of a team planning the potential infill development along Pleasant Street in the ever developing neighborhood of Over-the-Rhine. Our studio class was brought together by the Niehoff Studio and the Corporation for Findlay Market to come up with creative solutions for bridging the divide between the northern and southern halves of this street and creating an attractive connector between two of the neighborhood’s biggest assets. My team consisted of three other students, Greg Littell, Joshua Ginn, and Xuanmin Xu. We worked together create a design that filled in the gaps along the residential street while transforming some existing gaps into gathering spaces for residents and visitors.
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Concept Plan for Pleasant Street The concept plan to the bottom left shows out plan to revitalize and reconnect the long underutilized corridor between Washington Park and Findlay Market, without losing the existing residents or character of the street. My team felt that too much of the neighborhood had developed without the existing residents in mind, Pleasant Street exemplifying this as one home had cardboarded and barred windows while another home was on the market for $900,000. My team made an effort to retain the existing, fill in what was missing, and provide gathering spaces that filled not just a physical gap but also a social gap as well. By using a curbless design, the team hoped to promote both pedestrian and bicycle activity. Block centers on each block would help to create a relaxed residential atmosphere. The block centers would provided shaded areas for gathering with movable seating and other programmed activities. My partner Greg Littell created the image to the left which shows what one of these spaces could look like. Development would involve several organizations within the neighborhood to ensure safe and equitable housing for all on the new Pleasant Street.
Before Illustrative Plan for Pleasant Street My role in the group was primarily graphic. In addition to creating the illustrative to the left, I also made sure that images made by other group members fit well together and shared a similar style on the final presentation poster.
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FOOD DESERT MAPPING Fargo , North Dakota Fa r g o M o o r h e a d M e t r o CO G During my four months at the Fargo Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG), I was involved with the revitalization of a food desert project that had been put aside for some time. My primary responsibilities were doing research and mapping for the area’s local food system, communicating with stakeholders, helping in meetings, and creating presentation materials and reports for the project. Metro COG was working with the Cass-Clay Food Systems Initiative to develop a food systems plan to improve the local food system based on economic development, food access, food infrastructure, education, and urban agriculture. While most of the area’s grocery stores were accessible by bus lines, the focus was on rooting healthy food options into the community and closing the gap between consumers, producers, and distributors.
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Existing Gardens and Farmers I used ArcMap to identify households within walking distance of gardens and farmers markets, as well as to point out areas of low access.
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Food Access I created this map in ArcMap the accessibility of food sources via major roads, bicycle routes, and mass transit.
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Moorhead , M i n n e s o t a Fa r g o M o o r h e a d M e t r o CO G During those same four months at FM Metro COG, I was involved with a flood mitigation project. My responsibilities involved researching and mapping for Phase I of the Moorhead River Corridor Master Plan, a project aiming to reduce flood risks by creating a natural border along the river into which water could flood without damaging homes and businesses. The flooding of the Red River has been such a significant issue in both Fargo and Moorhead that there is an annual event to stack sandbags between the river and the downtown. FM Metro COG was working with the City of Moorhead to identify properties most at risk for flooding on which to conserve and restore natural areas as well as greenspaces that could serve the safety, recreational, and food production needs of the public.
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Needs and Opportunities Below is a section that I assisted another intern in creating that describes the planned planting along the Red River.
Plans and Future Plans Above is a portion of one of many charts I created for a report regarding the flood mitigation effort along the Red River. Needs and Opportunities This map to the left identifies needs and opportunities along the Red River. I assisted in identifying priorities noted in public meetings as well as mapping cultural sites along the river.
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BV OPTIMIST SQUARE Buena Vista, Colorado T h e To w n o f B u e n a V i s t a While working with the Town of Buena Vista, I assisted the Parks and Recreation department in bringing life to a dead space. At the time, the town was planning to construct a splash pad in Buena Vista Optimist Park, an underutilized and overgrown public space at a prominent corner in the business district. I contributed graphics and renderings based on a design by local designer Steve Jacobson. Since my time in Buena Vista, the new park has made headway with construction. The new splash pad provides a play area for children of all ages, activities for year round use, as well as improved connectivity between the public space and adjoining private businesses.
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BV Optimist Park Plan Above is an aerial view of the splash park design designed by Steve Jacobson with contributions by community members.
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Optimist Park Renderings Above are Sketchup renderings that I added to and revised as changes were made to the park’s design.
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THANKYOU FOR YOUR TIME Bridget Hamilton bmhplanning@gmail.com 513.658.3810