Article for Mormon Insights, Online publishing
Bridget Lewis
Title Defending the Prophet Joseph Smith
Kicker (<125 Characters) Elder Hugh B. Brown gives a model of how we can know if Joseph Smith and others are truly prophets called by God.
Synopsis (200-250 words) A well-known belief of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that God still calls men to be prophets today. This is an idea that many people have struggled to accept since Joseph Smith Jr.’s [] prophetic call in 1820. As a result, those who have come to know that Joseph Smith was a prophet are often called upon to defend this belief. Elder Hugh B. Brown (1883-1975) [] of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles described such an experience in his 1955 address []. Just before World War II, a friend and fellow lawyer requested that Elder Brown defend his belief in Joseph Smith. Upon this request, the two men proceeded to examine this belief in an attempt to come to an agreement concerning modernday prophets. Together, they compiled a list of several “characteristics that should distinguish a man who claims to be a prophet.” Among other things, their list profiles a prophet as someone who is dignified, who speaks to God, and whose words become scripture. Elder Brown boldly testifies that “by these standards, Joseph Smith qualifies as a prophet of God.” Although we know that Joseph Smith fulfilled these characteristics throughout his life, Elder Brown concludes that it is “only by the whisperings of the Holy Ghost [that] one can come to know the things of God” and have the courage to testify of truth. A study of Brown’s characteristics, coupled with sincere prayer, can help us know if Joseph Smith and his successors are truly prophets of God. Read Hugh B. Brown’s full article, “Profile of a Prophet”. [ act=viewitem&id=114]
Expandable Summary (optional) Hugh B. Brown’s characteristics of a prophet: 1. He claims to speak to God. 2. He is a dignified man with a clear statement of truth. 3. He declares his message fearlessly, ignoring public opinion. 4. He speaks for God without concession. His teachings are rarely in harmony with present trends. 5. He says, “Thus sayeth the Lord.”
He predicts future events in God’s name, which come to pass.
7. His message is important for his time and all future time. 8. He has courage to withstand persecution and give his life for the truth he has espoused. 9. He denounces wickedness and is generally rejected in his time. He will be accepted by future generations. 10. He does many miraculous things that are impossible without God’s help. 11. The fruits of his works are the most convincing evidences of his calling. 12. He teaches strictly in conformity with scripture. 13. His words and writings become scripture. Pull Quotes •
“He does speak, He has spoken; but men need faith to hear Him.” —Hugh B. Brown
“By these standards, Joseph Smith qualifies as a prophet of God.” — Hugh B. Brown
“As much as any man who ever lived, he had a testimony of Jesus Christ . . . for he saw Him and heard Him speak. He gave his life for that testimony.”—Hugh B. Brown
If what you have told me is true, it is the greatest message that has come to this earth since the angels announced the birth of Christ. — Judge
Source: BYU Speeches
Byline: —Bridget Lewis, Mormon Insights